DirServicesUtils.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header DirServicesUtils

#ifndef __DirServicesUtils_h__
#define	__DirServicesUtils_h__	1

// App

#include <stdarg.h>

#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <DirectoryService/DirServicesTypes.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


 * @function dsDataBufferAllocate
tDataBufferPtr	dsDataBufferAllocate		(	tDirReference		inDirReference,
												UInt32				inBufferSize );

 * @function dsDataBufferDeAllocate
tDirStatus		dsDataBufferDeAllocate		(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												tDataBufferPtr	inDataBufferPtr );

// Data Node Routines


 * @function dsDataNodeAllocateBlock
tDataNodePtr	dsDataNodeAllocateBlock		(	tDirReference		inDirReference,
												UInt32				inDataNodeSize,
												UInt32				inDataNodeLength,
												tBuffer				inDataNodeBuffer );

 * @function dsDataNodeAllocateString
tDataNodePtr	dsDataNodeAllocateString	(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												const char		*inCString );

 * @function dsDataNodeDeAllocate
tDirStatus		dsDataNodeDeAllocate		(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												tDataNodePtr	inDataNodePtr );

 * @function dsDataNodeSetLength
tDirStatus		dsDataNodeSetLength			(	tDataNodePtr		inDataNodePtr,
												UInt32				inDataNodeLength );

 * @function dsDataNodeGetLength
UInt32	dsDataNodeGetLength					(	tDataNodePtr	inDataNodePtr );

 * @function dsDataNodeGetSize
UInt32	dsDataNodeGetSize					(	tDataNodePtr	inDataNodePtr );

// Data list Routines

 * @function dsDataListAllocate
tDataListPtr	dsDataListAllocate			(	tDirReference	inDirReference );

 * @function dsDataListDeallocate
 * @discussion Note that if the tDataListPtr is a heap based tDataList rather than
 *		stack based, that you must also call free() to release the memory for the
 *		head of the list after calling dsDataListDeallocate().
tDirStatus		dsDataListDeallocate		(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList );

 * @function dsDataListDeAllocate
 * @discussion Included only for backward compatibility. Equivalent to dsDataListDeallocate.
tDirStatus		dsDataListDeAllocate		(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												dsBool			inDeAllocateNodesFlag );


 * @function dsGetPathFromList
char*			dsGetPathFromList			(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												const tDataList	*inDataList,
												const char		*inDelimiter );

 * @function dsBuildFromPath
tDataListPtr	dsBuildFromPath				(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												const char		*inPathCString,
												const char		*inPathSeparatorCString );

 * @function dsBuildListFromPathAlloc
tDirStatus		dsBuildListFromPathAlloc	(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												const char		*inPathCString,
												const char		*inPathSeparatorCString );

 * @function dsBuildListFromNodesAlloc
tDirStatus		dsBuildListFromNodesAlloc	(	tDirReference	inDirReferences,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												tDataNodePtr	in1stDataNodePtr,
												... );

 * @function dsBuildListFromStrings
tDataListPtr	dsBuildListFromStrings		(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												const char		*in1stCString,
												... );

 * @function dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc
tDirStatus		dsBuildListFromStringsAlloc	(	tDirReference	inDirReferences,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												const char		*in1stCString,
												... );

 * @function dsBuildListFromStringsAllocV
tDirStatus		dsBuildListFromStringsAllocV ( tDirReference	inDirRef,
												tDataList		*inDataList,
												const char		*in1stCString,
												va_list			args );

 * @function dsAppendStringToListAlloc
tDirStatus		dsAppendStringToListAlloc	(	tDirReference	inDirReferences,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												const char		* inCString );


 * @function dsDataListGetNodeCount
UInt32	dsDataListGetNodeCount				(	const tDataList	*inDataList );

 * @function dsAllocStringsFromList
 * @discussion Provides a char** of the strings contained within a tDataList.
char** dsAllocStringsFromList( tDirReference inDirRef, const tDataList *inDataList )

 * @function dsGetDataLength
UInt32	dsGetDataLength						(	const tDataList	*inDataList );

 * @function dsDataListInsertAfter
 * @param inNodeIndex One-based index of the existing node to insert the new node after.
 * 		If inNodeIndex is 0, then it is inserted at the head of the list.
 * @discussion The datanode is copied into the datalist.  The caller owns the original
 *		datanode, therefore must deallocate after adding to the list.
tDirStatus		dsDataListInsertAfter		(	tDirReference	inDirReferences,
												tDataListPtr	inDataList,
												tDataNodePtr	inInsertDataNode,
												const UInt32	inNodeIndex );

 * @function dsDataListMergeListAfter
tDirStatus		dsDataListMergeListAfter	(	tDataListPtr	inTargetList,
												tDataListPtr	inSourceList,
												const UInt32	inNodeIndex );

 * @function dsDataListCopyList
tDataListPtr	dsDataListCopyList			(	tDirReference	inDirReference,
												const tDataList	*inDataListSource );

 * @function dsDataListDeleteThisNode
tDirStatus		dsDataListDeleteThisNode	(	tDirReference		inDirReference,
												tDataListPtr		inDataList,
												UInt32				inNodeIndex );

 * @function dsDataListGetNodeAlloc
tDirStatus		dsDataListGetNodeAlloc		(	tDirReference		inDirReference,
												const tDataList		*inDataListPtr,
												UInt32				inNodeIndex,
												tDataNodePtr		*outDataNode );


 * @function dsAllocAttributeValueEntry
tAttributeValueEntryPtr		dsAllocAttributeValueEntry		(	tDirReference			inDirRef,
																UInt32					inAttrValueID,
																void				   *inAttrValueData,
																UInt32					inAttrValueDataLen );

 * @function dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry
tDirStatus					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry	(	tDirReference			inDirRef,
																tAttributeValueEntryPtr	inAttrValueEntry );

 * @function dsDeallocAttributeEntry
tDirStatus					dsDeallocAttributeEntry			(	tDirReference			inDirRef,
																tAttributeEntryPtr		inAttrEntry );

 * @function dsDeallocRecordEntry
tDirStatus					dsDeallocRecordEntry			(	tDirReference			inDirRef,
																tRecordEntryPtr			inRecEntry );


 * @function dsGetRecordNameFromEntry
 * @param outRecName Used to return the record name to the client. Client is responsible for freeing
 * 		the resulting string.
tDirStatus		dsGetRecordNameFromEntry	(	tRecordEntryPtr inRecEntryPtr, char **outRecName );

 * @function dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry
 * @param outRecType Used to return the record name to the client. Client is responsible for freeing
 * 		the resulting string.
tDirStatus		dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry	(	tRecordEntryPtr inRecEntryPtr, char **outRecType );

 * @function dsParseAuthAuthority
 * Pass in a complete authentication authority attribute
 * format is version;tag;data
 * retrieve version, tag, and data as separate strings
 * Memory for the char** parameters is the responsibility of the client
 * and can be cleaned up using free().
tDirStatus		dsParseAuthAuthority		(   const char *inAuthAuthority, char **outVersion, char **outAuthTag, char **outAuthData ) 

 * @function dsCopyDirStatusName
 * Pass in the tDirStatus enum and receive the string of the enum name.
 * Memory for the char* is the responsibility of the client
 * and can be cleaned up using free().
char*			dsCopyDirStatusName			(   SInt32 inDirStatus ) 

 * @function	dsFillAuthBuffer
 * @abstract	Fills a buffer with a list of items.
 * @discussion	Use this function as a convenient way to compose the buffer
				for calls to dsDoDirNodeAuth().
 * @param		inOutAuthBuffer pass in a preallocated buffer to be filled.
 * @param		inCount the number of length/data pairs on the stack
 * @param		inLen the length of one buffer item
 * @param		inData a pointer to inLen bytes of data
tDirStatus	dsFillAuthBuffer			(	tDataBufferPtr inOutAuthBuffer,
												UInt32			inCount,
												UInt32			inLen,
												const void *inData, ... )

 * @function dsAppendAuthBuffer
 * @abstract	Appends a list of items to an existing buffer.
 * @discussion	Use this function as a convenient way to compose the buffer
				for calls to dsDoDirNodeAuth().
 * @param		inOutAuthBuffer pass in a preallocated buffer.
 * @param		inCount the number of length/data pairs on the stack
 * @param		inLen the length of one buffer item
 * @param		inData a pointer to inLen bytes of data
tDirStatus		dsAppendAuthBuffer				(	tDataBufferPtr inOutAuthBuffer,
												UInt32			inCount,
												UInt32			inLen,
													const void *inData, ... )

 * @function dsAppendAuthBufferWithAuthorityAttribute
 * @abstract	Inserts a user name with authentication authority data into
 *				an existing buffer.
 * @discussion	Use this function for authentication methods that contain user
 *				or authenticator names and the authentication authority attribute
 *				has already been retrieved.
 * @param		inNodeRef a node reference for the record to parse
 * @param		inRecordListBuffPtr the data returned from dsGetDataList
 * @param		inAttributePtr an attribute with authentication authority data
 * @param		inValueRef the reference for the kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority
 *				attribute.
 * @param		inUserName the name of the user to authenticate
 * @param		inOutAuthBuffer pass in a preallocated buffer, returns with
 *				the user data appended.
 * @result		tDirStatus code
tDirStatus	dsAppendAuthBufferWithAuthorityAttribute
												(	tDirNodeReference inNodeRef,
													tDataBufferPtr inRecordListBuffPtr,
													tAttributeEntryPtr inAttributePtr,
													tAttributeValueListRef inValueRef,
													const char *inUserName,
													tDataBufferPtr inOutAuthBuffer )

 * @function dsAppendAuthBufferWithAuthorityStrings
 * @abstract	Inserts a user name with authentication authority data into
 *				an existing buffer.
 * @discussion	Use this function for authentication methods that contain user
 *				or authenticator names and the authentication authority attribute
 *				has already been retrieved.
 * @param		inUserName the name of the user to authenticate
 * @param		inAuthAuthority a NULL terminated array of C strings
 * @param		inOutAuthBuffer pass in a preallocated buffer, returns with
 *				the user data appended.
 * @result		tDirStatus code

tDirStatus dsAppendAuthBufferWithAuthorityStrings
												(	const char *inUserName,
													const char *inAuthAuthority[],
													tDataBufferPtr inOutAuthBuffer )

 * @function dsServiceInformationAllocate
 * @abstract	Allocate a buffer that contains the xml plist form of a
 *				CFDictionary.
 * @discussion	Services can use this function to obtain a buffer suitable for
 *				providing additional information to dsDoDirNodeAuth(). This buffer
 *				is also used to return data from an authentication method, so it
 *				needs to be large enough to handle the context information and
 *				the data returned by the authentication method.
 * @param		inServiceInfo A dictionary that contains context information
				from a service
 * @param		inBufferSize The desired size of the buffer. It is expanded if
 *				necessary to fit the context information. The buffer must be large
 *				enough to hold the data returned by the authentication method used.
 * @param		outPackedServiceInfo A constructed buffer containing the data
 *				from inServiceInfo.
 * @result		tDirStatus code

tDirStatus dsServiceInformationAllocate			(	CFDictionaryRef inServiceInfo,
													UInt32 inBufferSize,
													tDataBufferPtr *outPackedServiceInfo )

#ifdef __cplusplus
