CommonECCryptor.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _CC_ECCRYPTOR_H_
#define _CC_ECCRYPTOR_H_

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <availability.h>
#include <os/availability.h>

#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigestSPI.h>
#include "CommonRSACryptor.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    @typedef    CCECCryptorRef
    @abstract   Opaque reference to a CCECCryptor object.

typedef struct _CCECCryptor *CCECCryptorRef;

 	EC Key Types

enum {
    ccECKeyPublic		= 0,
    ccECKeyPrivate		= 1,
    ccECBlankPublicKey    = 97,
    ccECBlankPrivateKey   = 98,
    ccECBadKey          = 99,
typedef uint32_t CCECKeyType;

 EC Key Import/Export Formats

enum {
    kCCImportKeyBinary  = 0,
    kCCImportKeyDER		= 1,
    kCCImportKeyCompact = 2,
typedef uint32_t CCECKeyExternalFormat;


    Key sizes for this set of interfaces must be between 128 and 384 bits.
    The key size must also be evenly divisible by 8

    @function   CCECCryptorGeneratePair
    @abstract   Generate an EC public and private key.  A curve will be chosen from
    			ECC-256 or ECC-384.

	@param      keysize     Must be between 192 and 521 (inclusive)

    @param      publicKey	A (required) pointer for the returned public CCECCryptorRef.

    @param      privateKey	A (required) pointer for the returned private CCECCryptorRef.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCECCryptorGeneratePair( size_t keysize,
                         CCECCryptorRef *publicKey,
                         CCECCryptorRef *privateKey)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

     @function   CCECCryptorGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
     @abstract   Grab the parts from a private key to make a public key.

     @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCECCryptorRef.

     @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCECCryptorGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(CCECCryptorRef privateKey)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorImportPublicKey
    @abstract   Import an Elliptic Curve public key from data. This imports public
    			keys in ANSI X.9.63 format.

    @param      keyPackage		The data package containing the encoded key.

	@param      keyPackageLen   The length of the encoded key package.

    @param      key				A CCECCryptorRef of the decoded key.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCECCryptorImportPublicKey( const void *keyPackage,
											size_t keyPackageLen,
                                            CCECCryptorRef *key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

     @function   CCECCryptorImportKey
     @abstract   Import an Elliptic Curve public key from data.

     @param      format		The format in which the key is encoded.

     @param      keyPackage		The data package containing the encoded key.

     @param      keyPackageLen   The length of the encoded key package.

     @param      keyType		The type of key to be imported (public or private).

     @param      key				A CCECCryptorRef of the decoded key.

     @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCECCryptorImportKey(CCECKeyExternalFormat format, const void *keyPackage, size_t keyPackageLen, CCECKeyType keyType, CCECCryptorRef *key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCECCryptorExportPublicKey
 	@abstract   Export an Elliptic Curve public key from data. This exports public
 				keys in ANSI X.9.63 format.

 	@param      key				The CCECCryptorRef of the key to encode.

    @param      out             The destination for the encoded key.

 	@param      outLen          A pointer to the length of the encoded key.
    							This is an in/out parameter.

 	@result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCECCryptorExportPublicKey( CCECCryptorRef key,
											void *out,
                                            size_t *outLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

// We'll remove the   CCECCryptorExportPublicKey later - we like this better.
CCCryptorStatus CCECCryptorExportKey(CCECKeyExternalFormat format, void *keyPackage, size_t *keyPackageLen, CCECKeyType keyType, CCECCryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCECGetKeyType
 	@abstract   Determine whether a CCECCryptorRef is public or private

 	@param      key				The CCECCryptorRef.
 	@result     Return values are ccECKeyPublic, ccECKeyPrivate, or ccECBadKey


CCECKeyType CCECGetKeyType(CCECCryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCECGetKeySize
 	@abstract   Return the key size

 	@param      key				The CCECCryptorRef.
 	@result     Returns the keysize in bits or kCCParamError.


int CCECGetKeySize(CCECCryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

     @function   CCECCryptorRelease
     @abstract   Clear and release a CCECCryptorRef.

     @param      key	The CCECCryptorRef of the key to release.

void CCECCryptorRelease(CCECCryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorSignHash

    @abstract   Compute a signature for a hash with an EC private key.

    @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCECCryptorRef.

    @param      hashToSign		A pointer to the bytes of the value to be signed.

 	@param      hashSignLen		Length of data to be signed.

    @param      signedData      The signature bytes.

	@param      signedDataLen   A pointer to the length of signature material.
    							This is an in/out parameter value.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCECCryptorSignHash( CCECCryptorRef privateKey,
                 const void *hashToSign,
                 size_t hashSignLen,
				 void *signedData,
                 size_t *signedDataLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorVerifyHash

	@abstract   Verify a signature for data with an EC private key.

    @param      publicKey		A pointer to a public CCECCryptorRef.

 	@param      hash			A pointer to the bytes of the hash of the data.

	@param      hashLen			Length of hash.

    @param      signedData		The bytes of the signature to be verified.

	@param      signedDataLen	Length of data associated with the signature.

	@param		valid			An indicator whether the signature was valid

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError, kCCMemoryFailure
				or kCCNotVerified.

CCECCryptorVerifyHash(  CCECCryptorRef publicKey,
      				const void *hash,
                    size_t hashLen,
      				const void *signedData,
                    size_t signedDataLen,
                    uint32_t *valid)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorWrapKey

	@abstract   Encrypt data (wrap a symmetric key) with an EC public key.

    @param      publicKey		A pointer to a public CCECCryptorRef.

    @param      plainText		A pointer to the data to be encrypted.

	@param      plainTextLen	Length of data to be encrypted.

    @param      cipherText		The encrypted byte result.

	@param      cipherTextLen	Length of encrypted bytes.

 	@param      digestType		The digest algorithm to use (See CommonDigestSPI.h).

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError.

CCECCryptorWrapKey(CCECCryptorRef publicKey,
                   const void *plainText,
                   size_t plainTextLen,
                   void *cipherText,
                   size_t *cipherTextLen,
                   CCDigestAlg digestType)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorUnwrapKey

	@abstract   Decrypt data (unwrap a symmetric key) with an EC private key.

    @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCECCryptorRef.

	@param      cipherText		The encrypted bytes.

	@param      cipherTextLen	Length of encrypted bytes.

    @param      plainText		The decrypted data bytes.

	@param      plainTextLen	A pointer to the length of data decrypted.
    							This is an in/out parameter.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError.

CCECCryptorUnwrapKey(CCECCryptorRef privateKey,
                     const void *cipherText,
                     size_t cipherTextLen,
                     void *plainText,
                     size_t *plainTextLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorComputeSharedSecret

	@abstract   Construct a Diffie-Hellman shared secret with a private and
    			public ECC key.

    @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCECCryptorRef.

 	@param      publicKey		A pointer to a public CCECCryptorRef (usually
    							obtained from the other party in the session.)

	@param      out          The output data buffer.

	@param      outLen       The output data buffer size.  This is an in-out
                            parameter.  When the function returns this is set
                            to the length of the result.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError, kCCDecodeError
                or kCCBufferTooSmall.


CCECCryptorComputeSharedSecret( CCECCryptorRef privateKey,
								CCECCryptorRef publicKey,
                                void *out,
                                size_t *outLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorTwinDiversifyKey

    @abstract   Diversifies a given EC key by deriving two scalars u,v from the
                given entropy.

    @discussion entropyLen must be a multiple of two, greater or equal to two
                times the bitsize of the order of the chosen curve plus eight
                bytes, e.g. 2 * (32 + 8) = 80 bytes for NIST P-256.

                Use CCECCryptorTwinDiversifyEntropySize() to determine the
                minimum entropy length that needs to be generated and passed.

                entropy must be chosen from a uniform distribution, e.g.
                random bytes, the output of a DRBG, or the output of a KDF.

                u,v are computed by splitting the entropy into two parts of
                equal size. For each part t (interpreted as a big-endian number),
                a scalar s on the chosen curve will be computed via
                s = (t mod (q-1)) + 1, where q is the order of curve's
                generator G.

                For a public key, this will compute u.P + v.G,
                with G being the generator of the chosen curve.

                For a private key, this will compute d' = (d * u + v) and
                P = d' * G; G being the generator of the chosen curve.

    @param      keyType      The type of key to be diversified (public or private).

    @param      inKey        A CCECCryptorRef of type "keyType".

    @param      entropy      The entropy data buffer.

    @param      entropyLen   The entropy data buffer size.

    @param      outKey       A pointer to a CCECCryptorRef of type "keyType".
                             It's the caller's responsibility to call
                             CCECCryptorRelease() on the key.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError, kCCMemoryFailure
                or kCCInvalidKey.


CCECCryptorTwinDiversifyKey(CCECKeyType keyType, CCECCryptorRef inKey,
                            void *entropy, size_t entropyLen,
                            CCECCryptorRef *outKey)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

    @function   CCECCryptorTwinDiversifyEntropySize

    @abstract   Returns the length of the entropy required by

    @discussion The return value is two times the bitsize of the order of the
                chosen curve plus eight bytes, e.g. 2 * (32 + 8) = 80 bytes
                for NIST P-256.

    @param      key          A CCECCryptorRef.

    @result     The entropy size.


CCECCryptorTwinDiversifyEntropySize(CCECCryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), tvos(13.0), watchos(6.0));

/* Only for FIPS Testing                                                                */

 @function   CCECCryptorGetKeyComponents
 @abstract   Get EC Public Key Parameters for FIPS tests

 @param      ecKey              The EC Key to deconstruct
 @param      keySize            The EC Keysize.
 @param      qX and qXLength       The pointer and length(return) for the X Parameter.
 @param      qY and qYLength       The pointer and length(return) for the Y Parameter.
 @param      d and dLength         The pointer and length(return) for the D (Private Key Only)

 @result    If the function is successful (kCCSuccess) the X and Y parameters contain the
            discrete public key point coordinate values.  If the key passed in is a Private
            Key the D parameter will contain the private key.
            All other errors result in kCCParamError.

CCECCryptorGetKeyComponents(CCECCryptorRef ecKey, size_t *keySize,
                            uint8_t *qX, size_t *qXLength,
                            uint8_t *qY, size_t *qYLength,
                            uint8_t *d, size_t *dLength)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 @function   CCECCryptorCreateFromData
 @abstract   For FIPS CAVS testing we need the ability to create an EC
             key from an X and Y parameter set.

 @param      keySize            The EC Keysize.
 @param      qX and qXLength    The pointer and length for the X Parameter.
 @param      qY and qYLength       The pointer and length for the Y Parameter.
 @param      ref                A pointer to the CCECCryptorRef to contain the result.
 @result    If the function is successful (kCCSuccess) a CCECCryptorRef is
            returned in the ref parameter.  All other errors result in

CCECCryptorCreateFromData(size_t keySize,
                          uint8_t *qX, size_t qXLength,
                          uint8_t *qY, size_t qYLength,
                          CCECCryptorRef *ref)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* _CC_ECCRYPTOR_H_ */