""" License Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Dave Smith (dizzyd@jabber.org) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. $Id: socks5.py 31 2007-12-21 00:08:34Z fabio.forno $ """ from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor import struct import os os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = "random" STATE_INITIAL = 0 STATE_AUTH = 1 STATE_REQUEST = 2 STATE_READY = 3 STATE_AUTH_USERPASS = 4 STATE_LAST = 5 STATE_CONNECT_PENDING = STATE_LAST + 1 SOCKS5_VER = 0x05 ADDR_IPV4 = 0x01 ADDR_DOMAINNAME = 0x03 ADDR_IPV6 = 0x04 CMD_CONNECT = 0x01 CMD_BIND = 0x02 CMD_UDPASSOC = 0x03 AUTHMECH_ANON = 0x00 AUTHMECH_USERPASS = 0x02 AUTHMECH_INVALID = 0xFF REPLY_SUCCESS = 0x00 REPLY_GENERAL_FAILUR = 0x01 REPLY_CONN_NOT_ALLOWED = 0x02 REPLY_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE = 0x03 REPLY_HOST_UNREACHABLE = 0x04 REPLY_CONN_REFUSED = 0x05 REPLY_TTL_EXPIRED = 0x06 REPLY_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x07 REPLY_ADDR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x08 class SOCKSv5Outgoing(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, peersock): self.peersock = peersock self.peersock.peersock = self def connectionMade(self): _invalid_, hostname, port = self.transport.getPeer() self.peersock.connectCompleted(hostname, port) def connectionLost(self, reason): self.peersock.transport.loseConnection() self.peersock.peersock = None self.peersock = None def dataReceived(self, buf): self.peersock.transport.write(buf) class SOCKSv5(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self): self.state = STATE_INITIAL self.buf = "" self.supportedAuthMechs = [ AUTHMECH_USERPASS ] self.supportedAddrs = [ ADDR_IPV4, ADDR_DOMAINNAME ] self.enabledCommands = [ CMD_CONNECT, CMD_BIND ] self.peersock = None self.addressType = 0 self.requestType = 0 def _parseNegotiation(self): try: # Parse out data ver, nmethod = struct.unpack('!BB', self.buf[:2]) methods = struct.unpack('%dB' % nmethod, self.buf[2:nmethod+2]) # Ensure version is correct if ver != 5: self.transport.write(struct.pack('!BB', SOCKS5_VER, AUTHMECH_INVALID)) self.transport.loseConnection() return # Trim off front of the buffer self.buf = self.buf[nmethod+2:] # Check for supported auth mechs for m in self.supportedAuthMechs: if m in methods: # Update internal state, according to selected method if m == AUTHMECH_ANON: self.state = STATE_REQUEST elif m == AUTHMECH_USERPASS: self.state = STATE_AUTH_USERPASS # Complete negotiation w/ this method self.transport.write(struct.pack('!BB', SOCKS5_VER, m)) return # No supported mechs found, notify client and close the connection self.transport.write(struct.pack('!BB', SOCKS5_VER, AUTHMECH_INVALID)) self.transport.loseConnection() except struct.error: pass def _parseUserPass(self): try: # Parse out data ver, ulen = struct.unpack('BB', self.buf[:2]) uname, = struct.unpack('%ds' % ulen, self.buf[2:ulen + 2]) plen, = struct.unpack('B', self.buf[ulen + 2]) password, = struct.unpack('%ds' % plen, self.buf[ulen + 3:ulen + 3 + plen]) # Trim off fron of the buffer self.buf = self.buf[3 + ulen + plen:] # Fire event to authenticate user if self.authenticateUserPass(uname, password): # Signal success self.state = STATE_REQUEST self.transport.write(struct.pack('!BB', SOCKS5_VER, 0x00)) else: # Signal failure self.transport.write(struct.pack('!BB', SOCKS5_VER, 0x01)) self.transport.loseConnection() except struct.error: pass def sendErrorReply(self, errorcode): # Any other address types are not supported result = struct.pack('!BBBBIH', SOCKS5_VER, errorcode, 0, 1, 0, 0) self.transport.write(result) self.transport.loseConnection() def _parseRequest(self): try: # Parse out data and trim buffer accordingly ver, cmd, rsvd, self.addressType = struct.unpack('!BBBB', self.buf[:4]) # Ensure we actually support the requested address type if self.addressType not in self.supportedAddrs: self.sendErrorReply(REPLY_ADDR_NOT_SUPPORTED) return # Deal with addresses if self.addressType == ADDR_IPV4: addr, port = struct.unpack('!IH', self.buf[4:10]) self.buf = self.buf[10:] elif self.addressType == ADDR_DOMAINNAME: nlen = ord(self.buf[4]) addr, port = struct.unpack('!%dsH' % nlen, self.buf[5:]) self.buf = self.buf[7 + len(addr):] else: # Any other address types are not supported self.sendErrorReply(REPLY_ADDR_NOT_SUPPORTED) return # Ensure command is supported if cmd not in self.enabledCommands: # Send a not supported error self.sendErrorReply(REPLY_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED) return # Process the command if cmd == CMD_CONNECT: self.connectRequested(addr, port) elif cmd == CMD_BIND: self.bindRequested(addr, port) else: # Any other command is not supported self.sendErrorReply(REPLY_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED) except struct.error, why: return None def connectRequested(self, addr, port): self.transport.stopReading() self.state = STATE_CONNECT_PENDING protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SOCKSv5Outgoing, self).connectTCP(addr, port) def connectCompleted(self, remotehost, remoteport): if self.addressType == ADDR_IPV4: result = struct.pack('!BBBBIH', SOCKS5_VER, REPLY_SUCCESS, 0, 1, remotehost, remoteport) elif self.addressType == ADDR_DOMAINNAME: result = struct.pack('!BBBBB%dsH' % len(remotehost), SOCKS5_VER, REPLY_SUCCESS, 0, ADDR_DOMAINNAME, len(remotehost), remotehost, remoteport) self.transport.write(result) self.state = STATE_READY self.transport.startReading() def bindRequested(self, addr, port): pass def authenticateUserPass(self, user, passwd): print "User/pass: ", user, passwd return True def dataReceived(self, buf): if self.state == STATE_READY: self.peersock.transport.write(buf) return self.buf = self.buf + buf if self.state == STATE_INITIAL: self._parseNegotiation() if self.state == STATE_AUTH_USERPASS: self._parseUserPass() if self.state == STATE_REQUEST: self._parseRequest() factory = protocol.Factory() factory.protocol = SOCKSv5 if __name__ == "__main__": reactor.listenTCP(8888, factory) reactor.run()