CNSLPlugin.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 *  @header CNSLPlugin

#include "CNSLHeaders.h"
#include <mach/mach_time.h>	// for dsTimeStamp
#include "CNSLTimingUtils.h"

#ifndef kServerRunLoop
#define kServerRunLoop (eDSPluginCalls)(kHandleNetworkTransition + 1)

// since our plugins are now lazily loaded, we don't need to wait for NSL to activate us.

int LogHexDump(char *pktPtr, long pktLen);

boolean_t NetworkChangeCallBack(SCDynamicStoreRef session, void *callback_argument);

// These are the CFContainer callback protos
void NSLReleaseNodeData( CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void* value );
CFStringRef NSLNodeValueCopyDesctriptionCallback ( const void *item );
Boolean NSLNodeValueEqualCallback ( const void *value1, const void *value2 );
void NSLNodeHandlerFunction(const void *inKey, const void *inValue, void *inContext);

typedef struct AttrDataContext {
    sInt32		count;
    CDataBuff*	attrDataBuf;
    Boolean		attrOnly;
} AttrDataContext;

void AddToAttrData(const void *key, const void *value, void *context);

sInt16	gOutstandingSearches = 0;
pthread_mutex_t	gOutstandingSearchesLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
CNSLPlugin* CNSLPlugin::gsTheNSLPlugin = NULL;

void SearchStarted( void )
	DBGLOG( "SearchStarted, gOutstandingSearches=%d\n", gOutstandingSearches );

void SearchCompleted( void )
    Boolean		okToStartNextSearch = false;

	DBGLOG( "SearchCompleted, gOutstandingSearches=%d\n", gOutstandingSearches );

    if ( okToStartNextSearch )
        CNSLPlugin::TheNSLPlugin()->StartNextQueuedSearch();		// just give this a chance to fire one off

#pragma mark -
CFStringRef NSLQueuedSearchesCopyDesctriptionCallback ( const void *item )
    return kDSNSLQueuedSearchSAFE_CFSTR;

Boolean NSLQueuedSearchesEqualCallback ( const void *item1, const void *item2 )
    return item1 == item2;

NodeData * AllocateNodeData()
	NodeData *newNode = (NodeData*)calloc( 1, sizeof(NodeData) );
	return newNode;

void DeallocateNodeData( NodeData *nodeData )
	if ( nodeData != NULL )
		if ( nodeData->fNodeName )
			::CFRelease( nodeData->fNodeName );
		nodeData->fNodeName = NULL;
		if ( nodeData->fServicesRefTable )
			::CFRelease( nodeData->fServicesRefTable );
		nodeData->fServicesRefTable = NULL;
		if ( nodeData->fDSName )
			dsDataListDeallocatePriv( nodeData->fDSName );
			free( nodeData->fDSName );
			nodeData->fDSName = NULL;
		free( nodeData );

 *	Subclass needs to implement the following...
extern "C" {
CFUUIDRef ModuleFactoryUUID = CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes ( NULL, \
								0xD9, 0x70, 0xD5, 0x2E, 0xD5, 0x15, 0x11, 0xD3, \
								0x9F, 0xF9, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0xC1, 0xC7, 0x36 );


static CDSServerModule* _Creator ( void )
	return( new CNSLPlugin );

CDSServerModule::tCreator CDSServerModule::sCreator = _Creator;

CNSLPlugin::CNSLPlugin( void )
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CNSLPlugin\n" );
	mPublishedNodes = NULL;
    mLastNodeLookupStartTime = 0;
    mOpenRefTable = NULL;
    mActivatedByNSL = false;
    mDSLocalNodeLabel = NULL;
    mDSNetworkNodeLabel = NULL;
    mSearchQueue = NULL;
	mRunLoopRef = NULL;
	mTimerRef = NULL;
	mNodeLookupTimerRef = NULL;
	mSearchTicklerInstalled = false;
	mNodeLookupTimerInstalled = false;
	mState		= kUnknownState;
    gsTheNSLPlugin = this;
} // CNSLPlugin

CNSLPlugin::~CNSLPlugin( void )
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::~CNSLPlugin\n" );
	if ( mTimerRef )
	if ( mNodeLookupTimerRef )
    if ( mPublishedNodes )
        ::CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues( mPublishedNodes );
        ::CFRelease( mPublishedNodes );
        mPublishedNodes = NULL;
    if ( mOpenRefTable )
        ::CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues( mOpenRefTable );
        ::CFRelease( mOpenRefTable );
        mOpenRefTable = NULL;

    if ( mSearchQueue )
        ::CFRelease( mSearchQueue );
} // ~CNSLPlugin

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Validate ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::Validate ( const char *inVersionStr, const uInt32 inSignature )
	mSignature = inSignature;

	return( noErr );

} // Validate

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* Initialize ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::Initialize( void )
    sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;

	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::Initialize\n" );
	// database initialization
    CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks	keyCallBack;
    CFDictionaryValueCallBacks	valueCallBack;
    valueCallBack.version = 0;
    valueCallBack.retain = NULL;
    valueCallBack.release = NSLReleaseNodeData;
    valueCallBack.copyDescription = NSLNodeValueCopyDesctriptionCallback;
    valueCallBack.equal = NSLNodeValueEqualCallback;

	if ( !mPublishedNodes )
		mPublishedNodes = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &valueCallBack);
	CFArrayCallBacks	callBack;
    callBack.version = 0;
    callBack.retain = NULL;
    callBack.release = NULL;
    callBack.copyDescription = NSLQueuedSearchesCopyDesctriptionCallback;
    callBack.equal = NSLQueuedSearchesEqualCallback;
    if ( !mSearchQueue )
		mSearchQueue= ::CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &callBack );

    pthread_mutex_init( &mQueueLock, NULL );
	pthread_mutex_init( &mPluginLock, NULL );
	pthread_mutex_init( &mOpenRefTableLock, NULL );
    pthread_mutex_init( &mSearchQueueLock, NULL );
    pthread_mutex_init( &mSearchLookupTimerLock, NULL );
    pthread_mutex_init( &mNodeLookupTimerLock, NULL );
    // use these for the reftable dictionary
    keyCallBack.version = 0;
    keyCallBack.retain = NULL;
    keyCallBack.release = NULL;
    keyCallBack.copyDescription = NULL;
    keyCallBack.equal = NULL;
    keyCallBack.hash = NULL;

    valueCallBack.release = NULL;
    valueCallBack.copyDescription = NULL;
    valueCallBack.equal = NULL;
    if ( !mOpenRefTable )
		mOpenRefTable = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &keyCallBack, &valueCallBack );
	if ( !mOpenRefTable )
		DBGLOG("************* mOpenRefTable is NULL ***************\n");

    if ( !siResult )
        // set the init flags
        mState = kInitialized | kInactive;
    // don't start a periodic task until we get activated
    if ( !siResult )
        siResult = InitPlugin();		// initialize our subclass

    return siResult;
} // Initialize

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* WaitForInit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CNSLPlugin::WaitForInit( void )
	volatile	uInt32		uiAttempts	= 0;

	while ( !(mState & kInitialized) &&
			!(mState & kFailedToInit) )
		// Try for 2 minutes before giving up
		if ( uiAttempts++ >= 240 )
		// Now wait until we are told that there is work to do or
		//	we wake up on our own and we will look for ourselves

		SmartSleep( (uInt32)(50000) );
} // WaitForInit

Boolean CNSLPlugin::IsActive( void )
	Boolean		isActive = ((mState & kActive) || !(mState & kInactive));
	return isActive; 

#pragma mark -
void PeriodicTimerCallback( CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info );
void PeriodicTimerCallback( CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info )
	CNSLPlugin*		plugin = (CNSLPlugin*)info;

void CNSLPlugin::InstallSearchTickler( void )
	if ( !mSearchTicklerInstalled && mRunLoopRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::InstallSearchTickler (%s)\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );
		CFRunLoopTimerContext 	c = {0, this, NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if ( !mTimerRef )
			mTimerRef = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()+kTaskInterval, 0, 0, 0, PeriodicTimerCallback, (CFRunLoopTimerContext*)&c);

		CFRunLoopAddTimer(mRunLoopRef, mTimerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
	mSearchTicklerInstalled = true;

void CNSLPlugin::UnInstallSearchTickler( void )
	if ( mSearchTicklerInstalled && mRunLoopRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::UnInstallSearchTickler (%s)\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );
		if ( mTimerRef )
			CFRunLoopRemoveTimer( mRunLoopRef, mTimerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
			CFRelease( mTimerRef );
			mTimerRef = NULL;
	mSearchTicklerInstalled = false;

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::NSLSearchTickler( void )
    sInt32				siResult	= eDSNoErr;


    if ( IsActive() && mActivatedByNSL )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::NSLSearchTickler, Outstanding Searches: %ld, queued Searches: %ld\n", NumOutstandingSearches(), (mSearchQueue)?CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue):-1 );

		while ( NumOutstandingSearches() < kMaxNumOutstandingSearches && mSearchQueue && CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) > 0 )
			StartNextQueuedSearch();		// just give this a chance to fire one off

		if ( NumOutstandingSearches() == 0 )

		if ( mSearchTicklerInstalled )
			CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate( mTimerRef, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()+kTaskInterval );
    else if ( mSearchTicklerInstalled )


    return( siResult );
} // NSLTickler

void CNSLPlugin::CancelCurrentlyQueuedSearches( void )

	while ( mSearchQueue && CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) > 0 )
        CNSLServiceLookupThread*	newLookup = (CNSLServiceLookupThread*)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, 0 );
        ::CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, 0 );
		delete( newLookup );


#pragma mark -
void NodeLookupTimerCallback( CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info );
void NodeLookupTimerCallback( CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info )
	CNSLPlugin*		plugin = (CNSLPlugin*)info;

void CNSLPlugin::InstallNodeLookupTimer( void )
	if ( !mNodeLookupTimerInstalled && mActivatedByNSL && mRunLoopRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::InstallNodeLookupTimer (%s) called\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );

		CFRunLoopTimerContext 	c = {0, this, NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if ( !mNodeLookupTimerRef )
			mNodeLookupTimerRef = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()+kNodeTimerIntervalImmediate, kKeepTimerAroundAfterFiring, 0, 0, NodeLookupTimerCallback, (CFRunLoopTimerContext*)&c);

		CFRunLoopAddTimer(mRunLoopRef, mNodeLookupTimerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
	mNodeLookupTimerInstalled = true;

void CNSLPlugin::UnInstallNodeLookupTimer( void )
	if ( mNodeLookupTimerInstalled && mRunLoopRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::UnInstallNodeLookupTimer (%s)\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );

		if ( mNodeLookupTimerRef )
			CFRunLoopRemoveTimer( mRunLoopRef, mNodeLookupTimerRef, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
			CFRelease( mNodeLookupTimerRef );
			mNodeLookupTimerRef = NULL;
	mNodeLookupTimerInstalled = false;

void CNSLPlugin::ResetNodeLookupTimer( UInt32 timeTillNewLookup )
	if ( mNodeLookupTimerInstalled && mRunLoopRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ResetNodeLookupTimer (%s) setting timer to fire %d seconds from now\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), timeTillNewLookup );

		CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate( mNodeLookupTimerRef, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + timeTillNewLookup );

void CNSLPlugin::PeriodicNodeLookupTask( void )
	if ( mActivatedByNSL && IsActive() )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::PeriodicNodeLookupTask (%s), time to start new node lookup\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );

		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::PeriodicNodeLookupTask (%s), called but mActivatedByNSL== %d && IsActive() == %d!\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), mActivatedByNSL, IsActive() );
} // PeriodicNodeLookupTask

#pragma mark -

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest ( void *inData )
	sInt32		siResult	= 0;

	if ( inData == nil )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest, inData is NULL!\n" );
		return( ePlugInDataError );
	if ( (mState & kFailedToInit) )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest, kFailedToInit!\n" );
        return( ePlugInFailedToInitialize );
	if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kServerRunLoop )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest, received a RunLoopRef, 0x%x\n",((sHeader *)inData)->fContextData );
		return SetServerIdleRunLoopRef( (CFRunLoopRef)(((sHeader *)inData)->fContextData) );
	else if ( !IsActive() )
		if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kOpenDirNode )
			// these are ok when we are inactive if this is the top level
			char			   *pathStr				= nil;
			tDataListPtr		pNodeList			= nil;
			char			   *protocolStr			= nil;

			pNodeList	=	((sOpenDirNode *)inData)->fInDirNodeName;
			pathStr = dsGetPathFromListPriv( pNodeList, (char *)"/" );
			protocolStr = pathStr + 1;
			if ( strstr( protocolStr, "NSLActivate" ) )
				// we have a directed open for our plugins, just set mActivated to true
				mActivatedByNSL = true;

				free( pathStr );
				return( ePlugInNotActive );
			else if ( pathStr && GetProtocolPrefixString() && strcmp( protocolStr, GetProtocolPrefixString() ) == 0 )
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest (kOpenDirNode), plugin not active, open on (%s) ok\n", protocolStr );
				free( pathStr );
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest (kOpenDirNode), plugin not active, returning ePlugInNotActive on open (%s)\n", protocolStr );
				free( pathStr );
				return( ePlugInNotActive );
		else if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType == kCloseDirNode )
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest (kCloseDirNode), plugin not active, returning noErr\n" );
		else if ( ((sHeader *)inData)->fType != kDoPlugInCustomCall )
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ProcessRequest (%d), plugin not active!\n", ((sHeader *)inData)->fType );
			return( ePlugInNotActive );
	siResult = HandleRequest( inData );

	return( siResult );

} // ProcessRequest

#pragma mark -

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::SetServerIdleRunLoopRef( CFRunLoopRef idleRunLoopRef )
	mRunLoopRef = idleRunLoopRef;
	return eDSNoErr;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* SetPluginState ()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::SetPluginState ( const uInt32 inState )
// don't allow any changes other than active / in-active
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::SetPluginState(%s):", GetProtocolPrefixString() );

	if ( (kActive & inState) && (mState & kInactive) ) // want to set to active only if currently inactive
        DBGLOG( "kActive\n" );
        if ( mState & kInactive )
            mState -= kInactive;
        if ( !(mState & kActive) )
            mState += kActive;

		mActivatedByNSL = true;	// for now we are activating ourselves


	if ( (kInactive & inState) && (mState & kActive) ) // want to set to inactive only if currently active
        DBGLOG( "kInactive\n" );
        if ( !(mState & kInactive) )
            mState += kInactive;
        if ( mState & kActive )
            mState -= kActive;


	return( eDSNoErr );

} // SetPluginState

void CNSLPlugin::ActivateSelf( void )
	if ( mActivatedByNSL )


void CNSLPlugin::DeActivateSelf( void )
	// we need to deregister all our nodes


#pragma mark -
void CNSLPlugin::AddNode( CFStringRef nodeNameRef, Boolean isLocalNode )
    if ( !nodeNameRef || !IsActive() )

    char		nodeString[1024] = {0};
    CFIndex		bufferLen = sizeof(nodeString);
    if ( CFStringGetCString( nodeNameRef, nodeString, bufferLen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )
        AddNode( nodeString, isLocalNode );
        fprintf(stderr, "CNSLPlugin::AddNode, CFStringGetCString failed!");

void CNSLPlugin::AddNode( const char* nodeName, Boolean isLocalNode )
    if ( !nodeName || !IsActive() )
    NodeData*		node = NULL;
    CFStringRef		nodeRef = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, nodeName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
    bool			isADefaultNode = false;
    bool			isADefaultOnlyNode = false;
	if ( nodeRef )
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::AddNode (%s) called with %s\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), nodeName );
		if ( ::CFDictionaryContainsKey( mPublishedNodes, nodeRef ) )
			node = (NodeData*)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeRef );
		if ( isLocalNode || IsLocalNode( nodeName ) )
			isADefaultNode = true;
		if ( isADefaultNode )
			isADefaultOnlyNode = IsADefaultOnlyNode( nodeName );
		if ( node && isADefaultNode != node->fIsADefaultNode )
			// this node is being republished and has a different default state.  We will deregister the old one and create a new one.
//fprintf( stderr, "CNSLPlugin::AddNode calling DSUnregisterNode (%s) as isADefaultNode:(%d), node->fIsADefaultNode:(%d)\n", nodeName, isADefaultNode, node->fIsADefaultNode );
//			DSUnregisterNode( mSignature, node->fDSName );	// now taken care of when the node is released
			::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( mPublishedNodes, node->fNodeName );		// remove it from the dictionary
//			DeallocateNodeData( node );
			node = NULL;
		if ( node )
			node->fTimeStamp = GetCurrentTime();	// update this node
			// we have a new node
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::AddNode(%s) Adding new %snode %s\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), (isADefaultNode)?"local ":"", nodeName );
			node = AllocateNodeData();
			node->fNodeName = nodeRef;
			CFRetain( node->fNodeName );
			node->fDSName = dsBuildListFromStringsPriv(GetProtocolPrefixString(), nodeName, nil);
			node->fTimeStamp = GetCurrentTime();
			node->fServicesRefTable = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
			node->fIsADefaultNode = isADefaultNode;
			node->fSignature = mSignature;
			if ( node->fDSName )
				eDirNodeType		nodeTypeToRegister = kUnknownNodeType;
				if ( isADefaultNode )
					nodeTypeToRegister = kDefaultNetworkNodeType;
				if ( !isADefaultOnlyNode )
					nodeTypeToRegister = (eDirNodeType)( nodeTypeToRegister | kDirNodeType );
				if ( nodeTypeToRegister != kUnknownNodeType )
					DSRegisterNode( mSignature, node->fDSName, nodeTypeToRegister );
			::CFDictionaryAddValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeRef, node );
		CFRelease( nodeRef );

void CNSLPlugin::RemoveNode( CFStringRef nodeNameRef )
    NodeData*		node = NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RemoveNode called with" );
    if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
    Boolean		containsNode = ::CFDictionaryContainsKey( mPublishedNodes, nodeNameRef );

    if ( containsNode )
        node = (NodeData*)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeNameRef );

// now taken care of in the release
//        DSUnregisterNode( mSignature, node->fDSName );
        ::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( mPublishedNodes, node->fNodeName );		// remove it from the dictionary

// now taken care of in the release
//        DeallocateNodeData( node );
        node = NULL;


void CNSLPlugin::NodeLookupComplete( void )
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::NodeLookupComplete\n" );
    ClearOutStaleNodes();			// get rid of any that are old
} // NodeLookupComplete

const char* CNSLPlugin::GetLocalNodeString( void )
    return NULL;			// plugin should override

Boolean CNSLPlugin::IsLocalNode( const char *inNode )
    #pragma unused (inNode)
    return false;			// plugin should override

Boolean CNSLPlugin::IsADefaultOnlyNode( const char *inNode )
    #pragma unused (inNode)
    return false;			// plugin should override

#pragma mark -

CFStringRef NetworkChangeNSLCopyStringCallback( const void *item );
CFStringRef NetworkChangeNSLCopyStringCallback( const void *item )
	return kNetworkChangeNSLCopyStringCallbackSAFE_CFSTR;

static void DoNetworkTransition(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info);
void DoNetworkTransition(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info)
	if ( info != nil )
	//do something if the wait period has passed
		((CNSLPlugin *)info)->HandleNetworkTransitionIfTime();
}// DoNIPINetworkChange

#pragma mark -
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* HandleRequest
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest( void *inData )
	sInt32	siResult	= 0;
	sHeader	*pMsgHdr	= nil;

	if ( inData == nil )
		return( -8088 );

	pMsgHdr = (sHeader *)inData;

	switch ( pMsgHdr->fType )
		case kOpenDirNode:
			siResult = OpenDirNode( (sOpenDirNode *)inData );
		case kCloseDirNode:
			siResult = CloseDirNode( (sCloseDirNode *)inData );
		case kGetDirNodeInfo:
			siResult = GetDirNodeInfo( (sGetDirNodeInfo *)inData );
		case kGetRecordList:
			siResult = GetRecordList( (sGetRecordList *)inData );
		case kGetRecordEntry:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetRecordEntry yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kGetAttributeEntry:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetAttributeEntry yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kGetAttributeValue:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetAttributeValue yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kOpenRecord:
			siResult = OpenRecord( (sOpenRecord *)inData );
		case kGetRecordReferenceInfo:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetRecordReferenceInfo yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kGetRecordAttributeInfo:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetRecordAttributeInfo yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kGetRecordAttributeValueByID:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetRecordAttributeValueByID yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kGetRecordAttributeValueByIndex yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kFlushRecord:
			siResult = FlushRecord( (sFlushRecord *)inData );
		case kCloseAttributeList:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kCloseAttributeList yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;

		case kCloseAttributeValueList:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kCloseAttributeValueList yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;

		case kCloseRecord:
			siResult = CloseRecord( (sCloseRecord*)inData );
		case kSetRecordName:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kSetRecordName yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kSetRecordType:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kSetRecordType yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kDeleteRecord:
			siResult = DeleteRecord( (sDeleteRecord*)inData );
		case kCreateRecord:
		case kCreateRecordAndOpen:
			siResult = CreateRecord( (sCreateRecord *)inData );
		case kAddAttribute:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kAddAttribute yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kRemoveAttribute:
			siResult = RemoveAttribute( (sRemoveAttribute*)inData );
		case kAddAttributeValue:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, calling AddAttributeValue\n" );
			siResult = AddAttributeValue( (sAddAttributeValue *)inData );
		case kRemoveAttributeValue:
			siResult = RemoveAttributeValue( (sRemoveAttributeValue*)inData );
		case kSetAttributeValue:
			siResult = SetAttributeValue( (sSetAttributeValue*)inData );
		case kDoDirNodeAuth:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kDoDirNodeAuth yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
		case kDoAttributeValueSearch:
		case kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we don't handle kDoAttributeValueSearch or kDoAttributeValueSearchWithData yet\n" );
			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;

		case kDoPlugInCustomCall:
			siResult = DoPlugInCustomCall( (sDoPlugInCustomCall *)inData );
        case kHandleNetworkTransition:
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest, we have some sort of network transition\n" );
			//let us be smart about doing the recheck
			//we don't want to re-init multiple times during this wait period
			//however we do go ahead and fire off timers each time
			//each call in here we update the delay time by 5 seconds
			mTransitionCheckTime = time(nil) + 5;
			if (mRunLoopRef != nil)
				CFRunLoopTimerContext c = {0, (void*)this, NULL, NULL, NetworkChangeNSLCopyStringCallback};
				CFRunLoopTimerRef timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(	NULL,
																CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + 5,
				CFRunLoopAddTimer(mRunLoopRef, timer, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
				if (timer) CFRelease(timer);
//			siResult = HandleNetworkTransition( (sHeader*)inData );

			siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;

	pMsgHdr->fResult = siResult;

    if ( siResult )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleRequest returning %ld on a request of type %ld\n", siResult, pMsgHdr->fType );

	return( siResult );

} // HandleRequest

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::DoPlugInCustomCall ( sDoPlugInCustomCall *inData )
    sInt32				siResult			= eNotHandledByThisNode;	// plugins can override
	return siResult;		

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::GetDirNodeInfo( sGetDirNodeInfo *inData )
    sInt32				siResult			= eNotHandledByThisNode;	// plugins can override
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetDirNodeInfo not handled by this plugin\n" );
	return siResult;		

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode ( sOpenDirNode *inData )
    sInt32				siResult			= eDSNoErr;
    char			   *nodeName			= nil;
	char			   *pathStr				= nil;
	char			   *protocolStr			= nil;
    tDataListPtr		pNodeList			= nil;
    const char*			subStr	 			= nil;
    Boolean				weHandleThisNode	= false;
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode %lx\n", inData->fOutNodeRef );
	if ( inData != nil )
		try {
			pNodeList	=	inData->fInDirNodeName;
			pathStr = dsGetPathFromListPriv( pNodeList, (char *)"/" );
			protocolStr = pathStr + 1;	// advance past the '/'
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode, ProtocolPrefixString is %s, pathStr is %s\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), pathStr );
			if ( strstr( pathStr, "NSLActivate" ) )
				// we have a directed open for our plugins, fire off our node searches if needed
				if ( !mActivatedByNSL )
					mActivatedByNSL = true;
					if ( IsActive() )		// only start lookups if we are currently active
				free( pathStr );
				return eDSNoErr;
			else if ( strcmp( protocolStr, GetProtocolPrefixString() ) == 0 )
				// they are opening this plugin at the top level so they'll probably be wanting to configure it
				nodeName = new char[1+strlen(protocolStr)];
				if ( !nodeName ) throw ( eDSNullNodeName );
				if ( nodeName )
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode on %s\n", nodeName );
					CNSLDirNodeRep*		newNodeRep = new CNSLDirNodeRep( this, (const void*)inData->fOutNodeRef );
					if (!newNodeRep) throw ( eDSNullNodeName );
					newNodeRep->Initialize( nodeName, inData->fInUID, true );
					// add the item to the reference table
					::CFDictionaryAddValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fOutNodeRef, (const void*)newNodeRep );
					delete( nodeName );
					nodeName = nil;
				free( pathStr );
				return eDSNoErr;
			else if ( IsActive() && (strlen(pathStr) > strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString()+1)) && (::strncmp(protocolStr, GetProtocolPrefixString(), strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString())) == 0) && protocolStr[strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString())] == '/' )
				// only work on nodes with our prefix
				subStr = pathStr + strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString()) + 2;
				CFStringRef		nodeAsRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, subStr, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if ( nodeAsRef )
					weHandleThisNode = ::CFDictionaryContainsKey( mPublishedNodes, nodeAsRef );
					if ( weHandleThisNode )
						DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode, we will handle the request since we have this node (%s) already published\n", subStr );
						if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
							DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode, we don't handle this node, ref/publishedNodes\n" );
							if ( nodeAsRef ) CFShow(nodeAsRef);
					::CFRelease( nodeAsRef );
					if ( !weHandleThisNode )
						weHandleThisNode = OKToOpenUnPublishedNode( subStr );		// allow plugin option of searching unpublished nodes
						if ( weHandleThisNode )
							subStr = pathStr + strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString()) + 2;	// prefix plus pre and post '/'s
							DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode Adding new node %s\n", subStr );
							CFStringRef		nodeRef = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, subStr, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
							if ( nodeRef )
								NodeData*  node = AllocateNodeData();
								node->fNodeName = nodeRef;
								CFRetain( node->fNodeName );
								node->fDSName = dsBuildListFromStringsPriv(GetProtocolPrefixString(), subStr, nil);
								node->fTimeStamp = GetCurrentTime();
								node->fServicesRefTable = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
								node->fIsADefaultNode = IsLocalNode( subStr );
								node->fSignature = mSignature;
								if ( node->fDSName )
									eDirNodeType		nodeTypeToRegister = kUnknownNodeType;
									if ( IsLocalNode( subStr ) )
										nodeTypeToRegister = kDefaultNetworkNodeType;
									nodeTypeToRegister = (eDirNodeType)( nodeTypeToRegister | kDirNodeType );
									if ( nodeTypeToRegister != kUnknownNodeType )
										DSRegisterNode( mSignature, node->fDSName, nodeTypeToRegister );
								::CFDictionaryAddValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeRef, node );
								::CFRelease( nodeRef );
					if ( !weHandleThisNode )
						DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode, we won't handle the request on this node (%s)\n", pathStr );
			if ( weHandleThisNode )
				if ( !subStr )
					subStr = pathStr + strlen(GetProtocolPrefixString()) + 2;	// prefix plus pre and post '/'s
				if ( subStr )
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode subStr is %s\n", subStr );
					nodeName = new char[1+strlen(subStr)];
					if( !nodeName ) throw ( eDSNullNodeName );
				if ( nodeName )
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode on %s\n", nodeName );
					CNSLDirNodeRep*		newNodeRep = new CNSLDirNodeRep( this, (const void*)inData->fOutNodeRef );
					if( !newNodeRep ) throw (eMemoryAllocError);
					newNodeRep->Initialize( nodeName, inData->fInUID, false );
					// add the item to the reference table
					::CFDictionaryAddValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fOutNodeRef, (const void*)newNodeRep );
					delete( nodeName );
					nodeName = nil;
					inData->fOutNodeRef = 0;
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode nodeName is NULL!\n" );
				siResult = eNotHandledByThisNode;
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode skipping cuz path is %s\n", pathStr );
		catch( int err )
			siResult = err;
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode, Caught error:%li\n", siResult );
    	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenDirNode inData is NULL!\n" );
	if (pathStr != NULL)
		pathStr = NULL;

	if ( nodeName )
		delete( nodeName );
		nodeName = nil;
    return siResult;

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode ( sCloseDirNode *inData )
    sInt32				siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode %lx\n", inData->fInNodeRef );
        if ( inData != nil && inData->fInNodeRef && mOpenRefTable )
            CNSLDirNodeRep*		nodeRep = NULL;
			nodeRep = (CNSLDirNodeRep*)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInNodeRef );
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode, CFDictionaryGetValue returned nodeRep: 0x%x\n", (void*)nodeRep );

            if ( nodeRep )
                ::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( mOpenRefTable, (void*)inData->fInNodeRef );

                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode, delete nodeRep: 0x%x\n", (void*)nodeRep );
                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode, nodeRef not found in our list\n" );

    catch( int err )
        siResult = err;
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseDirNode, Caught error:%li\n", siResult );

    return siResult;

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList ( sGetRecordList *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
    char				   *pRecType			= nil;
    char				   *pNSLRecType			= nil;
    CAttributeList		   *cpRecNameList		= nil;
    CAttributeList		   *cpRecTypeList		= nil;
    CAttributeList		   *cpAttrTypeList 		= nil;
    CBuff				   *outBuff				= nil;
    uInt32					countDownRecTypes	= 0;
    const void*				dictionaryResult	= NULL;
    CNSLDirNodeRep*			nodeDirRep			= NULL;
    unsigned long			incomingRecEntryCount = inData->fOutRecEntryCount;
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList called\n" );
	dictionaryResult = ::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInNodeRef );

    nodeDirRep = (CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult;
    if( !nodeDirRep )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList called but we couldn't find the nodeDirRep!\n" );

		return eDSInvalidNodeRef;

	if ( nodeDirRep->IsTopLevelNode() )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList called on a top level node, return no results\n" );

		inData->fIOContinueData = NULL;
		inData->fOutRecEntryCount = 0;			// no more entries to parse

		return eDSNoErr;

	inData->fOutRecEntryCount = 0;							// make sure to reset this!
        if ( nodeDirRep && !nodeDirRep->IsLookupStarted() )
 DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList called, lookup hasn't been started yet.\n" );
           // ok, we need to initialize this nodeDirRep and start the searches...
            // Verify all the parameters
            if( !inData )  throw( eMemoryError );
            if( !inData->fInDataBuff)  throw( eDSEmptyBuffer );
            if( (inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize == 0) ) throw( eDSEmptyBuffer );
            if( !inData->fInRecNameList )  throw( eDSEmptyRecordNameList );
            if( !inData->fInRecTypeList )  throw( eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
            if( !inData->fInAttribTypeList )  throw( eDSEmptyAttributeTypeList );
            //check if the client has requested a limit on the number of records to return
			//we only do this the first call into this context for pContext
			if (incomingRecEntryCount >= 0)
				nodeDirRep->LimitRecSearch( incomingRecEntryCount );
           // Node context data
            // Get the record type list
            cpRecTypeList = new CAttributeList( inData->fInRecTypeList );
            if( !cpRecTypeList )  throw( eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
            //save the number of rec types here to use in separating the buffer data
            countDownRecTypes = cpRecTypeList->GetCount();
            if( (countDownRecTypes == 0) ) throw( eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
            sInt32		error = eDSNoErr;

			// performance hack...
			Boolean		alreadyLookedupSMBType = false;
            for ( uInt16 i=1; i<=countDownRecTypes; i++ )
                if ( (error = cpRecTypeList->GetAttribute( i, &pRecType )) == eDSNoErr )
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList, GetAttribute returned pRecType:%s\n", pRecType );
					if ( pRecType )
						if ( strcmp( pRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeSMBServer ) == 0 )
							if ( alreadyLookedupSMBType )
								free( pNSLRecType );
								continue;				// already looked up one of these
							alreadyLookedupSMBType = true;

						pNSLRecType = CreateNSLTypeFromRecType( pRecType );
						if ( pNSLRecType )
							DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList, CreateNSLTypeFromRecType returned pNSLRecType:%s\n", pNSLRecType );
							StartServicesLookup( pNSLRecType, nodeDirRep );
							free( pNSLRecType );
							inData->fIOContinueData = (void*)inData->fInNodeRef;	// just to show we have continuing data
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList, GetAttribute returned error:%li\n", error );
        else if ( nodeDirRep && nodeDirRep->HaveResults() )
			// cool, we have data waiting for us...
            // we already started a search, check for results.
            siResult = RetrieveResults( inData, nodeDirRep );
            inData->fIOContinueData = (void*)inData->fInNodeRef;	// just to show we have continuing data
            DBGLOG( "***Sending Back Results, fBufferSize = %ld, fBufferLength = %ld, inData->fOutRecEntryCount = %d\n", inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferSize, inData->fInDataBuff->fBufferLength, inData->fOutRecEntryCount );
        else if ( nodeDirRep && nodeDirRep->LookupComplete() )
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList called and nodeDirRep->LookupComplete so setting inData->fIOContinueData to NULL\n" );
            inData->fIOContinueData = NULL;
			nodeDirRep->ResetLookupHasStarted();	// so users can start another search
			SmartSleep( 100000 );		// sleep for a 10th of a second so the client can't spinlock
    } // try
    catch ( int err )
        siResult = err;
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::GetRecordList, Caught error:%li\n", siResult );

	if ( nodeDirRep )
    if ( cpRecNameList != nil )
        delete( cpRecNameList );
        cpRecNameList = nil;

    if ( cpRecTypeList != nil )
        delete( cpRecTypeList );
        cpRecTypeList = nil;

    if ( cpAttrTypeList != nil )
        delete( cpAttrTypeList );
        cpAttrTypeList = nil;

    if ( outBuff != nil )
        delete( outBuff );
        outBuff = nil;

    return( siResult );

}	// GetRecordList

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord ( sOpenRecord *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSRecordNotFound;		// by default we don't Open records
    const void*				dictionaryResult	= NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord called on refNum:0x%x\n", inData->fOutRecRef );


	dictionaryResult = ::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInNodeRef );
    if ( !dictionaryResult )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord called but we couldn't find the nodeDirRep!\n" );
        return eDSInvalidNodeRef;

    CFStringRef				nodeNameRef = ((CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult)->GetNodeName();

    char*		    		pNSLRecType = CreateNSLTypeFromRecType( (char*)inData->fInRecType->fBufferData );
	if ( pNSLRecType )
		CFMutableStringRef		serviceKeyRef = ::CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 );			// we'll use this as a key
		CFStringRef				recordTypeRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, pNSLRecType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		CFStringRef		        recordNameRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, (char*)inData->fInRecName->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		if ( serviceKeyRef && recordTypeRef && recordNameRef )
			::CFStringAppend( serviceKeyRef, recordNameRef );
			::CFStringAppend( serviceKeyRef, recordTypeRef );
		if ( recordNameRef )
			CFRelease( recordNameRef );
		if ( recordTypeRef )
			CFRelease( recordTypeRef );

		free( pNSLRecType );
		NodeData* node = (NodeData*)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeNameRef );
		if ( node )
			if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, found the node in question\n" );
				CFShow( nodeNameRef );
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, looking up record\n" );
				CFShow( serviceKeyRef );
			CFDictionaryRef	recordRef = (CFDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( node->fServicesRefTable, serviceKeyRef );
			if ( recordRef )
				CFRetain( recordRef );		// hold on to this while we manipulate it and release at the end.

			if ( recordRef && CFGetTypeID(recordRef) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID() )
				CFStringRef recordName = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( recordRef, kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
				CFStringRef nodeName = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( recordRef, kDS1AttrLocationSAFE_CFSTR );
				if ( !recordName && !nodeName )
					if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
						DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, the node->fServicesRefTable doesn't have both recordName and nodeName keys!\n" );
						if (recordName) CFShow( recordName ); else DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, recordName is null\n" );
						if (nodeName) CFShow( nodeName ); else DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, nodeName is null\n" );
				else if ( CFGetTypeID(recordName) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFGetTypeID(nodeName) == CFStringGetTypeID() )
					CFRetain( recordRef );		// manually add retain when putting it into mOpenRefTable.

					// found it.
					::CFDictionaryAddValue( mOpenRefTable, (void*)inData->fOutRecRef, (void*)recordRef );

					siResult = eDSNoErr;
					if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
						DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, found the record in question (ref:0x%x)\n", inData->fOutRecRef );
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, we just grabbed a name or node name that wasn't a CFString!\n" );
			else if ( recordRef )
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, we just grabbed something out of our node->fServicesRefTable that wasn't a CFDictionary!\n" );
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord, couldn't find previously created record\n" );

			if ( recordRef )
				CFRelease( recordRef );		// ok, we're done with this now.
			// do we want to allow two openings of a record?  Or is this not possible as we should be getting a unique
			// ref assigned to this open?...
			DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OpenRecord this record already opened...\n" );
			siResult = eDSNoErr;
		::CFRelease( serviceKeyRef );

    return( siResult );
}	// OpenRecord

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::CloseRecord ( sCloseRecord *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;		// by default we don't Close records

    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseRecord called on ref:%ld\n", inData->fInRecRef );

	CFDictionaryRef	recordRef = (CFDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );

    if ( recordRef )
        ::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
		CFRelease( recordRef );
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CloseRecord called but the record wasn't found!\n" );
        siResult = eDSRecordNotFound;

    return( siResult );
}	// CloseRecord

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord ( sCreateRecord *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;		// by default we don't create records
    const void*				dictionaryResult	= NULL;
    CNSLDirNodeRep*			nodeDirRep			= NULL;
	tDataNodePtr			pRecName			= NULL;
	tDataNodePtr			pRecType			= NULL;
    char				   *pNSLRecType			= NULL;
	CFMutableStringRef		serviceKeyRef		= NULL;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef	newService			= NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord called\n" );
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, fOutRecRef is 0x%x\n", inData->fOutRecRef );
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, fInOpen is %d\n", inData->fInOpen );
    if ( ReadOnlyPlugin() )
        // ignore if this plugin doesn't support creation anyway
        return eDSReadOnly;
    if ( !IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords( inData ) )
        return eDSPermissionError;
		dictionaryResult = ::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInNodeRef );
        if ( !dictionaryResult )
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord called but we couldn't find the nodeDirRep!\n" );
            return eDSInvalidNodeRef;

        nodeDirRep = (CNSLDirNodeRep*)dictionaryResult;


        serviceKeyRef = ::CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 );			// we'll use this as a key
        newService = ::CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );

		pRecType = inData->fInRecType;
		if( !pRecType ) throw( eDSNullRecType );

		pRecName = inData->fInRecName;
		if( !pRecName ) throw( eDSNullRecName );

        pNSLRecType = CreateNSLTypeFromRecType( (char*)pRecType->fBufferData );
		if( !pNSLRecType ) throw( eDSInvalidRecordType );

        if ( pNSLRecType )
            if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, CreateNSLTypeFromRecType returned pNSLRecType:%s\n", pNSLRecType );
                DBGLOG( "dictionary contents before:\n");
                CFShow( newService );
            CFStringRef		keyRef, valueRef;
            // add node name
            keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, kDS1AttrLocation, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
            valueRef = nodeDirRep->GetNodeName();
            if ( !CFDictionaryContainsKey( newService, keyRef ) )
                ::CFDictionaryAddValue( newService, keyRef, valueRef );
            ::CFRelease( keyRef );
            // add record name
            keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, kDSNAttrRecordName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
            valueRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, (char*)pRecName->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
            if ( !CFDictionaryContainsKey( newService, keyRef ) )
                ::CFDictionaryAddValue( newService, keyRef, valueRef );

            ::CFStringAppend( serviceKeyRef, valueRef );	// key is made up of name and type
            ::CFRelease( keyRef );
            ::CFRelease( valueRef );
            // add record type
            keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, kDS1AttrServiceType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
            valueRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, pNSLRecType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

            ::CFDictionarySetValue( newService, keyRef, valueRef );		// set this regardless whether it is already there

            ::CFStringAppend( serviceKeyRef, valueRef );	// key is made up of name and type

            ::CFRelease( keyRef );
            ::CFRelease( valueRef );
            if ( getenv("NSLDEBUG") )
                DBGLOG( "dictionary contents after:\n");
                CFShow( newService );

                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, finished intial creation of opened service dictionary\n" );
                if ( getenv( "NSLDEBUG" ) )
                    ::CFShow( newService );
            free( pNSLRecType );
            // now we need to add this to our published node's dictionary of services
            if ( ::CFDictionaryContainsKey( mPublishedNodes, nodeDirRep->GetNodeName() ) )
                NodeData* node = (NodeData*)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mPublishedNodes, nodeDirRep->GetNodeName() );
                if ( node )
                    ::CFDictionarySetValue( node->fServicesRefTable, serviceKeyRef, newService );
                    if ( getenv( "NSLDEBUG" ) )
                        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, adding key to node\n" );
                        CFShow( serviceKeyRef );
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, couldn't find node in our published nodes!\n" );


	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;

	if ( serviceKeyRef )
		CFRelease( serviceKeyRef );
	if ( newService )
		CFRelease( newService );

    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, fOutRecRef is 0x%x\n", inData->fOutRecRef );

    if ( !siResult && inData->fInOpen )
        sOpenRecord		inCopyData = { inData->fType, inData->fResult, inData->fInNodeRef, inData->fInRecType, inData->fInRecName, inData->fOutRecRef };
        siResult = OpenRecord( &inCopyData );
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, fOutRecRef after OpenRecord is 0x%x\n", inData->fOutRecRef );
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, siResult:%ld, inData->fInOpen=%d, fOutRecRef is 0x%x\n", siResult, inData->fInOpen, inData->fOutRecRef );

    if ( kCreateRecordAndOpen == inData->fType )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecord, this was supposed to be a kCreateRecordAndOpen\n");
    return( siResult );
}	// CreateRecord

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::DeleteRecord ( sDeleteRecord *inData )
    sInt32						siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToDeregister	= NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::DeleteRecord called on refNum:%ld\n", inData->fInRecRef );
    if ( inData->fInRecRef )
        serviceToDeregister = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );

        if ( serviceToDeregister )
            CFRetain( serviceToDeregister );

        if ( serviceToDeregister )
			siResult = DeregisterService( inData->fInRecRef, serviceToDeregister );

			if ( siResult && siResult != eDSNullAttribute )
				char				name[1024] = {0,};
				char				type[256] = {0,};
				CFStringRef	nameOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToDeregister, kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
				if ( nameOfService )
					CFStringGetCString( nameOfService, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				CFStringRef	typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToDeregister, kDS1AttrServiceTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
				if ( !typeOfService )
					typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToDeregister, kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
				if ( typeOfService )
					CFStringGetCString( typeOfService, type, sizeof(type), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				DBGLOG( "DS (%s) couldn't deregister %s (%s) due to an error: %d!\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), name, type, siResult );
			CFRelease( serviceToDeregister );
            syslog( LOG_ERR, "CNSLPlugin::DeleteRecord, couldn't find record to delete!\n" );
        siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;
        syslog( LOG_ERR, "CNSLPlugin::DeleteRecord called with invalid fInRecRef (0x%x)!\n", inData->fInRecRef );
    return( siResult );
}	// DeleteRecord

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::FlushRecord ( sFlushRecord *inData )
    sInt32						siResult = eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToRegister = NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::FlushRecord called on refNum:%ld\n", inData->fInRecRef );
        if ( inData->fInRecRef )
            serviceToRegister = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
			if ( serviceToRegister )
				CFRetain( serviceToRegister );
            if ( serviceToRegister )
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::FlushRecord calling RegisterService with the following service:\n" );
				if ( getenv( "NSLDEBUG" ) )
					::CFShow( serviceToRegister );
                siResult = RegisterService( inData->fInRecRef, serviceToRegister );

				if ( siResult && siResult != eDSNullAttribute )
					char				name[1024] = {0,};
					char				type[256] = {0,};
					CFStringRef	nameOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToRegister, kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
					if ( nameOfService )
						CFStringGetCString( nameOfService, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					CFStringRef	typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToRegister, kDS1AttrServiceTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
					if ( !typeOfService )
						typeOfService = (CFStringRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToRegister, kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR );
					if ( typeOfService )
						CFStringGetCString( typeOfService, type, sizeof(type), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
					syslog( LOG_ERR, "DS (%s) couldn't register %s (%s) due to an error: %d!\n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), name, type, siResult );
				CFRelease( serviceToRegister );
                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::FlushRecord, couldn't find service to register!\n" );
            siResult = eDSInvalidReference;
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::FlushRecord called with invalid fInRecRef.\n" );

	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;

    return( siResult );
}	// DeleteRecord

#pragma mark -
sInt32 CNSLPlugin::AddAttributeValue ( sAddAttributeValue *inData )
    sInt32						siResult = eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToManipulate = NULL;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::AddAttributeValue called\n" );
        if ( inData->fInRecRef )
			serviceToManipulate = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFRetain( serviceToManipulate );

			if ( serviceToManipulate && CFGetTypeID(serviceToManipulate) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID() )
				CFStringRef		keyRef, valueRef;
				CFTypeRef		existingValueRef = NULL;
				keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttrType->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				valueRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttrValue->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if ( keyRef && valueRef )
					existingValueRef = ::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
					if ( existingValueRef && ::CFGetTypeID( existingValueRef ) == ::CFArrayGetTypeID() )
						// this key is already represented by an array of values, just append this latest one
						::CFArrayAppendValue( (CFMutableArrayRef)existingValueRef, valueRef );
					else if ( existingValueRef && ::CFGetTypeID( existingValueRef ) == ::CFStringGetTypeID() )
						// if this is the service type, then we want to ignore as this was already set...
						if ( ::CFStringCompare( (CFStringRef)keyRef, kDS1AttrServiceTypeSAFE_CFSTR, 0 ) != kCFCompareEqualTo )
							// is this value the same as what we want to add?  If so skip, otherwise make it an array
							if ( ::CFStringCompare( (CFStringRef)existingValueRef, valueRef, 0 ) != kCFCompareEqualTo )
								// this key was represented by a string, we need to swap it with an new array with the two values
								CFStringRef			oldStringRef = (CFStringRef)existingValueRef;
								CFMutableArrayRef	newArrayRef = ::CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
								::CFArrayAppendValue( newArrayRef, oldStringRef );
								::CFArrayAppendValue( newArrayRef, valueRef );
								::CFDictionaryRemoveValue(  serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
								::CFDictionaryAddValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef, newArrayRef );
								::CFRelease( newArrayRef );
						// nothing already there, we'll just add this string to the dictionary
						::CFDictionaryAddValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef, valueRef );
					::CFRelease( keyRef );
					::CFRelease( valueRef );
				else if ( !keyRef )
					siResult = eDSInvalidRefType;
				else if ( !valueRef )
					siResult = eDSInvalidAttrValueRef;
				siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;			

			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFRelease( serviceToManipulate );
            siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::AddAttributeValue called but with no value in fInRecRef (0x%x) not in our list.\n", (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );

	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;
    return( siResult );

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::RemoveAttribute ( sRemoveAttribute *inData )
    sInt32						siResult = eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToManipulate = NULL;

        if ( inData->fInRecRef )

            serviceToManipulate = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
            CFStringRef		keyRef;

            keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttribute->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

			if ( keyRef )
				::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
				::CFRelease( keyRef );
            siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RemoveAttribute called but with no value in fOurRecRef.\n" );

	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;

    return( siResult );

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::RemoveAttributeValue ( sRemoveAttributeValue *inData )
    sInt32						siResult = eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToManipulate = NULL;
        if ( inData->fInRecRef )

            serviceToManipulate = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFRetain( serviceToManipulate );

			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFStringRef			keyRef;
				CFPropertyListRef	valueRef;
				keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttrType->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				valueRef = (CFPropertyListRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
				if ( valueRef && ::CFGetTypeID( valueRef ) == ::CFArrayGetTypeID() )
					if ( (UInt32)::CFArrayGetCount( (CFMutableArrayRef)valueRef ) > inData->fInAttrValueID )
						::CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex( (CFMutableArrayRef)valueRef, inData->fInAttrValueID );
						siResult = eDSIndexOutOfRange;
				else if ( valueRef && ::CFGetTypeID( valueRef ) == ::CFStringGetTypeID() )
					::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
					siResult = eDSInvalidAttrValueRef;
				if ( keyRef )
					::CFRelease( keyRef );
				if ( valueRef )
					::CFRelease( valueRef );

				CFRelease( serviceToManipulate );
            siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RemoveAttributeValue called but with no value in fOurRecRef.\n" );

	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;

    return( siResult );

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::SetAttributeValue ( sSetAttributeValue *inData )
    sInt32						siResult = eDSNoErr;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef		serviceToManipulate = NULL;
        if ( inData->fInRecRef )

            serviceToManipulate = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( mOpenRefTable, (const void*)inData->fInRecRef );
			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFRetain( serviceToManipulate );

			if ( serviceToManipulate )
				CFStringRef			keyRef = NULL, valueRef = NULL;
				CFMutableArrayRef	attributeArrayRef = NULL;
				keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttrType->fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				valueRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, inData->fInAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if ( keyRef )
					attributeArrayRef = (CFMutableArrayRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
				if ( attributeArrayRef && ::CFGetTypeID( attributeArrayRef ) == ::CFArrayGetTypeID() )
					if ( (UInt32)::CFArrayGetCount( (CFMutableArrayRef)attributeArrayRef ) > inData->fInAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueID )
						::CFArraySetValueAtIndex( (CFMutableArrayRef)attributeArrayRef, inData->fInAttrValueEntry->fAttributeValueID, valueRef );
						siResult = eDSIndexOutOfRange;
				else if ( attributeArrayRef && ::CFGetTypeID( attributeArrayRef ) == ::CFStringGetTypeID() )
					::CFDictionaryRemoveValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef );
					::CFDictionarySetValue( serviceToManipulate, keyRef, valueRef );
					siResult = eDSInvalidAttrValueRef;
				if ( keyRef )
					CFRelease( keyRef );

				if ( valueRef )
					CFRelease( valueRef );
				CFRelease( serviceToManipulate );
            siResult = eDSInvalidRecordRef;
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::SetAttributeValue called but with no value in fOurRecRef.\n" );

	catch ( int err )
		siResult = err;

    return( siResult );

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::RegisterService( tRecordReference recordRef, CFDictionaryRef service )
    return eDSReadOnly;

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::DeregisterService( tRecordReference recordRef, CFDictionaryRef service )
    return eDSReadOnly;

#pragma mark -
void CNSLPlugin::HandleNetworkTransitionIfTime( void )
	if (time(nil) >= mTransitionCheckTime)
		HandleNetworkTransition( NULL );

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition( sHeader *inData )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition called (%s)\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );
	if ( mActivatedByNSL && IsActive() )
		ResetNodeLookupTimer( kNodeTimerIntervalImmediate );
		DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::HandleNetworkTransition called (%s) but mActivatedByNSL == %d && IsActive() == %d \n", GetProtocolPrefixString(), mActivatedByNSL, IsActive()  );
	return siResult;

Boolean CNSLPlugin::IsClientAuthorizedToCreateRecords( sCreateRecord *inData )
    return true;

Boolean CNSLPlugin::ResultMatchesRequestCriteria( const CNSLResult* result, sGetRecordList* request )
	// things that need to match up:
	// record type ( we're assuming this is fine for now )
	// record name ( a particular entry, dsRecordsAll, dsRecordsStandardAll, or dsRecordsNativeAll )
	if ( request->fInPatternMatch == eDSAnyMatch )
		return true;
	Boolean			resultIsOK = false;
	CAttributeList* cpRecNameList = new CAttributeList( request->fInRecNameList );
	CFStringRef		resultRecordNameRef = result->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
	if ( cpRecNameList )
		sInt32		error = eDSNoErr;
		uInt32		numRecNames = cpRecNameList->GetCount();
		char		*pRecName = nil;

		for ( uInt16 i=1; !resultIsOK && i<=numRecNames; i++ )
			if ( (error = cpRecNameList->GetAttribute( i, &pRecName )) == eDSNoErr )
				CFStringRef		recNameMatchRef = NULL;
				if ( pRecName && strcmp( pRecName, kDSRecordsAll ) == 0 )
					resultIsOK = true;
				else if ( pRecName && strcmp( pRecName, kDSRecordsStandardAll ) == 0 )
					if ( result->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR ) && CFStringHasPrefix( result->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR ), kDSStdRecordTypePrefixSAFE_CFSTR ) )
						resultIsOK = true;
				else if ( pRecName && strcmp( pRecName, kDSRecordsNativeAll ) == 0 )
					if ( result->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR ) && CFStringHasPrefix( result->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordTypeSAFE_CFSTR ), kDSNativeRecordTypePrefixSAFE_CFSTR ) )
						resultIsOK = true;
				recNameMatchRef = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, pRecName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
				if ( recNameMatchRef )
					if ( request->fInPatternMatch == eDSExact && CFStringCompare( resultRecordNameRef, recNameMatchRef, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
						resultIsOK = true;
					else if ( request->fInPatternMatch >= eDSiExact && CFStringCompare( resultRecordNameRef, recNameMatchRef, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
						resultIsOK = true;
					else if ( request->fInPatternMatch == eDSStartsWith && CFStringHasPrefix( resultRecordNameRef, recNameMatchRef ) )
						resultIsOK = true;
					else if ( request->fInPatternMatch == eDSEndsWith && CFStringHasSuffix( resultRecordNameRef, recNameMatchRef ) )
						resultIsOK = true;
					else if ( request->fInPatternMatch == eDSContains )
						CFRange 	result = CFStringFind( resultRecordNameRef, recNameMatchRef, 0 );
						if ( result.length > 0 )
							resultIsOK = true;

					CFRelease( recNameMatchRef );
		delete cpRecNameList;
	return resultIsOK;

sInt32 CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults( sGetRecordList* inData, CNSLDirNodeRep* nodeRep )
    sInt32					siResult			= eDSNoErr;
	CDataBuff*				aRecData			= nil;
	CDataBuff*				aAttrData			= nil;
	CDataBuff*				aTempData			= nil;
    CBuff*					outBuff				= nil;
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults called for %lx\n", inData->fInNodeRef );

	// we only support certain pattern matches which are defined in CNSLPlugin::ResultMatchesRequestCriteria
	if (	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSExact
		&&	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSiExact
		&&	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSAnyMatch
		&&	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSStartsWith 
		&&	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSEndsWith 
		&&	inData->fInPatternMatch != eDSContains )
		return eNotYetImplemented;
		aRecData = new CDataBuff();
		if( !aRecData )  throw( eMemoryError );
		aAttrData = new CDataBuff();
		if( !aAttrData )  throw( eMemoryError );
		aTempData = new CDataBuff();
		if( !aTempData )  throw( eMemoryError );
        // copy the buffer data into a more manageable form
        outBuff = new CBuff();
        if( !outBuff )  throw( eMemoryError );
        siResult = outBuff->Initialize( inData->fInDataBuff, true );
        if( siResult ) throw ( siResult );
        siResult = outBuff->GetBuffStatus();
        if( siResult ) throw ( siResult );
        siResult = outBuff->SetBuffType( kClientSideParsingBuff );
        if( siResult ) throw ( siResult );
        while ( nodeRep->HaveResults() && !siResult )
            // package the record into the DS format into the buffer
            // steps to add an entry record to the buffer
            const CNSLResult*		newResult = nodeRep->GetNextResult();

			// ok, so first check to see that this result matches the caller's criteria
			if ( !ResultMatchesRequestCriteria( newResult, inData ) )
				continue;		// get next one
            if ( newResult )
                char		stackBuf[1024];
				char*		curURL = NULL;
                char*		curServiceType = NULL;
                CFIndex		curServiceTypeLength = 0;
                CFStringRef	serviceTypeRef = NULL;
                char*		recordName = NULL;
                CFIndex		recordNameLength = 0;
				CFStringRef	recordNameRef = NULL;

                serviceTypeRef = newResult->GetServiceTypeRef();
				if ( !serviceTypeRef )
					continue;			// skip this result
				curServiceTypeLength = ::CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding( CFStringGetLength(serviceTypeRef), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) +1;
                if ( curServiceTypeLength > (CFIndex)sizeof(stackBuf) )
					curServiceType = (char*)malloc( curServiceTypeLength+1 );
					curServiceType = stackBuf;
                if ( !::CFStringGetCString( serviceTypeRef, curServiceType, curServiceTypeLength+1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults couldn't convert serviceTypeRef CFString to char* in UTF8!\n" );
                    curServiceType[0] = '\0';
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults curServiceType=%s\n", curServiceType );
				char* recType = CreateRecTypeFromURL( curServiceType );

				if ( curServiceType != stackBuf )
					free( curServiceType );
				curServiceType = NULL;

				if ( recType != nil )
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults recType=%s\n", recType );
					aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( recType ) );
					aRecData->AppendString( recType );
				} // what to do if the recType is nil? - never get here then
					aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "Record Type Unknown" ) );
					aRecData->AppendString( "Record Type Unknown" );
				// now the record name
				recordNameRef = newResult->GetAttributeRef( kDSNAttrRecordNameSAFE_CFSTR );
				if ( !recordNameRef )
					continue;			// skip this result
				recordNameLength = ::CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding( CFStringGetLength(recordNameRef), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) +1;
				if ( recordNameLength > (CFIndex)sizeof(stackBuf) )
					recordName = (char*)malloc( recordNameLength );
					recordName = stackBuf;
				if ( !::CFStringGetCString( recordNameRef, recordName, recordNameLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults couldn't convert recordNameRef CFString to char* in UTF8!\n" );
					recordName[0] = '\0';
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults recordName=%s\n", recordName );
				if ( recordNameRef != nil && recordName[0] != '\0' )
					aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( recordName ) );
					aRecData->AppendString( recordName );
					aRecData->AppendShort( ::strlen( "Record Name Unknown" ) );
					aRecData->AppendString( "Record Name Unknown" );
				if ( recordName != stackBuf )
					free( recordName );
				recordName = NULL;
				// now the attributes
				AttrDataContext		context = {0,aAttrData,inData->fInAttribInfoOnly};
				if ( newResult->GetAttributeDict() )
					// we want to pull out the appropriate attributes that the client is searching for...
					uInt32					numAttrTypes	= 0;
					CAttributeList			cpAttributeList( inData->fInAttribTypeList );
					//save the number of rec types here to use in separating the buffer data
					numAttrTypes = cpAttributeList.GetCount();
					if( (numAttrTypes == 0) ) throw( eDSEmptyRecordTypeList );
					sInt32					error = eDSNoErr;
					char*				   	pAttrType = nil;
					char*					valueBuf = NULL;
					DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, numAttrTypes:%ld\n", numAttrTypes );
					for ( uInt32 i=1; i<=numAttrTypes; i++ )
						if ( (error = cpAttributeList.GetAttribute( i, &pAttrType )) == eDSNoErr )
							DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, GetAttribute returned pAttrType:%s\n", pAttrType );
							if ( strcmp( pAttrType, kDSAttributesAll ) == 0 )
								// we want to return everything
								::CFDictionaryApplyFunction( newResult->GetAttributeDict(), AddToAttrData, &context );
								char			stackBuf[1024];
								CFStringRef		keyRef = ::CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, pAttrType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
								CFStringRef		valueRef = NULL;
								CFTypeRef		valueTypeRef = NULL;
								CFArrayRef		valueArrayRef	= NULL;
								if ( ::CFDictionaryContainsKey( newResult->GetAttributeDict(), keyRef ) )
									valueTypeRef = (CFTypeRef)::CFDictionaryGetValue( newResult->GetAttributeDict(), keyRef );
								CFRelease( keyRef );
								if ( valueTypeRef )
									if ( CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID() )
										// just point our valueArrayRef at this
										valueArrayRef = (CFArrayRef)valueTypeRef;
										CFRetain( valueArrayRef );					// so we can release this
									if ( CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) == CFStringGetTypeID() )
										valueRef = (CFStringRef)valueTypeRef;
										valueArrayRef = CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
										if ( CFStringGetLength( valueRef ) > 0 )
											CFArrayAppendValue( (CFMutableArrayRef)valueArrayRef, valueRef );
										DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, got unknown value type (%ld), ignore\n", CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) );
									if ( valueArrayRef )
										aTempData->AppendShort( ::strlen( pAttrType ) );		// attrTypeLen
										aTempData->AppendString( pAttrType );					// attrType
										DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, adding pAttrType: %s\n", pAttrType );
										// Append the attribute value count
										aTempData->AppendShort( CFArrayGetCount(valueArrayRef) );	// attrValueCnt
										CFIndex		valueArrayCount = CFArrayGetCount(valueArrayRef);
										for ( CFIndex i=0; i<valueArrayCount ; i++ )
											valueRef = (CFStringRef)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( valueArrayRef, i );
											if ( !inData->fInAttribInfoOnly && valueRef && ::CFStringGetLength(valueRef) > 0 )
												CFIndex		maxValueEncodedSize = ::CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(valueRef),kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1;
												if ( maxValueEncodedSize > (CFIndex)sizeof(stackBuf) )
													valueBuf = (char*)malloc( maxValueEncodedSize );
													valueBuf = stackBuf;
												if ( ::CFStringGetCString( valueRef, valueBuf, maxValueEncodedSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )	
													// Append attribute value
													aTempData->AppendShort( ::strlen( valueBuf ) );
													aTempData->AppendString( valueBuf );
													DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, adding valueBuf: %s\n", valueBuf );
													DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, CFStringGetCString couldn't create a string for valueRef!\n" );
												if ( valueBuf != stackBuf )
													delete( valueBuf );
												valueBuf = NULL;
										CFRelease( valueArrayRef );		// now release
										valueArrayRef = NULL;
									else if ( valueRef && CFStringGetLength(valueRef) == 0 )
										DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, CFStringGetLength(valueRef) == 0!\n" );
									else if ( inData->fInAttribInfoOnly )
										DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, inData->fInAttribInfoOnly\n" );
									aAttrData->AppendBlock(aTempData->GetData(), aTempData->GetLength() );
							DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults, GetAttribute returned error:%li\n", error );
				// Attribute count
				aRecData->AppendShort( context.count );
				// now add the attributes to the record
				aRecData->AppendBlock( aAttrData->GetData(), aAttrData->GetLength() );
				DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults calling outBuff->AddData()\n" );
				siResult = outBuff->AddData( aRecData->GetData(), aRecData->GetLength() );
                if ( curURL )
					free( curURL );
                curURL = NULL;
                if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
                    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::RetrieveResults siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull, reset last result for next time\n" );
                    nodeRep->NeedToRedoLastResult();			// couldn't get this one in the buffer
					UInt32	numDataBlocks = 0;
					if ( outBuff->GetDataBlockCount( &numDataBlocks ) != eDSNoErr || numDataBlocks == 0 )
						siResult = eDSBufferTooSmall;	// we couldn't fit any other data in here either

        if ( siResult == CBuff::kBuffFull )
            siResult = eDSNoErr;

    catch ( int err )
        siResult = err;

    if (aRecData != nil)
        delete (aRecData);
        aRecData = nil;
    if (aTempData != nil)
        delete (aTempData);
        aTempData = nil;
    if (aAttrData != nil)
        delete (aAttrData);
        aAttrData = nil;

    if ( outBuff != nil )
        delete( outBuff );
        outBuff = nil;

    return( siResult );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CreateNSLTypeFromRecType
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

char* CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType ( char *inRecType )
    char				   *outResult	= nil;
    uInt32					uiStrLen	= 0;
    uInt32					uiNativeLen	= ::strlen( kDSNativeRecordTypePrefix );
    uInt32					uiStdLen	= ::strlen( kDSStdRecordTypePrefix );
 DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType called on %s\n", inRecType );
	//idea here is to use the inIndex to request a specific map
	//if inIndex is 1 then the first map will be returned
	//if inIndex is >= 1 and <= totalCount then that map will be returned
	//if inIndex is <= 0 then nil will be returned
	//if inIndex is > totalCount nil will be returned
	//note the inIndex will reference the inIndexth entry ie. start at 1
	//caller can increment the inIndex starting at one and get maps until nil is returned
    if ( ( inRecType != nil ) )
        uiStrLen = ::strlen( inRecType );

        // First look for native record type
        if ( ::strncmp( inRecType, kDSNativeRecordTypePrefix, uiNativeLen ) == 0 )
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType kDSNativeRecordTypePrefix, uiStrLen:%ld uiNativeLen:%ld\n", uiStrLen, uiNativeLen );
            // Make sure we have data past the prefix
            if ( uiStrLen > uiNativeLen )
                uiStrLen = uiStrLen - uiNativeLen;
                outResult = new char[ uiStrLen + 2 ];
                ::strcpy( outResult, inRecType + uiNativeLen );
        }//native maps
        //now deal with the standard mappings
		else if ( ::strncmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypePrefix, uiStdLen ) == 0 )
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType kDSStdRecordTypePrefix, uiStrLen:%ld uiStdLen:%ld\n", uiStrLen, uiStdLen );
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeAFPServer ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kAFPServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kAFPServiceType);
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeSMBServer ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kSMBServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kSMBServiceType);
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeFTPServer ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kFTPServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kFTPServiceType);
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeNFS ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kNFSServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kNFSServiceType);
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeWebServer ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kHTTPServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kHTTPServiceType);
            if ( strcmp( inRecType, kDSStdRecordTypePrinters ) == 0 )
                outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kLaserWriterServiceType)];
                ::strcpy(outResult, kLaserWriterServiceType);
            else if ( uiStrLen > uiStdLen )
				// don't return a result for standard types we don't support
/*                uiStrLen = uiStrLen - uiStdLen;
                outResult = new char[ uiStrLen + 2 ];
                ::strcpy( outResult, inRecType + uiStdLen );
                DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType, uiStrLen:%ld <= uiStdLen:%ld\n", uiStrLen, uiStdLen );
		}//standard maps
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType, inRecType:%s doesn't map to \"dsRecTypeNative:\" OR \"dsRecTypeStandard:\"!\n", inRecType );
    }// ( inRecType != nil )

    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateNSLTypeFromRecType mapping %s to %s\n", inRecType, outResult );
    return( outResult );

} // CreateNSLTypeFromRecType

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	* CreateRecTypeFromURL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

char* CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromURL( char *inNSLType )
    char				   *outResult	= nil;
    uInt32					uiStrLen	= 0;
 DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromURL called to map %s to a DS type\n", inNSLType );
	//idea here is to use the inIndex to request a specific map
	//if inIndex is 1 then the first map will be returned
	//if inIndex is >= 1 and <= totalCount then that map will be returned
	//if inIndex is <= 0 then nil will be returned
	//if inIndex is > totalCount nil will be returned
	//note the inIndex will reference the inIndexth entry ie. start at 1
	//caller can increment the inIndex starting at one and get maps until nil is returned
    if ( inNSLType != nil )
        uiStrLen = ::strlen( inNSLType );

        if ( strcmp( inNSLType, kAFPServiceType ) == 0 )
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSStdRecordTypeAFPServer)];
        else if ( strcmp( inNSLType, kSMBServiceType ) == 0 )
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSStdRecordTypeSMBServer)];
        else if ( strcmp( inNSLType, kNFSServiceType ) == 0 )
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSStdRecordTypeNFS)];
        else if ( strcmp( inNSLType, kFTPServiceType ) == 0 )
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSStdRecordTypeFTPServer)];
        else if ( strcmp( inNSLType, kHTTPServiceType ) == 0 )
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSStdRecordTypeWebServer)];
            // native record type
            outResult = new char[1+::strlen(kDSNativeAttrTypePrefix)+strlen(inNSLType)];
    }// ( inNSLType != nil )

    return( outResult );

} // CreateRecTypeFromURL

CFStringRef CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType ( char *inNativeType )
    CFMutableStringRef	   	outResultRef	= NULL;
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType called on %s\n", inNativeType );

    if ( ( inNativeType != nil ) )
		outResultRef = CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 );
		if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kAFPServiceType ) == 0 )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeAFPServerSAFE_CFSTR );
		else if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kSMBServiceType ) == 0 )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeSMBServerSAFE_CFSTR );
		else if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kNFSServiceType ) == 0 )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeNFSSAFE_CFSTR );
		else if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kDSStdRecordTypeFTPServer ) == 0 )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeFTPServerSAFE_CFSTR );
		else if ( ::strcmp( inNativeType, kDSStdRecordTypeWebServer ) == 0 )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSStdRecordTypeWebServerSAFE_CFSTR );
		else if ( outResultRef )
			CFStringAppend( outResultRef, kDSNativeRecordTypePrefixSAFE_CFSTR );
			CFStringRef	nativeStringRef = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, inNativeType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
			if ( nativeStringRef )
				CFStringAppend( outResultRef, nativeStringRef );
				CFRelease( nativeStringRef );
	return( outResultRef );

} // CreateNSLTypeFromRecType

CFStringRef CNSLPlugin::CreateRecTypeFromNativeType ( CFStringRef inNativeType )
	CFStringRef	returnTypeRef = NULL;
	UInt32		nativeCStrLen = ::CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding( CFStringGetLength(inNativeType), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) + 1;
	char*		nativeCStr = (char*)malloc( nativeCStrLen );

	::CFStringGetCString( inNativeType, nativeCStr, nativeCStrLen, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );

	returnTypeRef = CreateRecTypeFromNativeType( nativeCStr );
	free( nativeCStr );
    return returnTypeRef;
} // CreateNSLTypeFromRecType

#pragma mark -
void CNSLPlugin::StartNodeLookup( void )
    mLastNodeLookupStartTime = GetCurrentTime();		// get current time
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::StartNodeLookup (%s), called\n", GetProtocolPrefixString() );
	ResetNodeLookupTimer( GetTimeBetweenNodeLookups() );	// This is how long before we fire another node lookup (barring network events)

sInt16 CNSLPlugin::NumOutstandingSearches( void )
    return gOutstandingSearches;

Boolean	 CNSLPlugin::OKToStartNewSearch( void )

    Boolean		okToStartNewSearch = NumOutstandingSearches() < kMaxNumOutstandingSearches;


    if ( okToStartNewSearch )
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OKToStartNewSearch is returning true (%d current searches)\n", gOutstandingSearches );
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::OKToStartNewSearch is returning false (%d current searches)\n", gOutstandingSearches );

    return okToStartNewSearch; 

void CNSLPlugin::StartSubNodeLookup( char* parentNodeName )
    DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::StartSubNodeLookup called on %s\n", parentNodeName );
    OKToOpenUnPublishedNode( parentNodeName );

void CNSLPlugin::ClearOutStaleNodes( void )
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ClearOutStaleNodes\n" );
    // we want to look at each node we have registered and unregister any whose timestamp is older than
    // the start of our last node lookup search
    NSLNodeHandlerContext	context = {mPublishedNodes, kClearOutStaleNodes, (void*)GetLastNodeLookupStartTime(), NULL};
    CFIndex arrayCount;
	CFStringRef skeetString;
    ::CFDictionaryApplyFunction( mPublishedNodes, NSLNodeHandlerFunction, &context );

	if ( context.fNodesToRemove )
		arrayCount = CFArrayGetCount( context.fNodesToRemove );
		for ( CFIndex i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++ )
			skeetString = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( context.fNodesToRemove, i );
			if ( skeetString != NULL )
				CFDictionaryRemoveValue( mPublishedNodes, skeetString );
		CFRelease( context.fNodesToRemove );

void CNSLPlugin::ClearOutAllNodes( void )
	DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::ClearOutAllNodes\n" );


	::CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues( mPublishedNodes );


void CNSLPlugin::QueueNewSearch( CNSLServiceLookupThread* newLookup )
    if ( mSearchQueue )
		if ( !mSearchTicklerInstalled )	
        ::CFArrayAppendValue( mSearchQueue, newLookup );
        DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::QueueNewSearch called, %ld searches waiting to start\n", CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) );

#define DEQUEUE_LIFO 1
void CNSLPlugin::StartNextQueuedSearch( void )
    if ( mSearchQueue && ::CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) > 0 )
        CNSLServiceLookupThread*	newLookup = (CNSLServiceLookupThread*)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue)-1 );
        ::CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue)-1 );
        CNSLServiceLookupThread*	newLookup = (CNSLServiceLookupThread*)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, 0 );
        ::CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex( mSearchQueue, 0 );

		Boolean		newLookupInRefTable = ::CFDictionaryContainsValue( mOpenRefTable, newLookup->GetNodeToSearch() );


        if ( newLookupInRefTable && !newLookup->AreWeCanceled() )
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::StartNextQueuedSearch starting new search, %ld searches waiting to start\n", CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) );
            DBGLOG( "CNSLPlugin::StartNextQueuedSearch deleting already canceled search, %ld searches waiting to start\n", CFArrayGetCount(mSearchQueue) );
            delete newLookup;

void CNSLPlugin::StartServicesLookup( char* serviceType, CNSLDirNodeRep* nodeDirRep )
    if ( serviceType )
        NewServiceLookup( serviceType, nodeDirRep );

#pragma mark -

void NSLReleaseNodeData( CFAllocatorRef allocator, const void* value )
	NodeData*		nodeData = (NodeData*)value;
	if ( nodeData )
		if ( nodeData->fDSName )
			DSUnregisterNode( nodeData->fSignature, nodeData->fDSName );
		DeallocateNodeData( nodeData );

CFStringRef NSLNodeValueCopyDesctriptionCallback ( const void *value )
    NodeData*		nodeData = (NodeData*)value;
    return nodeData->fNodeName;

Boolean NSLNodeValueEqualCallback ( const void *value1, const void *value2 )
    NodeData*		nodeData1 = (NodeData*)value1;
    NodeData*		nodeData2 = (NodeData*)value2;
    Boolean			areEqual = false;
    if ( nodeData1 && nodeData2 && nodeData1->fNodeName && nodeData2->fNodeName )
        areEqual = ( CFStringCompare( nodeData1->fNodeName, nodeData2->fNodeName, kCFCompareCaseInsensitive ) == kCFCompareEqualTo );

    return areEqual;

void NSLNodeHandlerFunction(const void *inKey, const void *inValue, void *inContext)
    NodeData*					curNodeData = (NodeData*)inValue;
    NSLNodeHandlerContext*		context = (NSLNodeHandlerContext*)inContext;
    if ( !inKey || !inValue || !inContext )
    switch ( context->fMessage )
        case kClearOutStaleNodes:
			if ( curNodeData->fTimeStamp < (UInt32)(context->fDataPtr) )
                // we need to delete this...
                DBGLOG( "NSLNodeHandlerFunction, Removing Node from published list\n" );
//                DSUnregisterNode( curNodeData->fSignature, curNodeData->fDSName );
				if ( !context->fNodesToRemove )
					context->fNodesToRemove = CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
				if ( curNodeData->fNodeName != NULL )
					CFArrayAppendValue( context->fNodesToRemove, curNodeData->fNodeName );			// can't manipulate dictionary while iterating

#pragma mark -
UInt32 GetCurrentTime( void )			// in seconds
    struct	timeval curTime;
    if ( gettimeofday( &curTime, NULL ) != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "call to gettimeofday returned error: %s", strerror(errno) );
    return curTime.tv_sec;

void AddToAttrData(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
    CFStringRef			keyRef			= (CFStringRef)key;
    CFTypeRef			valueTypeRef	= (CFTypeRef)value;		// need to update this to support an array of values instead
    CFStringRef			valueRef		= NULL;
	CFArrayRef			valueArrayRef	= NULL;
    char				keyBuf[256] = {0};
	char				stackBuf[1024];
    char*				valueBuf	= NULL;
	CDataBuff*			aTmpData	= nil;
    AttrDataContext*	dataContext	= (AttrDataContext*)context;
    dataContext->count++;		// adding one more
    aTmpData = new CDataBuff();
    if( !aTmpData )  throw( eMemoryError );
	if ( valueTypeRef )
		if ( CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) == CFArrayGetTypeID() )
			// just point our valueArrayRef at this
			valueArrayRef = (CFArrayRef)valueTypeRef;
			CFRetain( valueArrayRef );					// so we can release this
		if ( CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) == CFStringGetTypeID() )
			valueRef = (CFStringRef)valueTypeRef;
			valueArrayRef = CFArrayCreateMutable( NULL, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks );
			if ( CFStringGetLength( valueRef ) > 0 )
				CFArrayAppendValue( (CFMutableArrayRef)valueArrayRef, valueRef );
            DBGLOG( "AddToAttrData, got unknown value type (%ld), ignore\n", CFGetTypeID(valueTypeRef) );

		if ( valueArrayRef && ::CFStringGetCString( keyRef, keyBuf, sizeof(keyBuf), kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )
			aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( keyBuf ) );		// attrTypeLen
			aTmpData->AppendString( keyBuf );					// attrType
			DBGLOG( "AddToAttrData, adding keyBuf: %s\n", keyBuf );

			// Append the attribute value count
			aTmpData->AppendShort( CFArrayGetCount(valueArrayRef) );	// attrValueCnt

			CFIndex		valueArrayCount = CFArrayGetCount(valueArrayRef);
			for ( CFIndex i=0; i<valueArrayCount ; i++ )
				valueRef = (CFStringRef)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( valueArrayRef, i );

				if ( !dataContext->attrOnly && ::CFStringGetLength(valueRef) > 0 )
					CFIndex		maxValueEncodedSize = ::CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(CFStringGetLength(valueRef), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) + 1;

					if ( maxValueEncodedSize > (CFIndex)sizeof(stackBuf) )
						valueBuf = (char*)malloc( maxValueEncodedSize );
						valueBuf = stackBuf;
					if ( ::CFStringGetCString( valueRef, valueBuf, maxValueEncodedSize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) )	
						// Append attribute value
						aTmpData->AppendShort( ::strlen( valueBuf ) );	// valueLen
						aTmpData->AppendString( valueBuf );				// value
						DBGLOG( "AddToAttrData, adding valueBuf: %s\n", valueBuf );
						DBGLOG( "AddToAttrData, CFStringGetCString couldn't create a string for valueRef!\n" );
						if ( getenv( "NSLDEBUG" ) )
							::CFShow( valueRef );
					if ( valueBuf != stackBuf )
						delete( valueBuf );
					valueBuf = NULL;
			// Add the attribute length
			dataContext->attrDataBuf->AppendShort( aTmpData->GetLength() );
			dataContext->attrDataBuf->AppendBlock( aTmpData->GetData(), aTmpData->GetLength() );
			delete aTmpData;
		if ( valueArrayRef )
			CFRelease( valueArrayRef );

void AddToAttrData2(CFStringRef keyRef, CFStringRef valueRef, void *context)

 * LogHexDump *
 Log a hex and string formatted version of the given buffer.
#define kOffset 				0
#define kHexData 				7
#define kASCIIData 				(kHexData+50)
#define kEOL 					(kASCIIData+16)
#define kLineLength 			(kEOL+1)
#define kLineEnding 			'\n'
#define kBufferTooBig 			-1
#define kMaxBufSize				10240
#define kMaxPacketLen	    	(((kMaxBufSize - 2)/kLineLength)*16)-15

int LogHexDump(char *pktPtr, long pktLen)
	static char	hexChars[16] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
	register unsigned char	*curPtr=NULL;	// pointer into the raw hex buffer
	register char	*hexPtr=NULL;			// pointer in line to put next hex output
	register char	*charPtr=NULL;			// place to put next character output
	char	*offsetPtr=NULL;					// pointer to the offset 
	unsigned char	*p=NULL;					// indexes through the "offset"
	short	i,j;
	char	*buf=NULL;
	long	bufLen;
	short	numLines;
	short	numCharsOnLine;
	short	remainder;
	short	offset;						// offset within raw packet
	if ( pktLen == 0 )
        DBGLOG( "LogHexDump was passed in a pktLen of zero!\n" );
		return noErr;						// no data to log

    if ( pktLen > kMaxPacketLen )
        pktLen = kMaxPacketLen;
	numLines = (pktLen + 15)/16;			// total number of lines (one may be short)
	remainder = pktLen - (numLines-1)*16;	// number of chars on the last line
	bufLen = numLines * kLineLength + 2;	// size of the buffer required
	if (bufLen > kMaxBufSize)
	    DBGLOG( "LogHexDump kBufferTooBig (%ld), setting to max log size (%d)\n", bufLen, kMaxBufSize );
        bufLen = kMaxBufSize;
	DBGLOG( "Dumping %ld bytes of hex-format data:\n",pktLen );
	buf = (char*)malloc(bufLen);					//  (+2 to hold the NUL and final newline)
	if (!buf) 
        DBGLOG( "LogHexDump return eMemoryAllocError\n" );
	for (i=0; i<bufLen; i++) 				// initialize to all spaces
		buf[i] = ' ';
	// now walk down the packet, turning each byte into a hexadecimal-type string,
	// and putting that and its character equivalent into the correct places in the
	// output string.
	curPtr = (unsigned char *)pktPtr;		// source data pointer
	offsetPtr = buf;						// one of the dest pointers
	for (j=0; j<numLines; j++) {			// for each line...
		hexPtr = offsetPtr+kHexData;		// pointer to first hex byte
		charPtr = offsetPtr+kASCIIData;		// pointer to first ASCII byte 
		offset = j*16;						// first output the current
		p = (unsigned char*)&offset;		//   offset at front of line
		*(offsetPtr++) = hexChars[(*p>>4)];
		*(offsetPtr++) = hexChars[(*p++&0x0F)]; // format will be 0000: xx...
		*(offsetPtr++) = hexChars[(*p>>4)];
		*(offsetPtr++) = hexChars[(*p&0x0F)];
		*offsetPtr = ':';					
		if (j == numLines-1)				// last line may be short
			numCharsOnLine = remainder;
		else numCharsOnLine = 16;

		for (i=0; i<numCharsOnLine; i++) {	// for the next line's worth
	// print the hex format of the current byte with a space separator
			*(hexPtr++) = hexChars[(*curPtr>>4)];
			*(hexPtr++) = hexChars[(*curPtr&0x0F)];
	// now print the actual printable character, if we can
			if (isprint(*curPtr))
				*(charPtr++) = *curPtr;
			else *(charPtr++) = '.';		// for unprintables
			curPtr++;					// bump the raw-hex data pointer
		*(charPtr++) = kLineEnding;		// add in the carriage return at end of each line
		offsetPtr = charPtr;			// and move to the next line in the dest buffer
	*(charPtr++) = kLineEnding;
	*charPtr = '\0';					// and a terminating NULL
	DBGLOG( "%s\n",buf);
	return noErr;

CFStringEncoding	gsEncoding = kCFStringEncodingInvalidId;

CFStringEncoding NSLGetSystemEncoding( void )
	if ( gsEncoding == kCFStringEncodingInvalidId )
		// need to parse out the encoding from /var/root/.CFUserTextEncoding
		FILE *				fp;
		char 				buf[1024];
		CFStringEncoding	encoding = 0;
		fp = fopen("/var/root/.CFUserTextEncoding","r");
		if (fp == NULL) {
			DBGLOG( "NSLGetSystemEncoding: Could not open config file, return 0 (MacRoman)" );
			return 0;
		if ( fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) != NULL) 
			int	i = 0;
			while ( buf[i] != '\0' && buf[i] != ':' )
			buf[i] = '\0';
			char*	endPtr = NULL;
			encoding = strtol(buf,&endPtr,10);
		gsEncoding = encoding;
	DBGLOG( "NSLGetSystemEncoding: returning encoding (%ld)", gsEncoding );
	return gsEncoding;