CommonRSACryptor.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptor.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigestSPI.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    @typedef    CCRSACryptorRef
    @abstract   Opaque reference to a CCRSACryptor object.

typedef struct _CCRSACryptor *CCRSACryptorRef;

 	RSA Key Types

enum {
    ccRSAKeyPublic          = 0,
    ccRSAKeyPrivate         = 1,
    ccRSABlankPublicKey     = 97,
    ccRSABlankPrivateKey    = 98,
    ccRSABadKey             = 99,
typedef uint32_t CCRSAKeyType;

	Padding for Asymmetric ciphers

enum {
	ccPaddingNone		= 1000,
	ccPKCS1Padding		= 1001,
	ccOAEPPadding		= 1002,
	ccX931Padding		= 1003, // Work in Progress - don't use.
    ccPKCS1PaddingRaw   = 1004,
    ccRSAPSSPadding     = 1005,
typedef uint32_t CCAsymmetricPadding;

// The definition below will be removed.
#define CCAsymetricPadding CCAsymmetricPadding

	Additional CCCryptorStatus for signature verification failure.

enum {
    kCCNotVerified    = -4306


    Key sizes for this set of interfaces must be between 1024 and 4096 bits.
    The key size must also be evenly divisible by 32.

    @function   CCRSACryptorGeneratePair
    @abstract   Generate an RSA public and private key.

	@param      keysize     The Key size in bits. RSA keys smaller than 2048 bits are insecure and should not be used.

	@param      e           The "e" value (public key). Must be odd; 65537 or larger

    @param      publicKey	A (required) pointer for the returned public CCRSACryptorRef.

    @param      privateKey	A (required) pointer for the returned private CCRSACryptorRef.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCRSACryptorGeneratePair(
	size_t keysize,
    uint32_t e,
	CCRSACryptorRef *publicKey,
    CCRSACryptorRef *privateKey)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
    @abstract   Create an RSA public key from a full private key.

    @param      privkey A pointer to a private CCRSACryptorRef.
    @result     returns either a valid public key CCRSACryptorRef or NULL.

CCRSACryptorRef CCRSACryptorGetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(CCRSACryptorRef privkey)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(6.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorImport
    @abstract   Import an RSA key from data. This imports public or private
    			keys in PKCS#1 format.

    @param      keyPackage		The data package containing the encoded key.

	@param      keyPackageLen   The length of the encoded key package.

    @param      key				A CCRSACryptorRef of the decoded key.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCRSACryptorImport( const void *keyPackage,
                                    size_t keyPackageLen,
                                    CCRSACryptorRef *key)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCRSACryptorExport
 	@abstract   Import an RSA key from data. This exports public or private
 				keys in PKCS#1 format.

 	@param      key				The CCRSACryptorRef of the key to encode.

    @param      out		The data package in which to put the encoded key.

 	@param      outLen   A pointer to the length of the encoded key
    							package.  This is an in/out parameter.

 	@result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCCryptorStatus CCRSACryptorExport( CCRSACryptorRef key,
									void *out,
                                    size_t *outLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCRSAGetKeyType
 	@abstract   Determine whether a CCRSACryptorRef is public or private

 	@param      key				The CCRSACryptorRef.
 	@result     Return values are ccRSAKeyPublic, ccRSAKeyPrivate, or ccRSABadKey


CCRSAKeyType CCRSAGetKeyType(CCRSACryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

 	@function   CCRSAGetKeySize
 	@abstract   Return the key size

 	@param      key				The CCRSACryptorRef.
 	@result     Returns the keysize in bits or kCCParamError.


int CCRSAGetKeySize(CCRSACryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

     @function   CCRSACryptorRelease
     @abstract   Clear and release a CCRSACryptorRef.

     @param      key	The CCRSACryptorRef of the key to release.

void CCRSACryptorRelease(CCRSACryptorRef key)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorSign

    @abstract   Compute a signature for data with an RSA private key.

    @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCRSACryptorRef.

	@param		padding			A selector for the padding to be used.

    @param      hashToSign		A pointer to the bytes of the value to be signed.

 	@param      hashSignLen		Length of data to be signed.

    @param      digestType		The digest algorithm to use (See CommonDigestSPI.h).

 	@param      saltLen			Length of salt to use for the signature.

    @param      signedData		The signature bytes.

	@param      signedDataLen	A pointer to the length of signature material.
    							This is an in/out parameter value.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError and kCCMemoryFailure.

CCRSACryptorSign(	CCRSACryptorRef privateKey,
					CCAsymmetricPadding padding,
                 	const void *hashToSign,
                    size_t hashSignLen,
                 	CCDigestAlgorithm digestType,
                    size_t saltLen,
                 	void *signedData,
                    size_t *signedDataLen)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorVerify

	@abstract   Verify a signature for data with an RSA private key.

    @param      publicKey		A pointer to a public CCRSACryptorRef.

	@param		padding			A selector for the padding to be used.

 	@param      hash			A pointer to the bytes of the hash of the data.

	@param      hashLen			Length of hash.

 	@param      digestType		The digest algorithm to use (See CommonDigestSPI.h).

 	@param      saltLen			Length of salt to use for the signature.

    @param      signedData		The bytes of the signature to be verified.

	@param      signedDataLen	Length of data associated with the signature.

    @result     returns kCCSuccess if successful, kCCDecodeError if verification fails and kCCParamError if input parameters are incorrect.

CCRSACryptorVerify(	CCRSACryptorRef publicKey,
					CCAsymmetricPadding padding,
                   	const void *hash,
                    size_t hashLen,
                   	CCDigestAlgorithm digestType,
                    size_t saltLen,
                   	const void *signedData,
                    size_t signedDataLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorEncrypt

	@abstract   Encrypt data with an RSA public key. It currently supports RSA-OAEP and PKCS1.5

    @param      publicKey		A pointer to a public CCRSACryptorRef.

	@param		padding			A selector for the padding to be used.

    @param      plainText		A pointer to the data to be encrypted.

	@param      plainTextLen	Length of data to be encrypted.

    @param      cipherText		The encrypted byte result.

	@param      cipherTextLen	Length of encrypted bytes.

 	@param      tagData			tag to be included in the encryption.

	@param      tagDataLen		Length of tag bytes.

 	@param      digestType		The digest algorithm to use (See CommonDigestSPI.h).

    @result     returns kCCSuccess if successful, kCCDecodeError if encryption fails and kCCParamError if input parameters are incorrect.

CCCryptorStatus CCRSACryptorEncrypt(
    CCRSACryptorRef publicKey,
	CCAsymmetricPadding padding,
	const void *plainText,
    size_t plainTextLen,
	void *cipherText,
    size_t *cipherTextLen,
    const void *tagData,
    size_t tagDataLen,
    CCDigestAlgorithm digestType)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorDecrypt

	@abstract   Decrypt data with an RSA private key.

    @param      privateKey		A pointer to a private CCRSACryptorRef.

	@param		padding			A selector for the padding to be used.

	@param      cipherText		The encrypted bytes.

	@param      cipherTextLen	Length of encrypted bytes.

    @param      plainText		The decrypted data bytes.

	@param      plainTextLen	A pointer to the length of data decrypted.
    							This is an in/out parameter.

	@param      tagData			tag to be included in the encryption.

	@param      tagDataLen		Length of tag bytes.

	@param      digestType		The digest algorithm to use (See CommonDigestSPI.h).

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError.

	CCRSACryptorRef privateKey,
    CCAsymmetricPadding padding,
    const void *cipherText,
    size_t cipherTextLen,
    void *plainText,
    size_t *plainTextLen,
    const void *tagData,
    size_t tagDataLen,
    CCDigestAlgorithm digestType)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorCrypt

	@abstract   En/Decrypt data with an RSA key.

    @param      rsaKey		A pointer to a CCRSACryptorRef.

	@param      in          The input data.

	@param      inLen       The input data length.

	@param      out          The output data buffer.

	@param      outLen       The output data buffer size.  This is an in-out
                            parameter.  When the function returns this is set
                            to the length of the result.

    @result     Possible error returns are kCCParamError, kCCDecodeError
                or kCCBufferTooSmall.


	CCRSACryptorRef rsaKey,
    const void *in,
    size_t inLen,
    void *out,
    size_t *outLen)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSAGetKeyComponents
	@abstract   Extracts the modulus, p, q, and private exponent if rsaKey is a private key, and modulus and public exponent if rsaKey is a public key.
    @param      rsaKey		A pointer to a CCRSACryptorRef.
	@param      modulus     		The modulus in MSB format.
	@param      modulusLength     	The modulus data length. 	(in/out parameter)
    @param      exponent			The raw data bytes of the exponent.
            exponent is the private exponent (aka "d") for a private key (ccRSAKeyPrivate).
            exponent is the public exponent (aka "e") for a public key (ccRSAKeyPublic).
	@param      exponentLength     	The exponent data length.	(in/out parameter)
    @param      p					The raw data bytes of the modulus factor P.
    								(ccRSAKeyPrivate only)
	@param      pLength     		The P data length.	(in/out parameter)
    @param      q					The raw data bytes of the modulus factor Q.
    								(ccRSAKeyPrivate only)
	@param      qLength     		The Q data length.	(in/out parameter)
    @result		If the function is successful (kCCSuccess)

CCRSAGetKeyComponents(CCRSACryptorRef rsaKey, uint8_t *modulus, size_t *modulusLength, uint8_t *exponent, size_t *exponentLength,
	uint8_t *p, size_t *pLength, uint8_t *q, size_t *qLength)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

    @function   CCRSACryptorCreateFromData
	@abstract   For FIPS CAVS testing we need the ability to create an RSA
    			key from an exponent and Modulus.
    @discussion If the keyType is ccRSAKeyPublic, the inputs are modulus, modulusLength, publicExponent and publicExponentLength.
                If the keyType is ccRSAKeyPrivate, the inputs are publicExponent, publicExponentLength, p, pLength, q and qLength.
                Unused inputs are ignored, in either case.
	@param      keyType                 The type of key to create - ccRSAKeyPublic
                                        or ccRSAKeyPrivate.
	@param      modulus                 The modulus in MSB format.
	@param      modulusLength           The modulus data length.
    @param      publicExponent			The raw data bytes of the public exponent (aka "e").
	@param      publicExponentLength    The public exponent data length.
    @param      p                       The raw data bytes of the modulus factor P.
                                        (ccRSAKeyPrivate only)
	@param      pLength                 The P data length.
    @param      q                       The raw data bytes of the modulus factor Q.
                                        (ccRSAKeyPrivate only)
	@param      qLength                 The Q data length.

    @result		If the function is successful (kCCSuccess) a RSACryptoRef is
    			returned in the ref parameter.  All other errors result in

CCRSACryptorCreateFromData( CCRSAKeyType keyType,
                            const uint8_t *modulus, size_t modulusLength,
                            const uint8_t *publicExponent, size_t publicExponentLength,
 							const uint8_t *p, size_t pLength, const uint8_t *q, size_t qLength, CCRSACryptorRef *ref)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(5.0));

CCRSACryptorCreatePairFromData(uint32_t e,
    uint8_t *xp1, size_t xp1Length,
    uint8_t *xp2, size_t xp2Length,
    uint8_t *xp, size_t xpLength,
    uint8_t *xq1, size_t xq1Length,
    uint8_t *xq2, size_t xq2Length,
    uint8_t *xq, size_t xqLength,
    CCRSACryptorRef *publicKey,
    CCRSACryptorRef *privateKey,
    uint8_t *retp, size_t *retpLength,
    uint8_t *retq, size_t *retqLength,
    uint8_t *retm, size_t *retmLength,
    uint8_t *retd, size_t *retdLength)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0));

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* _CC_RSACRYPTOR_H_ */