gnuglue.m   [plain text]

#import <AppKit/NSGraphics.h>		// NSBeep
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>		// NSNumber
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSScanner.h>
#import <Foundation/NSFileManager.h>
#import <Foundation/NSBundle.h>
#import <Foundation/NSZone.h>		// NSDefaultMallocZone, NSZoneMalloc
#import <Foundation/NSUtilities.h>	// NSLog

/* own interface */
//#import "gnuglue.h"

/* types, constants & external variables */
#import "gnuchess.h"

/* Application */
#import "Chess.h"	// NSApp

/* UNIX/C functions */
#import <stdio.h>	// fopen, fclose, fprintf, fscanf
#import <signal.h>	// signal
#import <time.h>	// time
#import <math.h>	// floor
#import <libc.h>	// getuid, usleep
#import <pwd.h>		// getpwuid, passwd

#ifdef PROFILE
#import <libc.h>	// times, tms
static struct tms  tmbuf1, tmbuf2;

/* castles */
#define NO_CASTLE     0x0
#define LEFT_CASTLE   0x1
#define RIGHT_CASTLE  0x2

/* external functions (gnuchess.c) */
extern void gnuchess_main_init();
extern void NewGame();
extern void algbr();
extern int  VerifyMove();
extern int  castle();
extern int  distance();
extern void InitializeStats();
extern int  SqAtakd();
extern void SelectMoveStart();
extern int  SelectMoveEnd();
extern void SelectLoop();

/* static variables */
static struct MoveInfo  move_info;
static struct BookEntry	*book_entries;
static short		GameQueens[240];

/* private functions */

static NSString * computerMove()
    if( mvstr1[0] )
	return [NSString stringWithCString: (const char *) mvstr1];
    return nil;

/* (not used)
static NSString * opponentMove()
    if( mvstr2[0] )
	return [NSString stringWithCString: (const char *) mvstr2];
    return nil;

static void convert_move( move, row1, col1, row2, col2, castle_flag )
NSString *move;
int *row1, *col1;
int *row2, *col2;
int *castle_flag;
    int type = no_piece;
    if( [move isEqual: @"o-o"] )
	*castle_flag = RIGHT_CASTLE;
    else if( [move isEqual: @"o-o-o"] )
	*castle_flag = LEFT_CASTLE;
    else {
	char *algbr = (char *) [move cString];
	if( algbr && *algbr ) {
	    *col1 = algbr[0] - 'a';
	    *row1 = algbr[1] - '0' - 1;
	    *col2 = algbr[2] - 'a';
	    *row2 = algbr[3] - '0' - 1;
	    *castle_flag = NO_CASTLE;
	    type = [NSApp pieceTypeAt: *row1 : *col1];
    if( type ) {
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
	NSLog( @"Piece type: %d", type );
	if( type == king ) {
	    if( *col1 == 4 && *col2 == 6 )
		*castle_flag = RIGHT_CASTLE;
	    else if( *col1 == 4 && *col2 == 2 )
		*castle_flag = LEFT_CASTLE;

static const char * sPieceChars[] = {

static NSString * _convert_rowcol( row1, col1, row2, col2, type )
int row1, col1;
int row2, col2;
int type;
    char algbr [6];
    if( type == king && col1 == 4 ) {
	if( col2 == 6 )
	    return @"o-o";
	if( col2 == 2 )
	    return @"o-o-o";
    sprintf(algbr, "%s%c%c%c%c", sPieceChars[type], 
	    'a' + col1, '0' + row1 + 1, 
	    'a' + col2, '0' + row2 + 1);

    return [NSString stringWithCString: (const char *) algbr];

static unsigned short convert_string( string, side )
NSString *string;
int  side;
    unsigned short move = 0;
    if( [string isEqual: @"o-o-o"] )
	move = ( side == black ) ? 0x3C3A : 0x0402;
    else if( [string isEqual: @"o-o"] )
	move = ( side == black ) ? 0x3C3E : 0x0406;
    else {
	char *algbr = (char *)[string cString];
	if( algbr && *algbr ) {
	    int r1, r2, c1, c2;
	    c1 = algbr[0] - 'a';
	    r1 = algbr[1] - '1';
	    c2 = algbr[2] - 'a';
	    r2 = algbr[3] - '1';
	    move = (unsigned short)((locn[r1][c1] << 8) + locn[r2][c2]);
    return move;

/* (not used)
static NSZone * create_zone()
    unsigned pageSize    = NSPageSize();
    unsigned granularity = pageSize;
    BOOL     canFree     = NO;		// no dynamic free
    NSZone *zone = NSCreateZone( pageSize, granularity, canFree );
    if( zone )
	return zone;

    NSLog( @"Zone cannot be created: size = %u", pageSize );
    return (NSZone *) NULL;

static struct BookEntry * create_book_entry ( moves )
NSArray *moves;
    unsigned moveCount = [moves count];
    if( moveCount ) {
	struct BookEntry *entry;
	unsigned short *movep;
	unsigned entrySize = sizeof(struct BookEntry);
	unsigned moveSize  = (moveCount + 1) * sizeof(unsigned short);
	NSZone *zone = NSDefaultMallocZone();	// ??
//	NSZone *zone = [self zone];
	entry = (struct BookEntry *)NSZoneMalloc( zone, entrySize );
	movep = (unsigned short *)  NSZoneMalloc( zone, moveSize );
	if( entry && movep ) {
	    unsigned index;
//	    entry->next = book_entries;
	    entry->mv = movep;
	    for( index = 0; index < moveCount; index++ )
		*(movep++) = [[moves objectAtIndex:index] unsignedShortValue];
	    *movep = 0;
	    return entry;

	NSLog( @"Memory cannot be allocated: zone = %p", (void *)zone );
    return (struct BookEntry *)NULL;

   Functions invoked by gnuchess.c modules

void OutputMove()
    int  row1, col1, row2, col2, castle_flag;
    NSString  *move = computerMove();

#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"OutputMove: Computer move is %@, mask %#04x", move, root->flags );
    if( root->flags & draw )
	[NSApp setFinished: DRAW_GAME];
    [NSApp fillResponseMeter: player];

    if( ! move || [move isEqual: @""] ) {
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    convert_move( move, &row1, &col1, &row2, &col2, &castle_flag );

    [NSApp movePieceFrom: row1 : col1 to: row2 : col2];
    switch (castle_flag ) {
    case NO_CASTLE:
    case LEFT_CASTLE:
	[NSApp movePieceFrom: row1 : 0 to: row2 : 3];
    case RIGHT_CASTLE:
	[NSApp movePieceFrom: row1 : 7 to: row2 : 5];

#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"White has %hd pieces", PieceCnt[white] );
    NSLog( @"Black has %hd pieces", PieceCnt[black] );

void SelectLevel()
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"SelectLevel" );

void UpdateClocks()
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"UpdateClocks" );

void ElapsedTime( int iop ) 
   Determine the time that has passed since the search was started. If 
   the elapsed time exceeds the target (ResponseTime+ExtraTime) then set 
   timeout to true which will terminate the search. 
    et = time((long *)0) - time0;
    if( et < 0 )
	et = 0;
    ETnodes += 50;
    if( ! iop )
	[NSApp displayResponseMeter: player];

#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"ResponseTime %ld, ExtraTime %ld, Sdepth %hd, iop %d, et %ld, et0 %ld", ResponseTime, ExtraTime, Sdepth, iop, et, et0 );

    if( et > et0 || iop == 1 ) {
	if( et > ResponseTime+ExtraTime && Sdepth > 1 )
	    timeout = true;
	et0 = et;
	if( iop == 1 ) {
	    time0 = time((long *)0);
	    et0 = 0;

#ifdef PROFILE
	(void)times( &tmbuf2 );
	cputimer = 100 * (tmbuf2.tms_utime - tmbuf1.tms_utime) / HZ;
	if( cputimer > 0 )
	    evrate = (100 * NodeCnt) / (cputimer + 100 * ft);
	    evrate = 0;

	ETnodes = NodeCnt + 50;

    [NSApp peekAndGetLeftMouseDownEvent];

void SetTimeControl()
    short  moves;
    long   clock;
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"SetTimeControl" );

    if( TCflag ) {
	moves = TCmoves;
	clock = 60 * (long)TCminutes;
    else {
	moves = 0;
	clock = 0;
	Level = 60 * (long)TCminutes;
    TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = moves;
    TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = clock;

    et = 0;

void ShowResults( short score, unsigned short bstline[], char ch )
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"ShowResults:  score = %hd    %@", score, computerMove() );

void GameEnd( short score )
    int gameStatus = 0;

    if( root->flags & draw )
	gameStatus = DRAW_GAME;
    else if( score == 9998 ) {
	NSLog( @"score %hd, winner %hd", score, winner );
	gameStatus = ( winner == black ) ? BLACK_MATE : WHITE_MATE;
    else if( score == -9999 ) {
	if( bothsides ) {
	    NSLog( @"score %hd, winner %hd", score, winner );
	    if( winner != -1 )
		gameStatus = ( winner == white ) ? WHITE_MATE : BLACK_MATE;
		gameStatus = WHITE_MATE;
	    gameStatus = OPPONENT_MATE;
    [NSApp setFinished: gameStatus];

void ClrScreen()
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"ClrScreen" );

void UpdateDisplay( int f, int t, int flag, int iscastle )
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"UpdateDisplay:  from %d, to %d, flag %#04x, iscastle %d, InChk %hd", f, t, flag, iscastle, InChk );
    [NSApp updateBoard];

void GetOpenings()

   Read in the Opening Book file and parse the algebraic notation for a 
   move into an unsigned integer format indicating the from and to 
   square. Create a linked list of opening lines of play, with 
   entry->next pointing to the next line and entry->move pointing to a 
   chunk of memory containing the moves. More Opening lines of up to 256 
   half moves may be added to 

    NSBundle *bundle;
    NSString *path;
    NSString *book;
    NSScanner *scanner;
    NSMutableArray *moveList;
    int  side;

    if( book_entries ) {
	Book = book_entries;

    bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    path = [bundle pathForResource: @"gnuchess" ofType: @"book"];
    book = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: path];
    scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: book];
    if( ! book || ! scanner )

    moveList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 0];
    side = white;
//  book_entries = NULL;

    while( ! [scanner isAtEnd] ) {
	NSString *textLine;
	if( ! [scanner scanUpToString: @"\n" intoString: &textLine] )

	if( [textLine isEqual: @"\n"] || [textLine hasPrefix: @"!"] ) {
	    struct BookEntry *entry = create_book_entry( moveList );
	    if( entry ) {
		entry->next = book_entries;
		book_entries = entry; 
		side = white;
		[moveList removeAllObjects];
	else {
	    unsigned idx;
	    NSArray *substrings = [textLine componentsSeparatedByString: @" "];
	    for( idx = 0; idx < [substrings count]; idx++ ) {
		unsigned short move;
		NSString *string = (NSString *)[substrings objectAtIndex: idx];
		if( [string isEqual: @""] )
		move = convert_string( string, side );
		if( move ) {
		    NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:move];
		    [moveList addObject: (id)number];
		side = otherside[side];

    Book = book_entries;

void ShowDepth( char ch )
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"ShowDepth:  %hd%c   max %hd", Sdepth, ch, MaxSearchDepth );

void ShowCurrentMove( short pnt, short f, short t )
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    algbr( f, t, false );
    NSLog( @"ShowCurrentMove:  (%2hd) %@", pnt, computerMove() );

void ShowSidetomove()
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSString *colorStr = ( player == white ) ? @"WHITE" : @"BLACK";
    NSLog( @"ShowSidetomove:  %2d:  %@", (int)(1+(GameCnt+1)/2), colorStr );

static void show_message( NSString *str )
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
    NSLog( @"ShowMessage:  %@", str );
    [NSApp setTitleMessage: str];

void ShowMessage( const char *s )
    show_message( [NSString stringWithCString: s] );

static void ExitChess()
    [NSApp terminate: NSApp];

static void Die()
    if( [NSApp canFinishGame] ) {
	signal( SIGINT,  SIG_IGN );
	signal( SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN );

static void TerminateSearch()
    signal( SIGINT,  SIG_IGN );
    signal( SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN );
    timeout = true;
    signal( SIGINT,  Die );	/* Die() */
    signal( SIGQUIT, Die );

void SearchStartStuff( short side )
    signal( SIGINT,  TerminateSearch );	/* TerminateSearch() */
    signal( SIGQUIT, TerminateSearch );

   Functions invoked by modules

void init_gnuchess ()

void new_game ()

void in_check ()
    int incheck = -1;
    if( SqAtakd( PieceList[computer][0], opponent ) )
	incheck = computer;
    if( SqAtakd( PieceList[opponent][0], computer ) )
	incheck = opponent;
    if( incheck == black )
	show_message( @"Black is in check" );
    else if( incheck == white )
	show_message( @"White is in check" );

void get_game ( NSString *filename )
    NSFileManager  *fileMgr;
    const char  *path;
    FILE  *fd;
    int  sq;
    int  c;

    fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    if( ! [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath: filename] ) {
	NSLog( @"file `%@' does not exist.", filename );
    if( ! [fileMgr isReadableFileAtPath: filename] ) {
	NSLog( @"file `%@' is not readable.", filename );
    path = [filename cString];
    if( ! path || ! *path ) {
	NSLog( @"filename `%@' has empty CString.", filename );
    fd = fopen( path, "r" );
    if( ! fd ) {
	NSLog( @"file `%s' cannot be opened.", path );

    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd%hd", &computer, &opponent );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd",    &Game50 );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd%hd", &castld[white], &castld[black] );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd%hd", &kingmoved[white], &kingmoved[black] );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd%hd", &TCflag, &OperatorTime );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%ld",    &TimeControl.clock[white] );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%ld",    &TimeControl.clock[black] );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd",    &TimeControl.moves[white] );
    (void)fscanf( fd, "%hd",    &TimeControl.moves[black] );

    for( sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++ ) {
	unsigned short m;
	(void)fscanf( fd, "%hu" , &m );
	board[sq] = (short)( m >> 8 );
	color[sq] = (short)( m & 0xff );
	if( ! color[sq] ) 
	    color[sq] = neutral;
    [NSApp updateBoard];

    GameCnt = -1;
    c = '?';
    while( c != EOF ) {
	struct GameRec *game = &GameList[++GameCnt];
	c = fscanf( fd,"%hu%hd%hd%ld%hd%hd%hd",
			&game->gmove, &game->score, &game->depth, &game->nodes,
			&game->time,  &game->piece, &game->color );
	if( ! game->color )
	    game->color = neutral;

    if( TimeControl.clock[white] > (long)0 )
	TCflag = true;

    (void)fclose( fd );

    UpdateDisplay( 0, 0, 1, 0 );
    Sdepth = 0;

int save_game ( NSString *filename )
    NSFileManager  *fileMgr;
    const char  *path;
    FILE  *fd;
    int  sq;
    int  i;

    fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    if( [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath: filename] ) {
	if( ! [fileMgr isWritableFileAtPath: filename] ) {
	    NSLog( @"file `%@' exists and is not writable.", filename );
	    return( 0 );
    path = [filename cString];
    if( ! path || ! *path ) {
	NSLog( @"filename `%@' has empty CString.", filename );
	return( 0 );
    fd = fopen( path, "w" );
    if( ! fd ) {
	NSLog( @"file `%s' cannot be opened.", path );
	return( 0 );

    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd %hd ",  computer+1, opponent+1 );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd\n",     Game50 );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd %hd ",  castld[white], castld[black] );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd %hd\n", kingmoved[white], kingmoved[black] );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd %hd\n", TCflag, OperatorTime );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%ld ",      TimeControl.clock[white] );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%ld ",      TimeControl.clock[black] );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd ",      TimeControl.moves[white] );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "%hd\n",     TimeControl.moves[black] );

    for( sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++ ) {
	unsigned short m = ( color[sq] == neutral ) ? 0 : color[sq] + 1;
	m += 256 * board[sq];
	(void)fprintf( fd, "%hu\n", m );

    for( i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++ ) {
	struct GameRec *game = &GameList[i];
	short clr = ( game->color == neutral ) ? 0 : game->color + 1;
	(void)fprintf( fd, "%hu %hd %hd %ld %hd %hd %hd\n",
			game->gmove, game->score, game->depth, game->nodes,
			game->time,  game->piece, clr );

    (void)fclose( fd );
    return( 1 );

int list_game ( NSString *filename )
    NSFileManager  *fileMgr;
    const char  *path;
    FILE  *fd;
    int  i;

    fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
    if( [fileMgr fileExistsAtPath: filename] ) {
	if( ! [fileMgr isWritableFileAtPath: filename] ) {
	    NSLog( @"file `%@' exists and is not writable.", filename );
	    return( 0 );
    path = [filename cString];
    if( ! path || ! *path ) {
	NSLog( @"filename `%@' has empty CString.", filename );
	return( 0 );
    fd = fopen( path, "w" );
    if( ! fd ) {
	NSLog( @"file `%s' cannot be opened.", path );
	return( 0 );

    (void)fprintf( fd, "\n" );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "       score  depth  nodes  time" );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "         " );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "       score  depth  nodes  time");
    (void)fprintf( fd, "\n" );

    for( i = 0; i <= GameCnt; i++ ) {
	struct GameRec *game = &GameList[i];
	short from = (short)( game->gmove >> 8 );
	short to   = (short)( game->gmove & 0xff );
	algbr( from, to, false );
	if( ! (i % 2) )
	    (void)fprintf( fd, "\n" );
	    (void)fprintf( fd, "         " );
	(void)fprintf( fd, "%5s  %5hd     %2hd %6ld %5hd",
		mvstr1, game->score, game->depth, game->nodes, game->time );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "\n" );
    (void)fprintf( fd, "\n" );

    (void)fclose( fd );
    return( 1 );

void undo_move ()
   Undo the most recent half-move.
    struct GameRec *game = &GameList[GameCnt];
    short from = (short)( game->gmove >> 8 );
    short to   = (short)( game->gmove & 0xff );

    if( board[to] == king && distance(to, from) > 1 ) {
	(void)castle( game->color, from, to, (short)2 );
    else {
	board[from] = board[to];
	color[from] = color[to];
	board[to]   = game->piece;
	color[to]   = game->color;
	if ( GameQueens[GameCnt] )
	    board[from] = GameQueens[GameCnt];
	if (board[from] == king)
    if( TCflag )

    mate = false;
    Sdepth = 0;

    if ( [NSApp finished] )
	[NSApp setFinished: 0];
    UpdateDisplay( 0, 0, 1, 0 );

int give_hint ()
    if( hint ) {
	short from = (short)( hint >> 8 );
	short to   = (short)( hint & 0xff );
	algbr( from, to, false );
#ifdef NeXT_DEBUG
	NSLog( @"hint: %@", computerMove() );
	[NSApp highlightSquareAt: (int)(from / 8) : (int)(from % 8)];
	[NSApp highlightSquareAt: (int)(to   / 8) : (int)(to   % 8)];
    return (int) hint;

NSString * convert_rowcol ( row1, col1, row2, col2, type )
int row1, col1;
int row2, col2;
int type;
    return _convert_rowcol( row1, col1, row2, col2, type );

BOOL verify_move( move )
NSString *move;
    unsigned short mv;
    char *str = (char *)[move cString];
    int verify = VerifyMove( str+(strlen(str)>4), (short)0, &mv );
    return ( verify == true ) ? YES : NO;

void select_move_start ( side, iop )
int  side;
int  iop;
    move_info.side  = (short) side;
    move_info.alpha = (short) 0;
    move_info.beta  = (short) 0;
    move_info.iop   = (short) iop;
    move_info.rpt   = (short) 0;
    Sdepth = 0;
    SelectMoveStart( &move_info );

void select_move_end ()
    (void)SelectMoveEnd( &move_info );

BOOL select_loop_end ()
    return (BOOL)(timeout || Sdepth >= MaxSearchDepth);

void select_loop ()
    SelectLoop( &move_info );

void run_computer_game ()
    quit = false;
    while( ! mate && ! quit && ! [NSApp finished] )
	[NSApp selectMove: player iop: 1];
    quit = true;
    timeout = true;

void stop_computer_game ()
    quit = true;
    timeout = true;

void select_computer_move ()
    Sdepth = 0;
    ft = 0;
    if( ! quit && ! mate && ! force )
	[NSApp selectMove: computer iop: 1];

int current_player ()
    return (int)player;

int game_count ()
    return (int)GameCnt;

int move_time ()
    return (int)GameList[GameCnt].time;

int response_time ()
    return (int)( ResponseTime + ExtraTime );

void reset_response_time ()
    ResponseTime = 0;
    ExtraTime = 0;

int elapsed_time ()
    return (int)et;

short *default_pieces ()
    return Stboard;

short *default_colors ()
    return Stcolor;

short *current_pieces ()
    return board;

short *current_colors ()
    return color;

int  game_level ()
    return (int) Level;

void set_game_level ( level )
int  level;
    Level = (long) level;

void interpret_level ( level, moves, minutes )
int  level;
int  *moves;
int  *minutes;
    switch( level ) {
	case 1  : *moves = 60; *minutes = 5;   break;
	case 2  : *moves = 60; *minutes = 15;  break;
	case 3  : *moves = 60; *minutes = 30;  break;
	case 4  : *moves = 40; *minutes = 30;  break;
	case 5  : *moves = 40; *minutes = 60;  break;
	case 6  : *moves = 40; *minutes = 120; break;
	case 7  : *moves = 40; *minutes = 240; break;
	case 8  : *moves = 1;  *minutes = 15;  break;
	case 9  : *moves = 1;  *minutes = 60;  break;
	case 10 : *moves = 1;  *minutes = 600; break;
	default : *moves = 0;  *minutes = 0;   break;

void set_preferences ( prefs )
struct Preferences *prefs;
    if( prefs ) {
	TCmoves   = (short)prefs->time_cntl_moves;
	TCminutes = (short)prefs->time_cntl_minutes;
	TCflag    = (short)( TCmoves > 1 );

	bothsides = (short)prefs->bothsides;
	opponent  = (short)prefs->opponent;
	computer  = (short)prefs->computer;

void set_timeout( flag )
BOOL  flag;
    timeout = (short)flag;

void set_game_queen( piece )
int  piece;
    GameQueens[GameCnt] = (short)piece;

NSString *copyright_text ()
    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    NSString *path   = [bundle pathForResource: @"COPYING" ofType: nil];
    if( path ) {
	NSString *string = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: path];
	if( string )
	    return string;
    return nil;

NSString *user_fullname ()
    struct passwd *pwen = getpwuid( getuid() );
    return [NSString stringWithCString: (const char *) pwen->pw_gecos];

void sleep_microsecs ( microsecs )
unsigned microsecs;
    (void) usleep( microsecs );

int  floor_value ( value )
double  value;
    return (int) floor( value );

// Local Variables:
// tab-width: 8
// End: