AuthFile.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef __AUTHFILE_H__
#define __AUTHFILE_H__

#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
	extern "C" {

#include <sasl/sasl.h>

#define kPWFileSignature					'pwfi'
#define kPWFileVersion						1
#define kPWFileInitialSlots					512
#define kPWFileMaxWeakMethods				25
#define kPWFileMaxDigests					10
#define kPWFileMaxPublicKeyBytes			1024
#define kPWFileMaxPrivateKeyBytes			2048
#define kPWFileMaxHistoryCount				15
#define kPWFileMaxReplicaName				32
#define kSMBNTStorageTag					"*cmusaslsecretSMBNT"
#define kEmptyPasswordAltStr				"<1-empty-insecure-1>"

// password server error strings
#define kPasswordServerErrPrefixStr			"-ERR "
#define kPasswordServerAuthErrPrefixStr		"-AUTHERR "
#define kPasswordServerSASLErrPrefixStr		"SASL "

// file names and folder paths
#define kPWDirPath							"/var/db/authserver"
#define kPWAuxDirPath						"/var/db/authserver/additional-data"
#define kPWAuxDirName						"additional-data"
#define kPWFilePath							"/var/db/authserver/authservermain"
#define kFreeListFilePath					"/var/db/authserver/authserverfree"
#define kPWHistoryFileName					"histories"
#define kPWWeakFileStart					"/weakpasswords."
#define kTempKeyTemplate					"/var/run/passwordserverKeyXXXXXX"
#define kPWReplicaLocalFile					"/var/db/authserver/authserverreplicas.local"
#define kPWReplicaPreConfiguredFile			"/var/db/authserver/authserverreplicas.manual"
#define kPWStatisticsFilePath				"/var/db/authserver/.stats"

// name of our domain socket
#define kPWUNIXDomainSocketAddress			"/var/run/passwordserver"

// ascii identifiers for password policies
#define kPWPolicyStr_isDisabled						"isDisabled"
#define kPWPolicyStr_isAdminUser					"isAdminUser"
#define kPWPolicyStr_newPasswordRequired			"newPasswordRequired"
#define kPWPolicyStr_usingHistory					"usingHistory"
#define kPWPolicyStr_canModifyPasswordforSelf		"canModifyPasswordforSelf"
#define kPWPolicyStr_usingExpirationDate			"usingExpirationDate"
#define kPWPolicyStr_usingHardExpirationDate		"usingHardExpirationDate"
#define kPWPolicyStr_requiresAlpha					"requiresAlpha"
#define kPWPolicyStr_requiresNumeric				"requiresNumeric"
#define kPWPolicyStr_expirationDateGMT				"expirationDateGMT"
#define kPWPolicyStr_hardExpireDateGMT				"hardExpireDateGMT"
#define kPWPolicyStr_maxMinutesUntilChangePW		"maxMinutesUntilChangePassword"
#define kPWPolicyStr_maxMinutesUntilDisabled		"maxMinutesUntilDisabled"
#define kPWPolicyStr_maxMinutesOfNonUse				"maxMinutesOfNonUse"
#define kPWPolicyStr_maxFailedLoginAttempts			"maxFailedLoginAttempts"    
#define kPWPolicyStr_minChars						"minChars"
#define kPWPolicyStr_maxChars						"maxChars"
#define kPWPolicyStr_passwordCannotBeName			"passwordCannotBeName"
#define kPWPolicyStr_isSessionKeyAgent				"isSessionKeyAgent"
#define kPWPolicyStr_isComputerAccount				"isComputerAccount"
#define kPWPolicyStr_requiresMixedCase				"requiresMixedCase"
#define kPWPolicyStr_requiresSymbol					"requiresSymbol"
#define kPWPolicyStr_notGuessablePattern			"notGuessablePattern"
#define kPWPolicyStr_warnOfExpirationMinutes		"warnOfExpirationMinutes"
#define kPWPolicyStr_warnOfDisableMinutes			"warnOfDisableMinutes"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoChangePasswords			"adminNoChangePasswords"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoSetPolicies				"adminNoSetPolicies"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoCreate					"adminNoCreate"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoDelete					"adminNoDelete"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoClearState				"adminNoClearState"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminNoPromoteAdmins			"adminNoPromoteAdmins"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminClass						"adminClass"
#define kPWPolicyStr_adminAuthorityGroups			"adminAuthorityGroups"

// meta policies
#define kPWPolicyStr_resetToGlobalDefaults			"resetToGlobalDefaults"
#define kPWPolicyStr_logOffTime						"logOffTime"
#define kPWPolicyStr_kickOffTime					"kickOffTime"
#define kPWPolicyStr_lastLoginTime					"lastLoginTime"
#define kPWPolicyStr_passwordLastSetTime			"passwordLastSetTime"
#define kPWPolicyStr_minutesUntilFailedLoginReset   "minutesUntilFailedLoginReset"
#define kPWPolicyStr_newPasswordRequiredForAll		"newPasswordRequiredForAll"
#define kPWPolicyStr_projectedPasswordExpireDate	"projectedPasswordExpireDate"
#define kPWPolicyStr_projectedAccountDisableDate	"projectedAccountDisableDate"

// dictionary keys
#define kPWKey_ScopeOfAuthority						"ScopeOfAuthorityUUIDList"
#define kPWKey_ComputerAccountOwnerList				"ComputerAccountOwnerList"

enum {
	kPWByteOrderDiskAndNet				= 0,
	kPWByteOrderHost					= 1

enum {
	kPWHashSlotSMB_NT					= 0,
	kPWHashSlotSMB_LAN_MANAGER			= 1,
	kPWHashSlotDIGEST_MD5				= 2,
	kPWHashSlotCRAM_MD5					= 3,
	kPWHashSlotKERBEROS					= 4,
	kPWHashSlotKERBEROS_NAME			= 5,
	kPWHashSlotSALTED_SHA1				= 6

enum {
	kPWGroupNotSet						= 0,
	kPWGroupInSlot						= 1,
	kPWGroupInFile						= 2

typedef enum PWDisableReasonCode {
} PWDisableReasonCode;

// this is the version of the time struct that
// will be written to our db file.
// If the bsd header ever changes, the new version
// can be mapped to this one.
typedef struct BSDTimeStructCopy {
	int	tm_sec;		/* seconds after the minute [0-60] */
	int	tm_min;		/* minutes after the hour [0-59] */
	int	tm_hour;	/* hours since midnight [0-23] */
	int	tm_mday;	/* day of the month [1-31] */
	int	tm_mon;		/* months since January [0-11] */
	int	tm_year;	/* years since 1900 */
	int	tm_wday;	/* days since Sunday [0-6] */
	int	tm_yday;	/* days since January 1 [0-365] */
	int	tm_isdst;	/* Daylight Savings Time flag */
	long tm_gmtoff;	/* offset from CUT in seconds */
	char *tm_zone;	/* timezone abbreviation */
} BSDTimeStructCopy;

typedef struct AuthMethName {
    char method[SASL_MECHNAMEMAX + 1];
} AuthMethName;

typedef struct PasswordDigest {
    char method[SASL_MECHNAMEMAX + 1];
    char digest[256];
} PasswordDigest;

typedef struct PWAdminGroupList {
	uint8_t list_type;
	uuid_t group_uuid;
} PWAdminGroupList;

	#define GlobalHistoryCount(A)			(A).historyCount
	#define SetGlobalHistoryCount(A, B)		(A).historyCount = (B)
	#define GlobalHistoryCount(A)			((A).hcLowBits | ((A).hcHighBit << 3))
	#define SetGlobalHistoryCount(A, B)		{(A).hcLowBits = ((B) & 0x07); (A).hcHighBit = (((B) & 0x08) != 0);}

typedef struct PWGlobalAccessFeatures {
    unsigned int usingHistory:1;			// TRUE == users have password history files
    unsigned int usingExpirationDate:1;		// TRUE == look at expirationDateGMT
    unsigned int usingHardExpirationDate:1; // TRUE == look at hardExpirationDateGMT
    unsigned int requiresAlpha:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], [a-z]
    unsigned int requiresNumeric:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [0-9]
	// db 1.1
    unsigned int passwordIsHash:1;
    unsigned int passwordCannotBeName:1;
	unsigned int historyCount:4;
	// db 1.2
	unsigned int requiresMixedCase:1;		// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], and one char in [a-z]
	unsigned int newPasswordRequired:1;		// TRUE == new users must change their passwords on first login
	unsigned int noModifyPasswordforSelf:1;	// TRUE == users cannot change their own passwords.
	// db 1.3
	unsigned int requiresSymbol:1;
	unsigned int unused:1;
	// unfortunately, <historyCount> crosses a byte boundary so there needs to be some post-processing
	// for this struct.
	unsigned int hcHighBit:1;
    unsigned int passwordCannotBeName:1;
    unsigned int passwordIsHash:1;
    unsigned int requiresNumeric:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [0-9]
    unsigned int requiresAlpha:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], [a-z]
    unsigned int usingHardExpirationDate:1; // TRUE == look at hardExpirationDateGMT
    unsigned int usingExpirationDate:1;		// TRUE == look at expirationDateGMT
    unsigned int usingHistory:1;			// TRUE == users have password history files
	unsigned int unused:1;
	unsigned int requiresSymbol:1;
	unsigned int noModifyPasswordforSelf:1;	// TRUE == users cannot change their own passwords.
	unsigned int newPasswordRequired:1;		// TRUE == new users must change their passwords on first login
	unsigned int requiresMixedCase:1;		// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], and one char in [a-z]
	unsigned int hcLowBits:3;

    BSDTimeStructCopy expirationDateGMT;	// if exceeded, user is required to change the password at next login
	BSDTimeStructCopy hardExpireDateGMT;	// if exceeded, user is disabled
    UInt32 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword;	// if exceeded, users must change password. 0==not used
    UInt32 maxMinutesUntilDisabled;			// if exceeded, users are disabled. 0==not used
    UInt32 maxMinutesOfNonUse;				// if exceeded, users are disabled. 0==not used
    UInt16 maxFailedLoginAttempts;			// if exceeded, users are disabled. 0==not used
    UInt16 minChars;						// minimum characters in a valid password, 0==no limit
    UInt16 maxChars;						// maximum characters in a valid password, 0==limited to Server's limit (512 bytes)
} PWGlobalAccessFeatures;

typedef struct PWGlobalMoreAccessFeatures {
	UInt32 minutesUntilFailedLoginReset;		// 0=off, after this # of minutes, the failed login count is reset.
	UInt32 notGuessablePattern;					// 0=off, otherwise, # represents a password score for entropy.
} PWGlobalMoreAccessFeatures;

typedef struct PWAccessFeatures {
    int isDisabled:1;						// TRUE == cannot log in
    int isAdminUser:1;						// TRUE == can modify other slots in the db
    int newPasswordRequired:1;				// TRUE == user is required to change the password at next login
    int usingHistory:1;						// TRUE == user has a password history file
    int canModifyPasswordforSelf:1;			// TRUE == user can modify their own password
    int usingExpirationDate:1;				// TRUE == look at expirationDateGMT
    int usingHardExpirationDate:1;			// TRUE == look at hardExpirationDateGMT
    int requiresAlpha:1;					// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], [a-z]
    int requiresNumeric:1;					// TRUE == password must have one char in [0-9]
	// db 1.1
	int passwordIsHash:1;
	int passwordCannotBeName:1;
	unsigned int historyCount:4;
	int isSessionKeyAgent:1;				// the user can retrieve (MPPE) session keys
    int requiresAlpha:1;					// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], [a-z]
    int usingHardExpirationDate:1;			// TRUE == look at hardExpirationDateGMT
    int usingExpirationDate:1;				// TRUE == look at expirationDateGMT
    int canModifyPasswordforSelf:1;			// TRUE == user can modify their own password
    int usingHistory:1;						// TRUE == user has a password history file
    int newPasswordRequired:1;				// TRUE == user is required to change the password at next login
    int isAdminUser:1;						// TRUE == can modify other slots in the db
    int isDisabled:1;						// TRUE == cannot log in
	int isSessionKeyAgent:1;				// the user can retrieve (MPPE) session keys
	unsigned int historyCount:4;
	int passwordCannotBeName:1;
	int passwordIsHash:1;
    int requiresNumeric:1;					// TRUE == password must have one char in [0-9]
    BSDTimeStructCopy expirationDateGMT;	// if exceeded, user is required to change the password at next login
	BSDTimeStructCopy hardExpireDateGMT;	// if exceeded, user is disabled
    UInt32 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword;	// if exceeded, users must change password. 0==not used
    UInt32 maxMinutesUntilDisabled;			// if exceeded, users are disabled. 0==not used
    UInt32 maxMinutesOfNonUse;				// if exceeded, user is disabled. 0==not used
    UInt16 maxFailedLoginAttempts;			// if exceeded, user is disabled. 0==not used
    UInt16 minChars;						// minimum characters in a valid password
    UInt16 maxChars;						// maximum characters in a valid password
} PWAccessFeatures;

typedef struct PWMoreAccessFeatures {
	UInt32 minutesUntilFailedLoginReset;		// 0=off, after this # of minutes, the failed login count is reset.
	UInt32 notGuessablePattern;					// 0=off, otherwise, # represents a password score for entropy.
	char userkey[64];							// random key for RC5
	UInt32 logOffTime;							// SMB data store
	UInt32 kickOffTime;							// SMB data store
	unsigned int recordIsDead:1;				// death certificate for deleted user
	unsigned int doNotReplicate:1;				// the password information does not get replicated
	unsigned int doNotMerge:1; 					// used for restoring from backup
	unsigned int requiresMixedCase:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], and one char in [a-z]
	unsigned int isComputerAccount:1;			// 0 = normal/user; 1 = computer account
	unsigned int unused:1;
	unsigned int requiresSymbol:1;				// TRUE == password must have one char not in [A-Z][a-z] or [0-9]
	unsigned int adminNoChangePasswords:1;
	unsigned int adminNoSetPolicies:1;
	unsigned int adminNoCreate:1;
	unsigned int adminNoDelete:1;
	unsigned int adminNoClearState:1;
	unsigned int adminNoPromoteAdmins:1;
	unsigned int adminClass:3;
	unsigned int adminNoChangePasswords:1;
	unsigned int requiresSymbol:1;
	unsigned int unused:1;
	unsigned int isComputerAccount:1;			// 0 = normal/user; 1 = computer account
	unsigned int requiresMixedCase:1;			// TRUE == password must have one char in [A-Z], and one char in [a-z]
	unsigned int doNotMerge:1; 					// used for restoring from backup
	unsigned int doNotReplicate:1;				// the password information does not get replicated
	unsigned int recordIsDead:1;				// death certificate for deleted user
	unsigned int adminClass:3;
	unsigned int adminNoPromoteAdmins:1;
	unsigned int adminNoClearState:1;
	unsigned int adminNoDelete:1;
	unsigned int adminNoCreate:1;
	unsigned int adminNoSetPolicies:1;
} PWMoreAccessFeatures;

typedef struct PWFileHeader {
    UInt32 signature;								// some value that means this is a real pw file
    UInt32 version;									// version for the file format
    UInt32 entrySize;								// sizeof(PWFileEntry)
    UInt32 sequenceNumber;							// incremented by one each time a pw is saved, never decremented.
    UInt32 numberOfSlotsCurrentlyInFile; 			// last slot for the current file size
    UInt32 deepestSlotUsed;							// if < numberOfSlotsCurrentlyInFile, issue to the end, then look at freelist

    PWGlobalAccessFeatures access;					// password policies that apply to all users unless overridden
    AuthMethName weakAuthMethods[kPWFileMaxWeakMethods];
                                                    // list of methods that are considered too weak for administration
    unsigned long publicKeyLen;
    unsigned char publicKey[kPWFileMaxPublicKeyBytes];
                                                    // 1024-bit RSA public key - expected size is 233
    unsigned long privateKeyLen;
    unsigned char privateKey[kPWFileMaxPrivateKeyBytes];
                                                    // 1024-bit RSA private key - expected size is 887 or so
	char replicationName[kPWFileMaxReplicaName];	// the name used by replication to identify this server
	UInt32 deepestSlotUsedByThisServer;				// deepest slot used in this replica's allocated range
	UInt32 accessModDate;							// time of last change to access field in seconds from 1970
	PWGlobalMoreAccessFeatures extraAccess;			// new policy data
	char properShutdown;							// set to 0 on startup, set to 1 by SIGTERM after saving state
	char unusedExtraData[3];
	UInt32 fExtraData[243];							// not used yet, room for future growth - all zero's until used...
} PWFileHeader;

typedef struct PWFileEntry {
    UInt32 time;								// long #1 of the password's reference number
    UInt32 rnd;									// long #2 of the password's reference number
    UInt32 sequenceNumber;						// long #3 of the password's reference number
    UInt32 slot;								// long #4 of the password's reference number
                                                // (slot * sizeof(PWFileEntry)) + sizeof(PWFileHeader) == pos in file
                                                // we also require that candidatePasswordSlotID == filePasswordSlotID
    BSDTimeStructCopy creationDate;				// date/time this struct was originally added to the database
    BSDTimeStructCopy modificationDate;			// date/time this struct was last modified in the database
    BSDTimeStructCopy modDateOfPassword;		// date/time the password was last modified in the database
    BSDTimeStructCopy lastLogin;				// date/time of the user's last successful authentication.
    UInt16 failedLoginAttempts;					// counter of sequential failed logins
    PWAccessFeatures access;					// password policy data determined by marketing
    // WARNING: The following field is the key to the kingdom. It should never, ever, ever,
    // ever, be sent across the network or dumped to any log file!!!!
    char passwordStr[512];						// the password
    // ****
    // The digests should be guarded also.
    PasswordDigest digest[kPWFileMaxDigests];	// password digests
    char usernameStr[256];						// the username
	uuid_t userGUID;							// The GUID associated with <usernameStr>
	PWAdminGroupList admingroup;				// groups that an administrator can modify
	SInt64 changeTransactionID;					// serial number of last update
	char changeNeedsKerberos;					// set to 1 if the kerberos principal needs replication
	char userdata[380];							// place for users to store their own information
	PWDisableReasonCode disableReason;			// indicates why an account was disabled
	PWMoreAccessFeatures extraAccess;			// password policy data determined by marketing
} PWFileEntry;

int TimeIsStale( BSDTimeStructCopy *inTime );
int LoginTimeIsStale( BSDTimeStructCopy *inLastLogin, unsigned long inMaxMinutesOfNonUse );
void PWGlobalAccessFeaturesToString( PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, char *outString );
void PWGlobalAccessFeaturesToStringExtra( PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, PWGlobalMoreAccessFeatures *inExtraFeatures, int inMaxLen, char *outString );
void PWAccessFeaturesToString( PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, char *outString );
void PWAccessFeaturesToStringExtra( PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, PWMoreAccessFeatures *inExtraFeatures, int inMaxLen, char *outString );
void PWActualAccessFeaturesToString( PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccessFeatures, PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, char *outString );
void PWActualAccessFeaturesToStringExtra( PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccessFeatures, PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, PWMoreAccessFeatures *inExtraFeatures, int inMaxLen, char *outString );
void PWAccessFeaturesToStringWithoutStateInfo( PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, char *outString );
void PWAccessFeaturesToStringWithoutStateInfoExtra( PWAccessFeatures *inAccessFeatures, PWMoreAccessFeatures *inExtraFeatures, int inMaxLen, char *outString );
Boolean StringToPWGlobalAccessFeatures( const char *inString, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inOutAccessFeatures );
Boolean StringToPWGlobalAccessFeaturesExtra( const char *inString, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inOutAccessFeatures, PWGlobalMoreAccessFeatures *inOutExtraFeatures );
Boolean StringToPWAccessFeatures( const char *inString, PWAccessFeatures *inOutAccessFeatures );
Boolean StringToPWAccessFeaturesExtra( const char *inString, PWAccessFeatures *inOutAccessFeatures, PWMoreAccessFeatures *inOutExtraFeatures );
Boolean StringToPWAccessFeatures_GetValue( const char *inString, unsigned long *outValue );
void CrashIfBuiltWrong(void);

void pwsf_PreserveUnrepresentedPolicies( const char *inOriginalStr, int inMaxLen, char *inOutString );

int pwsf_GetPublicKey( char *outPublicKey );
int pwsf_GetPublicKeyFromFile( const char *inFile, char *outPublicKey );
void pwsf_CreateReplicaFile( const char *inIPStr, const char *inDNSStr, const char *inPublicKey );
void pwsf_ResetReplicaFile( const char *inPublicKey );
char* pwsf_GetPrincName( PWFileEntry *userRec );
int pwsf_ShadowHashDataToArray( const char *inAAData, CFMutableArrayRef *outHashTypeArray );
char * pwsf_ShadowHashArrayToData( CFArrayRef inHashTypeArray, long *outResultLen );
void pwsf_AppendUTF8StringToArray( const char *inUTF8Str, CFMutableArrayRef inArray );
void pwsf_EndianAdjustTimeStruct( BSDTimeStructCopy *inOutTimeStruct, int native );
void pwsf_EndianAdjustPWFileHeader( PWFileHeader *inOutHeader, int native );
void pwsf_EndianAdjustPWFileEntry( PWFileEntry *inOutEntry, int native );
void pwsf_AddHashesToPWRecord( const char *inRealm, bool inAddNT, bool inAddLM, PWFileEntry *inOutPasswordRec );
void pwsf_getHashCramMD5(const unsigned char *inPassword, long inPasswordLen, unsigned char *outHash, unsigned long *outHashLen);
void pwsf_getSaltedSHA1(const unsigned char *inPassword, long inPasswordLen, unsigned char *outHash, unsigned long *outHashLen);
long pwsf_slotToOffset(long slot);
void pwsf_getGMTime(struct tm *inOutGMT);
unsigned long pwsf_getTimeForRef(void);
unsigned long pwsf_getRandom(void);
void pwsf_passwordRecRefToString(PWFileEntry *inPasswordRec, char *outRefStr);
int pwsf_stringToPasswordRecRef(const char *inRefStr, PWFileEntry *outPasswordRec);
void pwsf_addHashDigestMD5( const char *inRealm, PWFileEntry *inOutPasswordRec );
void pwsf_addHashCramMD5( PWFileEntry *inOutPasswordRec );
void pwsf_addHashSaltedSHA1( PWFileEntry *inOutPasswordRec );

// db codecs
int pwsf_compress_header( PWFileHeader *inHeader, unsigned char **outCompressedHeader, unsigned int *outCompressedHeaderLength );
int pwsf_compress_slot( PWFileEntry *inPasswordRec, unsigned char **outCompressedRecord, unsigned int *outCompressedRecordLength );
int pwsf_expand_header( const unsigned char *inCompressedHeader, unsigned int inCompressedHeaderLength, PWFileHeader *outHeader );
int pwsf_expand_slot( const unsigned char *inCompressedRecord, unsigned int inCompressedRecordLength, PWFileEntry *inOutPasswordRec );

// DES
void pwsf_DESEncode(void *data, unsigned long inDataLen);
void pwsf_DESDecode(void *data, unsigned long inDataLen);
void pwsf_DESAutoDecode(void *data);

// group list functions
bool pwsf_is_guid( const char *inStr );
bool pwsf_uuid_for_group( const char *groupName, uuid_t uuid );
int pwsf_PolicyStringToGroupList( const char *inString, uuid_t *outGroupList[] );
CFMutableDictionaryRef pwsf_CreateAdditionalDataDictionaryWithUUIDList( int uuidCount, uuid_t *uuidList );
CFMutableDictionaryRef pwsf_CreateAdditionalDataDictionaryWithOwners( const char *inSlotIDList );
CFStringRef pwsf_UUIDToString( uuid_t uuid );
bool pwsf_UUIDStrToUUID(const char *inUUIDStr, uuid_t *outUUID);
int pwsf_GetGroupList( PWFileEntry *adminRec, uuid_t **outGroupList );
int pwsf_GetGroupListWithPath( const char *basePath, PWFileEntry *adminRec, uuid_t **outGroupList );
int pwsf_loadxml( const char *inFilePath, CFMutableDictionaryRef *outPList );
int pwsf_savexml(const char *inSaveFile, CFDictionaryRef inPList );

// in CAuthFileBase.cpp
int pwsf_TestDisabledStatus( PWAccessFeatures *inAccess, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccess, struct tm *inCreationDate, struct tm *inLastLoginTime, UInt16 *inOutFailedLoginAttempts );
int pwsf_TestDisabledStatusWithReasonCode( PWAccessFeatures *inAccess, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccess, struct tm *inCreationDate, struct tm *inLastLoginTime, UInt16 *inOutFailedLoginAttempts, PWDisableReasonCode *outReasonCode );
int pwsf_ChangePasswordStatus( PWAccessFeatures *inAccess, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccess, struct tm *inModDateOfPassword );
int pwsf_RequiredCharacterStatus(PWAccessFeatures *access, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccess, const char *inUsername, const char *inPassword);
int pwsf_RequiredCharacterStatusExtra(PWAccessFeatures *access, PWGlobalAccessFeatures *inGAccess, const char *inUsername, const char *inPassword, PWMoreAccessFeatures *inExtraFeatures );
void pwsf_getHashCramMD5(const unsigned char *inPassword, long inPasswordLen, unsigned char *outHash, unsigned long *outHashLen );

// in CReplicaFile.cpp
CFDictionaryRef pwsf_GetStatusForReplicas( void );

// in CPolicyBase.cpp
bool pwsf_ConvertCFDateToBSDTime( CFDateRef inDateRef, struct tm *outBSDDate );
bool pwsf_ConvertBSDTimeToCFDate( struct tm *inBSDDate, CFDateRef *outDateRef );

// in CPolicyGlobalXML.cpp
int ConvertGlobalXMLPolicyToSpaceDelimited( const char *inXMLDataStr, char **outPolicyStr );
int ConvertGlobalSpaceDelimitedPolicyToXML( const char *inPolicyStr, char **outXMLDataStr );

// in CPolicyXML.cpp
int ConvertXMLPolicyToSpaceDelimited( const char *inXMLDataStr, char **outPolicyStr );
int ConvertSpaceDelimitedPolicyToXML( const char *inPolicyStr, char **outXMLDataStr );
int ConvertSpaceDelimitedPoliciesToXML( const char *inPolicyStr, int inPreserveStateInfo, char **outXMLDataStr );
void GetDefaultUserPolicies( PWAccessFeatures *inOutUserPolicies );

#ifdef __cplusplus
