git-pack-redundant.1   [plain text]

'\" t
.\"     Title: git-pack-redundant
.\"    Author: [FIXME: author] [see]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <>
.\"      Date: 09/28/2015
.\"    Manual: Git Manual
.\"    Source: Git 2.6.0
.\"  Language: English
.TH "GIT\-PACK\-REDUNDANT" "1" "09/28/2015" "Git 2\&.6\&.0" "Git Manual"
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git-pack-redundant \- Find redundant pack files
\fIgit pack\-redundant\fR [ \-\-verbose ] [ \-\-alt\-odb ] < \-\-all | \&.pack filename \&... >
This program computes which packs in your repository are redundant\&. The output is suitable for piping to xargs rm if you are in the root of the repository\&.
\fIgit pack\-redundant\fR accepts a list of objects on standard input\&. Any objects given will be ignored when checking which packs are required\&. This makes the following command useful when wanting to remove packs which contain unreachable objects\&.
git fsck \-\-full \-\-unreachable | cut \-d \(aq \(aq \-f3 | \e git pack\-redundant \-\-all | xargs rm
.RS 4
Processes all packs\&. Any filenames on the command line are ignored\&.
.RS 4
Don\(cqt require objects present in packs from alternate object directories to be present in local packs\&.
.RS 4
Outputs some statistics to stderr\&. Has a small performance penalty\&.
\fBgit-pack-objects\fR(1) \fBgit-repack\fR(1) \fBgit-prune-packed\fR(1)
Part of the \fBgit\fR(1) suite