ObsoleteApi.txt   [plain text]

DateFormat	EField	ICU 3.4 use UDateFormatField instead, since this API will be
ICULayoutEngine	(null)	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	~ICULayoutEngine	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	countGlyphs	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	createInstance	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getCharIndices	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getCharIndices	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getDynamicClassID	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getGlyphPosition	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getGlyphPositions	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getGlyphs	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	getStaticClassID	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	layoutChars	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
ICULayoutEngine	layoutString	ICU 3.0. Use LayoutEngine.h instead since this API will be removed in that release.
MessageFormat	EFormatNumber	ICU 3.0.  The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
MessageFormat	kMaxFormat	ICU 3.0.  The 10-argument limit was removed as of ICU 2.6,
Transliterator	countAvailableIDs	ICU 3.4 use getAvailableIDs() instead
Transliterator	getAvailableID	ICU 3.4 use getAvailableIDs() instead