Han_Spacedhan.txt   [plain text]

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# File: Han_Spacedhan.txt
# Generated from CLDR 

# Only intended for internal use
# Make sure Han are normalized, including characters that contain them.
# The first set in the filter is computed with http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=[:tonfkd:/XXX/:]-[:ideographic:]-[:sc=han:]
# Where XXX is the resolved [:ideographic:][:sc=han:]. It needs updating with each Unicode release!
:: [[㆒-㆟㈠-㉇㊀-㊰㋀-㋋㍘-㍰㍻-㍿㏠-㏾ 🈐-🈒🈔-🈺🉀-🉈🉐🉑][:ideographic:][:sc=han:]] nfkc;
:: fullwidth-halfwidth;
。 → '.';
$terminalPunct = [\.\,\:\;\?\!.,:?!。、;[:Pe:][:Pf:]];
$initialPunct = [:Ps:][:Pi:];
# add space between any Han or terminal punctuation and letters, and
# between letters and Han or initial punct
[[:Ideographic:] $terminalPunct] {} [:Letter:] → ' ' ;
[:Letter:] [:Mark:]* {} [[:Ideographic:] $initialPunct] → ' ' ;
# remove spacing between ideographs and other letters
← [:Ideographic:] { ' ' } [:Letter:] ;
← [:Letter:] [:Mark:]* { ' ' } [:Ideographic:] ;