CommonKeyDerivationSPI.h   [plain text]

//  CommonNistKeyDerivation.h
//  CommonCrypto
//  Created by Richard Murphy on 12/15/13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 Platform Security. All rights reserved.

#ifndef CommonCrypto_CommonNistKeyDerivation_h
#define CommonCrypto_CommonNistKeyDerivation_h

#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigestSPI.h>

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <availability.h>
#include <os/availability.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    @typedef     CCKDFParametersRef

    @abstract    Opaque reference to a CCKDFParameters object.

    @discussion  A CCKDFParameters reference may be initialized using one
                 of the CCKDFParametersCreate* functions declared below.
typedef struct CCKDFParameters *CCKDFParametersRef;

    @enum       CCKDFAlgorithm
    @abstract   Key Derivation algorithms implemented by this module.

    @constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmPBKDF2_HMAC

    @constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmCTR_HMAC
    @constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmCTR_HMAC_FIXED
    @constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmFB_HMAC
    @constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmFB_HMAC_FIXED
 	@constant   kCCKDFAlgorithmDPIPE_HMAC
enum {
    kCCKDFAlgorithmPBKDF2_HMAC = 0,
    kCCKDFAlgorithmFB_HMAC,         // UNIMP
    kCCKDFAlgorithmFB_HMAC_FIXED,   // UNIMP
    kCCKDFAlgorithmDPIPE_HMAC,      // UNIMP
typedef uint32_t CCKDFAlgorithm;

CCKeyDerivationHMac(CCKDFAlgorithm algorithm, CCDigestAlgorithm digest,
                    unsigned rounds, // ignored except for PBKDF
                    const void *keyDerivationKey, size_t keyDerivationKeyLen,
                    const void *label, size_t labelLen,
                    const void *context, size_t contextLen, // or FIXED buffer (label | context)
                    const void *iv, size_t ivLen,           // for FB
                    const void *salt, size_t saltLen,       // for PBKDF
                    void *derivedKey, size_t derivedKeyLen)
API_DEPRECATED_WITH_REPLACEMENT("CCDeriveKey", macos(10.10, 10.15), ios(8.0, 13.0));

    @function   CCKDFParametersCreatePbkdf2

    @abstract   Creates a CCKDFParameters object that will hold parameters for
                key derivation with PBKDF2 with an HMAC PRF.

    @param      params         A CCKDFParametersRef pointer.

    @param      rounds         Number of iterations.

    @param      salt           Salt.

    @param      saltLen        Length of salt.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCKDFParametersCreatePbkdf2(CCKDFParametersRef *params,
                            unsigned rounds, const void *salt, size_t saltLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCKDFParametersCreateCtrHmac

    @abstract   Creates a CCKDFParameters object that will hold parameters for
                key derivation with NIST SP800-108 KDF in Counter Mode with an
                HMAC PRF.

    @param      params         A CCKDFParametersRef pointer.

    @param      label          Label to identify purpose of derived key.

    @param      labelLen       Length of label.

    @param      context        Data shared between entities.

    @param      contextLen     Length of context.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCKDFParametersCreateCtrHmac(CCKDFParametersRef *params,
                             const void *label, size_t labelLen,
                             const void *context, size_t contextLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCKDFParametersCreateCtrHmacFixed

    @abstract   Creates a CCKDFParameters object that will hold parameters for
                key derivation with NIST SP800-108 KDF in Counter Mode with an
                HMAC PRF.

    @param      params         A CCKDFParametersRef pointer.

    @param      context        Data shared between entities.

    @param      contextLen     Length of context.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCKDFParametersCreateCtrHmacFixed(CCKDFParametersRef *params,
                                  const void *context, size_t contextLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCKDFParametersCreateHkdf

    @abstract   Creates a CCKDFParameters object that will hold parameters for
                key derivation with HKDF as defined by RFC 5869.

    @param      params         A CCKDFParametersRef pointer.

    @param      salt           Salt.

    @param      saltLen        Length of salt.

    @param      context        Data shared between entities.

    @param      contextLen     Length of context.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCKDFParametersCreateHkdf(CCKDFParametersRef *params,
                          const void *salt, size_t saltLen,
                          const void *context, size_t contextLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function    CCKDFParametersCreateAnsiX963

    @abstract    Creates a CCKDFParameters object that will hold parameters for
                 key derivation with ANSI x9.63 KDF.

    @discussion  This implements the ANSI X9.63 Key Derivation Function as
                 defined by section 3.6.1 of <>.

    @param       params            A CCKDFParametersRef pointer.

    @param       sharedinfo        Data shared between entities.

    @param       sharedinfoLen     Length of sharedinfo.

    @result      Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCKDFParametersCreateAnsiX963(CCKDFParametersRef *params,
                              const void *sharedinfo, size_t sharedinfoLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCKDFParametersDestroy

    @abstract   Clear and release a CCKDFParametersRef.

    @param      params     A CCKDFParameters reference.

CCKDFParametersDestroy(CCKDFParametersRef params)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCDeriveKey

    @abstract   Generic key derivation function supporting multiple key
                derivation algorithms.

    @param      params               A CCKDFParametersRef with pointers to the
                                     chosen KDF's parameters.

    @param      digest               The digest algorithm to use.

    @param      keyDerivationKey     The input key material to derive from.

    @param      keyDerivationKeyLen  Length of the input key material.

    @param      derivedKey           Output buffer for the derived key.

    @param      derivedKeyLen        Desired length of the derived key.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError, kCCMemoryFailure, and

CCDeriveKey(const CCKDFParametersRef params, CCDigestAlgorithm digest,
            const void *keyDerivationKey, size_t keyDerivationKeyLen,
            void *derivedKey, size_t derivedKeyLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function CCHKDFExtract
    @abstract HKDF-Extract, as per, Section 2.2

    @param params A CCKDFParametersRef with pointers to HKDF's parameters.
    @param digest The digest algorithm to use.
    @param keyDerivationKey The input key material to derive from.
    @param keyDerivationKeyLen Length of the input key material.
    @param prk Output buffer for the intermediate keying material.
    @param prkLen Length of the intermediate keying material of length equal to the digest algorithm output size.

    @result kCCSuccess on success, else a different error on failure.
CCHKDFExtract(const CCKDFParametersRef params, CCDigestAlgorithm digest, const void *keyDerivationKey, size_t keyDerivationKeyLen, void *prk, size_t prkLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), tvos(14.0), watchos(7.0));

    @function CCHKDFExpand
    @abstract HKDF-Expand, as per, Section 2.3

    @param params A CCKDFParametersRef with pointers to HKDF's parameters.
    @param digest The digest algorithm to use.
    @param prk The input key material to derive from.
    @param prkLen Length of the input key material.
    @param derivedKey Output buffer for the derived keying material.
    @param derivedKeyLen Length of the derived keying material.

    @result kCCSuccess on success, else a different error on failure.
CCHKDFExpand(const CCKDFParametersRef params, CCDigestAlgorithm digest, const void *prk, size_t prkLen, void *derivedKey, size_t derivedKeyLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), tvos(14.0), watchos(7.0));

#ifdef __cplusplus
