sjeng.rc   [plain text]

# Sample rcfile for Sjeng 10.0
# First number is size of hash table (transposition table) 
# An entry is about 16 bytes, and there are three tables, 
# so the total hash size is the number below times 48.
# Normal, Bughouse, Crazyhouse, Losers
# Evaluation cache entries
# An entry is normally about 8 bytes
# Normal, Bughouse, Crazyhouse, Losers
# Proofnumber search buffer
# In suicide/giveaway and losers Sjeng uses proofnumbersearch instead 
# of the more common alpha-beta search. If the buffer is filled
# Sjeng will have to stop searching. Make this a large
# number if you will play suicide or losers at slow timecontrols.
# You can safely set this to 0 if you do not play suicide/giveaway
# or losers.
# Each entry is about 28 bytes.
# Suicide/Giveaway and Losers only
# Kingsafety scalefactor (range 0<->2.5)
# This controls how much emphasis Sjeng will
# put on kingattacks vs material gain.
# The eval can be completely finetuned below.
# Crazyhouse/bughouse only
# Development scaling (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will put less emphasis on trying to
# get pieces on good squares if it does not
# have much material in hand.
# Crazyhouse/bughouse only
# Razor drop moves (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will look less deep at
# drop moves that seem passive.
# Crazyhouse/bughouse only
# Cut drop moves (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will try to avoid looking at drop moves 
# where the dropped piece can be captured immediately.
# Crazyhouse/bughouse only
# Book learning
# Sjeng will adjust the openings it plays
# depending on the outcome of the game.
# All variants
# Futility pruning/Limited Razoring (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will try to avoid looking at positions
# where it is materially lost, or will look at
# them less deeply.
# All variants
# One-reply extension (1=enabled/0=disabeled)
# Sjeng will loop deeper at very forcing lines.
# This can cause Sjeng to see some tactics faster,
# but it may reduce overall search depth.
# Normal/Crazyhouse/Bughouse
# Recapture extension (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will treat a recapture like a forced move.
# Normal/Crazyhouse/Bughouse
# Use Smarteval (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# This enables the use of an evalution 
# which can detect some typical threats,
# but which will also slow the search down.
# Crazyhouse and Bughouse only
# Use Attackeval (1=enabled/0=disabled)
# Sjeng will do a full calculation of
# which squares near the king are threatened.
# This will increase its awareness of 
# kingsafety, but will also cause it
# to search slower, and hence look less deeply.
# Crazyhouse and Bughouse only
# Kingsafety (Crazyhouse/Bughouse only)
# The following tables are the 'tropisms'. 
# They are basically bonusses for having pieces
# close to the opposing king. The closer our
# pieces are, the better. First number is a 
# maximum distance of 1 file/rank. Second 2 etc...
# Pawn tropisms
40 20 10 3 1 1 0
# Bishop tropisms
50 25 15 5 2 2 2 
# Knight tropisms
50 70 35 10 2 1 0 
# Rook tropisms
50 40 15 5 1 1 0 
# Queen tropisms
100 60 20 5 2 0 0 
# KingAttacks table  (Crazyhouse/Bughouse only)
# The following table is used to give penalties
# depending on the number of squares around our
# king that are attacked, taking into account
# the pieces in our opponents hand.
# It is only used if AttackEval is also enabled
# Columns are the number of squares that are attacked.
# Rows are the number of points in the opponents hand.
-5    5  10  15  50  80 150 150 150 
-5   15  20  25  70 150 200 200 200 
-5   15  30  30 100 200 300 300 300   
-10  20  40  40 100 200 300 300 400  
-10  30  50  80 150 300 400 400 500  
-10  35  60 100 200 250 400 400 500  
-10  40  70 110 210 300 500 500 600  
-10  45  75 125 215 300 500 600 700  
-10  60  90 130 240 350 500 600 700  
-15  60  95 145 260 350 500 600 700   
-15  60 100 150 270 350 500 600 700   
-15  60 110 160 280 400 600 700 800 
-20  70 115 165 290 400 600 700 800 
-20  80 120 170 300 450 700 800 900 
-20  80 125 175 310 450 700 800 900