hash_tables.sgml   [plain text]

<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
Hash Tables

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
associations between keys and values so that given a key the value
can be found quickly.

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
A #GHashTable provides associations between keys and values which
is optimized so that given a key, the associated value can be found
very quickly.
Note that neither keys nor values are copied when inserted into the
#GHashTable, so they must exist for the lifetime of the #GHashTable.
This means that the use of static strings is OK, but temporary
strings (i.e. those created in buffers and those returned by GTK+ widgets)
should be copied with g_strdup() before being inserted.
If keys or values are dynamically allocated, you must be careful to ensure
that they are freed when they are removed from the #GHashTable, and also
when they are overwritten by new insertions into the #GHashTable.
It is also not advisable to mix static strings and dynamically-allocated
strings in a #GHashTable, because it then becomes difficult to determine
whether the string should be freed.
To create a #GHashTable, use g_hash_table_new().
To insert a key and value into a #GHashTable, use g_hash_table_insert().
To lookup a value corresponding to a given key, use g_hash_table_lookup()
and g_hash_table_lookup_extended().
To remove a key and value, use g_hash_table_remove().
To call a function for each key and value pair use g_hash_table_foreach().
To destroy a #GHashTable use g_hash_table_destroy().

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->


<!-- ##### STRUCT GHashTable ##### -->
The <structname>GHashTable</structname> struct is an opaque data structure to represent a
<link linkend="glib-Hash-Tables">Hash Table</link>.
It should only be accessed via the following functions.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_new ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_new_full ##### -->



<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GHashFunc ##### -->
Specifies the type of the hash function which is passed to
g_hash_table_new() when a #GHashTable is created.
The function is passed a key and should return a #guint hash value.
The functions g_direct_hash(), g_int_hash() and g_str_hash() provide
hash functions which can be used when the key is a #gpointer, #gint, and 
#gchar* respectively.
FIXME: Need more here.
The hash values should be evenly distributed over a fairly large range?
The modulus is taken with the hash table size (a prime number)
to find the 'bucket' to place each key into.
The function should also be very fast, since it is called for each key

@key: a key.
@Returns: the hash value corresponding to the key.

<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GEqualFunc ##### -->
Specifies the type of a function used to test two values for
equality. The function should return %TRUE if both values are equal and
%FALSE otherwise.

@a: a value.
@b: a value to compare with.
@Returns: %TRUE if @a = @b; %FALSE otherwise.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_insert ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_replace ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_size ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_lookup ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_lookup_extended ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_foreach ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_find ##### -->



<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GHFunc ##### -->
Specifies the type of the function passed to g_hash_table_foreach().
It is called with each key/value pair, together with the @user_data parameter
which is passed to g_hash_table_foreach().

@key: a key.
@value: the value corresponding to the key.
@user_data: user data passed to g_hash_table_foreach().

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_remove ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_steal ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_foreach_remove ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_foreach_steal ##### -->



<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION GHRFunc ##### -->
Specifies the type of the function passed to g_hash_table_foreach_remove().
It is called with each key/value pair, together with the @user_data parameter
passed to g_hash_table_foreach_remove().
It should return %TRUE if the key/value pair should be removed from the

@key: a key.
@value: the value associated with the key.
@user_data: user data passed to g_hash_table_remove().
@Returns: %TRUE if the key/value pair should be removed from the #GHashTable.

<!-- ##### MACRO g_hash_table_freeze ##### -->
This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major
 release of GLib. It does nothing.

@hash_table: a #GHashTable

<!-- ##### MACRO g_hash_table_thaw ##### -->
This function is deprecated and will be removed in the next major
 release of GLib. It does nothing.

@hash_table: a #GHashTable

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_hash_table_destroy ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_direct_equal ##### -->
Compares two #gpointer arguments and returns %TRUE if they are equal.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @key_equal_func
parameter, when using pointers as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a key.
@v2: a key to compare with @v.
@Returns: %TRUE if the two keys match.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_direct_hash ##### -->
Converts a gpointer to a hash value.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @hash_func parameter, when
using pointers as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a gpointer key.
@Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_int_equal ##### -->
Compares the two #gint values being pointed to and returns %TRUE if they are
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @key_equal_func
parameter, when using pointers to integers as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a pointer to a #gint key.
@v2: a pointer to a #gint key to compare with @v.
@Returns: %TRUE if the two keys match.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_int_hash ##### -->
Converts a pointer to a #gint to a hash value.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @hash_func parameter, when
using pointers to integers values as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a pointer to a #gint key.
@Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_str_equal ##### -->
Compares two strings and returns %TRUE if they are equal.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @key_equal_func
parameter, when using strings as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a key.
@v2: a key to compare with @v.
@Returns: %TRUE if the two keys match.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_str_hash ##### -->
Converts a string to a hash value.
It can be passed to g_hash_table_new() as the @hash_func parameter, when
using strings as keys in a #GHashTable.

@v: a string key.
@Returns: a hash value corresponding to the key.