DiskArbitration.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "DiskArbitration.h"

#include "DiskArbitrationPrivate.h"
#include "DAInternal.h"
#include "DAServer.h"

#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOStorageProtocolCharacteristics.h>
#include <Security/Authorization.h>

CFDictionaryRef kDADiskDescriptionMatchMediaUnformatted   = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef kDADiskDescriptionMatchMediaWhole         = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeMountable    = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeUnrecognized = NULL;

CFArrayRef kDADiskDescriptionWatchVolumeName = NULL;
CFArrayRef kDADiskDescriptionWatchVolumePath = NULL;

__private_extern__ char *      _DADiskGetID( DADiskRef disk );
__private_extern__ mach_port_t _DADiskGetSessionID( DADiskRef disk );
__private_extern__ void        _DADiskInitialize( void );
__private_extern__ void        _DADiskSetDescription( DADiskRef disk, CFDictionaryRef description );

__private_extern__ AuthorizationRef _DASessionGetAuthorization( DASessionRef session );
__private_extern__ mach_port_t      _DASessionGetID( DASessionRef session );
__private_extern__ void             _DASessionInitialize( void );

 * Helper functions used by framework for storing callback information in the session's register dictionary
__private_extern__ CFMutableDictionaryRef DACallbackCreate( CFAllocatorRef   allocator, mach_vm_offset_t address, mach_vm_offset_t context);
__private_extern__ SInt32 DAAddCallbackToSession(DASessionRef session, CFMutableDictionaryRef callback);
__private_extern__ void DARemoveCallbackFromSessionWithKey(DASessionRef session, SInt32 index);
__private_extern__ SInt32 DARemoveCallbackFromSession(DASessionRef session, mach_vm_offset_t address, mach_vm_offset_t context);
__private_extern__ CFMutableDictionaryRef DAGetCallbackFromSession(DASessionRef session, SInt32 index);

static void __DAInitialize( void )
    CFMutableDictionaryRef match;
    CFMutableArrayRef      watch;

     * Initialize classes.

    _DADiskInitialize( );

    _DASessionInitialize( );

     * Create the disk match description for unformatted media.

    match = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

    assert( match );

    ___CFDictionarySetIntegerValue( match, kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey, 0 );

    kDADiskDescriptionMatchMediaUnformatted = match;

     * Create the disk match description for whole media.

    match = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

    assert( match );

    CFDictionarySetValue( match, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey, kCFBooleanTrue );

    kDADiskDescriptionMatchMediaWhole = match;

     * Create the disk match description for mountable volumes.

    match = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

    assert( match );

    CFDictionarySetValue( match, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey, kCFBooleanTrue );

    kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeMountable = match;

     * Create the disk match description for unrecognized volumes.

    match = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

    assert( match );

    CFDictionarySetValue( match, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey, kCFBooleanFalse );

    kDADiskDescriptionMatchVolumeUnrecognized = match;

     * Create the disk watch description for volume name changes.

    watch = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );

    assert( watch );

    CFArrayAppendValue( watch, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey );

    kDADiskDescriptionWatchVolumeName = watch;

     * Create the disk watch description for volume path changes.

    watch = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );

    assert( watch );

    CFArrayAppendValue( watch, kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey );

    kDADiskDescriptionWatchVolumePath = watch;

static DAReturn __DAQueueRequest( DASessionRef   session,
                                  _DARequestKind kind,
                                  DADiskRef      argument0,
                                  CFIndex        argument1,
                                  CFTypeRef      argument2,
                                  CFTypeRef      argument3,
                                  void *         address,
                                  void *         context )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( session )
        CFDataRef _argument2 = NULL;
        CFDataRef _argument3 = NULL;

        if ( argument2 )  _argument2 = _DASerialize( kCFAllocatorDefault, argument2 );
        if ( argument3 )  _argument3 = _DASerialize( kCFAllocatorDefault, argument3 );

         * store the callback and context in the session instead of passing it directly over to the server for security reasons.
         * pass the handle to the callback object to the server which will be used to lookup the correct callback
        CFMutableDictionaryRef   callback =  DACallbackCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, address, context);
        SInt32 index = DAAddCallbackToSession(session, callback);
        status = _DAServerSessionQueueRequest( _DASessionGetID( session ),
                                               ( uint32_t                ) kind,
                                               ( caddr_t                ) _DADiskGetID( argument0 ),
                                               ( int32_t                ) argument1,
                                               ( vm_address_t           ) ( _argument2 ? CFDataGetBytePtr( _argument2 ) : 0 ),
                                               ( mach_msg_type_number_t ) ( _argument2 ? CFDataGetLength(  _argument2 ) : 0 ),
                                               ( vm_address_t           ) ( _argument3 ? CFDataGetBytePtr( _argument3 ) : 0 ),
                                               ( mach_msg_type_number_t ) ( _argument3 ? CFDataGetLength(  _argument3 ) : 0 ),
                                               ( uintptr_t              ) index,
                                               ( uintptr_t              ) index );

        if ( _argument2 )  CFRelease( _argument2 );
        if ( _argument3 )  CFRelease( _argument3 );

    return status;
static void __DAQueueResponse( DASessionRef    session,
                               void *          address,
                               void *          context,
                               _DACallbackKind kind,
                               DADiskRef       disk,
                               CFTypeRef       response,
                               SInt32          responseID )
    CFDataRef _response = NULL;

    if ( response )  _response = _DASerialize( kCFAllocatorDefault, response );

    _DAServerSessionQueueResponse( _DASessionGetID( session ),
                                   ( uintptr_t              ) address,
                                   ( uintptr_t              ) context,
                                   ( uint32_t                ) kind,
                                   ( caddr_t                ) _DADiskGetID( disk ),
                                   ( vm_address_t           ) ( _response ? CFDataGetBytePtr( _response ) : 0 ),
                                   ( mach_msg_type_number_t ) ( _response ? CFDataGetLength(  _response ) : 0 ),
                                   ( int32_t                ) responseID );

    if ( _response )  CFRelease( _response );

__private_extern__ DAReturn _DAAuthorize( DASessionRef session, _DAAuthorizeOptions options, DADiskRef disk, const char * right )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnNotPrivileged;

    if ( status )
        if ( ( options & _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner ) )
            uid_t diskUID;

            status = _DAServerDiskGetUserUID( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ), &diskUID );

            if ( status )
                return status;

            status = kDAReturnNotPrivileged;

            if ( diskUID == geteuid( ) )
                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        AuthorizationRef authorization;

        authorization = _DASessionGetAuthorization( session );

        if ( authorization )
            CFDictionaryRef description;

            description = DADiskCopyDescription( disk );

            if ( description )
                AuthorizationFlags  flags;
                AuthorizationItem   item;
                char *              name;
                AuthorizationRights rights;

                flags = kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed | kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize;

                if ( CFDictionaryGetValue( description, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNetworkKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                    asprintf( &name, "system.volume.network.%s", right );
                    CFTypeRef object;

                    object = CFDictionaryGetValue( description, kDADiskDescriptionDeviceProtocolKey );

                    if ( object && CFEqual( object, CFSTR( kIOPropertyPhysicalInterconnectTypeVirtual ) ) )
                        asprintf( &name, "system.volume.virtual.%s", right );
                        if ( CFDictionaryGetValue( description, kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                            if ( CFDictionaryGetValue( description, kDADiskDescriptionMediaTypeKey ) )
                                asprintf( &name, "system.volume.optical.%s", right );
                                asprintf( &name, "system.volume.removable.%s", right );
                            if ( CFDictionaryGetValue( description, kDADiskDescriptionDeviceInternalKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                                asprintf( &name, "system.volume.internal.%s", right );
                                asprintf( &name, "system.volume.external.%s", right );

                if ( name )
                    item.flags       = 0;
                    item.name        = name;
                    item.value       = NULL;
                    item.valueLength = 0;

                    rights.count = 1;
                    rights.items = &item;

                    status = AuthorizationCopyRights( authorization, &rights, NULL, flags, NULL ); 

                    if ( status )
                        status = kDAReturnNotPrivileged;

                    free( name );

                CFRelease( description );

    return status;

static bool DARequestKindWithResponse(_DARequestKind kind)
    bool daRequest = false;
    switch ( kind )
        case _kDADiskClaimCallback:
        case _kDADiskEjectCallback:
        case _kDADiskMountCallback:
        case _kDADiskRenameCallback:
        case _kDADiskUnmountCallback:
            daRequest = true;
    return daRequest;

__private_extern__ void _DADispatchCallback( DASessionRef    session,
                                             void *          address,
                                             void *          context,
                                             _DACallbackKind kind,
                                             CFTypeRef       argument0,
                                             CFTypeRef       argument1 )
    DADiskRef disk     = NULL;
    CFTypeRef response = NULL;
    if ( argument0 )
        disk = _DADiskCreateFromSerialization( CFGetAllocator( session ), session, argument0 );
     * address is the handle to the callbacks dictionary stored in the session.
     * Use it as the key to find the actual callback address and context
    SInt32 index = address;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef callback = DAGetCallbackFromSession(session, index);
    if (NULL == callback)
        goto exit;
    address = ( void * ) ( uintptr_t ) ___CFDictionaryGetIntegerValue( callback, _kDACallbackAddressKey );
    context = ( void * ) ( uintptr_t ) ___CFDictionaryGetIntegerValue( callback, _kDACallbackContextKey );
    if (NULL == address)
        goto exit;
    switch ( kind )
        case _kDADiskAppearedCallback:
            ( ( DADiskAppearedCallback ) address )( disk, context );

        case _kDADiskClaimCallback:
            ( ( DADiskClaimCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskClaimReleaseCallback:
            response = ( ( DADiskClaimReleaseCallback ) address )( disk, context );

            response = response ? response : kCFNull;

        case _kDADiskDescriptionChangedCallback:
            ( ( DADiskDescriptionChangedCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskDisappearedCallback:
            ( ( DADiskDisappearedCallback ) address )( disk, context );

        case _kDADiskEjectCallback:
            ( ( DADiskEjectCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskEjectApprovalCallback:
            response = ( ( DADiskEjectApprovalCallback ) address )( disk, context );

            response = response ? response : kCFNull;
        case _kDADiskMountCallback:
            ( ( DADiskMountCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskMountApprovalCallback:
            response = ( ( DADiskMountApprovalCallback ) address )( disk, context );

            response = response ? response : kCFNull;
        case _kDADiskPeekCallback:
            ( ( DADiskPeekCallback ) address )( disk, context );

            response = kCFNull;

        case _kDADiskRenameCallback:
            ( ( DADiskRenameCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskUnmountCallback:
            ( ( DADiskUnmountCallback ) address )( disk, argument1, context );

        case _kDADiskUnmountApprovalCallback:
            response = ( ( DADiskUnmountApprovalCallback ) address )( disk, context );

            response = response ? response : kCFNull;
        case _kDAIdleCallback:
            ( ( DAIdleCallback ) address )( context );

       case _kDADiskListCompleteCallback:
            ( ( DADiskListCompleteCallback ) address )( context );



    if ( response )
        SInt32 responseID;

        responseID = ___CFNumberGetIntegerValue( argument1 );

        if ( response == kCFNull )
            response = NULL;

        __DAQueueResponse( session, index, index, kind, disk, response, responseID );

        if ( response )
            CFRelease( response );
     * Remove the callback address and context from the session's register dict table
     * this is only done for request type kind callbacks like mount, unmount etc.
    if (DARequestKindWithResponse(kind))
        DARemoveCallbackFromSessionWithKey(session, index);

    if ( disk )
        CFRelease( disk );

__private_extern__ void _DAInitialize( void )
    static pthread_once_t initialize = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
    pthread_once( &initialize, __DAInitialize );

__private_extern__ void _DARegisterCallback( DASessionRef    session,
                                             void *          address,
                                             void *          context,
                                             _DACallbackKind kind,
                                             CFIndex         order,
                                             CFDictionaryRef match,
                                             CFArrayRef      watch )
    if ( session )
        CFDataRef _match = NULL;
        CFDataRef _watch = NULL;

        if ( match )  _match = _DASerializeDiskDescription( kCFAllocatorDefault, match );
        if ( watch )  _watch = _DASerialize( kCFAllocatorDefault, watch );

         * store the callback and context in the session instead of passing it directly over to the server for security reasons.
         * pass the handle to the callback object to the server which will be used to lookup the correct callback
        CFMutableDictionaryRef   callback =  DACallbackCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, address, context);
        SInt32 index = DAAddCallbackToSession(session, callback);
        _DAServerSessionRegisterCallback( _DASessionGetID( session ),
                                          ( uintptr_t              ) index,
                                          ( uintptr_t              ) index,
                                          ( uint32_t                ) kind,
                                          ( int32_t                ) order,
                                          ( vm_address_t           ) ( _match ? CFDataGetBytePtr( _match ) : 0 ),
                                          ( mach_msg_type_number_t ) ( _match ? CFDataGetLength(  _match ) : 0 ),
                                          ( vm_address_t           ) ( _watch ? CFDataGetBytePtr( _watch ) : 0 ),
                                          ( mach_msg_type_number_t ) ( _watch ? CFDataGetLength(  _watch ) : 0 ) );

        if ( _match )  CFRelease( _match );
        if ( _watch )  CFRelease( _watch );

__private_extern__ void _DAUnregisterCallback( DASessionRef session, void * address, void * context )
    if ( session )
         * Remove the callback address and context from the session's register dict table
         * pass the handle to the callback object to the server to unregister the callback
         * since only the keys are passed to the server to avoid security issues.
        SInt32 matchingIndex = DARemoveCallbackFromSession(session, address, context);
        _DAServerSessionUnregisterCallback( _DASessionGetID( session ), ( uintptr_t ) matchingIndex, ( uintptr_t ) matchingIndex );

void DADiskClaim( DADiskRef                  disk,
                  DADiskClaimOptions         options,
                  DADiskClaimReleaseCallback release,
                  void *                     releaseContext,
                  DADiskClaimCallback        callback,
                  void *                     callbackContext )
    CFNumberRef _release;
    CFNumberRef _releaseContext;
    DAReturn    status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
         * store the callback and context in the session instead of passing it directly over to the server for security reasons.
         * pass the handle to the callback object to the server which will be used to lookup the correct callback
        CFMutableDictionaryRef   releaseCallback =  DACallbackCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, release, releaseContext);
        SInt32 index = DAAddCallbackToSession(_DADiskGetSession( disk ), releaseCallback);
        _release        = ___CFNumberCreateWithIntegerValue( kCFAllocatorDefault,  index );
        _releaseContext = ___CFNumberCreateWithIntegerValue( kCFAllocatorDefault,  index );

        status = __DAQueueRequest( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDADiskClaim, disk, options, _release, _releaseContext, callback, callbackContext );

        if ( _release        )  CFRelease( _release        );
        if ( _releaseContext )  CFRelease( _releaseContext );

    if ( status )
        if ( callback )
            DADissenterRef dissenter;

            dissenter = DADissenterCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, status, NULL );

            ( callback )( disk, dissenter, callbackContext );

            CFRelease( dissenter );

void DADiskEject( DADiskRef disk, DADiskEjectOptions options, DADiskEjectCallback callback, void * context )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
        status = _DAAuthorize( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _kDAAuthorizeRightUnmount );

        if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
            status = __DAQueueRequest( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDADiskEject, disk, options, NULL, NULL, callback, context );

    if ( status )
        if ( callback )
            DADissenterRef dissenter;

            dissenter = DADissenterCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, status, NULL );

            ( callback )( disk, dissenter, context );

            CFRelease( dissenter );

DADiskOptions DADiskGetOptions( DADiskRef disk )
    int32_t options;

    options = kDADiskOptionDefault;

    if ( disk )
        _DAServerDiskGetOptions( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ), &options );

    return options;

Boolean DADiskIsClaimed( DADiskRef disk )
    boolean_t claimed;

    claimed = FALSE;

    if ( disk )
        _DAServerDiskIsClaimed( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ), &claimed );

    return claimed;

void DADiskMount( DADiskRef disk, CFURLRef path, DADiskMountOptions options, DADiskMountCallback callback, void * context )
    DADiskMountWithArguments( disk, path, options, callback, context, NULL );

void DADiskMountWithArguments( DADiskRef           disk,
                               CFURLRef            path,
                               DADiskMountOptions  options,
                               DADiskMountCallback callback,
                               void *              context,
                               CFStringRef         arguments[] )
    CFMutableStringRef argument;
    DAReturn           status;

    argument = NULL;

    if ( arguments )
        if ( arguments[0] )
            if ( arguments[1] )
                argument = CFStringCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, arguments[0] );

                if ( argument )
                    CFIndex index;

                    for ( index = 1; arguments[index]; index++ )
                        CFStringAppend( argument, CFSTR( "," ) );
                        CFStringAppend( argument, arguments[index] );
                argument = ( void * ) CFRetain( arguments[0] );

    if ( path )
        char * _path;

        _path = ___CFURLCopyFileSystemRepresentation( path );

        if ( _path )
            char name[MAXPATHLEN];

            if ( realpath( _path, name ) )
                path = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation( kCFAllocatorDefault, ( void * ) name, strlen( name ), TRUE );
                CFRetain( path );

            free( _path );
            CFRetain( path );

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
        status = _DAAuthorize( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _kDAAuthorizeRightMount );

        if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
            status = __DAQueueRequest( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDADiskMount, disk, options, path ? CFURLGetString( path ) : NULL, argument, callback, context );

    if ( argument )
        CFRelease( argument );

    if ( path )
        CFRelease( path );

    if ( status )
        if ( callback )
            DADissenterRef dissenter;

            dissenter = DADissenterCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, status, NULL );

            ( callback )( disk, dissenter, context );

            CFRelease( dissenter );

void DADiskRename( DADiskRef disk, CFStringRef name, DADiskRenameOptions options, DADiskRenameCallback callback, void * context )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
        if ( name )
            if ( CFGetTypeID( name ) == CFStringGetTypeID( ) )
                status = _DAAuthorize( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _kDAAuthorizeRightRename );

                if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
                    status = __DAQueueRequest( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDADiskRename, disk, options, name, NULL, callback, context );

    if ( status )
        if ( callback )
            DADissenterRef dissenter;

            dissenter = DADissenterCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, status, NULL );

            ( callback )( disk, dissenter, context );

            CFRelease( dissenter );

DAReturn DADiskSetOptions( DADiskRef disk, DADiskOptions options, Boolean value )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
        status = _DAServerDiskSetOptions( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ), options, value );

    return status;

void DADiskUnmount( DADiskRef disk, DADiskUnmountOptions options, DADiskUnmountCallback callback, void * context )
    DAReturn status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( disk )
        status = _DAAuthorize( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _kDAAuthorizeRightUnmount );

        if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
            status = __DAQueueRequest( _DADiskGetSession( disk ), _kDADiskUnmount, disk, options, NULL, NULL, callback, context );

    if ( status )
        if ( callback )
            DADissenterRef dissenter;

            dissenter = DADissenterCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, status, NULL );

            ( callback )( disk, dissenter, context );

            CFRelease( dissenter );

void DARegisterDiskAppearedCallback( DASessionRef           session,
                                     CFDictionaryRef        match,
                                     DADiskAppearedCallback callback,
                                     void *                 context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskAppearedCallback, 0, match, NULL );

void DARegisterDiskDescriptionChangedCallback( DASessionRef                     session,
                                               CFDictionaryRef                  match,
                                               CFArrayRef                       watch,
                                               DADiskDescriptionChangedCallback callback,
                                               void *                           context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskDescriptionChangedCallback, 0, match, watch );

void DARegisterDiskDisappearedCallback( DASessionRef              session,
                                        CFDictionaryRef           match,
                                        DADiskDisappearedCallback callback,
                                        void *                    context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskDisappearedCallback, 0, match, NULL );

void DARegisterDiskEjectApprovalCallback( DASessionRef                session,
                                          CFDictionaryRef             match,
                                          DADiskEjectApprovalCallback callback,
                                          void *                      context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskEjectApprovalCallback, 0, match, NULL );

void DARegisterDiskPeekCallback( DASessionRef        session,
                                 CFDictionaryRef     match,
                                 CFIndex             order,
                                 DADiskPeekCallback  callback,
                                 void *              context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskPeekCallback, order, match, NULL );

void DARegisterDiskMountApprovalCallback( DASessionRef                session,
                                          CFDictionaryRef             match,
                                          DADiskMountApprovalCallback callback,
                                          void *                      context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskMountApprovalCallback, 0, match, NULL );

void DARegisterDiskUnmountApprovalCallback( DASessionRef                  session,
                                            CFDictionaryRef               match,
                                            DADiskUnmountApprovalCallback callback,
                                            void *                        context )
    _DARegisterCallback( session, callback, context, _kDADiskUnmountApprovalCallback, 0, match, NULL );

void DADiskUnclaim( DADiskRef disk )
    if ( disk )
        _DAServerDiskUnclaim( _DADiskGetSessionID( disk ), _DADiskGetID( disk ) );

void DAUnregisterCallback( DASessionRef session, void * callback, void * context )
    _DAUnregisterCallback( session, callback, context );

void DAUnregisterApprovalCallback( DASessionRef session, void * callback, void * context )
    _DAUnregisterCallback( session, callback, context );