hello.st.in   [plain text]

" Example for use of GNU gettext.
  Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  This file is in the public domain.

  Source code of the GNU Smalltalk program.

PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'I18N' !

Object subclass: #Main
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: 'NLS' 
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Program'
!Main methodsFor: 'running'!
  NLS := I18N Locale default messages domain: 'hello-smalltalk' localeDirectory: '@localedir@'.
  Transcript showCr: (NLS ? 'Hello, world!').
  Transcript showCr: ((NLS ? 'This program is running as process number %1.') bindWith: self getpid).

"Unfortunately I cannot define getpid like this - it gives
 'C function getpid not defined'.

SystemDictionary defineCFunc: 'getpid'
  withSelectorArgs: 'getpid'
  returning: #int
  args: #()

So let's define it through an external process."

!Main methodsFor: 'auxiliary stuff'!
  | stream pid |
  stream := FileDescriptor popen: 'echo $PPID' dir: #read.
  pid := stream contents asNumber.
  stream close.
  ^ pid

Main new run!