CommonBigNum.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _CC_BIGNUM_H_
#define _CC_BIGNUM_H_

#include <Availability.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <CommonCrypto/CommonCryptoError.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * This is an SPI - it isn't intended to be generally used.  If you 
 * intend to use this we strongly urge you to talk to someone in the
 * Information Security Group to see if there isn't an alternative
 * set of functions to implement your cryptographic needs.

 * This shares the error status of CommonCryptor.h
typedef struct _CCBigNumRef *CCBigNumRef;

	@function   CCCreateBigNum
	@abstract   Creates a BigNum - must be freed later with
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 

	@result		On success this returns a newly
    			allocated BigNum (must be freed with 
                Returns NULL on failure.

CCCreateBigNum(CCStatus *status)

	@function   CCBigNumClear
	@abstract   Zeroes (clears) a BigNum.
	@param      bn The BigNum to clear. 
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumClear(CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumFree
	@abstract   Frees and clears a BigNum.
	@param      bn The BigNum to free. 


CCBigNumFree(CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumCopy
	@abstract   Copies a BigNum.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn The BigNum to copy. 
	@result		On success this returns a newly
    			allocated BigNum (must be freed with 
                Returns NULL on failure.

CCBigNumCopy(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumBitCount
	@abstract   Returns the number of significant bits 
    			in a BigNum.
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result		Returns number of bits.


CCBigNumBitCount(const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumZeroLSBCount
	@abstract   Returns the number of zero bits 
    			before the least significant 1 bit.
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result		Returns number of bits.


CCBigNumZeroLSBCount(const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumByteCount
	@abstract   Returns the number of bytes if
    			converted to binary data.
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result		Returns number of bytes.


CCBigNumByteCount(const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumFromData
	@abstract   Creates a BigNum from binary data.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      s - the data pointer.  The data is expected to be
    			an array of octets in big endian format. 
	@param      len - the length of the data. 
	@result		On success this returns a newly
    			allocated BigNum (must be freed with 
                Returns NULL on failure.

CCBigNumFromData(CCStatus *status, const void *s, size_t len)

	@function   CCBigNumToData
	@abstract   Dumps a BigNum into binary data.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@param      s - the pointer to the data area.
    			You can use CCBigNumByteCount() to
                determine the size of the data area
                to provide. 
	@result     Returns the length of the data area.


CCBigNumToData(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn, void *to)

	@function   CCBigNumFromHexString
	@abstract   Creates a BigNum from a hexadecimal string.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      in - a null terminated hexadecimal string. 
	@result		On success this returns a newly
    			allocated BigNum (must be freed with 
                Returns NULL on failure.

CCBigNumFromHexString(CCStatus *status, const char *in)

	@function   CCBigNumToHexString
	@abstract   Dumps a BigNum into hexadecimal string.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result     Returns a hexadecimal string representation
    			of the BigNum.  This must be freed by the caller.
                Returns NULL on failure.


char *
CCBigNumToHexString(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

 @function   CCBigNumFromDecimalString
 @abstract   Creates a BigNum from a decimal string.
 @param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes.
 @param      in - a null terminated decimal string.
 @result		On success this returns a newly
 allocated BigNum (must be freed with
 Returns NULL on failure.

CCBigNumFromDecimalString(CCStatus *status, const char *in)

 @function   CCBigNumToDecimalString
 @abstract   Dumps a BigNum into a decimal string.
 @param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes.
 @param      bn The BigNum.
 @result     Returns a decimal string representation
 of the BigNum.  This must be freed by the caller.
 Returns NULL on failure.

char *
CCBigNumToDecimalString(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumByteCount
	@abstract   Returns the number of bytes that will result from
    			converting a BigNum to octets.
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result		The number of bytes.

CCBigNumByteCount(const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumCompare
	@abstract   Compares two BigNums.
	@param      bn1 - a BigNum. 
	@param      bn2 - a BigNum. 
	@result		Returns -1 if bn1 is less than bn2.
                Returns 0 if bn1 and bn2 are equal.
                Returns 1 if bn1 is greater than bn2.


CCBigNumCompare(const CCBigNumRef bn1, const CCBigNumRef bn2)

	@function   CCBigNumCompareI
	@abstract   Compares a BigNum and a 32 bit integer.
	@param      bn1 - a BigNum. 
	@param      num - an integer. 
	@result		Returns -1 if bn1 is less than num.
                Returns 0 if bn1 and num are equal.
                Returns 1 if bn1 is greater than num.


CCBigNumCompareI(const CCBigNumRef bn1, const uint32_t num)

	@function   CCBigNumSetNegative
	@abstract   Negates a BigNum.
	@param      bn - a BigNum. 
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).


CCBigNumSetNegative(CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumSetI
	@abstract   Sets a BigNum value using an unsigned integer.
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@param      num The value to set. 
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumSetI(CCBigNumRef bn, uint64_t num)

	@function   CCBigNumGetI
	@abstract   Get an unsigned integer representation of the BigNum.
                This assumes the BigNum can actually fit within the 
                unsigned integer representation.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn The BigNum. 
	@result		returns the unsigned integer value.

CCBigNumGetI(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumAdd
	@abstract   Adds two BigNums.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The first BigNum to add.
    @param		b		The second BigNum to add.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumAdd(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumAddI
	@abstract   Adds a BigNum and an unsigned integer.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The first BigNum to add.
    @param		b		The unsigned integer to add.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumAddI(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const uint32_t b)

	@function   CCBigNumSub
	@abstract   Subtracts a BigNum from a BigNum.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The BigNum.
    @param		b		The BigNum to subtract.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumSub(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumSubI
	@abstract   Subtracts an unsigned integer from a BigNum.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The BigNum.
    @param		b		The unsigned integer to subtract.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumSubI(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const uint32_t b)

	@function   CCBigNumMul
	@abstract   Multiplies two BigNums.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The first BigNum to multiply.
    @param		b		The second BigNum to multiply.
    @result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMul(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumMulI
	@abstract   Multiplies a BigNum and an unsigned integer.

	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The first BigNum to multiply.
    @param		b		The unsigned integer to multiply.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMulI(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const uint32_t b)

	@function   CCBigNumDiv
	@abstract   Divides a BigNum (a) by another Bignum (b).
	@param		quotient  A bigNum in which to place the quotient (a div b).
	@param		remainder  A bigNum in which to place the remainder (a mod b).
    @param		a		The BigNum to divide.
    @param		b		The BigNum used to divide a.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumDiv(CCBigNumRef quotient, CCBigNumRef remainder, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumDiv2
	@abstract   Divides a BigNum (a) by 2.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The BigNum to divide.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumDiv2(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a)

	@function   CCBigNumMod
	@abstract   Find the remainder of a BigNum for a given modulus.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		dividend	The BigNum to divide.
    @param		modulus		The BigNum used to divide a and produce the mod value.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMod(CCBigNumRef result, CCBigNumRef dividend, CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumModI
	@abstract   Find the remainder of a BigNum for a given modulus (unsigned integer version).
	@param		result      A pointer to an unsigned integer in which to place the result.
    @param		dividend	The BigNum to divide.
    @param		modulus		The BigNum used to divide a and produce the mod value.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumModI(uint32_t *result, CCBigNumRef dividend, uint32_t modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumSquare
	@abstract   Find the square of a BigNum.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a	The BigNum to square.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumSquare(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a)

	@function   CCBigNumGCD
	@abstract   Find the Greatest Common Denominator of two BigNums.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a	A BigNum.
    @param		b	A BigNum.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumGCD(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumLCM
	@abstract   Find the Least Common Multiple of two BigNums.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a	A BigNum.
    @param		b	A BigNum.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumLCM(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b)

	@function   CCBigNumMulMod
	@abstract   Perform Modular Multiplication.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a	A BigNum.
    @param		b	A BigNum.
    @param		modulus	The Modulus.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMulMod(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef b, const CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumSquareMod
	@abstract   Perform Modular Squaring.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a	A BigNum.
    @param		modulus	The Modulus.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumSquareMod(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumInverseMod
	@abstract   Perform Modular Inversion.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		A BigNum.
    @param		modulus	The Modulus.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumInverseMod(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumModExp
	@abstract   Perform Modular Exponentiation.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
    @param		a		The base integer.
    @param		power	The power integer.
    @param		modulus	The Modulus.

	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumModExp(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const CCBigNumRef power, const CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumLeftShift
	@abstract   Shift a BigNum left
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
	@param      a		The BigNum. 
	@param      digits	How many bit places to shift left.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumLeftShift(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const uint32_t digits)

	@function   CCBigNumRightShift
	@abstract   Shift a BigNum right
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
	@param      a		The BigNum. 
	@param      digits	How many bit places to shift right.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumRightShift(CCBigNumRef result, const CCBigNumRef a, const uint32_t digits)

	@function   CCBigNumMontgomerySetup
	@abstract   Setup Montgomery
	@param      num	The modulus. 
	@param      rho	The destination for the reduction digit.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMontgomerySetup(CCBigNumRef num, uint32_t *rho)

	@function   CCBigNumMontgomeryNormalization
	@abstract   Get the normalization value.
	@param		result  A bigNum in which to place the result.
	@param      modulus	The modulus. 
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMontgomeryNormalization(CCBigNumRef result, CCBigNumRef modulus)

	@function   CCBigNumMontgomeryReduce
	@abstract   Reduce a number
	@param      x 	The BigNum to reduce - the result will be stored back into
    				this BigNum.
	@param      modulus	The modulus. 
	@param      rho		The reduction digit.
	@result		returns a CCStatus (See CommonCryptor.h for values).

CCBigNumMontgomeryReduce(CCBigNumRef x, CCBigNumRef modulus, uint32_t rho)

	@function   CCBigNumCreateRandom
	@abstract   Creates a BigNum with a random value.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@result		On success this returns a newly
    			allocated BigNum (must be freed with 
                Returns NULL on failure.

CCBigNumCreateRandom(CCStatus *status, int bits, int top, int bottom)

	@function   CCBigNumIsPrime
	@abstract   Determines if a BigNum is prime.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn - a BigNum. 
	@result		Returns true or false.

CCBigNumIsPrime(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumIsOdd
	@abstract   Determines if a BigNum is odd.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn - a BigNum. 
	@result		Returns true or false.

CCBigNumIsOdd(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumIsZero
	@abstract   Determines if a BigNum is zero.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn - a BigNum. 
	@result		Returns true or false.

CCBigNumIsZero(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

	@function   CCBigNumIsNegative
	@abstract   Determines if a BigNum is negative.
	@param      status  A pointer to a CCStatus for return codes. 
	@param      bn - a BigNum. 
	@result		Returns true or false.

CCBigNumIsNegative(CCStatus *status, const CCBigNumRef bn)

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* _CC_BIGNUM_H_ */