DAServer.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "DAServer.h"
#include "DAServerServer.h"

#include "DABase.h"
#include "DACallback.h"
#include "DADialog.h"
#include "DADisk.h"
#include "DAFileSystem.h"
#include "DAInternal.h"
#include "DALog.h"
#include "DAMain.h"
#include "DAMount.h"
#include "DAPrivate.h"
#include "DAQueue.h"
#include "DASession.h"
#include "DAStage.h"
#include "DASupport.h"

#include <paths.h>
#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>
#include <SystemConfiguration/SCDynamicStoreCopySpecificPrivate.h>

static CFMachPortRef       __gDAServer      = NULL;
static mach_port_t         __gDAServerPort  = MACH_PORT_NULL;
static mach_msg_header_t * __gDAServerReply = NULL;

static void __DAMediaBusyStateChangedCallback( void * context, io_service_t service, void * argument );
static void __DAMediaPropertyChangedCallback( void * context, io_service_t service, void * argument );

static DADiskRef __DADiskListGetDisk( const char * diskID )
    CFIndex count;
    CFIndex index;

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        DADiskRef disk;

        disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

        if ( strcmp( DADiskGetID( disk ), diskID ) == 0 )
            return disk;

    return NULL;

static DADiskRef __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( io_service_t media )
    CFIndex count;
    CFIndex index;

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        DADiskRef disk;

        disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

        if ( IOObjectIsEqualTo( DADiskGetIOMedia( disk ), media ) )
            return disk;

    return NULL;

static void __DAMediaBusyStateChangedCallback( void * context, io_service_t service, void * argument )
    DADiskRef disk;

    disk = __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( service );

    if ( disk )
        if ( argument )
            DADiskSetBusy( disk, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent( ) );
            DADiskSetBusy( disk, 0 );

static void __DAMediaChangedCallback( void * context, io_service_t service, natural_t message, void * argument )
    switch ( message )
        case kIOMessageServiceBusyStateChange:
            __DAMediaBusyStateChangedCallback( context, service, argument );

        case kIOMessageServicePropertyChange:
            __DAMediaPropertyChangedCallback( context, service, argument );


static void __DAMediaPropertyChangedCallback( void * context, io_service_t service, void * argument )
    DADiskRef disk;

    disk = __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( service );

    if ( disk )
        CFMutableArrayRef keys;

        keys = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );

        if ( keys )
            CFMutableDictionaryRef properties = NULL;

            IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( service, &properties, CFGetAllocator( disk ), 0 );

            if ( properties )
                CFTypeRef object;

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaContentKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaContentKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaContentKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaContentKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaEjectableKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaEjectableKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaEjectableKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaEjectableKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaLeafKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaLeafKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaLeafKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaLeafKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaPreferredBlockSizeKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaBlockSizeKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaBlockSizeKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaBlockSizeKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaRemovableKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaSizeKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaWholeKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey );

                object = CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOMediaWritableKey ) );

                if ( DADiskCompareDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey, object ) )
                    DADiskSetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey, object );

                    CFArrayAppendValue( keys, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey );

                if ( CFArrayGetCount( keys ) )
                    DALogDebugHeader( "iokit [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

                    DALogDebug( "  updated disk, id = %@.", disk );

                    if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateStagedAppear ) )
                        DADiskDescriptionChangedCallback( disk, keys );

                CFRelease( properties );

            CFRelease( keys );

static DASessionRef __DASessionListGetSession( mach_port_t sessionID )
    CFIndex count;
    CFIndex index;

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDASessionList );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDASessionList, index );

        if ( DASessionGetID( session ) == sessionID )
            return session;

    return NULL;

void _DAConfigurationCallback( SCDynamicStoreRef session, CFArrayRef keys, void * info )
     * A console user has logged in or logged out.

    CFStringRef previousUser;
    gid_t       previousUserGID;
    uid_t       previousUserUID;
    CFArrayRef  previousUserList;
    CFStringRef user;
    gid_t       userGID;
    uid_t       userUID;
    CFArrayRef  userList;

    DALogDebugHeader( "configd [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

    previousUser     = gDAConsoleUser;
    previousUserGID  = gDAConsoleUserGID;
    previousUserUID  = gDAConsoleUserUID;
    previousUserList = gDAConsoleUserList;

    user     = ___SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser( session, &userUID, &userGID );
    if ( user )
         * Determine whether we need to wait for SystemUIServer.

        if ( session ) /* not SystemUIServer */
            CFIndex count;
            CFIndex index;

            count = 0;

            if ( previousUserList )
                count = CFArrayGetCount( previousUserList );

            for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
                CFDictionaryRef dictionary;

                dictionary = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( previousUserList, index );

                if ( dictionary )
                    CFStringRef string;

                    string = CFDictionaryGetValue( dictionary, kSCConsoleSessionUserName );

                    if ( CFEqual( string, user ) )

            if ( index == count ) /* not Fast User Switch */
                userList = SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleInformation( session );

                if ( userList ) /* not Mac OS X Installer */
                    CFRelease( user );
                    CFRelease( userList );

                    return; /* wait */
    userList = ___SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleInformation( session );

    gDAConsoleUser     = user;
    gDAConsoleUserGID  = userGID;
    gDAConsoleUserUID  = userUID;
    gDAConsoleUserList = userList;

    if ( gDAConsoleUser )
         * A console user has logged in.

        DALogDebug( "  console user = %@ [%d].", gDAConsoleUser, gDAConsoleUserUID );
        CFIndex count;
        CFIndex index;

         * A console user has logged out.

        DALogDebug( "  console user = none." );

        count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

             * Unmount this volume.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                Boolean unmount;

                unmount = FALSE;

                if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) )
                    if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) == previousUserUID )
                        unmount = TRUE;

                if ( unmount )
                    DADiskUnmount( disk, kDADiskUnmountOptionDefault, NULL );

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

             * Eject this disk.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                Boolean eject;

                eject = FALSE;

                if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) )
                    if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) == previousUserUID )
                        eject = TRUE;

                if ( eject )
                    DADiskEject( disk, kDADiskEjectOptionDefault, NULL );

    if ( gDAConsoleUserList )
        CFIndex count;
        CFIndex index;

         * A console user is logged in.

        count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );
             * Set the BSD permissions for this media object.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaTypeKey ) )
                mode_t deviceMode;
                uid_t  deviceUser;

                deviceMode = 0640;
                deviceUser = gDAConsoleUserUID;

                if ( CFArrayGetCount( gDAConsoleUserList ) > 1 )
                    deviceMode = 0666;
                    deviceUser = ___UID_ROOT;

                if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey ) == kCFBooleanFalse )
                    deviceMode &= 0444;

                chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceMode );
                chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceMode );

                chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceUser, -1 );
                chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceUser, -1 );

             * Mount this volume.

            if ( previousUserList == NULL )
                if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                    if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceDefer ) )
                        DADiskMountWithArguments( disk, NULL, kDADiskMountOptionDefault, NULL, CFSTR( "automatic" ) );
        CFIndex count;
        CFIndex index;

         * A console user is not logged in.

        count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );
             * Set the BSD permissions for this media object.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaTypeKey ) )
                mode_t deviceMode;
                uid_t  deviceUser;

                deviceMode = 0640;
                deviceUser = ___UID_ROOT;

                if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey ) == kCFBooleanFalse )
                    deviceMode &= 0444;

                chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceMode );
                chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceMode );

                chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceUser, -1 );
                chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceUser, -1 );

             * Unmount this volume.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                Boolean unmount;

                unmount = FALSE;

                if ( DAMountGetPreference( disk, kDAMountPreferenceDefer ) )
                    if ( DADiskGetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionMountAutomaticNoDefer ) == FALSE )
                        unmount = TRUE;

                if ( DADiskGetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionEjectUponLogout ) )
                    unmount = TRUE;

                if ( unmount )
                    DADiskUnmount( disk, kDADiskUnmountOptionDefault, NULL );

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

             * Eject this disk.

            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey ) == kCFBooleanTrue )
                Boolean eject;

                eject = FALSE;

                if ( DADiskGetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionEjectUponLogout ) )
                    eject = TRUE;

                if ( eject )
                    DADiskEject( disk, kDADiskEjectOptionDefault, NULL );

    if ( previousUser )
        CFRelease( previousUser );

    if ( previousUserList )
        CFRelease( previousUserList );

    DAStageSignal( );

void _DAMediaAppearedCallback( void * context, io_iterator_t notification )
     * Process the appearance of media objects in I/O Kit.

    io_service_t media;

     * Iterate through the media objects.

    while ( ( media = IOIteratorNext( notification ) ) )
        DADiskRef disk;

         * Determine whether this is a re-registration.

        disk = __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( media );

        if ( disk )
            __DAMediaPropertyChangedCallback( NULL, media, NULL );
            io_object_t busyNotification;
            io_object_t propertyNotification;

             * Create the "media changed" notification.

            busyNotification = IO_OBJECT_NULL;

            IOServiceAddInterestNotification( gDAMediaPort, media, kIOBusyInterest, __DAMediaChangedCallback, NULL, &busyNotification );

            propertyNotification = IO_OBJECT_NULL;

            IOServiceAddInterestNotification( gDAMediaPort, media, kIOGeneralInterest, __DAMediaChangedCallback, NULL, &propertyNotification );

             * Create a disk object for this media object.

            DALogDebugHeader( "iokit [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = DADiskCreateFromIOMedia( kCFAllocatorDefault, media );

            if ( disk )
                 * Determine whether a media object disappearance and appearance occurred.  We must do this
                 * since the I/O Kit appearance queue is separate from the I/O Kit disappearance queue, and
                 * we are in the midst of processing the appearance queue when we see a duplicate, which is
                 * to say, there is a disappearance on the queue we have not processed yet and must process
                 * it first.  The appearances and disappearances within each queue do occur in proper order.

                if ( ___CFArrayContainsValue( gDADiskList, disk ) )
                     * Process the disappearance.

                    DADiskRef diskRef;

                    diskRef = ___CFArrayGetValue( gDADiskList, disk );

                    assert( diskRef != disk );

                    assert( diskRef );
                    _DAMediaDisappearedCallback( ( void * ) ___CFArrayGetValue( gDADiskList, disk ), IO_OBJECT_NULL );

                    DADiskRef diskRef2;

                    diskRef2 = ___CFArrayGetValue( gDADiskList, disk );

                    assert( diskRef2 != diskRef );

                    assert( diskRef2 == NULL );
                    assert( ___CFArrayContainsValue( gDADiskList, disk ) == FALSE );

                 * Set the "media changed" notification.

                if ( busyNotification )
                    DADiskSetBusyNotification( disk, busyNotification );

                if ( propertyNotification )
                    DADiskSetPropertyNotification( disk, propertyNotification );

                 * Set the BSD permissions for this media object.

                if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaTypeKey ) )
                    if ( DADiskGetMode( disk ) )
                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), DADiskGetMode( disk ) & 0666 );
                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), DADiskGetMode( disk ) & 0666 );

                    if ( gDAConsoleUserList )
                        mode_t deviceMode;
                        uid_t  deviceUser;

                        deviceMode = 0640;
                        deviceUser = gDAConsoleUserUID;

                        if ( CFArrayGetCount( gDAConsoleUserList ) > 1 )
                            deviceMode = 0666;
                            deviceUser = ___UID_ROOT;

                        if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey ) == kCFBooleanFalse )
                            deviceMode &= 0444;

                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceMode );
                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceMode );

                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), deviceUser, -1 );
                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), deviceUser, -1 );
                    if ( DADiskGetMode( disk ) )
                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), DADiskGetMode( disk ) & 0666 );
                        chmod( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), DADiskGetMode( disk ) & 0666 );

                    if ( DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) )
                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), -1, DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) );
                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), -1, DADiskGetUserGID( disk ) );

                    if ( DADiskGetUserUID( disk ) )
                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE  ), DADiskGetUserUID( disk ), -1 );
                        chown( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), DADiskGetUserUID( disk ), -1 );

                 * Set the BSD link for this media object.

                if ( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) )
                    int status;

                    status = strncmp( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ), _PATH_DEV "disk", strlen( _PATH_DEV "disk" ) );

                    if ( status )
                        status = link( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, TRUE ), DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) );

                        if ( status == 0 )
                            status = link( DADiskGetBSDPath( disk, FALSE ), DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, FALSE ) );

                            if ( status )
                                unlink( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) );

                    if ( status )
                        DALogDebugHeader( "iokit [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

                        DALogError( "unable to link %@ to %s.", disk, DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) );

                        DADiskSetBSDLink( disk, TRUE,  NULL );
                        DADiskSetBSDLink( disk, FALSE, NULL );

                 * Add the disk object to our tables.

                DALogDebugHeader( "iokit [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

                DALogDebug( "  created disk, id = %@.", disk );

                DAUnitSetState( disk, kDAUnitStateStagedUnreadable, FALSE );

                CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, 0, disk );

                CFRelease( disk );

            if ( busyNotification )
                IOObjectRelease( busyNotification );

            if ( propertyNotification )
                IOObjectRelease( propertyNotification );

        IOObjectRelease( media );

    DAStageSignal( );

void _DAMediaDisappearedCallback( void * context, io_iterator_t notification )
     * Process the disappearance of media objects in I/O Kit.

    io_service_t media;

     * Iterate through the media objects.

    if ( context )
        media = DADiskGetIOMedia( context );
        assert( media );
        media = IOIteratorNext( notification );

    for ( ; media ; media = IOIteratorNext( notification ) )
        DADiskRef disk;

         * Obtain the disk object for this media object.

        disk = __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( media );
        if ( context )
            assert( disk );

         * Determine whether a media object appearance and disappearance occurred.  We must do this
         * since the I/O Kit appearance queue is separate from the I/O Kit disappearance queue, and
         * we are in the midst of processing the disappearance queue when we see one missing, which
         * is to say, there is an appearance on the queue we haven't processed yet and must process
         * it first.  The appearances and disappearances within each queue do occur in proper order.

        if ( disk == NULL )
             * Process the appearance.

            assert( context == NULL );

            _DAMediaAppearedCallback( NULL, gDAMediaAppearedNotification );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDiskWithIOMedia( media );

        if ( disk )
             * Remove the disk object from our tables.

            DALogDebugHeader( "iokit [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

            DALogDebug( "  removed disk, id = %@.", disk );

            if ( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) )
                unlink( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, TRUE ) );

            if ( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, FALSE ) )
                unlink( DADiskGetBSDLink( disk, FALSE ) );

            DAQueueReleaseDisk( disk );

            if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateStagedAppear ) )
                DADiskDisappearedCallback( disk );

            if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateStagedMount ) )
                DADiskUnmount( disk, kDADiskUnmountOptionForce, NULL );

            DADiskSetState( disk, kDADiskStateZombie, TRUE );

            ___CFArrayRemoveValue( gDADiskList, disk );

        if ( context )

        IOObjectRelease( media );

    DAStageSignal( );

void _DAServerCallback( CFMachPortRef port, void * parameter, CFIndex messageSize, void * info )
    mach_msg_header_t * message = parameter;

    if ( message->msgh_id == MACH_NOTIFY_NO_SENDERS )
        _DAServerSessionRelease( message->msgh_local_port );
    else if ( DAServer_server( message, __gDAServerReply ) )
        kern_return_t status;

        status = ( __gDAServerReply->msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX )
                 ? KERN_SUCCESS
                 : ( ( mig_reply_error_t * ) __gDAServerReply )->RetCode;

         * Any resources present in the request message are the responsibility of the service
         * function, if it is successful in responding to the request.  Success is defined in
         * two ways:
         * o KERN_SUCCESS:  This says that the userŐs request was processed, and all incoming
         *                  resources have been recorded or deallocated by the server routine.
         * o MIG_NO_REPLY:  This says that the userŐs request was accepted,  and all incoming
         *                  resources have been recorded or deallocated by the server routine.
         * A reply should always be returned for any message received, unless the return code
         * from the server was MIG_NO_REPLY or the request message does not have a reply port.

        if ( status != MIG_NO_REPLY )
            if ( status != KERN_SUCCESS )
                message->msgh_remote_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;

                mach_msg_destroy( message );

            if ( __gDAServerReply->msgh_remote_port )
                status = mach_msg_send( __gDAServerReply );

                if ( status == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST )
                    mach_msg_destroy( __gDAServerReply );

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskCopyDescription( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, vm_address_t * _description, mach_msg_type_number_t * _descriptionSize )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                CFDataRef description;

                description = DADiskGetSerialization( disk );

                if ( description )
                    *_description = ___CFDataCopyBytes( description, _descriptionSize );

                    if ( *_description )
                        DALogDebug( "  copied disk description, id = %@.", disk );

                        status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to copy disk description, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskGetOptions( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, int32_t * _options )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                *_options = DADiskGetOptions( disk );

                DALogDebug( "  got disk options, id = %@, options = 0x%08X.", disk, *_options );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to get disk options, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskGetUserUID( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, uid_t * _userUID )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                *_userUID = DADiskGetUserUID( disk );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskIsClaimed( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, boolean_t * _claimed )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                *_claimed = DADiskGetClaim( disk ) ? TRUE : FALSE;

                DALogDebug( "  got disk claim state, id = %@, claimed = %s.", disk, *_claimed ? "true" : "false" );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to get disk claim state, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskSetAdoption( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, boolean_t _adoption, security_token_t _token )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionDefault, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightAdopt );

                if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
                    DALogDebug( "  set disk adoption, id = %@, adoption = %s.", disk, _adoption ? "true" : "false" );

                    status = _DADiskSetAdoption( disk, _adoption );

    if ( status )
         DALogDebug( "unable to set disk adoption, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskSetEncoding( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, int32_t encoding, security_token_t _token )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightEncode );

                if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
                    DALogDebug( "  set disk encoding, id = %@, encoding = %d.", disk, encoding );

                    status = _DADiskSetEncoding( disk, encoding );

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to set disk encoding, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskSetOptions( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk, int32_t _options, int32_t _value )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                DALogDebug( "  set disk options, id = %@, options = 0x%08X, value = %s.", disk, _options, _value ? "true" : "false" );

                if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateStagedAppear ) )
                    if ( ( _options & kDADiskOptionPrivate ) )
                        if ( _value )
                            if ( DADiskGetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionPrivate ) == FALSE )
                                DADiskDisappearedCallback( disk );

                                DAStageSignal( );
                            if ( DADiskGetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionPrivate ) )
                                DADiskSetOption( disk, kDADiskOptionPrivate, FALSE );

                                DADiskAppearedCallback( disk );

                                DAStageSignal( );

                DADiskSetOptions( disk, _options, _value );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to set disk options, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerDiskUnclaim( mach_port_t _session, caddr_t _disk )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _disk );

            if ( disk )
                DACallbackRef callback;

                callback = DADiskGetClaim( disk );

                if ( callback )
                    if ( DACallbackGetSession( callback ) == session )
                        DALogDebug( "  unclaimed disk, id = %@.", disk );

                        DADiskSetClaim( disk, NULL );
                        status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to unclaim disk, id = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionCopyCallbackQueue( mach_port_t _session, vm_address_t * _queue, mach_msg_type_number_t * _queueSize )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            CFMutableArrayRef callbacks;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%s -> %@", gDAProcessNameID, session );

            callbacks = DASessionGetCallbackQueue( session );

            if ( callbacks )
                CFIndex   count;
                CFIndex   index;
                CFDataRef queue;

                count = CFArrayGetCount( callbacks );

                for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
                    DACallbackRef callback;

                    callback = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( callbacks, index );

                    DACallbackSetDisk( callback, NULL );

                    DACallbackSetMatch( callback, NULL );

                    DACallbackSetSession( callback, NULL );

                queue = _DASerialize( kCFAllocatorDefault, callbacks );

                if ( queue )
                    *_queue = ___CFDataCopyBytes( queue, _queueSize );

                    if ( *_queue )
                        DALogDebug( "  dispatched callback queue." );

                        status = kDAReturnSuccess;

                    CFRelease( queue );

                CFArrayRemoveAllValues( callbacks );

            DASessionSetState( session, kDASessionStateTimeout, FALSE );

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to copy callback queue (status code 0x%08X).", status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionCreate( mach_port_t   _session,
                                      caddr_t       _name,
                                      pid_t         _pid,
                                      mach_port_t * _server )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "%s [%d] -> %s", _name, _pid, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

         * Create the session.

        session = DASessionCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, _name, _pid );

        if ( session )
            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            DALogDebug( "  created session, id = %@.", session );

            *_server = DASessionGetServerPort( session );

             * Add the session object to our tables.

            ___vproc_transaction_begin( );

            CFArrayAppendValue( gDASessionList, session );

             * Add the session to our run loop.

            DASessionScheduleWithRunLoop( session, CFRunLoopGetCurrent( ), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); 

            CFRelease( session );

            status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to create session, id = %s [%d].", _name, _pid );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionQueueRequest( mach_port_t            _session,
                                            int32_t                _kind,
                                            caddr_t                _argument0,
                                            int32_t                _argument1,
                                            vm_address_t           _argument2,
                                            mach_msg_type_number_t _argument2Size,
                                            vm_address_t           _argument3,
                                            mach_msg_type_number_t _argument3Size,
                                            mach_vm_offset_t       _address,
                                            mach_vm_offset_t       _context,
                                            security_token_t       _token )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DADiskRef disk;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _argument0 );

            if ( disk )
                CFTypeRef     argument2 = NULL;
                CFTypeRef     argument3 = NULL;
                DACallbackRef callback;
                DARequestRef  request;

                DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

                if ( _argument2 )
                    argument2 = _DAUnserializeWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, _argument2, _argument2Size );

                if ( _argument3 )
                    argument3 = _DAUnserializeWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, _argument3, _argument3Size );

                callback = DACallbackCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, session, _address, _context, _kind, 0, NULL, NULL );
                request = DARequestCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, _kind, disk, _argument1, argument2, argument3, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], callback );

                if ( request )
                    switch ( _kind )
                        case _kDADiskEject:
                            status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightUnmount );

                        case _kDADiskMount:
                            status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightMount );

                        case _kDADiskRename:
                            status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightRename );

                        case _kDADiskUnmount:
                            status = DAAuthorize( session, _kDAAuthorizeOptionIsOwner, disk, _token.val[0], _token.val[1], _kDAAuthorizeRightUnmount );

                            status = kDAReturnSuccess;


                    if ( status == kDAReturnSuccess )
                        DAQueueRequest( request );

                        DALogDebug( "  queued solicitation, id = %016llX:%016llX, kind = %s, disk = %@, options = 0x%08X.",
                                    _DARequestKindGetName( _kind ),
                                    _argument1 );

                    CFRelease( request );

                if ( callback )
                    CFRelease( callback );

                if ( argument2 )
                    CFRelease( argument2 );

                if ( argument3 )
                    CFRelease( argument3 );

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to queue solicitation, id = %016llX:%016llX, kind = %s, disk = %s (status code 0x%08X).",
                    _DACallbackKindGetName( _kind ),
                    status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionQueueResponse( mach_port_t            _session,
                                             mach_vm_offset_t       _address,
                                             mach_vm_offset_t       _context,
                                             int32_t                _kind,
                                             caddr_t                _disk,
                                             vm_address_t           _response,
                                             mach_msg_type_number_t _responseSize,
                                             int32_t                _responseID )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            CFTypeRef response = NULL;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            if ( _response )
                response = _DAUnserializeWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, _response, _responseSize );

            if ( _DAResponseDispatch( response, _responseID ) == FALSE )
                DALogDebug( "  dispatched response, id = %016llX:%016llX, kind = %s, disk = %s, orphaned.", _address, _context, _DACallbackKindGetName( _kind ), _disk );

            if ( response )
                CFRelease( response );

            status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to dispatch response, id = %016llX:%016llX, disk = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _address, _context, _disk, status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionRegisterCallback( mach_port_t            _session,
                                                mach_vm_offset_t       _address,
                                                mach_vm_offset_t       _context,
                                                int32_t                _kind,
                                                int32_t                _order,
                                                vm_address_t           _match,
                                                mach_msg_type_number_t _matchSize,
                                                vm_address_t           _watch,
                                                mach_msg_type_number_t _watchSize )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DACallbackRef   callback;
            CFDictionaryRef match = NULL;
            CFArrayRef      watch = NULL;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            if ( _match )
                match = _DAUnserializeDiskDescriptionWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, _match, _matchSize );

            if ( _watch )
                watch = _DAUnserializeWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, _watch, _watchSize );

            callback = DACallbackCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, session, _address, _context, _kind, _order, match, watch );

            if ( callback )
                DASessionRegisterCallback( session, callback );

                DALogDebug( "  registered callback, id = %016llX:%016llX, kind = %s.", _address, _context, _DACallbackKindGetName( _kind ) );

                if ( DACallbackGetKind( callback ) == _kDADiskAppearedCallback )
                    CFIndex count;
                    CFIndex index;
                    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

                    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
                        DADiskRef disk;

                        disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

                        if ( DADiskGetState( disk, kDADiskStateStagedAppear ) )
                            DAQueueCallback( callback, disk, NULL );

                    if ( gDAIdle )
                        DAQueueCallbacks( session, _kDAIdleCallback, NULL, NULL );

                        DASessionSetState( session, kDASessionStateIdle, TRUE );
                else if ( DACallbackGetKind( callback ) == _kDAIdleCallback )
                    if ( gDAIdle )
                        DAQueueCallback( callback, NULL, NULL );

                        DASessionSetState( session, kDASessionStateIdle, TRUE );
                        DASessionSetState( session, kDASessionStateIdle, FALSE );
                else if ( DACallbackGetKind( callback ) == _kDADiskEjectApprovalCallback )
                    if ( strcmp( _DASessionGetName( session ), "SystemUIServer" ) == 0 )
                        CFStringRef key;

                        key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateConsoleUser( kCFAllocatorDefault );

                        if ( key )
                            CFMutableArrayRef keys;

                            keys = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );

                            if ( keys )
                                CFArrayAppendValue( keys, key );

                                _DAConfigurationCallback( NULL, keys, NULL );

                                CFRelease( keys );

                            CFRelease( key );

                CFRelease( callback );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

            if ( match )
                CFRelease( match );

            if ( watch )
                CFRelease( watch );

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to register callback, id = %016llX:%016llX, kind = %s (status code 0x%08X).", _address, _context, _DACallbackKindGetName( _kind ), status );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionRelease( mach_port_t _session )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            CFMutableArrayRef callbacks;
            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            DALogDebug( "  removed session, id = %@.", session );

            callbacks = DASessionGetCallbackQueue( session );

            if ( callbacks )
                CFArrayRemoveAllValues( callbacks );

            callbacks = DASessionGetCallbackRegister( session );

            if ( callbacks )
                CFArrayRemoveAllValues( callbacks );

            DAQueueReleaseSession( session );

             * Remove the session from our run loop.

            DASessionUnscheduleFromRunLoop( session, CFRunLoopGetCurrent( ), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ); 

             * Remove the session object from our tables.

            DASessionSetState( session, kDASessionStateZombie, TRUE );

            ___CFArrayRemoveValue( gDASessionList, session );

            ___vproc_transaction_end( );

            status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to release session, id = ? [?]:%d.", _session );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionSetAuthorization( mach_port_t _session, AuthorizationExternalForm _authorization )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            AuthorizationRef authorization;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            status = AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm( &_authorization, &authorization );

            if ( status == errAuthorizationSuccess )
                DASessionSetAuthorization( session, authorization );

                DALogDebug( "  set authorization, id = %@.", session );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to set authorization, id = ? [?]:%d.", _session );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionSetClientPort( mach_port_t _session, mach_port_t _client )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            DASessionSetClientPort( session, _client );

            DALogDebug( "  set client port, id = %@.", session );

            status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to set client port, id = ? [?]:%d.", _session );

    return status;

kern_return_t _DAServerSessionUnregisterCallback( mach_port_t _session, mach_vm_offset_t _address, mach_vm_offset_t _context )
    kern_return_t status;

    status = kDAReturnBadArgument;

    DALogDebugHeader( "? [?]:%d -> %s", _session, gDAProcessNameID );

    if ( _session )
        DASessionRef session;

        session = __DASessionListGetSession( _session );

        if ( session )
            DACallbackRef callback;

            DALogDebugHeader( "%@ -> %s", session, gDAProcessNameID );

            callback = DACallbackCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, session, _address, _context, 0, 0, NULL, NULL );

            if ( callback )
                DASessionUnregisterCallback( session, callback );

                DALogDebug( "  unregistered callback, id = %016llX:%016llX.", _address, _context );

                CFRelease( callback );

                status = kDAReturnSuccess;

    if ( status )
        DALogDebug( "unable to unregister callback, id = %016llX:%016llX (status code 0x%08X).", _address, _context, status );

    return status;

void _DAVolumeMountedCallback( CFMachPortRef port, void * parameter, CFIndex messageSize, void * info )
    struct statfs * mountList;
    int             mountListCount;
    int             mountListIndex;

    mountListCount = getmntinfo( &mountList, MNT_NOWAIT );

    for ( mountListIndex = 0; mountListIndex < mountListCount; mountListIndex++ )
        DADiskRef disk;

        disk = __DADiskListGetDisk( _DAVolumeGetID( mountList + mountListIndex ) );

        if ( disk )
            if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey ) == NULL )
                DADiskRefresh( disk, NULL );
            if ( ( mountList[mountListIndex].f_flags & MNT_UNION ) == 0 )
                if ( strcmp( mountList[mountListIndex].f_fstypename, "devfs" ) )
                    disk = DADiskCreateFromVolumePath( kCFAllocatorDefault, mountList + mountListIndex );

                    if ( disk )
                        DALogDebugHeader( "bsd [0] -> %s", gDAProcessNameID );

                        DALogDebug( "  created disk, id = %@.", disk );

                        CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, 0, disk );

                        DAStageSignal( );

                        CFRelease( disk );

void _DAVolumeUnmountedCallback( CFMachPortRef port, void * parameter, CFIndex messageSize, void * info )
    CFIndex count;
    CFIndex index;

    count = CFArrayGetCount( gDADiskList );

    for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
        DADiskRef disk;

        disk = ( void * ) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( gDADiskList, index );

        if ( DADiskGetDescription( disk, kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey ) )
            DADiskRefresh( disk, NULL );

CFRunLoopSourceRef DAServerCreateRunLoopSource( CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex order )
     * Create a CFRunLoopSource for DAServer remote procedure calls.

    CFRunLoopSourceRef source = NULL;

     * Initialize our minimal state.

    if ( __gDAServer == NULL )
         * Register the Disk Arbitration master port.

        if ( __gDAServerPort == MACH_PORT_NULL )
            bootstrap_check_in( bootstrap_port, _kDADaemonName, &__gDAServerPort );

        if ( __gDAServerPort )
             * Create the Disk Arbitration master port.

            __gDAServer = CFMachPortCreateWithPort( allocator, __gDAServerPort, _DAServerCallback, NULL, NULL );

            if ( __gDAServer )
                __gDAServerReply = malloc( DAServer_subsystem.maxsize );

                assert( __gDAServerReply );

     * Obtain the CFRunLoopSource for our CFMachPort.

    if ( __gDAServer )
        source = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource( allocator, __gDAServer, order );

    return source;