crt.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights
 * Reserved.  This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of
 * Original Code as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public
 * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License").  You may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.  Please obtain a copy of the
 * License at and read it before using
 * this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * The common startup code.  This code is if'ed with the 'C' preprocessor
 * macros __DYNAMIC__ and GCRT.  It is used to create
 * the following files when compiled with the following macros defined:
 *  File      Dedined Macros	   Purpose
 * crt1.o	__DYNAMIC__	    startup for programs compiled -dynamic
 * gcrt1.o	__DYNAMIC__, GCRT   profiling startup, programs compiled -dynamic
 * crt0.o			    startup for programs compiled -static 

#include <stddef.h>

 * Global data definitions (initialized data).
int           NXArgc = 0;
const char**  NXArgv = NULL;
const char**  environ = NULL;
const char*   __progname = NULL;

#if __DYNAMIC__
 * The following symbols are reference by System Framework symbolicly (instead
 * of through undefined references (to allow prebinding). To get strip(1) to
 * know these symbols are not to be stripped they need to have the
 * REFERENCED_DYNAMICALLY bit (0x10) set.  This would have been done automaticly
 * by ld(1) if these symbols were referenced through undefined symbols.
 * The catch_exception_raise symbol is special in that the Mach API specifically
 * requires that the library call into the user program for its implementation.
 * Therefore, we need to create a common definition and make sure the symbol
 * doesn't get stripped.
asm(".desc _NXArgc, 0x10");
asm(".desc _NXArgv, 0x10");
asm(".desc _environ, 0x10");
asm(".desc __mh_execute_header, 0x10");
#if defined(__ppc__) || defined(__i386__)
asm(".comm _catch_exception_raise, 4");
asm(".desc _catch_exception_raise, 0x10");
asm(".comm _catch_exception_raise_state, 4");
asm(".desc _catch_exception_raise_state, 0x10");
asm(".comm _catch_exception_raise_state_identity, 4");
asm(".desc _catch_exception_raise_state_identity, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_mach_notify_dead_name, 4");
asm(".desc _do_mach_notify_dead_name, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_seqnos_mach_notify_dead_name, 4");
asm(".desc _do_seqnos_mach_notify_dead_name, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_mach_notify_no_senders, 4");
asm(".desc _do_mach_notify_no_senders, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_seqnos_mach_notify_no_senders, 4");
asm(".desc _do_seqnos_mach_notify_no_senders, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_mach_notify_port_deleted, 4");
asm(".desc _do_mach_notify_port_deleted, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_seqnos_mach_notify_port_deleted, 4");
asm(".desc _do_seqnos_mach_notify_port_deleted, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_mach_notify_send_once, 4");
asm(".desc _do_mach_notify_send_once, 0x10");
asm(".comm _do_seqnos_mach_notify_send_once, 4");
asm(".desc _do_seqnos_mach_notify_send_once, 0x10");
asm(".comm _clock_alarm_reply, 4");
asm(".desc _clock_alarm_reply, 0x10");
asm(".comm _receive_samples, 4");
asm(".desc _receive_samples, 0x10");
#endif /* __ppc__ || __i386__ */
asm(".desc ___progname, 0x10");
#endif /* __DYNAMIC__ */

 * Common data definitions.  If the routines in System Framework are not pulled
 * into the executable then the static linker will allocate these as common
 * symbols.  The code in here tests the value of these are non-zero to know if
 * the routines in System Framework got pulled in and should be called.  The
 * first two are pointers to functions.  The second two use just the symbol
 * itself.  In the later case we are using the symbol with two different 'C'
 * types.  To make it as clean as possible the 'C' type declared is that of the
 * external function.  The common symbol is declared with an asm() and the code
 * casts the function name to a pointer to an int and then indirects through
 * the pointer to see if the value is not zero to know the function got linked
 * in.  Then the code uses a pointer in the data area to the function to call
 * the function.  The pointer in the data area is needed on various RISC
 * architectutes like the PowerPC to avoid a relocation overflow error when
 * linking programs with large data area.
extern int (*mach_init_routine)(void);
extern int (*_cthread_init_routine)(void);
#if !__DYNAMIC__
asm(".comm __cplus_init, 4");
extern void _cplus_init(void);
#if __DYNAMIC__ && __ppc__
asm(".comm ___darwin_gcc3_preregister_frame_info, 4");
extern void __darwin_gcc3_preregister_frame_info (void);
static void (*pointer_to__darwin_gcc3_preregister_frame_info)(void) =

 * Prototypes for routines that are called.
extern int main(int argc, const char* argv[], const char* envp[], const char* apple[]);
extern void exit(int status) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
extern int atexit(void (*fcn)(void));
static const char* crt_basename(const char* path);

#if GCRT
extern void moninit(void);
static void _mcleanup(void);
extern void monitor(char *lowpc,char *highpc,char *buf,int bufsiz,int nfunc);
#endif /* GCRT */

#if __DYNAMIC__
extern int _dyld_func_lookup(const char *dyld_func_name,unsigned long *address);
extern void __keymgr_dwarf2_register_sections (void);
#endif /* __DYNAMIC__ */

#if __DYNAMIC__ && __ppc__
static void _call_objcInit(void);

extern int errno;

 * _start() is called from the machine dependent assembly entry point "start:" .
 * It takes care of setting up the stack so 'C' routines can be called and
 * passes argc, argv and envp to here.
_start(int argc, const char* argv[], const char* envp[])
    const char** apple;
#if __DYNAMIC__
    void (*term)(void);
    void (*init)(void);

	// initialize global variables 
	NXArgc = argc;
	NXArgv = argv;
	environ = envp;
	__progname = ((argv[0] != NULL) ? crt_basename(argv[0]) : "");
	// see start.s for how "apple" parameter follow envp
	for(apple = envp; *apple != NULL; ++apple) { /* loop */ }
	// initialize libSystem
	if ( mach_init_routine != 0 )
	    (void) mach_init_routine();
	if ( _cthread_init_routine != 0 )

#ifdef __DYNAMIC__
	__keymgr_dwarf2_register_sections ();

#if __ppc__ && __DYNAMIC__
       /* Call a ppc GCC 3.3-specific function (in libgcc.a) to
          "preregister" exception frame info, meaning to set up the
          dyld hooks that do the actual registration.  */
       if ( *((int *)pointer_to__darwin_gcc3_preregister_frame_info) != 0 )
           pointer_to__darwin_gcc3_preregister_frame_info ();

#if !__DYNAMIC__
        if(*((int *)_cplus_init) != 0)

#ifdef __DYNAMIC__
	 * Call into dyld to run all initializers. This must be done 
	 * after mach_init()
                          (unsigned long *)&init);

#if __DYNAMIC__ && __ppc__

#ifdef GCRT

#ifdef __DYNAMIC__
	 * If the dyld we are running with supports module termination routines
	 * for all types of images then register the function to call them with
	 * atexit().
        _dyld_func_lookup("__dyld_mod_term_funcs", (unsigned long *)&term);
        if ( term != 0 )

	// clear errno, so main() starts fresh
	errno = 0;

	// call main() and return to exit()
	exit(main(argc, argv, envp, apple));

#if GCRT
 * For profiling the routine _mcleanup gets registered with atexit so monitor(0)
 * gets called.
#endif /* GCRT */

const char *
crt_basename(const char *path)
    const char *s;
    const char *last = path;

    for (s = path; *s != '\0'; s++) {
        if (*s == '/') last = s+1;

    return last;

#if __DYNAMIC__ && __ppc__
crt_strbeginswith(const char *s1, const char *s2)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (s2[i] == '\0') return 1;
        else if (s1[i] != s2[i]) return 0;

 * Look for a function called _objcInit() in any library whose name 
 * starts with "libobjc", and call it if one exists. This is used to 
 * initialize the Objective-C runtime on Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier.  
 * This is completely unnecessary on Mac OS X 10.4 and later.
    unsigned int i, count;

    unsigned int (*_dyld_image_count_fn)(void);
    const char *(*_dyld_get_image_name_fn)(unsigned int image_index);
    const void *(*_dyld_get_image_header_fn)(unsigned int image_index);
    const void *(*NSLookupSymbolInImage_fn)(const void *image, const char *symbolName, unsigned int options);
    void *(*NSAddressOfSymbol_fn)(const void *symbol);

    // Find some dyld functions.
                      (unsigned long *)&_dyld_image_count_fn);
                      (unsigned long *)&_dyld_get_image_name_fn);
                      (unsigned long *)&_dyld_get_image_header_fn);
                      (unsigned long *)&NSLookupSymbolInImage_fn);
                      (unsigned long *)&NSAddressOfSymbol_fn);

    // If any of the dyld functions don't exist, assume we're 
    // on a post-Panther dyld and silently do nothing.
    if (!_dyld_image_count_fn) return;
    if (!_dyld_get_image_name_fn) return;
    if (!_dyld_get_image_header_fn) return;
    if (!NSLookupSymbolInImage_fn) return;
    if (!NSAddressOfSymbol_fn) return;

    // Search for an image whose library name starts with "libobjc".
    count = (*_dyld_image_count_fn)();
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        const void *image;
        const char *path = (*_dyld_get_image_name_fn)(i);
        const char *base = crt_basename(path);
        if (!crt_strbeginswith(base, "libobjc")) continue;

        // Call _objcInit() if library exports it.
        if ((image = (*_dyld_get_image_header_fn)(i))) {
            const void *symbol;
            if ((symbol = (*NSLookupSymbolInImage_fn)(image,"__objcInit",4))) {
                void (*_objcInit_fn)(void) = 
                if (_objcInit_fn) {

#endif /* __DYNAMIC__ && __ppc__ */