draft-weltman-java-sasl-02.txt   [plain text]

    Internet Draft                                    Rob Weltman
                                                        Netscape Communications Corp.
                                                      Rosanna Lee
  draft-weltman-java-sasl-02.txt                        Sun Microsystems
                                                      Rob Earhart
                                                        Carnegie Mellon
                                                        June 4, 1999

              The Java SASL Application Program Interface

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Task Force
   (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups
   may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at


   This document defines a client-side and a server-side Java language
   interface for using the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
   (SASL) mechanisms for adding authentication support to connection-
   based protocols. The interface promotes sharing of SASL mechanism
   drivers and security layers between applications using different
   protocols. It complements but does not replace [SASL], which defines
   and exemplifies use of the SASL protocol in a language-independent

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1    Overview of the SASL classes..........................5
1.1  Interfaces     .......................................5
1.2  Classes        .......................................5
2    Overview of SASL API Use..............................6
3    The java SASL classes.................................7
3.1  public class Sasl.....................................7
3.1.1     createSaslClient.................................7
3.1.2     setSaslClientFactory.............................9
3.1.3     createSaslServer.................................9
3.1.4     setSaslServerFactory............................10
3.2  public interface SaslClient..........................11
3.2.1     createInitialResponse...........................11
3.2.2     evaluateChallenge...............................11
3.2.3     isComplete......................................11
3.2.4     getSecurityLayer................................11
3.2.5     getMechanismName................................12
3.3  public interface SaslClientFactory...................12
3.3.1     createSaslClient................................12
3.3.2     getMechanismNames...............................13
3.4  public interface SaslServer..........................13
3.4.1     evaluateResponse................................13
3.4.2     isComplete......................................14
3.4.3     getSecurityLayer................................14
3.4.4     getMechanismName................................14
3.4.5     getAuthorizationID..............................14
3.5  public interface SaslServerFactory...................15
3.5.1     createSaslServer................................15
3.5.2     getMechanismNames...............................16
3.6  public class SaslException...........................16
3.6.1     Constructors....................................16
3.6.2     getException....................................17
3.6.3     printStackTrace.................................17
3.7  public interface SecurityLayer.......................17
3.7.1         encode......................................17
3.7.2         decode......................................18
4    Security Considerations..............................19
5    Bibliography   ......................................19
6    Authors' Addresses...................................19
7    Acknowledgements.....................................19
8    Appendix A - Sample java LDAP program using SASL.....20
9    Appendix B - Changes from java-sasl-01.txt...........24

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   See [SASL], section 3, for an introduction to and overview of the
   SASL framework for authentication and negotiation of a security
   layer. The following presents an outline of the concepts.

    ---------------     -------------------      -----------------
    | Application |-----| Protocol Driver |------| MD5           |
    ---------------     -------------------   |  -----------------
                                              |  -----------------
                                              |--| Kerberos v5   |
                                              |  -----------------
                                              |  -----------------
                                              |--| PKCS-11       |
                                              |  -----------------
                                              |  - - - - - - - - -
                                              |--| xxxYYYxxx     |
                                                 - - - - - - - - -

   An application chooses a Protocol Driver specific to the protocol it
   wants to use, and specifies one or more acceptable mechanisms. The
   Protocol Driver controls the socket, and knows the format/packaging
   of bytes sent down and received from the socket, but does not know
   how to authenticate or to encrypt/ decrypt the bytes. It uses one of
   the Mechanism Drivers to help it perform authentication. The
   Protocol Driver examines each byte string received from the server
   during the authentication in a protocol-specific way to determine if
   the authentication process has been completed. If not, the byte
   string is passed to the Mechanism Driver to be interpreted as a
   server challenge; the Mechanism Driver returns an appropriate
   response, which the Protocol Driver can encode in a protocol-
   specific way and return to the server.

   If the Protocol Driver concludes from the byte string received from
   the server that authentication is complete, it may query the
   Mechanism Driver if it considers the authentication process
   complete, in order to thwart early completion messages inserted by
   an intruder.

   On completed authentication, the Protocol Driver may receive from
   the Mechanism Driver a Security Layer object. From this point on,
   any data exchanged throught the socket is passed to the Security
   Layer object for encoding/decoding.

   A complication here is that some authentication methods may require
   additional user/application input.  That means that a Mechanism
   Driver may need to call up to an application during the
   authentication process. To satisfy this requirement, the application

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   can supply a javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler instance
   [JAAS] that can be used by the Mechanism Driver to prompt the user
   for additional input.

   Protocol Drivers are protocol-dependent, and may be built in to a
   protocol package or an application. There is a generalized framework
   for registering and finding Mechanism Drivers. The framework uses a
   factory to produce an appropriate Mechanism Driver. The factory may
   be preconfigured, explicitly specified by the caller, specified as a
   list of packages by the caller, or be identified based on a list of
   packages in the System properties.

   The Mechanism Drivers are protocol-independent, and don't deal
   directly with network connections, just byte arrays, so they can be
   implemented in a generalizable way for all protocols.

   A Security Layer Driver typically inherits a state object from the
   Mechanism Driver, where parameters and resolutions reached during
   authentication have been stored.

   Different Mechanism Drivers may require different parameters to
   carry out the authentication process. This is handled by passing a
   java.util.Hashtable object as an argument to instantiation methods.

   In the following discussion, 'client' refers to the client-side
   protocol driver that is using the SASL mechanism while 'server'
   refers to the server-side protocol driver that is using the SASL

   In the Java SASL environment, the SaslClient interface represents
   the client's view of the Mechanism Driver, while the SaslServer
   interface represents the server's view.

   ---------------                                     ---------------
   | Application |--+                               +--|   Server    |
   ---------------  |                               |  ---------------
                    |                               |
       -------------------                       -------------------
       | Protocol Driver |--+   <- - - - ->   +--| Protocol Driver |
       -------------------  |                 |  -------------------
                            |                 |
                 -------------------     -------------------
                 |   SaslClient    |     |    SaslServer   |
                 -------------------     -------------------
                               |              |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------
          | MD5           |----|              |---| MD5           |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------
                               |              |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------
          | Kerberos v5   |----|              |---| Kerberos v5   |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------
                               |              |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------

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          | PKCS-11       |----|              |---| PKCS-11       |
          -----------------    |              |   -----------------
                               |              |
          - - - - - - - - -    |              |   - - - - - - - - -
          | xxxYYYxxx     |----+              +---| xxxYYYxxx     |
          - - - - - - - - -                       - - - - - - - - -

   A client using the Java SASL API may communicate with any server
   implementing the SASL protocol, and a server may use the API to
   process authentication requests from any client using the SASL
   protocol. It is not required that both sides use the same language

1     Overview of the SASL classes

1.1   Interfaces

   SaslClient                  Performs SASL authentication as a

   SaslClientFactory           An interface for creating instances of
                               SaslClient. It is not normally accessed
                               directly by a client, which will use the
                               Sasl static methods instead. However, a
                               particular environment may provide and
                               install a new or different

   SaslServer                  Performs SASL authentication as a

   SaslServerFactory           An interface for creating instances of
                               SaslServer. It is not normally accessed
                               directly by a server, which will use the
                               Sasl static methods instead. However, a
                               particular environment may provide and
                               install a new or different

   SecurityLayer               An interface for encoding and decoding

1.2   Classes

   Sasl                        A static class for creating SASL clients
                               and servers. It transparently locates
                               and uses any available

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   SaslException               Exception thrown on errors and failures
                               in the authentication process.

2     Overview of SASL API Use

   An application generally uses the SASL API as follows:

   -    Pass a list of acceptable or known Mechanisms to
        Sasl.createSaslClient. The method returns an object
        implementing SaslClient on success.

   -    Create an object implementing the client authentication
        callback interfaces, which can provide credentials when
        required by the SaslClient.

   -    Have the SaslClient object begin the authentication process by
        providing an initial server response, if the protocol supports
        an initial response.

   -    Responses/challenges are exchanged with the server. If a
        response indicates authentication has completed, SaslClient is
        queried for validation, and a SecurityLayer object may be
        obtained from it. If not, the SaslClient is queried for an
        appropriate next response to the server. This continues until
        authentication has completed.

   -    For the rest of the session, messages to the server are encoded
        first by the Security Layer (if one has been provided by
        SaslClient), and messages from the server are decoded by it
        before processing in the application.

   A server generally uses the SASL API as follows:

   -    It receives a request from the client requesting authentication
        for a particular SASL mechanism, accompanied by an optional
        an initial response.

   -    It processes the initial response and generates a challenge
        specific for the SASL mechanism to be sent back to the client
        if the response is processed successfully. If the response is
        not processed successfully, it sends an error to the client and
        terminates the authentication session.

   -    Responses/challenges are exchanged with the client. If the
        server cannot successful process a response, the server sends
        an error to the client and terminates the authentication. If
        the server has completed the authentication and has no more
        challenges to send, it sends a success indication to the

   -    If the authentication has completed successfully, the server
        extracts the authorization ID of the client from the SaslServer

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        instance (if appropriate) to be used for subsequent access
        control checks.

   -    For the rest of the session, messages to and from the client
        are encoded and decoded by the Security Layer, if one has been
        provided by SaslServer.

   The following sections describe the SASL classes in more detail.

3     The Java SASL classes

3.1   public class Sasl

   A class capable of providing a SaslClient or SaslServer.

3.1.1 createSaslClient

   public static SaslClient
   createSaslClient(String[] mechanisms,
                    String authorizationID,
                    String protocol,
                    String serverName,
                    Hashtable props,
                    javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler cbh)
                    throws SaslException

   Creates a SaslClient using the parameters supplied. It returns null
   if no SaslClient can be created using the parameters supplied.
   Throws SaslException if it cannot create a SaslClient because of an

   The algorithm for selection is as follows:

      1.If a factory has been installed via setSaslClientFactory(), try
        it first. If non-null answer produced, return it.
      2.Use the packages listed in the javax.security.sasl.client.pkgs
        property from props to load in a factory and try to create a
        SaslClient, by looking for a class named ClientFactory. Repeat
        this for each package on the list until a non-null answer is
        produced. If non-null answer produced, return it.
      3.Repeat previous step using the javax.security.sasl.client.pkgs
        System property.
      4.If no non-null answer produced, return null.

   Parameters are:

      mechanisms     The non-null list of mechanism names to try. Each
                      is the IANA-registered name of a SASL mechanism.
                      (e.g. "GSSAPI", "CRAM-MD5").

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      authorizationIDThe possibly null protocol-dependent
                      identification to be used for authorization, e.g.
                      user name or distinguished name. When the SASL
                      authentication completes successfully, the entity
                      named by authorizationId is granted access. If
                      null, access is granted to a protocol-dependent
                      default (for example, in LDAP this is the DN in
                      the bind request).

      protocol       The non-null string name of the protocol for
                      which the authentication is being performed, e.g
                      "pop", "ldap".

      serverName     The non-null fully qualified host name of the
                      server to authenticate to.

      props          The possibly null additional configuration
                      properties for the session, e.g.

           javax.security.sasl.encryption.minimum  Minimum key length;
                                                    default "0" (no
                                                    protection). "1"
                                                    means integrity
                                                    protection only.

           javax.security.sasl.encryption.maximum  Maximum key length;
                                                    default "256".

           javax.security.sasl.server.authentication   "true" if
                                                    server must
                                                    authenticate to
                                                    client; default

           javax.security.sasl.ip.local            IP address in
                                                    dotted decimal
                                                    format, for
                                                    kerberos v4; no

           javax.security.sasl.ip.remote           IP address in
                                                    dotted decimal
                                                    format, for
                                                    kerberos v4; no

           javax.security.sasl.maxbuffer           Maximum size of
                                                    security layer
                                                    frames; default "0"
                                                    (client will
                                                    not use the
                                                    security layer).

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           javax.security.sasl.client.pkgs         A space-separated
                                                    list of package
                                                    names to use when
                                                    locating a

      cbh            The possibly null callback handler to used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to get further information  from
                      the application/library to complete the
                      authentication. For example, a SASL mechanism
                      might require the authentication ID and password
                      from the caller. The authentication ID may be
                      requested with a NameCallback, and the password
                      with a PasswordCallback.

3.1.2 setSaslClientFactory

   public static void
   setSaslClientFactory(SaslClientFactory fac)

   Sets the default SaslClientFactory to use. This method sets fac to
   be the default factory. It can only be called with a non-null value
   once per VM. If a factory has been set already, this method throws

   Parameters are:

      fac            The possibly null factory to set. If null, it
                      doesn't do anything.

3.1.3 createSaslServer

   public static SaslServer
   createSaslServer(String mechanism,
                    String protocol,
                    String serverName,
                    Hashtable props,
                    javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler cbh)
                    throws SaslException

   This method creates a SaslServer for the specified mechanism. It
   returns null if no SaslServer can be created for the specified

   The algorithm for selection is as follows:

      1.If a factory has been installed via setSaslServerFactory(), try
        it first. If non-null answer produced, return it.
      2.Use the packages listed in the javax.security.sasl.server.pkgs
        property in props, if present, to load in a factory and try to
        create a SaslServer, by looking for a class named

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        ServerFactory. Repeat this for each package on the list until a
        non-null answer is produced. If non-null answer produced,
        return it.
      3.Use the packages listed in the javax.security.sasl.server.pkgs
        System property to load in a factory and try to create a
        SaslServer. Repeat this for each package on the list until a
        non-null answer is produced. If non-null answer produced,
        return it.
      4.If no non-null answer produced, return null.

   Parameters are:

      mechanism      A non-null IANA-registered name of a SASL
                      mechanism (e.g. "GSSAPI", "CRAM-MD5").

      protocol       The non-null string name of the protocol for
                      which the authentication is being performed, e.g
                      "pop", "ldap".

      serverName     The non-null fully qualified host name of the
                      server to authenticate to.

      props          The possibly null properties to be used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to configure the authentication
                      exchange. See Sasl.createSaslClient for examples
                      of properties.

      cbh            The possibly null callback handler to used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to get further information  from
                      the application/library to complete the
                      authentication. For example, a SASL mechanism
                      might require the authentication ID and password
                      from the caller. The authentication ID may be
                      requested with a NameCallback, and the password
                      with a PasswordCallback.

3.1.4 setSaslServerFactory

   public static void
   setSaslServerFactory(SaslServerFactory fac)

   Sets the default SaslServerFactory to use. This method sets fac to
   be the default factory. It can only be called with a non-null value
   once per VM. If a factory has been set already, this method throws

   Parameters are:

      fac            The possibly null factory to set. If null, it
                      doesn't do anything.

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3.2   public interface SaslClient

   An object implementing this interface can negotiate authentication
   using one of the IANA-registered mechanisms.

3.2.1 createInitialResponse

   public byte[]
   createInitialResponse() throws SaslException

   This method prepares a byte array to use for the initial response to
   start the authentication process. A SaslException is thrown if the
   driver cannot initiate authentication.  The return value may be
   null, indicating there is no initial response to send to the server.

3.2.2 evaluateChallenge

   public byte[]
   evaluateChallenge(byte[] challenge)
                    throws SaslException

   If a challenge is received from the server during the authentication
   process, this method is called to prepare an appropriate next
   response to submit to the server. The response is null if the
   challenge accompanied a "SUCCESS" status and the challenge only
   contains data for the client to update its state and no response
   needs to be sent to the server. A SaslException is thrown if an
   error occurred while processing the challenge or generating a

   Parameters are:

      challenge      The non-null challenge received from the server.

3.2.3 isComplete

   public boolean

   This method may be called at any time to determine if the
   authentication process is finished. Typically, the protocol driver
   will not do this until it has received something from the server
   which indicates (in a protocol-specific manner) that the process has

3.2.4 getSecurityLayer

   public SecurityLayer
   getSecurityLayer() throws SaslException

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   Once authentication is complete, this method may be called to obtain
   an object capable of encoding/decoding data content for the rest of
   the session. An exception is thrown if authentication is not yet
   complete. It may return null if the mechanism does not define a
   security layer, or if none was negotiated.

3.2.5 getMechanismName

   public String

   Report the IANA-registered name of the mechanism used by this
   client, e.g. "GSSAPI" or "CRAM-MD5".

3.3   public interface SaslClientFactory

   An object implementing this interface can provide a SaslClient.
   Implementations must be thread-safe and handle multiple simultaneous

3.3.1 createSaslClient

   public SaslClient
   createSaslClient(String[] mechanisms,
                    String authorizationID,
                    String protocol,
                    String serverName,
                    Hashtable props,
                    javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler cbh)
                    throws SaslException

   Creates a SaslClient using the parameters supplied. It returns null
   if no SaslClient can be created using the parameters supplied.
   Throws SaslException if it cannot create a SaslClient because of an

   Returns a possibly null SaslClient created using the parameters
   supplied. If null, this factory cannot produce a SaslClient using
   the parameters supplied.

      Parameters are:

      mechanisms     The non-null list of mechanism names to try. Each
                      is the IANA-registered name of a SASL mechanism.
                      (e.g. "GSSAPI", "CRAM-MD5").

      authorizationID The possibly null protocol-dependent
                      identification to be used for authorization, e.g.
                      user name or distinguished name. When the SASL
                      authentication completes successfully, the entity

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                      named by authorizationId is granted access. If
                      null, access is granted to a protocol-dependent
                      default (for example, in LDAP this is the DN in
                      the bind request).

      protocol       The non-null string name of the protocol for
                      which the authentication is being performed, e.g
                      "pop", "ldap".

      serverName     The non-null fully qualified host name of the
                      server to authenticate to.

      props          The possibly null properties to be used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to configure the authentication
                      exchange. See Sasl.createSaslClient for examples
                      of properties.

      cbh            The possibly null callback handler to used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to get further information  from
                      the application/library to complete the
                      authentication. For example, a SASL mechanism
                      might require the authentication ID and password
                      from the caller. The authentication ID may be
                      requested with a NameCallback, and the password
                      with a PasswordCallback.

3.3.2 getMechanismNames

   public String[]

   Returns a non-null array of names of mechanisms supported by this

3.4   public interface SaslServer

   An object implementing this interface can negotiate authentication
   using one of the IANA-registered mechanisms.

3.4.1 evaluateResponse

   public byte[]
   evaluateResponse(byte[] response)
                    throws SaslException

   If a response is received from the client during the authentication
   process, this method is called to prepare an appropriate next
   challenge to submit to the client. The challenge is null if the
   authentication has succeeded and no more challenge data is to be
   sent to the client. It is non-null if the authentication must be

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   continued by sending a challenge to the client, or if the
   authentication has succeeded but challenge data needs to be
   processed by the client. A SaslException is thrown if an error
   occurred while processing the response or generating a challenge.
   isComplete() should be called after each call to evaluateResponse(),
   to determine if any further response is needed from the client. The
   protocol driver will send an indication (in a protocol-specific
   manner) as to whether the authentication has succeeded, failed, or
   should be continued, and any accompanying challenge data.

   Parameters are:

      response       Non-null response received from client.

3.4.2 isComplete

   public boolean

   This method may be called at any time to determine if the
   authentication process is finished. This method is typically called
   after each invocation of evaluateResponse() to determine whether the
   authentication has completed successfully or should be continued.

3.4.3 getSecurityLayer

   public SecurityLayer
   getSecurityLayer() throws SaslException

   Once authentication is complete, this method may be called to obtain
   an object capable of encoding/decoding data content for the rest of
   the session. An exception is thrown if authentication is not yet
   complete. It may return null if the mechanism does not define a
   security layer, or if none was negotiated.

3.4.4 getMechanismName

   public String

   Returns the non-null IANA-registered name of the mechanism used by
   this server, e.g. "GSSAPI" or "CRAM-MD5".

3.4.5 getAuthorizationID

   public String

   Report the authorization ID in effect for the client of this
   session. If null, a protocol-dependent default is assumed.

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3.5   public interface SaslServerFactory

   An object implementing this interface can provide a SaslServer.
   Implementations must be thread-safe and handle multiple simultaneous

3.5.1 createSaslServer

   public SaslServer
   createSaslServer(String mechanism,
                    String protocol,
                    String serverName,
                    Hashtable props,
                    javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler cbh)
                    throws SaslException

   Creates a SaslServer using the mechanism supplied. It returns null
   if no SaslClient can be created using the parameters supplied.
   Throws SaslException if it cannot create a SaslClient because of an

   Returns a possibly null SaslServer which supports the specified
   mechanism. If null, this factory cannot produce a SaslServer for the
   specified mechanism.

      Parameters are:

      mechanism      The non-null IANA-registered name of a SASL
                      mechanism (e.g. "GSSAPI", "CRAM-MD5").

      protocol       The non-null string name of the protocol for
                      which the authentication is being performed, e.g
                      "pop", "ldap".

      serverName     The non-null fully qualified host name of the

      props          The possibly null properties to be used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to configure the authentication
                      exchange. See Sasl.createSaslClient for examples
                      of properties.

      cbh            The possibly null callback handler to used by the
                      SASL mechanisms to get further information  from
                      the application/library to complete the
                      authentication. For example, a SASL mechanism
                      might require the authentication ID and password
                      from the caller. The authentication ID may be
                      requested with a NameCallback, and the password
                      with a PasswordCallback.

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3.5.2 getMechanismNames

   public String[]

   Returns a non-null array of names of mechanisms supported by this

3.6   public class SaslException
   extends IOException

   Exception thrown on errors and failures in authentication.

3.6.1 Constructors

   public SaslException()

   Constructs a new instance of SaslException. The root exception and
   the detailed message are null.

   public SaslException(String message)

   Constructs a default exception with a detailed message and no root

   public SaslException(String messag,
                        Throwable ex)

   Constructs a new instance of SaslException with a detailed message
   and a root exception. For example, a SaslException might result from
   a problem with the callback handler, which might throw a
   NoSuchCallbackException if it does not support the requested
   callback, or throw an IOException if it had problems obtaining data
   for the callback. The SaslException's root exception would be then
   be the exception thrown by the callback handler.

   Parameters are:

      message        Possibly null additional detail about the

      ex             A possibly null root exception that caused this

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3.6.2 getException

   public Throwable

   Returns the possibly null root exception that caused this exception.

3.6.3 printStackTrace

   public void

   Prints this exception's stack trace to System.err. If this
   exception has a root exception, the stack trace of the root
   exception is printed to System.err instead.

   public void
   printStackTrace(PrintStream ps)

   Prints this exception's stack trace to a print stream. If this
   exception has a root exception, the stack trace of the root
   exception is printed to the print stream instead.

   public void
   printStackTrace(PrintWriter pw)

   Prints this exception's stack trace to a print writer. If this
   exception has a root exception, the stack trace of the root
   exception is printed to the print writer instead.

   Parameters are:

      ps             The non-null print stream to which to print.

      pw             The non-null print writer to which to print.

3.7 public interface SecurityLayer

   An object implementing this interface translates buffers back and
   forth during a session, after the authentication process has
   completed, to provide a security layer. The security layer may
   provide data integrity and/or session privacy.

3.7.1 encode

   public byte[]
   encode(byte[] inVals, int offset, int count) throws SASLException

   Take a protocol-dependent byte array and encode it (encrypt, for
   example) for sending to the server.

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   Parameters are:

      inVals         A request to be encoded before sending to the

      offset         The inclusive starting offset in the byte array
                      inVals to use. 0 <= offset < inVals.length.

      count          The number of bytes in inVals to use.
                      0 <= count < inVals.length-offset.

3.7.2 decode

   public byte[]
   decode(byte[] outVals, int offset, int count) throws SASLException

   Take an encoded byte array received from the server and decode it.

   Parameters are:

      outVals        A response received from the server, to be

      offset         The inclusive starting offset in the byte array
                      outVals to use. 0 <= offset < outVals.length.

      count          The number of bytes in outVals to use.
                      0 <= count < outVals.length-offset.

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4     Security Considerations

   When SASL authentication is performed over unsecured connections, it
   is possible for an active attacker to spoof the server's protocol-
   specific indication that authentication is complete.  Clients should
   protect against this attack by verifying the completion of
   authentication with the mechanism driver by calling the driver's
   isComplete() method.

   Additional security considerations are discussed in [SASL].

5     Bibliography

   [JAAS] Java Software, Sun Microsystems, Inc., "Java Authentication
        and Authorization Service," http://java.sun.com/security/jaas,
        March 1999.

   [SASL] J. Myers, "Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)",
        RFC 2222, October 1997

6     Authors' Addresses

      Rob Weltman
      Netscape Communications Corp.
      501 E. Middlefield Rd.
      Mail Stop MV-029
      Mountain View, CA 94043-4042
      Email: rweltman@netscape.com

      Rosanna Lee
      Sun Microsystems
      Mail Stop UCUP02-206
      901 San Antonio Road
      Palo Alto, CA  94303
      Email: rosanna.lee@eng.sun.com

      Rob Earhart
      Carnegie Mellon
      5000 Forbes Ave.
      Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
      Email: earhart@cmu.edu

7     Acknowledgements

   Scott Seligman of Sun Microsystems, Inc. contributed to the
   architecture and API proposed in this document.

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8     Appendix A - Sample java LDAP program using SASL

    It might look like this in LDAP. The Protocol Driver is
    implemented as part of the authenticate method of

   public class LDAPConnection {
     public void authenticate( String dn,
                               String[] mechs,
                               Hashtable props,
                               CallbackHandler cbh )
                               throws SaslException {

       // Create SASL client to use for authentication
       SaslClient saslClnt = Sasl.createSaslClient(
                   mechs, dn, "ldap", getHost(), props, cbh);

       if (saslClnt == null) {
           throw new SaslException("SASL client not available");

       String mechName = saslClnt.getMechanismName();
       byte[] response = saslClnt.createInitialResponse();

       // Create a bind request message, including the initial

       // response (if any), and send it off

       LDAPSASLBindResponse msg =

           writeRequest( new LDAPSASLBindRequest( dn, mechName,

                                                  response ) );

       // Get the server challenge
       LDAPSASLBindResponse msg = (LDAPSASLBindResponse)readResponse();
       // Authentication done?
       while (!saslClnt.isComplete() &&
              msg.getStatus() == LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) {
           // No, get an appropriate next response and send it off
           byte[] challenge = msg.getChallenge();
           response = saslClnt.evaluateChallenge( challenge );
           // May be a success message with no further challenge
           if ( response != null ) {
               // Wrap the response in another bind request and
               // send it off
               writeRequest( new LDAPSASLBindRequest( dn,
                                               mechName, response ) );
               msg = (LDAPSASLBindResponse)readResponse();
       // Make sure authentication REALLY is complete
       if ( !driver.isComplete() ) {
           /* Authentication session hijacked! */
           throw new SaslException( "SASL session hijacked!" );
        // Get the negotiated security layer, if any

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        security = saslClnt.getSecurityLayer();


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    This might be in an application

    * A sample callback handler. This implementation is created by
    * using the input that it will return. Other implementations are
    * typically more sophisticated and might prompt the user on demand
    * in order to satisfy the callbacks.
   class SimpleCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {
       private char[] passwd;
       private String authenticationID;

       SimpleCallbackHandler(String principal, Object cred)
                             throws IOException {
           authenticationID = principal;

           if (cred instanceof String) {
               passwd = ((String)cred).toCharArray();
           } else if (cred instanceof char[]) {
               passwd = (char[])((char[])cred).clone();
           } else if (cred instanceof byte[]) {
               // PasswordCallback expects char[]; assume UTF-8
               // encoding
               String orig = new String((byte[])cred, "UTF8");
               passwd = orig.toCharArray();
           } else {
               throw new IOException("Unsupported password format: " +

       public void invokeCallback(Callback[] callbacks)
           throws java.io.IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
           for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
               if (callbacks[i] instanceof NameCallback) {

               } else if (callbacks[i] instanceof PasswordCallback) {
               } else {
                   throw new

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     And so the application code to do authentication

    // Set up all SASL parameters; some may have reasonable defaults
    Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
    props.add("javax.security.sasl.encryption.minimum", "40");
    props.add("javax.security.sasl.encryption.maximum", "128");
    props.add("javax.security.sasl.server_authentication", "true");
    props.add("javax.security.sasl.maxbuffer", "4096");
    // The following two for kerberos v4, only
    //props.add("javax.security.sasl.ip.local", "");
    //props.add("javax.security.sasl.ip.remote", "");

    // What we want to authenticate as
    String dn = "cn=Directory Manager";

    // Create an object for possible use by the authentication
    // process
    SimpleCallbackHandler cbh = new SimpleCallbackHandler();

    try {
      // Note: cbh methods may be called during authentication
      // Note: "connection" includes the SASL Protocol Driver
      // functionality, and it will internally manage a Mechanism
      // Driver for GSSAPI, and then a Security Layer object for
      // data translation
      String[] mechNames = { "GSSAPI" };
      connection.authenticate( dn, mechNames, props, cbh );
    } catch ( SaslException e ) {
      // Abort, return, maybe try some other authentication

    // Okay. From here on, everything goes through security, but the
    // methods have the same signatures as if we were not using SASL

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9     Appendix B - Changes from draft-weltman-java-sasl-01.txt

   The class hierarchy defined in this document is entirely different
   from that defined in the previous document.

   For callback handling, the newly released
   javax.security.auth.callback package is used.

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