/*- * Copyright (c) 2013 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "HeimCredCoder.h" #import "heimcred.h" #import "common.h" #import "heimbase.h" #import "hc_err.h" /* * */ static bool validateObject(CFDictionaryRef, CFErrorRef *); static bool validateUpdate(CFDictionaryRef, CFDictionaryRef, CFErrorRef *); static void addErrorToReply(xpc_object_t, CFErrorRef); static CFTypeRef GetValidatedValue(CFDictionaryRef, CFStringRef, CFTypeID, CFErrorRef *); static void HCMakeError(CFErrorRef *, CFIndex, const void *const *, const void *const *, CFIndex); static CFTypeID getSessionTypeID(void); static struct HeimSession *HeimCredCopySession(int); static void handleDefaultCredentialUpdate(struct HeimSession *, HeimCredRef, CFDictionaryRef); /* * */ struct HeimSession { CFRuntimeBase runtime; uid_t session; CFMutableDictionaryRef items; CFMutableDictionaryRef defaultCredentials; int updateDefaultCredential; }; /* * */ struct HeimMech { CFRuntimeBase runtime; CFStringRef name; HeimCredStatusCallback statusCallback; HeimCredAuthCallback authCallback; }; static NSString *archivePath = NULL; static dispatch_queue_t runQueue; static void FlattenCredential(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { NSMutableDictionary *flatten = (NSMutableDictionary *)context; HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; id nskey = [HeimCredDecoder copyCF2NS:key]; id attrs = [HeimCredDecoder copyCF2NS:cred->attributes]; [flatten setObject:attrs forKey:nskey]; [nskey release]; [attrs release]; } static void FlattenSession(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { NSMutableDictionary *sf = (NSMutableDictionary *)context; id cf = NULL; @try { struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)value; cf = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(session->items, FlattenCredential, cf); [sf setObject:cf forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)session->session]]; } @catch(NSException * __unused e) { } @finally { [cf release]; } } static void storeCredCache(void) { id sf = NULL; @try { sf = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(HeimCredCTX.sessions, FlattenSession, sf); [HeimCredDecoder archiveRootObject:sf toFile:archivePath]; } @catch(NSException * __unused e) { } @finally { [sf release]; } } static uint64_t relative_nano_time(void) { static uint64_t factor; uint64_t now; now = mach_absolute_time(); if (factor == 0) { mach_timebase_info_data_t base; (void)mach_timebase_info(&base); factor = base.numer / base.denom; } return now * factor; } #define KRB5_KCM_NOTIFY_CACHE_CHANGED "com.apple.Kerberos.cache.changed" static void notifyChangedCaches(void) { static uint64_t last_change; static int notify_pending; #define NOTIFY_TIME_LIMIT (NSEC_PER_SEC / 2) dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ uint64_t now, diff; if (notify_pending) return; now = relative_nano_time(); if (now < last_change) diff = NOTIFY_TIME_LIMIT; else diff = now - last_change; if (diff >= NOTIFY_TIME_LIMIT) { notify_post(KRB5_KCM_NOTIFY_CACHE_CHANGED); last_change = now; } else { notify_pending = 1; /* wait up to deliver the event */ dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NOTIFY_TIME_LIMIT - diff), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ notify_pending = 0; last_change = relative_nano_time(); notify_post(KRB5_KCM_NOTIFY_CACHE_CHANGED); }); } }); } static bool HeimCredAssignMech(HeimCredRef cred, CFDictionaryRef attributes) { heim_assert(cred->mech == NULL, "HeimCredAssignMech already have a mech"); CFErrorRef error = NULL; CFStringRef mechName = GetValidatedValue(attributes, kHEIMAttrType, CFStringGetTypeID(), &error); if (mechName) { struct HeimMech *mech = (struct HeimMech *)CFDictionaryGetValue(HeimCredCTX.mechanisms, mechName); if (mech) { cred->mech = mech; return true; } } CFRELEASE_NULL(error); return false; } static bool sessionExists(pid_t asid) { #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE return true; #else auditinfo_addr_t aia; aia.ai_asid = asid; if (audit_get_sinfo_addr(&aia, sizeof(aia)) == 0) return true; return false; #endif } static void readCredCache(void) { @autoreleasepool { NSDictionary *sessions = NULL; @try { sessions = [HeimCredDecoder copyUnarchiveObjectWithFileSecureEncoding:archivePath]; if (!sessions || ![sessions isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) return; [sessions enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id skey, id svalue, BOOL *sstop) { int sessionID = [(NSNumber *)skey intValue]; if (!sessionExists(sessionID)) return; struct HeimSession *session = HeimCredCopySession(sessionID); if (session == NULL) return; NSDictionary *creds = (NSDictionary *)svalue; if (!creds || ![creds isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { CFRelease(session); return; } [creds enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id ckey, id cvalue, BOOL *cstop) { CFUUIDRef cfkey = [HeimCredDecoder copyNS2CF:ckey]; CFDictionaryRef cfvalue = [HeimCredDecoder copyNS2CF:cvalue]; if (cfkey && cfvalue) { HeimCredRef cred = HeimCredCreateItem(cfkey); if (HeimCredAssignMech(cred, cfvalue)) { cred->attributes = CFRetain(cfvalue); CFDictionarySetValue(session->items, cred->uuid, cred); handleDefaultCredentialUpdate(session, cred, cred->attributes); } else { /* dropping cred if mech assignment failed */ CFRelease(cred); } } CFRELEASE_NULL(cfkey); CFRELEASE_NULL(cfvalue); }]; CFRelease(session); }]; } @catch(NSException *e) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "readCredCache failed with: %s:%s", [[e name] UTF8String], [[e reason] UTF8String]); } } } struct peer { xpc_connection_t peer; CFStringRef bundleID; struct HeimSession *session; }; /* * Check if the credential (uuid) have an ACL and while not having an * ACL, walk up the parent chain and check if any other parents have * an ACL. */ static bool checkACLInCredentialChain(struct peer *peer, CFUUIDRef uuid, bool *hasACL) { int max_depth = 10; bool res = false; if (hasACL) *hasACL = false; if (CFGetTypeID(uuid) != CFUUIDGetTypeID()) { goto out; } while (1) { HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, uuid); CFUUIDRef parent; if (cred == NULL) goto pass; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); if (max_depth-- < 0) goto out; CFArrayRef array = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL); if (array) { CFIndex n, count; if (hasACL) *hasACL = true; if (CFGetTypeID(array) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) goto out; count = CFArrayGetCount(array); for (n = 0; n < count; n++) { CFStringRef prefix = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, n); if (CFGetTypeID(prefix) != CFStringGetTypeID()) goto out; #if !TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED if (CFEqual(prefix, CFSTR("*"))) goto pass; #endif if (CFEqual(peer->bundleID, prefix)) goto pass; NSPredicate *wildCardMatch = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self like %@", prefix]; BOOL matchFound = [wildCardMatch evaluateWithObject:(NSString *)peer->bundleID]; if (matchFound) goto pass; } if (n >= count) goto out; } parent = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (parent == NULL) goto out; if (CFEqual(parent, uuid)) break; uuid = parent; } pass: res = true; out: return res; } static bool addPeerToACL(struct peer *peer, CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs) { CFArrayRef acl = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL); if (acl == NULL || CFGetTypeID(acl) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) return false; if (!CFArrayContainsValue(acl, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(acl)), peer->bundleID)) { CFMutableArrayRef a = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, acl); if (a == NULL) return false; CFArrayAppendValue(a, peer->bundleID); CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL, a); CFRELEASE_NULL(a); } return true; } static void updateStoreTime(HeimCredRef cred, CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs) { CFDateRef date = CFDateCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()); if (date == NULL) return; CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrStoreTime, date); CFRelease(date); } static void handleDefaultCredentialUpdate(struct HeimSession *session, HeimCredRef cred, CFDictionaryRef attrs) { heim_assert(cred->mech != NULL, "mech is NULL, schame validation doesn't work ?"); CFUUIDRef oldDefault = CFDictionaryGetValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name); CFBooleanRef defaultCredential = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrDefaultCredential); if (defaultCredential == NULL || !CFBooleanGetValue(defaultCredential)) { if (oldDefault) return; } else { if (oldDefault) { /* * Drop marker on old credential */ HeimCredRef oldCred = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(session->items, oldDefault); if (oldCred) { CFMutableDictionaryRef oldCredAttrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, oldCred->attributes); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(oldCredAttrs, kHEIMAttrDefaultCredential); CFRELEASE_NULL(oldCred->attributes); oldCred->attributes = oldCredAttrs; } } } CFDictionarySetValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name, cred->uuid); notifyChangedCaches(); } static void handleDefaultCredentialDeletion(struct HeimSession *session, HeimCredRef cred) { CFUUIDRef defaultCredential = CFDictionaryGetValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name); if (defaultCredential && CFEqual(defaultCredential, cred->uuid)) CFDictionaryRemoveValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name); session->updateDefaultCredential = 1; } static void reElectCredential(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)context; if (CFDictionaryGetValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name)) return; if (CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential) != NULL) return; CFDictionarySetValue(session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name, cred->uuid); } static void reElectMechCredential(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct HeimMech *mech = (struct HeimMech *)value; struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)context; if (CFDictionaryGetValue(session->defaultCredentials, mech->name)) return; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(session->items, reElectCredential, session); if (CFDictionaryGetValue(session->defaultCredentials, mech->name)) { HeimCredCTX.needFlush = 1; } else { /* * If there is no default credential, make one up */ CFUUIDRef defcred = CFUUIDCreate(NULL); CFDictionarySetValue(session->defaultCredentials, mech->name, defcred); CFRelease(defcred); } notifyChangedCaches(); } static void reElectDefaultCredential(struct peer *peer) { if (!peer->session->updateDefaultCredential) return; peer->session->updateDefaultCredential = 0; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(HeimCredCTX.mechanisms, reElectMechCredential, peer->session); } #if TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED static bool canSetAnyBundleIDACL(struct peer *peer) { return CFStringCompare(CFSTR("com.apple.accountsd"), peer->bundleID, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo; } #endif static void do_CreateCred(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = NULL; HeimCredRef cred = NULL; CFUUIDRef uuid = NULL; bool hasACL = false; CFErrorRef error = NULL; CFBooleanRef lead; CFDictionaryRef attributes = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, "attributes", CFDictionaryGetTypeID()); if (attributes == NULL) goto out; if (!validateObject(attributes, &error)) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); goto out; } /* check if we are ok to link into this cred-tree */ { CFUUIDRef parentUUID = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (parentUUID != NULL && !checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, parentUUID, &hasACL)) goto out; } uuid = CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kHEIMAttrUUID); if (uuid) { CFRetain(uuid); if (CFGetTypeID(uuid) != CFUUIDGetTypeID()) goto out; if (CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, uuid) != NULL) goto out; } else { uuid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL); if (uuid == NULL) goto out; } cred = HeimCredCreateItem(uuid); if (cred == NULL) goto out; attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, attributes); if (attrs == NULL) goto out; bool hasACLInAttributes = addPeerToACL(peer, attrs); #if TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED if (hasACLInAttributes && !canSetAnyBundleIDACL(peer)) { CFArrayRef array = CFDictionaryGetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL); if (array == NULL || CFGetTypeID(array) != CFArrayGetTypeID() || CFArrayGetCount(array) != 1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "peer sent more then one bundle id and is not accountsd"); goto out; } } #endif /* * make sure this cred-tree as an ACL Set the ACL to be the peer * on ios, and on osx, its "*" since that is the default policy. * * XXX should use the default keychain rule for appsandboxed peers * on osx. */ if (!hasACL && !hasACLInAttributes) { #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE const void *values[1] = { (void *)peer->bundleID }; #else const void *values[1] = { CFSTR("*") }; #endif CFArrayRef array = CFArrayCreate(NULL, values, sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); heim_assert(array != NULL, "out of memory"); CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL, array); CFRELEASE_NULL(array); } CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrUUID, uuid); if (!validateObject(attrs, &error)) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); goto out; } if (!HeimCredAssignMech(cred, attrs)) { goto out; } updateStoreTime(cred, attrs); handleDefaultCredentialUpdate(peer->session, cred, attrs); cred->attributes = CFRetain(attrs); CFDictionarySetValue(peer->session->items, cred->uuid, cred); notifyChangedCaches(); HeimCredCTX.needFlush = 1; /* * If the default credential is unset or doesn't exists, switch to * the now just created lead credential. */ heim_assert(cred->mech != NULL, "mech is NULL, schame validation doesn't work ?"); CFUUIDRef defcred = CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name); if ((defcred == NULL || CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, defcred) == NULL) && (lead = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrLeadCredential)) && CFBooleanGetValue(lead)) { CFDictionarySetValue(peer->session->defaultCredentials, cred->mech->name, cred->uuid); } HeimCredMessageSetAttributes(reply, "attributes", cred->attributes); out: CFRELEASE_NULL(attrs); CFRELEASE_NULL(attributes); CFRELEASE_NULL(cred); CFRELEASE_NULL(uuid); CFRELEASE_NULL(error); } struct MatchCTX { struct peer *peer; CFMutableArrayRef results; CFDictionaryRef query; CFIndex numQueryItems; CFDictionaryRef attributes; CFIndex count; }; static void MatchQueryItem(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct MatchCTX * mc = (struct MatchCTX *)context; heim_assert(mc->attributes != NULL, "attributes NULL in MatchQueryItem"); /* * Exact matching for each rule, kCFNull matches when key is not set. */ CFTypeRef val = CFDictionaryGetValue(mc->attributes, key); if (val == NULL) { if (!CFEqual(kCFNull, value)) return; } else if (!CFEqual(val, value)) return; mc->count++; } static void MatchQueryCred(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct MatchCTX *mc = (struct MatchCTX *)context; CFUUIDRef uuid = (CFUUIDRef)key; if (!checkACLInCredentialChain(mc->peer, uuid, NULL)) return; HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); if (cred->attributes == NULL) return; mc->attributes = cred->attributes; mc->count = 0; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(mc->query, MatchQueryItem, mc); heim_assert(mc->numQueryItems >= mc->count, "cant have matched more then number of queries"); /* found a match */ if (mc->numQueryItems == mc->count) CFArrayAppendValue(mc->results, cred); } static void MatchQuerySchema(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct MatchCTX *mc = (struct MatchCTX *)context; CFDictionaryRef schema = (CFDictionaryRef)value; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(schema) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID(), "schema wrong type"); mc->attributes = schema; mc->count = 0; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(mc->query, MatchQueryItem, mc); heim_assert(mc->numQueryItems >= mc->count, "cant have matched more then number of queries"); /* found a match */ if (mc->numQueryItems == mc->count) CFArrayAppendValue(mc->results, schema); } static CFMutableArrayRef QueryCopy(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, const char *key) { struct MatchCTX mc = { .peer = peer, .results = NULL, .query = NULL, .attributes = NULL, }; CFErrorRef error = NULL; mc.query = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, key, CFDictionaryGetTypeID()); if (mc.query == NULL) goto out; mc.numQueryItems = CFDictionaryGetCount(mc.query); if (mc.numQueryItems == 1) { CFUUIDRef uuidref = CFDictionaryGetValue(mc.query, kHEIMAttrUUID); if (uuidref && CFGetTypeID(uuidref) == CFUUIDGetTypeID()) { if (!checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, uuidref, NULL)) goto out; HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, uuidref); if (cred == NULL) goto out; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); mc.results = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFArrayAppendValue(mc.results, cred); goto out; } } mc.results = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFStringRef type = GetValidatedValue(mc.query, kHEIMAttrType, CFStringGetTypeID(), &error); if (CFEqual(type, kHEIMTypeSchema)) CFDictionaryApplyFunction(HeimCredCTX.schemas, MatchQuerySchema, &mc); else CFDictionaryApplyFunction(peer->session->items, MatchQueryCred, &mc); out: CFRELEASE_NULL(error); CFRELEASE_NULL(mc.query); return mc.results; } struct child { CFUUIDRef parent; CFMutableArrayRef array; struct HeimSession *session; }; static void DeleteChild(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct child *child = (struct child *)context; if (CFEqual(key, child->parent)) return; HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); CFUUIDRef parent = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (parent && CFEqual(child->parent, parent)) { CFArrayAppendValue(child->array, cred->uuid); handleDefaultCredentialDeletion(child->session, cred); /* * Recurse over grandchildren too */ struct child grandchildren = { .parent = key, .array = child->array, .session = child->session, }; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(child->session->items, DeleteChild, &grandchildren); } } static void DeleteChildrenApplier(const void *value, void *context) { struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)context; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(value) == CFUUIDGetTypeID(), "Value not an CFUUIDRef"); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(session->items, value); } static void DeleteChildren(struct HeimSession *session, CFUUIDRef parent) { /* * delete all child entries for to UUID */ struct child child = { .parent = parent, .array = NULL, .session = session, }; child.array = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(session->items, DeleteChild, &child); CFArrayApplyFunction(child.array, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(child.array)), DeleteChildrenApplier, session); CFRelease(child.array); } struct fromto { CFUUIDRef from; CFUUIDRef to; }; static void UpdateParent(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct fromto *fromto = (struct fromto *)context; HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); CFUUIDRef parent = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (parent && CFEqual(parent, fromto->from)) { CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, cred->attributes); CFRelease(cred->attributes); CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kHEIMAttrParentCredential, fromto->to); cred->attributes = attrs; } } static void do_Delete(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFErrorRef error = NULL; CFArrayRef items = QueryCopy(peer, request, "query"); if (items == NULL || CFArrayGetCount(items) == 0) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(&error, kHeimCredErrorNoItemsMatchesQuery, keys, values, 1); goto out; } CFIndex n, count = CFArrayGetCount(items); for (n = 0; n < count; n++) { HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, n); heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(peer->session->items, cred->uuid); DeleteChildren(peer->session, cred->uuid); } notifyChangedCaches(); HeimCredCTX.needFlush = 1; out: if (error) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); CFRelease(error); } CFRELEASE_NULL(items); } static void updateCred(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)context; CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, key, value); } static void do_SetAttrs(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFUUIDRef uuid = HeimCredCopyUUID(request, "uuid"); CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs; CFErrorRef error = NULL; if (uuid == NULL) return; if (!checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, uuid, NULL)) { CFRelease(uuid); return; } HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, uuid); CFRelease(uuid); if (cred == NULL) return; heim_assert(CFGetTypeID(cred) == HeimCredGetTypeID(), "cred wrong type"); if (cred->attributes) { attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, cred->attributes); if (attrs == NULL) return; } else { attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); } CFDictionaryRef replacementAttrs = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, "attributes", CFDictionaryGetTypeID()); if (replacementAttrs == NULL) { CFRelease(attrs); goto out; } if (validateUpdate(attrs, replacementAttrs, &error)) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); goto out; } CFDictionaryApplyFunction(replacementAttrs, updateCred, attrs); CFRELEASE_NULL(replacementAttrs); if (!validateObject(attrs, &error)) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); goto out; } handleDefaultCredentialUpdate(peer->session, cred, attrs); /* make sure the current caller is on the ACL list */ addPeerToACL(peer, attrs); CFRELEASE_NULL(cred->attributes); cred->attributes = attrs; out: CFRELEASE_NULL(error); } static void do_Fetch(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFUUIDRef uuid = HeimCredCopyUUID(request, "uuid"); if (uuid == NULL) return; if (!checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, uuid, NULL)) { CFRelease(uuid); return; } HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, uuid); CFRelease(uuid); if (cred == NULL) return; /* XXX filter the attributes */ HeimCredMessageSetAttributes(reply, "attributes", cred->attributes); } static CFComparisonResult orderLeadFirst(const void *val1, const void *val2, void *context) { HeimCredRef cred1 = (HeimCredRef)val1; HeimCredRef cred2 = (HeimCredRef)val2; CFTypeRef uuid1 = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred1->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); CFTypeRef uuid2 = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred2->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (uuid1 && uuid2 && CFEqual(uuid1, uuid2)) { CFBooleanRef lead1 = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred1->attributes, kHEIMAttrLeadCredential); CFBooleanRef lead2 = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred2->attributes, kHEIMAttrLeadCredential); if (lead1 && CFBooleanGetValue(lead1)) return kCFCompareLessThan; if (lead2 && CFBooleanGetValue(lead2)) return kCFCompareGreaterThan; } CFErrorRef error = NULL; CFDateRef authTime1 = GetValidatedValue(cred1->attributes, kHEIMAttrStoreTime, CFDateGetTypeID(), &error); CFRELEASE_NULL(error); CFDateRef authTime2 = GetValidatedValue(cred2->attributes, kHEIMAttrStoreTime, CFDateGetTypeID(), &error); CFRELEASE_NULL(error); if (authTime1 && authTime2) return CFDateCompare(authTime1, authTime2, NULL); CFIndex hash1 = CFHash(cred1->uuid); CFIndex hash2 = CFHash(cred2->uuid); if (hash1 < hash2) return kCFCompareLessThan; return kCFCompareGreaterThan; } static void do_Query(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFMutableArrayRef array = NULL; CFErrorRef error = NULL; reElectDefaultCredential(peer); CFMutableArrayRef items = QueryCopy(peer, request, "query"); if (items == NULL) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(&error, kHeimCredErrorNoItemsMatchesQuery, keys, values, 1); goto out; } array = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); if (array == NULL) { goto out; } CFIndex n, count = CFArrayGetCount(items); if (count > 1) CFArraySortValues(items, CFRangeMake(0, count), orderLeadFirst, NULL); for (n = 0; n < count; n++) { HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, n); CFArrayAppendValue(array, cred->uuid); } CFRELEASE_NULL(items); HeimCredMessageSetAttributes(reply, "items", array); out: if (error) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); CFRelease(error); } CFRELEASE_NULL(array); CFRELEASE_NULL(items); } static void do_GetDefault(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFErrorRef error = NULL; reElectDefaultCredential(peer); CFStringRef mechName = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, "mech", CFStringGetTypeID()); if (mechName == NULL) { HCMakeError(&error, kHeimCredErrorNoItemsMatchesQuery, NULL, NULL, 0); goto out; } CFUUIDRef defCred = CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->defaultCredentials, mechName); if (defCred == NULL) { /* * If there is is no credential, try to elect one */ peer->session->updateDefaultCredential = 1; reElectDefaultCredential(peer); defCred = CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->defaultCredentials, mechName); if (defCred == NULL) { HCMakeError(&error, kHeimCredErrorNoItemsMatchesQuery, NULL, NULL, 0); goto out; } } HeimCredMessageSetAttributes(reply, "default", defCred); out: if (error) { addErrorToReply(reply, error); CFRelease(error); } } static void do_Move(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { CFUUIDRef from = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, "from", CFUUIDGetTypeID()); CFUUIDRef to = HeimCredMessageCopyAttributes(request, "to", CFUUIDGetTypeID()); if (from == NULL || to == NULL || CFEqual(from, to)) { CFRELEASE_NULL(from); CFRELEASE_NULL(to); return; } if (!checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, from, NULL) || !checkACLInCredentialChain(peer, to, NULL)) { CFRelease(from); CFRelease(to); return; } HeimCredRef credfrom = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, from); HeimCredRef credto = (HeimCredRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(peer->session->items, to); if (credfrom == NULL) { CFRelease(from); CFRelease(to); return; } heim_assert(credfrom != credto, "must not be same"); CFMutableDictionaryRef newattrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, credfrom->attributes); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(peer->session->items, from); credfrom = NULL; CFDictionarySetValue(newattrs, kHEIMAttrUUID, to); if (credto == NULL) { credto = HeimCredCreateItem(to); heim_assert(credto != NULL, "out of memory"); HeimCredAssignMech(credto, newattrs); credto->attributes = newattrs; CFDictionarySetValue(peer->session->items, credto->uuid, credto); CFRelease(credto); } else { CFUUIDRef parentUUID = CFDictionaryGetValue(credto->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential); if (parentUUID) CFDictionarySetValue(newattrs, kHEIMAttrParentCredential, parentUUID); CFRELEASE_NULL(credto->attributes); credto->attributes = newattrs; } /* * delete all child entries for to UUID */ DeleteChildren(peer->session, to); /* * update all child entries for from UUID */ struct fromto fromto = { .from = from, .to = to, }; CFDictionaryApplyFunction(peer->session->items, UpdateParent, &fromto); notifyChangedCaches(); HeimCredCTX.needFlush = 1; } static void StatusCredential(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { HeimCredRef cred = (HeimCredRef)value; xpc_object_t sc = (xpc_object_t)context; char *s; if (CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrParentCredential) != NULL) return; xpc_object_t xc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); CFStringRef us = CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, cred->uuid); s = rk_cfstring2cstring(us); CFRelease(us); xpc_dictionary_set_value(sc, s, xc); xpc_release(xc); free(s); CFStringRef name = CFDictionaryGetValue(cred->attributes, kHEIMAttrClientName); if (name) { s = rk_cfstring2cstring(name); xpc_dictionary_set_string(xc, "name", s); free(s); } s = rk_cfstring2cstring(cred->mech->name); xpc_dictionary_set_string(xc, "mech", s); free(s); } static void StatusSession(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)value; xpc_object_t ss = (xpc_object_t)context; xpc_object_t sc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(session->items, StatusCredential, sc); CFStringRef sessionID = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@"), key); char *s = rk_cfstring2cstring(sessionID); xpc_dictionary_set_value(ss, s, sc); free(s); xpc_release(sc); CFRelease(sessionID); } static bool haveBooleanEntitlement(struct peer *peer, const char *entitlement) { bool res = false; xpc_object_t ent = xpc_connection_copy_entitlement_value(peer->peer, entitlement); if (ent) { if (xpc_get_type(ent) == XPC_TYPE_BOOL && xpc_bool_get_value(ent)) res = true; xpc_release(ent); } return res; } static void do_Status(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t request, xpc_object_t reply) { uid_t uid = xpc_connection_get_euid(peer->peer); struct stat sb; if (uid == 0 || haveBooleanEntitlement(peer, "com.apple.private.gssapi.credential-introspection")) { xpc_object_t ss = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(HeimCredCTX.sessions, StatusSession, ss); xpc_dictionary_set_value(reply, "items", ss); xpc_release(ss); } if (stat([archivePath UTF8String], &sb) == 0) { xpc_dictionary_set_int64(reply, "cache-size", (int64_t)sb.st_size); } else { xpc_dictionary_set_int64(reply, "cache-size", 0); } } static void GSSCred_peer_event_handler(struct peer *peer, xpc_object_t event) { xpc_object_t reply = NULL; xpc_type_t type = xpc_get_type(event); if (type == XPC_TYPE_ERROR) return; assert(type == XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY); /* * Check if we are impersonating a different bundle */ const char *bundleString = xpc_dictionary_get_string(event, "impersonate"); if (bundleString) { CFStringRef bundle = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (UInt8 *)bundleString, strlen(bundleString), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false); if (bundle && !CFEqual(peer->bundleID, bundle)) { if (haveBooleanEntitlement(peer, "com.apple.private.accounts.bundleidspoofing")) { CFRelease(peer->bundleID); peer->bundleID = CFRetain(bundle); } else { xpc_connection_cancel(peer->peer); CFRelease(bundle); return; } } CFRelease(bundle); } const char *cmd = xpc_dictionary_get_string(event, "command"); if (cmd == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "peer sent invalid no command"); xpc_connection_cancel(peer->peer); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "wakeup") == 0) { } else if (strcmp(cmd, "create") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_CreateCred(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "delete") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_Delete(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "setattributes") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_SetAttrs(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "fetch") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_Fetch(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "move") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_Move(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "query") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_Query(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "default") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_GetDefault(peer, event, reply); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "retain-transient") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "release-transient") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "status") == 0) { reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event); do_Status(peer, event, reply); } else { syslog(LOG_ERR, "peer sent invalid command %s", cmd); xpc_connection_cancel(peer->peer); } if (reply) { xpc_connection_send_message(peer->peer, reply); xpc_release(reply); } if (HeimCredCTX.needFlush) { HeimCredCTX.needFlush = false; if (!HeimCredCTX.flushPending) { HeimCredCTX.flushPending = true; xpc_transaction_begin(); dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 5LL * NSEC_PER_SEC), runQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool { HeimCredCTX.flushPending = false; storeCredCache(); xpc_transaction_end(); } }); } } } static void peer_final(void *ptr) { struct peer *peer = ptr; CFRELEASE_NULL(peer->bundleID); CFRELEASE_NULL(peer->session); free(peer); } static CFStringRef CopySigningIdentitier(xpc_connection_t conn) { #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR char path[MAXPATHLEN]; CFStringRef ident = NULL; const char *str = NULL; /* simulator binaries are not codesigned, fake it */ if (proc_pidpath(getpid(), path, sizeof(path)) > 0) { xpc_bundle_t bundle = xpc_bundle_create(path, XPC_BUNDLE_FROM_PATH); if (bundle) { xpc_object_t xdict = xpc_bundle_get_info_dictionary(bundle); if (xdict) { str = xpc_dictionary_get_string(xdict, "CFBundleIdentifier"); if (str) ident = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%s"), str); } xpc_release(bundle); } /* * If not a bundle, its a command line tool, lets use com.apple.$(basename) */ if (ident == NULL) { str = strrchr(path, '/'); if (str) { str++; ident = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("com.apple.%s"), str); } } } if (ident == NULL) ident = CFSTR("iphonesimulator"); return ident; #else CFStringRef res; uint8_t header[8] = { 0 }; uint32_t len; audit_token_t audit_token; pid_t pid; pid = xpc_connection_get_pid(conn); xpc_connection_get_audit_token(conn, &audit_token); int rcent = csops_audittoken(pid, CS_OPS_IDENTITY, header, sizeof(header), &audit_token); if (rcent != -1 || errno != ERANGE) return NULL; memcpy(&len, &header[4], 4); len = ntohl(len); if (len > 1024 * 1024) return NULL; else if (len == 0) return NULL; uint8_t *buffer = malloc(len); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; rcent = csops_audittoken(pid, CS_OPS_IDENTITY, buffer, len, &audit_token); if (rcent != 0) { free(buffer); return NULL; } char *p = (char *)buffer; if (len > 8) { p += 8; len -= 8; } else return NULL; if (p[len - 1] != '\0') { free(buffer); return NULL; } res = CFStringCreateWithBytes(NULL, (UInt8 *)p, len - 1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false); free(buffer); return res; #endif } /* * */ static struct HeimSession * HeimCredCopySession(int sessionID) { struct HeimSession *session; CFNumberRef sid; sid = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &sessionID); heim_assert(sid != NULL, "out of memory"); session = (struct HeimSession *)CFDictionaryGetValue(HeimCredCTX.sessions, sid); if (session) { CFRelease(sid); CFRetain(session); return session; } CFTypeID sessionTID = getSessionTypeID(); heim_assert(sessionTID != _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID, "could not register cftype"); session = (struct HeimSession *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(NULL, sessionTID, sizeof(struct HeimSession) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), NULL); heim_assert(session != NULL, "out of memory while registering HeimMech instance"); session->session = sessionID; session->items = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); session->defaultCredentials = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); session->updateDefaultCredential = 0; CFDictionarySetValue(HeimCredCTX.sessions, sid, session); CFRelease(sid); return session; } /* * */ static void GSSCred_event_handler(xpc_connection_t peerconn) { struct peer *peer; peer = calloc(1, sizeof(*peer)); heim_assert(peer != NULL, "out of memory"); peer->peer = peerconn; peer->bundleID = CopySigningIdentitier(peerconn); if (peer->bundleID == NULL) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; if (proc_pidpath(getpid(), path, sizeof(path)) <= 0) path[0] = '\0'; syslog(LOG_ERR, "client[pid-%d] \"%s\" is not signed", (int)xpc_connection_get_pid(peerconn), path); #if TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED free(peer); xpc_connection_cancel(peerconn); return; #else peer->bundleID = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("unsigned-binary-path:%s-end"), path); heim_assert(peer->bundleID != NULL, "out of memory"); #endif } peer->session = HeimCredCopySession(xpc_connection_get_asid(peerconn)); heim_assert(peer->session != NULL, "out of memory"); xpc_connection_set_context(peerconn, peer); xpc_connection_set_finalizer_f(peerconn, peer_final); xpc_connection_set_event_handler(peerconn, ^(xpc_object_t event) { GSSCred_peer_event_handler(peer, event); }); xpc_connection_set_target_queue(peerconn, runQueue); xpc_connection_resume(peerconn); } static void addErrorToReply(xpc_object_t reply, CFErrorRef error) { if (error == NULL) return; xpc_object_t xe = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_int64(xe, "error-code", CFErrorGetCode(error)); xpc_dictionary_set_value(reply, "error", xe); xpc_release(xe); } /* * */ static CFStringRef debug_session(CFTypeRef cf) { return CFSTR("debugsession"); } static void release_session(CFTypeRef cf) { struct HeimSession *session = (struct HeimSession *)cf; CFRELEASE_NULL(session->items); CFRELEASE_NULL(session->defaultCredentials); } static CFTypeID getSessionTypeID(void) { static CFTypeID haid = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID; static dispatch_once_t inited; dispatch_once(&inited, ^{ static const CFRuntimeClass HeimCredSessionClass = { 0, "HeimCredSession", NULL, NULL, release_session, NULL, NULL, NULL, debug_session }; haid = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&HeimCredSessionClass); }); return haid; } /* * */ static CFStringRef debug_mech(CFTypeRef cf) { return CFSTR("debugmech"); } static void release_mech(CFTypeRef cf) { struct HeimMech *mech = (struct HeimMech *)cf; CFRELEASE_NULL(mech->name); } static CFTypeID getMechTypeID(void) { static CFTypeID haid = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID; static dispatch_once_t inited; dispatch_once(&inited, ^{ static const CFRuntimeClass HeimCredMechanismClass = { 0, "HeimCredMechanism", NULL, NULL, release_mech, NULL, NULL, NULL, debug_mech }; haid = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&HeimCredMechanismClass); }); return haid; } /* * */ static CFTypeRef GetValidatedValue(CFDictionaryRef object, CFStringRef key, CFTypeID requiredTypeID, CFErrorRef *error) { heim_assert(error != NULL, "error ptr required"); CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(object, key); if (value == NULL) return NULL; if (CFGetTypeID(value) != requiredTypeID) return NULL; return value; } struct validate { CFDictionaryRef schema; CFDictionaryRef object; CFDictionaryRef updates; CFTypeID subTypeID; CFErrorRef *error; bool valid; }; #define kHeimCredErrorDomain CFSTR("com.apple.GSS.credential-store") static void HCMakeError(CFErrorRef *error, CFIndex code, const void *const *keys, const void *const *values, CFIndex num) { if (*error != NULL) return; *error = CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(NULL, kHeimCredErrorDomain, code, keys, values, num); } static void ValidateKey(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct validate *ctx = (struct validate *)context; CFStringRef rule; if (!ctx->valid) { return; } rule = GetValidatedValue(ctx->schema, key, CFStringGetTypeID(), ctx->error); if (rule == NULL) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("Key"), CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { key, kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(ctx->error, kHeimCredErrorUnknownKey, keys, values, 2); ctx->valid = false; syslog(LOG_ERR, "unknown key"); return; } return; } static bool StringContains(CFStringRef haystack, CFStringRef needle) { if (CFStringFind(haystack, needle, 0).location == kCFNotFound) return false; return true; } static CFTypeID GetTypeFromSchemaRule(CFStringRef key, CFStringRef rule, bool typeLevelType) { if (typeLevelType && StringContains(rule, CFSTR("a"))) return CFArrayGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("s"))) return CFStringGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("u"))) return CFUUIDGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("d"))) return CFDataGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("b"))) return CFBooleanGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("t"))) return CFDateGetTypeID(); else if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("n"))) return CFNumberGetTypeID(); heim_abort("key %s have a broken rule %s", rk_cfstring2cstring(rule), rk_cfstring2cstring(key)); } static void ValidateSubtype(const void *value, void *context) { struct validate *ctx = (struct validate *)context; if (CFGetTypeID(value) != ctx->subTypeID) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(ctx->error, kHeimCredErrorUnknownKey, keys, values, 1); ctx->valid = false; } } static void ValidateSchema(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct validate *ctx = (struct validate *)context; CFStringRef rule = value; CFTypeRef ov; if (!ctx->valid) { return; } if (CFEqual(kHEIMObjectType, key)) return; ov = CFDictionaryGetValue(ctx->object, key); if (ov == NULL) { if (StringContains(rule, CFSTR("R"))) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("Key"), CFSTR("Rule"), CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { key, rule, kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(ctx->error, kHeimCredErrorMissingSchemaKey, keys, values, 3); ctx->valid = false; syslog(LOG_ERR, "key missing key"); } } else { CFTypeID expectedType = GetTypeFromSchemaRule(key, rule, true); if (expectedType != CFGetTypeID(ov)) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("Key"), CFSTR("Rule"), CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { key, rule, kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(ctx->error, kHeimCredErrorMissingSchemaKey, keys, values, 3); ctx->valid = false; syslog(LOG_ERR, "key have wrong type key"); } if (expectedType == CFArrayGetTypeID()) { ctx->subTypeID = GetTypeFromSchemaRule(key, rule, false); CFArrayApplyFunction(ov, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(ov)), ValidateSubtype, ctx); } } } static CFDictionaryRef getObjectSchema(CFDictionaryRef object, CFErrorRef *error) { CFDictionaryRef schema = NULL; CFStringRef type = GetValidatedValue(object, kHEIMObjectType, CFStringGetTypeID(), error); if (type == NULL) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(error, kHeimCredErrorMissingSchemaKey, keys, values, 1); return false; } schema = GetValidatedValue(HeimCredCTX.schemas, type, CFDictionaryGetTypeID(), error); if (schema == NULL) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(error, kHeimCredErrorNoSuchSchema, keys, values, 1); return false; } return schema; } static bool validateObject(CFDictionaryRef object, CFErrorRef *error) { heim_assert(error != NULL, "why you bother validating if you wont report the error to the user"); struct validate ctx = { .object = object, .updates = NULL, .valid = true, .error = error }; ctx.schema = getObjectSchema(object, error); if (ctx.schema == NULL) { return false; } /* XXX validate with schema to see that all required attributes are applied */ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(object, ValidateKey, &ctx); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(ctx.schema, ValidateSchema, &ctx); return ctx.valid; } static void ValidateOverwrite(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { struct validate *ctx = (struct validate *)context; CFStringRef rule = value; CFTypeRef ov; if (!ctx->valid) { return; } ov = CFDictionaryGetValue(ctx->updates, key); if (ov && StringContains(rule, CFSTR("O"))) { const void *const keys[] = { CFSTR("CommonErrorCode") }; const void *const values[] = { kCFBooleanTrue }; HCMakeError(ctx->error, kHeimCredErrorOverwriteNotAllowed, keys, values, 1); ctx->valid = false; return; } } static bool validateUpdate(CFDictionaryRef object, CFDictionaryRef updates, CFErrorRef *error) { heim_assert(error != NULL, "why you bother validating if you wont report the error to the user"); struct validate ctx = { .object = object, .updates = updates, .valid = true, .error = error }; ctx.schema = getObjectSchema(object, error); if (ctx.schema == NULL) { return false; } CFDictionaryApplyFunction(ctx.schema, ValidateOverwrite, &ctx); return ctx.valid; } static void ValidateSchemaAtRegistration(const void *key, const void *value, void *context) { if (CFEqual(kHEIMObjectType, key)) return; CFTypeID schemaID = GetTypeFromSchemaRule(key, value, true); /* will abort if rule is broken */ CFStringRef globalValue = CFDictionaryGetValue(HeimCredCTX.globalSchema, key); if (globalValue == NULL) { CFDictionarySetValue(HeimCredCTX.globalSchema, key, value); } else { CFTypeID globalID = GetTypeFromSchemaRule(key, globalValue, true); if (globalID != schemaID) { heim_abort("two schemas have different type for the same key %d != %d (%s)", (int)globalID, (int)schemaID, rk_cfstring2cstring(key)); } } } static void registerSchema(const void *value, void *context) { CFDictionaryRef schema = (CFDictionaryRef)value; CFStringRef typeName = CFDictionaryGetValue(schema, kHEIMObjectType); CFTypeRef other; heim_assert(typeName != NULL, "schema w/o kHEIMObjectType ?"); other = CFDictionaryGetValue(HeimCredCTX.schemas, typeName); heim_assert(other == NULL, "schema already registered"); CFDictionaryApplyFunction(schema, ValidateSchemaAtRegistration, NULL); CFDictionarySetValue(HeimCredCTX.schemas, typeName, schema); } void _HeimCredRegisterMech(CFStringRef name, CFSetRef schemas, HeimCredStatusCallback statusCallback, HeimCredAuthCallback authCallback) { struct HeimMech *mech; mech = (struct HeimMech *)CFDictionaryGetValue(HeimCredCTX.mechanisms, name); heim_assert(mech == NULL, "mech already registered"); CFTypeID mechID = getMechTypeID(); heim_assert(mechID != _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID, "could not register cftype"); mech = (struct HeimMech *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(NULL, mechID, sizeof(struct HeimMech) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), NULL); heim_assert(mech != NULL, "out of memory while registering HeimMech instance"); mech->name = CFRetain(name); mech->statusCallback = statusCallback; mech->authCallback = authCallback; CFDictionarySetValue(HeimCredCTX.mechanisms, name, mech); CFSetApplyFunction(schemas, registerSchema, NULL); } /* * schema rules: * R - required * G - generate * O - no overwrite * s - string * ax - array of x * u - uuid * d - data * b - boolean * t - time/date * */ CFMutableDictionaryRef _HeimCredCreateBaseSchema(CFStringRef objectType) { CFMutableDictionaryRef schema = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrType, kHEIMTypeSchema); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMObjectType, objectType); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrType, CFSTR("ROs")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrClientName, CFSTR("s")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrServerName, CFSTR("s")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrUUID, CFSTR("GOu")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrDisplayName, CFSTR("s")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrCredential, CFSTR("b")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrLeadCredential, CFSTR("b")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrParentCredential, CFSTR("u")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrBundleIdentifierACL, CFSTR("Oas")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrDefaultCredential, CFSTR("b")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrAuthTime, CFSTR("t")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrStoreTime, CFSTR("Gt")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrData, CFSTR("d")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrRetainStatus, CFSTR("n")); #if 0 CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrTransient, CFSTR("b")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrAllowedDomain, CFSTR("as")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrStatus, CFSTR("")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrExpire, CFSTR("t")); CFDictionarySetValue(schema, kHEIMAttrRenewTill, CFSTR("t")); #endif return schema; } static void _HeimCredRegisterGeneric(void) { CFMutableSetRef set; CFMutableDictionaryRef schema; set = CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); schema = _HeimCredCreateBaseSchema(kHEIMObjectGeneric); CFSetAddValue(set, schema); CFRelease(schema); _HeimCredRegisterMech(kHEIMTypeGeneric, set, NULL, NULL); CFRelease(set); } static void _HeimCredRegisterConfiguration(void) { CFMutableSetRef set; CFMutableDictionaryRef schema; set = CFSetCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); schema = _HeimCredCreateBaseSchema(kHEIMObjectConfiguration); CFSetAddValue(set, schema); CFRelease(schema); _HeimCredRegisterMech(kHEIMTypeConfiguration, set, NULL, NULL); CFRelease(set); } #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE /* * */ static void GSSCred_session_handler(xpc_connection_t peerconn) { audit_token_t token; uid_t uid; xpc_connection_get_audit_token(peerconn, &token); uid = xpc_connection_get_euid(peerconn); if (HeimCredCTX.session != xpc_connection_get_asid(peerconn) && uid != 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "client[pid-%d] is not in same session or root", (int)xpc_connection_get_pid(peerconn)); xpc_connection_cancel(peerconn); return; } /* acquire credential here */ xpc_connection_cancel(peerconn); } #endif /* * We don't need to hold a xpc_transaction over this session, since if * we get killed in the middle of deleting credentials, we'll catch * that when we start up again. */ static void SessionMonitor(void) { au_sdev_handle_t *h; dispatch_queue_t bgq; h = au_sdev_open(AU_SDEVF_ALLSESSIONS); if (h == NULL) return; bgq = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0); dispatch_async(bgq, ^{ for (;;) { auditinfo_addr_t aio; int event; if (au_sdev_read_aia(h, &event, &aio) != 0) continue; /* * Ignore everything but END. This should relly be * CLOSE but since that is delayed until the credential * is reused, we can't do that * */ if (event != AUE_SESSION_END) continue; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ int sessionID = aio.ai_asid; CFNumberRef sid = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberIntType, &sessionID); heim_assert(sid != NULL, "out of memory"); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(HeimCredCTX.sessions, sid); CFRelease(sid); }); } }); } /* * */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { xpc_connection_t conn; /* Tell logd we're special */ os_log_set_client_type(OS_LOG_CLIENT_TYPE_LOGD_DEPENDENCY, 0); #if TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED char *error = NULL; if (sandbox_init("com.apple.GSSCred", SANDBOX_NAMED, &error)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to enter sandbox: %s", error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif HeimCredCTX.mechanisms = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); heim_assert(HeimCredCTX.mechanisms != NULL, "out of memory"); HeimCredCTX.schemas = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); heim_assert(HeimCredCTX.schemas != NULL, "out of memory"); HeimCredCTX.globalSchema = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); heim_assert(HeimCredCTX.globalSchema != NULL, "out of memory"); _HeimCredRegisterGeneric(); _HeimCredRegisterConfiguration(); _HeimCredRegisterKerberos(); _HeimCredRegisterNTLM(); CFRELEASE_NULL(HeimCredCTX.globalSchema); #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR archivePath = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@/Library/Caches/com.apple.GSSCred.simulator-archive", NSHomeDirectory()]; #else archivePath = @"/var/db/heim-credential-store.archive"; #endif #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE char *instanceId = getenv(LAUNCH_ENV_INSTANCEID); if (instanceId) { /* * Pull out uuid and session stored in the sessionUUID */ uuid_t sessionUUID; if (uuid_parse(instanceId, (void *)&sessionUUID) != 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "can't parse LAUNCH_ENV_INSTANCEID as a uuid"); return 2; } uid_t auid; memcpy(&auid, &sessionUUID, sizeof(auid)); HeimCredCTX.session = ntohl(auid); if (HeimCredCTX.session == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "0 is not a valid session"); return 3; } /* * Join that session */ mach_port_name_t session_port; int ret = audit_session_port(HeimCredCTX.session, &session_port); if (ret) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "could not get audit session port for %d: %s", HeimCredCTX.session, strerror(errno)); return 4; } audit_session_join(session_port); mach_port_deallocate(current_task(), session_port); conn = xpc_connection_create_mach_service("com.apple.GSSCred", dispatch_get_main_queue(), XPC_CONNECTION_MACH_SERVICE_LISTENER); xpc_connection_set_event_handler(conn, ^(xpc_object_t object){ GSSCred_session_handler(object); }); } else #endif { _HeimCredInitCommon(); SessionMonitor(); readCredCache(); runQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.apple.GSSCred", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); heim_assert(runQueue != NULL, "dispatch_queue_create failed"); conn = xpc_connection_create_mach_service("com.apple.GSSCred", runQueue, XPC_CONNECTION_MACH_SERVICE_LISTENER); xpc_connection_set_event_handler(conn, ^(xpc_object_t object){ GSSCred_event_handler(object); }); } xpc_connection_resume(conn); dispatch_main(); }