
The script mysql_notify.pl also logs the notification, but in addition # it looks up the username in a DB table in order to get additional information # about the user. This could be used, for example, to get a user's instant messaging # address from a database in order to send a notification message. # mysql_notify.pl requires a file /etc/notify that contains # three lines: the DSN, username, and password to connect to the database. use IO::Socket; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use Net::Server::Prefork; use Unix::Syslog qw(:macros :subs); use strict; # A file containing the DSN, root username, and password for the root username use constant CONFIGFILE=>'/etc/notify_unix'; # The table to look up the user's notification address in use constant USERS_TABLE => 'Users'; # The field name in the table that contains the user's email user id # (must be unique.) use constant USER_FLD => 'UserName'; # The field name in the table that contains the user's notification address use constant NOTIFY_FLD => 'NotifyAddr'; #------------------------------------------------------------ # Grab login params from command line open (CONFIG, '<'.CONFIGFILE) || die 'Failed to open config file '.CONFIGFILE; chomp (my ($D_DSN, $D_LOGIN, $D_PASSWORD) = ); close CONFIG; my ($dbh,$sth) = undef; Unix::Syslog::openlog('notify_unix', LOG_PID | LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON); my $Server = Net::Server::Prefork->new; $Server->set_path('/var/imap/'); $Server->set_pid_name('notify_unix.pid'); $Server->set_socket_name('socket/notify'); $Server->set_log_name("notify_unix"); $Server->set_num_prefork(5); $Server->set_user(scalar getpwnam('cyrus')); $Server->set_group(scalar getgrnam('mail')); $Server->set_on_connect(\&sql_notify); $Server->start(); $sth->finish() if $sth; $dbh->disconnect if $dbh; sub db_connect { # Create connection to database. # This doesn't do anything if already connected. if (!$dbh || $DBI::errstr || !$dbh->{Active}) { Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "Connecting to database", 0; $sth->finish() if $sth; $dbh->disconnect() if $dbh; $dbh = undef; # Some drivers (e.g. DBD::Sybase) need this $dbh = DBI->connect ($D_DSN, $D_LOGIN, $D_PASSWORD) || syslog LOG_ERR, 'Failed to connect to database'; # Create statement handle if ($dbh) { $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT ' .NOTIFY_FLD. ' FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' .USER_FLD. '=?' ) || syslog LOG_ERR, 'Failed to create statement handle'; } } # If anything didn't work, wait a while and try again if ($DBI::errstr) { Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, "No DB connection--reconnecting", 0; sleep 10; # Avoids recursion with a 'goto' (I think)--avoid filling up stack space goto &db_connect; } } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Get the password corresponding with this user sub get_rows { my $username=$_[0]; my @rows=undef; db_connect(); # Try and exec the query. If we can't, we've probably lost our DB connection... while (!$sth->execute($username)) { # ... so wait a while and get it back. sleep 10; db_connect(); } if (defined $DBI::errstr) { Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, $DBI::errstr; return (); } @rows=$sth->fetchrow_array; return @rows; } sub sql_notify { my $sock = shift; my $Class = $sock->getline(); my $Instance = $sock->getline(); my $User = $sock->getline(); my $Mailbox = $sock->getline(); my $Message = join("\n",$sock->getlines()); # Hmmm... there seems to be a trailling space we have to remove... $User =~ s/\s$//; my @rows = get_rows($User); $#rows<1 || syslog LOG_ERR, "Non-unique rows for user $User"; my $row = $rows[0]; # Do the notification, if we successfully looked up the user in the DB if ($row) { ############################## ### TODO: Do notification here ############################## syslog LOG_ERR, "Notification for $User with $row"; } $sock->close; }