@G_CHANNEL_ERROR_ACCES: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_BADF: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_DEADLK: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_FAULT: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_INVAL: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_IO: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_ISDIR: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_MFILE: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_NOLCK: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_NOSPC: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_PERM: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_PIPE: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_SPIPE: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_ENCODE_RW: @G_CHANNEL_ERROR_FAILED: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_NORMAL: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_EOF: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_PARTIAL_CHARS: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_AGAIN: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_INTR: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_ERROR: @G_CHANNEL_STATUS_BAD_INPUT: @a: @b: @user_data: @Returns: @s1: @s2: @Returns: Specifies the type of function passed to g_set_error_handler(). @str: the error message. @hook_list: @hook: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_READ: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_WRITE: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_APPEND: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE_TRUNCATE: @G_IO_FILE_MODE_READ_WRITE_APPEND: Enumeration representing different kinds of patterns. This is only used internally for optimizing the match algorithm. @G_MATCH_ALL: a general pattern. @G_MATCH_ALL_TAIL: a general pattern which contains a fixed part matching the end of the string. @G_MATCH_HEAD: a pattern matching every string with a certain prefix. @G_MATCH_TAIL: a pattern matching every string with a certain suffix. @G_MATCH_EXACT: a pattern matching exactly one string. @G_MATCH_LAST: Specifies the type of function passed to g_set_warning_handler(). @str: the warning message. One of %G_IO_CHANNEL_UNIX_LINE_TERM, %G_IO_CHANNEL_DOS_LINE_TERM, or %G_IO_CHANNEL_MACINTOSH_LINE_TERM (unimplemented) depending on the system type. Encoding for nonbuffered IO. With this encoding, data must be read using g_io_channel_read_chars(); the other functions will not work. Provided for UNIX emulation on Windows; equivalent to UNIX macro %NAME_MAX, which is the maximum length of a single path component. i.e. just the foo in /usr/bin/foo. Provided for UNIX emulation on Windows; see documentation for closedir() in any UNIX manual. @Param1: @Returns: @en: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: The log domain used for messages logged by GLib itself. Adds a file descriptor to be polled. This is usually combined with g_source_add() to add an event source. The event source's check function will typically test the revents field in the #GPollFD struct and return TRUE if events need to be processed. @fd: a #GPollFD, which is a file descriptor together with a bitwise combination of #GIOCondition flags determining which events to poll for. @priority: the priority of the poll, which should be the same as the priority used for g_source_add() to ensure that the file descriptor is polled whenever the results may be needed. See #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, #G_PRIORITY_HIGH, #G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, and #G_PRIORITY_LOW. @thread: @Returns: @loop: Removes a file descriptor from the list being polled. @fd: the #GPollFD to remove. @Returns: Checks if the given memory has already been freed. If it has it outputs a warning message. To use this function you must configure glib with the flag '--enable-mem-check=yes' before compiling. @mem: the memory to check. Gets the file attributes. This is the st_mode field from the stat structure. See the stat() documentation. @filename: the file name. @Returns: the file attributes. Sets the function to be called to handle error messages. This function is deprecated in favour of the new logging facilities. @func: the function to be called to handle error messages. @Returns: the old error handler. Sets the function to be called to handle messages. This function is deprecated in favour of the new logging facilities. @func: the function to be called to handle normal messages. @Returns: the old message handler. Sets the function to be called to handle warning messages. This function is deprecated in favour of the new logging facilities. @func: the function to be called to handle warning messages. @Returns: the old warning handler. @priority: @can_recurse: @funcs: @source_data: @user_data: @notify: @Returns: @source: @context: @source: @func: @data: @notify: @source: @callback_data: @callback_funcs: Removes the first event source found with the given source data. Event sources are sorted with the highest priority first. Sources with equal priority are stored in the order in which they were added. @source_data: the source data, which contains information specific to the type of source. @Returns: TRUE if an event source was found and removed. @private_key: @thread: @Returns: @private_key: @thread: @data: @notify: Turns the argument into a string literal by using the '#' stringizing operator. @x: text to convert to a literal string. Provided for UNIX emulation on Windows; see documentation for opendir() in any UNIX manual. @Param1: @Returns: Provided for UNIX emulation on Windows; see documentation for readdir() in any UNIX manual. Provided for UNIX emulation on Windows; see documentation for rewinddir() in any UNIX manual. @Param1: