git-remote-ext.1   [plain text]

'\" t
.\"     Title: git-remote-ext
.\"    Author: [FIXME: author] [see]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <>
.\"      Date: 09/02/2016
.\"    Manual: Git Manual
.\"    Source: Git 2.10.0
.\"  Language: English
.TH "GIT\-REMOTE\-EXT" "1" "09/02/2016" "Git 2\&.10\&.0" "Git Manual"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" * set default formatting
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
.ad l
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
git-remote-ext \- Bridge smart transport to external command\&.
git remote add <nick> "ext::<command>[ <arguments>\&...]"
This remote helper uses the specified \fI<command>\fR to connect to a remote Git server\&.
Data written to stdin of the specified \fI<command>\fR is assumed to be sent to a git:// server, git\-upload\-pack, git\-receive\-pack or git\-upload\-archive (depending on situation), and data read from stdout of <command> is assumed to be received from the same service\&.
Command and arguments are separated by an unescaped space\&.
The following sequences have a special meaning:
\(aq% \(aq
.RS 4
Literal space in command or argument\&.
.RS 4
Literal percent sign\&.
.RS 4
Replaced with name (receive\-pack, upload\-pack, or upload\-archive) of the service Git wants to invoke\&.
.RS 4
Replaced with long name (git\-receive\-pack, git\-upload\-pack, or git\-upload\-archive) of the service Git wants to invoke\&.
\fI%G\fR (must be the first characters in an argument)
.RS 4
This argument will not be passed to
\fI<command>\fR\&. Instead, it will cause the helper to start by sending git:// service requests to the remote side with the service field set to an appropriate value and the repository field set to rest of the argument\&. Default is not to send such a request\&.
This is useful if remote side is git:// server accessed over some tunnel\&.
\fI%V\fR (must be first characters in argument)
.RS 4
This argument will not be passed to
\fI<command>\fR\&. Instead it sets the vhost field in the git:// service request (to rest of the argument)\&. Default is not to send vhost in such request (if sent)\&.
.RS 4
If set, prints debugging information about various reads/writes\&.
.RS 4
Set to long name (git\-upload\-pack, etc\&...) of service helper needs to invoke\&.
.RS 4
Set to long name (upload\-pack, etc\&...) of service helper needs to invoke\&.
This remote helper is transparently used by Git when you use commands such as "git fetch <URL>", "git clone <URL>", , "git push <URL>" or "git remote add <nick> <URL>", where <URL> begins with \fBext::\fR\&. Examples:
"ext::ssh \-i /home/foo/\&.ssh/somekey user@host\&.example %S \fIfoo/repo\fR"
.RS 4
Like host\&.example:foo/repo, but use /home/foo/\&.ssh/somekey as keypair and user as user on remote side\&. This avoids needing to edit \&.ssh/config\&.
"ext::socat \-t3600 \- ABSTRACT\-CONNECT:/git\-server %G/somerepo"
.RS 4
Represents repository with path /somerepo accessible over git protocol at abstract namespace address /git\-server\&.
"ext::git\-server\-alias foo %G/repo"
.RS 4
Represents a repository with path /repo accessed using the helper program "git\-server\-alias foo"\&. The path to the repository and type of request are not passed on the command line but as part of the protocol stream, as usual with git:// protocol\&.
"ext::git\-server\-alias foo %G/repo %Vfoo"
.RS 4
Represents a repository with path /repo accessed using the helper program "git\-server\-alias foo"\&. The hostname for the remote server passed in the protocol stream will be "foo" (this allows multiple virtual Git servers to share a link\-level address)\&.
"ext::git\-server\-alias foo %G/repo% with% spaces %Vfoo"
.RS 4
Represents a repository with path
\fI/repo with spaces\fR
accessed using the helper program "git\-server\-alias foo"\&. The hostname for the remote server passed in the protocol stream will be "foo" (this allows multiple virtual Git servers to share a link\-level address)\&.
"ext::git\-ssl foo\&.example /bar"
.RS 4
Represents a repository accessed using the helper program "git\-ssl foo\&.example /bar"\&. The type of request can be determined by the helper using environment variables (see above)\&.
Part of the \fBgit\fR(1) suite