IODVDTypes.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>

#pragma pack(1)                              /* (enable 8-bit struct packing) */

 *	The following CPRM Information is taken from Mt. Fuji
 *	Specifications ( INf-8090i Rev 4.0 ) document pp. 425-426

typedef UInt8	DVDCPRMRegionCode;
	kDVDCPRMRegion1		= 0xFE,
	kDVDCPRMRegion2		= 0xFD,
	kDVDCPRMRegion3		= 0xFB,
	kDVDCPRMRegion4		= 0xF7,
	kDVDCPRMRegion5		= 0xEF,
	kDVDCPRMRegion6		= 0xDF

typedef UInt8	DVDRegionalPlaybackControlScheme;
	kDVDRegionalPlaybackControlSchemePhase1		= 0x00,
	kDVDRegionalPlaybackControlSchemePhase2		= 0x01

typedef UInt8	DVDBookType;
	kDVDBookTypeROM		= 0x0,
	kDVDBookTypeRAM		= 0x1,
	kDVDBookTypeR		= 0x2,
	kDVDBookTypeRW		= 0x3,
	kDVDBookTypePlusRW	= 0x9,
	kDVDBookTypePlusR	= 0xA

enum DVDKeyClass
	kDVDKeyClassCSS_CPPM_CPRM	= 0x00,
	kDVDKeyClassRSSA			= 0x01
typedef enum DVDKeyClass DVDKeyClass;

enum DVDKeyFormat
	kDVDKeyFormatAGID_CSS			= 0x00,
	kDVDKeyFormatChallengeKey		= 0x01,
	kDVDKeyFormatKey1				= 0x02,
	kDVDKeyFormatKey2				= 0x03,
	kDVDKeyFormatTitleKey			= 0x04,
	kDVDKeyFormatASF				= 0x05,
	kDVDKeyFormatSetRegion			= 0x06,
	kDVDKeyFormatRegionState		= 0x08,
	kDVDKeyFormatAGID_CSS2			= 0x10,
	kDVDKeyFormatAGID_CPRM			= 0x11,
	kDVDKeyFormatAGID_Invalidate	= 0x3F
typedef enum DVDKeyFormat DVDKeyFormat;

typedef UInt8 	DVDStructureFormat;
	kDVDStructureFormatPhysicalFormatInfo			= 0x00,
	kDVDStructureFormatCopyrightInfo				= 0x01,
	kDVDStructureFormatDiscKeyInfo					= 0x02,
	// skip BCA
	kDVDStructureFormatManufacturingInfo			= 0x04

// Read DVD Structures Format 0x00
struct DVDPhysicalFormatInfo
	UInt8		dataLength[2];
	UInt8		reserved[2];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	// Byte 0
	UInt8		partVersion:4;
	UInt8		bookType:4;
	// Byte 1
	UInt8		minimumRate:4;
	UInt8		discSize:4;
	// Byte 2
	UInt8		layerType:4;
	UInt8		trackPath:1;
	UInt8		numberOfLayers:2;
	UInt8		reserved2:1;
	// Byte 3
	UInt8		trackDensity:4;
	UInt8		linearDensity:4;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	// Byte 0
	UInt8		bookType:4;
	UInt8		partVersion:4;
	// Byte 1
	UInt8		discSize:4;
	UInt8		minimumRate:4;
	// Byte 2
	UInt8		reserved2:1;
	UInt8		numberOfLayers:2;
	UInt8		trackPath:1;
	UInt8		layerType:4;
	// Byte 3
	UInt8		linearDensity:4;
	UInt8		trackDensity:4;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	// Bytes 4-15
	UInt8		zero1;		// always 0x00
	UInt8		startingPhysicalSectorNumberOfDataArea[3];
	UInt8		zero2;		// always 0x00
	UInt8		endPhysicalSectorNumberOfDataArea[3];
	UInt8		zero3;		// always 0x00
	UInt8		endSectorNumberInLayerZero[3];
	// Byte 16
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	UInt8		reserved1:7;
	UInt8		bcaFlag:1;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8		bcaFlag:1;
	UInt8		reserved1:7;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	// Bytes 17-2047
	UInt8		mediaSpecific[2031];
typedef struct DVDPhysicalFormatInfo DVDPhysicalFormatInfo;

// Read DVD Structures Format 0x01
struct DVDCopyrightInfo
	UInt8				dataLength[2];
	UInt8				reserved[2];
	UInt8				copyrightProtectionSystemType;
	DVDCPRMRegionCode	regionMask;
	UInt8				reserved2[2];
typedef struct DVDCopyrightInfo DVDCopyrightInfo;

// Read DVD Structures Format 0x02
struct DVDDiscKeyInfo
	UInt8		dataLength[2];
	UInt8		reserved[2];
	UInt8		discKeyStructures[2048];
typedef struct DVDDiscKeyInfo DVDDiscKeyInfo;

// Read DVD Structures Format 0x04
struct DVDManufacturingInfo
	UInt8		dataLength[2];
	UInt8		reserved[2];
	UInt8		discManufacturingInfo[2048];
typedef struct DVDManufacturingInfo DVDManufacturingInfo;

// ReportKey Format 0x00
struct DVDAuthenticationGrantIDInfo
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
	UInt8	reserved2[3];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	UInt8	reservedBits:6;
	UInt8	grantID:2;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8	grantID:2;
	UInt8	reservedBits:6;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
typedef struct DVDAuthenticationGrantIDInfo DVDAuthenticationGrantIDInfo;

// ReportKey and SendKey Format 0x01
struct DVDChallengeKeyInfo
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
	UInt8	challengeKeyValue[10];
	UInt8	reserved2[2];
typedef struct DVDChallengeKeyInfo DVDChallengeKeyInfo;

// ReportKey Format 0x02
struct DVDKey1Info
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
	UInt8	key1Value[5];
	UInt8	reserved2[3];
typedef struct DVDKey1Info DVDKey1Info;

// SendKey Format 0x03
struct DVDKey2Info
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
	UInt8	key2Value[5];
	UInt8	reserved2[3];
typedef struct DVDKey2Info DVDKey2Info;

// ReportKey Format 0x04
struct DVDTitleKeyInfo
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	UInt8	CP_MOD:4;
	UInt8	CGMS:2;
	UInt8	CP_SEC:1;
	UInt8	CPM:1;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8	CPM:1;
	UInt8	CP_SEC:1;
	UInt8	CGMS:2;
	UInt8	CP_MOD:4;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8	titleKeyValue[5];
	UInt8	reserved2[2];
typedef struct DVDTitleKeyInfo DVDTitleKeyInfo;

// ReportKey Format 0x05
struct DVDAuthenticationSuccessFlagInfo
	UInt8	dataLength[2];
	UInt8	reserved[2];
	UInt8	reserved2[3];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	UInt8	successFlag:1;
	UInt8	reservedBits:7;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8	reservedBits:7;
	UInt8	successFlag:1;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
typedef struct DVDAuthenticationSuccessFlagInfo DVDAuthenticationSuccessFlagInfo;

// ReportKey Format 0x08
struct DVDRegionPlaybackControlInfo
	UInt8									dataLength[2];
	UInt8									reserved[2];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
	UInt8									numberUserResets:3;
	UInt8									numberVendorResets:3;
	UInt8									typeCode:2;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	UInt8									typeCode:2;
	UInt8									numberVendorResets:3;
	UInt8									numberUserResets:3;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
	DVDCPRMRegionCode						driveRegion;
	DVDRegionalPlaybackControlScheme		rpcScheme;
	UInt8									reserved2;
typedef struct DVDRegionPlaybackControlInfo DVDRegionPlaybackControlInfo;

// Read Disc Information Format
struct DVDDiscInfo
    UInt16 dataLength;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    UInt8  discStatus:2;
    UInt8  stateOfLastBorder:2;
    UInt8  erasable:1;
    UInt8  reserved:3;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt8  reserved:3;
    UInt8  erasable:1;
    UInt8  stateOfLastBorder:2;
    UInt8  discStatus:2;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt8  reserved2;
    UInt8  numberOfBordersLSB;
    UInt8  firstRZoneNumberInLastBorderLSB;
    UInt8  lastRZoneNumberInLastBorderLSB;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    UInt8  reserved3:5;
    UInt8  unrestrictedUse:1;
    UInt8  discBarCodeValid:1;
    UInt8  reserved4:1;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt8  reserved4:1;
    UInt8  discBarCodeValid:1;
    UInt8  unrestrictedUse:1;
    UInt8  reserved3:5;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt8  reserved5;
    UInt8  numberOfBordersMSB;
    UInt8  firstRZoneNumberInLastBorderMSB;
    UInt8  lastRZoneNumberInLastBorderMSB;
    UInt8  reserved6[4];
    UInt8  reserved7[4];
    UInt8  reserved8[4];
    UInt8  discBarCode[8];
    UInt8  reserved9;
    UInt8  numberOfOPCTableEntries;
    UInt8  opcTableEntries[0];
typedef struct DVDDiscInfo DVDDiscInfo;

// Read RZone Information Address Types
typedef UInt8 DVDRZoneInfoAddressType;
    kDVDRZoneInfoAddressTypeLBA          = 0x00,
    kDVDRZoneInfoAddressTypeRZoneNumber  = 0x01,
    kDVDRZoneInfoAddressTypeBorderNumber = 0x02,

// Read RZone Information Format
struct DVDRZoneInfo
    UInt16 dataLength;
    UInt8  rzoneNumberLSB;
    UInt8  borderNumberLSB;
    UInt8  reserved;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    UInt8  reserved2:4;
    UInt8  copy:1;
    UInt8  damage:1;
    UInt8  reserved3:2;

    UInt8  reserved4:4;
    UInt8  restrictedOverwrite:1;
    UInt8  incremental:1;
    UInt8  blank:1;
    UInt8  reservedRZone:1;

    UInt8  nextWritableAddressValid:1;
    UInt8  lastRecordedAddressValid:1;
    UInt8  reserved5:6;
#else /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt8  reserved3:2;
    UInt8  damage:1;
    UInt8  copy:1;
    UInt8  reserved2:4;

    UInt8  reservedRZone:1;
    UInt8  blank:1;
    UInt8  incremental:1;
    UInt8  restrictedOverwrite:1;
    UInt8  reserved4:4;

    UInt8  reserved5:6;
    UInt8  lastRecordedAddressValid:1;
    UInt8  nextWritableAddressValid:1;
#endif /* !__LITTLE_ENDIAN__ */
    UInt32 rzoneStartAddress;
    UInt32 nextWritableAddress;
    UInt32 freeBlocks;
    UInt32 blockingFactor;
    UInt32 rzoneSize;
    UInt32 lastRecordedAddress;
    UInt8  rzoneNumberMSB;
    UInt8  borderNumberMSB;
    UInt8  reserved6;
    UInt8  reserved7;
typedef struct DVDRZoneInfo DVDRZoneInfo;

enum DVDMediaType
	kDVDMediaTypeUnknown   = 0x0200,
	kDVDMediaTypeROM       = 0x0202, /* DVD-ROM */
	kDVDMediaTypeRAM       = 0x0203, /* DVD-RAM */
	kDVDMediaTypeR         = 0x0204, /* DVD-R   */
	kDVDMediaTypeRW        = 0x0205, /* DVD-RW  */
	kDVDMediaTypePlusRW    = 0x0206, /* DVD+RW  */
	kDVDMediaTypePlusR     = 0x0207, /* DVD+R   */
	kDVDMediaTypeMin       = 0x0200,
	kDVDMediaTypeMax       = 0x02FF
typedef enum DVDMediaType DVDMediaType;

#define kDVDSpeedMin 0x0546
#define kDVDSpeedMax 0xFFFF

#pragma options align=reset              /* (reset to default struct packing) */

#endif /* _IODVDTYPES_H */