DirServices.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header DirServices
 * API implementations.

#include "DirServices.h"
#include "DirServicesConst.h"
#include "DirServicesUtils.h"
#include "DirServicesTypes.h"
#include "DirServicesPriv.h"
#include "PrivateTypes.h"
#include "CDSRefMap.h"

#include "DSLogException.h"
#include "CMessaging.h"
#include "DSMutexSemaphore.h"
#include "DSSwapUtils.h"
#include "DSTCPEndpoint.h"
#include "CClientEndPoint.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>				// for stat()
#include <sys/sysctl.h>				// for sysctl()
#include <unistd.h>
#include <syslog.h>

#include <mach/mach.h>				// mach ipc approach to IsDirServiceRunning
									// versus searching entire process space
#include <mach/mach_error.h>
#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>

#define	kDSFWDefaultRemotePort 625 //TODO need final port number
#define kDSFWMaxRemoteConnections 8

// Globals  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
const UInt32				gMaxEndpoints			= kDSFWMaxRemoteConnections + 2;

static CMessaging		   *gMessageTable[gMaxEndpoints]
													= { NULL };
													//maximum number of distinct endpoints for client
static UInt32				gDSConnections[gMaxEndpoints]
													= { 0 };	//keep track of open mach DS sessions
static DSMutexSemaphore		*gLock					= NULL;	//lock on modifying these globals
static int					gTranslateFlag			= 0;
static dsBool				gProcessForked   		= true; // we start as true so we can lazily clean up the first session
static pthread_once_t		_gGlobalsInitialized	= PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;

pid_t						gProcessPID				= 0;	//process PID of the client
CDSRefMap					*gFWRefMap				= NULL;
CDSRefTable					*gFWRefTable			= NULL;

void CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection ( SInt32 *inStatus, UInt32 inMessageIndex, UInt32 lineNumber );

static void __ForkPrepare( void )
	// let's grab our global lock so we can do changes in the child

static void __ForkParent( void )
	// all we do is unlock, really nothing to do

static void CheckForRosetta( void )
	gTranslateFlag = 0; // native no swapping

#if __BIG_ENDIAN__
	// Check to see if we are running translated, only needs to be done once
	int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CLASSIC, gProcessPID };
	size_t len = sizeof(int);
	int ret = 0;
	if (sysctl (mib, 3, &ret, &len, NULL, 0) == 0 && ret == 1)
		// Running on Intel under translation
		gTranslateFlag = 1;

static void __ForkChild( void )
	gProcessPID = getpid();

	gProcessForked = true;

static void __InitGlobals( void )
	gLock = new DSMutexSemaphore( "API Global::gLock" );
	gProcessPID = getpid();
	gFWRefMap = new CDSRefMap;
	gFWRefTable = new CDSRefTable;
	pthread_atfork( __ForkPrepare, __ForkParent, __ForkChild );

static void __ResetAllSessions( void )
	for (UInt32 tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < gMaxEndpoints; tableIndex++)
		if ( gMessageTable[tableIndex] != nil )
			DSDelete( gMessageTable[tableIndex] );
	bzero( gDSConnections, sizeof(gDSConnections) );

//	Name:	dsOpenDirService

tDirStatus dsOpenDirService ( tDirReference *outDirRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			tempStatus	= eDSNoErr;

    pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outDirRef, eDSNullParameter );
			//a client process uses a SINGLE CMesssaging for mach and therefore a single EndPt
			//a client can hold several dir refs at once all handled through the same mach port
				// if the daemon is not registered, nothing to do, just return the error
				if ( (siStatus = dsIsDirServiceRunning()) != eDSNoErr )
				if ( gProcessForked ) // we have forked the process, need to reset all
					gProcessForked = false;
				if ( gMessageTable[0] == nil )
					CClientEndPoint *endPoint = NULL;
					// we only do this when we are not internal dispatch since internal dispatch avoids fCommPort
					char *envPort = getenv( "DS_DEBUG_MODE" );
					endPoint = new CClientEndPoint( envPort ? kDSStdMachDebugPortName : kDSStdMachPortName );
					if ( endPoint != NULL )
						siStatus = endPoint->Connect();
						if ( siStatus != eDSNoErr && envPort != NULL ) {
							fprintf( stderr, "DirectoryService.framework - Request to connect to DEBUG mach port failed, using default port\n" );
							DSDelete( endPoint );

							endPoint = new CClientEndPoint( kDSStdMachPortName );
							if ( endPoint != NULL ) {
								siStatus = endPoint->Connect();
					if ( endPoint == NULL ) {
						siStatus = eMemoryAllocError;
					if ( siStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
						gMessageTable[0] = new CMessaging( endPoint, gTranslateFlag );
					else {
						delete endPoint;
				if ( siStatus == eDSNoErr )
					gDSConnections[0] += 1; //increment the number of DS connections open
			} while(1);
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			throw err;
		catch ( ... )
			throw (SInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession;
		LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[0], eMemoryAllocError );

			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[0]->SendInlineMessage( kOpenDirService );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[0]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[0]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&tempStatus, kResult );
			outResult = tempStatus;
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outDirRef != nil )
				// Get the directory reference
				siStatus = gMessageTable[0]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outDirRef, ktDirRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDirRef );
		catch( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenDirService

//	Name:	dsOpenDirServiceProxy

tDirStatus dsOpenDirServiceProxy (	tDirReference	   *outDirRef,
									const char		   *inHostOrIPAddress,
									UInt32				inIPPort,
									tDataNodePtr		inAuthMethod,				//KW let's use default
									tDataBufferPtr		inAuthStepData,
									tDataBufferPtr		outAuthStepDataResponse,	//KW no need
									tContextData	   *ioContinueData )			//KW no need
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;
	UInt32			tableIndex	= 0;
	tDataBufferPtr	versBuff	= nil;
	UInt32			serverVersion = 0;

    pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outDirRef, eDSNullParameter );
			//a client process uses a separate CMesssaging for each TCP endpoint
			//which in turn is tied to a single dir ref
			//for now we have up to kDSFWMaxRemoteConnections = "gMaxEndpoints - 2" available TCP endpoints
			if ( gProcessForked ) // we have forked the process, need to reset all
				gProcessForked = false;
			//search for the next available gMessageTable slot
			for (tableIndex = 2; tableIndex < gMaxEndpoints; tableIndex++)
				if ( gMessageTable[tableIndex] == nil )
					messageIndex = tableIndex;
			//don't allow more than max sessions to be opened
			LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( (messageIndex == 0), eDSMaxSessionsOpen );
			//TODO what happens when there is a network transition ie. server daemon on this machine
			//will recycle BUT this client will not so how do we deal with the remote connections?
			//ref cleanup on the FW side will be an issue as well
			if ( gMessageTable[messageIndex] == nil )
				struct addrinfo	hints	= { 0 };
				struct addrinfo *answer	= NULL;
				char			port[12];
				hints.ai_family = PF_INET; // we only use IPv4 still due to legacy issues
				hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
				hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
				if ( inIPPort == 0 )
					inIPPort = kDSFWDefaultRemotePort;
				snprintf( port, sizeof(port), "%u", (uint32_t) inIPPort );
				if ( getaddrinfo(inHostOrIPAddress, port, &hints, &answer) == 0 )
					DSTCPEndpoint *endPoint = new DSTCPEndpoint( kTCPOpenTimeout, kTCPRWTimeout );
					if ( endPoint != NULL )
						// attempt to connect to a port on a remote machine
						//   swap the address because everything expects it to be network order
						// TODO: fix this so it is correct byte order
						siStatus = endPoint->ConnectTo( answer );
						if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
							siStatus = endPoint->ClientNegotiateKey();
							if ( siStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
								gMessageTable[messageIndex] = new CMessaging( endPoint, 1 );
								gDSConnections[messageIndex] += 1; //increment the number of DS connections open
							else {
								delete endPoint;
						siStatus = eMemoryError;
					freeaddrinfo( answer );
					answer = NULL;
					siStatus = eDSSendFailed;

				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
		catch( SInt32 err )
			throw err;
		catch( ... )
			throw (SInt32)eDSCannotAccessSession;
		LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eMemoryAllocError );

#if __BIG_ENDIAN__
		const char	*vers[]		= { "DSProxy1.3" };
		int			versLen[]	= { sizeof("DSProxy1.3") - 1 };
		int			count		= sizeof(vers) / sizeof(const char *);
		const char	*vers[]		= { "DSProxy1.4", "DSProxy1.3" };
		int			versLen[]	= { sizeof("DSProxy1.4") - 1, sizeof("DSProxy1.3") - 1 };
		int			count		= sizeof(vers) / sizeof(const char *);
		//go ahead and pack the message to send
			for ( int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++ )
					// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
					outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAuthMethod, eDSNullAutMethod, eDSEmptyAuthMethod );
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
					// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
					outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAuthStepData, eDSNullAuthStepData, eDSEmptyAuthStepData );
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
					// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
					outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outAuthStepDataResponse, eDSNullAuthStepDataResp, eDSEmptyAuthStepDataResp );
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
					// Add the version info DSProxy1.3
					versBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( 0, 16 ); //dir ref not needed
					LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( versBuff, eMemoryAllocError );
					versBuff->fBufferLength = versLen[ii];
					memcpy( &(versBuff->fBufferData), vers[ii], versBuff->fBufferLength );
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( versBuff, ktDataBuff );
					LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
					siStatus = dsDataBufferDeAllocate( 0, versBuff ); //dir ref not needed
					LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eMemoryError );
					// Add the auth method
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAuthMethod, kAuthMethod );
					LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
					// Add the auth step data
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAuthStepData, kAuthStepBuff );
					LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
					// Add the auth step response
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( outAuthStepDataResponse, kAuthResponseBuff );
					LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
					if ( ioContinueData != nil )
						// Add the context data
						siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
						LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 4 );
					// **************** Send the message ****************
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kOpenDirServiceProxy );
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
					// **************** Get the reply ****************
					siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
					// Get the return result
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
					outResult = outResult;
					LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
					// Get the server DSProxy version if it exists
					siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&serverVersion, kNodeCount );
					siStatus = eDSNoErr;
					if ( outDirRef != nil )
						tDirNodeReference	aRef = 0;
						// Get the directory reference
						siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktDirRef );
						LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDirRef );
						gFWRefMap->NewDirRefMap( outDirRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
						if ( serverVersion >= 10400 ) {
							gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SetTranslateMode( 2 );
						gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SetTranslateMode( gTranslateFlag );
				catch ( SInt32 err )
					if ( err != eDSTCPVersionMismatch )
						throw err;
				catch ( ... )
					throw (SInt32) eDSCannotAccessSession;
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			if ( (messageIndex != 0) && ( gMessageTable[messageIndex] != nil ) )
				if (gMessageTable[messageIndex] != nil )
					DSDelete( gMessageTable[messageIndex] );
			throw err;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenDirServiceProxy

//	Name:	dsOpenDirServiceLocal

tDirStatus dsOpenDirServiceLocal ( tDirReference *outDirRef, const char *inFilePath )
	SInt32			outResult			= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataBufferPtr	fpBuff				= nil;
	char			newPath[PATH_MAX+1]	= { 0 };
	struct stat		statResult;

    pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outDirRef, eDSNullParameter );
		// see if we need to set a default path
		if ( DSIsStringEmpty(inFilePath) || strcmp(inFilePath, "Default") == 0 )
			strlcpy( newPath, "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/", sizeof(newPath) );
			strlcpy( newPath, inFilePath, sizeof(newPath) );
		unsigned length = strlen( newPath );
		if ( length >= PATH_MAX )
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDSInvalidFilePath );
		// ensure we have a slash
		if ( newPath[length-1] != '/' )
			newPath[length++] = '/';
		// see if we need with just "/dslocal/nodes", if so add /Default
		char *dirPath = strstr( newPath, "/dslocal/nodes/" );
		if ( dirPath != NULL && strcmp(dirPath, "/dslocal/nodes/") == 0 ) {
			strlcat( newPath, "Default/", sizeof(newPath) );
			//a client process uses a SINGLE CMesssaging for mach and therefore a single EndPt
			//a client can hold several dir refs at once all handled through the same mach port
				if ( gProcessForked )  // we have forked the process, need to reset all
					gProcessForked	= false;
				// ok let's see if we have a real daemon and if someone is trying to modify the local DB, if so return error
				if ( dsIsDirServiceRunning() == eDSNoErr )
					struct stat localDirStat;

					// let's see if we are trying to get to the same place
					if ( lstat(newPath, &statResult) == 0 && lstat("/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default", &localDirStat) == 0 )
						// if these are the same files
						if ( statResult.st_ino == localDirStat.st_ino && statResult.st_dev == localDirStat.st_dev ) {
							return dsOpenDirService( outDirRef );
				// if the daemon is not registered, nothing to do, just return the error
				if ( (siStatus = dsIsDirServiceLocalRunning()) != eDSNoErr )
				// TODO: flawed design, first call wins, all the rest of use the first caller's path
				// once all are closed, then a new path can be targetted.   You can't target 2 other local DBs at the same time
				// daemon limitation - framework can be adjusted once fixed
				if ( gMessageTable[1] == nil )
					CClientEndPoint *endPoint = new CClientEndPoint( kDSStdMachLocalPortName );
					if ( endPoint != NULL ) {
						siStatus = endPoint->Connect();
						if ( siStatus == eDSNoErr ) {
							gMessageTable[1] = new CMessaging( endPoint, gTranslateFlag );
							gDSConnections[1] += 1; //increment the number of DS connections open
						else {
							delete endPoint;
					else {
						siStatus = eMemoryAllocError;
			} while(1);
		catch( SInt32 err )
			throw err;
		catch( ... )
			throw (SInt32) eDSCannotAccessSession;
		LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[1], eMemoryAllocError );

			// Add the file path to the ds local node DB
			fpBuff = dsDataNodeAllocateString( 0, newPath );
			LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( fpBuff, eMemoryAllocError );

			siStatus = gMessageTable[1]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( fpBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			siStatus = dsDataBufferDeAllocate( 0, fpBuff ); //dir ref not needed
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eMemoryError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[1]->SendInlineMessage( kOpenDirServiceLocal );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[1]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[1]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outDirRef != nil )
				tDirNodeReference	aRef = 0;
				// Get the directory reference and map it to a Framework reference
				siStatus = gMessageTable[1]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktDirRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDirRef );
				gFWRefMap->NewDirRefMap( outDirRef, gProcessPID, aRef, 1 );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus) err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenDirServiceLocal

//	Name:	dsCloseDirService

tDirStatus dsCloseDirService ( tDirReference inDirRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef,eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the connections count
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gDSConnections[messageIndex], kNodeCount );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCloseDirService );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the dir reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveDirRef( inDirRef, gProcessPID );
		catch( SInt32 err )
			throw err;
		catch( ... )
			throw (SInt32) eDSCannotAccessSession;
			gDSConnections[messageIndex] -= 1; //decrement the number of DS connections open
			if (gDSConnections[messageIndex] == 0)
				if ( gMessageTable[messageIndex] != nil )
					// close the connection for the mach-based sessions but delete all others
					if ( messageIndex == 0 || messageIndex == 1 ) {
					} else {
						DSDelete( gMessageTable[messageIndex] );
		catch( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus) err;
		catch( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCloseDirService

//	Name:	dsAddChildPIDToReference

tDirStatus dsAddChildPIDToReference ( tDirReference inDirRef, SInt32 inValidChildPID, UInt32 inValidAPIReferenceToGrantChild )
//accept only NODE references
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the child process PID
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (SInt32)inValidChildPID, ktPidRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the node reference to which access to the child is to be granted
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inValidAPIReferenceToGrantChild, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktGenericRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kAddChildPIDToReference );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsAddChildPIDToReference

//	Name:	dsIsDirServiceRunning

tDirStatus dsIsDirServiceRunning ( void )
	SInt32			outResult	= eServerNotRunning;
	mach_port_t		bPort		= 0;

	// If we can lookup the port with the DirectoryService port name, then DirectoryService is already running
	if ( bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, (char *)kDSStdMachPortName, &bPort) == 0 )
		mach_port_mod_refs( mach_task_self(), bPort, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, -1 );
		outResult = eDSNoErr;

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsIsDirServiceRunning

//	Name:	dsIsDirServiceLocalRunning //can't reuse code here since other routine was exported already

tDirStatus dsIsDirServiceLocalRunning ( void )
	SInt32			outResult	= eServerNotRunning;
	mach_port_t		bPort		= 0;

	// If we can lookup the port with the DirectoryServiceLocal port name, then DirectoryService is already running
	if ( bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, (char *)kDSStdMachLocalPortName, &bPort) == 0 )
		// deallocate the send right
		mach_port_mod_refs( mach_task_self(), bPort, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, -1 );
		outResult = eDSNoErr;

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsIsDirServiceLocalRunning

//	Name:	dsGetDirNodeCount
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			outDirectoryNodeCount	->	function outResult eDSNoErr, contains count of the total number
//										 of nodes in the directory...
//	Notes:	Get the count of the total number of DirNodes in the Directory System

tDirStatus dsGetDirNodeCount ( tDirReference inDirRef, UInt32 *outNodeCount )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outNodeCount, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetDirNodeCount );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outNodeCount != nil )
				// Get the node count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outNodeCount, kNodeCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeCount );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetDirNodeCount

//	Name:	dsGetDirNodeCountWithInfo
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			outDirectoryNodeCount	->	function outResult eDSNoErr, contains count of the total number
//										 of nodes in the directory...
//			outDirectoryNodeChangeToken
//									->	token that changes every time any registered node changes
//	Notes:	Get the count of the total number of DirNodes in the Directory System and
//			determine whether the registered nodes have changed or not

tDirStatus dsGetDirNodeCountWithInfo ( tDirReference inDirRef, UInt32 *outNodeCount, UInt32 *outDirectoryNodeChangeToken )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(( outNodeCount == nil ) && ( outDirectoryNodeChangeToken == nil), eDSNullParameter);
		//need at least one container to make the call worth it
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetDirNodeChangeToken );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outNodeCount != nil )
				// Get the node count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outNodeCount, kNodeCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeCount );
			if ( outDirectoryNodeChangeToken != nil )
				// Get the node change token
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outDirectoryNodeChangeToken, kNodeChangeToken );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeChangeToken );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetDirNodeCountWithInfo

//	Name:	dsGetDirNodeList
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			inOutDataBufferPtr		->	contains a client allocated buffer to store results..
//										 data is extracted with dsGetDirNodeName
//			outDirNodeCount			->	number of directory node names contained in dataBuffer
//			inOutContinueData		->	pointer to a tContextData variable,
//										 if (*inOutCountinueData == NULL) there is no more data
//										 otherwise can be used in a 2nd call to the same routine
//										 to get the remainder of the directory node list.
//										 if client does not use  if (*inOutCountinueData != NULL)
//										 and the client doesn't wish to continue
//										 then dsReleaseContinueData should be called to clean up..
//	Notes:	Fill a buffer with the names of all the directory nodes...

tDirStatus dsGetDirNodeList (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
								tDataBufferPtr		outDataBuff,
								UInt32			   *outNodeCount,
								tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32			outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outNodeCount, eDSNullParameter );
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null output buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetDirNodeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( outNodeCount != nil )
				// Get the node count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outNodeCount, kNodeCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetDirNodeList

//	Name:	dsReleaseContinueData
//	Params:	inDirReference		->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			inContinueData		->	pointer to a tContextData variable, value passed in will
//									 be cleaned up by the API libarary, and set to NULL on exit.
//	Notes:	If continue Data from dsGetDirNodeList is non-NULL, then call this routine to
//			 release the continuation data if the client chooses not to continue the DirNodeListing

tDirStatus dsReleaseContinueData (	tDirReference	inDirReference,
									tContextData	inContinueData )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirReference == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inContinueData, eDSInvalidContext );

		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirReference, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the dir or node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inDirReference, ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the continue data
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)inContinueData, kContextData );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kReleaseContinueData );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus) err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eUnknownServerError;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsReleaseContinueData

//	Name:	dsFindDirNodes
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			inOutDataBufferPtr		->	contains a client allocated buffer to store results..
//										 data is extracted with dsGetDirNodeName
//			inNodeNamePattern		->	a tDataList pointer, which contains the pattern to be matched...
//			inPatternMatchType		->	what type of match to perform on the NodeName pattern...
//										 valid values for this are:
//										 	eDSExact, eDSStartsWith, eDSEndsWith, eDSContains
//										 other match types will return an error.
//			outDirNodeCount			->	number of items in the client buffer.
//			inOutContinueData		->	pointer to a tContextData variable,
//										 if (*inOutCountinueData == NULL) there is no more data
//											 otherwise can be used in a 2nd call to the same routine
//										 to get the remainder of the directory node list.
//										 if client does not use  if (*inOutCountinueData != NULL)
//										 and the client doesn't wish to continue then
//										 dsReleaseContinueData should be called to clean up..
//	Notes:	Find directory nodes matching a certain pattern

tDirStatus dsFindDirNodes (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
							tDataBufferPtr		outDataBuff,
							tDataListPtr		inNodeNamePattern,
							tDirPatternMatch	inPatternMatchType,
							UInt32			   *outDirNodeCount,
							tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	dsBool			bSendList	= true;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siDataLen	= 0;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outDirNodeCount, eDSNullParameter );
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			if (	(inPatternMatchType == eDSLocalNodeNames) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSConfigNodeName) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSContactsSearchNodeName) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSNetworkSearchNodeName) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSLocalHostedNodes) ||
					(inPatternMatchType == eDSDefaultNetworkNodes) )
				bSendList = false;
				outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inNodeNamePattern, eDSNullNodeNamePattern, eDSEmptyNodeNamePattern );
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );

				siDataLen = dsGetDataLength( inNodeNamePattern );

			// Make sure we have a non-null output buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );

			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );

			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );

			if ( bSendList == true )
				// Add the node name pattern
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inNodeNamePattern, kNodeNamePatt );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );

			// Add the pattern match type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPatternMatchType, ktDirPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );

			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 4 );

			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kFindDirNodes );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );

			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );

			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outDataBuff != nil )
				// Get the data buffer 
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );


			if ( outDirNodeCount != nil )
				// Get the Node count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outDirNodeCount, kNodeCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoNodeCount );

			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsFindDirNodes

//	Name:	dsGetDirNodeName
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			inOutDataBuffer			->	a buffer containing all the directory Node names from
//										 dsGetDirNodeList or dsFindDirNodes
//			inDirNodeIndex			->	index of DirNode name to fetch/build, zero-based...
//			inOutDataList			->	a DataList structure that is built by this API call,
//										 client is responsible for disposing of it with a
//										 dsDataListDeAllocate
//	Notes:	Parse the return Buffer from dsFindDirNodes or dsGetDirNodeList
//			 build a tDataList representing the directory Node's name...

tDirStatus dsGetDirNodeName (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
								tDataBufferPtr		inDataBuff,
								UInt32				inDirNodeIndex,
								tDataList		  **outDataList )
	SInt32			outResult		= eDSInvalidBuffFormat;
	UInt32			siStatus		= eDSNoErr;

	//check to determine whether the buffer is of a standard type for this call
	siStatus = IsNodePathStrBuffer( inDataBuff );
	if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
		outResult = ExtractDirNodeName(inDataBuff, inDirNodeIndex, outDataList);

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetDirNodeName

//	Name:	dsOpenDirNode
//	Params:	inDirReference			->	directory Reference Established with dsOpenDirService
//			inDirNodeName			->	diretoryNode name to open.
//			outDirNodeReference		->	valid call with eDSNoErr, results in a DirectoryNode session
//										 reference this reference represents the clients session
//										 context for the contents of the given directory node.
//	Notes:	Establish a session for a particular directory Node

tDirStatus dsOpenDirNode (	tDirReference		inDirRef,
							tDataListPtr		inDirNodeName,
							tDirNodeReference	*outDirNodeRef )
	SInt32					outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	tDirNodeReference		nodeRef			= 0;
	SInt32					siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32					messageIndex	= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outDirNodeRef, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inDirNodeName, eDSNullNodeName, eDSEmptyNodeName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the node name
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inDirNodeName, kDirNodeName );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( nodeRef, ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kOpenDirNode );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outDirNodeRef != nil )
				tDirNodeReference	aRef = 0;
				tDataNodePtr		nodePtr	= nil;
				// Get the Node reference
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktNodeRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDirRef );
				if (messageIndex != 0)
					//we will assume that the plugin name is the first segment of the inDirNodeName
					//need to save this in the FW RefMap for use in endian swapping for CustomCalls to the node
					dsDataListGetNodeAlloc( 0, inDirNodeName, 1, &nodePtr );
					char* pluginNameValue = nil;
					if ( (nodePtr != nil) && (nodePtr->fBufferLength > 0) )
						UInt32 pluginNameLength = nodePtr->fBufferLength;
						pluginNameValue = (char *) calloc(1, 1 + pluginNameLength);
						memcpy(pluginNameValue, nodePtr->fBufferData, pluginNameLength);
						dsDataBufferDeAllocate( 0, nodePtr ); //dir ref not needed and don't check return
					gFWRefMap->NewNodeRefMap( outDirNodeRef, inDirRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex, pluginNameValue );
					*outDirNodeRef = aRef;
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenDirNode

//	Name:	dsCloseDirNode
//	Params:	inDirNodeReference		->	directoryNode reference obtained from dsOpenDirNode
//	Notes:	Tear down a DirNode session

tDirStatus dsCloseDirNode ( tDirNodeReference inNodeRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCloseDirNode );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the node reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveNodeRef( inNodeRef, gProcessPID );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenDirNode

//	Name:	dsGetDirNodeInfo
//	Params:	inDirNodeReference		->	directoryNode reference obtained from dsOpenDirNode
//			inDirNodeInfoTypeList	->	tDataList containing the types of requested data
//			inOutDataBuffer			->	a Client allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inAttributeInfoOnly		->	this flag is set to true if the client wants Attribute
//										 Info only, no attribute values..
//			outAttributeInfoCount	->	a count of the number of data types present in the DataBuffer
//			outAttributeListRef
//			inOutContinueData		->	pointer to a tContextData variable, if
//										 (*inOutCountinueData == NULL) there is no more data otherwise
//										 can be used in the next call to the same routine to get the
//										 remainder of the information if client does not use
//										 if (*inOutCountinueData != NULL) and the client doesn't
//										 wish to continue then dsReleaseContinueData should be
//										 called to clean up..
//	Notes:	

tDirStatus dsGetDirNodeInfo (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,				// Node ref
								tDataListPtr		inDirNodeInfoTypeList,	// Requested info list
								tDataBufferPtr		outDataBuff,			// Out buffer from client
								dsBool				inAttrInfoOnly,			// Attribute only boolean
								UInt32			   *outAttrInfoCount,		// Attribute count
								tAttributeListRef  *outAttrListRef,		// Attribute ref
								tContextData	   *ioContinueData )		// to be continued...
	SInt32				outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex	= 0;
	dsBool				closeServerRef	= false;
	tAttributeListRef	aRef			= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrInfoCount, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrListRef, eDSNullParameter );
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inDirNodeInfoTypeList, eDSNullNodeInfoTypeList, eDSEmptyNodeInfoTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Requested info list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inDirNodeInfoTypeList, kNodeInfoTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Attribute only boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrInfoOnly, kAttrInfoOnly );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 4 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetDirNodeInfo );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( outAttrInfoCount != nil )
				// Get the attribute info count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( outAttrInfoCount, kAttrInfoCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrCount );
			if ( outAttrListRef != nil )
				// Get the attribute list ref
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktAttrListRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrListRef );
				siStatus = IsStdBuffer( outDataBuff );
				if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
					siStatus = MakeGDNIFWRef(outDataBuff, outAttrListRef);
					if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
						closeServerRef = true;
					if (messageIndex != 0)
						gFWRefMap->NewAttrListRefMap( outAttrListRef, inNodeRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
						*outAttrListRef = aRef;
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

		if (closeServerRef)

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetDirNodeInfo

//	Name:	dsGetRecordList
//	Params:	inNodeRef			->	directoryNode reference obtained from dsOpenDirNode
//			inDataBuff			->	a Client allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecNameList		->	a tDataList of Record names to be matched... 
//			inPatternMatch		->	how is the pattern matched for the inRecordName list
//			inRecordTypeList	->	what record types do we want returned?
//			inAttributeTypeList	->	what type of attributes do we want for each record...
//			inAttributeInfoOnly	->	do we want Attribute Information only, or do we also want
//										 Attribute Vales...
//			inOutRecordEntryCount	->	how many record entries are there in the client buffer upon return
//									however, also a limit of the maximum records returned as provided by the client
//									if zero or less then assuming no limit on number of records to be returned
//			inOutContinueData	->	pointer to a tContextData variable, if
//										 (*inOutCountinueData == NULL) there is no more data otherwise
//										 can be used in the next call to the same routine to get the
//										 remainder of the information if client does not use
//										 if (*inOutCountinueData != NULL) and the client doesn't
//										 wish to continue then dsReleaseContinueData should be
//										 called to clean up..
//	Notes:	Get a Record Entry from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetRecordList (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,				// Node ref
								tDataBufferPtr		inOutDataBuff,			// in buffer from client
								tDataListPtr		inRecNameList,			// List of record names
								tDirPatternMatch	inPatternMatch,			// Pattern match
								tDataListPtr		inRecTypeList,			// Record types
								tDataListPtr		inAttribTypeList,		// Attribute types
								dsBool				inAttrInfoOnly,			// Attribute only boolean
								UInt32			   *inOutRecEntryCount,		// Record count
								tContextData	   *ioContinueData )		// To be continued...
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;
	UInt32			serverVersion = 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		//ability to not request record count is allowed
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecNameList, eDSNullRecNameList, eDSEmptyRecordNameList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecTypeList, eDSNullRecTypeList, eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inAttribTypeList, eDSNullAttributeTypeList, eDSEmptyAttributeTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the data buffer
			//don't need to send this empty buffer to the server at all ie. do just like dsDoAttributeValueSearch for version 1 or above
			serverVersion = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetServerVersion();
			if (serverVersion > 0)
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Record Name list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecNameList, kRecNameList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Pattern Match type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPatternMatch, ktDirPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the Record Type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecTypeList, kRecTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// Add the Attribute Type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inAttribTypeList, kAttrTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 5 );
			// Add the Attribute Info Only boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrInfoOnly, kAttrInfoOnly );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			if ( inOutRecEntryCount != nil )
				if (*inOutRecEntryCount < 0 )
					*inOutRecEntryCount = 0;
				// Add the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg ( *inOutRecEntryCount, kAttrRecEntryCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 7 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 8 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			if ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall )
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( inOutRecEntryCount != nil )
				// Get the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( inOutRecEntryCount, kAttrRecEntryCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecEntryCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	// This belongs in the "catch", but the compiler is broken - is the compiler fixed yet?
	if ( ( outResult != eDSNoErr ) && ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall ) )
		if ( ioContinueData != nil )
			*ioContinueData = 0;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordList

//	Name:	dsGetRecordEntry
//	Params:	inDirNodeReference		->	directoryNode reference obtained from dsOpenDirNode
//			inOutDataBuffer			->	a Client allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecordEntryIndex
//			outAttributeListRef
//			outRecordEntryPtr
//	Notes:	Get a Record Entry from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetRecordEntry	(	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
								tDataBufferPtr		inOutDataBuff,
								UInt32				inRecordEntryIndex,
								tAttributeListRef	*outAttrListRef,
								tRecordEntryPtr		*outRecEntryPtr )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrListRef, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outRecEntryPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inRecordEntryIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing
        siStatus = IsStdBuffer( inOutDataBuff );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
            outResult = ExtractRecordEntry(inOutDataBuff, inRecordEntryIndex, outAttrListRef, outRecEntryPtr);
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the record index
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inRecordEntryIndex, kRecEntryIndex );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordEntry );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( outAttrListRef != nil )
				tAttributeListRef	aRef = 0;
				// Get the attribute list ref
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktAttrListRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrListRef );
				if (messageIndex != 0)
					gFWRefMap->NewAttrListRefMap( outAttrListRef, inNodeRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
					*outAttrListRef = aRef;
			if ( outRecEntryPtr != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tRecordEntry_FromMsg( outRecEntryPtr, ktRecordEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordEntry

//	Name:	dsGetAttributeEntry
//	Params:	
//	Notes:	Get an Attribute Entry from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetAttributeEntry (	tDirNodeReference		inNodeRef,					// Node ref <- why ???
									tDataBufferPtr			inOutDataBuff,				// Client buffer
									tAttributeListRef		inAttrListRef,				// Attirbute list ref
									UInt32					inAttrInfoIndex,			// Attribute Index
									tAttributeValueListRef	*outAttrValueListRef,		// Attribute value ref
									tAttributeEntryPtr		*outAttrInfoPtr )			// Data ptr
	SInt32				outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex	= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrValueListRef, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrInfoPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inAttrInfoIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttrListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
            outResult = ExtractAttributeEntry(inOutDataBuff, inAttrListRef, inAttrInfoIndex, outAttrValueListRef, outAttrInfoPtr);
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Attribute List Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inAttrListRef, eAttrListRefType, gProcessPID), ktAttrListRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the Attribute Index
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrInfoIndex, kAttrInfoIndex );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetAttributeEntry );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( outAttrValueListRef != nil )
				tAttributeValueListRef	aRef = 0;
				// Get the attribute value list ref
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktAttrValueListRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueListRef );
				if (messageIndex != 0)
					gFWRefMap->NewAttrValueRefMap( outAttrValueListRef, inAttrListRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
					*outAttrValueListRef = aRef;
			if ( outAttrInfoPtr != nil )
				// Get the attribute entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrEntry_FromMsg( outAttrInfoPtr, ktAttrEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetAttributeEntry

//	Name:	dsGetNextAttributeEntry
//	Notes:	Get Next Attribute Entry from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetNextAttributeEntry (	tDirNodeReference		inNodeRef,					// Node ref <- why ???
										tDataBufferPtr			inOutDataBuff,				// Client buffer
										tAttributeListRef		inAttrListRef,				// Attirbute list ref
										UInt32					inAttrInfoIndex,			// Attribute Index
										SInt32				   *inOutAttributeOffset,
										tAttributeValueListRef	*outAttrValueListRef,		// Attribute value ref
										tAttributeEntryPtr		*outAttrInfoPtr )			// Data ptr
	SInt32				outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus		= eDSNoErr;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrValueListRef, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrInfoPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inAttrInfoIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttrListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
            outResult = ExtractNextAttributeEntry(inOutDataBuff, inAttrListRef, inAttrInfoIndex, inOutAttributeOffset, outAttrValueListRef, outAttrInfoPtr);
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	//otherwise fall through to old method
	outResult = dsGetAttributeEntry(inNodeRef, inOutDataBuff, inAttrListRef, inAttrInfoIndex, outAttrValueListRef, outAttrInfoPtr);

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetNextAttributeEntry

//	Name:	dsGetAttributeValue
//	Params:	
//	Notes:	Get an Attribute Value from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetAttributeValue (	tDirNodeReference		 inNodeRef,
									tDataBufferPtr			 inOutDataBuff,
									UInt32					 inAttrValueIndex,
									tAttributeValueListRef	 inAttrValueListRef,
									tAttributeValueEntryPtr	*outAttrValue )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrValue, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inAttrValueIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttrValueListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
            outResult = ExtractAttributeValue(inOutDataBuff, inAttrValueListRef, inAttrValueIndex, outAttrValue);
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute Value Index
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrValueIndex, kAttrValueIndex );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Attribute Value List Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inAttrValueListRef, eAttrValueListRefType, gProcessPID), ktAttrValueListRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetAttributeValue );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( outAttrValue != nil )
				// Get the attribute value entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrValueEntry_FromMsg( outAttrValue, ktAttrValueEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetAttributeValue

//	Name:	dsGetNextAttributeValue
//	Notes:	Get Next Attribute Value from a buffer...

tDirStatus dsGetNextAttributeValue (	tDirNodeReference			inNodeRef,
										tDataBufferPtr				inOutDataBuff,
										UInt32						inAttrValueIndex,
										SInt32					   *inOutAttributeValueOffset,
										tAttributeValueListRef		inAttrValueListRef,
										tAttributeValueEntryPtr	   *outAttrValue )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrValue, eDSNullParameter );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inAttrValueIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttrValueListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
            outResult = ExtractNextAttributeValue(inOutDataBuff, inAttrValueListRef, inAttrValueIndex, inOutAttributeValueOffset, outAttrValue);
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;
	//otherwise fall through to old method
	outResult = dsGetAttributeValue(inNodeRef, inOutDataBuff, inAttrValueIndex, inAttrValueListRef, outAttrValue);

	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetNextAttributeValue

//	Name:	dsCloseAttributeList
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsCloseAttributeList ( tAttributeListRef inAttributeListRef )

	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inAttributeListRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttributeListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
			outResult = gFWRefTable->RemoveAttrListRef( inAttributeListRef, gProcessPID );
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inAttributeListRef,eAttrListRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Add the Attr List Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inAttributeListRef,eAttrListRefType, gProcessPID), ktAttrListRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCloseAttributeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the attr list reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveAttrListRef( inAttributeListRef, gProcessPID );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCloseAttributeList

//	Name:	dsCloseAttributeValueList
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsCloseAttributeValueList ( tAttributeValueListRef inAttributeValueListRef )

	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inAttributeValueListRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
        //check to determine whether we employ client side buffer parsing via FW reference
        siStatus = IsFWReference( inAttributeValueListRef );
        if (siStatus == eDSNoErr)
			outResult = gFWRefTable->RemoveAttrValueRef( inAttributeValueListRef, gProcessPID );
            return (tDirStatus) outResult;
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inAttributeValueListRef,eAttrValueListRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the Attr Value List Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inAttributeValueListRef, eAttrValueListRefType, gProcessPID), ktAttrValueListRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCloseAttributeValueList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the attr value list reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveAttrListRef( inAttributeValueListRef, gProcessPID );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCloseAttributeValueList

//	Name:	dsOpenRecord
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsOpenRecord (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
							tDataNodePtr		inRecType,
							tDataNodePtr		inRecName,
							tRecordReference	*outRecRef )
	SInt32				outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex	= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outRecRef, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecType, eDSNullRecType, eDSEmptyRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecName, eDSNullRecName, eDSEmptyRecordName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Record Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecType, kRecTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Record Name
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecName, kRecNameBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kOpenRecord );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outRecRef != nil )
				tRecordReference	aRef = 0;
				// Get the record ref
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktRecRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecRef );
				if (messageIndex != 0)
					gFWRefMap->NewRecordRefMap( outRecRef, inNodeRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
					*outRecRef = aRef;
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsOpenRecord

//	Name:	dsGetRecordReferenceInfo
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsGetRecordReferenceInfo (	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
										tRecordEntryPtr		*outRecInfo )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outRecInfo, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordReferenceInfo );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outRecInfo != nil )
				// Get the record entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tRecordEntry_FromMsg( outRecInfo, ktRecordEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordReferenceInfo

//	Name:	dsGetRecordAttributeInfo
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsGetRecordAttributeInfo (	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
										tDataNodePtr		inAttributeType,
										tAttributeEntryPtr	*outAttrInfoPtr )
	SInt32			outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex	= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outAttrInfoPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttributeType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttributeType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordAttributeInfo );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the attribute entry
			if ( outAttrInfoPtr != nil )
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrEntry_FromMsg( outAttrInfoPtr, ktAttrEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordAttributeInfo

//	Name:	dsGetRecordAttributeValueByID
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsGetRecordAttributeValueByID (	tRecordReference		inRecRef,
											tDataNodePtr			inAttributeType,											
											UInt32					inValueID,
											tAttributeValueEntryPtr	*outEntryPtr )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outEntryPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttributeType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttributeType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Value Index
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inValueID, kAttrValueID );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordAttributeValueByID );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outEntryPtr != nil )
				// Get the attribute value entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrValueEntry_FromMsg( outEntryPtr, ktAttrValueEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordAttributeValueByID

//	Name:	dsGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex (	tRecordReference		inRecRef,
												tDataNodePtr			inAttributeType,
												UInt32					inAttrValueIndex,
												tAttributeValueEntryPtr	*outEntryPtr )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outEntryPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );
		LogThenThrowIfZeroMacro( inAttrValueIndex, eDSInvalidIndex );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttributeType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttributeType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Value Index
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrValueIndex, kAttrValueIndex );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outEntryPtr != nil )
				// Get the attribute value entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrValueEntry_FromMsg( outEntryPtr, ktAttrValueEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex

//	Name:	dsGetRecordAttributeValueByValue
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsGetRecordAttributeValueByValue (	tRecordReference		inRecRef,
												tDataNodePtr			inAttributeType,
												tDataNodePtr			inAttributeValue,
												tAttributeValueEntryPtr	*outEntryPtr )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( outEntryPtr, eDSNullParameter );
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttributeType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( inAttributeValue, eDSNullAttributeValue );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttributeType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttributeValue, kAttrValueBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kGetRecordAttributeValueByValue );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outEntryPtr != nil )
				// Get the attribute value entry
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tAttrValueEntry_FromMsg( outEntryPtr, ktAttrValueEntry );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoAttrValueEntry );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsGetRecordAttributeValueByValue

//	Name:	dsFlushRecord
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsFlushRecord ( tRecordReference inRecRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kFlushRecord );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsFlushRecord

//	Name:	dsCloseRecord
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsCloseRecord ( tRecordReference inRecRef )

	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );

			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCloseRecord );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the record reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveRecordRef( inRecRef, gProcessPID );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCloseRecord

//	Name:	dsSetRecordName
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsSetRecordName (	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
								tDataNodePtr		inNewRecordName )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inNewRecordName, eDSNullRecName, eDSEmptyRecordName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inNewRecordName, kRecNameBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kSetRecordName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );			
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsSetRecordName

//	Name:	dsSetRecordType
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsSetRecordType ( tRecordReference inRecRef, tDataNodePtr inNewRecordType )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inNewRecordType, eDSNullRecType, eDSEmptyRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inNewRecordType, kRecTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kSetRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsSetRecordType

//	Name:	dsDeleteRecord
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsDeleteRecord ( tRecordReference inRecRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDeleteRecord );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//now remove the record reference here if it exists
			gFWRefMap->RemoveRecordRef( inRecRef, gProcessPID );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDeleteRecord

//	Name:	dsCreateRecord
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsCreateRecord (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
							tDataNodePtr		inRecType,
							tDataNodePtr		inRecName )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecType, eDSNullRecType, eDSEmptyRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecName, eDSNullRecName, eDSEmptyRecordName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Record Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecType, kRecTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Record Name
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecName, kRecNameBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Open boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( false, kOpenRecBool );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCreateRecord );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCreateRecord

//	Name:	dsCreateRecordAndOpen
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsCreateRecordAndOpen (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
									tDataNodePtr		inRecType,
									tDataNodePtr		inRecName,
									tRecordReference	*outRecRef )
	SInt32				outResult		= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus		= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex	= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecType, eDSNullRecType, eDSEmptyRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecName, eDSNullRecName, eDSEmptyRecordName );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Record Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecType, kRecTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Record Name
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecName, kRecNameBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the Open boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (outRecRef != nil), kOpenRecBool );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kCreateRecordAndOpen );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outRecRef != nil )
				tRecordReference	aRef = 0;
				// Get the record reference
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( &aRef, ktRecRef );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecRef );
				if (messageIndex != 0)
					gFWRefMap->NewRecordRefMap( outRecRef, inNodeRef, gProcessPID, aRef, messageIndex );
					*outRecRef = aRef;
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsCreateRecordAndOpen

//	Name:	dsAddAttribute
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsAddAttribute (	tRecordReference		inRecRef,
							tDataNodePtr			inNewAttr,
							tAccessControlEntryPtr	inNewAttrAccess,
							tDataNodePtr			inFirstAttrValue )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

//tAccessControlEntryPtr	inNewAttrAccess NOT USED
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inNewAttr, eDSNullAttribute, eDSEmptyAttribute );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
//			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inFirstAttrValue, eDSNullAttributeValue, eDSEmptyAttributeValue );
//			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			//allow no initial attribute value
			//LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( inFirstAttrValue, eDSNullAttributeValue );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the New Attribute
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inNewAttr, kNewAttrBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the First Attribute Value
			if ( inFirstAttrValue != nil)
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inFirstAttrValue, kFirstAttrBuff );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kAddAttribute );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsAddAttribute

//	Name:	dsRemoveAttribute
//	Params:	
//	Notes: Do it

tDirStatus dsRemoveAttribute (	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
								tDataNodePtr		inAttribute )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttribute, eDSNullAttribute, eDSEmptyAttribute );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttribute, kAttrBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kRemoveAttribute );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );			
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsRemoveAttribute

//	Name:	dsAddAttributeValue
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsAddAttributeValue (	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
									tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
									tDataNodePtr		inAttrValue )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( inAttrValue, eDSNullAttributeValue );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrValue, kAttrValueBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kAddAttributeValue );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsAddAttributeValue

//	Name:	dsRemoveAttributeValue
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus	dsRemoveAttributeValue	(	tRecordReference	inRecRef,
										tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
										UInt32				inAttrValueID )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrValueID, kAttrValueID );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kRemoveAttributeValue );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsRemoveAttributeValue

//	Name:	dsSetAttributeValue
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus dsSetAttributeValue (	tRecordReference		inRecRef,
									tDataNodePtr			inAttrType,
									tAttributeValueEntryPtr	inAttrValueEntry )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( inAttrValueEntry, eDSNullAttributeValue );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute Value entry
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tAttrValueEntry_ToMsg( inAttrValueEntry );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kSetAttributeValue );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsSetAttributeValue

tDirStatus dsSetAttributeValues		(   tRecordReference		inRecRef,
										tDataNodePtr			inAttrType,
										tDataListPtr			inAttributeValuesPtr )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inRecRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inRecRef,eRecordRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inAttributeValuesPtr, eDSNullDataList, eDSEmptyDataList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Record Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inRecRef, eRecordRefType, gProcessPID), ktRecRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the Attribute Type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrTypeBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Attribute Value list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inAttributeValuesPtr, kAttrValueList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kSetAttributeValues );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsSetAttributeValues

//	Name:	dsDoDirNodeAuth
//	Params:	
//	Notes: 

tDirStatus dsDoDirNodeAuth (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
								tDataNodePtr		inAuthMethod,
								dsBool				inDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag,
								tDataBufferPtr		inAuthStepData,
								tDataBufferPtr		outAuthStepDataResponse, // <- should be a handle
								tContextData		*ioContinueData )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;

	outResult = dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType(	inNodeRef,
	//record type passed in as nil to be backward compatible
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoDirNodeAuth

//	Name:	dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType
//	Params:	
//	Notes: 

tDirStatus dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
											tDataNodePtr		inAuthMethod,
											dsBool				inDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag,
											tDataBufferPtr		inAuthStepData,
											tDataBufferPtr		outAuthStepDataResponse,
											tContextData		*ioContinueData,
											tDataNodePtr		inRecordType )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAuthMethod, eDSNullAutMethod, eDSEmptyAuthMethod );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAuthStepData, eDSNullAuthStepData, eDSEmptyAuthStepData );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outAuthStepDataResponse, eDSNullAuthStepDataResp, eDSEmptyAuthStepDataResp );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the Node Reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the auth method
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAuthMethod, kAuthMethod );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the Auth Only bool
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inDirNodeAuthOnlyFlag, kAuthOnlyBool );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the auth step data
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAuthStepData, kAuthStepBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the auth step response
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( outAuthStepDataResponse, kAuthResponseBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError - 5 );
			if (inRecordType != nil)
				// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer - partially redundant check
				outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inRecordType, eDSNullRecType, eDSEmptyRecordType );
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
				// Add the Record Type
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inRecordType, kRecTypeBuff );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			if (inRecordType == nil)
				//backward compatible with dsDoDirNodeAuth call
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoDirNodeAuth );
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outAuthStepDataResponse != nil )
				// Get the auth step response 
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outAuthStepDataResponse, kAuthStepDataResponse );
				// LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterReceiveError );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;
	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoDirNodeAuthOnRecordType

//	Name:	dsDoAttributeValueSearch
//	Params:	inDirNodeReference
//			inOutDataBuffer			->	A client-allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecordTypeList		->	The list of record types to search over.
//			inAttributeType			->	Which attribute type we are to match on.
//			inPatternMatchType		->	The matching criteria used.
//			inPattern2Match			->	Value to match for the above attribute type.
//			inOutMatchRecordCount	->	How many records we found that met the match criteria.
//										However, also a limit of the maximum records returned as provided by the client.
//										If zero or less then assuming no limit on number of records to be returned.
//			ioContinueData			->  Set to non-NULL if there is potentially more result data available.
//	Notes:  All values of all attributes for the found records should be returned in this call.

tDirStatus dsDoAttributeValueSearch (	tDirNodeReference	inDirNodeRef,
										tDataBufferPtr		outDataBuff,
										tDataListPtr		inRecTypeList,
										tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
										tDirPatternMatch	inPattMatchType,
										tDataNodePtr		inPatt2Match,
										UInt32			   *inOutMatchRecordCount,
										tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		//ability to not request record count is allowed
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecTypeList, eDSNullRecTypeList, eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inPatt2Match, eDSNullNodeNamePattern, eDSEmptyPatternMatch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the record type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecTypeList, kRecTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrType );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the pattern match value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPattMatchType, kAttrPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// Add the pattern match
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inPatt2Match, kAttrMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 5 );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				if (*inOutMatchRecordCount < 0 )
					*inOutMatchRecordCount = 0;
				// Add the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg ( *inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 7 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoAttributeValueSearch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			if ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall )
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				// Get the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecMatchCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoAttributeValueSearch

//	Name:	dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch
//	Params:	inDirNodeReference
//			inOutDataBuffer			->	A client-allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecordTypeList		->	The list of record types to search over.
//			inAttributeType			->	Which attribute type we are to match on.
//			inPatternMatchType		->	The matching criteria used.
//			inPatterns2Match		->	List of values to match for the above attribute type.
//			inOutMatchRecordCount	->	How many records we found that met the match criteria.
//										However, also a limit of the maximum records returned as provided by the client.
//										If zero or less then assuming no limit on number of records to be returned.
//			ioContinueData			->  Set to non-NULL if there is potentially more result data available.
//	Notes:  All values of all attributes for the found records should be returned in this call.

tDirStatus dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch (	tDirNodeReference	inDirNodeRef,
												tDataBufferPtr		outDataBuff,
												tDataListPtr		inRecTypeList,
												tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
												tDirPatternMatch	inPattMatchType,
												tDataListPtr		inPatterns2Match,
												UInt32			   *inOutMatchRecordCount,
												tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		//ability to not request record count is allowed
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( outDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecTypeList, eDSNullRecTypeList, eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inPatterns2Match, eDSNullAttributeValue, eDSEmptyPatternMatch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the record type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecTypeList, kRecTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrType );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the pattern match value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPattMatchType, kAttrPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// Add the pattern match
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inPatterns2Match, kAttrMatches );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 5 );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				if (*inOutMatchRecordCount < 0 )
					*inOutMatchRecordCount = 0;
				// Add the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg ( *inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 7 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			if ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall )
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				// Get the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecMatchCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch

//	Name:	dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData
//	Params:	inDirNodeRef
//			inOutDataBuff			->	A client-allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecTypeList			->	The list of record types to search over.
//			inAttrType				->	Which attribute type we are to match on.
//			inPattMatchType			->	The matching criteria used.
//			inPatt2Match			->	Value to match for the above attribute type.
//			inAttrTypeRequestList   ->  List of attribute types that chould be returned.
//			inAttrInfoOnly			->  If set to true then the actual values for the above
//										list of attribute types need not be returned.
//			inOutMatchRecordCount	->	How many records we found that met the match criteria.
//										However, also a limit of the maximum records returned as provided by the client.
//										If zero or less then assuming no limit on number of records to be returned.
//			ioContinueData			->  Set to non-NULL if there is potentially more result data available.
//	Notes:  Only the requested list of attributes for the found records should be returned in this call.

tDirStatus dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData (	tDirNodeReference	inDirNodeRef,
												tDataBufferPtr		inOutDataBuff,
												tDataListPtr		inRecTypeList,
												tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
												tDirPatternMatch	inPattMatchType,
												tDataNodePtr		inPatt2Match,
												tDataListPtr		inAttrTypeRequestList,
												dsBool				inAttrInfoOnly,
												UInt32			   *inOutMatchRecordCount,
												tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		//ability to not request record count is allowed
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecTypeList, eDSNullRecTypeList, eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inPatt2Match, eDSNullNodeNamePattern, eDSEmptyPatternMatch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inAttrTypeRequestList, eDSNullAttributeRequestList, eDSEmptyAttributeRequestList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the record type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecTypeList, kRecTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrType );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the pattern match value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPattMatchType, kAttrPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// Add the pattern match
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inPatt2Match, kAttrMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 5 );
			// Add the attribute request type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inAttrTypeRequestList, kAttrTypeRequestList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			// Add the Attribute Info Only boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrInfoOnly, kAttrInfoOnly );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				if (*inOutMatchRecordCount < 0 )
					*inOutMatchRecordCount = 0;
				// Add the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg ( *inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 7 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 8 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			if ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall )
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				// Get the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecMatchCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData

//	Name:	dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData
//	Params:	inDirNodeRef
//			inOutDataBuff			->	A client-allocated buffer to hold the data results.
//			inRecTypeList			->	The list of record types to search over.
//			inAttrType				->	Which attribute type we are to match on.
//			inPattMatchType			->	The matching criteria used.
//			inPatterns2Match		->	The list of values to match for the above attribute type.
//			inAttrTypeRequestList   ->  List of attribute types that chould be returned.
//			inAttrInfoOnly			->  If set to true then the actual values for the above
//										list of attribute types need not be returned.
//			inOutMatchRecordCount	->	How many records we found that met the match criteria.
//										However, also a limit of the maximum records returned as provided by the client.
//										If zero or less then assuming no limit on number of records to be returned.
//			ioContinueData			->  Set to non-NULL if there is potentially more result data available.
//	Notes:  Only the requested list of attributes for the found records should be returned in this call.

tDirStatus dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData (	tDirNodeReference	inDirNodeRef,
														tDataBufferPtr		inOutDataBuff,
														tDataListPtr		inRecTypeList,
														tDataNodePtr		inAttrType,
														tDirPatternMatch	inPattMatchType,
														tDataListPtr		inPatterns2Match,
														tDataListPtr		inAttrTypeRequestList,
														dsBool				inAttrInfoOnly,
														UInt32			   *inOutMatchRecordCount,
														tContextData	   *ioContinueData )
	SInt32				outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32				siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32				messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inDirNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		//ability to not request record count is allowed
		//ability to accept continue data not enforced
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inOutDataBuff, eDSNullDataBuff, eDSEmptyBuffer );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inRecTypeList, eDSNullRecTypeList, eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTDataBuff( inAttrType, eDSNullAttributeType, eDSEmptyAttributeType );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inPatterns2Match, eDSNullAttributeValue, eDSEmptyPatternMatch );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			outResult = VerifyTNodeList( inAttrTypeRequestList, eDSNullAttributeRequestList, eDSEmptyAttributeRequestList );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID), ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// Add the return buffer length
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inOutDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the record type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inRecTypeList, kRecTypeList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the attribute type
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inAttrType, kAttrType );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			// Add the pattern match value
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inPattMatchType, kAttrPattMatch );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// Add the pattern match
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inPatterns2Match, kAttrMatches );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 5 );
			// Add the attribute request type list
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataList_ToMsg( inAttrTypeRequestList, kAttrTypeRequestList );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			// Add the Attribute Info Only boolean
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inAttrInfoOnly, kAttrInfoOnly );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 6 );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				if (*inOutMatchRecordCount < 0 )
					*inOutMatchRecordCount = 0;
				// Add the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg ( *inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 7 );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Add the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( (UInt32)*ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 8 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			if ( outResult != eDSBufferTooSmall )
				LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Get the data buffer 
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &inOutDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoDataBuff );
			if ( inOutMatchRecordCount != nil )
				// Get the record count
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( inOutMatchRecordCount, kMatchRecCount );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoRecMatchCount );
			if ( ioContinueData != nil )
				// Get the context data
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)ioContinueData, kContextData );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eDataReceiveErr_NoContinueData );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData

//	Name:	dsDoPlugInCustomCall
//	Params:	
//	Notes:

tDirStatus	dsDoPlugInCustomCall (	tDirNodeReference	inNodeRef,
									UInt32				inRequestCode,
									tDataBuffer		   *inDataBuff,
									tDataBuffer		   *outDataBuff )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	SInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			blockLen	= 0;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;
	UInt32			serverNodeRef = 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro(inNodeRef == 0, eDSInvalidReference);
		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Make sure we have a non-null data buffer
			if ( inDataBuff == NULL )
				outResult = eDSNullDataBuff;
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			// Calculate the send block length
			if ( outDataBuff == nil )
				blockLen = inDataBuff->fBufferSize;
				blockLen = inDataBuff->fBufferSize + outDataBuff->fBufferSize;
			serverNodeRef = gFWRefMap->GetRefNum( inNodeRef, eNodeRefType, gProcessPID );
			// Add the node reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( serverNodeRef, ktNodeRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			//Add the node map reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inNodeRef, ktNodeRefMap );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 1 );
			// Add the request code
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( inRequestCode, kCustomRequestCode );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 2 );
			// Add the incoming data buffer
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_tDataBuff_ToMsg( inDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 3 );
			if ( outDataBuff != nil )
				// Add the return buffer length
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( outDataBuff->fBufferSize, kOutBuffLen );
				LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError - 4 );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kDoPlugInCustomCall );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
			if ( outDataBuff != nil )
				// Get the data buffer 
				siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_tDataBuff_FromMsg( &outDataBuff, ktDataBuff );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;

	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsDoPlugInCustomCall

//	Name:	dsVerifyDirRefNum

tDirStatus dsVerifyDirRefNum ( tDirReference inDirRef )
	SInt32			outResult	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			siStatus	= eDSNoErr;
	UInt32			messageIndex= 0;

	pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

	if ( inDirRef == 0x00F0F0F0 )
		return (tDirStatus) outResult;
	if ( inDirRef == 0x0 )
		return( eDSInvalidReference );

		messageIndex = gFWRefMap->GetMessageTableIndex(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID);
		LogThenThrowIfTrueMacro( messageIndex > gMaxEndpoints, eDSRefTableIndexOutOfBoundsError );
		LogThenThrowIfNilMacro( gMessageTable[messageIndex], eDSRefTableEntryNilError );


			// Add the directory reference
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Add_Value_ToMsg( gFWRefMap->GetRefNum(inDirRef, eDirectoryRefType, gProcessPID), ktDirRef );
			LogThenThrowThisIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus, eParameterSendError );
			// **************** Send the message ****************
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->SendInlineMessage( kVerifyDirRefNum );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// **************** Get the reply ****************
			siStatus = (tDirStatus)gMessageTable[messageIndex]->GetReplyMessage();
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( siStatus );
			// Get the return result
			siStatus = gMessageTable[messageIndex]->Get_Value_FromMsg( (UInt32 *)&outResult, kResult );
			LogThenThrowIfDSErrorMacro( outResult );
		catch ( SInt32 err )
			outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
		catch ( ... )
			outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;


	catch( SInt32 err )
		outResult = (tDirStatus)err;
	catch ( ... )
		outResult = eDSCannotAccessSession;
	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection(&outResult, messageIndex, __LINE__);
	return (tDirStatus) outResult;

} // dsVerifyDirRefNum

//	Name:	CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection

void CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection ( SInt32 *inStatus, UInt32 inMessageIndex, UInt32 lineNumber )
    pthread_once( &_gGlobalsInitialized, __InitGlobals );

	if (*inStatus != eDSNoErr)
		if ( inMessageIndex != 0 ) //not mach endpoint
			if (	( *inStatus == eDSTCPReceiveError ) ||
					( *inStatus == eDSTCPSendError ) ) //TCP related error
				*inStatus = eDSCannotAccessSession;
				if (	( gMessageTable[inMessageIndex] != nil ) )
					if (gMessageTable[inMessageIndex] != nil )
						LOG1( kStdErr, "DirServices::CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection: TCP connection was lost - refer to line %d.", lineNumber );
} // CheckToCleanUpLostTCPConnection