git-merge-tree.1   [plain text]

'\" t
.\"     Title: git-merge-tree
.\"    Author: [FIXME: author] [see]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <>
.\"      Date: 09/28/2015
.\"    Manual: Git Manual
.\"    Source: Git 2.6.0
.\"  Language: English
.TH "GIT\-MERGE\-TREE" "1" "09/28/2015" "Git 2\&.6\&.0" "Git Manual"
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git-merge-tree \- Show three\-way merge without touching index
\fIgit merge\-tree\fR <base\-tree> <branch1> <branch2>
Reads three tree\-ish, and output trivial merge results and conflicting stages to the standard output\&. This is similar to what three\-way \fIgit read\-tree \-m\fR does, but instead of storing the results in the index, the command outputs the entries to the standard output\&.
This is meant to be used by higher level scripts to compute merge results outside of the index, and stuff the results back into the index\&. For this reason, the output from the command omits entries that match the <branch1> tree\&.
Part of the \fBgit\fR(1) suite