CSearchPlugin.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header CSearchPlugin
 * Implements the search policies.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>			//used for mkdir and stat
#include <syslog.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>	// for dsTimeStamp

#include <Security/Authorization.h>

#include "DirServices.h"
#include "DirServicesUtils.h"
#include "DirServicesConst.h"

#include "SharedConsts.h"
#include "CSharedData.h"
#include "PrivateTypes.h"
#include "DSUtils.h"
#include "CAttributeList.h"
#include "CPlugInRef.h"
#include "CDataBuff.h"
#include "CRecTypeList.h"
#include "ServerControl.h"
#include "CLog.h"

#include "CSearchPlugin.h"
#include "ServerModuleLib.h"
#include "DSUtils.h"
#include "COSUtils.h"
#include "PluginData.h"
#include "DSCThread.h"
#include "DSEventSemaphore.h"
#include "CContinue.h"
#include "GetMACAddress.h"

extern	bool			gServerOS;
extern	bool			gFirstNetworkUpAtBoot;

bool					gbFirstSNNetworkTransition	= false;
bool					gBlockSNNetworkChange		= false;

// Globals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#define		kDS1AttrDHCPLDAPDefault		"dsAttrTypeStandard:DHCPLDAPDefault"

static CPlugInRef		 	*gSNNodeRef				= nil;
static CContinue		 	*gSNContinue			= nil;
static DSEventSemaphore		*gKickSearchRequests	= nil;
static CSearchPlugin		*gSearchNode			= nil;
static double				gCheckForNIParentTime	= 0.0;

static void DoSNPINetworkChange(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info);
void DoSNPINetworkChange(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info)
	//KW This is currently NOT USED
	if ( info != nil )
		((CSearchPlugin *)info)->ReDiscoverNetwork();
}// DoSNPINetworkChange

CFStringRef NetworkChangeSNPICopyStringCallback( const void *item );
CFStringRef NetworkChangeSNPICopyStringCallback( const void *item )
	//KW This is currently NOT USED
	return CFSTR("NetworkChangeinSearchModule");

void DHCPChangeNotification(SCDynamicStoreRef aSCDStore, CFArrayRef changedKeys, void *callback_argument)
	if ( ( gSearchNode != nil ) && !gBlockSNNetworkChange ) //if going to sleep do not do this
		gSearchNode->Initialize(); // let's just initialize immediately....
		DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::DHCPChangeNotification: gbFirstSNNetworkTransition set to true" );
		gbFirstSNNetworkTransition = true;
}// DHCPChangeNotification

void NIHierarchyChangeNotification(SCDynamicStoreRef aSCDStore, CFArrayRef changedKeys, void *callback_argument)
	if ( ( gSearchNode != nil ) && !gBlockSNNetworkChange ) //if going to sleep do not do this
		DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::NIHierarchyChangeNotification: calling Initialize" );
		gSearchNode->Initialize(); // let's just initialize immediately....
		DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::NIHierarchyChangeNotification: gbFirstSNNetworkTransition set to true" );
		gbFirstSNNetworkTransition = true;
}// NIHierarchyChangeNotification

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CSearchPlugin ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CSearchPlugin::CSearchPlugin ( FourCharCode inSig, const char *inName ) : CServerPlugin(inSig, inName)
	fDirRef					= 0;
	fState					= kUnknownState;
	pSearchConfigList		= nil;
	fServerRunLoop			= nil;	//could be obtained directly now since a module not plugin
	fTransitionCheckTime	= 0;
	fAuthSearchPathCheck	= nil;
	fSomeNodeFailedToOpen	= false;
	gCheckForNIParentTime = dsTimestamp() + USEC_PER_SEC*10; //wait ten secs from start to recheck for parent
	if ( gSNNodeRef == nil )
		if (gServerOS)
			gSNNodeRef = new CPlugInRef( CSearchPlugin::ContextDeallocProc, 1024 );
			gSNNodeRef = new CPlugInRef( CSearchPlugin::ContextDeallocProc, 256 );

	if ( gSNContinue == nil )
		if (gServerOS)
			gSNContinue = new CContinue( CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc, 256 );
			gSNContinue = new CContinue( CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc, 64 );

	if ( gKickSearchRequests == nil )
		gKickSearchRequests = new DSEventSemaphore();
	gSearchNode = this;
	fPluginInitialized = false;
	::dsOpenDirService( &fDirRef ); //don't check the return since we are direct dispatch inside the daemon

} // CSearchPlugin

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ~CSearchPlugin ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CSearchPlugin::~CSearchPlugin ( void )
	sSearchConfig  	   *pConfig			= nil;
	sSearchConfig  	   *pDeleteConfig	= nil;

	//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
	pConfig = pSearchConfigList;
	while (pConfig != nil)
		pDeleteConfig = pConfig;
		pConfig = pConfig->fNext;		//assign to next BEFORE deleting current
		CleanSearchConfigData( pDeleteConfig );
		free( pDeleteConfig );
		pDeleteConfig = nil;
	pSearchConfigList = nil;

	if (fDirRef != 0)
		::dsCloseDirService( fDirRef );
} // ~CSearchPlugin

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Validate ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::Validate ( const char *inVersionStr, const uInt32 inSignature )
	fPlugInSignature = inSignature;

	return( eDSNoErr );
} // Validate

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* PeriodicTask ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::PeriodicTask ( void )
	return( eDSNoErr );
} // PeriodicTask

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Initialize ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::Initialize ( void )
	sInt32			siResult				= eDSNoErr;
	sInt32			result					= eDSNoErr;
	sInt32			addLDAPResult			= eSearchPathNotDefined;
	tDataList	   *aNodeName				= nil;
	sSearchConfig  *aSearchConfig			= nil;
	sSearchConfig  *lastSearchConfig		= nil;
	uInt32			index					= 0;
	uInt32			aSearchConfigType		= 0;
	char		   *aSearchNodeName			= nil;
	char		   *aSearchConfigFilePrefix	= nil;
	sSearchList	   *aSearchNodeList			= nil;
	sSearchList	   *autoSearchNodeList		= nil;
	CConfigs	   *aConfigFromXML			= nil;
	uInt32			aSearchPolicy			= 0;
	eDirNodeType	aDirNodeType			= kUnknownNodeType;
	char		   *authSearchPathCheck		= nil;
	bool			bShouldNotify			= fSomeNodeFailedToOpen;
		//verify the dirRef here and only open a new one if required
		//can't believe we ever need a new one since we are direct dispatch inside the daemon
		siResult = ::dsVerifyDirRefNum(fDirRef);
		if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
			// Get a directory services reference as a member variable
			siResult = ::dsOpenDirService( &fDirRef );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		//KW here we create the multiple search configs that CAN be used by this search node ie. three of them now
		//--might in the future determine exactly how these get initialized but for now they are hard coded
		//--to three separate configs:one for Auth, one for Contacts, and one for Default Network
		//note that the first two are setup the same way and the Default Network one is separate outside of the for loop
		//the rest of the code can easily deal with any number of configs
		for (index=0; index<2; index++)
			if (index == 0)
				DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting Authentication Search Node Configuraton" );
				aSearchConfigType	= eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName;
				aDirNodeType		= kSearchNodeType;
			else if (index == 1)
				DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting Contacts Search Node Configuraton" );
				aSearchConfigType 	= eDSContactsSearchNodeName;
				aDirNodeType		= kContactsSearchNodeType;

			aSearchConfig = FindSearchConfigWithKey(aSearchConfigType);
			if (aSearchConfig != nil)  //checking if we are simply re-entrying intialize
			//so don't want to ignore what is already set-up but do want to possibly switch the search policy
				aConfigFromXML 			= aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML;
				aSearchNodeName			= aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName;
				aSearchConfigFilePrefix	= aSearchConfig->fSearchConfigFilePrefix;
				if (index == 0)
					aSearchNodeName		= (char *) ::calloc(sizeof(kstrAuthenticationNodeName) + 1, sizeof(char));
					::strcpy(aSearchNodeName, kstrAuthenticationNodeName);
					aSearchConfigFilePrefix = (char *) ::calloc(sizeof(kstrAuthenticationConfigFilePrefix) + 1, sizeof(char));
					::strcpy(aSearchConfigFilePrefix, kstrAuthenticationConfigFilePrefix);
					aSearchNodeName		= (char *) ::calloc(sizeof(kstrContactsNodeName) + 1, sizeof(char));
					::strcpy(aSearchNodeName, kstrContactsNodeName);
					aSearchConfigFilePrefix = (char *) ::calloc(sizeof(kstrContactsConfigFilePrefix) + 1, sizeof(char));
					::strcpy(aSearchConfigFilePrefix, kstrContactsConfigFilePrefix);
			//this is where the XML config file comes from
			if ( aConfigFromXML == nil )
				aConfigFromXML = new CConfigs();
				if ( aConfigFromXML != nil )
					result = aConfigFromXML->Init( aSearchConfigFilePrefix, aSearchPolicy );
					if ( result != eDSNoErr ) //use default if error
						aSearchPolicy = 1; //automatic is the default
					aSearchPolicy = 1; //automatic is the default
			else if (aSearchConfig != nil) //retain the same search policy for re-entry
				aSearchPolicy = aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy;
			switch ( aSearchPolicy )
				case kCustomSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to Custom search" );
					aSearchNodeList = aConfigFromXML->GetCustom();
					//if custom list was nil we go ahead anyways with local only
					//local policy nodes always added in regardless
					siResult = AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths(&aSearchNodeList);

				case kLocalSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to Local search" );
					//local policy call
					siResult = AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths(&aSearchNodeList);

				case kNetInfoSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to NetInfo search" );
					if (autoSearchNodeList == nil)
						siResult = DoNetInfoDefault(&aSearchNodeList);
						autoSearchNodeList = DupSearchListWithNewRefs(aSearchNodeList);
						aSearchNodeList = DupSearchListWithNewRefs(autoSearchNodeList);
			} // switch on aSearchPolicy
			if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
				if (aSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
					//get the default LDAP search paths if they are present
					//don't check status on return as continuing on anyways
					//don't add on to the custom path
					if ( aConfigFromXML->IsDHCPLDAPEnabled() )
						addLDAPResult = AddDefaultLDAPNodesLast(&aSearchNodeList);
				if (aSearchConfig != nil) //clean up the old search list due to re-entry and add in the new
					sSearchList *toCleanSearchNodeList = nil;
					toCleanSearchNodeList = aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList;
					aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList	= aSearchNodeList;
					aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy	= aSearchPolicy;
					//flush the old search path list outside of the mutex
					CleanSearchListData( toCleanSearchNodeList );
					//now get this search config
					aSearchConfig	= MakeSearchConfigData(	aSearchNodeList,
					//now put aSearchConfig in the list
				//set the indicator file
				if (addLDAPResult == eSearchPathNotDefined)
					SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile(aSearchConfigType, aSearchPolicy);
				else //DHCP LDAP nodes added so make sure indicator file shows a custom policy
					SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile(aSearchConfigType, kCustomSearchPolicy);
				addLDAPResult = eSearchPathNotDefined;
				aSearchNodeList			= nil;
				aSearchPolicy			= 0;
				aConfigFromXML			= nil;
				aSearchNodeName			= nil;
				aSearchConfigFilePrefix	= nil;
				lastSearchConfig		= aSearchConfig;
				aSearchConfig			= nil;
				// make search node active
				fState = kUnknownState;
				fState += kInitialized;
				fState += kActive;


		} //for loop over search node indices
		//clean up the cached auto search list if it exists
		if ( (autoSearchNodeList != nil) && (lastSearchConfig != nil) )
			CleanSearchListData( autoSearchNodeList );

		{  //Default Network Search Policy
			DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting Detault Network Search Node Configuraton" );
			aSearchConfigType	= eDSNetworkSearchNodeName;
			aDirNodeType		= kNetworkSearchNodeType;
			aSearchPolicy		= kCustomSearchPolicy;
			aSearchConfig = FindSearchConfigWithKey(aSearchConfigType);
			if (aSearchConfig != nil)  //checking if we are simply re-entrying intialize
			//so don't want to ignore what is already set-up
				aConfigFromXML 			= aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML;
				aSearchNodeName			= aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName;
				aSearchConfigFilePrefix	= aSearchConfig->fSearchConfigFilePrefix;  //should be NULL
				aSearchNodeName		= (char *) ::calloc( 1, sizeof(kstrNetworkNodeName) + 1 );
				::strcpy(aSearchNodeName, kstrNetworkNodeName);
				aSearchConfigFilePrefix = NULL;
				//this is where the XML config file comes from but is unused by this search node
				//however, we need the class for functions within it
				if ( aConfigFromXML == nil )
					aConfigFromXML = new CConfigs();
					//if aConfigFromXML is nil then it is checked for later and not used
			//register any default network nodes if any can be determined here
			//siResult = DoDefaultNetworkNodes(&aSearchNodeList);??
			//likely that since they are built automatically that there will be none added here
			//so the search policy list for now will be nil
			//the DS daemon knows the list and the search node can get the list when it needs it
			//ie. lazily get it when a call comes in needing it ie. when the Default Network node is actually opened
			if (aSearchConfig != nil) //clean up the old search list due to re-entry and add in the new
				sSearchList *toCleanSearchNodeList = nil;
				toCleanSearchNodeList = aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList;
				aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList	= aSearchNodeList;
				aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy	= aSearchPolicy;
				//flush the old search path list outside of the mutex
				CleanSearchListData( toCleanSearchNodeList );
				//now get this search config
				aSearchConfig	= MakeSearchConfigData(	aSearchNodeList,
				//now put aSearchConfig in the list
		} //Default Network Search Policy end

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;
		fState = kUnknownState;
		fState += kFailedToInit;

	aSearchConfig = pSearchConfigList;
	while (aSearchConfig != nil) //register all the search nodes that were successfully created
		aNodeName = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName, "/" );
		if ( aNodeName != nil )
			CServerPlugin::_RegisterNode( fPlugInSignature, aNodeName, aSearchConfig->fDirNodeType );

			::dsDataListDeallocatePriv( aNodeName );
			free( aNodeName );
			aNodeName = nil;
			//build a checksum or string to determine the authentication search policy actually changed
			if ( strcmp(kstrAuthenticationNodeName, aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName) == 0 )
				CDataBuff	   *aTmpData	= nil;
				sSearchList	   *pListPtr	= nil;
				char		   *p			= nil;
				aTmpData = new CDataBuff();
				if ( aTmpData != nil )
					pListPtr = aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						p = pListPtr->fNodeName;
						if (p != nil)
							aTmpData->AppendString( p );
						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
					authSearchPathCheck = (char *) calloc(1, (aTmpData->GetLength()) + 1);
					memcpy(authSearchPathCheck, aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength());
					aTmpData = nil;
		aSearchConfig = aSearchConfig->fNext;
	//check for search policy change
	if (fAuthSearchPathCheck == nil)
		//on startup let's not change anything?
		//KW does this impact automounter or other clients at startup?
		bShouldNotify = false;
	else if (authSearchPathCheck != nil)
		if (strcmp(fAuthSearchPathCheck, authSearchPathCheck) != 0)
			bShouldNotify = true;
	fAuthSearchPathCheck = authSearchPathCheck;
	if (bShouldNotify)
	fSomeNodeFailedToOpen = false;
	fPluginInitialized = true;

	return( siResult );

} // Initialize

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SwitchSearchPolicy ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin:: SwitchSearchPolicy ( uInt32 inSearchPolicy, sSearchConfig *inSearchConfig )
	sInt32			siResult				= eDSNoErr;
	sInt32			addLDAPResult			= eSearchPathNotDefined;
	char		   *authSearchPathCheck		= nil;

			//this is where the XML config file comes from
			if ( inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML == nil )
				inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML = new CConfigs();
				if ( inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSPlugInConfigFileError );
				//don't use the search policy from the XML config file
				//however, need to init with the file
				siResult = inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->Init( inSearchConfig->fSearchConfigFilePrefix, inSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				//KW need to update this file
				//siResult = pConfigFromXML->SetSearchPolicy(inSearchPolicy);
				//if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

			//switch the search policy here
			inSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy = inSearchPolicy;
			//since switching need to remove the old and
			//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
			CleanSearchListData( inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList );
			inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList = nil;

			switch ( inSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy )
				case kCustomSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to Custom search" );
					inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList = inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->GetCustom();
					//if custom list was nil we go ahead anyways with local only
					//local policy nodes always added in regardless
					siResult = AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths(&(inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList));

				case kLocalSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to Local search" );
					//local policy call
					siResult = AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths(&(inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList));

				case kNetInfoSearchPolicy:
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "Setting search policy to NetInfo default" );
					siResult = DoNetInfoDefault(&(inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList));
			} // select the search policy

			if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
				if (inSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
					//get the default LDAP search paths if they are present
					//don't check status on return as continuing on anyways
					//don't add on to the custom path
					if ( inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML == nil
						 || inSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->IsDHCPLDAPEnabled() )
						addLDAPResult = AddDefaultLDAPNodesLast(&(inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList));
				// make search node active
				fState = kUnknownState;
				fState += kInitialized;
				fState += kActive;
				//set the indicator file
				if (addLDAPResult == eSearchPathNotDefined)
					SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile( inSearchConfig->fSearchConfigKey, inSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy );
				else //DHCP LDAP nodes added so make sure indicator file shows a custom policy
					SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile( inSearchConfig->fSearchConfigKey, kCustomSearchPolicy );

				//let all the context node references know about the switch
	} // try

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;
		fState = kUnknownState;
		fState += kInactive;

	//build a checksum or string to determine the authentication search policy actually changed
	if ( strcmp(kstrAuthenticationNodeName, inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName) == 0 )
		CDataBuff	   *aTmpData	= nil;
		sSearchList	   *pListPtr	= nil;
		char		   *p			= nil;
		aTmpData = new CDataBuff();
		if ( aTmpData != nil )
			pListPtr = inSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList;
			while ( pListPtr != nil )
				p = pListPtr->fNodeName;
				if (p != nil)
					aTmpData->AppendString( p );
				pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
			authSearchPathCheck = (char *) calloc(1, (aTmpData->GetLength()) + 1);
			memcpy(authSearchPathCheck, aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength());
			aTmpData = nil;
	//update the auth search path check value
	if (authSearchPathCheck != nil)
		if (fAuthSearchPathCheck != nil)
		fAuthSearchPathCheck = authSearchPathCheck;


	return( siResult );

} // SwitchSearchPolicy

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* DoNetInfoDefault ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::DoNetInfoDefault ( sSearchList **inSearchNodeList )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;

	*inSearchNodeList = GetNetInfoPaths(false,nil);
	if ( *inSearchNodeList  == nil )
		siResult	= eSearchPathNotDefined;

	return( siResult );

} // DoNetInfoDefault

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* GetNetInfoPaths ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchList *CSearchPlugin:: GetNetInfoPaths ( bool bFullPath, char** localNodeName )
	sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	bool					bLocalIsRoot		= false;
	char				   *p					= nil;
	char				   *n					= nil;
	tDataBuffer			   *pNodeNameBuff 		= nil;
	tDataBuffer			   *pLocalNodeBuff 		= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodeNameDL			= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodePath			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCount				= 0;
	sSearchList			   *pCurList			= nil;
	sSearchList			   *pSrchList			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCntr				= 1;
	sSearchList			   *outSrchList			= nil;
	char				   *aSearchPath			= nil;
	tDirNodeReference  	   	aNodeRef			= 0;
	tAttributeListRef		attrListRef			= 0;
	tAttributeValueListRef	attrValueListRef	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry   *pAttrValueEntry		= nil;
	tAttributeEntry		   *pAttrEntry			= nil;
	uInt32					aIndex				= 0;
	uInt32					aSearchPathLen		= 0;
	bool					bSetLocalFirst		= true;
//	tDataList			   *aNodeName			= nil;
	tContextData			context				= NULL;

		if ( gbFirstSNNetworkTransition )
			if (localNodeName == nil || *localNodeName == nil)
				DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths:no localnode passed in so refresh notions" );
				pLocalNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 512 );
				if ( pLocalNodeBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
					siResult = dsFindDirNodes( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff, NULL, eDSLocalNodeNames, &uiCount, &context );
					if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
						uInt32 bufSize = pLocalNodeBuff->fBufferSize;
						dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pLocalNodeBuff );
						pLocalNodeBuff = nil;
						pLocalNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( bufSize * 2 );
				} while (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall);
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				if ( uiCount == 0 )
					DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths:dsFindDirNodes on local returned zero" );
					throw( siResult ); //could end up throwing eDSNoErr but no local node will still return nil
				// assume there is only one local node
				siResult = dsGetDirNodeName( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff, 1, &pNodeNameDL );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths:dsGetDirNodeName on local returned error %d", siResult );
					throw( siResult );
				if ( pLocalNodeBuff != nil )
					::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff );
					pLocalNodeBuff = nil;
				//open the local node
				siResult = ::dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, &aNodeRef );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths:dsOpenDirNode on local returned error %d", siResult );
					throw( siResult );
				::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
				pNodeNameDL = nil;
				pNodePath = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( kDSNAttrNodePath, nil );
				if ( pNodePath == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
				pNodeNameBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 1024 );
				if ( pNodeNameBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
				//extract the "true" node path for the local node ie. not the registered label
				uiCount = 0;
				siResult = ::dsGetDirNodeInfo( aNodeRef, pNodePath, pNodeNameBuff, false, &uiCount, &attrListRef, nil  );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				if ( uiCount == 0 ) throw ( (sInt32)eNoSearchNodesFound );
				::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodePath, false );
				pNodePath = nil;
				//assume first attribute since only 1 asked for
				siResult = dsGetAttributeEntry( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, attrListRef, 1, &attrValueListRef, &pAttrEntry );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				//this node path here is multi-valued so we need to put it back together even
				//though we will parse it out below since we start at the bottom and not the top
				//in the search order
				//KW seems inefficient to go through the loop twice ie. first to get total length and second to build string
				//KW alternate approach is to put aSearchPath on the stack with size say of 256?
				//figure out the total path string length
				for (aIndex=1; aIndex < (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount+1); aIndex++)
					siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, aIndex, attrValueListRef, &pAttrValueEntry );
					if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
					if ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
					aSearchPathLen += (::strlen(pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData) + 1); //+1 for the "/" to be added
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pAttrValueEntry);
					pAttrValueEntry = nil;
				aSearchPath = (char *) ::calloc( 1, aSearchPathLen + 1);
				//build the actual path string
				for (aIndex=1; aIndex < (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount+1); aIndex++)
					siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, aIndex, attrValueListRef, &pAttrValueEntry );
					if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
					if ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
					::strcat(aSearchPath, "/");
					::strcat(aSearchPath, pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData);
					dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pAttrValueEntry);
					pAttrValueEntry = nil;
				dsDeallocAttributeEntry(fDirRef, pAttrEntry);
				pAttrEntry = nil;
				//close dir node after releasing attr references
				siResult = ::dsCloseDirNode(aNodeRef);
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				if (localNodeName != nil)
					*localNodeName = strdup(aSearchPath);
			else if (localNodeName != nil)
				DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths:localnode used" );
				aSearchPath = strdup(*localNodeName);
			aSearchPath = strdup("/NetInfo/root");
		DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths: netinfo domain name found as <%s>", aSearchPath );
   		if ( ::strcmp( "/NetInfo/root", aSearchPath ) == 0 )
   			bLocalIsRoot = true;

   		if ( ::strncmp( "/NetInfo/root", aSearchPath, 13 ) == 0 )
   			//p = (char *)::malloc( ::strlen( aSearchPath ) + 1 );
   			p = aSearchPath;
   			n = p + ::strlen( aSearchPath );

   				// Make the search list data node
				//would like to make use of method from CConfigs so that pSrchList = MakeListData(p);
				//replaces the next 17 lines but it needs the pointer to the CConfigs which would need to be passed
				//into this routine and is not readily available so do it the same way as the method
   				pSrchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchList ), sizeof(char) );

				if (bSetLocalFirst) //let's ensure that name is always fixed for the local node
					if (bFullPath)
						pSrchList->fNodeName = (char *)::calloc( ::strlen( p ) + 1, sizeof(char) );
						::strcpy( pSrchList->fNodeName, p );
						pSrchList->fNodeName = (char *)::calloc( ::strlen( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName ) + 1, sizeof(char) );
						::strcpy( pSrchList->fNodeName, kstrDefaultLocalNodeName );
					pSrchList->fNodeName = (char *)::calloc( ::strlen( p ) + 1, sizeof(char) );
					::strcpy( pSrchList->fNodeName, p );
				//KW this is a good point to check whether the fullpath pSrchList->fNodeName OR p name is registered
				//Two approaches:
				//A - simple - register every path found here since if already registered nothing new happens
				//B - call FindDirNodes to see if it already is registered - if not then register it
				// Looks like version A would be faster and NOT involve mach ip
				//aNodeName = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( pSrchList->fNodeName, "/" );
				//if ( aNodeName != nil )
//doing this - if it succeeds will make the NetInfo registered node seem to be serviced
//by the Search plugin which is NOT what we want to have happen
//somehow this plugin needs to have the token from the NetInfo plugin or NOT do this
					//CServerPlugin::_RegisterNode( fPlugInSignature, aNodeName, kDirNodeType );

					//::dsDataListDeallocatePriv( aNodeName );
					//free( aNodeName );
					//aNodeName = nil;

				//ensure that local node is ALWAYS first in this path even if my_ni_pwdomain within
				//the NI plugin dsGetDirNodeInfo call returns a transitional path name
				//ie. don't care what pSrchList->fDataList name is used
				if (bSetLocalFirst)
					pSrchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName, "/" );
					DBGLOG2( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths<setlocalfirst>:Search policy node %l = %s", uiCntr++, pSrchList->fNodeName );

					bSetLocalFirst  = false;

					//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref
					pSrchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( pSrchList->fNodeName, "/" );
					DBGLOG2( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNetInfoPaths1:Search policy node %l = %s", uiCntr++, pSrchList->fNodeName );

					//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref

   				if ( outSrchList == nil )
   					outSrchList = pSrchList;
   					pCurList	= outSrchList;
   					// Add this search data node to the end of the list
   					pCurList->fNext = pSrchList;
   					pCurList = pCurList->fNext;

   				if ( ::strcmp( p, "/NetInfo/root" ) != 0 )
   					while ( (n != p) && (*n != '/') )

   					if ( *n == '/' )
   						//this is how we strip off the last component of the path
   						*n = '\0';
   					n = p;
   			} while ( (p != n) && (bLocalIsRoot == false) );

   			siResult = eDSNoErr;

   		} // if ( ::strncmp( "/NetInfo/root", aSearchPath, 13 ) == 0 )

		if ( p != nil )
			free( p ); //this also takes care of the aSearchPath so why have both?
   			aSearchPath = nil;
   			p = nil; // p is the same as aSearchPath

		if ( pNodeNameBuff != nil )
			::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameBuff );
			pNodeNameBuff = nil;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( pNodeNameDL != nil )
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
		pNodeNameDL = nil;

	if ( pNodePath != nil )
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodePath, false );
		pNodePath = nil;

	if ( pLocalNodeBuff != nil )
		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff );
		pLocalNodeBuff = nil;

	if ( pNodeNameBuff != nil )
		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameBuff );
		pNodeNameBuff = nil;

	if ( aSearchPath != nil )
		free( aSearchPath );
		aSearchPath = nil;
	//ensure that there is a search node
	if (outSrchList == nil)
		outSrchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchList ), sizeof(char) );
		if (outSrchList != nil)
			outSrchList->fNodeName	= strdup(kstrDefaultLocalNodeName);
			outSrchList->fDataList	= ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName, "/" );
			outSrchList->fNodeRef	= 0;
			outSrchList->fOpened	= false;
			outSrchList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
			outSrchList->fNext		= nil;
			DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "GetNetInfoPaths: Search policy node forced to explicit default local node due to failed init");
			//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref
			DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "GetNetInfoPaths: Search policy node failed to force to explicit default local node due to failed init");

	return( outSrchList );

} // GetNetInfoPaths

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* AddDefaultLDAPNodesLast ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::AddDefaultLDAPNodesLast( sSearchList **inSearchNodeList )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchList		   *ldapSrchList	= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pSrchList		= nil;

	ldapSrchList = GetDefaultLDAPPaths();
	if ( ldapSrchList == nil )
		siResult = eSearchPathNotDefined;
		if ( *inSearchNodeList == nil )
			*inSearchNodeList = ldapSrchList;
			// Add this search data list to the end
			pSrchList = *inSearchNodeList;
			while(pSrchList->fNext != nil)
				pSrchList = pSrchList->fNext;
			pSrchList->fNext = ldapSrchList;

	return( siResult );

} // AddDefaultLDAPNodesLast

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths( sSearchList **inSearchNodeList )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchList		   *localSrchList	= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pSrchList		= nil;

	char *localNodeName = nil;
	localNodeName = strdup( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName );
	localSrchList = GetLocalPaths(&localNodeName);
	if ( localSrchList  == nil )
		siResult = eSearchPathNotDefined;
		if ( *inSearchNodeList == nil )
			*inSearchNodeList = localSrchList;
			// Add this search data list to the start of the list
			pSrchList = localSrchList;
			while (pSrchList->fNext != nil)
				pSrchList = pSrchList->fNext;
			pSrchList->fNext = *inSearchNodeList;
			*inSearchNodeList = localSrchList;

	return( siResult );

} // AddLocalNodesAsFirstPaths

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* GetLocalPaths ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchList *CSearchPlugin:: GetLocalPaths ( char** localNodeName )
	sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataBuffer			   *pNodeNameBuff 		= nil;
	tDataBuffer			   *pLocalNodeBuff 		= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodeNameDL			= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodePath			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCount				= 0;
//	uInt32					uiIndex				= 0;
	sSearchList			   *pCurList			= nil;
	sSearchList	 		   *pSrchList			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCntr				= 1;
	sSearchList			   *outSrchList			= nil;
	char				   *aSearchPath			= nil;
	tDirNodeReference  	   	aNodeRef			= 0;
	tAttributeListRef		attrListRef			= 0;
	tAttributeValueListRef	attrValueListRef	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry   *pAttrValueEntry		= nil;
	tAttributeEntry		   *pAttrEntry			= nil;
	uInt32					aIndex				= 0;
	uInt32					aSearchPathLen		= 0;
//	tDataList			   *aNodeName			= nil;
	tContextData			context				= NULL;

		if (localNodeName == nil || *localNodeName == nil)
			pLocalNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 512 );
			if ( pLocalNodeBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
				siResult = dsFindDirNodes( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff, NULL, eDSLocalNodeNames, &uiCount, &context );
				if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
					uInt32 bufSize = pLocalNodeBuff->fBufferSize;
					dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pLocalNodeBuff );
					pLocalNodeBuff = nil;
					pLocalNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( bufSize * 2 );
			} while (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall);
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			if ( uiCount == 0 )
				DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetLocalPaths:dsFindDirNodes on local returned zero" );
				throw( siResult ); //could end up throwing eDSNoErr but no local node will still return nil
			// assume there is only one local node
			siResult = dsGetDirNodeName( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff, 1, &pNodeNameDL );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
				DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetLocalPaths:dsGetDirNodeName on local returned error %d", siResult );
				throw( siResult );

			if ( pLocalNodeBuff != nil )
				::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff );
				pLocalNodeBuff = nil;
			//open the local node
			siResult = ::dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, &aNodeRef );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr )
				DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetLocalPaths:dsOpenDirNode on local returned error %d", siResult );
				throw( siResult );
			::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
			pNodeNameDL = nil;
			pNodePath = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( kDSNAttrNodePath, nil );
			if ( pNodePath == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
			pNodeNameBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 1024 );
			if ( pNodeNameBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
			//extract the "true" node path for the local node ie. not the registered label
			uiCount = 0;
			siResult = ::dsGetDirNodeInfo( aNodeRef, pNodePath, pNodeNameBuff, false, &uiCount, &attrListRef, nil  );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			if ( uiCount == 0 ) throw ( (sInt32)eNoSearchNodesFound );
			::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodePath, false );
			pNodePath = nil;
			//assume first attribute since only 1 asked for
			siResult = dsGetAttributeEntry( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, attrListRef, 1, &attrValueListRef, &pAttrEntry );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			//this node path here is multi-valued so we need to put it back together
			//KW seems inefficient to go through the loop twice ie. first to get total length and second to build string
			//KW alternate approach is to put aSearchPath on the stack with size say of 256?
			//figure out the total path string length
			for (aIndex=1; aIndex < (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount+1); aIndex++)
				siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, aIndex, attrValueListRef, &pAttrValueEntry );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				if ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
				aSearchPathLen += (::strlen(pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData) + 1); //+1 for the "/" to be added
				dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pAttrValueEntry);
				pAttrValueEntry = nil;
			aSearchPath = (char *) ::calloc( 1, aSearchPathLen + 1);
			//build the actual path string
			for (aIndex=1; aIndex < (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount+1); aIndex++)
				siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( aNodeRef, pNodeNameBuff, aIndex, attrValueListRef, &pAttrValueEntry );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				if ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
				::strcat(aSearchPath, "/");
				::strcat(aSearchPath, pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData);
				dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pAttrValueEntry);
				pAttrValueEntry = nil;
			dsDeallocAttributeEntry(fDirRef, pAttrEntry);
			pAttrEntry = nil;
			//close dir node after releasing attr references
			siResult = ::dsCloseDirNode(aNodeRef);
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
		else if (localNodeName != nil && *localNodeName != nil)
			aSearchPath = *localNodeName;
   		if ( aSearchPath != nil )
			// Make the search list data node
			pSrchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchList ), sizeof(char) );

			pSrchList->fNodeName = strdup( aSearchPath );
			if (localNodeName != nil)
				*localNodeName = aSearchPath;
   			aSearchPath = nil;

			//KW RADAR 2703669 this is a good point to check whether the fullpath pSrchList->fNodeName is registered
			//Two approaches:
			//A - simple - register the path found here since if already registered nothing new happens
			//B - call FindDirNodes to see if it already is registered - if not then register it
			// Looks like version A would be faster and NOT involve mach ip
			//aNodeName = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( pSrchList->fNodeName, "/" );
			//if ( aNodeName != nil )
//doing this - if it succeeds will make the NetInfo registered node seem to be serviced
//by the Search plugin which is NOT what we want to have happen
//somehow this plugin needs to have the token from the NetInfo plugin or NOT do this
				//CServerPlugin::_RegisterNode( fPlugInSignature, aNodeName, kDirNodeType );

				//::dsDataListDeallocatePriv( aNodeName );
				//free( aNodeName );
				//aNodeName = nil;

			pSrchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName, "/" );
			DBGLOG2( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetLocalPaths:Search policy node %l = %s", uiCntr++, pSrchList->fNodeName );

			//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref
			if ( outSrchList == nil )
				outSrchList = pSrchList;
				outSrchList->fNext = nil;
				pCurList = outSrchList;
				// Add this search data node to the end of the list
				pCurList->fNext = pSrchList;
				pCurList = pSrchList;
				pCurList->fNext = nil;

   			siResult = eDSNoErr;

   		} // if ( aSearchPath != nil )

   		if ( pNodeNameDL != nil )
   			::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
   			pNodeNameDL = nil;

		if ( pNodeNameBuff != nil )
			::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameBuff );
			pNodeNameBuff = nil;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( pLocalNodeBuff != nil )
		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pLocalNodeBuff );
		pLocalNodeBuff = nil;

	if ( pNodeNameBuff != nil )
		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameBuff );
		pNodeNameBuff = nil;

	if ( pNodePath != nil )
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodePath, false );
		pNodePath = nil;

	if ( aSearchPath != nil )
		free( aSearchPath );
		aSearchPath = nil;

	//ensure that there is a search node
	if (outSrchList == nil)
		outSrchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchList ), sizeof(char) );
		if (outSrchList != nil)
			outSrchList->fNodeName	= strdup(kstrDefaultLocalNodeName);
			outSrchList->fDataList	= ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName, "/" );
			outSrchList->fNodeRef	= 0;
			outSrchList->fOpened	= false;
			outSrchList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
			outSrchList->fNext		= nil;
			DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "GetLocalPaths: Search policy node forced to explicit default local node due to failed init");
			//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref
			DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "GetLocalPaths: Search policy node failed to force to explicit default local node due to failed init");

	return( outSrchList );

} // GetLocalPaths

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* GetDefaultLDAPPaths ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchList *CSearchPlugin:: GetDefaultLDAPPaths ( void )
	sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	tDataBuffer			   *pNodeBuff 			= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodeNameDL			= nil;
	tDataList			   *pNodeList			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCount				= 0;
	sSearchList			   *pCurList			= nil;
	sSearchList	 		   *pSrchList			= nil;
	uInt32					uiCntr				= 1;
	sSearchList			   *outSrchList			= nil;
	tDirNodeReference  	   	aNodeRef			= 0;
	tAttributeListRef		attrListRef			= 0;
	tAttributeValueListRef	attrValueListRef	= 0;
	tAttributeValueEntry   *pAttrValueEntry		= nil;
	tAttributeEntry		   *pAttrEntry			= nil;
	uInt32					aIndex				= 0;

//open the /LDAPv3 node and then call in to get the default LDAP server names
//use a call to dsGetDirNodeInfo

		pNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 2048 );
		if ( pNodeBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
		pNodeNameDL = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( "LDAPv3", nil );
		if ( pNodeNameDL == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

		//open the LDAPv3 node
		siResult = ::dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, &aNodeRef );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
		pNodeNameDL = nil;
		pNodeList = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( kDSNAttrDefaultLDAPPaths, nil );
		if ( pNodeList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

		//extract the node list
		siResult = ::dsGetDirNodeInfo( aNodeRef, pNodeList, pNodeBuff, false, &uiCount, &attrListRef, nil  );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
		if ( uiCount == 0 ) throw ( (sInt32)eNoSearchNodesFound );
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeList, false );
		pNodeList = nil;

		//assume first attribute since only 1 expected
		siResult = dsGetAttributeEntry( aNodeRef, pNodeBuff, attrListRef, 1, &attrValueListRef, &pAttrEntry );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		//retrieve the node path strings
		for (aIndex=1; aIndex < (pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount+1); aIndex++)
			siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( aNodeRef, pNodeBuff, aIndex, attrValueListRef, &pAttrValueEntry );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			if ( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
			// Make the search list data node
			pSrchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchList ), sizeof(char) );

			pSrchList->fNodeName = (char *)::calloc( pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength + 1, sizeof(char) );
			::strcpy( pSrchList->fNodeName, pAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData );

			pSrchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( pSrchList->fNodeName, "/" );
			DBGLOG2( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetDefaultLDAPPaths:Search policy node %l = %s", uiCntr++, pSrchList->fNodeName );

			if ( outSrchList == nil )
				outSrchList = pSrchList;
				outSrchList->fNext = nil;
				pCurList = outSrchList;
				// Add this LDAP v3 node to the end of the default LDAP v3 list
				pCurList->fNext = pSrchList;
				pCurList = pSrchList;
				pCurList->fNext = nil;
			dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pAttrValueEntry);
			pAttrValueEntry = nil;

		dsDeallocAttributeEntry(fDirRef, pAttrEntry);
		pAttrEntry = nil;

		//close dir node after releasing attr references
		siResult = ::dsCloseDirNode(aNodeRef);
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		if ( pNodeBuff != nil )
			::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeBuff );
			pNodeBuff = nil;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( pNodeBuff != nil )
		::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeBuff );
		pNodeBuff = nil;

	if ( pNodeList != nil )
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeList, false );
		pNodeList = nil;

	if ( pNodeNameDL != nil )
		::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
		pNodeNameDL = nil;

	return( outSrchList );

} // GetDefaultLDAPPaths

//	* WakeUpRequests() (static)

void CSearchPlugin::WakeUpRequests ( void )
} // WakeUpRequests

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* WaitForInit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin::WaitForInit ( void )
	volatile	uInt32		uiAttempts	= 0;

	while ( !(fState & kInitialized) &&
			!(fState & kFailedToInit) )
		// Try for 2 minutes before giving up
		if ( uiAttempts++ >= 240 )

		// Now wait until we are told that there is work to do or
		//	we wake up on our own and we will look for ourselves

		gKickSearchRequests->Wait( (uInt32)(.5 * kMilliSecsPerSec) );

} // WaitForInit

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ProcessRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::ProcessRequest ( void *inData )
	sInt32		siResult	= eDSNoErr;
	char	   *pathStr		= nil;

		if ( inData == nil )
			throw( (sInt32)ePlugInDataError );

		if (((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kOpenDirNode)
			if (((sOpenDirNode *)inData)->fInDirNodeName != nil)
				pathStr = ::dsGetPathFromListPriv( ((sOpenDirNode *)inData)->fInDirNodeName, "/" );
				if ( (pathStr != nil) && (strncmp(pathStr,"/Search",7) != 0) )
					throw( (sInt32)eDSOpenNodeFailed);
		if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kServerRunLoop )
			if ( (((sHeader *)inData)->fContextData) != nil )
				fServerRunLoop = (CFRunLoopRef)(((sHeader *)inData)->fContextData);
				// now we have a server runloop, let's register our notification for Search Changes
				CFStringRef service = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, "DirectoryService", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if( service )
					SCDynamicStoreRef store = SCDynamicStoreCreate( NULL, service, DHCPChangeNotification, NULL );
					CFMutableArrayRef notifyKeys = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
					if( notifyKeys )
						CFStringRef notify = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, "com.apple.DirectoryService.NotifyTypeStandard:DHCP_LDAP_CHANGE", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
						if( notify )
							CFArrayAppendValue( notifyKeys, notify );
							CFRelease( notify );
							CFRelease( notifyKeys );
							notifyKeys = NULL;
					// let's add ourselves
					if (store != NULL && notifyKeys != NULL)
						SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(store, notifyKeys, NULL);
						CFRunLoopSourceRef rls = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, store, 0);
						if (rls != NULL)
							CFRunLoopAddSource(fServerRunLoop, rls, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
							syslog(LOG_ALERT,"Unable to add source to RunLoop for SystemConfiguration registration for DHCP LDAP Changes");
					if( notifyKeys )
					if( store )

					store = SCDynamicStoreCreate( NULL, service, NIHierarchyChangeNotification, NULL );
					notifyKeys = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
					if( notifyKeys )
						CFStringRef notify = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, "com.apple.DirectoryService.NotifyTypeStandard:NI_HIERARCHY_CHANGE", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
						if( notify )
							CFArrayAppendValue( notifyKeys, notify );
							CFRelease( notify );
							CFRelease( notifyKeys );
							notifyKeys = NULL;
					// let's add ourselves
					if (store != NULL && notifyKeys != NULL)
						SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys(store, notifyKeys, NULL);
						CFRunLoopSourceRef rls = SCDynamicStoreCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, store, 0);
						if (rls != NULL)
							CFRunLoopAddSource(fServerRunLoop, rls, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
							syslog(LOG_ALERT,"Unable to add source to RunLoop for SystemConfiguration registration for NI Hierarchy Changes");
					if( notifyKeys )
					if( store )
				return (siResult);


		if (fState == kUnknownState)
			throw( (sInt32)ePlugInCallTimedOut );

        if ( (fState & kFailedToInit) || !(fState & kInitialized) )
            throw( (sInt32)ePlugInFailedToInitialize );

        if ( (fState & kInactive) || !(fState & kActive) )
            throw( (sInt32)ePlugInNotActive );

		if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kHandleNetworkTransition )
			//HandleMultipleNetworkTransitions(); //to depend on plugin notifications from now on
		else if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kCheckNIAutoSwitch )
			siResult = CheckForNIAutoSwitch();
			siResult = HandleRequest( inData );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;
	if (pathStr != nil)
		pathStr = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // ProcessRequest

//	* HandleMultipleNetworkTransitions //KW This is currently NOT USED

void CSearchPlugin::HandleMultipleNetworkTransitions ( void )
	void	   *ptInfo		= nil;
	CFRunLoopTimerRef timer;
	//KW This is currently NOT USED
	//let us be smart about doing the recheck
	//we would like to wait a short period for NetInfo to come back fully
	//we also don't want to re-init multiple times during this wait period
	//however we do go ahead and fire off timers each time
	//each call in here we update the delay time by 6 seconds
	//one more second than in NetInfo plugin
	if (!gbFirstSNNetworkTransition) //first network transition we don't wait at all since it will be at boot time
		fTransitionCheckTime = time(nil);
		fTransitionCheckTime = time(nil) + 6;

	if (fServerRunLoop != nil)
		ptInfo = (void *)this;
		CFRunLoopTimerContext c = {0, (void*)ptInfo, NULL, NULL, NetworkChangeSNPICopyStringCallback};
		if (!gbFirstSNNetworkTransition)
			timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(	NULL,
			timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(	NULL,
											CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + 6,
		CFRunLoopAddTimer(fServerRunLoop, timer, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
		if (timer) CFRelease(timer);
} // HandleMultipleNetworkTransitions

//	* ReDiscoverNetwork //KW This is currently NOT USED

void CSearchPlugin::ReDiscoverNetwork(void)
	//KW This is currently NOT USED

	//do something if the wait period has passed
	if ( (time(nil) >= fTransitionCheckTime) || (!gbFirstSNNetworkTransition) )
		Initialize(); 				// don't check return
		DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::ReDiscoverNetwork: gbFirstSNNetworkTransition set to true" );
		gbFirstSNNetworkTransition = true;
} // ReDiscoverNetwork

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* HandleRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::HandleRequest ( void *inData )
	sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;
	sHeader			   *pMsgHdr		= nil;

	if ( !fPluginInitialized )
		DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::HandleRequest called when CSearchPlugin hasn't finished being initialized" );
		return ePlugInInitError;
		pMsgHdr = (sHeader *)inData;

		switch ( pMsgHdr->fType )
			case kReleaseContinueData:
				siResult = ReleaseContinueData( (sReleaseContinueData *)inData );

			case kOpenDirNode:
				siResult = OpenDirNode( (sOpenDirNode *)inData );

			case kCloseDirNode:
				siResult = CloseDirNode( (sCloseDirNode *)inData );

			case kGetDirNodeInfo:
				siResult = GetDirNodeInfo( (sGetDirNodeInfo *)inData );

			case kGetRecordList:
				siResult = GetRecordList( (sGetRecordList *)inData );

			case kGetRecordEntry:
				siResult = GetRecordEntry( (sGetRecordEntry *)inData );

			case kGetAttributeEntry:
				siResult = GetAttributeEntry( (sGetAttributeEntry *)inData );

			case kGetAttributeValue:
				siResult = GetAttributeValue( (sGetAttributeValue *)inData );

			case kDoAttributeValueSearch:
			case kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData:
				siResult = AttributeValueSearch( (sDoAttrValueSearchWithData *)inData );

			case kDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch:
			case kDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData:
				siResult = MultipleAttributeValueSearch( (sDoMultiAttrValueSearchWithData *)inData );

			case kCloseAttributeList:
				siResult = CloseAttributeList( (sCloseAttributeList *)inData );

			case kCloseAttributeValueList:
				siResult = CloseAttributeValueList( (sCloseAttributeValueList *)inData );

			case kDoPlugInCustomCall:
				siResult = DoPlugInCustomCall( (sDoPlugInCustomCall *)inData );
			case kServerRunLoop:
				siResult = eDSNoErr;
			case kHandleSystemWillSleep:
				siResult = eDSNoErr;
			case kHandleSystemWillPowerOn:
				siResult = eDSNoErr;

				siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;

		pMsgHdr->fResult = siResult;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	catch ( ... )
		siResult = ePlugInError;

	return( siResult );

} // HandleRequest

//	* ReleaseContinueData

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::ReleaseContinueData ( sReleaseContinueData *inData )
	sInt32	siResult	= eDSNoErr;

	// RemoveItem calls our ContinueDeallocProc to clean up
	if ( gSNContinue->RemoveItem( inData->fInContinueData ) != eDSNoErr )
		siResult = eDSInvalidContext;

	return( siResult );

} // ReleaseContinueData

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark DS API Service Routines
#pragma mark -

//	* OpenDirNode

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::OpenDirNode ( sOpenDirNode *inData )
	sInt32				siResult			= eDSOpenNodeFailed;
	char			   *pathStr				= nil;
	sSearchContextData *pContext			= nil;
	sSearchConfig	   *aSearchConfigList	= nil;

	if ( inData != nil )
		pathStr = ::dsGetPathFromListPriv( inData->fInDirNodeName, "/" );
		if ( pathStr != nil )
			aSearchConfigList = pSearchConfigList;
			while (aSearchConfigList != nil)
				if ( ::strcmp( pathStr, aSearchConfigList->fSearchNodeName ) == 0 )
					pContext = MakeContextData();
					if (pContext != nil)
						//create a mutex for future use in a switch of search policy - only here in the node context
						pContext->pSearchListMutex = new DSMutexSemaphore();
						pContext->fSearchConfigKey = aSearchConfigList->fSearchConfigKey;
						//check if this is the default network node at which point we need to build the node list
						if (strcmp(pathStr, kstrNetworkNodeName) == 0)
							pContext->fSearchNodeList = BuildNetworkNodeList();
						else //regular type of search node ie. either auth or contacts
							//get the search path list with new unique refs of each
							//search path node for use by this client who opened the search node
							pContext->fSearchNodeList = DupSearchListWithNewRefs(aSearchConfigList->fSearchNodeList);
						if (aSearchConfigList->fSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
							pContext->bAutoSearchList = true;
						pContext->fUID = inData->fInUID;
						pContext->fEffectiveUID = inData->fInEffectiveUID;
						gSNNodeRef->AddItem( inData->fOutNodeRef, pContext );
						siResult = eDSNoErr;
				aSearchConfigList = aSearchConfigList->fNext;
			free( pathStr );
			pathStr = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // OpenDirNode

//	* CloseDirNode

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CloseDirNode ( sCloseDirNode *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;

		pContext = (sSearchContextData *) gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );

		gSNNodeRef->RemoveItem( inData->fInNodeRef );
		gSNContinue->RemoveItems( inData->fInNodeRef );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	return( siResult );

} // CloseDirNode

//	* GetDirNodeInfo

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetDirNodeInfo ( sGetDirNodeInfo *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32				uiOffset		= 0;
	uInt32				uiNodeCnt		= 0;
	char			   *p				= nil;
	char			   *localNodeName	= nil;
	uInt32				uiCntr			= 1;
	uInt32				uiAttrCnt		= 0;
	CAttributeList	   *inAttrList		= nil;
	char			   *pAttrName		= nil;
	char			   *pData			= nil;
	sSearchContextData *pAttrContext	= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pListPtr		= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pListPtrToo		= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pListCustom		= nil;
	CBuff				outBuff;
	char			   *policyValue		= nil;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;
	sSearchConfig	   *aSearchConfig	= nil;
	CDataBuff	 	   *aRecData		= nil;
	CDataBuff	 	   *aAttrData		= nil;
	CDataBuff	 	   *aTmpData		= nil;
	uInt32				searchNodeNameBufLen = 0;


		aRecData	= new CDataBuff();
		aAttrData	= new CDataBuff();
		aTmpData	= new CDataBuff();

		if ( inData  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );

		pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );
		siResult = CheckSearchPolicyChange(pContext, inData->fInNodeRef, inData->fOutContinueData);
		if( siResult != eDSNoErr )
			throw( siResult );

		aSearchConfig	= FindSearchConfigWithKey(pContext->fSearchConfigKey);
		if ( aSearchConfig == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );		

		inAttrList = new CAttributeList( inData->fInDirNodeInfoTypeList );
		if ( inAttrList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullNodeInfoTypeList );
		if (inAttrList->GetCount() == 0) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyNodeInfoTypeList );

		siResult = outBuff.Initialize( inData->fOutDataBuff, true );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		// Set the real buffer type
		siResult = outBuff.SetBuffType( 'Gdni' ); //Cannot use 'StdA' since no tRecordEntry returned
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );


		// Set the record name and type
		aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "dsAttrTypeStandard:SearchNodeInfo" ) );
		aRecData->AppendString( "dsAttrTypeStandard:SearchNodeInfo" );
		if (aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName != nil)
			searchNodeNameBufLen = strlen( aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName );
			aRecData->AppendShort( searchNodeNameBufLen );
			searchNodeNameBufLen += 2;
			aRecData->AppendString( aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeName );
			aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "SearchNodeInfo" ) );
			aRecData->AppendString( "SearchNodeInfo" );
			searchNodeNameBufLen = 16; //2 + 14 = 16

		while ( inAttrList->GetAttribute( uiCntr++, &pAttrName ) == eDSNoErr )
			if (	(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0)	|| 
				(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrSearchPath ) == 0) )


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrSearchPath ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrSearchPath );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					uiNodeCnt = 0;
					pListPtr = pContext->fSearchNodeList;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;

					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( uiNodeCnt );

					pListPtr = pContext->fSearchNodeList;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						p = pListPtr->fNodeName;

						// Append attribute value
						aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( p ) );
						aTmpData->AppendString( p );

						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block
			if ( (	(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0)	|| 
					(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrNSPSearchPath ) == 0) ) &&
					(pContext->fSearchConfigKey != eDSNetworkSearchNodeName) )
				//NetInfo search policy path


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrNSPSearchPath ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrNSPSearchPath );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					uiNodeCnt = 0;
					pListPtr = GetNetInfoPaths(true, &localNodeName);
					if ( pListPtr == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );
					if ( aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML == nil
						 || aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->IsDHCPLDAPEnabled() )
					pListPtrToo = pListPtr;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;

					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( uiNodeCnt );

					pListPtr = pListPtrToo;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						p = pListPtr->fNodeName;

						// Append attribute value
						aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( p ) );
						aTmpData->AppendString( p );

						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
					//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
					CleanSearchListData( pListPtrToo );
					pListPtrToo = nil;
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block
			if ( (	(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0)	|| 
					(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrLSPSearchPath ) == 0) ) &&
					(pContext->fSearchConfigKey != eDSNetworkSearchNodeName) )
				//Local search policy path


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrLSPSearchPath ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrLSPSearchPath );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					uiNodeCnt = 0;
					pListPtr = GetLocalPaths(&localNodeName);
					if ( pListPtr == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );

					pListPtrToo = pListPtr;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;

					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( uiNodeCnt );

					pListPtr = pListPtrToo;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						p = pListPtr->fNodeName;

						// Append attribute value
						aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( p ) );
						aTmpData->AppendString( p );

						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
					//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
					CleanSearchListData( pListPtrToo );
					pListPtrToo = nil;
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block
			if ( (	(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0)	|| 
					(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrCSPSearchPath ) == 0) ) &&
					(pContext->fSearchConfigKey != eDSNetworkSearchNodeName) )
				//Custom search policy path


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrCSPSearchPath ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrCSPSearchPath );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					//get the custom portion
					if ( aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML != nil )
						pListCustom = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->GetCustom();
					//get the local portion
					pListPtr = GetLocalPaths(&localNodeName);
					if ( pListPtr == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );
					//add the local to the front of the custom
					pListPtrToo = pListPtr;
					while ( pListPtrToo->fNext != nil )
						pListPtrToo = pListPtrToo->fNext;
					pListPtrToo->fNext = pListCustom;

					uiNodeCnt = 0;
					pListPtrToo = pListPtr;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;

					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( uiNodeCnt );

					pListPtr = pListPtrToo;
					while ( pListPtr != nil )
						p = pListPtr->fNodeName;

						// Append attribute value
						aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( p ) );
						aTmpData->AppendString( p );

						pListPtr = pListPtr->fNext;
					//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
					CleanSearchListData( pListPtrToo );
					pListPtrToo = nil;
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block
			if (	(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0)	|| 
				(::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrSearchPolicy ) == 0) )


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrSearchPolicy ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrSearchPolicy );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 1 );

					if (aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
						policyValue = new char[1+strlen(kDS1AttrNSPSearchPath)];
						strcpy(policyValue, kDS1AttrNSPSearchPath);
					else if (aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kLocalSearchPolicy)
						policyValue = new char[1+strlen(kDS1AttrLSPSearchPath)];
						strcpy(policyValue, kDS1AttrLSPSearchPath);
					else if (aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kCustomSearchPolicy)
						policyValue = new char[1+strlen(kDS1AttrCSPSearchPath)];
						strcpy(policyValue, kDS1AttrCSPSearchPath);
						policyValue = new char[1+strlen("Unknown")];
					// Append attribute value
					aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( policyValue ) );
					aTmpData->AppendString( policyValue );
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block

			if ( (::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0) || 
				 (::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrReadOnlyNode ) == 0) )


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrReadOnlyNode ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrReadOnlyNode );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 1 );

					//possible for a node to be ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly
					//note that ReadWrite does not imply fully readable or writable
					// Add the root node as an attribute value
					aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( "ReadOnly" ) );
					aTmpData->AppendString( "ReadOnly" );

					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length and data
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block
			if ( (::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0) || 
				 (::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrDHCPLDAPDefault ) == 0) )


				// Append the attribute name
				aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( kDS1AttrDHCPLDAPDefault ) );
				aTmpData->AppendString( kDS1AttrDHCPLDAPDefault );

				if ( inData->fInAttrInfoOnly == false )
					// Attribute value count
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 1 );

					aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( "off" ) );
					aTmpData->AppendString( "off" );
					aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );

				// Add the attribute length and data
				aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
				aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

				// Clear the temp block

//			else if ( ::strcmp( pAttrName, kDS1AttrCapabilities ) == 0 )
//			else if ( ::strcmp( pAttrName, kDSNAttrRecordType ) == 0 )
		} // while loop over the attributes requested

		aRecData->AppendShort( uiAttrCnt );
		aRecData->AppendBlock( aAttrData->GetData(), aAttrData->GetLength() );

		outBuff.AddData( aRecData->GetData(), aRecData->GetLength() );
		inData->fOutAttrInfoCount = uiAttrCnt;

		pData = outBuff.GetDataBlock( 1, &uiOffset );
		if ( pData != nil )
			pAttrContext = MakeContextData();
		//add to the offset for the attr list the length of the GetDirNodeInfo fixed record labels
//		record length = 4
//		aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "dsAttrTypeStandard:SearchNodeInfo" ) ); = 2
//		aRecData->AppendString( "dsAttrTypeStandard:SearchNodeInfo" ); = 33
//		aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "SearchNodeInfo" ) ); = see above for distinct node
//		aRecData->AppendString( "SearchNodeInfo" ); = see above for distinct node
//		total adjustment = 4 + 2 + 33 + 2 + 14 = 39

			pAttrContext->offset = uiOffset + 39 + searchNodeNameBufLen;

			gSNNodeRef->AddItem( inData->fOutAttrListRef, pAttrContext );
			siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
		inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferLength = inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( localNodeName != nil )
		free( localNodeName );
		localNodeName = nil;
	if ( inAttrList != nil )
		delete( inAttrList );
		inAttrList = nil;
	if (policyValue != nil)
		delete( policyValue );

	if ( aRecData != nil )
		aRecData = nil;
	if ( aAttrData != nil )
		aAttrData = nil;
	if ( aTmpData != nil )
		aTmpData = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // GetDirNodeInfo

//	* GetRecordList

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetRecordList ( sGetRecordList *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32				recCount		= 0;
	bool				done			= false;
	sSearchContinueData	*pContinue		= nil;
	sSearchContinueData	*pInContinue	= nil;
	eSearchState		runState		= keGetRecordList;
	eSearchState		lastState		= keUnknownState;
	CBuff				inOutBuff;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;
	bool				bKeepOldBuffer	= false;

		pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );

		if (pContext->pSearchListMutex == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBadContextData);

		siResult = CheckSearchPolicyChange(pContext, inData->fInNodeRef, inData->fIOContinueData);
		if( siResult != eDSNoErr )
			throw( siResult );
		// grab the mutex now

		// Set it to the first node in the search list - this check doesn't need to use the context search path
		if ( pContext->fSearchNodeList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );

		if ( inData->fIOContinueData != nil )
			if ( gSNContinue->VerifyItem( inData->fIOContinueData ) == true )
				pInContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inData->fIOContinueData;
				if (pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall)
					pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall = false;
					throw( (sInt32)eDSBufferTooSmall );

				// Create the new
				pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchContinueData ), sizeof( char ) );
				if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

				pContinue->fDirRef			= pInContinue->fDirRef;
				pContinue->fNodeRef			= pInContinue->fNodeRef;
				pContinue->fAttrOnly		= pInContinue->fAttrOnly;
				pContinue->fRecCount		= pInContinue->fRecCount;
				pContinue->fRecIndex		= pInContinue->fRecIndex;
				pContinue->fState			= pInContinue->fState;
				//check to see if the buffer has been resized
				if (inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize != pInContinue->fDataBuff->fBufferSize)
					//need to save the contents of the buffer if there is something still there that we need
					//ie. check for pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff
					if (pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff)
						//can we stall on this new allocation until we extract the remaining blocks?
						bKeepOldBuffer = true;
						pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff; //save the old buffer
						pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil; //clean up separately in this case
						pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize );
						if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
					//pInContinue->fDataBuff will get freed below in gSNContinue->RemoveItem
					pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff;
					pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil;
				pContinue->fContextData		= pInContinue->fContextData;
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= pInContinue->fLimitRecSearch;
				pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= pInContinue->fTotalRecCount;
				pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall;

				// RemoveItem calls our ContinueDeallocProc to clean up
				// since we transfered ownership of these pointers we need to make sure they
				// are nil so the ContinueDeallocProc doesn't free them now
				pInContinue->fContextData		= nil;
				gSNContinue->RemoveItem( inData->fIOContinueData );

				pInContinue = nil;
				inData->fIOContinueData = nil;

				runState = pContinue->fState;
				throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidContinueData );
			pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( sSearchContinueData ) );
			if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize );
			if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			siResult = GetNextNodeRef( 0, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

			pContinue->fDirRef = fDirRef;
			pContinue->fRecIndex		= 1;
			pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= 0;
			pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= 0;
			pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= false;
			//check if the client has requested a limit on the number of records to return
			//we only do this the first call into this context for pContinue
			if (inData->fOutRecEntryCount >= 0)
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch = inData->fOutRecEntryCount;

		// Empty the out buffer
		siResult = inOutBuff.Initialize( inData->fInDataBuff, true );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		siResult = inOutBuff.SetBuffType( 'StdA' );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		inData->fIOContinueData		= nil;
		//need to return zero if no records found
		inData->fOutRecEntryCount	= 0;

		while ( !done )
			// Do the task
			switch ( runState )
				// Get the original record list request
				case keGetRecordList:

					if (pContinue->fLimitRecSearch > pContinue->fTotalRecCount)
						recCount = pContinue->fLimitRecSearch - pContinue->fTotalRecCount;
						recCount = 0;

					siResult = ::dsGetRecordList( pContinue->fNodeRef,
													&pContinue->fContextData );

					pContinue->fRecCount	= recCount;
					pContinue->fRecIndex	= 1;

					lastState = keGetRecordList;


				// Add any data from the original record request to our own
				//	buffer format
				case keAddDataToBuff:
					siResult = AddDataToOutBuff( pContinue, &inOutBuff, pContext );
					if (bKeepOldBuffer)
						if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff != nil )
								::dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pContinue->fDataBuff );
								pContinue->fDataBuff = nil;
							pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize );
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
							bKeepOldBuffer = false;
					lastState = keAddDataToBuff;
				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					siResult	= GetNextNodeRef( pContinue->fNodeRef, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
					lastState	= keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keSetContinueData:
					switch ( lastState )
						case keAddDataToBuff:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutRecEntryCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutRecEntryCount;
							pContinue->fState = lastState;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							siResult = eDSNoErr;

						case keGetRecordList:
						case keGetNextNodeRef:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutRecEntryCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutRecEntryCount;
							pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
								siResult = eDSNoErr;
								inData->fIOContinueData = nil;
								inData->fIOContinueData = pContinue;
								gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );

						case keBufferTooSmall:
							if (pContinue->fContextData == nil) //buffer too small in search node itself
								pContinue->fState = keAddDataToBuff;
								siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
							else //buffer too small in a search path node
								//could be zero too
								inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutRecEntryCount );
								//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
								pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutRecEntryCount;
								if (inData->fOutRecEntryCount == 0)
									siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
									pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= true;
									siResult = eDSNoErr;
								pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Invalid continue state = %l", lastState );

				case keDone:
					if ( pContinue != nil )
						CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
						pContinue = nil;
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown run state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for run state

			// *** Change State ***

			switch ( runState )
				case keGetRecordList:
					// Did dsGetRecordList succeed 
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						// Did we find any records
						if ( pContinue->fRecCount != 0 )
							// We found records, add them to our out buff
							runState = keAddDataToBuff;
						else if (pContinue->fContextData == nil)
							// No records were found on this node, do
							//	we need to get next node
							runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					//condition on eDSRecordNotFound will no longer be needed
					else if ( (siResult == eDSRecordNotFound ) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordName) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordType) )
						// No records were found on this node,
						// get next node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					else if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
						lastState	= keBufferTooSmall;
						runState	= keSetContinueData;
					else //move on to the next node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keAddDataToBuff:
					uInt32 aRecCnt = 0;
					// Did we add all records to our buffer 
					if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) || ( ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull ) && (aRecCnt > 0) ) )
						inData->fOutRecEntryCount = aRecCnt;
						//check if we retrieved all that was requested
						//continue data might even be nil here
						if ((pContinue->fLimitRecSearch <= (pContinue->fTotalRecCount + inData->fOutRecEntryCount)) &&
								(pContinue->fLimitRecSearch != 0))
							//KW would seem that setting continue data when we know we are done is wrong
							//runState = keSetContinueData;
							//KW add to the total rec count what is at least going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutRecEntryCount;
							//KW don't know why we need this continue data anymore?
							pContinue->fState = runState;
							//gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							runState = keDone;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= nil;
							siResult = eDSNoErr;
							if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
								runState = keSetContinueData;
							// Do we need to continue the original read
							else if ( pContinue->fContextData )
								lastState = keGetRecordList;
								//runState = keSetContinueData;
								runState = keGetRecordList;
								// we need to get next node
								runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
						if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							lastState = keBufferTooSmall;
							// We got an error we don't know how to deal with, we be gone
							runState = keDone;

				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &recCount );
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						if ( recCount == 0 )
							runState = keGetRecordList;
							runState = keSetContinueData;
						if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							runState = keDone;

				case keSetContinueData:
				case keDone:
				case keError:
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown transition state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for transition state


	catch( sInt32 err )
		if ( (pContext != nil) && (pContext->pSearchListMutex != nil) )
		siResult = err;

	if ( (inData->fIOContinueData == nil) && (pContinue != nil ) )
		// we have decided not to return contine data, need to free it
		CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
		pContinue = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // GetRecordList

//	* GetRecordEntry

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetRecordEntry ( sGetRecordEntry *inData )
	sInt32					siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32					uiIndex			= 0;
	uInt32					uiCount			= 0;
	uInt32					uiOffset		= 0;
	uInt32					uberOffset		= 0;
	char 				   *pData			= nil;
	tRecordEntryPtr			pRecEntry		= nil;
	sSearchContextData 	   *pContext		= nil;
	CBuff					inBuff;
	uInt32					offset			= 0;
	uInt16					usTypeLen		= 0;
	char				   *pRecType		= nil;
	uInt16					usNameLen		= 0;
	char				   *pRecName		= nil;
	uInt16					usAttrCnt		= 0;
	uInt32					buffLen			= 0;

		if ( inData  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
		if ( inData->fInOutDataBuff  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyBuffer );
		if (inData->fInOutDataBuff->fBufferSize == 0) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyBuffer );

		siResult = inBuff.Initialize( inData->fInOutDataBuff );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		siResult = inBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &uiCount );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		uiIndex = inData->fInRecEntryIndex;
		if ((uiIndex > uiCount) || (uiIndex == 0)) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidIndex );

		pData = inBuff.GetDataBlock( uiIndex, &uberOffset );
		if ( pData  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSCorruptBuffer );

		//assume that the length retrieved is valid
		buffLen = inBuff.GetDataBlockLength( uiIndex );
		// Skip past this same record length obtained from GetDataBlockLength
		pData	+= 4;
		offset	= 0; //buffLen does not include first four bytes

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the length for the record type
		::memcpy( &usTypeLen, pData, 2 );
		pData	+= 2;
		offset	+= 2;

		pRecType = pData;
		pData	+= usTypeLen;
		offset	+= usTypeLen;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the length for the record name
		::memcpy( &usNameLen, pData, 2 );
		pData	+= 2;
		offset	+= 2;

		pRecName = pData;
		pData	+= usNameLen;
		offset	+= usNameLen;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the attribute count
		::memcpy( &usAttrCnt, pData, 2 );

		pRecEntry = (tRecordEntry *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( tRecordEntry ) + usNameLen + usTypeLen + 4 + kBuffPad );

		pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferSize	= usNameLen + usTypeLen + 4 + kBuffPad;
		pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferLength	= usNameLen + usTypeLen + 4;

		// Add the record name length
		::memcpy( pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferData, &usNameLen, 2 );
		uiOffset += 2;

		// Add the record name
		::memcpy( pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferData + uiOffset, pRecName, usNameLen );
		uiOffset += usNameLen;

		// Add the record type length
		::memcpy( pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferData + uiOffset, &usTypeLen, 2 );

		// Add the record type
		uiOffset += 2;
		::memcpy( pRecEntry->fRecordNameAndType.fBufferData + uiOffset, pRecType, usTypeLen );

		pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount = usAttrCnt;

		pContext = MakeContextData();
		if ( pContext  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

		pContext->offset = uberOffset + offset + 4;	// context used by next calls of GetAttributeEntry
													// include the four bytes of the buffLen
		gSNNodeRef->AddItem( inData->fOutAttrListRef, pContext );

		inData->fOutRecEntryPtr = pRecEntry;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	return( siResult );

} // GetRecordEntry

//	* GetAttributeEntry

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetAttributeEntry ( sGetAttributeEntry *inData )
	sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	uInt16					usAttrTypeLen		= 0;
	uInt16					usAttrCnt			= 0;
	uInt32					usAttrLen			= 0;
	uInt16					usValueCnt			= 0;
	uInt32					usValueLen			= 0;
	uInt32					i					= 0;
	uInt32					uiIndex				= 0;
	uInt32					uiAttrEntrySize		= 0;
	uInt32					uiOffset			= 0;
	uInt32					uiTotalValueSize	= 0;
	uInt32					offset				= 0;
	uInt32					buffSize			= 0;
	uInt32					buffLen				= 0;
	char				   *p			   		= nil;
	char				   *pAttrType	   		= nil;
	tDataBuffer			   *pDataBuff			= nil;
	tAttributeValueListRef	attrValueListRef	= 0;
	tAttributeEntryPtr		pAttribInfo			= nil;
	sSearchContextData 	   *pAttrContext		= nil;
	sSearchContextData 	   *pValueContext		= nil;

		if ( inData  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );

		pAttrContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInAttrListRef );
		if ( pAttrContext  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBadContextData );

		uiIndex = inData->fInAttrInfoIndex;
		if (uiIndex == 0) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidIndex );
		pDataBuff = inData->fInOutDataBuff;
		if ( pDataBuff  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullDataBuff );
		buffSize	= pDataBuff->fBufferSize;
		//buffLen		= pDataBuff->fBufferLength;
		//here we can't use fBufferLength for the buffLen SINCE the buffer is packed at the END of the data block
		//and the fBufferLength is the overall length of the data for all blocks at the end of the data block
		//the value ALSO includes the bookkeeping data at the start of the data block
		//so we need to read it here

		p		= pDataBuff->fBufferData + pAttrContext->offset;
		offset	= pAttrContext->offset;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffSize)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the attribute count
		::memcpy( &usAttrCnt, p, 2 );
		if (uiIndex > usAttrCnt) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidIndex );

		// Move 2 bytes
		p		+= 2;
		offset	+= 2;

		// Skip to the attribute that we want
		for ( i = 1; i < uiIndex; i++ )
			// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
			if (4 + offset > buffSize)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
			// Get the length for the attribute
			::memcpy( &usAttrLen, p, 4 );

			// Move the offset past the length word and the length of the data
			p		+= 4 + usAttrLen;
			offset	+= 4 + usAttrLen;

		// Get the attribute offset
		uiOffset = offset;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (4 + offset > buffSize)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the length for the attribute block
		::memcpy( &usAttrLen, p, 4 );

		// Skip past the attribute length
		p		+= 4;
		offset	+= 4;

		//set the bufLen to stricter range
		buffLen = offset + usAttrLen;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the length for the attribute type
		::memcpy( &usAttrTypeLen, p, 2 );
		pAttrType = p + 2;
		p		+= 2 + usAttrTypeLen;
		offset	+= 2 + usAttrTypeLen;
		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get number of values for this attribute
		::memcpy( &usValueCnt, p, 2 );
		p		+= 2;
		offset	+= 2;
		for ( i = 0; i < usValueCnt; i++ )
			// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
			if (4 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
			// Get the length for the value
			::memcpy( &usValueLen, p, 4 );
			p		+= 4 + usValueLen;
			offset	+= 4 + usValueLen;
			uiTotalValueSize += usValueLen;

		uiAttrEntrySize = sizeof( tAttributeEntry ) + usAttrTypeLen + kBuffPad;
		pAttribInfo = (tAttributeEntry *)::calloc( 1, uiAttrEntrySize );

		pAttribInfo->fAttributeValueCount				= usValueCnt;
		pAttribInfo->fAttributeDataSize					= uiTotalValueSize;
		pAttribInfo->fAttributeValueMaxSize				= 512;				// KW this is not used anywhere
		pAttribInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferSize	= usAttrTypeLen + kBuffPad;
		pAttribInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferLength	= usAttrTypeLen;
		::memcpy( pAttribInfo->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, pAttrType, usAttrTypeLen );

		attrValueListRef = inData->fOutAttrValueListRef;

		pValueContext = MakeContextData();
		if ( pValueContext  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

		pValueContext->offset	= uiOffset;

		gSNNodeRef->AddItem( inData->fOutAttrValueListRef, pValueContext );

		inData->fOutAttrInfoPtr = pAttribInfo;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	return( siResult );

} // GetAttributeEntry

//	* GetAttributeValue

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetAttributeValue ( sGetAttributeValue *inData )
	sInt32						siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt16						usValueCnt		= 0;
	uInt32						usValueLen		= 0;
	uInt16						usAttrNameLen	= 0;
	uInt32						i				= 0;
	uInt32						uiIndex			= 0;
	uInt32						offset			= 0;
	char					   *p				= nil;
	tDataBuffer				   *pDataBuff		= nil;
	tAttributeValueEntry	   *pAttrValue		= nil;
	sSearchContextData 		   *pValueContext	= nil;
	uInt32						buffSize		= 0;
	uInt32						buffLen			= 0;
	uInt32						attrLen			= 0;

		pValueContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInAttrValueListRef );
		if ( pValueContext  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBadContextData );

		uiIndex = inData->fInAttrValueIndex;
		if (uiIndex == 0) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidIndex );
		pDataBuff = inData->fInOutDataBuff;
		if ( pDataBuff  == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullDataBuff );

		buffSize	= pDataBuff->fBufferSize;
		//buffLen		= pDataBuff->fBufferLength;
		//here we can't use fBufferLength for the buffLen SINCE the buffer is packed at the END of the data block
		//and the fBufferLength is the overall length of the data for all blocks at the end of the data block
		//the value ALSO includes the bookkeeping data at the start of the data block
		//so we need to read it here

		p		= pDataBuff->fBufferData + pValueContext->offset;
		offset	= pValueContext->offset;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (4 + offset > buffSize)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the buffer length
		::memcpy( &attrLen, p, 4 );

		//now add the offset to the attr length for the value of buffLen to be used to check for buffer overruns
		//AND add the length of the buffer length var as stored ie. 4 bytes
		buffLen		= attrLen + pValueContext->offset + 4;
		if (buffLen > buffSize)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );

		// Skip past the attribute length
		p		+= 4;
		offset	+= 4;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the attribute name length
		::memcpy( &usAttrNameLen, p, 2 );
		p		+= 2 + usAttrNameLen;
		offset	+= 2 + usAttrNameLen;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (2 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		// Get the value count
		::memcpy( &usValueCnt, p, 2 );
		p		+= 2;
		offset	+= 2;

		if (uiIndex > usValueCnt)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidIndex );

		// Skip to the value that we want
		for ( i = 1; i < uiIndex; i++ )
			// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
			if (4 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
			// Get the length for the value
			::memcpy( &usValueLen, p, 4 );
			p		+= 4 + usValueLen;
			offset	+= 4 + usValueLen;

		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if (4 + offset > buffLen)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		::memcpy( &usValueLen, p, 4 );
		p		+= 4;
		offset	+= 4;

		//if (usValueLen == 0)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat ); //if zero is it okay?

		pAttrValue = (tAttributeValueEntry *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( tAttributeValueEntry ) + usValueLen + kBuffPad );

		pAttrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferSize		= usValueLen + kBuffPad;
		pAttrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferLength	= usValueLen;
		// Do record check, verify that offset is not past end of buffer, etc.
		if ( usValueLen + offset > buffLen ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		::memcpy( pAttrValue->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, p, usValueLen );

		// Set the attribute value ID
		pAttrValue->fAttributeValueID = 0x00;

		inData->fOutAttrValue = pAttrValue;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	return( siResult );

} // GetAttributeValue

//	* AttributeValueSearch

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::AttributeValueSearch ( sDoAttrValueSearchWithData *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32				recCount		= 0;
	bool				done			= false;
	sSearchContinueData	*pContinue		= nil;
	sSearchContinueData	*pInContinue	= nil;
	eSearchState		runState		= keGetRecordList;		//note that there is NO keAttributeValueSearch
																//but keGetRecordList is used here instead
	eSearchState		lastState		= keUnknownState;
	CBuff				inOutBuff;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;
	tDataList		   *allRecList		= nil;
	bool				bKeepOldBuffer	= false;

		allRecList = (tDataList *) calloc( 1, sizeof( tDataList ) );
		siResult = ::dsAppendStringToListPriv( allRecList, kDSRecordsAll );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
		pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );
		if (pContext->pSearchListMutex == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBadContextData);

		siResult = CheckSearchPolicyChange(pContext, inData->fInNodeRef, inData->fIOContinueData);
		if( siResult != eDSNoErr )
			throw( siResult );
		// grab the mutex now

		// Set it to the first node in the search list - this check doesn't need to use the context search path
		if ( pContext->fSearchNodeList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );

		if ( inData->fIOContinueData != nil )
			if ( gSNContinue->VerifyItem( inData->fIOContinueData ) == true )
				pInContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inData->fIOContinueData;
				if (pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall)
					pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall = false;
					throw( (sInt32)eDSBufferTooSmall );

				// Create the new
				pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchContinueData ), sizeof(char) );
				if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

				pInContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inData->fIOContinueData;

				pContinue->fDirRef			= pInContinue->fDirRef;
				pContinue->fNodeRef			= pInContinue->fNodeRef;
				pContinue->fAttrOnly		= pInContinue->fAttrOnly;
				pContinue->fRecCount		= pInContinue->fRecCount;
				pContinue->fRecIndex		= pInContinue->fRecIndex;
				pContinue->fState			= pInContinue->fState;

				//check to see if the buffer has been resized
				if (inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize != pInContinue->fDataBuff->fBufferSize)
					//need to save the contents of the buffer if there is something still there that we need
					//ie. check for pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff
					if (pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff)
						//can we stall on this new allocation until we extract the remaining blocks?
						bKeepOldBuffer = true;
						pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff; //save the old buffer
						pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil; //clean up separately in this case
						pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
						if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
					//pInContinue->fDataBuff will get freed below in gSNContinue->RemoveItem
					pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff;
					pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil;
				pContinue->fContextData		= pInContinue->fContextData;
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= pInContinue->fLimitRecSearch;
				pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= pInContinue->fTotalRecCount;
				pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall;

				// RemoveItem calls our ContinueDeallocProc to clean up
				// since we transfered ownership of these pointers we need to make sure they
				// are nil so the ContinueDeallocProc doesn't free them now
				pInContinue->fContextData		= nil;
				gSNContinue->RemoveItem( inData->fIOContinueData );

				pInContinue = nil;
				inData->fIOContinueData = nil;

				runState = pContinue->fState;
				throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidContinueData );
			pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( sSearchContinueData ) );
			if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
			if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			siResult = GetNextNodeRef( 0, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			pContinue->fDirRef = fDirRef;
			pContinue->fRecIndex		= 1;
			pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= 0;
			pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= 0;
			pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= false;
			//check if the client has requested a limit on the number of records to return
			//we only do this the first call into this context for pContinue
			if (inData->fOutMatchRecordCount >= 0)
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch = inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;

		// Empty the out buffer
		siResult = inOutBuff.Initialize( inData->fOutDataBuff, true );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		siResult = inOutBuff.SetBuffType( 'StdA' );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		inData->fIOContinueData			= nil;
		//need to return zero if no records found
		inData->fOutMatchRecordCount	= 0;

		while ( !done )
			// Do the task
			switch ( runState )
				// Get the original record list request
				case keGetRecordList:
					if (pContinue->fLimitRecSearch > pContinue->fTotalRecCount)
						recCount = pContinue->fLimitRecSearch - pContinue->fTotalRecCount;
						recCount = 0;
						if ( inData->fType == kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData )
							siResult = ::dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData(
																	&pContinue->fContextData );
							siResult = ::dsDoAttributeValueSearch(	pContinue->fNodeRef,
																	&pContinue->fContextData );

					pContinue->fRecCount	= recCount;
					pContinue->fRecIndex	= 1;

					lastState = keGetRecordList;

				// Add any data from the original record request to our own
				//	buffer format
				case keAddDataToBuff:
					siResult = AddDataToOutBuff( pContinue, &inOutBuff, pContext );
					if (bKeepOldBuffer)
						if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff != nil )
								::dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pContinue->fDataBuff );
								pContinue->fDataBuff = nil;
							pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
							bKeepOldBuffer = false;
					lastState = keAddDataToBuff;
				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					siResult	= GetNextNodeRef( pContinue->fNodeRef, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
					lastState	= keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keSetContinueData:
					switch ( lastState )
						case keAddDataToBuff:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							pContinue->fState = lastState;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							siResult = eDSNoErr;

						case keGetRecordList:
						case keGetNextNodeRef:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
								siResult = eDSNoErr;
								inData->fIOContinueData = nil;
								inData->fIOContinueData = pContinue;
								gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );

						case keBufferTooSmall:
							if (pContinue->fContextData == nil) //buffer too small in search node itself
								pContinue->fState = keAddDataToBuff;
								siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
							else //buffer too small in a search path node
								//could be zero too
								inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
								//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
								pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
								if (inData->fOutMatchRecordCount == 0)
									siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
									pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= true;
									siResult = eDSNoErr;
								pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );

							DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Invalid continue state = %l", lastState );

				case keDone:
					if ( pContinue != nil )
						CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
						pContinue = nil;
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown run state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for run state

			// *** Change State ***

			switch ( runState )
				case keGetRecordList:
					// Did dsGetRecordList succeed 
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						// Did we find any records
						if ( pContinue->fRecCount != 0 )
							// We found records, add them to our out buff
							runState = keAddDataToBuff;
						else if (pContinue->fContextData == nil)
							// No records were found on this node, do
							//	we need to get next node
							runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					//condition on eDSRecordNotFound will no longer be needed
					else if ( (siResult == eDSRecordNotFound ) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordName) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordType) )
						// No records were found on this node,
						// get next node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					else if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
						lastState	= keBufferTooSmall;
						runState	= keSetContinueData;
					else //move on to the next node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keAddDataToBuff:
					uInt32 aRecCnt = 0;
					// Did we add all records to our buffer 
					if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) || ( ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull ) && (aRecCnt > 0) ) )
						inData->fOutMatchRecordCount = aRecCnt;
						//check if we retrieved all that was requested
						//continue data might even be nil here
						if ((pContinue->fLimitRecSearch <= (pContinue->fTotalRecCount + inData->fOutMatchRecordCount)) &&
								(pContinue->fLimitRecSearch != 0))
							//KW would seem that setting continue data when we know we are done is wrong
							//runState = keSetContinueData;
							//KW add to the total rec count what is at least going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							//KW don't know why we need this continue data anymore?
							pContinue->fState = runState;
							//gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							runState = keDone;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= nil;
							siResult = eDSNoErr;
							if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
								runState = keSetContinueData;
							// Do we need to continue the original read
							else if ( pContinue->fContextData )
								lastState = keGetRecordList;
								//runState = keSetContinueData;
								runState = keGetRecordList;
								// we need to get the next node
								runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
						if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							lastState = keBufferTooSmall;
							// We got an error we don't know how to deal with, we be gone
							runState = keDone;

				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &recCount );
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						if ( recCount == 0 )
							runState = keGetRecordList;
							runState = keSetContinueData;
						if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							runState = keDone;

				case keSetContinueData:
				case keDone:
				case keError:
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown transition state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for transition state

	catch( sInt32 err )
		if ( (pContext != nil) && (pContext->pSearchListMutex != nil) )
		siResult = err;

	if ( (inData->fIOContinueData == nil) && (pContinue != nil ) )
		// we have decided not to return contine data, need to free it
		CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
		pContinue = nil;

	if (allRecList != nil)
		::dsDataListDeallocatePriv( allRecList );
		allRecList = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // AttributeValueSearch

//	* MultipleAttributeValueSearch

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::MultipleAttributeValueSearch ( sDoMultiAttrValueSearchWithData *inData )

	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	uInt32				recCount		= 0;
	bool				done			= false;
	sSearchContinueData	*pContinue		= nil;
	sSearchContinueData	*pInContinue	= nil;
	eSearchState		runState		= keGetRecordList;		//note that there is NO keMultipleAttributeValueSearch
																//but keGetRecordList is used here instead
	eSearchState		lastState		= keUnknownState;
	CBuff				inOutBuff;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;
	tDataList		   *allRecList		= nil;
	bool				bKeepOldBuffer	= false;

		allRecList = (tDataList *) calloc( 1, sizeof( tDataList ) );
		siResult = ::dsAppendStringToListPriv( allRecList, kDSRecordsAll );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
		pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );
		if (pContext->pSearchListMutex == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBadContextData);

		siResult = CheckSearchPolicyChange(pContext, inData->fInNodeRef, inData->fIOContinueData);
		if( siResult != eDSNoErr )
			throw( siResult );
		// grab the mutex now
		// Set it to the first node in the search list - this check doesn't need to use the context search path
		if ( pContext->fSearchNodeList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );

		if ( inData->fIOContinueData != nil )
			if ( gSNContinue->VerifyItem( inData->fIOContinueData ) == true )
				pInContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inData->fIOContinueData;
				if (pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall)
					pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall = false;
					throw( (sInt32)eDSBufferTooSmall );

				// Create the new
				pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( sizeof( sSearchContinueData ), sizeof(char) );
				if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

				pInContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inData->fIOContinueData;

				pContinue->fDirRef			= pInContinue->fDirRef;
				pContinue->fNodeRef			= pInContinue->fNodeRef;
				pContinue->fAttrOnly		= pInContinue->fAttrOnly;
				pContinue->fRecCount		= pInContinue->fRecCount;
				pContinue->fRecIndex		= pInContinue->fRecIndex;
				pContinue->fState			= pInContinue->fState;

				//check to see if the buffer has been resized
				if (inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize != pInContinue->fDataBuff->fBufferSize)
					//need to save the contents of the buffer if there is something still there that we need
					//ie. check for pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff
					if (pContinue->fState == keAddDataToBuff)
						//can we stall on this new allocation until we extract the remaining blocks?
						bKeepOldBuffer = true;
						pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff; //save the old buffer
						pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil; //clean up separately in this case
						pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
						if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
					//pInContinue->fDataBuff will get freed below in gSNContinue->RemoveItem
					pContinue->fDataBuff	= pInContinue->fDataBuff;
					pInContinue->fDataBuff	= nil;
				pContinue->fContextData		= pInContinue->fContextData;
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= pInContinue->fLimitRecSearch;
				pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= pInContinue->fTotalRecCount;
				pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= pInContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall;

				// RemoveItem calls our ContinueDeallocProc to clean up
				// since we transfered ownership of these pointers we need to make sure they
				// are nil so the ContinueDeallocProc doesn't free them now
				pInContinue->fContextData		= nil;
				gSNContinue->RemoveItem( inData->fIOContinueData );

				pInContinue = nil;
				inData->fIOContinueData = nil;

				runState = pContinue->fState;
				throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidContinueData );
			pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( sSearchContinueData ) );
			if ( pContinue == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
			if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );

			siResult = GetNextNodeRef( 0, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			pContinue->fDirRef = fDirRef;
			pContinue->fRecIndex		= 1;
			pContinue->fTotalRecCount	= 0;
			pContinue->fLimitRecSearch	= 0;
			pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= false;
			//check if the client has requested a limit on the number of records to return
			//we only do this the first call into this context for pContinue
			if (inData->fOutMatchRecordCount >= 0)
				pContinue->fLimitRecSearch = inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;

		// Empty the out buffer
		siResult = inOutBuff.Initialize( inData->fOutDataBuff, true );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		siResult = inOutBuff.SetBuffType( 'StdA' );
		if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

		inData->fIOContinueData			= nil;
		//need to return zero if no records found
		inData->fOutMatchRecordCount	= 0;

		while ( !done )
			// Do the task
			switch ( runState )
				// Get the original record list request
				case keGetRecordList:
					if (pContinue->fLimitRecSearch > pContinue->fTotalRecCount)
						recCount = pContinue->fLimitRecSearch - pContinue->fTotalRecCount;
						recCount = 0;
					if ( inData->fType == kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData )
						siResult = ::dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearchWithData(
																&pContinue->fContextData );
						siResult = ::dsDoMultipleAttributeValueSearch(	
																&pContinue->fContextData );

					pContinue->fRecCount	= recCount;
					pContinue->fRecIndex	= 1;

					lastState = keGetRecordList;

				// Add any data from the original record request to our own
				//	buffer format
				case keAddDataToBuff:
					siResult = AddDataToOutBuff( pContinue, &inOutBuff, pContext );
					if (bKeepOldBuffer)
						if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff != nil )
								::dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pContinue->fDataBuff );
								pContinue->fDataBuff = nil;
							pContinue->fDataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( inData->fOutDataBuff->fBufferSize );
							if ( pContinue->fDataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
							bKeepOldBuffer = false;
					lastState = keAddDataToBuff;
				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					siResult	= GetNextNodeRef( pContinue->fNodeRef, &pContinue->fNodeRef, pContext );
					lastState	= keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keSetContinueData:
					switch ( lastState )
						case keAddDataToBuff:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							pContinue->fState = lastState;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							siResult = eDSNoErr;

						case keGetRecordList:
						case keGetNextNodeRef:
							inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
							//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
								siResult = eDSNoErr;
								inData->fIOContinueData = nil;
								inData->fIOContinueData = pContinue;
								gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );

						case keBufferTooSmall:
							if (pContinue->fContextData == nil) //buffer too small in search node itself
								pContinue->fState = keAddDataToBuff;
								siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
							else //buffer too small in a search path node
								//could be zero too
								inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &inData->fOutMatchRecordCount );
								//KW add to the total rec count what is going out for this call
								pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
								if (inData->fOutMatchRecordCount == 0)
									siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;
									pContinue->bNodeBuffTooSmall= true;
									siResult = eDSNoErr;
								pContinue->fState = keGetRecordList;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= pContinue;
							gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );

							DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Invalid continue state = %l", lastState );

				case keDone:
					if ( pContinue != nil )
						CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
						pContinue = nil;
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown run state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for run state

			// *** Change State ***

			switch ( runState )
				case keGetRecordList:
					// Did dsGetRecordList succeed 
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						// Did we find any records
						if ( pContinue->fRecCount != 0 )
							// We found records, add them to our out buff
							runState = keAddDataToBuff;
						else if (pContinue->fContextData == nil)
							runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					//condition on eDSRecordNotFound will no longer be needed
					else if ( (siResult == eDSRecordNotFound ) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordName) ||
						  (siResult == eDSInvalidRecordType) )
						  //move on to the next node if these
						  //conditions are met
						// No records were found on this node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
					else if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
						lastState	= keBufferTooSmall;
						runState	= keSetContinueData;
					else //move on to the next node
						runState = keGetNextNodeRef;

				case keAddDataToBuff:
					uInt32 aRecCnt = 0;
					// Did we add all records to our buffer 
					if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) || ( ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull ) && (aRecCnt > 0) ) )
						inData->fOutMatchRecordCount = aRecCnt;
						//check if we retrieved all that was requested
						//continue data might even be nil here
						if ((pContinue->fLimitRecSearch <= (pContinue->fTotalRecCount + inData->fOutMatchRecordCount)) &&
								(pContinue->fLimitRecSearch != 0))
							//KW would seem that setting continue data when we know we are done is wrong
							//runState = keSetContinueData;
							//KW add to the total rec count what is at least going out for this call
							pContinue->fTotalRecCount += inData->fOutMatchRecordCount;
							//KW don't know why we need this continue data anymore?
							pContinue->fState = runState;
							//gSNContinue->AddItem( pContinue, inData->fInNodeRef );
							runState = keDone;
							inData->fIOContinueData	= nil;
							siResult = eDSNoErr;
							if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
								runState = keSetContinueData;
							// Do we need to continue the original read
							else if ( pContinue->fContextData )
								lastState = keGetRecordList;
								//runState = keSetContinueData;
								runState = keGetRecordList;
								runState = keGetNextNodeRef;
						if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							lastState = keBufferTooSmall;
							// We got an error we don't know how to deal with, we be gone
							runState = keDone;

				case keGetNextNodeRef:
					inOutBuff.GetDataBlockCount( &recCount );
					if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
						if ( recCount == 0 )
							runState = keGetRecordList;
							runState = keSetContinueData;
						if ( siResult == keSearchNodeListEnd )
							runState = keSetContinueData;
							runState = keDone;

				case keSetContinueData:
				case keDone:
				case keError:
					done = true;

					DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "*** Unknown transition state = %l", runState );
					done = true;

			} // switch for transition state

	catch( sInt32 err )
		if ( (pContext != nil) && (pContext->pSearchListMutex != nil) )
		siResult = err;

	if ( (inData->fIOContinueData == nil) && (pContinue != nil ) )
		// we have decided not to return contine data, need to free it
		CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc( pContinue );
		pContinue = nil;

	if (allRecList != nil)
		::dsDataListDeallocatePriv( allRecList );
		allRecList = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // MultipleAttributeValueSearch

//	SystemGoingToSleep

void CSearchPlugin::SystemGoingToSleep( void )
	//set a network change blocking flag at sleep
	gBlockSNNetworkChange = true;

//	SystemWillPowerOn

void CSearchPlugin::SystemWillPowerOn( void )
	//reset a network change blocking flag at wake
	gBlockSNNetworkChange = false;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Support Routines
#pragma mark -

//	* GetNextNodeRef

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::GetNextNodeRef ( tDirNodeReference inNodeRef, tDirNodeReference *outNodeRef, sSearchContextData *inContext )
	sInt32				siResult		= keSearchNodeListEnd;
	sSearchList		   *pNodeList		= nil;
	sSearchConfig	   *aSearchConfig	= nil;
	tDirNodeReference	aNodeRef		= inNodeRef;
	uInt32				nodeIndex		= 0;
	bool				bShouldNotify	= false;

	pNodeList = (sSearchList *)inContext->fSearchNodeList;
	// Search the node list looking for the current node ref
	if (aNodeRef != 0) //if it is zero we look at the first one
		while ( pNodeList != nil )
			if ( aNodeRef == pNodeList->fNodeRef )
				pNodeList = pNodeList->fNext;
			pNodeList = pNodeList->fNext;

	if (nodeIndex == 1) //do this ONLY after first local node used already
		//NOTE - can try this after we try the first node in the list since the most common
		//  case is we are the local domain and there is no hierarchy and the results will have been found
		//  if present already in the local node 
		//now check to see if this is the automatic search path ie. called NetInfo default for now
		//if so check to see if there is only a local node
		//if so is this another NetInfo node or no second node
		//if so then retest to determine if there is a hierarchy
		//if so reset the fSearchNodeList
		//we also reset the node list back to the beginning
		bool bRecheckNI = false;
		if (inContext->bAutoSearchList)
			//do not perform this check too often
			if ( ((dsTimestamp() >= gCheckForNIParentTime) || inContext->bCheckForNIParentNow) 
				 && !gBlockSNNetworkChange) //if going to sleep do not do this
				gCheckForNIParentTime = dsTimestamp() + USEC_PER_SEC*5;
				if (pNodeList != nil)
					if ( pNodeList->fNodeName != nil)
						if (strncmp(pNodeList->fNodeName,"/NetInfo",8) != 0)
							bRecheckNI = true;
						} //second node in list is not NetInfo
					} //node name in list is non nil
				} //there is more than a single node in the search path
					bRecheckNI = true;
				} //no second node present
			if (bRecheckNI)
				tDataList	   *pNodeNameDL	= nil;
				//call to check if there exists a NetInfo parent node
				pNodeNameDL = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( "NetInfo", "..", nil );
				if (pNodeNameDL != nil)
					//try to open the parent NetInfo node
					sInt32 openResult = eDSNoErr;
					openResult = dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, &aNodeRef );
					if ( openResult == eDSNoErr )
						//notify ourselves so that we know to re-assess the domain for /NetInfo/root
						sSearchList	   *aSearchNodeList	= nil;
						//re-evaluate the search policy now since parent CAN be opened
						//1- update search policy
						//2- set the bListChanged flags
						//this does not help the boot sequence
						//DBGLOG( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::GetNextNodeRef: gbFirstSNNetworkTransition set to true" );
						//gbFirstSNNetworkTransition = true;
						if (aSearchNodeList != nil)
							//switch the search policy to the current one
							aSearchConfig = FindSearchConfigWithKey(inContext->fSearchConfigKey);
							//flush the old search path lists
							CleanSearchListData( inContext->fSearchNodeList );
							CleanSearchListData( aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList );
							aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList	= aSearchNodeList;
							if ( aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML == nil
								 || aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->IsDHCPLDAPEnabled() )
							//get the updated search path list with new unique refs of each
							//search path node for use by this client who opened the search node
							inContext->fSearchNodeList = DupSearchListWithNewRefs(aSearchNodeList);
							//all current open refs will take care of themselves but future opens will use the new list
							//make sure to reset the flag since doing the job right above here
							inContext->bListChanged	= false;
							pNodeList = ((sSearchList *)inContext->fSearchNodeList)->fNext;
						if (!inContext->bCheckForNIParentNow)
							bShouldNotify = true;
					dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeNameDL, false );
					pNodeNameDL = nil;
			inContext->bCheckForNIParentNow = false;
		} //this is NetInfo default search policy
	} //if (nodeIndex == 1)

	//look over the remainder of the list to find the next successful open or simply finish
	while ( pNodeList != nil )
		// Has the node been previously opened
		if ( pNodeList->fOpened == false )
			siResult = ::dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeList->fDataList, &pNodeList->fNodeRef );
			if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
				*outNodeRef = pNodeList->fNodeRef;
				pNodeList->fOpened = true;
				//here we should notify that the search policy changed since something has now become reachable
				//we use fPreviousOpenFailed since we lazy open the nodes and always try the first open
				if (pNodeList->fPreviousOpenFailed)
					pNodeList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
					bShouldNotify = true;
				siResult = keSearchNodeListEnd;
				pNodeList->fPreviousOpenFailed = true;
				fSomeNodeFailedToOpen = true;
			*outNodeRef	= pNodeList->fNodeRef;
			siResult	= eDSNoErr;
		pNodeList = pNodeList->fNext;
	if (bShouldNotify)
		if (inContext->fSearchConfigKey == eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName)

	return( siResult );

} // GetNextNodeRef

//	* GetNodePath

tDataList* CSearchPlugin::GetNodePath ( tDirNodeReference inNodeRef, sSearchContextData *inContext )
	tDataList	   *pResult		= nil;
	sSearchList	   *pNodeList	= nil;

//do we check ??? whether search policy has switched and if it has then adjust to the new one
//ie. in this method we are in the middle of a getrecordlist or doattributevaluesearch(withdata)
	pNodeList = (sSearchList *)inContext->fSearchNodeList;

	// Search the node list looking for the current node ref
	while ( pNodeList != nil )
		// Is it the one we are looking for
		if ( inNodeRef == pNodeList->fNodeRef )
			pResult = pNodeList->fDataList;
		pNodeList = pNodeList->fNext;

	return( pResult );

} // GetNodePath

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* MakeContextData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchContextData* CSearchPlugin::MakeContextData ( void )
	sSearchContextData	*pOut	= nil;

	pOut = (sSearchContextData *) ::calloc( 1, sizeof(sSearchContextData) );
	if ( pOut != nil )
		pOut->fSearchNodeList	= nil;
		pOut->bListChanged		= false;
		pOut->pSearchListMutex	= nil;
		pOut->fSearchNode		= this;
		pOut->bAutoSearchList	= false;
		pOut->bCheckForNIParentNow = false;

	return( pOut );

} // MakeContextData

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CleanContextData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CleanContextData ( sSearchContextData *inContext )
    sInt32				siResult 	= eDSNoErr;
	DSMutexSemaphore   *ourMutex	= nil;
    if (( inContext == nil ) || ( gSearchNode == nil ))
        siResult = eDSBadContextData;
		ourMutex = inContext->pSearchListMutex;
		if (ourMutex != nil)

			//need a handle to the pConfigFromXML class
			//cheat by using the global since all we want is the function
			//pSearchConfigList->pConfigFromXML->CleanListData( xxxxx );
        	if (inContext->fSearchNodeList != nil && inContext->fSearchNode != nil)
				gSearchNode->CleanSearchListData( inContext->fSearchNodeList );
				inContext->fSearchNodeList = nil;

			inContext->bListChanged		= false;
			inContext->offset			= 0;
			inContext->fSearchConfigKey	= 0;
			inContext->pSearchListMutex	= nil;
			inContext->bAutoSearchList	= false;
			inContext->bCheckForNIParentNow = false;
			//ourMutex->Signal(); //we are going to delete this here - don't make it available
			ourMutex = nil;
		//only node refs have a mutex assigned so always free this
		free( inContext );
		inContext = nil;
	return( siResult );

} // CleanContextData

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* AddDataToOutBuff
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::AddDataToOutBuff ( sSearchContinueData *inContinue, CBuff *inOutBuff, sSearchContextData *inContext )
	uInt32					i				= 1;
	uInt32					j				= 1;
	sInt32					attrCnt			= 0;
	sInt32					siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	char				   *cpRecType		= nil;
	char				   *cpRecName		= nil;
	tRecordEntry		   *pRecEntry		= nil;
	tAttributeListRef		attrListRef		= 0;
	tAttributeValueListRef	valueRef		= 0;
	tAttributeEntry		   *pAttrEntry		= nil;
	tAttributeValueEntry   *pValueEntry		= nil;
	CDataBuff			   *aRecData		= nil;
	CDataBuff			   *aAttrData		= nil;
	CDataBuff			   *aTmpData		= nil;


		aRecData	= new CDataBuff();
		aAttrData	= new CDataBuff();
		aTmpData	= new CDataBuff();
		while ( (inContinue->fRecIndex <= inContinue->fRecCount) && (siResult == eDSNoErr) )
			siResult = ::dsGetRecordEntry( inContinue->fNodeRef, inContinue->fDataBuff, inContinue->fRecIndex, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

			siResult = ::dsGetRecordTypeFromEntry( pRecEntry, &cpRecType );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

			siResult = ::dsGetRecordNameFromEntry( pRecEntry, &cpRecName );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );


			// Set the record type and name
			aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( cpRecType ) );
			aRecData->AppendString( cpRecType );
			aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( cpRecName ) );
			aRecData->AppendString( cpRecName );
			//clean up this string here since it is only used here
			if ( cpRecName != nil )
				free( cpRecName );
				cpRecName = nil;

			// Attribute count
			aRecData->AppendShort( pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount );

			//clean up this string here since we are in a while loop and it is no longer used past the above if condition
			if ( cpRecType != nil )
				free( cpRecType );
				cpRecType = nil;

			if ( pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount != 0 )
				for ( i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; i++ )
					siResult = ::dsGetAttributeEntry( inContinue->fNodeRef, inContinue->fDataBuff, attrListRef, i, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
					if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

					aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData ) );
					aTmpData->AppendString( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData );

					if ( inContinue->fAttrOnly == false )
						aTmpData->AppendShort( pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount );

						for ( j = 1; j <= pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount; j++ )
							siResult = dsGetAttributeValue( inContinue->fNodeRef, inContinue->fDataBuff, j, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
							if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );

							aTmpData->AppendLong( ::strlen( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData ) );
							aTmpData->AppendString( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData );
							dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(fDirRef, pValueEntry);
							pValueEntry = nil;
						aTmpData->AppendShort( 0 );
					aAttrData->AppendLong( aTmpData->GetLength() );
					aAttrData->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );

					// Clear the temp block
					dsDeallocAttributeEntry(fDirRef, pAttrEntry);
					pAttrEntry = nil;

			if ( (pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount + attrCnt) != 0 )
				aRecData->AppendBlock( aAttrData->GetData(), aAttrData->GetLength() );

			siResult = inOutBuff->AddData( aRecData->GetData(), aRecData->GetLength() );
			if ( siResult == eDSNoErr )
			dsDeallocRecordEntry(fDirRef, pRecEntry);
			pRecEntry = nil;

	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( cpRecType != nil )
		free( cpRecType );
		cpRecType = nil;

	if ( cpRecName != nil )
		free( cpRecName );
		cpRecName = nil;

	if ( aRecData != nil )
		aRecData = nil;
	if ( aAttrData != nil )
		aAttrData = nil;
	if ( aTmpData != nil )
		aTmpData = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // AddDataToOutBuff

//	  * DoPlugInCustomCall

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::DoPlugInCustomCall ( sDoPlugInCustomCall *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	unsigned long		aRequest		= 0;
	sInt32				xmlDataLength	= 0;
	CFDataRef   		xmlData			= nil;
	CFDictionaryRef		dhcpLDAPdict	= nil;
	CFMutableArrayRef	cspArray		= nil;
	unsigned long		bufLen			= 0;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;
	sSearchConfig	   *aSearchConfig	= nil;
	AuthorizationRef	authRef			= 0;
	AuthorizationItemSet* resultRightSet = NULL;
	AuthorizationExternalForm blankExtForm;
	bool				verifyAuthRef	= true;

		if ( inData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullParameter );
		if ( inData->fInRequestData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullDataBuff );
		if ( inData->fInRequestData->fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyBuffer );
		pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInNodeRef );
		if ( pContext == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );
		//stop the call if the call comes in for the DefaultNetwork Node
		if (pContext->fSearchConfigKey == eDSNetworkSearchNodeName)  throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );

		aRequest = inData->fInRequestCode;
		bufLen = inData->fInRequestData->fBufferLength;
		if ( bufLen < sizeof( AuthorizationExternalForm ) ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
		if ( pContext->fEffectiveUID == 0 ) {
			if (memcmp(inData->fInRequestData->fBufferData,&blankExtForm,
					   sizeof(AuthorizationExternalForm)) == 0) {
				verifyAuthRef = false;
		if (verifyAuthRef) {
			siResult = AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm((AuthorizationExternalForm *)inData->fInRequestData->fBufferData,
			if (siResult != errAuthorizationSuccess)
				DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin: AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm returned error %d", siResult );
				syslog( LOG_ALERT, "AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm returned error %d", siResult );
				throw( (sInt32)eDSPermissionError );
			AuthorizationItem rights[] = { {"system.services.directory.configure", 0, 0, 0} };
			AuthorizationItemSet rightSet = { sizeof(rights)/ sizeof(*rights), rights };
			siResult = AuthorizationCopyRights(authRef, &rightSet, NULL,
										kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights, &resultRightSet);
			if (resultRightSet != NULL)
				resultRightSet = NULL;
			if (siResult != errAuthorizationSuccess)
				DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin: AuthorizationCopyRights returned error %d", siResult );
				syslog( LOG_ALERT, "AuthorizationCopyRights returned error %d", siResult );
				throw( (sInt32)eDSPermissionError );

		// have to verify the auth ref before grabbing the mutex to avoid deadlock
		aSearchConfig	= FindSearchConfigWithKey(pContext->fSearchConfigKey);
		if ( aSearchConfig == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidNodeRef );		

		// Set it to the first node in the search list - this check doesn't need to use the context search path
		if ( aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eSearchPathNotDefined );

		switch( aRequest )
			case 111:
				SwitchSearchPolicy( kNetInfoSearchPolicy, aSearchConfig );
				//need to save the switch to the config file
				if (aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML)
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->SetSearchPolicy(kNetInfoSearchPolicy);
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->WriteConfig();

			case 222:
				SwitchSearchPolicy( kLocalSearchPolicy, aSearchConfig );
				//need to save the switch to the config file
				if (aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML)
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->SetSearchPolicy(kLocalSearchPolicy);
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->WriteConfig();

			case 333:
				SwitchSearchPolicy( kCustomSearchPolicy, aSearchConfig );
				//need to save the switch to the config file
				if (aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML)
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->SetSearchPolicy(kCustomSearchPolicy);
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->WriteConfig();

				//here we accept an XML blob to replace the current custom search path nodes
			case 444:
				//need to make xmlData large enough to receive the data
				//the XML data immediately follows the AuthorizationExternalForm
				xmlDataLength = (sInt32) bufLen - sizeof( AuthorizationExternalForm );
				if ( xmlDataLength <= 0 ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
				xmlData = CFDataCreate(NULL,(UInt8 *)(inData->fInRequestData->fBufferData + sizeof( AuthorizationExternalForm )),xmlDataLength);
				//build the csp array
	   			cspArray = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL,xmlData,0,NULL);
				if (aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML)
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->SetListArray(cspArray);
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->WriteConfig();
				if ( aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kCustomSearchPolicy )
				// need to reset the policy since changes made to the data need to be picked up
				SwitchSearchPolicy( kCustomSearchPolicy, aSearchConfig );

			case 555:
				// get length of DHCP LDAP dictionary

				if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullDataBuff );
				if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyBuffer );
				if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferSize < sizeof( CFIndex ) ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );
				if ( aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML != nil)
					// need four bytes for size
					dhcpLDAPdict = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->GetDHCPLDAPDictionary();
					if (dhcpLDAPdict != 0)
						xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(NULL,dhcpLDAPdict);
					if (xmlData != 0)
						*(CFIndex*)(inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferData) = CFDataGetLength(xmlData);
						inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferLength = sizeof( CFIndex );
						xmlData = 0;
						*(CFIndex*)(inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferData) = 0;
						inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferLength = sizeof( CFIndex );

			case 556:
				// read xml config
				CFRange	aRange;

				if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSNullDataBuff );
				if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferData == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eDSEmptyBuffer );
				if ( aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML != nil )
					dhcpLDAPdict = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->GetDHCPLDAPDictionary();
					if (dhcpLDAPdict != 0)
						xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(NULL,dhcpLDAPdict);
					if (xmlData != 0)
						aRange.location = 0;
						aRange.length = CFDataGetLength(xmlData);
						if ( inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferSize < (unsigned int)aRange.length ) throw( (sInt32)eDSBufferTooSmall );
						CFDataGetBytes( xmlData, aRange, (UInt8*)(inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferData) );
						inData->fOutRequestResponse->fBufferLength = aRange.length;
						xmlData = 0;
			case 557:
				//need to make xmlData large enough to receive the data
				//the XML data immediately follows the AuthorizationExternalForm
				xmlDataLength = (sInt32) bufLen - sizeof( AuthorizationExternalForm );
				if ( xmlDataLength <= 0 ) throw( (sInt32)eDSInvalidBuffFormat );

				xmlData = CFDataCreate(NULL,(UInt8 *)(inData->fInRequestData->fBufferData + sizeof( AuthorizationExternalForm )),xmlDataLength);
				//build the csp array
				dhcpLDAPdict = (CFDictionaryRef)CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(NULL,xmlData,0,NULL);
				if (aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML)
					siResult = aSearchConfig->pConfigFromXML->WriteConfig();
				// need to reset the policy since changes made to the data need to be picked up
				if (aSearchConfig->fSearchConfigKey == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
					// need to make sure we pick up any changes if automatic search policy is active
					SwitchSearchPolicy( aSearchConfig->fSearchConfigKey, aSearchConfig );


	catch( sInt32 err )
		siResult = err;

	if (authRef != 0)
		AuthorizationFree(authRef, 0);
		authRef = 0;

	return( siResult );

} // DoPlugInCustomCall

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CleanSearchConfigData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin:: CleanSearchConfigData ( sSearchConfig *inList )
    sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;

    if ( inList != nil )
		inList->fSearchPolicy			= 0;
		inList->fSearchConfigKey		= 0;
		inList->fDirNodeType			= kUnknownNodeType;

		inList->fNext					= nil;
		if (inList->fSearchNodeName != nil)
			inList->fSearchNodeName = nil;
		if (inList->fSearchConfigFilePrefix != nil)
			inList->fSearchConfigFilePrefix = nil;
		CleanSearchListData( inList->fSearchNodeList );
		inList->fSearchNodeList = nil; //take the chance this is a leak if inList->pConfigFromXML was nil
		if (inList->pConfigFromXML != nil)
			inList->pConfigFromXML = nil;

    return( siResult );

} // CleanSearchConfigData

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CleanSearchListData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin:: CleanSearchListData ( sSearchList *inList )
    sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchList		   *pList		= nil;
	sSearchList		   *pDeleteList	= nil;

	if (inList != nil)
		//need the nested ifs so that can make use of the CleanListData method
		//need to cleanup the struct list ie. the internals
		pList = inList;
		while (pList != nil)
			pDeleteList = pList;
			pList = pList->fNext;		//assign to next BEFORE deleting current
			if (pDeleteList->fNodeName != nil)
				delete ( pDeleteList->fNodeName );
			pDeleteList->fOpened = false;
			pDeleteList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
			if (pDeleteList->fNodeRef != 0)
				::dsCloseDirNode(pDeleteList->fNodeRef); // don't check error code
				pDeleteList->fNodeRef = 0;
			pDeleteList->fNext = nil;
			if (pDeleteList->fDataList != nil)
				dsDataListDeallocatePriv ( pDeleteList->fDataList );
				//need to free the header as well
				free( pDeleteList->fDataList );
				pDeleteList->fDataList = nil;
			delete( pDeleteList );
			pDeleteList = nil;

    return( siResult );

} // CleanSearchListData

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* MakeSearchConfigData
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchConfig *CSearchPlugin::MakeSearchConfigData (	sSearchList *inSearchNodeList,
													uInt32 inSearchPolicy,
													CConfigs *inConfigFromXML,
													char *inSearchNodeName,
													char *inSearchConfigFilePrefix,
													eDirNodeType inDirNodeType,
													uInt32 inSearchConfigType )
    sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
    sSearchConfig  	   *configOut		= nil;

	configOut = (sSearchConfig *) ::calloc(sizeof(sSearchConfig), sizeof(char));
	if (configOut != nil)
		//just created so no need to check siResult?
		siResult = CleanSearchConfigData(configOut);
		configOut->fSearchNodeList			= inSearchNodeList;
		configOut->fSearchPolicy			= inSearchPolicy;
		configOut->pConfigFromXML			= inConfigFromXML;
		configOut->fSearchNodeName			= inSearchNodeName;
		configOut->fSearchConfigFilePrefix	= inSearchConfigFilePrefix;
		configOut->fDirNodeType				= inDirNodeType;
		configOut->fSearchConfigKey			= inSearchConfigType;
		configOut->fNext					= nil;

    return( configOut );

} // MakeSearchConfigData

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* FindSearchConfigWithKey
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sSearchConfig *CSearchPlugin:: FindSearchConfigWithKey (	uInt32 inSearchConfigKey )
    sSearchConfig  	   *configOut		= nil;

	configOut = pSearchConfigList;
	while ( configOut != nil )
		if (configOut->fSearchConfigKey == inSearchConfigKey)
		configOut = configOut->fNext;

    return( configOut );

} // FindSearchConfigWithKey

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* AddSearchConfigToList
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin:: AddSearchConfigToList ( sSearchConfig *inSearchConfig )
    sSearchConfig  	   *aConfigList		= nil;
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSInvalidIndex;
	bool				uiDup			= false;

	aConfigList = pSearchConfigList;
	while ( aConfigList != nil ) // look for existing entry with same key
		if (aConfigList->fSearchConfigKey == inSearchConfig->fSearchConfigKey)
			uiDup = true;
		aConfigList = aConfigList->fNext;

	if (!uiDup) //don't add if entry already exists
		aConfigList = pSearchConfigList;
		if (aConfigList == nil)
			pSearchConfigList = inSearchConfig;
			while ( aConfigList->fNext != nil )
				aConfigList = aConfigList->fNext;
			aConfigList->fNext = inSearchConfig;
		siResult = eDSNoErr;
    return( siResult );

} // AddSearchConfigToList

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* RemoveSearchConfigWithKey //TODO this could be a problem if it is ever called
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
sInt32 CSearchPlugin:: RemoveSearchConfigWithKey ( uInt32 inSearchConfigKey )
    sSearchConfig  	   *aConfigList		= nil;
    sSearchConfig  	   *aConfigPtr		= nil;
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSInvalidIndex;

	aConfigList = pSearchConfigList;
	aConfigPtr	= pSearchConfigList;
	if (aConfigList->fSearchConfigKey == inSearchConfigKey)
		pSearchConfigList = aConfigList->fNext;
		siResult = eDSNoErr;
		aConfigList = aConfigList->fNext;
		while ( aConfigList != nil ) // look for existing entry with same key
			if (aConfigList->fSearchConfigKey == inSearchConfigKey)
				aConfigPtr->fNext = aConfigList->fNext;
				siResult = eDSNoErr;
			aConfigList = aConfigList->fNext;
			aConfigPtr	= aConfigPtr->fNext;
    return( siResult );

} // RemoveSearchConfigWithKey

//	* CloseAttributeList

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CloseAttributeList ( sCloseAttributeList *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;

	pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInAttributeListRef );
	if ( pContext != nil )
		//only "offset" should have been used in the Context
		gSNNodeRef->RemoveItem( inData->fInAttributeListRef );
		siResult = eDSInvalidAttrListRef;

	return( siResult );

} // CloseAttributeList

//	* CloseAttributeValueList

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CloseAttributeValueList ( sCloseAttributeValueList *inData )
	sInt32				siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchContextData *pContext		= nil;

	pContext = (sSearchContextData *)gSNNodeRef->GetItemData( inData->fInAttributeValueListRef );
	if ( pContext != nil )
		//only "offset" should have been used in the Context
		gSNNodeRef->RemoveItem( inData->fInAttributeValueListRef );
		siResult = eDSInvalidAttrValueRef;

	return( siResult );

} // CloseAttributeValueList

//	* DupSearchListWithNewRefs

sSearchList *CSearchPlugin::DupSearchListWithNewRefs ( sSearchList *inSearchList )
	sSearchList	   *outSearchList		= nil;
	sSearchList	   *pSearchList			= inSearchList;
	sSearchList	   *aSearchList			= nil;
	sSearchList	   *tailSearchList		= nil;
	bool			isFirst				= true;
	bool			getLocalFirst  		= true;
//	tDataList	   *pLocalNodeName		= nil;
//	sInt32			siResult			= eDSNoErr;

	//this might be a good place to refresh (re-init?) the search policy to get a fresh perspective on the search paths?
	while (pSearchList != nil)
   		aSearchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( sSearchList ) );
		aSearchList->fOpened	= false;
		aSearchList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
		aSearchList->fNodeRef	= 0;
		aSearchList->fNodeName	= nil;
		aSearchList->fDataList	= nil;
		aSearchList->fNext		= nil;

		//need to retain the order
		if (isFirst)
			outSearchList		= aSearchList;
			tailSearchList		= aSearchList;
			isFirst				= false;
			tailSearchList->fNext	= aSearchList;
			tailSearchList			= aSearchList;

		if (pSearchList->fNodeName != nil)
			aSearchList->fNodeName = (char *)::calloc(1, ::strlen(pSearchList->fNodeName) + 1);

			//aSearchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( aSearchList->fNodeName, "/" );
			if (getLocalFirst)
				aSearchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( kstrDefaultLocalNodeName, "/" );

				//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref
				getLocalFirst = false;
				aSearchList->fDataList = ::dsBuildFromPathPriv( aSearchList->fNodeName, "/" );
				//let's open lazily when we actually need the node ref

		pSearchList = pSearchList->fNext;

	return( outSearchList );

} // DupSearchListWithNewRefs

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ContinueDeallocProc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin::ContinueDeallocProc ( void* inContinueData )
	sSearchContinueData *pContinue = (sSearchContinueData *)inContinueData;

	if ( pContinue != nil )
		if ( pContinue->fDataBuff != nil )
			::dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pContinue->fDataBuff );
			pContinue->fDataBuff = nil;

		if ( pContinue->fContextData != nil )
			::dsReleaseContinueData( pContinue->fNodeRef, pContinue->fContextData );
			pContinue->fContextData = nil;

		free( pContinue );
		pContinue = nil;
} // ContinueDeallocProc

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ContextDeallocProc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin::ContextDeallocProc ( void* inContextData )
	sSearchContextData *pContext = (sSearchContextData *) inContextData;

	if ( pContext != nil )
		CleanContextData( pContext );
} // ContextDeallocProc

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ContextSetListChangedProc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin:: ContextSetListChangedProc ( void* inContextData )
	sSearchContextData *pContext = (sSearchContextData *) inContextData;

	if ( pContext != nil )
		pContext->bListChanged	= true;
} // ContextSetListChangedProc

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* ContextSetCheckForNIParentNowProc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin:: ContextSetCheckForNIParentNowProc ( void* inContextData )
	sSearchContextData *pContext = (sSearchContextData *) inContextData;

	if ( pContext != nil )
		pContext->bCheckForNIParentNow	= true;
} // ContextSetCheckForNIParentNowProc

//	* CheckSearchPolicyChange

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CheckSearchPolicyChange( sSearchContextData *pContext, tDirNodeReference inNodeRef, tContextData inContinueData )
	sInt32			siResult		= eDSNoErr;
	sSearchConfig	*aSearchConfig	= nil;
	// it's important to always aquire the global mutex before the individual
	// reference mutex to avoid deadlock
	if( pContext->pSearchListMutex )
	aSearchConfig	= FindSearchConfigWithKey(pContext->fSearchConfigKey);
	if ( aSearchConfig == nil )
		siResult = eDSInvalidNodeRef;
	//switch search policy does not work with the DefaultNetwork Node
	//check whether search policy has switched and if it has then adjust to the new one
	else if ( ( pContext->bListChanged ) && ( pContext->fSearchConfigKey != eDSNetworkSearchNodeName ) )
		if ( inContinueData != nil )
			//in the middle of continue data the search policy has changed so exit here
			siResult = eDSInvalidContinueData; //KW would like a more appropriate error code
			//switch the search policy to the current one
			//flush the old search path list
			CleanSearchListData( pContext->fSearchNodeList );
			//remove all existing continue data off of this reference
			gSNContinue->RemoveItems( inNodeRef );
			//get the updated search path list with new unique refs of each
			//search path node for use by this client who opened the search node
			pContext->fSearchNodeList = DupSearchListWithNewRefs(aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList);
			if (aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy)
				pContext->bAutoSearchList = true;
				pContext->bAutoSearchList = false;
			//reset the flag
			pContext->bListChanged	= false;
	if( pContext->pSearchListMutex )
	return siResult;
} // CheckSearchPolicyChange

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile -- ONLY used with AuthenticationSearch Node
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin:: SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile ( uInt32 inSearchNodeKey, uInt32 inSearchPolicyIndex )
	sInt32			siResult	= eDSNoErr;
	struct stat		statResult;

	if (inSearchNodeKey == eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName)
		//check if the directory exists that holds the indicator file
		siResult = ::stat( "/Library/Preferences/DirectoryService", &statResult );
		if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
			siResult = ::stat( "/Library/Preferences", &statResult );
			//if first sub directory does not exist
			if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
				::mkdir( "/Library/Preferences", 0775 );
				::chmod( "/Library/Preferences", 0775 ); //above 0775 doesn't seem to work - looks like umask modifies it
			siResult = ::stat( "/Library/Preferences/DirectoryService", &statResult );
			//if second sub directory does not exist
			if (siResult != eDSNoErr)
				::mkdir( "/Library/Preferences/DirectoryService", 0775 );
				::chmod( "/Library/Preferences/DirectoryService", 0775 ); //above 0775 doesn't seem to work - looks like umask modifies it
		//eliminate the existing indicator file
		//add the new indicator file
		if (inSearchPolicyIndex == 3)
			dsTouch( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP3" );
		else if (inSearchPolicyIndex == 2)
			dsTouch( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP2" );
		else //assume inSearchPolicyIndex = 1
			dsTouch( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP1" );

} // SetSearchPolicyIndicatorFile

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* RemoveSearchPolicyIndicatorFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CSearchPlugin:: RemoveSearchPolicyIndicatorFile ( void )
	dsRemove( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP1" );
	dsRemove( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP2" );
	dsRemove( "/var/run/.DSRunningSP3" );
} // RemoveSearchPolicyIndicatorFile

// * BuildNetworkNodeList ()

sSearchList *CSearchPlugin::BuildNetworkNodeList ( void )
	sSearchList	   *outSearchList	= nil;
	sSearchList	   *aSearchList		= nil;
	sSearchList	   *tailSearchList	= nil;
	bool			isFirst			= true;
	tDataBuffer	   *pNodeBuff 		= nil;
	bool			done			= false;
	unsigned long	uiCount			= 0;
	unsigned long	uiIndex			= 0;
	tContextData	context			= NULL;
	tDataList	   *pDataList		= nil;
	sInt32			siResult		= eDSNoErr;

// alloc a buffer
// find dir nodes of default network type
// set only the path str and the tDataList
// since we open nodes lazily
// add to the list

		pNodeBuff	= ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( 2048 );
		if ( pNodeBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
		while ( done == false )
				siResult = dsFindDirNodes( fDirRef, pNodeBuff, NULL, eDSDefaultNetworkNodes, &uiCount, &context );
				if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
					uInt32 bufSize = pNodeBuff->fBufferSize;
					dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pNodeBuff );
					pNodeBuff = nil;
					pNodeBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocatePriv( bufSize * 2 );
			} while (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall);
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			for ( uiIndex = 1; uiIndex <= uiCount; uiIndex++ )
				siResult = dsGetDirNodeName( fDirRef, pNodeBuff, uiIndex, &pDataList );
				if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				//here we have the node name in a tDataList
				//NOW build the search list item
				aSearchList = (sSearchList *)::calloc( 1, sizeof( sSearchList ) );
				if ( aSearchList == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
				aSearchList->fOpened	= false;
				aSearchList->fPreviousOpenFailed = false;
				aSearchList->fNodeRef	= 0;
				aSearchList->fDataList	= pDataList;
				//get path str from tDatalist
				aSearchList->fNodeName	= dsGetPathFromListPriv( pDataList, "/" );
				aSearchList->fNext		= nil;
				//retaining the ordering from dsFindDirNodes
				if (isFirst)
					outSearchList		= aSearchList;
					tailSearchList		= aSearchList;
					isFirst				= false;
					tailSearchList->fNext	= aSearchList;
					tailSearchList			= aSearchList;
				//the pDataList is consumed by the aSearchList so don't dealloc it
				//siResult = dsDataListDeallocatePriv( pDataList );
				//if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
				pDataList = nil;
			} // for loop over uiIndex
			done = (context == nil);

		} // while done == false
		dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( pNodeBuff );
		pNodeBuff = nil;
	} // try

	catch( sInt32 err )
		//KW might try to clean up outSearchList here but hard to know where the memory alloc above failed
		outSearchList = nil;
		DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "Memory error finding the Default Network Nodes with error: %l", err );

	return( outSearchList );

} // BuildNetworkNodeList

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SetPluginState ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::SetPluginState ( const uInt32 inState )
//does nothing yet
	return( eDSNoErr );
} // SetPluginState

// * CheckForNIAutoSwitch ()

sInt32 CSearchPlugin::CheckForNIAutoSwitch ( void )
	sInt32			siResult		= eDSNoErr;
    CFDictionaryRef	aDict			= NULL;
	bool			bMacEntryFound	= false;
	bool			bLetUsSwitch	= false;
	CFBooleanRef	cfBool			= NULL;
	tDataBuffer	   *pConfigBuff 	= nil;
	tDataBuffer	   *pOutBuff 		= nil;
	tDataList	   *pNodeName		= nil;
	tDirNodeReference	aNodeRef	= 0;
	CFDataRef		xmlData			= NULL;
	CFRange			aRange;

	//looking for the first NIAutoSwitchToLDAP record in the kDSStdRecordTypeConfig record type
	aDict = FindNIAutoSwitchToLDAPRecord();
    if (aDict != NULL)
		if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLSwitchComputersKey ) ) )
			//check if this machine is covered by the MAC address on its primary network interface
			//or by the config record generally
			if ( (fLZMACAddress == NULL) || (fNLZMACAddress == NULL) )
				GetMACAddress( &fLZMACAddress, &fNLZMACAddress);
			if ( (fLZMACAddress != NULL) && (fNLZMACAddress != NULL) )
				CFDictionaryRef cfComputerListDictRef = NULL;
				cfComputerListDictRef = (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLSwitchComputersKey ) );
				if ( cfComputerListDictRef != nil )
					if ( CFGetTypeID( cfComputerListDictRef ) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID() )
						//only handles lower case letters in the MAC address 
						//but does handle missing leading zeros format
						if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey( cfComputerListDictRef, fLZMACAddress ) )
							cfBool= (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( cfComputerListDictRef, fLZMACAddress );
							if ( (cfBool != NULL) && ( CFGetTypeID( cfBool ) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() ) )
								bMacEntryFound = true;
								bLetUsSwitch = CFBooleanGetValue( cfBool );
								//CFRelease( cfBool ); // no since pointer only from Get
						else if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey( cfComputerListDictRef, fNLZMACAddress ) )
							cfBool= (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( cfComputerListDictRef, fNLZMACAddress );
							if ( (cfBool != NULL) && ( CFGetTypeID( cfBool ) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() ) )
								bMacEntryFound = true;
								bLetUsSwitch = CFBooleanGetValue( cfBool );
								//CFRelease( cfBool ); // no since pointer only from Get
					//CFRelease(cfComputerListDictRef); // no since pointer only from Get
		if (!bMacEntryFound)
			if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLSwitchAllKey ) ) )
				cfBool = NULL;
				cfBool= (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLSwitchAllKey ) );
				if ( (cfBool != NULL) && ( CFGetTypeID( cfBool ) == CFBooleanGetTypeID() ) )
					bLetUsSwitch = CFBooleanGetValue( cfBool );
					//CFRelease( cfBool ); // no since pointer only from Get
//extract out the LDAP server info and make a call to the LDAP plugin to add this as a "forced" DHCP LDAP server entry
//use a custom call in LDAP to add a node into the config
//set the siResult == eDSContinue when we do the switch so that the caller will know to re-init the search node after it
//has disabled the NetInfo bindings
		if (bLetUsSwitch)
			if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLServerConfigKey ) ) )
				CFDictionaryRef cfConfigDictRef = NULL;
				cfConfigDictRef = (CFDictionaryRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( aDict, CFSTR( kXMLServerConfigKey ) );
				if (cfConfigDictRef != nil)
					//use custom LDAP call
						pNodeName = ::dsBuildListFromStringsPriv( "LDAPv3", nil );
						if ( pNodeName == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
						//open the LDAPv3 node
						siResult = ::dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, pNodeName, &aNodeRef );
						if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
						::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeName, false );
						pNodeName = nil;
						//convert the dict into a XML blob
						xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData( kCFAllocatorDefault, cfConfigDictRef);
						if (xmlData != 0)
							aRange.location = 0;
							aRange.length = CFDataGetLength(xmlData);
							pConfigBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, sizeof(AuthorizationExternalForm) + (unsigned int)aRange.length );
							if ( pConfigBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
							CFDataGetBytes( xmlData, aRange, (UInt8*)(pConfigBuff->fBufferData + sizeof(AuthorizationExternalForm)) );
							pConfigBuff->fBufferLength = aRange.length + sizeof(AuthorizationExternalForm);
							xmlData = 0;
							pOutBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 32 );
							if ( pOutBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryError );
							siResult = dsDoPlugInCustomCall( aNodeRef, 111, pConfigBuff, pOutBuff );
							if (siResult == eDSNoErr)
								siResult = eDSContinue;

					catch( sInt32 err )
						siResult = err;
					//close dir node

					if ( pConfigBuff != nil )
						::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pConfigBuff );
						pConfigBuff = nil;
					if ( pOutBuff != nil )
						::dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, pOutBuff );
						pOutBuff = nil;
					if ( pNodeName != nil )
						::dsDataListDeAllocate( fDirRef, pNodeName, false );
						pNodeName = nil;

	return( siResult );

} // CheckForNIAutoSwitch

// * FindNIAutoSwitchToLDAPRecord ()

CFDictionaryRef CSearchPlugin::FindNIAutoSwitchToLDAPRecord( void )

	sSearchConfig		   *aSearchConfig			= nil;
	sSearchList			   *aSearchList				= nil;
	bool					bSwitchPolicy			= false;
	tDataBufferPtr			dataBuff				= nil;
	sInt32					siResult				= eDSNoErr;
	unsigned long			nodeCount				= 0;
	tContextData			context					= nil;
	tDataListPtr			nodeName				= nil;
	tDirNodeReference		aSearchNodeRef			= 0;
	tDataListPtr			recName					= nil;
	tDataListPtr			recType					= nil;
	tDataListPtr			attrTypes				= nil;
	unsigned long			recCount				= 1; // only care about first match
	tRecordEntry		   *pRecEntry				= nil;
	tAttributeListRef		attrListRef				= 0;
	tAttributeValueListRef	valueRef				= 0;
	tAttributeEntry		   *pAttrEntry				= nil;
	tAttributeValueEntry   *pValueEntry				= nil;
    CFDictionaryRef			outDictionary			= NULL;
	aSearchConfig = FindSearchConfigWithKey(eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName);
	if ( (aSearchConfig != nil) && (aSearchConfig->fSearchPolicy == kNetInfoSearchPolicy) )
		//we are on automatic search policy for authentication
		if ((aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList != nil) && (aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList->fNext != nil))
			//we have more than the local node on the policy
			aSearchList = aSearchConfig->fSearchNodeList->fNext;
			while (aSearchList != nil)
				if (aSearchList->fNodeName != nil)
					if (strncmp(aSearchList->fNodeName,"/NetInfo",8) == 0)
						//we found a parent NetInfo node
						bSwitchPolicy = true;
					else if (strncmp(aSearchList->fNodeName,"/LDAPv3",7) == 0)
						//we found a DHCP LDAPv3 node
						bSwitchPolicy = false;
				aSearchList = aSearchList->fNext;

		if ( (bSwitchPolicy) && (fDirRef != 0) )
			dataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, 256 );
			if ( dataBuff == nil ) throw( (sInt32)eMemoryAllocError );
			siResult = dsFindDirNodes( fDirRef, dataBuff, nil, 
										eDSAuthenticationSearchNodeName, &nodeCount, &context );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			if ( nodeCount < 1 ) throw( eDSNodeNotFound );
			siResult = dsGetDirNodeName( fDirRef, dataBuff, 1, &nodeName );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			siResult = dsOpenDirNode( fDirRef, nodeName, &aSearchNodeRef );
			if ( siResult != eDSNoErr ) throw( siResult );
			if ( nodeName != NULL )
				dsDataListDeallocate( fDirRef, nodeName );
				free( nodeName );
				nodeName = NULL;
			recName = dsBuildListFromStrings( fDirRef, "directoryservice", NULL );
			recType = dsBuildListFromStrings( fDirRef, kDSStdRecordTypeConfig, NULL );
			//should we indeed verify that the search policy result did indeed come
			//from a NetInfo node?
			attrTypes = dsBuildListFromStrings( fDirRef, "dsAttrTypeStandard:NIAutoSwitchToLDAP", NULL );
            context = nil;
				siResult = dsGetRecordList( aSearchNodeRef, dataBuff, recName, eDSExact, recType,
											attrTypes, false, &recCount, &context);
				if (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall)
					uInt32 bufSize = dataBuff->fBufferSize;
					dsDataBufferDeallocatePriv( dataBuff );
					dataBuff = nil;
					dataBuff = ::dsDataBufferAllocate( fDirRef, bufSize * 2 );
			} while ( (siResult == eDSBufferTooSmall) || ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (recCount == 0) && (context != nil) ) );
			if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (recCount > 0) )
				siResult = ::dsGetRecordEntry( aSearchNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry );
				if ( (siResult == eDSNoErr) && (pRecEntry != nil) )
					//index starts at one - should have a single entry
					if (pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount == 1)
						siResult = ::dsGetAttributeEntry( aSearchNodeRef, dataBuff, attrListRef, 1, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry );
						//should have only one value - get first only
						if ( ( siResult == eDSNoErr ) && ( pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount > 0 ) )
							// Get the first attribute value
							siResult = ::dsGetAttributeValue( aSearchNodeRef, dataBuff, 1, valueRef, &pValueEntry );
							// Is it what we expected
							if ( ( ::strcmp( pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData, "dsAttrTypeStandard:NIAutoSwitchToLDAP" ) == 0 ) &&
                                 ( pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData != nil ) )
                                //build the dictionary here
                                CFDataRef			xmlData				= NULL;
                                CFPropertyListRef	configPropertyList	= NULL;
                                CFStringRef			errorString			= NULL;
                                xmlData = CFDataCreate(	NULL, (UInt8*)pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData,
                                                        strlen(pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData) );
                                if (xmlData != nil)
                                    // extract the config dictionary from the XML data.
                                    configPropertyList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(	kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                    if (configPropertyList != nil )
                                        //make the propertylist a dict
                                        if ( CFDictionaryGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID( configPropertyList ) )
                                            outDictionary = (CFDictionaryRef) configPropertyList;
                                            configPropertyList = nil;
							if ( pValueEntry != NULL )
								dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry( fDirRef, pValueEntry );
								pValueEntry = NULL;
						if (pAttrEntry != nil)
							dsDeallocAttributeEntry(fDirRef, pAttrEntry);
							pAttrEntry = nil;
				if (pRecEntry != nil)
					dsDeallocRecordEntry(fDirRef, pRecEntry);
					pRecEntry = nil;
			}// got records returned
		} // if ( (bSwitchPolicy) && (fDirRef != 0) )
	catch( sInt32 err )
        DBGLOG1( kLogPlugin, "CSearchPlugin::FindNIAutoSwitchToLDAPRecord failed with error %d", err );
	if ( recName != NULL )
		dsDataListDeallocate( fDirRef, recName );
		free( recName );
		recName = NULL;
	if ( recType != NULL )
		dsDataListDeallocate( fDirRef, recType );
		free( recType );
		recType = NULL;
	if ( attrTypes != NULL )
		dsDataListDeallocate( fDirRef, attrTypes );
		free( attrTypes );
		attrTypes = NULL;
	if ( dataBuff != NULL )
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate( fDirRef, dataBuff );
		dataBuff = NULL;
	if ( nodeName != NULL )
		dsDataListDeallocate( fDirRef, nodeName );
		free( nodeName );
		nodeName = NULL;
	if (aSearchNodeRef != 0)
		aSearchNodeRef = 0;
	return outDictionary;
} // FindNIAutoSwitchToLDAPRecord