hc_err.et   [plain text]

# Error messages for the heimcred library
# This might look like a com_err file, but is not
id "$Id$"

error_table hc

cfprefix kHeimCredError

error_code UnknownKey,		"Unknown key used"
error_code MissingSchemaKey,	"Schema key missing"
error_code NoSuchSchema,	"No such schema"
error_code NoItemsMatchesQuery, "No items matches query"
error_code MissingEntitlement,  "The caller is missing the required entitlement"
error_code CommandUnavailable,  "The requested command is unavailable on this platform"
error_code MissingRequiredValue,"Required value missing"
error_code UpdateNotAllowed,    "The requested attribute update is not allowed"

index 128
error_code ServerDisconnected,	"Credential cache server disconnected"
error_code ServerReturnedError, "Credential cache server returned an transport error"
