PCMBlitterLibPPC.c   [plain text]




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//#include <TargetConditionals.h>

#include "PCMBlitterLibPPC.h"

// this behaves incorrectly in Float32ToSwapInt24 if not declared volatile
#define __lwbrx( index, base )	({ register long result; __asm__ __volatile__("lwbrx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (result) : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory" ); result; } )

#define __lhbrx(index, base)	\
  ({ register signed short lhbrxResult; \
	 __asm__ ("lhbrx %0, %1, %2" : "=r" (lhbrxResult) : "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory"); \
	 /*return*/ lhbrxResult; } )
	// dsw: make signed to get sign-extension

#define __rlwimi( rA, rS, cnt, mb, me ) \
	({ __asm__ __volatile__( "rlwimi %0, %2, %3, %4, %5" : "=r" (rA) : "0" (rA), "r" (rS), "n" (cnt), "n" (mb), "n" (me) ); /*return*/ rA; })

#define __stwbrx( value, index, base ) \
	__asm__( "stwbrx %0, %1, %2" : : "r" (value), "b%" (index), "r" (base) : "memory" )

#define __rlwimi_volatile( rA, rS, cnt, mb, me ) \
	({ __asm__ __volatile__( "rlwimi %0, %2, %3, %4, %5" : "=r" (rA) : "0" (rA), "r" (rS), "n" (cnt), "n" (mb), "n" (me) ); /*return*/ rA; })

#define __stfiwx( value, offset, addr )			\
	asm( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : /*no result*/ : "f" (value), "b%" (offset), "r" (addr) : "memory" )

static inline double __fctiw( register double B )
	register double result;
	asm( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (result) : "f" (B)  );
	return result;

// bitDepth may be less than 16, e.g. for low-aligned 12 bit samples
void NativeInt16ToFloat32( signed short *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
	register float bias;
	register long exponentMask = ((0x97UL - bitDepth) << 23) | 0x8000;	//FP exponent + bias for sign
	register long int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register float float0, float1, float2, float3;
	register unsigned long loopCount;
		float	f;
		long	i;

	exponent.i = exponentMask;
	bias = exponent.f;

	if( count >= 8 )
		//Software Cycle 1
		int0 = (++src)[0];

		//Software Cycle 2
		int1 = (++src)[0];
		int0 += exponentMask;

		//Software Cycle 3
		int2 = (++src)[0];
		int1 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[0] = int0;

		//Software Cycle 4
		int3 = (++src)[0];
		int2 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[1] = int1;
		//delay one loop for the store to complete

		//Software Cycle 5
		int0 = (++src)[0];
		int3 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[2] = int2;
		float0 = dest[0];

		//Software Cycle 6
		int1 = (++src)[0];
		int0 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[3] = int3;
		float1 = dest[1];
		float0 -= bias;

		//Software Cycle 7
		int2 = (++src)[0];
		int1 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[4] = int0;
		float2 = dest[2];
		float1 -= bias;

		//Software Cycle 8
		int3 = (++src)[0];
		int2 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[6] = int1;
		float3 = dest[4];
		float2 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float0;

		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;
		while( loopCount-- )

			//Software Cycle A
			int0 = (++src)[0];
			int3 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int2;
			float0 = dest[4];
			float3 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float1;

			//Software Cycle B
			int1 = (++src)[0];
			int0 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int3;
			float1 = dest[4];
			float0 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float2;

			//Software Cycle C
			int2 = (++src)[0];
			int1 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int0;
			float2 = dest[4];
			float1 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float3;

			//Software Cycle D
			int3 = (++src)[0];
			int2 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int1;
			float3 = dest[4];
			float2 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float0;

		//Software Cycle 7
		int3 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[6] = int2;
		float0 = dest[4];
		float3 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float1;

		//Software Cycle 6
		((long*) dest)[6] = int3;
		float1 = dest[4];
		float0 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float2;

		//Software Cycle 5
		float2 = dest[4];
		float1 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float3;

		//Software Cycle 4
		float3 = dest[4];
		float2 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float0;

		//Software Cycle 3
		float3 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float1;

		//Software Cycle 2
		(++dest)[0] = float2;

		//Software Cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = float3;


	while( count-- )
		register long value = (++src)[0];
		value += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[0] = value;
		dest[0] -= bias;

// bitDepth may be less than 16, e.g. for low-aligned 12 bit samples
void SwapInt16ToFloat32( signed short *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
	register float bias;
	register long exponentMask = ((0x97UL - bitDepth) << 23) | 0x8000;	//FP exponent + bias for sign
	register long int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register float float0, float1, float2, float3;
	register unsigned long loopCount;
		float	f;
		long	i;

	exponent.i = exponentMask;
	bias = exponent.f;

	if( count >= 8 )
		//Software Cycle 1
		int0 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);

		//Software Cycle 2
		int1 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int0 += exponentMask;

		//Software Cycle 3
		int2 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int1 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[0] = int0;

		//Software Cycle 4
		int3 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int2 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[1] = int1;
		//delay one loop for the store to complete

		//Software Cycle 5
		int0 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int3 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[2] = int2;
		float0 = dest[0];

		//Software Cycle 6
		int1 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int0 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[3] = int3;
		float1 = dest[1];
		float0 -= bias;

		//Software Cycle 7
		int2 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int1 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[4] = int0;
		float2 = dest[2];
		float1 -= bias;

		//Software Cycle 8
		int3 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		int2 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[6] = int1;
		float3 = dest[4];
		float2 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float0;

		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;
		while( loopCount-- )

			//Software Cycle A
			int0 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
			int3 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int2;
			float0 = dest[4];
			float3 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float1;

			//Software Cycle B
			int1 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
			int0 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int3;
			float1 = dest[4];
			float0 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float2;

			//Software Cycle C
			int2 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
			int1 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int0;
			float2 = dest[4];
			float1 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float3;

			//Software Cycle D
			int3 = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
			int2 += exponentMask;
			((long*) dest)[6] = int1;
			float3 = dest[4];
			float2 -= bias;
			(++dest)[0] = float0;

		//Software Cycle 7
		int3 += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[6] = int2;
		float0 = dest[4];
		float3 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float1;

		//Software Cycle 6
		((long*) dest)[6] = int3;
		float1 = dest[4];
		float0 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float2;

		//Software Cycle 5
		float2 = dest[4];
		float1 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float3;

		//Software Cycle 4
		float3 = dest[4];
		float2 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float0;

		//Software Cycle 3
		float3 -= bias;
		(++dest)[0] = float1;

		//Software Cycle 2
		(++dest)[0] = float2;

		//Software Cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = float3;


	while( count-- )
		register long value = __lhbrx(0, ++src);
		value += exponentMask;
		((long*) dest)[0] = value;
		dest[0] -= bias;

void NativeInt24ToFloat32( long *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
		double		d[4];
		unsigned int	i[8];
	register double			dBias;
	register unsigned int	loopCount, load0SignMask;
	register unsigned long	load0, load1, load2;
	register unsigned long	int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register double			d0, d1, d2, d3;
	register float		f0, f1, f2, f3;

	transfer.i[0] = transfer.i[2] = transfer.i[4] = transfer.i[6] = 0x41C00000UL;
	transfer.i[1] = 0x00800000;
	int0 = int1 = int2 = int3 = 0;
	load0SignMask = 0x80000080UL;

	dBias = transfer.d[0];


	if( count >= 8 )
		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		load0 = (++src)[0];

		//Virtual cycle 2
		load1 = (++src)[0];
		load0 ^= load0SignMask;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		load2 = (++src)[0];
		load1 ^= 0x00008000UL;
		int0 = load0 >> 8;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15);

		//Virtual cycle 4
		//No load3 -- already loaded last cycle
		load2 ^= 0x00800000UL;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
		transfer.i[1] = int0;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		load0 = (++src)[0];
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
		int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		load1 = (++src)[0];
		load0 ^= load0SignMask;
		transfer.i[5] = int2;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];

		//Virtual cycle 7
		load2 = (++src)[0];
		load1 ^= 0x00008000UL;
		int0 = load0 >> 8;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15 );
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		//No load3 -- already loaded last cycle
		load2 ^= 0x00800000UL;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
		transfer.i[1] = int0;
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;

		while( loopCount-- )
			//Virtual cycle A
			load0 = (++src)[0];
			int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
			int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
			transfer.i[3] = int1;
			d3 = transfer.d[3];
			d2 -= dBias;
			f1 = d1;
			(++dest)[0] = f0;

			//Virtual cycle B
			load1 = (++src)[0];
			load0 ^= load0SignMask;
			transfer.i[5] = int2;
			d0 = transfer.d[0];
			d3 -= dBias;
			f2 = d2;
			(++dest)[0] = f1;

			//Virtual cycle C
			load2 = (++src)[0];
			load1 ^= 0x00008000UL;
			int0 = load0 >> 8;
			int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15 );
			transfer.i[7] = int3;
			d1 = transfer.d[1];
			d0 -= dBias;
			f3 = d3;
			(++dest)[0] = f2;

			//Virtual cycle D
			load2 ^= 0x00800000UL;
			int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
			int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
			transfer.i[1] = int0;
			d2 = transfer.d[2];
			d1 -= dBias;
			f0 = d0;
			(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
		int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 7
		transfer.i[5] = int2;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 2
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

	src = (long*) ((char*) src + 1 );
	while( count-- )
		int0 = ((unsigned char*)(src = (long*)( (char*) src + 3 )))[0];
		int1 = ((unsigned short*)( (char*) src + 1 ))[0];
		int0 ^= 0x00000080UL;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, int0, 16, 8, 15 );
		transfer.i[1] = int1;

		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

void SwapInt24ToFloat32( long *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
		double		d[4];
		unsigned int	i[8];
	register double			dBias;
	register unsigned int	loopCount, load2SignMask;
	register unsigned long	load0, load1, load2;
	register unsigned long	int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register double			d0, d1, d2, d3;
	register float		f0, f1, f2, f3;

	transfer.i[0] = transfer.i[2] = transfer.i[4] = transfer.i[6] = 0x41400000UL;//0x41C00000UL ??? dsw
	transfer.i[1] = 0x80000000;
	int0 = int1 = int2 = int3 = 0;
	load2SignMask = 0x80000080UL;

	dBias = transfer.d[0];


	if( count >= 8 )
		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		load0 = (++src)[0];

		//Virtual cycle 2
		load1 = (++src)[0];
		load0 ^= 0x00008000;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		load2 = (++src)[0];
		load1 ^= 0x00800000UL;
		int0 = load0 >> 8;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15);

		//Virtual cycle 4
		//No load3 -- already loaded last cycle
		load2 ^= load2SignMask;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
		__stwbrx( int0, 0, &transfer.i[1]);

		//Virtual cycle 5
		load0 = (++src)[0];
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
		int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
		__stwbrx( int1, 0, &transfer.i[3]);

		//Virtual cycle 6
		load1 = (++src)[0];
		load0 ^= 0x00008000;
		__stwbrx( int2, 0, &transfer.i[5]);
		d0 = transfer.d[0];

		//Virtual cycle 7
		load2 = (++src)[0];
		load1 ^= 0x00800000UL;
		int0 = load0 >> 8;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15 );
		__stwbrx( int3, 0, &transfer.i[7]);
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		//No load3 -- already loaded last cycle
		load2 ^= load2SignMask;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
		__stwbrx( int0, 0, &transfer.i[1]);
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;

		while( loopCount-- )
			//Virtual cycle A
			load0 = (++src)[0];
			int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
			int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
			__stwbrx( int1, 0, &transfer.i[3]);
			d3 = transfer.d[3];
			d2 -= dBias;
			f1 = d1;
			(++dest)[0] = f0;

			//Virtual cycle B
			load1 = (++src)[0];
			load0 ^= 0x00008000;
			__stwbrx( int2, 0, &transfer.i[5]);
			d0 = transfer.d[0];
			d3 -= dBias;
			f2 = d2;
			(++dest)[0] = f1;

			//Virtual cycle C
			load2 = (++src)[0];
			load1 ^= 0x00800000UL;
			int0 = load0 >> 8;
			int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load0, 16, 8, 15 );
			__stwbrx( int3, 0, &transfer.i[7]);
			d1 = transfer.d[1];
			d0 -= dBias;
			f3 = d3;
			(++dest)[0] = f2;

			//Virtual cycle D
			load2 ^= load2SignMask;
			int1 = __rlwimi( int1, load1, 16, 16, 31);
			int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load1, 8, 8, 23 );
			__stwbrx( int0, 0, &transfer.i[1]);
			d2 = transfer.d[2];
			d1 -= dBias;
			f0 = d0;
			(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int2 = __rlwimi( int2, load2, 8, 24, 31 );
		int3 = load2 & 0x00FFFFFF;
		__stwbrx( int1, 0, &transfer.i[3]);
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 7
		__stwbrx( int2, 0, &transfer.i[5]);
		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		__stwbrx( int3, 0, &transfer.i[7]);
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 2
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

	if( count > 0 )

		int1 = ((unsigned char*) src)[6];
		int0 = ((unsigned short*)(++src))[0];
		int1 ^= 0x80;
		int1 = __rlwimi( int1, int0, 8, 8, 23 );
		__stwbrx( int1, 0, &transfer.i[1]);
		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		src = (long*) ((char*)src - 1 );
		while( --count )
			int0 = (src = (long*)( (char*) src + 3 ))[0];
			int0 ^= 0x80UL;
			int0 &= 0x00FFFFFFUL;
			__stwbrx( int0, 0, &transfer.i[1]);

			d0 = transfer.d[0];
			d0 -= dBias;
			f0 = d0;
			(++dest)[0] = f0;

// bitDepth may be less than 32, e.g. for 24 bits low-aligned in 32-bit words
void NativeInt32ToFloat32( long *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
		double		d[4];
		unsigned int	i[8];
	register double dBias;
	register unsigned int loopCount;
	register long	int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register double		d0, d1, d2, d3;
	register float	f0, f1, f2, f3;

	transfer.i[0] = transfer.i[2] = transfer.i[4] = transfer.i[6] = (0x434UL - bitDepth) << 20;
	transfer.i[1] = 0x80000000;

	dBias = transfer.d[0];


	if( count >= 8 )
		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		int0 = (++src)[0];

		//Virtual cycle 2
		int1 = (++src)[0];
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		int2 = (++src)[0];
		int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		int3 = (++src)[0];
		int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		int0 = (++src)[0];
		int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[5] = int2;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		int1 = (++src)[0];
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];

		//Virtual cycle 7
		int2 = (++src)[0];
		int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int3 = (++src)[0];
		int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;

		while( loopCount-- )
			//Virtual cycle A
			int0 = (++src)[0];
			int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[5] = int2;
			d3 = transfer.d[3];
			d2 -= dBias;
			f1 = d1;
			(++dest)[0] = f0;

			//Virtual cycle B
			int1 = (++src)[0];
			int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[7] = int3;
			d0 = transfer.d[0];
			d3 -= dBias;
			f2 = d2;
			(++dest)[0] = f1;

			//Virtual cycle C
			int2 = (++src)[0];
			int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[1] = int0;
			d1 = transfer.d[1];
			d0 -= dBias;
			f3 = d3;
			(++dest)[0] = f2;

			//Virtual cycle D
			int3 = (++src)[0];
			int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[3] = int1;
			d2 = transfer.d[2];
			d1 -= dBias;
			f0 = d0;
			(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[5] = int2;
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 7
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 2
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

	while( count-- )
		int0 = (++src)[0];
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;

		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

// bitDepth may be less than 32, e.g. for 24 bits low-aligned in 32-bit words
void SwapInt32ToFloat32( long *src, float *dest, unsigned int count, int bitDepth )
		double		d[4];
		unsigned int	i[8];
	register double dBias;
	register unsigned int loopCount;
	register long	int0, int1, int2, int3;
	register double		d0, d1, d2, d3;
	register float	f0, f1, f2, f3;

	transfer.i[0] = transfer.i[2] = transfer.i[4] = transfer.i[6] = (0x434UL - bitDepth) << 20;
	transfer.i[1] = 0x80000000;

	dBias = transfer.d[0];


	if( count >= 8 )
		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		int0 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);

		//Virtual cycle 2
		int1 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		int2 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		int3 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		int0 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[5] = int2;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		int1 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];

		//Virtual cycle 7
		int2 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int3 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[3] = int1;
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;

		while( loopCount-- )
			//Virtual cycle A
			int0 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
			int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[5] = int2;
			d3 = transfer.d[3];
			d2 -= dBias;
			f1 = d1;
			(++dest)[0] = f0;

			//Virtual cycle B
			int1 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
			int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[7] = int3;
			d0 = transfer.d[0];
			d3 -= dBias;
			f2 = d2;
			(++dest)[0] = f1;

			//Virtual cycle C
			int2 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
			int1 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[1] = int0;
			d1 = transfer.d[1];
			d0 -= dBias;
			f3 = d3;
			(++dest)[0] = f2;

			//Virtual cycle D
			int3 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
			int2 ^= 0x80000000UL;
			transfer.i[3] = int1;
			d2 = transfer.d[2];
			d1 -= dBias;
			f0 = d0;
			(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 8
		int3 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[5] = int2;
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 7
		transfer.i[7] = int3;
		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 6
		d1 = transfer.d[1];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 5
		d2 = transfer.d[2];
		d1 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

		//Virtual cycle 4
		d3 = transfer.d[3];
		d2 -= dBias;
		f1 = d1;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

		//Virtual cycle 3
		d3 -= dBias;
		f2 = d2;
		(++dest)[0] = f1;

		//Virtual cycle 2
		f3 = d3;
		(++dest)[0] = f2;

		//Virtual cycle 1
		(++dest)[0] = f3;

	while( count-- )
		int0 = __lwbrx( 0, ++src);
		int0 ^= 0x80000000UL;
		transfer.i[1] = int0;

		d0 = transfer.d[0];
		d0 -= dBias;
		f0 = d0;
		(++dest)[0] = f0;

void Float32ToNativeInt16( float *src, signed short *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	register double		round = 32768.0;
	unsigned long		loopCount = count / 4;
	long				buffer[2];
	register float		startingFloat;
	register double scaled;
	register double converted;
	register short		copy;

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the stack
	//		stage 5:		 (do nothing to let the store complete)
	//		stage 6:		load the high half word from the stack
	//		stage 7:		store it to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
	//	The reason why this works is that this allows us to break data dependency chains and insert 5 real 
	//	operations in between every virtual pipeline stage. This means 5 instructions between each data 
	//	dependency, which is just enough to keep all of our real pipelines happy. The data flow follows 
	//	standard pipeline diagrams:
	//					stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	stage5	stage6	stage7
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 4:	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		
	//	virtual cycle 5:	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-			   
	//	virtual cycle 6:	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-	
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1					  
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	
	//	virtual cycle 7 -		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	dataA
	//	virtual cycle 8 -		-		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	
	//	virtual cycle 9 -		-		-		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 10	-		-		-		-		dataF	dataE	dataD  
	//	virtual cycle 11	-		-		-		-		-		dataF	dataE	
	//	virtual cycle 12	-		-		-		-		-		-		dataF						 
	if( count >= 6 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 6
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		count -= 6;
		loopCount = count / 2;
		count &= 1;
		while( loopCount-- )
			register float	startingFloat2;
			register double scaled2;
			register double converted2;
			register short	copy2;
			//virtual Cycle A
			(dst++)[0] = copy;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );
			copy2 = ((short*) buffer)[2];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f" (scaled2) : "f" ( startingFloat), "f" (scale), "f" (round) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted), "b%" (sizeof(float)), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat2 = (src++)[0];

			//virtual cycle B
			(dst++)[0] = copy2;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );
			copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f" (scaled) : "f" ( startingFloat2), "f" (scale), "f" (round) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted2), "b%" (0), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//Virtual Cycle 7
		(dst++)[0] = copy;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		//Virtual Cycle 8
		(dst++)[0] = copy;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		//Virtual Cycle 9
		(dst++)[0] = copy;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		//Virtual Cycle 10
		(dst++)[0] = copy;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		//Virtual Cycle 11
		(dst++)[0] = copy;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];

		//Virtual Cycle 11
		(dst++)[0] = copy;

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		double scaled = src[0] * scale + round;
		double converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		dst[0] = buffer[0] >> 16;

void Float32ToSwapInt16( float *src, signed short *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	register double		round = 32768.0;
	unsigned long	loopCount = count / 4;
	long		buffer[2];
	register float	startingFloat;
	register double scaled;
	register double converted;
	register short	copy;

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the stack
	//		stage 5:		 (do nothing to let the store complete)
	//		stage 6:		load the high half word from the stack
	//		stage 7:		store it to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
	//	The reason why this works is that this allows us to break data dependency chains and insert 5 real 
	//	operations in between every virtual pipeline stage. This means 5 instructions between each data 
	//	dependency, which is just enough to keep all of our real pipelines happy. The data flow follows 
	//	standard pipeline diagrams:
	//					stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	stage5	stage6	stage7
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 4:	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		
	//	virtual cycle 5:	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-			   
	//	virtual cycle 6:	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-	
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1					  
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	
	//	virtual cycle 7 -		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	dataA
	//	virtual cycle 8 -		-		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	
	//	virtual cycle 9 -		-		-		dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 10	-		-		-		-		dataF	dataE	dataD  
	//	virtual cycle 11	-		-		-		-		-		dataF	dataE	
	//	virtual cycle 12	-		-		-		-		-		-		dataF						 
	if( count >= 6 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 6
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		count -= 6;
		loopCount = count / 2;
		count &= 1;
		while( loopCount-- )
			register float	startingFloat2;
			register double scaled2;
			register double converted2;
			register short	copy2;
			//virtual Cycle A
//			  (dst++)[0] = copy;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy), "r" (dst) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );
			copy2 = ((short*) buffer)[2];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f" (scaled2) : "f" ( startingFloat), "f" (scale), "f" (round) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted), "b%" (sizeof(float)), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat2 = (src)[0];	src+=2;

			//virtual cycle B
//			  (dst++)[0] = copy2;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, %1, %2" : : "r" (copy2), "r" (-2), "r" (dst) );	
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );
			copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f" (scaled) : "f" ( startingFloat2), "f" (scale), "f" (round) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted2), "b%" (0), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat = (src)[-1];	
		//Virtual Cycle 7
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		//Virtual Cycle 8
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		//Virtual Cycle 9
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		//Virtual Cycle 10
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[0];
		//Virtual Cycle 11
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = ((short*) buffer)[2];

		//Virtual Cycle 11
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		double scaled = src[0] * scale + round;
		double converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		copy = buffer[0] >> 16;
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "sthbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 

void Float32ToNativeInt24( float *src, signed long *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	register double		round = 0.5 * 256.0;
	unsigned long	loopCount = count / 4;
	long		buffer[4];
	register float	startingFloat, startingFloat2;
	register double scaled, scaled2;
	register double converted, converted2;
	register long	copy1;//, merge1, rotate1;
	register long	copy2;//, merge2, rotate2;
	register long	copy3;//, merge3, rotate3;
	register long	copy4;//, merge4, rotate4;
	register double		oldSetting;

	//Set the FPSCR to round to -Inf mode
			double	d;
			int		i[2];
		register double newSetting;

		//Read the the current FPSCR value
		asm volatile ( "mffs %0" : "=f" ( oldSetting ) );

		//Store it to the stack
		setting.d = oldSetting;

		//Read in the low 32 bits and mask off the last two bits so they are zero
		//in the integer unit. These two bits set to zero means round to nearest mode.
		//Finally, then store the result back
		setting.i[1] |= 3;

		//Load the new FPSCR setting into the FP register file again
		newSetting = setting.d;

		//Change the FPSCR to the new setting
		asm volatile( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (newSetting ) );

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the stack
	//		stage 5:		 (do nothing to let the store complete)
	//		stage 6:		load the high half word from the stack
		//		stage 7:		merge with later data to form a 32 bit word
		//		stage 8:		possible rotate to correct byte order
	//		stage 9:		store it to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
	//	The reason why this works is that this allows us to break data dependency chains and insert 5 real
	//	operations in between every virtual pipeline stage. This means 5 instructions between each data
	//	dependency, which is just enough to keep all of our real pipelines happy. The data flow follows
	//	standard pipeline diagrams:
	//				stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	stage5	stage6	stage7	stage8	stage9
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-	-	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 4:	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 5:	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 6:	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 7:	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-
	//	virtual cycle 8:	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2
	//	  virtual cycle C:	data11	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3
	//	  virtual cycle D:	data12	data11	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4
	//	virtual cycle 9		-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	dataA
	//	virtual cycle 10	-	-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB
	//	virtual cycle 11	-	-	-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 12	-	-	-	-		dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD
	//	virtual cycle 13	-	-	-	-		-		dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE
	//	virtual cycle 14	-	-	-	-		-		-		dataH	dataG	dataF
	//	virtual cycle 15	-	-	-	-		-		-		-	dataH	dataG	
	//	virtual cycle 16	-	-	-	-		-		-		-	-	dataH


	if( count >= 8 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 6
		copy1 = buffer[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 2 * sizeof( float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 7
		copy2 = buffer[1];
		__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 8
		copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy2, 8, 24, 31 );
		copy3 = buffer[2];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;
		while( loopCount-- )
			//virtual cycle A
			//no store yet						//store
			//no rotation needed for copy1,				//rotate
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled2) : "f" (startingFloat), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat2 = (++src)[0];				//load the float
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );				//convert to int and clip
			 copy4 = buffer[3];						//load clipped int back in
			copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy3, 8, 24, 7 );			//merge
			__stfiwx( converted, 1 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle B
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled) : "f" (startingFloat2), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat = (++src)[0];					//load the float
			 __asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );				//convert to int and clip
			(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
			copy3 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy3, copy4, 8, 24, 15 );	//merge with adjacent pixel
			copy1 = buffer[0];						//load clipped int back in
			copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy2, 8, 0, 31 );	//rotate
			__stfiwx( converted2, 2 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle C
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled2) : "f" (startingFloat), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat2 = (++src)[0];				//load the float
			//We dont store copy 4 so no merge needs to be done to it	//merge with adjacent pixel
			converted2 = __fctiw( scaled );				//convert to int and clip
			(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store
			copy3 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy3, copy3, 16, 0, 31 );		//rotate
			copy2 = buffer[1];						//load clipped int back in
			__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle D
			__asm__ ( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled) : "f" (startingFloat2), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat = (++src)[0];					//load the float
			converted = __fctiw( scaled2 );				//convert to int and clip
			//We dont store copy 4 so no rotation needs to be done to it//rotate
			(++dst)[0] = copy3;						//store
			copy1 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy1, copy2, 8, 24, 31 );		//merge with adjacent pixel
			 __stfiwx( converted2, 0 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int
			copy3 = buffer[2];						//load clipped int back in

		//virtual cycle 9
		//no store yet						//store
		//no rotation needed for copy1,				//rotate
		copy2 = __rlwimi( copy2, copy3, 8, 24, 7 );		//merge
		copy4 = buffer[3];					//load clipped int back in
		__stfiwx( converted, 1 * sizeof(float), buffer );	//store clipped int
		converted2 = __fctiw( scaled );				//convert to int and clip
		scaled2 = startingFloat * scale + round;		//scale for clip and add rounding

		//virtual Cycle 10
		(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
		copy2 = __rlwimi( copy2, copy2, 8, 0, 31 );			//rotate
		copy3 = __rlwimi( copy3, copy4, 8, 24, 15 );		//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy1 = buffer[0];					//load clipped int back in
		__stfiwx( converted2, 2 * sizeof(float), buffer );	//store clipped int
		converted = __fctiw( scaled2 );				//convert to int and clip

		//virtual Cycle 11
		(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store
		copy3 = __rlwimi( copy3, copy3, 16, 0, 31 );		//rotate
		//We dont store copy 4 so no merge needs to be done to it//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy2 = buffer[1];					//load clipped int back in
		__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );	//store clipped int

		//virtual Cycle 12
		(++dst)[0] = copy3;						//store
		//We dont store copy 4 so no rotation needs to be done to it//rotate
		copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy2, 8, 24, 31 );		//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy3 = buffer[2];						//load clipped int back in

		//virtual cycle 13
		//no store yet						//store
		//no rotation needed for copy1,				//rotate
		copy2 = __rlwimi( copy2, copy3, 8, 24, 7 );		//merge
		copy4 = buffer[3];					//load clipped int back in

		//virtual Cycle 14
		(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
		copy2 = __rlwimi( copy2, copy2, 8, 0, 31 );			//rotate
		copy3 = __rlwimi( copy3, copy4, 8, 24, 15 );		//merge with adjacent pixel

		//virtual Cycle 15
		(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store
		copy3 = __rlwimi( copy3, copy3, 16, 0, 31 );		//rotate

		//virtual Cycle 16
		(++dst)[0] = copy3;						//store

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];				//load the float
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;			//scale for clip and add rounding
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );				//convert to int and clip
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );			//store clipped int
		copy1 = buffer[0];					//load clipped int back in
		((signed char*) dst)[0] = copy1 >> 24;
		dst = (signed long*) ((signed char*) dst + 1 );
		((unsigned short*) dst)[0] = copy1 >> 8;
		dst = (signed long*) ((unsigned short*) dst + 1 );

	//restore the old FPSCR setting
	__asm__ __volatile__ ( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (oldSetting) );

void Float32ToSwapInt24( float *src, signed long *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	register double		round = 0.5 * 256.0;
	unsigned long	loopCount = count / 4;
	long		buffer[4];
	register float	startingFloat, startingFloat2;
	register double scaled, scaled2;
	register double converted, converted2;
	register long	copy1;
	register long	copy2;
	register long	copy3;
	register long	copy4;
	register double		oldSetting;

	//Set the FPSCR to round to -Inf mode
			double	d;
			int		i[2];
		register double newSetting;

		//Read the the current FPSCR value
		asm volatile ( "mffs %0" : "=f" ( oldSetting ) );

		//Store it to the stack
		setting.d = oldSetting;

		//Read in the low 32 bits and mask off the last two bits so they are zero
		//in the integer unit. These two bits set to zero means round to nearest mode.
		//Finally, then store the result back
		setting.i[1] |= 3;

		//Load the new FPSCR setting into the FP register file again
		newSetting = setting.d;

		//Change the FPSCR to the new setting
		asm volatile( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (newSetting ) );

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the stack
	//		stage 5:		 (do nothing to let the store complete)
	//		stage 6:		load the high half word from the stack
		//		stage 7:		merge with later data to form a 32 bit word
		//		stage 8:		possible rotate to correct byte order
	//		stage 9:		store it to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
	//	The reason why this works is that this allows us to break data dependency chains and insert 5 real
	//	operations in between every virtual pipeline stage. This means 5 instructions between each data
	//	dependency, which is just enough to keep all of our real pipelines happy. The data flow follows
	//	standard pipeline diagrams:
	//				stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	stage5	stage6	stage7	stage8	stage9
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-	-	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 4:	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 5:	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 6:	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 7:	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-
	//	virtual cycle 8:	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2
	//	  virtual cycle C:	data11	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3
	//	  virtual cycle D:	data12	data11	data10	data9	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4
	//	virtual cycle 9		-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	dataA
	//	virtual cycle 10	-	-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB
	//	virtual cycle 11	-	-	-	dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 12	-	-	-	-		dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE	dataD
	//	virtual cycle 13	-	-	-	-		-		dataH	dataG	dataF	dataE
	//	virtual cycle 14	-	-	-	-		-		-		dataH	dataG	dataF
	//	virtual cycle 15	-	-	-	-		-		-		-	dataH	dataG	
	//	virtual cycle 16	-	-	-	-		-		-		-	-	dataH


	if( count >= 8 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 6
		copy1 = __lwbrx( 0, buffer );
		__stfiwx( converted, 2 * sizeof( float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 7
		copy2 = __lwbrx( 4, buffer );
		__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		//virtual cycle 8
		copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy2, 8, 0, 7 );
		copy3 = __lwbrx( 8, buffer );;
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];

		count -= 8;
		loopCount = count / 4;
		count &= 3;
		while( loopCount-- )
			//virtual cycle A
			//no store yet						//store
			copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy1, 8, 0, 31 );			//rotate
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled2) : "f" (startingFloat), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat2 = (++src)[0];				//load the float
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );				//convert to int and clip
			 copy4 = __lwbrx( 12, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
			copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy3, 8, 0, 15 );			//merge
			__stfiwx( converted, 1 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle B
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled) : "f" (startingFloat2), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat = (++src)[0];					//load the float
			 __asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );				//convert to int and clip
			(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
			copy4 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy4, copy3, 24, 0, 7 );	//merge with adjacent pixel
			copy1 = __lwbrx( 0, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
			copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy2, 16, 0, 31 );	//rotate
			__stfiwx( converted2, 2 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle C
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled2) : "f" (startingFloat), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat2 = (++src)[0];				//load the float
			converted2 = __fctiw( scaled );				//convert to int and clip
			(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store
			copy2 = __lwbrx( 4, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
			__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

			//virtual Cycle D
			__asm__ ( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled) : "f" (startingFloat2), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
			startingFloat = (++src)[0];					//load the float
			converted = __fctiw( scaled2 );				//convert to int and clip
			(++dst)[0] = copy4;						//store
			copy1 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy1, copy2, 8, 0, 7 );		//merge with adjacent pixel
			 __stfiwx( converted2, 0 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int
			copy3 = __lwbrx( 8, buffer );						//load clipped int back in

		//virtual cycle A
		//no store yet						//store
		copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy1, 8, 0, 31 );			//rotate
		__asm__ __volatile__( "fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(scaled2) : "f" (startingFloat), "f" ( scale ), "f" ( round ));		//scale for clip and add rounding
		__asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );				//convert to int and clip
			copy4 = __lwbrx( 12, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
		copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy3, 8, 0, 15 );			//merge
		__stfiwx( converted, 1 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

		//virtual Cycle B
			__asm__ __volatile__( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );				//convert to int and clip
		(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
		copy4 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy4, copy3, 24, 0, 7 );	//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy1 = __lwbrx( 0, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
		copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy2, 16, 0, 31 );	//rotate
		__stfiwx( converted2, 2 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

		//virtual Cycle C
		(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store
		copy2 = __lwbrx( 4, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
		__stfiwx( converted, 3 * sizeof(float), buffer );		//store clipped int

		//virtual Cycle D
		(++dst)[0] = copy4;						//store
		copy1 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy1, copy2, 8, 0, 7 );		//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy3 = __lwbrx( 8, buffer );						//load clipped int back in

		//virtual cycle A
		//no store yet						//store
		copy1 = __rlwimi( copy1, copy1, 8, 0, 31 );			//rotate
		copy4 = __lwbrx( 12, buffer );						//load clipped int back in
		copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy3, 8, 0, 15 );			//merge

		//virtual Cycle B
		(++dst)[0] = copy1;						//store
		copy4 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy4, copy3, 24, 0, 7 );	//merge with adjacent pixel
		copy2 = __rlwimi_volatile( copy2, copy2, 16, 0, 31 );	//rotate

		//virtual Cycle C
		(++dst)[0] = copy2;						//store

		//virtual Cycle D
		(++dst)[0] = copy4;						//store

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		startingFloat = (++src)[0];				//load the float
		scaled = startingFloat * scale + round;			//scale for clip and add rounding
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );				//convert to int and clip
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );			//store clipped int
		copy1 = __lwbrx( 0, buffer);					//load clipped int back in
		((signed char*) dst)[0] = copy1 >> 16;
		dst = (signed long*) ((signed char*) dst + 1 );
		((unsigned short*) dst)[0] = copy1;
		dst = (signed long*) ((unsigned short*) dst + 1 );

	//restore the old FPSCR setting
	__asm__ __volatile__ ( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (oldSetting) );

void Float32ToSwapInt32( float *src, signed long *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	unsigned long	loopCount = count / 4;
	long			buffer[2];
	register float		startingFloat;
	register double scaled;
	register double converted;
	register long		copy;
	register double		oldSetting;

	//Set the FPSCR to round to -Inf mode
			double	d;
			int		i[2];
		register double newSetting;
		//Read the the current FPSCR value
		asm volatile ( "mffs %0" : "=f" ( oldSetting ) );
		//Store it to the stack
		setting.d = oldSetting;
		//Read in the low 32 bits and mask off the last two bits so they are zero 
		//in the integer unit. These two bits set to zero means round to nearest mode.
		//Finally, then store the result back
		setting.i[1] &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
		//Load the new FPSCR setting into the FP register file again
		newSetting = setting.d;
		//Change the FPSCR to the new setting
		asm volatile( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (newSetting ) );

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the stack
	//		stage 5:		 (do nothing to let the store complete)
	//		stage 6:		load the high half word from the stack
	//		stage 7:		store it to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
	//	The reason why this works is that this allows us to break data dependency chains and insert 5 real 
	//	operations in between every virtual pipeline stage. This means 5 instructions between each data 
	//	dependency, which is just enough to keep all of our real pipelines happy. The data flow follows 
	//	standard pipeline diagrams:
	//				stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	stage5	stage6	stage7
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-	-	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		-
	//	virtual cycle 4:	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-		-		
	//	virtual cycle 5:	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-		-			   
	//	virtual cycle 6:	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1	-	
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	data1					  
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data8	data7	data6	data5	data4	data3	data2	
	//	virtual cycle 7		-	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	dataA
	//	virtual cycle 8		-	-	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC	dataB	
	//	virtual cycle 9		-	-	-	dataF	dataE	dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 10	-	-	-	-		dataF	dataE	dataD  
	//	virtual cycle 11	-	-	-	-		-		dataF	dataE	
	//	virtual cycle 12	-	-	-	-		-		-		dataF						 
	if( count >= 6 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 6
		copy = buffer[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		count -= 6;
		loopCount = count / 2;
		count &= 1;
		while( loopCount-- )
			register float	startingFloat2;
			register double scaled2;
			register double converted2;
			register long	copy2;
			//virtual Cycle A
//			  (dst++)[0] = copy;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy), "r" (dst) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );
			copy2 = buffer[1];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmuls %0, %1, %2" : "=f" (scaled2) : "f" ( startingFloat), "f" (scale) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted), "b%" (sizeof(*buffer)), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat2 = (src)[0];	src+=2;

			//virtual cycle B
//			  (dst++)[0] = copy2;
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, %1, %2" : : "r" (copy2), "r" (-sizeof(dst[0])), "r" (dst) );	 
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );
			copy = buffer[0];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmuls %0, %1, %2" : "=f" (scaled) : "f" ( startingFloat2), "f" (scale) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted2), "b%" (0), "r" (buffer) : "memory" );
			startingFloat = (src)[-1];	
		//Virtual Cycle 7
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = buffer[1];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		//Virtual Cycle 8
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy =	buffer[0];
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		//Virtual Cycle 9
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = buffer[1];
		__stfiwx( converted, sizeof(float), buffer );
		//Virtual Cycle 10
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = buffer[0];
		//Virtual Cycle 11
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;
		copy = buffer[1];

		//Virtual Cycle 11
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 dst++;

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		double scaled = src[0] * scale;
		double converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, buffer );
		copy = buffer[0];
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stwbrx %0, 0, %1" : : "r" (copy),  "r" (dst) );	 
	//restore the old FPSCR setting
	__asm__ __volatile__ ( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (oldSetting) );

void Float32ToNativeInt32( float *src, signed long *dst, unsigned int count )
	register double		scale = 2147483648.0;
	unsigned long	loopCount;
	register float	startingFloat;
	register double scaled;
	register double converted;
	register double		oldSetting;

	//Set the FPSCR to round to -Inf mode
			double	d;
			int		i[2];
		register double newSetting;
		//Read the the current FPSCR value
		asm volatile ( "mffs %0" : "=f" ( oldSetting ) );
		//Store it to the stack
		setting.d = oldSetting;
		//Read in the low 32 bits and mask off the last two bits so they are zero 
		//in the integer unit. These two bits set to zero means round to -infinity mode.
		//Finally, then store the result back
		setting.i[1] &= 0xFFFFFFFC;
		//Load the new FPSCR setting into the FP register file again
		newSetting = setting.d;
		//Change the FPSCR to the new setting
		asm volatile( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (newSetting ) );

	//	The fastest way to do this is to set up a staggered loop that models a 7 stage virtual pipeline:
	//		stage 1:		load the src value
	//		stage 2:		scale it to LONG_MIN...LONG_MAX and add a rounding value to it
	//		stage 3:		convert it to an integer within the FP register
	//		stage 4:		store that to the destination
	//	We set it up so that at any given time 7 different pieces of data are being worked on at a time.
	//	Because of the do nothing stage, the inner loop had to be unrolled by one, so in actuality, each
	//	inner loop iteration represents two virtual clock cycles that push data through our virtual pipeline.
		//	The data flow follows standard pipeline diagrams:
	//				stage1	stage2	stage3	stage4	
	//	virtual cycle 1:	data1	-	-	-	   
	//	virtual cycle 2:	data2	data1	-	-	   
	//	virtual cycle 3:	data3	data2	data1	-			 
	//	inner loop:
	//	  virtual cycle A:	data4	data3	data2	data1					  
	//	  virtual cycle B:	data5	data4	data3	data2	
	//	  ...
	//	virtual cycle 4		-	dataD	dataC	dataB	
	//	virtual cycle 5		-	-		dataD	dataC
	//	virtual cycle 6		-	-	-	dataD  
	if( count >= 3 )
		//virtual cycle 1
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 2
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		//virtual cycle 3
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		scaled = startingFloat * scale;
		startingFloat = (src++)[0];
		count -= 3;
		loopCount = count / 2;
		count &= 1;
		while( loopCount-- )
			register float	startingFloat2;
			register double scaled2;
			register double converted2;
			//register short	copy2;
			//virtual Cycle A
			startingFloat2 = (src)[0];
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmul %0, %1, %2" : "=f" (scaled2) : "f" ( startingFloat), "f" (scale) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted), "b%" (0), "r" (dst) : "memory" );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted2) : "f" ( scaled ) );

			//virtual cycle B
		   startingFloat = (src)[1];	 src+=2; 
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmul %0, %1, %2" : "=f" (scaled) : "f" ( startingFloat2), "f" (scale) );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "stfiwx %0, %1, %2" : : "f" (converted2), "b%" (4), "r" (dst) : "memory" );
			__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fctiw %0, %1" : "=f" (converted) : "f" ( scaled2 ) );
		//Virtual Cycle 4
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, dst++ );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		__asm__ __volatile__ ( "fmul %0, %1, %2" : "=f" (scaled) : "f" ( startingFloat), "f" (scale) );
		//Virtual Cycle 5
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, dst++ );
		converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		//Virtual Cycle 6
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, dst++ );

	//clean up any extras
	while( count-- )
		double scaled = src[0] * scale;
		double converted = __fctiw( scaled );
		__stfiwx( converted, 0, dst );

	//restore the old FPSCR setting
	asm volatile( "mtfsf 7, %0" : : "f" (oldSetting) );

#endif // TARGET_CPU_PPC