mutex.h   [plain text]

// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
*   Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines
*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// File:     mutex.h
// Lightweight C++ wrapper for umtx_ C mutex functions
// Author:   Alan Liu  1/31/97
// History:
// 06/04/97   helena         Updated setImplementation as per feedback from 5/21 drop.
// 04/07/1999  srl               refocused as a thin wrapper
#ifndef MUTEX_H
#define MUTEX_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "umutex.h"


  * Mutex is a helper class for convenient locking and unlocking of a UMutex.
  * Creating a local scope Mutex will lock a UMutex, holding the lock until the Mutex
  * goes out of scope.
  *  If no UMutex is specified, the ICU global mutex is implied.
  *  For example:
  *  UMutex *myMutex() {
  *    static UMutex *m = STATIC_NEW(UMutex);
  *    return m;
  *  }
  *  void Function(int arg1, int arg2)
  *  {
  *     static Object* foo;      // Shared read-write object
  *     Mutex mutex(myMutex());  // or no args for the global lock
  *     foo->Method();
  *     // When 'mutex' goes out of scope and gets destroyed here, the lock is released
  *  }
  *  Note:  Do NOT use the form 'Mutex mutex();' as that merely forward-declares a function
  *         returning a Mutex. This is a common mistake which silently slips through the
  *         compiler!!

class U_COMMON_API Mutex : public UMemory {
    Mutex(UMutex *mutex = nullptr) : fMutex(mutex) {
    ~Mutex() {

    Mutex(const Mutex &other) = delete; // forbid assigning of this class
    Mutex &operator=(const Mutex &other) = delete; // forbid copying of this class
    void *operator new(size_t s) = delete;  // forbid heap allocation. Locals only.

    UMutex   *fMutex;


#endif //_MUTEX_