git-count-objects.1   [plain text]

'\" t
.\"     Title: git-count-objects
.\"    Author: [FIXME: author] [see]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <>
.\"      Date: 09/02/2016
.\"    Manual: Git Manual
.\"    Source: Git 2.10.0
.\"  Language: English
.TH "GIT\-COUNT\-OBJECTS" "1" "09/02/2016" "Git 2\&.10\&.0" "Git Manual"
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git-count-objects \- Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption
\fIgit count\-objects\fR [\-v] [\-H | \-\-human\-readable]
This counts the number of unpacked object files and disk space consumed by them, to help you decide when it is a good time to repack\&.
\-v, \-\-verbose
.RS 4
Report in more detail:
count: the number of loose objects
size: disk space consumed by loose objects, in KiB (unless \-H is specified)
in\-pack: the number of in\-pack objects
size\-pack: disk space consumed by the packs, in KiB (unless \-H is specified)
prune\-packable: the number of loose objects that are also present in the packs\&. These objects could be pruned using
\fBgit prune\-packed\fR\&.
garbage: the number of files in object database that are neither valid loose objects nor valid packs
size\-garbage: disk space consumed by garbage files, in KiB (unless \-H is specified)
\-H, \-\-human\-readable
.RS 4
Print sizes in human readable format
Part of the \fBgit\fR(1) suite