CSrvrEndPoint.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

 * @header CSrvrEndPoint

#include "CSrvrEndPoint.h"
#include "DirServicesTypes.h"
#include "PrivateTypes.h"
#include "CLog.h"

#include <stdlib.h>				// for malloc()
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/mach_error.h>
#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
#include <string.h>

#define kIPCMsgSize	sizeof( sIPCMsg )

extern uInt32				gDaemonPID;

//	* CSrvrEndPoint *****used by BOTH CHandler and CListener class

CSrvrEndPoint::CSrvrEndPoint ( char *inSrvrName )
	fSrvrName = nil;

	if ( inSrvrName != nil )
		fSrvrName = new char[ ::strlen( inSrvrName ) + 1 ];
		if ( fSrvrName != nil )
			::strcpy( fSrvrName, inSrvrName );

	fServerPort		= 0;
	fBootStrapPort	= 0;
	fHeadPtr		= nil;
} // CSrvrEndPoint

//	* ~CSrvrEndPoint *****used by BOTH CHandler and CListener class

CSrvrEndPoint::~CSrvrEndPoint ( void )
	kern_return_t	result	= eDSNoErr;

	if ( fSrvrName != nil )
		delete( fSrvrName );
		fSrvrName = nil;

	if ( fServerPort != 0)
//		result = mach_port_deallocate( mach_task_self(), fServerPort );
		result = mach_port_destroy( mach_task_self(), fServerPort );

} // ~CSrvrEndPoint

//	* RegisterName *****ONLY used by CListener class
//		- Server only

sInt32 CSrvrEndPoint::RegisterName ( void )
	kern_return_t	result	= eDSNoErr;

		result = bootstrap_register( fBootStrapPort, fSrvrName, fServerPort );
		if ( result != eDSNoErr )
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "File: %s. Line: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "bootstrap_register() failed: %s (%d)", mach_error_string( result ), result );

			ERRORLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "Unable to register IPC name: \"%s\".  Received error: %s", fSrvrName, mach_error_string( result ) );
			throw( (sInt32)result );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		result = err;

	return( result );

} // RegisterName

//	* Initialize *****used only by CListener class

sInt32 CSrvrEndPoint::Initialize ( void )
	kern_return_t	result	= eDSNoErr;

		result = mach_port_allocate( (mach_task_self)(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &fServerPort );
		if ( result != eDSNoErr )
			DBGLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "mach_port_allocate() failed: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );
			ERRORLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "Unable to allocate mach port: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );
			throw( (sInt32)result );

		result = mach_port_insert_right( (mach_task_self)(), fServerPort, fServerPort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND );
		if ( result != eDSNoErr )
			DBGLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "mach_port_insert_right() failed: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );
			ERRORLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "Unable to set mach port rights: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );
			throw( (sInt32)result );

		result = task_get_bootstrap_port( mach_task_self(), &fBootStrapPort );
		if ( result != eDSNoErr )
			mach_error( (char *)"task_get_bootstrap_port(): ", result );
			ERRORLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "Unable to bootstrap mach port: %d", result );
			throw( (sInt32)result );

	catch( sInt32 err )
		result = err;

	return( result );

} // InitServer

//	* GetClientMessage *****ONLY used by CListener class

void * CSrvrEndPoint::GetClientMessage ( void )
	sInt32				result		= MACH_MSG_SUCCESS;
	sComData		   *pOutMsg		= nil;
	sIPCMsg				msg;

 	// KW seems to be a forced method to complete a message during this call
	// what happens if it never completes?

	while ( result == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS )
		pOutMsg = GetNextCompletedMsg();
		if ( pOutMsg != nil )
		::memset( &msg, 0, sizeof( sIPCMsg ) );

		// use MACH_RCV_INTERRUPT to handle the scrambled mach messages when the client dies
		result = ::mach_msg( (mach_msg_header_t *)&msg, MACH_RCV_MSG|MACH_RCV_INTERRUPT, 0, kIPCMsgSize, fServerPort, MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL );
		if ( (	result == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS )
				&& (msg.fHeader.msgh_size == (kIPCMsgSize - sizeof( mach_msg_security_trailer_t ))) )
				//&& (msg.fHeader.msgh_bits == MACH_MSGH_BITS( MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND ) ) )
			AddDataToMessage( &msg );
		// at this point we can put in an else statement to handle different messages
		// other than our "data" ones that have the fixed data size ie. notifications
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "File: %s. Line: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "  *** mach_msg () failed: %s (%d)", mach_error_string( result ), result );

			if (result != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS)
				ERRORLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "mach message receive error: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );

	return( pOutMsg );

} // GetClientMessage

//	* SendClientReply *****ONLY used by CHandler class

sInt32 CSrvrEndPoint::SendClientReply ( void *inMsg )
	sInt32				result		= MACH_MSG_SUCCESS;
	uInt32				offset		= 0;
	sInt32				bytesLeft	= 0;
	sComData		   *pData		= (sComData *)inMsg;
	sIPCMsg				msg;

	msg.fHeader.msgh_bits			= MACH_MSGH_BITS( MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, 0 );
	msg.fHeader.msgh_size			= kIPCMsgSize - sizeof( mach_msg_security_trailer_t );
	msg.fHeader.msgh_id				= pData->head.msgh_id;
	msg.fHeader.msgh_remote_port	= pData->head.msgh_remote_port;
	msg.fHeader.msgh_local_port		= MACH_PORT_NULL;
	msg.fCount						= 1;
	msg.fPID						= gDaemonPID;
	msg.fOf							= pData->fDataLength / kMsgBlockSize;

	if ((pData-> fDataLength % kMsgBlockSize) != 0)

	//here for the server fDataLength is the
	//true size of the data buffer which might be zero
	//but in that case we must still send a message
	if (msg.fOf == 0)
		msg.fOf = 1;

	::memcpy( msg.obj, pData->obj, kObjSize );

	bytesLeft = pData-> fDataLength;

	while ( (msg.fCount <= msg.fOf) && (result == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) )
		::memset( msg.fData, 0, kIPCMsgLen );

		if ( bytesLeft >= (sInt32)kMsgBlockSize )
			::memcpy( msg.fData, (char *)(pData->data) + offset, kMsgBlockSize );
			bytesLeft -= kMsgBlockSize;
			if ( bytesLeft != 0 )
				::memcpy( msg.fData, (char *)(pData->data) + offset, bytesLeft );
			bytesLeft = 0;

		if (msg.fCount == msg.fOf)  // delete send write after last message
			msg.fHeader.msgh_bits = MACH_MSGH_BITS( MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND, 0 );
		result = ::mach_msg(	(mach_msg_header_t *)&msg, MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT | MACH_SEND_INTERRUPT,
								msg.fHeader.msgh_size, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, 300 * 1000, MACH_PORT_NULL );
		if ( result == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS )
			offset += kMsgBlockSize;
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "File: %s. Line: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			DBGLOG2( kLogEndpoint, "  *** mach_msg () failed: %s (%d)", mach_error_string( result ), result );

			ERRORLOG1( kLogEndpoint, "mach message send error: %s", mach_error_string( result ) );

	return( result );

} // SendClientReply

//	* MakeNewMsgPtr *****ONLY used by CListener class

sComData* CSrvrEndPoint::MakeNewMsgPtr ( sIPCMsg *inMsg )
	uInt32				msgSize		= 0;
	sComData		   *pOutMsg		= nil;

	msgSize					= sizeof( sComData ) + (inMsg->fOf * kIPCMsgLen);
	pOutMsg					= (sComData *)::calloc( 1, msgSize );
	pOutMsg->fDataSize		= (inMsg->fOf * kIPCMsgLen);
	pOutMsg->fDataLength	= 0;

	pOutMsg->head.msgh_bits			 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_bits;
	pOutMsg->head.msgh_size			 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_size;
	pOutMsg->head.msgh_remote_port	 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_remote_port;
	pOutMsg->head.msgh_local_port	 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_local_port;
	pOutMsg->head.msgh_reserved		 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_reserved;
	pOutMsg->head.msgh_id			 = inMsg->fHeader.msgh_id;
	pOutMsg->type.msgt_name			 = inMsg->fMsgType;

	pOutMsg->fMsgID		= inMsg->fMsgID;
	pOutMsg->fPID		= inMsg->fPID;
	pOutMsg->fPort		= inMsg->fHeader.msgh_remote_port;
	::memcpy( pOutMsg->obj, inMsg->obj, kObjSize );

	return( pOutMsg );

} // MakeNewMsgPtr

//	* GetNextCompletedMsg *****ONLY used by CListener class

sComData* CSrvrEndPoint::GetNextCompletedMsg ( void )
	sComData	   *pOutMsg		= nil;
	sMsgList	   *pThisPtr	= fHeadPtr;
	sMsgList	   *pPrevPtr	= fHeadPtr;

	while ( pThisPtr != nil )
		if ( pThisPtr->fComplete == true )
			if ( pThisPtr == fHeadPtr )
				fHeadPtr = pThisPtr->fNext;
				pPrevPtr->fNext = pThisPtr->fNext;

			pOutMsg = pThisPtr->fData;
			delete( pThisPtr );
			pThisPtr = nil;
		pPrevPtr = pThisPtr;
		pThisPtr = pThisPtr->fNext;

	return( pOutMsg );

} // GetNextCompletedMsg

//	* AddNewMessage *****ONLY used by CListener class

void CSrvrEndPoint::AddNewMessage ( sComData *inNewMsg, sIPCMsg *inMsgData )
	sMsgList	   *pNewMsg	= nil;

	pNewMsg = (sMsgList *)::calloc( sizeof( sMsgList ), sizeof( char ) );
	if ( pNewMsg != nil )
		pNewMsg->fComplete = false;

		pNewMsg->fData = inNewMsg;
		pNewMsg->fMsgID = inMsgData->fMsgID;
		pNewMsg->fPortID = inMsgData->fPID;
		pNewMsg->fTime = ::time( nil );
		pNewMsg->fOffset = 0;
		//KW let's be consistent in using the port attributes
//		pNewMsg->fPort = inMsgData->fHeader.msgh_remote_port;

		::memcpy( (char *)(inNewMsg->data) + pNewMsg->fOffset, inMsgData->fData, kMsgBlockSize );
		pNewMsg->fOffset += kMsgBlockSize;

		//KW can we be sure that the data is sent in the correct ORDER ie. thread latency reorders the data?
		if ( inMsgData->fCount == inMsgData->fOf )
			pNewMsg->fComplete = true;

		pNewMsg->fNext = fHeadPtr;
		fHeadPtr = pNewMsg;

} // AddNewMessage

//	* AddDataToMessage *****ONLY used by CListener class

void CSrvrEndPoint::AddDataToMessage ( sIPCMsg *inMsgData )
	sMsgList	   *pThisPtr	= fHeadPtr;
	sComData	   *pTheMsg		= nil;
	bool			bFound   = false;

	while ( pThisPtr != nil )
//KW would like to check more than these three items
		if ( (pThisPtr->fMsgID == inMsgData->fMsgID) &&
			 (pThisPtr->fPortID == inMsgData->fPID) &&
			 (pThisPtr->fComplete == false) )
			bFound  = true;

			pTheMsg = pThisPtr->fData;
			::memcpy( (char *)(pTheMsg->data) + pThisPtr->fOffset, inMsgData->fData, kMsgBlockSize );
			pThisPtr->fOffset += kMsgBlockSize;

			if ( inMsgData->fCount == inMsgData->fOf )
				pThisPtr->fComplete = true;
		pThisPtr = pThisPtr->fNext;

	if ( !bFound )
		sComData *pComData = MakeNewMsgPtr(inMsgData);
		AddNewMessage(pComData, inMsgData);
} // AddDataToMessage