IOATABlockStorageCommands.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * IOATABlockStorageCommands.cpp - Performs ATA command processing.
 * 09/28/2000	CJS  	Started IOATABlockStorageCommands.cpp (ported from
 *						IOATAHDDriveCommand.cpp)

#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/IOSyncer.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>

#include "IOATABlockStorageDriver.h"


#define PANIC_NOW(x)			IOPanic x
#define PANIC_NOW(x)

#define ERROR_LOG(x)			IOLog x
#define ERROR_LOG(x)

#define STATUS_LOG(x)			IOLog x
#define STATUS_LOG(x)

#define SERIAL_STATUS_LOG(x) 	kprintf x

// Media icon keys
#define kCFBundleIdentifierKey				"CFBundleIdentifier"
#define kIOATABlockStorageIdentifierKey		""
#define kPCCardIconFileKey					"PCCard.icns"

// Configuration state machine
	kPIOTransferModeSetup	= 1,
	kPIOTransferModeDone	= 2,
	kDMATransferModeDone	= 3,
	kReadAheadEnableDone	= 4,
	kWriteCacheEnableDone	= 5

struct ATAConfigData
	IOATABlockStorageDriver *	self;
	UInt32						state;
	IOSyncer *					syncer;
typedef struct ATAConfigData ATAConfigData;

//	¥ identifyATADevice	-	Sends a device identify request to the device
//							and uses it to configure the drive speeds

IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyATADevice ( void )

	IOReturn			status 		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOATACommand *		cmd			= NULL;
	ATAClientData *		clientData	= NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyATADevice entering.\n" ) );
	// Get a new command object
	cmd = getATACommandObject ( );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	// Zero the command object
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );
	sSetCommandBuffers ( cmd, fDeviceIdentifyBuffer, 0, 1 ); 
	cmd->setCommand ( kATAcmdDriveIdentify );
	cmd->setFlags ( mATAFlagIORead ); 
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	// set the device head to the correct unit
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setRegMask ( ( ataRegMask ) ( mATAErrFeaturesValid | mATAStatusCmdValid ) );

	// Save state data
	clientData->command	= kATAcmdDriveIdentify;
	clientData->flags	= mATAFlagIORead;
	clientData->opCode	= kATAFnExecIO;
	clientData->regMask	= ( ataRegMask ) ( mATAErrFeaturesValid | mATAStatusCmdValid );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyATADevice executing identify command.\n" ) );
	status = syncExecute ( cmd, kATATimeout10Seconds );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyATADevice result = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) cmd->getResult ( ) ) );
		return status;
	// Validate the identify data before the swap!
	status = sValidateIdentifyData ( ( UInt8 * ) fDeviceIdentifyData );
	#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
		// The identify device info needs to be byte-swapped on big-endian (ppc) 
		// systems becuase it is data that is produced by the drive, read across a 
		// 16-bit little-endian PCI interface, directly into a big-endian system.
		// Regular data doesn't need to be byte-swapped because it is written and 
		// read from the host and is intrinsically byte-order correct.	
		sSwapBytes16 ( ( UInt8 * ) fDeviceIdentifyData, 512 );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyATADevice exiting with status = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	return status;

//	¥ setupReadWriteTaskFile	-	Setup the command's taskfile registers based on
//									parameters given
//	block - Initial transfer block
//	nblks - Number of blocks to transfer

IOATABlockStorageDriver::setupReadWriteTaskFile (
							IOATACommand *			cmd,
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
							UInt32					block,
							UInt32					nblks )
	ATAClientData *	clientData;
	UInt32			flags		= mATAFlagUseConfigSpeed;
	UInt8			command		= 0;
	bool			isWrite		= ( buffer->getDirection ( ) == kIODirectionOut );

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setupReadWriteTaskFile entering.\n" ) );
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	// Zero the command
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Check if we are capable of DMA for the I/O
	if ( fUltraDMAMode || fDMAMode )
		if ( fUseExtendedLBA )
			command = ( isWrite ) ? 0x35 : 0x25;
			flags |= mATAFlag48BitLBA;
			command = ( isWrite ) ? kATAcmdWriteDMA : kATAcmdReadDMA;
		flags |= mATAFlagUseDMA;
		if ( fUseExtendedLBA )
			command = ( isWrite ) ? 0x34 : 0x24;
			command = ( isWrite ) ? kATAcmdWrite : kATAcmdRead;
	flags |= ( isWrite ) ? mATAFlagIOWrite : mATAFlagIORead;
	// Set the ATA Command
	cmd->setCommand ( command );
	cmd->setSectorCount ( ( nblks == kIOATAMaxBlocksPerXfer ) ? 0 : nblks );
	if ( fUseLBAAddressing )
		if ( fUseExtendedLBA )
			IOExtendedLBA *		extLBA = cmd->getExtendedLBA ( );
			extLBA->setExtendedLBA ( 0, block, fATAUnitID, ( UInt16 ) nblks, command );
			clientData->useExtendedLBA 	= true;
			clientData->lbaLow16 		= extLBA->getLBALow16 ( );
			clientData->lbaMid16		= extLBA->getLBAMid16 ( );
			clientData->lbaHigh16		= extLBA->getLBAHigh16 ( );
			clientData->sectorCount16	= extLBA->getSectorCount16 ( );
			clientData->features16		= extLBA->getFeatures16 ( );
			clientData->device			= extLBA->getDevice ( );
			clientData->command16		= extLBA->getCommand ( );
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setupReadWriteTaskFile block = %lx.\n",  block ) );
			// 28bit LBA addressing supported
			cmd->setLBA28 ( block, fATAUnitID );
		clientData->sectorNumber 	= ( block & 0xFF );
		clientData->cylLow			= ( ( block & 0xFF00 ) >> 8 );
		clientData->cylHigh			= ( ( block & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 );
		UInt32	heads 	= 0;
		UInt32	sectors = 0;
		heads 	= fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifyLogicalHeadCount];
		sectors	= fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifySectorsPerTrack];
		// Not LBA, so use CHS addressing model
		sConvertBlockToCHSAddress ( cmd, block, heads, sectors, fATAUnitID );
	sSetCommandBuffers ( cmd, buffer, 0, nblks ); 
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );
	cmd->setFlags ( flags );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	clientData->command			= command;
	clientData->opCode			= kATAFnExecIO;
	clientData->flags			= flags;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setupReadWriteTaskFile exiting.\n" ) );

//	¥ ataCommandReadWrite	-	Setup the command for a read/write operation
//	buffer	- IOMemoryDescriptor object describing this transfer.
//	block	- Initial transfer block.
//	nblks	- Number of blocks to transfer.

IOATACommand *
IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandReadWrite (
							IOMemoryDescriptor * 	buffer,
							UInt32					block,
							UInt32			   		nblks )
	IOATACommand * 		cmd 				= NULL;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandReadWrite entering.\n" ) );
	assert ( buffer != NULL );
	cmd = getATACommandObject ( );
	if ( cmd == NULL )
		return NULL;
	// Setup the taskfile structure with the size and direction of the
	// transfer. This structure will be written to the actual taskfile
	// registers when this command is processed.
	setupReadWriteTaskFile ( cmd, buffer, block, nblks );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandReadWrite exiting.\n" ) );

	return cmd;

//	¥ ataCommandSetFeatures	-	Setup the command for a set features operation
//	features		- contents of the Features register
//	sectorCount		- contents of Sector Count register
//	sectorNumber	- contents of Sector Number register
//	cylinderLow		- contents of the Cylinder Low register
//	cylinderHigh	- contents of the Cylinder High register

IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandSetFeatures (
									UInt8 features,
									UInt8 sectorCount,
									UInt8 sectorNumber,
									UInt8 cylinderLow,
									UInt8 cylinderHigh,
									UInt32 flags,
									bool forceSync )
	IOReturn	status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandSetFeatures entering.\n" ) );
	// Zero the command
	fConfigurationCommand->zeroCommand ( );
	fConfigurationCommand->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	fConfigurationCommand->setFeatures ( features );
	fConfigurationCommand->setSectorCount ( sectorCount );
	fConfigurationCommand->setSectorNumber ( sectorNumber );
	fConfigurationCommand->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	fConfigurationCommand->setCommand ( kATAcmdSetFeatures );
	fConfigurationCommand->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	fConfigurationCommand->setCylHi ( cylinderHigh );
	fConfigurationCommand->setCylLo ( cylinderLow );
	fConfigurationCommand->setFlags ( flags );
	fConfigurationCommand->setTimeoutMS ( kATATimeout10Seconds );
	if ( forceSync )
		fConfigurationCommand->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sATAVoidCallback );
		fConfigurationCommand->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sATAConfigStateMachine );
	status = fATADevice->executeCommand ( fConfigurationCommand );

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandSetFeatures exiting.\n" ) );
	return status;

//	¥ ataCommandFlushCache	-	Setup the command for a flush cache operation

IOATACommand *
IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandFlushCache ( void )
	IOATACommand * 		cmd 		= NULL;
	ATAClientData *		clientData	= NULL;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandFlushCache entering.\n" ) );

	cmd = getATACommandObject ( );
	if ( cmd == NULL )
		return NULL;
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	// Zero the command
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	if ( fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifyCommandSetSupported2] & kATASupportsFlushCacheExtendedMask )
		IOExtendedLBA *		extLBA = cmd->getExtendedLBA ( );
		extLBA->setExtendedLBA ( 0, 0, fATAUnitID, 0, 0xEA );
		cmd->setFlags ( mATAFlag48BitLBA );
		clientData->useExtendedLBA 	= true;
		clientData->lbaLow16 		= extLBA->getLBALow16 ( );
		clientData->lbaMid16		= extLBA->getLBAMid16 ( );
		clientData->lbaHigh16		= extLBA->getLBAHigh16 ( );
		clientData->sectorCount16	= extLBA->getSectorCount16 ( );
		clientData->features16		= extLBA->getFeatures16 ( );
		clientData->device			= extLBA->getDevice ( );
		clientData->command16		= extLBA->getCommand ( );
	cmd->setOpcode ( kATAFnExecIO );
	cmd->setCommand ( 0xE7 );
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( fATAUnitID << 4 );
	cmd->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	clientData->command	= 0xE7;
	clientData->opCode	= kATAFnExecIO;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::ataCommandFlushCache exiting.\n" ) );
	return cmd;

// Issue a synchronous ATA command.

IOATABlockStorageDriver::syncExecute (
						IOATACommand *			cmd,
						UInt32					timeout,
						UInt8					retries )
	ATAClientData * 	clientData 			= NULL;
	IOReturn			status				= kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::syncExecute entering.\n" ) );
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	assert ( clientData != NULL );
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( timeout );
	cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion );
	// Set up for synchronous transaction
	clientData->completion.syncLock = IOSyncer::create ( );
	assert ( clientData->completion.syncLock != NULL );
	if ( clientData->completion.syncLock == NULL )
		returnATACommandObject ( cmd );
		return kIOReturnNoResources;
	// set up any client data necessary for the command
	clientData->isSync 		= true;
	clientData->self 		= this;
	clientData->maxRetries 	= retries;
	clientData->timeout		= timeout;
	// save the state data in case we need to issue retries
	sSaveStateData ( cmd );
	fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	// Block client thread on lock until the completion handler
	// receives an indication that the processing is complete
	clientData->completion.syncLock->wait ( );

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::syncExecute exiting.\n" ) );
	// Pull the error from the clientData
	status = clientData->returnCode;
	// Re-enqueue the command object since we're done with it
	returnATACommandObject ( cmd );
	return status;

// Issue an asynchronous ATA command.

IOATABlockStorageDriver::asyncExecute (
							IOATACommand *	  		cmd,
							IOStorageCompletion 	completion,
							UInt32			  		timeout,
							UInt8					retries )
	ATAClientData * 	clientData 			= NULL;
	IOReturn			status				= kIOReturnSuccess;

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::asyncExecute entering.\n" ) );
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	assert ( clientData != NULL );
	// Set timeout and register the completion handler.
	cmd->setTimeoutMS ( timeout );
	cmd->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion );
	// Set up for an asynchronous transaction
	clientData->isSync				= false;
	clientData->self 				= this;
	clientData->maxRetries 			= retries;
	clientData->completion.async 	= completion;
	clientData->timeout				= timeout;

	// save the state data in case we need to issue retries
	sSaveStateData ( cmd );
	// Execute the command
	status = fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	if ( status != kATANoErr )
		bzero ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAClientData ) );
		returnATACommandObject ( cmd );
	return status;

//	¥ allocateATACommandObjects	-	allocates ATA command objects

IOATABlockStorageDriver::allocateATACommandObjects ( void )

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::allocateATACommandObjects entering\n" ) );
	IOATACommand *			cmd 		= NULL;
	ATAClientData *			clientData 	= NULL;
	IOSyncer *				syncer		= NULL;
	ATAConfigData *			configData	= NULL;
	for ( UInt32 index = 0; index < fNumCommandObjects; index++ )
		// Allocate the command
		cmd = fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
		assert ( cmd != NULL );
		// Allocate the command clientData
		clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( ATAClientData ) );
		assert ( clientData != NULL );
		bzero ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAClientData ) );
		// set the back pointers to each other
		cmd->refCon 	= ( void * ) clientData;
		clientData->cmd	= cmd;
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "adding command to pool\n" ) );
		// Enqueue the command in the free list
		fCommandPool->returnCommand ( cmd );
	// Allocate the command
	fResetCommand 			= fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	fPowerManagementCommand	= fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	fConfigurationCommand	= fATADevice->allocCommand ( );
	assert ( fResetCommand != NULL );
	assert ( fPowerManagementCommand != NULL );
	assert ( fConfigurationCommand != NULL );
	syncer = IOSyncer::create ( );
	assert ( syncer != NULL );
	fPowerManagementCommand->refCon = ( void * ) syncer;
	configData = ( ATAConfigData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( ATAConfigData ) );
	assert ( configData != NULL );
	bzero ( configData, sizeof ( ATAConfigData ) );
	configData->syncer = IOSyncer::create ( );
	assert ( configData->syncer != NULL );
	fConfigurationCommand->refCon = ( void * ) configData;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::allocateATACommandObjects exiting\n" ) );

//	¥ dellocateATACommandObjects	-	deallocates ATA command objects

IOATABlockStorageDriver::deallocateATACommandObjects ( void )

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::dellocateATACommandObjects entering\n" ) );	
	IOATACommand *		cmd 		= NULL;
	ATAClientData *		clientData 	= NULL;
	IOSyncer *			syncer		= NULL;
	ATAConfigData *		configData	= NULL;
	cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( false );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );

	//¥¥¥ Walk the in-use queue and abort the commands (potential memory leak right now)
	// This handles walking the free command queue
	while ( cmd != NULL )
		clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
		assert ( clientData != NULL );
		IOFree ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAClientData ) );
		clientData = NULL;
		fATADevice->freeCommand ( cmd );
		cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( false );
	syncer = ( IOSyncer * ) fPowerManagementCommand->refCon;
	syncer->release ( );
	configData = ( ATAConfigData * ) fConfigurationCommand->refCon;
	configData->syncer->release ( );
	IOFree ( configData, sizeof ( ATAConfigData ) );
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fResetCommand );
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fPowerManagementCommand );
	fATADevice->freeCommand ( fConfigurationCommand );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::dellocateATACommandObjects exiting.\n" ) );	

//	¥ getATACommandObject	-	Gets the first non-busy ata command object
//								If they are all busy, it returns NULL

IOATACommand *
IOATABlockStorageDriver::getATACommandObject ( bool blockForCommand )
	IOATACommand *	cmd = NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::getATACommandObject entering.\n" ) );
	cmd = ( IOATACommand * ) fCommandPool->getCommand ( blockForCommand );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	return cmd;

//	¥ returnATACommandObject	-	returns the ATA command object to the pool

IOATABlockStorageDriver::returnATACommandObject ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAClientData *		clientData;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::returnATACommandObject entering.\n" ) );

	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	assert ( clientData != NULL );
	// Clear out the clientData, so we don't reuse any variables
	bzero ( clientData, sizeof ( ATAClientData ) );
	// set the back pointers to each other
	cmd->refCon 	= ( void * ) clientData;
	clientData->cmd	= cmd;
	// Finally, re-enqueue the command
	fCommandPool->returnCommand ( cmd );

//	¥ identifyAndConfigureATADevice	-	Sends a device identify request to the device
//										and uses it to configure the drive speeds

IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice ( void )
	IOReturn			status				= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOATABusInfo *		busInfoPtr			= NULL;
	IOATADevConfig *	deviceConfigPtr		= NULL;
	UInt16				tempWord			= 0;
	UInt16				maxBlocks			= 0;
	UInt64				maxSize				= 0;
	// Get some info about the ATA bus
	busInfoPtr = IOATABusInfo::atabusinfo ( );
	if ( busInfoPtr == NULL )
		return kIOReturnNoResources;
	// Zero the data, and then get the information from the ATA controller
	busInfoPtr->zeroData ( );
	status = fATADevice->provideBusInfo ( busInfoPtr );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice provide bus info failed thErr = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;
	// Get the socket type
	fATASocketType = busInfoPtr->getSocketType ( );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice socket type = %d.\n", ( UInt8 ) fATASocketType ) );
	// Set the media icon to PC-Card if it is a PC Card device
	if ( fATASocketType == kPCCardSocket )
		OSDictionary *	dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity ( 2 );
		if ( dict != NULL )
			OSString *	identifier 		= OSString::withCString ( kIOATABlockStorageIdentifierKey );
			OSString *	resourceFile	= OSString::withCString ( kPCCardIconFileKey );
			if ( ( identifier != NULL ) && ( resourceFile != NULL ) )
				dict->setObject ( kCFBundleIdentifierKey, identifier );
				dict->setObject ( kIOBundleResourceFileKey, resourceFile );
				setProperty ( kIOMediaIconKey, dict );
			if ( identifier != NULL )
				identifier->release ( );
			if ( resourceFile != NULL )
				resourceFile->release ( );
			dict->release ( );
	// Execute an ATA device identify
	status = identifyATADevice ( );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;		
	// Parse the identify data
	tempWord = fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifyCommandSetSupported];
	// Check for S.M.A.R.T.
	if ( ( tempWord & kATASupportsSMARTMask ) == kATASupportsSMARTMask )
		fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeatureSMART;
	// Check for power management
	if ( ( tempWord & kATASupportsPowerManagementMask ) == kATASupportsPowerManagementMask )
		fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeaturePowerManagement;
	// Check for write cache
	if ( ( tempWord & kATASupportsWriteCacheMask ) == kATASupportsWriteCacheMask )
		fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeatureWriteCache;
	tempWord = fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifyCommandSetSupported2];
	if ( ( tempWord & kATADataIsValidMask ) == 0x4000 )
		// Check for APM
		if ( ( tempWord & kATASupportsAdvancedPowerManagementMask ) == kATASupportsAdvancedPowerManagementMask )
			fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeatureAdvancedPowerManagement;
		// Check for CF
		if ( ( tempWord & kATASupportsCompactFlashMask ) == kATASupportsCompactFlashMask )
			fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeatureCompactFlash;
	// Sanity check. CHS is rarely used, but it is still good to do things correctly.
	if ( fDeviceIdentifyData[kATAIdentifyDriveCapabilities] & kLBASupportedMask )
		fUseLBAAddressing = true;
	// Check for ExtendedLBA (48-bit) support from the bus.
	fUseExtendedLBA = busInfoPtr->supportsExtendedLBA ( );
	// Mask with drive support
	fUseExtendedLBA &= IOATADevConfig::sDriveSupports48BitLBA ( fDeviceIdentifyData );
	if ( fUseExtendedLBA )
		maxBlocks = busInfoPtr->maxBlocksExtended ( );
		// 48-bit LBA supported
		fSupportedFeatures |= kIOATAFeature48BitLBA;
		// Not using 48-bit LBA, so use normal constraints
		maxBlocks = kIOATAMaximumBlockCount8Bit;
	maxSize = ( UInt64 ) maxBlocks * ( UInt64 ) kATADefaultSectorSize;
	// Publish some constraints
	setProperty ( kIOMaximumBlockCountReadKey, maxBlocks, 64 );
	setProperty ( kIOMaximumBlockCountWriteKey, maxBlocks, 64 );
	setProperty ( kIOMaximumSegmentCountReadKey, maxSize / PAGE_SIZE, 64 );
	setProperty ( kIOMaximumSegmentCountWriteKey, maxSize / PAGE_SIZE, 64 );
	deviceConfigPtr = IOATADevConfig::atadevconfig ( );
	assert ( deviceConfigPtr != NULL );
	// Get the device config from ATA Controller
	status = fATADevice->provideConfig ( deviceConfigPtr );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice provideConfig returned an error = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;
	// Pass the bus information and device identify info to have ATA Controller choose
	// the best config for this device (if it can)
	status = deviceConfigPtr->initWithBestSelection ( fDeviceIdentifyData, busInfoPtr );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		goto ReleaseBusInfoAndBail;		
	// Select the config it gives us
	status = fATADevice->selectConfig ( deviceConfigPtr );
	if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice selectConfig returned error = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	// Store the PIOModes, DMAModes and UltraDMAModes supported
	fPIOMode 		= deviceConfigPtr->getPIOMode ( );
	fDMAMode		= deviceConfigPtr->getDMAMode ( );
	fUltraDMAMode 	= deviceConfigPtr->getUltraMode ( );
	// Add any more configuration info we need (write cache enable, power management, etc.)
	status = configureATADevice ( );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice configureATADevice returned status = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	if ( busInfoPtr != NULL )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice releasing bus info.\n" ) );
		busInfoPtr->release ( );
		busInfoPtr = NULL;
	if ( deviceConfigPtr != NULL )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice releasing device config.\n" ) );
		deviceConfigPtr->release ( );
		deviceConfigPtr = NULL;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::identifyAndConfigureATADevice returning status = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	return status;

//	¥ configureATADevice	-	Configures the ATA Device

IOATABlockStorageDriver::configureATADevice ( void )
	ATAConfigData *		configData;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::configureATADevice entering.\n" ) );
	configData = ( ATAConfigData * ) fConfigurationCommand->refCon;
	configData->self 		= this;
	configData->state 		= kPIOTransferModeSetup;
	sATAConfigStateMachine ( fConfigurationCommand );
	configData->syncer->reinit ( );
	configData->syncer->wait ( false );
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//	¥ reconfigureATADevice	-	Reconfigures the ATA Device

IOATABlockStorageDriver::reconfigureATADevice ( void )
	// There is a window here on a machine with both device0 and device1 ATA
	// devices where if a device is not ready and a bus reset occurs, and the
	// other driver hasn't allocated resources yet but is instantiated, it
	// could cause a panic. We check to make sure the fConfigurationCommand
	// instance variable is not NULL to make sure all resources necessary
	// for reconfiguration have been allocated before proceeding with
	// the reconfiguration.
	if ( fConfigurationCommand != NULL )
		// We are on a callout from the ATA controller and need to execute
		// all of these commands synchronously.	
		setPIOTransferMode ( true );
		setDMATransferMode ( true );
		// Check if a client has previously set the APM level. If so,
		// reconfigure the device with that value.
		if ( fAPMLevel != 0xFF )
			setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel ( fAPMLevel, true );
		ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATAEnableReadAhead,
								true );
		ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATAEnableWriteCache,
								true );
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

//	¥ setPIOTransferMode	-	Configures the ATA Device's PIO Transfer mode

IOATABlockStorageDriver::setPIOTransferMode ( bool forceSync )
	IOReturn		status 		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8			mode		= 0;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setPIOTransferMode entering.\n" ) );
	// Always set to highest transfer mode
	mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fPIOMode );
	// PIO transfer mode is capped at 4 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
	// more than mode 4 it has to at least support mode 4. We might not get the best
	// performance out of the drive, but it will work until we update to latest spec.
	if ( mode > 4 )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setPIOTransferMode mode > 4 = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) mode ) );
		mode = 4;
	status = ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATASetTransferMode,
									 ( kATAEnablePIOModeMask | mode ),
									 forceSync );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setPIOTransferMode exiting with error = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	return status;

//	¥ setDMATransferMode	-	Configures the ATA Device's DMA Transfer mode

IOATABlockStorageDriver::setDMATransferMode ( bool forceSync )
	IOReturn		status 			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8			mode			= 0;
	UInt8 			sectorCount		= 0;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::SetDMATransferMode entering.\n" ) );
	// Always set to highest transfer mode
	if ( fUltraDMAMode )
		// Device supports UltraDMA
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::SetDMATransferMode choosing UltraDMA.\n" ) );
		mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fUltraDMAMode );
		// Ultra DMA is capped at 8 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
		// more than mode 8 it MUST at least support mode 8.
		if ( mode > 8 )
			mode = 8;
		sectorCount = ( kATAEnableUltraDMAModeMask | mode );
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::SetDMATransferMode choosing DMA.\n" ) );
		mode = sConvertHighestBitToNumber ( fDMAMode );
		// MultiWord DMA is capped at 2 for now in the ATA-5 spec. If a device supports
		// more than mode 2 it MUST at least support mode 2. We might not get the best
		// performance out of the drive, but it will work until we update to latest spec.
		if ( mode > 2 )
			mode = 2;
		sectorCount	= ( kATAEnableMultiWordDMAModeMask | mode );
	status = ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATASetTransferMode,
									 forceSync );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::SetDMATransferMode exiting with error = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	return status;

//	¥ setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel	-	Configures the ATA Device's APM Level mode

IOATABlockStorageDriver::setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel ( UInt8 level, bool forceSync )
	IOReturn	status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel entering.\n" ) );
	fAPMLevel = level;
	// First, see if we need to do the operation at all
	if ( ( fSupportedFeatures & kIOATAFeatureAdvancedPowerManagement ) == 0 )
		return status;
	status = ataCommandSetFeatures ( 0x05,
									 forceSync );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::setAdvancedPowerManagementLevel exiting with error = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
	return status;

//	¥ sATAVoidCallback	-	callback that does nothing

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sATAVoidCallback ( IOATACommand * cmd )

//	¥ sATAConfigStateMachine	-	state machine for configuration commands

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sATAConfigStateMachine ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAConfigData *					configData;
	IOATABlockStorageDriver *		driver;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::sATAConfigStateMachine entering\n" ) );	
	configData 	= ( ATAConfigData * ) cmd->refCon;
	driver		= configData->self;
	switch ( configData->state )
		case kPIOTransferModeSetup:
			configData->state = kPIOTransferModeDone;
			driver->setPIOTransferMode ( false );
		case kPIOTransferModeDone:
			if ( ( driver->fUltraDMAMode != 0 ) || ( driver->fDMAMode != 0 ) )
				configData->state = kDMATransferModeDone;
				driver->setDMATransferMode ( false );
		// Intentional fall through in case there is no DMA mode available
		case kDMATransferModeDone:
			configData->state = kReadAheadEnableDone;
			driver->ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATAEnableReadAhead,
											false );
		case kReadAheadEnableDone:
			configData->state = kWriteCacheEnableDone;
			driver->ataCommandSetFeatures ( kATAEnableWriteCache,
											false );
		case kWriteCacheEnableDone:
			// we're done with configuration
			configData->syncer->signal ( kIOReturnSuccess, false );
			PANIC_NOW ( ( "sATAPIConfigStateMachine unexpected state\n" ) );

//	¥ resetATADevice	-	Sends a device reset command to the device

IOATABlockStorageDriver::resetATADevice ( void )
	IOReturn		status		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::resetATADevice entering.\n" ) );
	SERIAL_STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::resetATADevice executing reset.\n" ) );
	if ( fResetInProgress )
		return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
	fResetInProgress = true;
	// Zero the command object
	fResetCommand->zeroCommand ( );
	// Start filling in the command
	fResetCommand->setUnit ( fATAUnitID );	
	fResetCommand->setTimeoutMS ( kATATimeout45Seconds );
	fResetCommand->setOpcode ( kATAFnBusReset );
	fResetCommand->setFlags ( mATAFlagImmediate );
	fResetCommand->setCallbackPtr ( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleReset );
	fResetCommand->refCon = ( void * ) this;
	status = fATADevice->executeCommand ( fResetCommand );
	if ( status != kATANoErr )
		// There was a problem selecting the device for reset. This is
		// where we panic the system and let them know that the ATA
		// device has wedged. Eventually, we will make this better so
		// that non-backing store devices will be able to tear down the
		// driver stack instead of panic'ing the system.
		panic ( "ATA Disk: Error when attempting to reset device, status = 0x%08x\n", status );
	fResetInProgress = false;
	return status;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Static Routines

//	¥ sHandleCommandCompletion		-	This routine is called by our provider when a
//										command processing has completed

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAClientData		clientData 			= { 0 };
	UInt32				result				= kATANoErr;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion entering.\n" ) );
	assert ( cmd != NULL );
	bcopy ( cmd->refCon, &clientData, sizeof ( clientData ) );
	result = cmd->getResult ( );
	// Return IOReturn for sync commands.
	switch ( result )
		case kATANoErr:
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion actual xfer = %ld.\n", ( UInt32 ) cmd->getActualTransfer ( ) ) );
			clientData.returnCode = kIOReturnSuccess;
		case kATATimeoutErr:
		case kATAErrDevBusy:
			// Reset the device because the device is hung
			clientData.self->resetATADevice ( );			
			// Intentional fall through
		case kATADeviceError:
			ERROR_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion result = %ld.\n", result ) );
			// Reissue the command if the max number of retries is greater
			// than zero, else return an error
			if ( clientData.maxRetries > 0 )
				sReissueCommandFromClientData ( cmd );
	if ( clientData.isSync )
		clientData.returnCode = result;
		// For sync commands, unblock the client thread.
		assert ( clientData.completion.syncLock );
		clientData.completion.syncLock->signal ( );
		UInt64	bytesTransferred = 0;
		if ( clientData.self == NULL )
			panic ( "ATA controller called me and my completion data is NULL" );
		bytesTransferred = ( UInt64 ) cmd->getActualTransfer ( );
		// Async command processing is complete, re-enqueue command
		clientData.self->returnATACommandObject ( cmd );
		// Signal the completion routine that the request has been completed.
		IOStorage::complete ( clientData.completion.async,
							  bytesTransferred );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion exiting.\n" ) );

// ¥ sHandleSimpleSyncTransaction - callback routine for simple synchronous
//									commands

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleSimpleSyncTransaction ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOReturn		status;
	IOSyncer *		syncer;
	syncer	= ( IOSyncer * ) cmd->refCon;
	status	= cmd->getResult ( );
	syncer->signal ( status, false );

// ¥ sHandleReset - callback routine for reset commands

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleReset ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	IOATABlockStorageDriver *	self;
	if ( cmd->getResult ( ) == kATANoErr )
		self = ( IOATABlockStorageDriver * ) cmd->refCon;
		self->fWakeUpResetOccurred = true;

//	¥ sConvertBlockToCHSAddress	-	Converts a block to a valid CHS address and stuffs
//									it into the command

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sConvertBlockToCHSAddress ( IOATACommand *	cmd,
													 UInt32 		block,
													 UInt32 		heads,
													 UInt32 		sectors,
													 ataUnitID 		unitID )

	ATAClientData *		clientData;
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	UInt16	startingCylinder 	= block / ( sectors * heads );
	UInt16	whichHead			= ( block / sectors ) % heads;
	cmd->setSectorNumber ( ( block % sectors ) + 1 );	// Sectors range from 1Én
	cmd->setCylLo ( ( UInt8 ) startingCylinder );
	cmd->setCylHi ( ( UInt8 ) ( startingCylinder >> 8 ) );
	cmd->setDevice_Head ( ( ( ( UInt8 ) unitID ) << 4 ) | ( whichHead & mATAHeadNumber ) );
	// Save extra state data
	clientData->sectorNumber 	= ( block % sectors ) + 1;
	clientData->cylLow			= ( UInt8 ) startingCylinder;
	clientData->cylHigh			= ( UInt8 ) ( startingCylinder >> 8 );

//	¥ sReissueCommandFromClientData	-	Reissue a transaction

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sReissueCommandFromClientData ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAClientData *		clientData;
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	if ( clientData == NULL )
		PANIC_NOW ( ( "No client data associated with this command.\n" ) );
	// Zero the command
	cmd->zeroCommand ( );
	// Rebuild the ATA command based on saved register state
	cmd->setOpcode 				( clientData->opCode );
	cmd->setFlags 				( clientData->flags );
	cmd->setUnit 				( clientData->self->fATAUnitID );
	cmd->setTimeoutMS 			( clientData->timeout );
	cmd->setCallbackPtr			( &IOATABlockStorageDriver::sHandleCommandCompletion );
	cmd->setRegMask				( clientData->regMask );
	cmd->setBuffer 				( clientData->buffer );
	cmd->setPosition 			( clientData->bufferOffset );
	cmd->setByteCount 			( clientData->numberOfBlocks * kATADefaultSectorSize );
	cmd->setTransferChunkSize 	( kATADefaultSectorSize );
	cmd->setFeatures 			( clientData->featuresReg );
	cmd->setSectorCount 		( clientData->sectorCount );	
	cmd->setSectorNumber 		( clientData->sectorNumber );	
	cmd->setCylLo 				( clientData->cylLow );
	cmd->setCylHi 				( clientData->cylHigh );
	cmd->setDevice_Head			( clientData->sdhReg );
	cmd->setCommand 			( clientData->command );

	if ( clientData->useExtendedLBA )
		IOExtendedLBA *		extLBA = cmd->getExtendedLBA ( );
		extLBA->setLBALow16 ( clientData->lbaLow16 );
		extLBA->setLBAMid16 ( clientData->lbaMid16 );
		extLBA->setLBAHigh16 ( clientData->lbaHigh16 );
		extLBA->setSectorCount16 ( clientData->sectorCount16 );
		extLBA->setFeatures16 ( clientData->features16 );
		extLBA->setDevice ( clientData->device );
		extLBA->setCommand ( clientData->command16 );
	clientData->self->fATADevice->executeCommand ( cmd );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "%ssReissueCommandFromClientData%s\n", "\033[33m", "\033[0m" ) );

//	¥ sSetCommandBuffers	-	Builds an ATA command based on passed in arguments

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sSetCommandBuffers ( IOATACommand *		cmd,
											  IOMemoryDescriptor * 	buffer,
											  IOByteCount			offset,
											  IOByteCount			numBlocks )
	ATAClientData *		clientData;
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	cmd->setBuffer 				( buffer );
	cmd->setPosition 			( offset );
	cmd->setByteCount 			( numBlocks * kATADefaultSectorSize );
	cmd->setTransferChunkSize 	( kATADefaultSectorSize );
	clientData->buffer 			= buffer;
	clientData->bufferOffset 	= offset;
	clientData->numberOfBlocks 	= numBlocks;

//	¥ sSaveStateData	-	Saves state data for executing commands

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sSaveStateData ( IOATACommand * cmd )
	ATAClientData *		clientData;
	clientData = ( ATAClientData * ) cmd->refCon;
	clientData->sectorCount		= cmd->getSectorCount ( );
	clientData->sectorNumber	= cmd->getSectorNumber ( );
	clientData->cylHigh			= cmd->getCylHi ( );
	clientData->cylLow			= cmd->getCylLo ( );
	clientData->sdhReg			= cmd->getDevice_Head ( );

//	¥ sValidateIdentifyData	-	Validates identify data by checksumming it

IOATABlockStorageDriver::sValidateIdentifyData ( UInt8 * deviceIdentifyData )
	IOReturn	status		= kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt8		checkSum 	= 0;
	UInt32		index		= 0;
	UInt16		offset		= kATAIdentifyIntegrity * sizeof ( UInt16 );
	if ( deviceIdentifyData[offset] == kChecksumValidCookie )
		for ( index = 0; index < 512; index++ )
			checkSum += deviceIdentifyData[index];
		if ( checkSum != 0 )
			IOLog ( "ATA Disk: Identify data is incorrect - bad checksum\n" );
	return status;