DS.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @header DSAgent
 * DirectoryService agent for lookupd.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <NetInfo/system_log.h>
#include <NetInfo/dsutil.h>
#include <NetInfo/DynaAPI.h>
#include <NetInfo/syslock.h>
#include <DirectoryService/DirectoryService.h>
#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>

#define DefaultTimeToLive 300

 * This table MUST be kept up to date with the NetInfo plug-in
 * in Directory Services (number is 75 in CNiPlugIn.cpp)

#define kAttrConsts 71

static const char *sAttrMap[kAttrConsts][2] =
	{ kDSNAttrRecordName,				"name" },
	{ kDS1AttrDistinguishedName,		"realname" },
	{ kDS1AttrPasswordPlus,				"passwd" },
	{ kDS1AttrPassword,					"passwd" }, /* needed when retrieving all so */
													/* that standard type received gets */
													/* correctly mapped */
	{ kDS1AttrUniqueID,					"uid" },
	{ kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID,			"gid" },
	{ kDS1AttrUserShell,				"shell" },
	{ kDS1AttrNFSHomeDirectory,			"home" },
	{ kDSNAttrAuthenticationAuthority,	"authentication_authority" },
	{ kDSNAttrHomeDirectory,			"home_loc" },
	{ kDS1StandardAttrHomeLocOwner,		"home_loc_owner" },
	{ kDS1AttrHomeDirectoryQuota,		"homedirectoryquota" },
	{ kDS1AttrPicture,					"picture" },
	{ kDS1AttrInternetAlias,			"InetAlias" },
	{ kDS1AttrMailAttribute,			"applemail" },
	{ kDS1AttrAuthenticationHint,		"hint" },
	{ kDS1AttrRARA,						"RARA" },
	{ kDS1AttrGeneratedUID,				"GeneratedUID" },
	{ kDSNAttrGroupMembership,			"users" },
	{ kDSNAttrEMailAddress,				"mail" },
	{ kDSNAttrURL,						"URL" },
	{ kDSNAttrURLForNSL,				"URL" },
	{ kDSNAttrMIME,						"mime" },
	{ kDSNAttrHTML,						"htmldata" },
	{ kDSNAttrNBPEntry,					"NBPEntry" },
	{ kDSNAttrDNSName,					"dnsname" },
	{ kDSNAttrIPAddress,				"IP_Address" },
	{ kDS1AttrENetAddress,				"en_address" },
	{ kDSNAttrComputers,				"computers" },
	{ kDS1AttrMCXFlags,					"mcx_flags" },
	{ kDS1AttrMCXSettings,				"mcx_settings" },
	{ kDS1AttrPrintServiceInfoText,		"PrintServiceInfoText" },
	{ kDS1AttrPrintServiceInfoXML,		"PrintServiceInfoXML" },
	{ kDS1AttrPrintServiceUserData,		"appleprintservice" },
	{ kDS1AttrVFSType,					"vfstype" },
	{ kDS1AttrVFSPassNo,				"passno" },
	{ kDS1AttrVFSDumpFreq,				"dump_freq" },
	{ kDS1AttrVFSLinkDir,				"dir" },
	{ kDSNAttrVFSOpts,					"opts" },
	{ kDS1AttrAliasData,				"alias_data" },
	{ kDSNAttrPhoneNumber,				"phonenumber" },
	{ kDS1AttrCapabilities,				"capabilities" },
	{ kDSNAttrProtocols,				"protocols" },
	{ kDSNAttrMember,					"users" },
	{ kDS1AttrComment, 					"comment" },
	{ kDS1AttrAdminStatus, 				"AdminStatus" },
	{ kDS1AttrAdminLimits,				"admin_limits" },
	{ kDS1AttrPwdAgingPolicy, 			"PwdAgingPolicy" },
	{ kDS1AttrChange, 					"change" },
	{ kDS1AttrExpire, 					"expire" },
	{ kDSNAttrGroup,					"groups" },
	{ kDS1AttrFirstName,				"firstname" },
	{ kDS1AttrMiddleName,				"middlename" },
	{ kDS1AttrLastName,					"lastname" },
	{ kDSNAttrAreaCode ,				"areacode" },
	{ kDSNAttrAddressLine1,				"address1" },
	{ kDSNAttrAddressLine2,				"address2" },
	{ kDSNAttrAddressLine3,				"address3" },
	{ kDSNAttrCity,						"city" },
	{ kDSNAttrState,					"state" },
	{ kDSNAttrPostalCode,				"zip" },
	{ kDSNAttrOrganizationName,			"orgname" },
	{ kDS1AttrSetupOccupation,			"occupation" },
	{ kDS1AttrSetupLocation,			"location" },
	{ kDS1AttrSetupAdvertising,			"spam" },
	{ kDS1AttrSetupAutoRegister,		"autoregister" },
	{ kDS1AttrPresetUserIsAdmin,		"preset_user_is_admin" },
	{ kDS1AttrPasswordServerLocation,	"passwordserverlocation" },
	{ kDSNAttrBootParams,				"bootparams" },
	{ kDSNAttrNetGroups,				"netgroups" },
	{ kDSNAttrRecordAlias, 				"RecordAlias" }

/* Static globals */
tDirReference		gDirRef			= 0;
tDirNodeReference   gNodeRef		= 0;
int					gDSRunState		= 0;
int					gCheckDSStarted = 0;
syslock			   *gDSInitLock		= NULL;
static void __attribute__((constructor)) createInitLock(void)
	gDSInitLock = syslock_new(0);

/* Static consts */
static const unsigned long kBuffSize = 2048;  //starting size for the data buffer which can grow to accomodate returns

typedef struct
	time_t gSeconds;
	int gTimeToLive;
	dynainfo *dyna;
} agent_private;

static int
	struct stat statResult;
	 * ONLY if custom search policy is set then use DirectoryService
	if (stat("/var/run/.DSRunningSP3", &statResult) == 0)
		return 1;
	return 0;

static int
canWeWork(agent_private *ap, int forceReCheck)
	tDirStatus status = eDSNoErr;
	tDataList *pDataList = NULL;
	tDataBuffer *pDataBuff = NULL;
	tDirReference dirRef = 0;
	tDirNodeReference nodeRef = 0;
	unsigned long count = 0;
	time_t timenow = 0;
	SCDynamicStoreRef aSCDStore = NULL;
	CFPropertyListRef aList = NULL;


	/* don't want lookupd to kick start DS ie. let another process start it up */
	/* can we use instead the mach port lookup of the DS running port to be added later to DS */
	if (gCheckDSStarted == 0)
		/* use CFStringRef instead of CFSTR since we can be multi-threaded and use no mutex */
		CFStringRef storeString = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, "DirectoryService", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		aSCDStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL, storeString, NULL, NULL);
		if (aSCDStore == NULL) return 0;
		CFStringRef storePIDString = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, "DirectoryService:PID", kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
		aList = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue( aSCDStore, storePIDString );
		if (aList == NULL)
			return 0;
		gCheckDSStarted = 1;

	timenow = time(NULL);

	/* Is it time to check or continue with past state */
	if ( (ap->gSeconds > timenow) && (forceReCheck == 0) )
		/* Continuing with current state */
		/* If DS was not running then return */
		if (!gDSRunState)
			return 0;
		/* Else DS is running so we continue below to see if we have proper references */
		/* Time to check */
		/* Don't bother if DS isn't running or DS should NOT be re-started */
		if (doWeUseDS() == 0)
			gDSRunState = 0;
			/* Set the time to the future */
			ap->gSeconds = timenow + 30;

			return 0;
		/* Else DS is running so we continue below to get the proper references */
	gDSRunState = 1;

	/* Set the time to the future */
	ap->gSeconds = timenow + 30;

	/* verify that we have a valid dir ref otherwise get a new one */
	if ((gDirRef == 0) || (dsVerifyDirRefNum(gDirRef) != eDSNoErr))
		gDirRef = 0;
		gNodeRef = 0;

		/* Open DirectoryService */
		status = dsOpenDirService(&dirRef);
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
			system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: *** Error *** %s: %s() error = %d.", __LINE__ , "cww", "dsOpenDirService failed", status);
			gDSRunState = 0;
			return 0;
			gDirRef = dirRef;

	/* verify that we have a valid search node ref otherwise we get a new one */
	if (gNodeRef == 0)
		/* Allocate the data buffer to be used here - 512 chars max for search node name */
		pDataBuff = dsDataBufferAllocate(gDirRef, 512);
		if (pDataBuff == NULL)
			gDirRef = 0;
			gDSRunState = 0;
			return 0;

		/* Get the search node */
		status = dsFindDirNodes(gDirRef, pDataBuff, NULL, eDSSearchNodeName, &count, NULL);

		/* if error or expecting only one search node returned */
		if ((status != eDSNoErr) || (count != 1))
			system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: *** Error *** %s: %s() error = %d.", __LINE__, "cww", "dsFindDirNodes can't get search node", status);
			dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuff);
			gDirRef = 0;
			gDSRunState = 0;
			return 0;

		/* Now get the search node name so we can open it - index is one based */
		status = dsGetDirNodeName(gDirRef, pDataBuff, 1, &pDataList);
		if (status != eDSNoErr)
			dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuff);
			dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pDataList);
			gDirRef = 0;
			gDSRunState = 0;
			return 0;

		/* Open the search node */
		status = dsOpenDirNode(gDirRef, pDataList, &nodeRef);
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pDataList);

		if (status == eDSNoErr)
			system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: %s.", __LINE__, "cww", "Search node opened");
			gNodeRef = nodeRef;
			dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuff);
			gDirRef = 0;
			gDSRunState = 0;
			return 0;

		/* Deallocate the temp buff */
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuff);

	 * if DS is running then we use it since in the case of NetInfo default DS can resolve aliases and
	 * lookupd will have consulted NetInfo directly already and not found anything if it makes it here
	system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu, gDirRef= %lu, gNodeRef= %lu.", __LINE__, "canWeWork", (unsigned long)ap, gDirRef, gNodeRef);
	gDSRunState = 1;
	return 1;

static char *
mapDSAttrToNetInfoType(const char *inAttrType)
	int i = 0;
	char *outResult = NULL;
	unsigned long uiStdLen = strlen(kDSStdAttrTypePrefix); 

	if (inAttrType == NULL) return NULL;

	if (strncmp(inAttrType, kDSStdAttrTypePrefix, uiStdLen) == 0)
		for (i = 0; i < kAttrConsts; i++)
			if (strcmp(inAttrType, sAttrMap[i][0]) == 0)
				outResult = (char *)sAttrMap[i][1];

	return outResult;

static char *
mapNetInfoAttrToDSType(const char *inAttrType)
	int i = 0;
	char *outResult = NULL;

	if (inAttrType == NULL) return NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < kAttrConsts; i++)
		if (strcmp(inAttrType, sAttrMap[i][1]) == 0)
			outResult = (char *)sAttrMap[i][0];

	return outResult;

static char *
mapNetInfoRecToDSType(LUCategory inCategory)
	system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: mapNetInfoRecToDSType: *** category: %d", __LINE__, inCategory);
	switch (inCategory)
		case LUCategoryUser: return(kDSStdRecordTypeUsers);
		case LUCategoryGroup: return(kDSStdRecordTypeGroups);
		case LUCategoryHost: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryNetwork: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryService: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryProtocol: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryRpc: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryMount: return(kDSStdRecordTypeMounts);
		case LUCategoryPrinter: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryBootparam: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryBootp: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryAlias: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryNetDomain: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryEthernet: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryNetgroup: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryInitgroups: return NULL;
		case LUCategoryHostServices: return NULL;
			system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: *** Warning *** Unmapped category: %d", __LINE__, "mapNetInfoRecToDSType", inCategory);
			return NULL;

	return NULL;

static dsrecord *
dsrecordFromDS(agent_private *ap, tDataBuffer *buf, int which)
	dsrecord *item;
	dsdata *d;
	dsattribute *a;
	tDirStatus status;
	tAttributeListRef attrListRef;
	tRecordEntry *pRecEntry;
	tAttributeEntry *pAttrEntry;
	tAttributeValueListRef valueRef;
	tAttributeValueEntry *pValueEntry;
	char *pNIKey;
	int i, j;

	attrListRef = 0;
	pRecEntry = NULL;

	status = dsGetRecordEntry(gNodeRef, buf, which, &attrListRef, &pRecEntry);
	if (status != eDSNoErr) return NULL;

	item = dsrecord_new();

	for (i = 1; i <= pRecEntry->fRecordAttributeCount; i++)
		pAttrEntry = NULL;
		valueRef = 0;

		status = dsGetAttributeEntry(gNodeRef, buf, attrListRef, i, &valueRef, &pAttrEntry);
		if (status != eDSNoErr) continue;
		pNIKey = mapDSAttrToNetInfoType(pAttrEntry->fAttributeSignature.fBufferData);
		if (pNIKey == NULL)
			dsDeallocAttributeEntry(gDirRef, pAttrEntry);

		d = cstring_to_dsdata(pNIKey);
		a = dsattribute_new(d);

		dsrecord_append_attribute(item, a, SELECT_ATTRIBUTE);

		for (j = 1; j <= pAttrEntry->fAttributeValueCount; j++)
			pValueEntry = NULL;
			status = dsGetAttributeValue(gNodeRef, buf, j, valueRef, &pValueEntry);
			if (status != eDSNoErr) continue;

			d = cstring_to_dsdata(pValueEntry->fAttributeValueData.fBufferData);
			dsattribute_append(a, d);

			dsDeallocAttributeValueEntry(gDirRef, pValueEntry);


		dsDeallocAttributeEntry(gDirRef, pAttrEntry);

	dsDeallocRecordEntry(gDirRef, pRecEntry);

	return item;

static void
add_validation(dsrecord *r, int ttl)
	dsdata *d;
	dsattribute *a;
	time_t best_before;
	char str[32];

	if (r == NULL) return;

	d = cstring_to_dsdata("_lookup_validation");
	dsrecord_remove_key(r, d, SELECT_ATTRIBUTE);

	a = dsattribute_new(d);
	dsrecord_append_attribute(r, a, SELECT_ATTRIBUTE);


	best_before = time(0) + ttl;
	sprintf(str, "%lu", best_before);

	d = cstring_to_dsdata(str);
	dsattribute_append(a, d);


DS_query(void *c, dsrecord *pattern, dsrecord **list)
	agent_private *ap;
	u_int32_t cat;
	dsattribute *a;
	dsdata *k;
	dsrecord *lastrec;
	dsrecord *item = NULL;
	int match;
	tDirStatus status;
	char *pDSRecType, *catname;
	int i, idx;
	unsigned long ulRecCount = 0;
	unsigned long ulValidationStamp = 0;
	tDataList *pRecName = NULL, *pRecType = NULL, *pAttrType = NULL;
	tContextData pContext = NULL;
	tDataBuffer *pDataBuffer;
	int searchOnName = 0; /* if 1 we use dsGetRecordList else we use dsDoAttributeValueSearch */
	tDataNode *pAttrSearchType = NULL, *pAttrSearchValue = NULL;
	int forceDSReCheckForMountQueries = 0;

	if (c == NULL) return 1;
	if (pattern == NULL) return 1;
	if (list == NULL) return 1;

	ap = (agent_private *)c;

	*list = NULL;
	lastrec = NULL;

	k = cstring_to_dsdata(CATEGORY_KEY);
	a = dsrecord_attribute(pattern, k, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);

	if (a == NULL) return 1;
	if (a->count == 0) return 1;
	dsrecord_remove_attribute(pattern, a, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);

	catname = dsdata_to_cstring(a->value[0]);
	if (catname == NULL)
		return 1;

	cat = atoi(catname);

	pDSRecType = mapNetInfoRecToDSType(cat);
	if (pDSRecType == NULL) return 1;
	//we make sure that if a mount query comes in that we always recheck immediately to see if DS adds value
	if (cat == LUCategoryMount)
		forceDSReCheckForMountQueries = 1;

	/* we actually need to check DS (in our possible return 1 series)last since other conditions will drop us out */
	/* of the search (like we don't service certain record types) before we grab a DS FW mutex ie. in dsVerifyRefNum */
	if (canWeWork(ap, forceDSReCheckForMountQueries) == 0) return 1;

	k = cstring_to_dsdata(STAMP_KEY);
	a = dsrecord_attribute(pattern, k, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);
	if (a != NULL)
		dsrecord_remove_attribute(pattern, a, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);
		ulValidationStamp = 1;

	if (ulValidationStamp == 1)
		*list = dsrecord_new();
		add_validation(*list, ap->gTimeToLive);
		return 0;

	k = cstring_to_dsdata(SINGLE_KEY);
	a = dsrecord_attribute(pattern, k, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);
	if (a != NULL)
		dsrecord_remove_attribute(pattern, a, SELECT_META_ATTRIBUTE);
		/* only retrieve a single record for this search */
		/* therefore preset the record count to 1 */
		ulRecCount = 1;

	if (pattern->count == 0)
        searchOnName = 1;
	/* check if the "name" is in the pattern for our search */
	for (i = 0; i < pattern->count; i++)
		a = pattern->attribute[i];
		if (a != NULL)
			if (a->key != NULL)
				if (a->key->data != NULL)
					system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu search on attr type = %s.", __LINE__, "DS_query", (unsigned long)ap, a->key->data);
					if (strcmp(a->key->data,"name") == 0)
						if (a->value != NULL)
							searchOnName = 1;
							pRecName = dsDataListAllocate(gDirRef);
							/* for (idx = 0; idx < a->count; idx++) */
							if (a->count > 0)
								idx = 0;
								/* don't need all the values provided here since we do an exact match later */
								/* then each of the values must be present - so we need search only on the first */
								/* we keep the code here in case the logic of multiple values becomes OR not the current AND */
								if (dsdata_to_cstring(a->value[idx]) != NULL)
									dsAppendStringToListAlloc(gDirRef, pRecName, a->value[idx]->data);
									system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu search on attr type value = %s.", __LINE__, "DS_query", (unsigned long)ap, a->value[idx]->data);
	if (searchOnName == 0) /* if not searching on name */
		/* grab first pattern for our search call to DS */
		for (i = 0; i < pattern->count; i++)
			a = pattern->attribute[i];
			if (a != NULL)
				if (a->key != NULL)
					if (a->key->data != NULL)
						if (a->value != NULL)
							/* for (idx = 0; idx < a->count; idx++) */
							if (a->count > 0)
								idx = 0;
								/* can't use all the values provided here but do an exact match later */
								/* then each of the values must be present - so we need search only on the first */
								/* we keep the code here in case the logic of multiple values becomes OR not the current AND */
								if (dsdata_to_cstring(a->value[idx]) != NULL)
									system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu search on attr type value = %s of type = %s.", __LINE__, "DS_query", (unsigned long)ap, a->value[idx]->data, a->key->data);
									pAttrSearchValue = dsDataNodeAllocateString(gDirRef, a->value[idx]->data);
									if (pAttrSearchValue == NULL)
										return 1;
							/* grab the attr type as well - make sure it is a DS type*/
								pAttrSearchType = dsDataNodeAllocateString(gDirRef, mapNetInfoAttrToDSType(a->key->data));
							if (pAttrSearchType == NULL)
								if (pAttrSearchValue == NULL)
									dsDataNodeDeAllocate(gDirRef, pAttrSearchValue);
								return 1;
	/* check that we are looking for recName */
	if (pRecName != NULL)
		/* case where "name" was found in pattern but can't extract string out of value */
		if (dsDataListGetNodeCount(pRecName) == 0)
			dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecName);
			pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSRecordsAll, NULL);
	else if (searchOnName == 1)
		/* case where no "name" pattern was provided for match */
		if (pattern->count == 0)
			pRecName = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSRecordsAll, NULL);
			/* this means we have already built the args for dsDoAttrValueSearch instead of dsGetRecordList */

	/* And all attributes since this is required by the cache agent for subsequent calls */
	//let's only retrieve what is really needed for the libInfo calls
	if (strcmp(pDSRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeUsers) == 0)
		//native netinfo type "class" is not mapped
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSNAttrRecordName, kDS1AttrPassword, kDS1AttrPasswordPlus, kDS1AttrDistinguishedName, kDS1AttrNFSHomeDirectory, kDS1AttrUserShell, kDS1AttrUniqueID, kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, kDS1AttrChange, kDS1AttrExpire, NULL);
	else if (strcmp(pDSRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeGroups) == 0)
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSNAttrRecordName, kDS1AttrPassword, kDS1AttrPrimaryGroupID, kDSNAttrGroupMembership, NULL);
	else if (strcmp(pDSRecType, kDSStdRecordTypeMounts) == 0)
		//native netinfo type "type" is not mapped
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSNAttrRecordName, kDS1AttrVFSLinkDir, kDS1AttrVFSType, kDSNAttrVFSOpts, kDS1AttrVFSDumpFreq, kDS1AttrVFSPassNo, NULL);
		pAttrType = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, kDSAttributesStandardAll, NULL);
	if (pAttrType == NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecName);
		return 1;

	/* Of this record type */
	pRecType = dsBuildListFromStrings(gDirRef, pDSRecType, NULL);
	if (pDSRecType != NULL)
		/* DON'T free this since it is a constant returned from mapNetInfoRecToDSType */
		pDSRecType = NULL;

	if (pRecType == NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pAttrType);

		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecName);

		return 1;

	pDataBuffer = dsDataBufferAllocate(gDirRef, kBuffSize);
	if (pDataBuffer == NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pAttrType);

		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecName);

		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecType);

		return 1;

			if (searchOnName == 1)
				system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu dsGetRecordList.", __LINE__, "DS_query", (unsigned long)ap);
				status = dsGetRecordList(gNodeRef, pDataBuffer, pRecName, eDSExact, pRecType, pAttrType, 0, &ulRecCount, &pContext);
				system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "-- DS: %d: %s: ap= %lu dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData.", __LINE__, "DS_query", (unsigned long)ap);
				status = dsDoAttributeValueSearchWithData(gNodeRef, pDataBuffer, pRecType, pAttrSearchType, eDSExact, pAttrSearchValue, pAttrType, 0, &ulRecCount, &pContext);

			if (status == eDSBufferTooSmall)
				unsigned long bufSize = pDataBuffer->fBufferSize;
				dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuffer);
				pDataBuffer = NULL;
				pDataBuffer = dsDataBufferAllocate(gDirRef, bufSize * 2);
		} while (status == eDSBufferTooSmall);
		/* If the node ref is invalid then reset it to zero */
		if (status == eDSInvalidNodeRef) gNodeRef = 0;			

		/* Check for error and at least one record found. */
		if ((status == eDSNoErr) && (ulRecCount != 0))
			for (i = 1; i <= ulRecCount; i++)
				item = dsrecordFromDS(ap, pDataBuffer, i);
				if (item != NULL)
					match = dsrecord_match(item, pattern);
					if (match == 1)
						add_validation(item, ap->gTimeToLive);

						if (*list == NULL) *list = dsrecord_retain(item);
						else lastrec->next = dsrecord_retain(item);

						lastrec = item;
	} while ((status == eDSNoErr) && (pContext != NULL));

	if (pRecType != NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecType);

	if (pAttrType != NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pAttrType);

	if (pRecName != NULL)
		dsDataListDeallocate(gDirRef, pRecName);

	if (pDataBuffer != NULL)
		dsDataBufferDeAllocate(gDirRef, pDataBuffer);
		pDataBuffer = NULL;

	if (pAttrSearchType != NULL)
		dsDataNodeDeAllocate(gDirRef, pAttrSearchType);
		pAttrSearchType = NULL;
	if (pAttrSearchValue != NULL)
		dsDataNodeDeAllocate(gDirRef, pAttrSearchValue);
		pAttrSearchValue = NULL;
	return 0;


DS_new(void **c, char *args, dynainfo *d)
	agent_private *ap;
	dsrecord *r;
	dsattribute *a;
	dsdata *x;
	int status;

	if (c == NULL) return 1;

	ap = (agent_private *)malloc(sizeof(agent_private));
	*c = ap;

	/* Can DS do the work or are we a noop */
	//gDSRunState = 0;

	/* How long before we check our run state */
	ap->gSeconds = 0;
	/* Have we verified that DS is already running */
	//ap->gCheckDSStarted = 0;

	/* DS reference and search node reference are globals since DS FW is single threaded */
	//gDirRef = 0;
	//gNodeRef = 0;

	ap->dyna = d;

	system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Allocated DS 0x%08x\n", (int)ap);

	ap->gTimeToLive = DefaultTimeToLive;

	r = NULL;

	if (ap->dyna != NULL)
		if (ap->dyna->dyna_config_agent != NULL)
			status = (ap->dyna->dyna_config_agent)(ap->dyna, -1, &r);
			if (status == 0)
				x = cstring_to_dsdata("TimeToLive");
				a = dsrecord_attribute(r, x, SELECT_ATTRIBUTE);
				if (a != NULL)
					x = dsattribute_value(a, 0);
					if (x != NULL)
						ap->gTimeToLive = atoi(dsdata_to_cstring(x));

	return 0;

DS_free(void *c)
	agent_private *ap;

	if (c == NULL) return 0;

	ap = (agent_private *)c;

	system_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Deallocated DS 0x%08x\n", (int)ap);

	c = NULL;

	return 0;

DS_validate(void *c, char *v)
	u_int32_t t;

	if (v == NULL) return 0;

	t = atoi(v);

	if (time(0) > t) return 0;

	return 1;