DVFamilyLib.c   [plain text]

	File:		DVFamilyLib.c

	Contains:	This is the client API for talking to DV FireWire devices.

	Version:	xxx put version here xxx

	Written by:	Steve Smith

	Copyright:	й 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.

	File Ownership:

		DRI:				xxx put dri here xxx

		Other Contact:		xxx put other contact here xxx

		Technology:			xxx put technology here xxx


		(KW)	Kevin Williams
		(jkl)	Jay Lloyd
		(RS)	Richard Sepulveda
		(CP)	Collin Pieper
		(CLP)	Collin Pieper
		(AW)	Adrienne Wang
		(SS)	Steve Smith

	Change History (most recent first):

		<30>	 6/17/99	jkl		Added fwClientID to DVGetLocalFWReferenceID call to make the
									fwClientID part of the device info so IDH can execute
									getDeviceStandard by itself.
		<29>	  1/4/99	GDW		Changed DVFamily names.
		<28>	 12/9/98	SS		DVGetDeviceInfo() now fills in the FireWire ID for the local
									node in the DVDeviceInfo struct. DVGetDeviceClock now returns a
									component instead of a component instance.
		<27>	11/27/98	SS		Changed DVIdle() to process all task-level events that are
									queued, rather than just one.
		<26>	11/23/98	SS		DVCancelNotification() now removes any occurrance of the given
									notification from the list of DV events that were queued for
									task time.
		<25>	11/20/98	SS		Moved DVPostEvents() call to the bottom of all functions that
									call it.
		<24>	11/19/98	SS		Added DVPostEvent() calls to Enable/Disable functions. Changed
									PostEventSIH to queue certain events that need to be reported at
									task level (see comments in PostEventSIH()). Added DVIdle()
									call, but currently only calling it from a Notification Mgr
		<23>	11/16/98	SS		Beefed up DVGetDeviceInfo(). Notification now uses PB queues.
									NotifyMeWhen now sets deviceID based on passed connectionID.
									Changed DVPostEvent() to always run at secondary interrupt level
									to solve some reentry problems.
		<22>	11/13/98	SS		Added DVGetDeviceClock() implementation.
		<21>	 11/6/98	KW		in DVGetDeviceInfo, return if device is read enabled or write
									enabled. Allows clients to determine if devices are availiable
									for video in
		<20>	10/30/98	SS		More updates and bug fixes for hot swapping.
		<19>	10/29/98	SS		Was using local ptr before it was initialized in
									DVOpenDeviceConnection(). Doh!
		<18>	10/28/98	SS		Changed open/close connection routines to reinstate
									numConnections. Changed enable/disable read/write routines to
									better police when they can occur, and to enable multiple
									readers. These changes help address hot plugging, multiple
									client and multiple device issues.
		<17>	10/21/98	SS		Changed DVEnableRead() and DVDisableRead() to enable multiple
									readers, i.e. both vdig and sound input driver.
		<16>	 9/17/98	SS		Restructured file & added Sean-like pragmas to make it easier to
									find things. Added generic dv event notification support. Added
									dummy Enable/Disable AVC transaction routines. Removed
									AppleEvent support.
		<15>	 9/10/98	SS		Somewhat gratuitous semantic change in the DV API to further
									abstract the implementation, specifically, from DVDeviceRefNum
									to DVDeviceConnectionID, and from DVOpen/CloseDriver to
		<14>	  9/3/98	SS		Checked in first pass of dv device info stuff.
		<13>	 3/19/98	RS		Remove DVNames usage due to strange crashes and its non-usage in
									the current version of Oxcart.
		<12>	 3/16/98	SS		Oops. I put the refNum stuff in the wrong place in DVOpenDriver.
									I moved it and un-did Jay's changes.
		<11>	 3/15/98	jkl		Commented out the return noErr line at the start of
									DVOpenDriver. The exporter was failing when it called this and
									expected to get a valid refNum.
		<10>	 3/12/98	SS		Changed implementation of DV driver API to use deviceIDs and
									refNums instead of driverIDs everywhere. DVDriverIDs are still
									used internally for now.
		 <9>	  3/8/98	RS		Added DVIsEnabled() call to library. It returns whether
									specified device is enabled. CP also eliminated OpenDriver and
									CloseDriver function from library.
		 <8>	  2/6/98	SS		Backing out the disconnection checks for a6 build.
		 <7>	  2/4/98	CP		Change DVGetDevicesStandard to return our own standard types and
									return an error for unknown standards...
		 <6>	 1/26/98	CP		Added more checks for disconnection errors...
		 <5>	 1/21/98	SS		Changed AVC stuff, so need to add #include "AVCSupport.h".
		 <4>	 1/19/98	CP		Added driver ID validation code and fixed a little bug in
		 <3>	 1/14/98	GDW		New interfaces.
		 <2>	 1/12/98	SS		Checked in Collin's changes: added new API implementation,
									removed multitude of specific AVC calls. Some functions formerly
									in this file are now in DVFamilyInternal.c.
		 <1>	 8/18/97	CLP		first checked in
		 <9>	 3/27/97	SS		Forgot to take out debug breaks.
		 <8>	 3/27/97	SS		Moved global allocation/deallocation from the expert to
									init/term routines. Added function to determine whether lib is
									fully initialized.
		 <7>	  3/5/97	AW		minor change
		 <6>	  3/4/97	AW		Changed AVCEnableDVCGrab so that it checks if device is NTSC/PAL
									and allocates mem appropriately
		 <5>	  3/3/97	AW		Fixed wrong command length in GetMediumInfo; added AVC commands
									for setting/getting signals
		 <4>	 2/19/97	SS		Updated to 1.0a2 FSL
		 <3>	 2/12/97	AW		Updated to 1.0d18 FSL
		 <2>	10/31/96	SS		Added helper routines for device control.


#include <Notification.h>

#include "DVFamilyPriv.h"
#include "DVFamilyInternal.h"
#include "Processes.h"
#include "AVCSupport.h"

// globals

DVFamilyDataPtr		gpFamilyGlobals = nil;

// internal prototypes

OSStatus		PostEventSIH( void* p1, void* p2 );
OSErr			DVIdle( void );
void 			myNMHandler( NMRecPtr pNM );

#pragma mark ееееееееее Public Interface Calls ееееееееее

// These are the application level interfaces routines for the DVFamily

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее Device Management ееееееееее

// DVCountDevices
//   This routine counts the number of attatched DV devices

UInt32 DVCCountDevices( void )
	return( gpFamilyGlobals->numDVDrivers );

// DVGetIndDevice
//   Given an index in the range of 1 to the number of devices returned by 
// DVCountDevices, DVGetIndDevice returns a deviceID.  If you call DVGetIndDevice
// repeatedly over the entire range of the index, it returns unique device IDs for
// all currently connected and active DV devices.
//zzz maybe some speed optimizations for repetative calls would be nice
//    but how many DV devices are going to be connected to a machine anyway...

OSErr DVCGetIndDevice( DVCDeviceID * pDVDevice, UInt32 index )
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	UInt32						i;
	UInt32						count;
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	if( (index <= gpFamilyGlobals->numDVDrivers) && (index > 0 ) )
		count = gpFamilyGlobals->numDVDrivers - index + 1; // cause devices are inserted at the head
		pDVDriverData = gpFamilyGlobals->pDVDriverList;
		for( i = 1; i < count; i++ )	
			pDVDriverData = pDVDriverData->pNextDVDriverData;
		*pDVDevice = (DVCDeviceID) pDVDriverData;
		*pDVDevice = kInvalidDVDeviceID;
		error = paramErr;
	return( error );

// DVGetDeviceInfo
//   This routine returns DV device info

OSErr DVCGetDeviceInfo( DVCDeviceID deviceID, DVCDeviceInfoPtr pInfo )
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	DVDriverDataPtr		pDriverData;
	register char		*pSrc, *pDest;
	int					i;
	// make sure we've got a valid driverID
	// (actually, this could be a connID or a deviceID)
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) deviceID );
	if( error )
		return( error );

	// for now, the deviceID _is_ the ptr to data
	pDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) deviceID;
	pInfo->dvDeviceID 				= pDriverData->dvDriverID;
	pInfo->uniqueID 				= pDriverData->uniqueID;
	pInfo->vendorID 				= nil;								// for now...
	pInfo->regEntryID 				= pDriverData->deviceRegistryID;

	pInfo->deviceIsOnline 			= !pDriverData->deviceDisconnected;

	pInfo->AVCisEnabled 			= pDriverData->AVCEnabled;

	pInfo->readChannel.isEnabled 	= pDriverData->readEnabled;
	pInfo->writeChannel.isEnabled 	= pDriverData->writeEnabled;

	// copy name str
	pDest = (char*) &(pInfo->deviceName);
	pSrc = (char*) &(pDriverData->name);
	for( i = 0; i <= 255; i++ )
		pDest[i] = pSrc[i];
	// remember our local node id
	pInfo->localNodeID 				= pDriverData->localID;
	pInfo->fwClientID 				= pDriverData->fwClientID;

	return( error );

// DVGetDeviceName
//   This routine returns the name of a specific DV device

OSErr DVCGetDeviceName( DVCDeviceID deviceID, char * str )
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	short						i;
	// make sure we've got a valid deviceID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) deviceID );
	if( error )
		return( error );
	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) deviceID;
	// copy name str
	for( i = 0; i <= 255; i++ )
		str[i] = pDVDriverData->name[i];
	return( error );

// DVSetDeviceName
//   This routine sets the name of a specific DV device

OSErr DVCSetDeviceName( DVCDeviceID deviceID, char * str )
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	short						i;
	// make sure we've got a valid deviceID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) deviceID );
	if( error )
		return( error );
	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) deviceID;
	// copy name str
	for( i = 0; i <= 255; i++ )
		pDVDriverData->name[i] = str[i];
//еее We aren't going to support DVNames in this version of Oxcart
//	// add name to prefs file (if add fails, don't pass error code back up to client)
//	DVAddName( &(pDVDriverData->uniqueID), pDVDriverData->name );
	return( error );

// DVOpenDeviceConnection
//   This routine opens a connection to a particular driver

OSErr DVCOpenDeviceConnection( DVCDeviceID deviceID, DVCDeviceConnectionID *pConnID )
	DVDriverDataPtr		pDVDriverData;
	OSErr				error = noErr;

	// make sure we've got a valid deviceID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) deviceID );
	if( error )
		return( error );

	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) deviceID;
	// don't bother continuing if we're disconnected
	if( pDVDriverData->deviceDisconnected )
		return( kDVDisconnectedErr );
	// add a connection
	// this is redundant, but we'll do it so we can possibly enhance
	// multiple client support sometime in the future.
	*pConnID = (DVCDeviceConnectionID) deviceID;
	//zzz could actually open driver here, but advantage would probably be minimal...
	return( error );

// DVCloseDeviceConnection
//   This routine opens a connection to a particular driver

OSErr DVCCloseDeviceConnection( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	DVDriverDataPtr		pDVDriverData;
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	// make sure we've got a valid deviceID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) connID );
	if( error )
		return( error );
	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// remove a connection
	//zzz for apple events managing driver disposal here would be good
	if( ( pDVDriverData->numConnections == 0 ) && (  pDVDriverData->deviceDisconnected ) )
		DVDisposeDriver( (DVDriverID) connID );
	return( error );

// DVGetDeviceClock
//   This routine opens a connection to a particular driver

OSErr DVCGetDeviceClock( DVCDeviceID deviceID, Component *clock )
	*clock = ((DVDriverDataPtr)deviceID)->clock;
	return( noErr );

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее DV Event Notification Calls ееееееееее

// DVNewNotification
//	create new notification record
OSErr DVCNewNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotifyProc notifyProc,
						void *userData, DVCNotificationID *pNotifyID )
	DVNotificationEntryPtr	pEntry;
	DVCDeviceID				deviceID;
	OSErr					error = noErr;

	// check the parameters
	if ( notifyProc == nil )
		error = paramErr;
	// create new entry
	if ( error == noErr )
		pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) 
				PoolAllocateResident( sizeof( DVNotificationEntry ), true );
		if ( pEntry == nil )
			error = memFullErr;
	// get the deviceID from the connectionID
	deviceID = (DVCDeviceID) connID;
	// fill it out
	if ( error == noErr )
		pEntry->deviceID						= deviceID;
		pEntry->wantedEvents					= nil;
		pEntry->notifyProc						= notifyProc;
		pEntry->userRefCon						= userData;
		*pNotifyID = (DVCNotificationID) pEntry;	// notification id

		// put new entry at the back of the line
		error = PBEnqueueLast( (QElemPtr) pEntry, gpFamilyGlobals->notificationQueue );
	return error;	
// DVNotifyMeWhen
//	activate notification 
OSErr DVCNotifyMeWhen( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID, UInt32 events)
	DVNotificationEntryPtr	pEntry;
	DVCDeviceID				deviceID;
	OSErr					error = noErr;
	// check the parameters
	if ( events & kDVEveryEvent == nil )
			error = paramErr;
	// get the deviceID from the connectionID
	deviceID = (DVCDeviceID) connID;
	if ( error == noErr )
		pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) notifyID;
		if ( pEntry != nil )
			pEntry->wantedEvents = events;
			// this is sort of a back door - you can specify any device here
			pEntry->deviceID = deviceID;
			error = paramErr;
	return error;	

// DVCancelNotification
//	deactivate notification
OSErr DVCCancelNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID )
	DVNotificationEntryPtr	pEntry;
	OSErr					error = noErr;
	DVEventEntryPtr			pEventEntry;
	pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) notifyID;
	if ( pEntry != nil )
		// don't notify this guy
		pEntry->wantedEvents = 0L;
		// check the queue to make sure he's not about to be notified.
		pEventEntry = (DVEventEntryPtr) gpFamilyGlobals->receivedDVEvents->qHead;
		while ( pEventEntry )
			if ( pEventEntry->eventRec.eventHeader.notifID == notifyID )
				PBDequeue( (QElemPtr) pEventEntry, gpFamilyGlobals->receivedDVEvents );
				// could be in the queue more than once, so keep going...
			pEventEntry = (DVEventEntryPtr) pEventEntry->qLink;
		error = paramErr;
	return error;	

// DVDisposeNotification
//	remove notification from list
OSErr DVCDisposeNotification( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, DVCNotificationID notifyID )
	DVNotificationEntryPtr	pEntry;
	OSErr					error = noErr;
	// we're not going to do a check, but it's REAL important not to call
	// this function from anywhere but task level.

	// go find the entry and remove it from the list
	pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) notifyID;
	if ( pEntry != nil )
		PBDequeue( (QElemPtr) pEntry, gpFamilyGlobals->notificationQueue );
		PoolDeallocate( (void*) pEntry );
		error = paramErr;
	return error;	

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее DV Isoch Read Calls ееееееееее

// DVEnableRead
//   This routine initializes the driver for input

OSErr DVCEnableRead( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	DVBasicCmdParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	DVCEventRecord				theEvent;
	// make sure we've got a valid driverID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) connID );
	if( error )
		return( error );

	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// make sure we're not already write enabled
	if ( pDVDriverData->writeEnabled )
		return ( kAlreadyEnabledErr );
	// add a connection
	// if this is the first connection, call the driver
	// to set the read up.
	if ( pDVDriverData->numReaders == 1 )
		// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
		intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCEnableIsochRead;
		error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );
		if ( error == noErr )
			pDVDriverData->readEnabled = true;

	if ( error == noErr )
		// post a DV event to let the curious know...
		theEvent.eventHeader.deviceID	= (DVCDeviceID) connID;
		theEvent.eventHeader.theEvent 	= kDVIsochReadEnabled;
		DVCPostEvent( &theEvent );

	return( error );

// DVDisableRead
//   This routine deinitializes the driver for input

OSErr DVCDisableRead( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	DVBasicCmdParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	DVCEventRecord				theEvent;

	// make sure we've got a valid driverID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) connID );
	if( error )
		return( error );

	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// delete a connection
	// if this is the last connection, call the driver
	// to tear down the read.
	if ( pDVDriverData->numReaders == 0 )
		// set up driver's disable isoch read parameters
		intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCDisableIsochRead;
		error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );
		// even if there's an error, we're done
		pDVDriverData->readEnabled = false;
	if ( error == noErr )
		// post a DV event to let the curious know...
		theEvent.eventHeader.deviceID	= (DVCDeviceID) connID;
		theEvent.eventHeader.theEvent 	= kDVIsochReadDisabled;
		DVCPostEvent( &theEvent );	

	return( error );

// DVReadFrame
//   This routine reads a frame of data from the DV device

OSErr DVCReadFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr *ppReadBuffer, UInt32 * pSize )
	DVGetBufferParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCReadIsochData;
	intParams.ppBuffer = ppReadBuffer;
	intParams.pBufferSize = pSize;
	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );	

	return( error );

// DVReleaseFrame
//   This routine returns frame of data to the driver for use

OSErr DVCReleaseFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr pReadBuffer )
	DVPassBufferParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCReleaseReadBuffer;
	intParams.pBuffer = pReadBuffer;
	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );	

	return( error );

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее DV Isoch Write Calls ееееееееее

// DVEnableWrite
//   This routine initializes the driver for output

OSErr DVCEnableWrite( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	DVBasicCmdParams			intParams;
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	DVCEventRecord				theEvent;

	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// make sure we're not already enabled for reading or writing
	if ( pDVDriverData->readEnabled || pDVDriverData->writeEnabled )
		return ( kAlreadyEnabledErr );
	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCEnableIsochWrite;

	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );
	if ( error == noErr )
		pDVDriverData->writeEnabled = true;
		// post a DV event to let the curious know...
		theEvent.eventHeader.deviceID	= (DVCDeviceID) connID;
		theEvent.eventHeader.theEvent 	= kDVIsochWriteEnabled;
		DVCPostEvent( &theEvent );
	return( error );


// DVDisableWrite
//   This routine deinitializes the driver for output

OSErr DVCDisableWrite( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	DVBasicCmdParams			intParams;
	DVDriverDataPtr				pDVDriverData;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	DVCEventRecord				theEvent;

	// extract our driver data pointer from our supposedly opaque reference
	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCDisableIsochWrite;

	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );	
	// even if there's an error, we're done
	pDVDriverData->writeEnabled = false;
	// post a DV event to let the curious know...
	theEvent.eventHeader.deviceID	= (DVCDeviceID) connID;
	theEvent.eventHeader.theEvent 	= kDVIsochWriteDisabled;
	DVCPostEvent( &theEvent );

	return( error );


// DVGetEmptyFrame
//   This routine retrieves an empty frame from the driver for output

OSErr DVCGetEmptyFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr *ppEmptyFrameBuffer, UInt32 * pSize )
	DVGetBufferParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCGetEmptyFrame;
	intParams.ppBuffer = ppEmptyFrameBuffer;
	intParams.pBufferSize = pSize;
	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );	
	return( error );

// DVWriteFrame
//   This routine sends a frame of data to the camera

OSErr DVCWriteFrame( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Ptr pWriteBuffer )
	DVPassBufferParams			intParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	// set up driver's enable isoch read parameters
	intParams.interfaceSelector = kDVCWriteFrame;
	intParams.pBuffer = pWriteBuffer;
	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &intParams );	
	return( error );

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее AVC Transaction Calls ееееееееее

// DVEnableAVCTransactions
//   This routine initializes the driver for 
//	 performing avc transactions
OSErr DVCEnableAVCTransactions( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	return( error );

// DVDoAVCTransaction
//   This routine sends a transaction block to the driver

OSErr DVCDoAVCTransaction( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, AVCTransactionParamsPtr pParams )
	DVAVCTransactionParams		transactionParams;
	OSErr						error = noErr;
	// fill out the internal tansaction block
	transactionParams.interfaceSelector 	= kAVCDoTransaction;
	transactionParams.commandBufferPtr		= pParams->commandBufferPtr;
	transactionParams.commandLength			= pParams->commandLength;
	transactionParams.responseBufferPtr		= pParams->responseBufferPtr;
	transactionParams.responseBufferSize	= pParams->responseBufferSize;
	transactionParams.responseHandler		= pParams->responseHandler;

	error = DVCallDriver( (DVDriverID) connID, (Ptr) &transactionParams );

	return( error );

// DVDisableAVCTransactions
//   This routine deinitializes the driver for 
//	 performing avc transactions
OSErr DVCDisableAVCTransactions( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID )
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	return( error );

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее To be discontinued... ееееееееее

// DVIsEnabled
//   This routine tells if this device is enabled

OSErr DVCIsEnabled( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, Boolean *isEnabled)
	DVDriverDataPtr		pDVDriverData;
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	// make sure we've got a valid driverID
	error = DVIsValidID( (DVDriverID) connID );
	if( error )
		return( error );

	pDVDriverData = (DVDriverDataPtr) connID;
	// is it enabled
	if( pDVDriverData->numConnections > 0)
		*isEnabled = true;
		*isEnabled = false;
	return error;

// DVGetDeviceStandard
//   This routine returns the video standard

OSErr DVCGetDeviceStandard( DVCDeviceConnectionID connID, UInt32 * pStandard )
	AVCCTSFrameStruct		avcFrame;
	AVCTransactionParams	transactionParams;
	UInt8					responseBuffer[ 16 ];
	OSErr					theErr = noErr;
	UInt32					currentSignal, AVCStatus;
	// fill up the avc frame
	avcFrame.cmdType_respCode	= kAVCStatusInquiryCommand;
	avcFrame.headerAddress 		= 0x20;						// for now
	avcFrame.opcode 			= kAVCOutputSignalModeOpcode;
	avcFrame.operand[ 0 ] 		= kAVCSignalModeDummyOperand;
	// fill up the transaction parameter block
	transactionParams.commandBufferPtr		= (Ptr) &avcFrame;
	transactionParams.commandLength			= 4;
	transactionParams.responseBufferPtr		= (Ptr) responseBuffer;
	transactionParams.responseBufferSize	= 16;
	transactionParams.responseHandler		= nil;
	theErr = DVCDoAVCTransaction( (DVDriverID) connID, &transactionParams );

	currentSignal = ((responseBuffer[ 2 ] << 8) | responseBuffer[ 3 ]);
	AVCStatus = responseBuffer[ 0 ];
	*pStandard = kUnknownStandard;
	switch (currentSignal & 0x000000ff) 
		case kAVCSignalModeSD525_60: 
		case kAVCSignalModeSDL525_60:
		case kAVCSignalModeHD1125_60: 
			*pStandard = kNTSCStandard;
			return( theErr );
		case kAVCSignalModeSD625_50: 
		case kAVCSignalModeSDL625_50: 
		case kAVCSignalModeHD1250_50: 
			*pStandard = kPALStandard;
			return( theErr );
			return( kUnknownStandardErr ); // how should I handle this?

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ееееееееее Private Interface Calls ееееееееее
#pragma mark -

// DVPostEvent
//	used for sending the real notification
OSErr DVCPostEvent( DVCEventRecordPtr	pEvent )
	OSErr					error = noErr;

	// make sure it's a legit event
	if ( (pEvent->eventHeader.theEvent & kDVEveryEvent) == nil )
			error = paramErr;
	// get to secondary interrupt level as quickly as possible, where
	// things are nice and synchronized...
	error = CallSecondaryInterruptHandler2( (SecondaryInterruptHandler2) PostEventSIH,
											nil );
	// now that we've pre-processed the event, give task level
	// notifications a chance to run, if appropriate.
	if ( CurrentExecutionLevel() == kTaskLevel )
	return( error );

PostEventSIH( void* p1, void* p2 )
	DVCEventRecordPtr			pEvent = (DVCEventRecordPtr) p1;
	DVEventEntryPtr				pEventEntry;
	DVNotificationEntryPtr		pEntry;
	OSErr						error = noErr;

	// We now have two broad classifications of events - ones that need to be
	// reported ASAP, which are stream related:
	// 		kDVIsochReadComplete
	//		kDVIsochWriteComplete
	// and ones that are device management related, whose notifications will
	// probably generate massive amounts of task-level only Toolbox calls:
	//		kDVDeviceAdded
	//		kDVDeviceRemoved
	//		kDVIsochReadEnabled
	//		kDVIsochReadDisabled
	//		kDVIsochWriteEnabled
	//		kDVIsochWriteDisabled
	// We ship the low-latency notifications to secondary interrupt, while
	// the task level calls we queue and get back to them when someone
	// calls DVIdle().
	// ok, so let's go find out who's waiting for this event

	// go through list looking for the curious
	pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) gpFamilyGlobals->notificationQueue->qHead;
	while ( pEntry != nil )
		if ( (pEvent->eventHeader.theEvent & pEntry->wantedEvents) != nil )
			// only send notification if it's a global connection id or if
			// the event came from the same deviceID as this notif entry
			if ( (pEntry->deviceID == kDVGlobalEventConnectionID) || 
				(pEvent->eventHeader.deviceID == pEntry->deviceID) )
				// we currently only support a one-shot notification, like clock callbacks
				pEntry->wantedEvents = nil;
				// make sure the event contains this notification id
				pEvent->eventHeader.notifID = (DVCNotificationID) pEntry;

				// check before calling..
				switch( pEvent->eventHeader.theEvent )
					case kDVIsochReadComplete:
					case kDVIsochWriteComplete:
						// process event immediately...
						error = (*pEntry->notifyProc)( pEvent, pEntry->userRefCon );
					case kDVDeviceAdded:
					case kDVDeviceRemoved:
					case kDVIsochReadEnabled:
					case kDVIsochReadDisabled:
					case kDVIsochWriteEnabled:
					case kDVIsochWriteDisabled:
						// queue the event and proc for later processing...
						// get an entry
						error = PBDequeueFirst( gpFamilyGlobals->availableDVEvents,
												(QElemPtr*) &pEventEntry );
						// if we don't have any more available event elements, 
						// we just drop the events on the floor
						// copy the notify proc & refcon
						if ( error == noErr )
							pEventEntry->notifyProc	= pEntry->notifyProc;
							pEventEntry->userRefCon = pEntry->userRefCon;
						// copy the event
						if ( error == noErr )
							BlockCopy( pEvent, &(pEventEntry->eventRec), sizeof( DVCEventRecord ) );
						// queue it
						if ( error == noErr )
							PBEnqueue( (QElemPtr) pEventEntry, gpFamilyGlobals->receivedDVEvents );
						// If we haven't already sent notification 
						// to Notification Mgr to run tasks, do it now...
						if ( CompareAndSwap( false, true, &(gpFamilyGlobals->nmIsInstalled) ) )
							NMInstall( &(gpFamilyGlobals->dvNMRec) );

		// next entry
		pEntry = (DVNotificationEntryPtr) pEntry->qLink;

	return( error );

DVIdle( void )
	DVEventEntryPtr		pEventEntry;
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	// this routine should only get called at task level
	// go see if there are any task level notifications that
	// need to be done. we take from the back end since that
	// was the oldest one.
	while( true )
		error = PBDequeueLast( gpFamilyGlobals->receivedDVEvents,
								(QElemPtr*) &pEventEntry );
		if ( error == noErr )
			if ( pEventEntry->notifyProc )
				// process it...
				error = (*pEventEntry->notifyProc)( &(pEventEntry->eventRec), pEventEntry->userRefCon );
			// and put it back into available queue
			PBEnqueue( (QElemPtr) pEventEntry, gpFamilyGlobals->availableDVEvents );
			// we're out of events (probably)
	return( error );

myNMHandler( NMRecPtr pNM )
	do {
	} while( CompareAndSwap( true, false, &(gpFamilyGlobals->nmIsInstalled) ) );
	// until next time...
	NMRemove( pNM );