test_lore.py   [plain text]

# When all the unit tests for Lore run, there's one more test to do:
#   from a shell,
#   cd Twisted/
#   admin/process-docs
# It takes a while to run (2:03 on a reasonable box)
# Make sure there are no errors!  Warnings are OK.

# ++ single anchor added to individual output file
# ++ two anchors added to individual output file
# ++ anchors added to individual output files
# ++ entry added to index
# ++ index entry pointing to correct file and anchor
# ++ multiple entries added to index
# ++ multiple index entries pointing to correct files and anchors
# __ all of above for files in deep directory structure
# ++ group index entries by indexed term
# ++ sort index entries by indexed term
# __ hierarchical index entries (e.g. language!programming)
# ++ add parameter for what the index filename should be
# ++ add (default) ability to NOT index (if index not specified)
# ++ put actual index filename into INDEX link (if any) in the template
# __ make index links RELATIVE!
# __ make index pay attention to the outputdir!
# __ make index look nice
# ++ add section numbers to headers in lore output
# ++ make text of index entry links be chapter numbers
# ++ make text of index entry links be section numbers
# __ put all of our test files someplace neat and tidy

from twisted.trial import unittest

from twisted.lore.default import *
from twisted.lore import tree, process, indexer, numberer, htmlbook, default

from twisted.python.util import sibpath
from twisted.python import usage

from twisted.scripts import lore

import os

def sp(originalFileName):
    return sibpath(__file__, originalFileName)

options = {"template" : sp("template.tpl"), 'baseurl': '%s', 'ext': '.xhtml' }
d = options

def filenameGenerator(originalFileName, outputExtension):
    return os.path.splitext(originalFileName)[0]+"1"+outputExtension

def filenameGenerator2(originalFileName, outputExtension):
    return os.path.splitext(originalFileName)[0]+"2"+outputExtension

class TestFactory(unittest.TestCase):

    file = sp('simple.html')
    linkrel = ""

    def assertEqualFiles1(self, exp, act):
        if (exp == act): return True
        fact = open(act)
        self.assertEqualsFile(exp, fact.read())

    def assertEqualFiles(self, exp, act):
        if (exp == act): return True
        fact = open(sp(act))
        self.assertEqualsFile(exp, fact.read())

    def assertEqualsFile(self, exp, act):
        expected = open(sp(exp)).read()
        self.assertEqualsString(expected, act)

    def assertEqualsString(self, expected, act):
        if len(expected) != len(act): print "Actual: " + act ##d
        self.assertEquals(len(expected), len(act))
        for i in range(len(expected)):
            e = expected[i]
            a = act[i]
            self.assertEquals(e, a, "differ at %d: %s vs. %s" % (i, e, a))
        self.assertEquals(expected, act)


    def setUp(self):

    def testProcessingFunctionFactory(self):
        htmlGenerator = factory.generate_html(options)
        htmlGenerator(self.file, self.linkrel)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple.xhtml')

    def testProcessingFunctionFactoryWithFilenameGenerator(self):
        htmlGenerator = factory.generate_html(options, filenameGenerator2)
        htmlGenerator(self.file, self.linkrel)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple2.xhtml')

    def test_doFile(self):
        templ = microdom.parse(open(d['template']))

        tree.doFile(self.file, self.linkrel, d['ext'], d['baseurl'], templ, d)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple.xhtml')

    def test_doFile_withFilenameGenerator(self):
        templ = microdom.parse(open(d['template']))

        tree.doFile(self.file, self.linkrel, d['ext'], d['baseurl'], templ, d, filenameGenerator)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple1.xhtml')

    def test_munge(self):
        doc = microdom.parse(open(self.file))
        templ = microdom.parse(open(d['template']))
        node = templ.cloneNode(1)
        tree.munge(doc, node, self.linkrel,
                   d['ext'], d['baseurl'], d)
        self.assertEqualsFile('good_internal.xhtml', node.toprettyxml())

    def test_getProcessor(self):
        options = { 'template': sp('template.tpl'), 'ext': '.xhtml', 'baseurl': 'burl',
                    'filenameMapping': None }
        p = process.getProcessor(default, "html", options)
        p(sp('simple3.html'), self.linkrel)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple3.xhtml')

    def test_getProcessorWithFilenameGenerator(self):
        options = { 'template': sp('template.tpl'),
                    'ext': '.xhtml',
                    'baseurl': 'burl',
                    'filenameMapping': 'addFoo' }
        p = process.getProcessor(default, "html", options)
        p(sp('simple4.html'), self.linkrel)
        self.assertEqualFiles('good_simple.xhtml', 'simple4foo.xhtml')

    def test_outputdirGenerator(self):
        inputdir  = os.path.normpath(os.path.join("/", 'home', 'joe'))
        outputdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join("/", 'away', 'joseph'))
        actual = process.outputdirGenerator(os.path.join("/", 'home', 'joe', "myfile.html"), '.xhtml',
                                            inputdir, outputdir)
        self.assertEquals(os.path.join("/", 'away', 'joseph', 'myfile.xhtml'), actual)
    def test_outputdirGeneratorBadInput(self):
        options = {'outputdir': '/away/joseph/', 'inputdir': '/home/joe/' }
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, process.outputdirGenerator, '.html', '.xhtml', **options)
    def test_makeSureDirectoryExists(self):
        dirname = os.path.join("tmp", 'nonexistentdir')
        if os.path.exists(dirname):
        self.failIf(os.path.exists(dirname), "Hey: someone already created the dir")
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'newfile')
        self.failUnless(os.path.exists(dirname), 'should have created dir')

    def test_indexAnchorsAdded(self):
        # generate the output file
        templ = microdom.parse(open(d['template']))

        tree.doFile(sp('lore_index_test.xhtml'), self.linkrel, '.html', d['baseurl'], templ, d)
        self.assertEqualFiles("lore_index_test_out.html", "lore_index_test.html")

    def test_indexEntriesAdded(self):
        indexer.addEntry('lore_index_test.html', 'index02', 'language of programming', '1.3')
        indexer.addEntry('lore_index_test.html', 'index01', 'programming language', '1.2')
        self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_out.html", "lore_index_file.html")

    def test_book(self):
        fn = sp('lore_test_book.book')
        inputFilename = sp('lore_index_test.xhtml')

        bf = open(fn, 'w')
        bf.write('Chapter("%s", None)\r\n' % inputFilename)

        book = htmlbook.Book(fn)
        self.assertEquals("{'indexFilename': None, 'chapters': [('%s', None)]}"
                          % inputFilename,

    def test_runningLore(self):
        options = lore.Options()
        templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
        inputFilename = sp('lore_index_test.xhtml')
        indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'

        bookFilename = sp('lore_test_book.book')
        bf = open(bookFilename, 'w')
        bf.write('Chapter("%s", None)\n' % inputFilename)

        options.parseOptions(['--null', '--book=%s' % bookFilename,
                              '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
                              '--index=%s' % indexFilename
        result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)
        self.assertEquals(None, result)
        self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_unnumbered_out.html", indexFilename + ".html")

    def test_runningLoreMultipleFiles(self):
        templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
        inputFilename = sp('lore_index_test.xhtml')
        inputFilename2 = sp('lore_index_test2.xhtml')
        indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'

        bookFilename = sp('lore_test_book.book')
        bf = open(bookFilename, 'w')
        bf.write('Chapter("%s", None)\n' % inputFilename)
        bf.write('Chapter("%s", None)\n' % inputFilename2)

        options = lore.Options()
        options.parseOptions(['--null', '--book=%s' % bookFilename,
                              '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
                              '--index=%s' % indexFilename
        result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)
        self.assertEquals(None, result)
        self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_unnumbered_multiple_out.html", indexFilename + ".html")
        self.assertEqualFiles("lore_index_test_out.html", "lore_index_test.html")
        self.assertEqualFiles("lore_index_test_out2.html", "lore_index_test2.html")

    def XXXtest_NumberedSections(self):
        # run two files through lore, with numbering turned on
        # every h2 should be numbered:
        # first  file's h2s should be 1.1, 1.2
        # second file's h2s should be 2.1, 2.2
        templateFilename = sp('template.tpl')
        inputFilename = sp('lore_numbering_test.xhtml')
        inputFilename2 = sp('lore_numbering_test2.xhtml')
        indexFilename = 'theIndexFile'

        # you can number without a book:
        options = lore.Options()
                              '--index=%s' % indexFilename,
                              '--config', 'template=%s' % templateFilename,
                              '--config', 'ext=%s' % ".tns",
                              inputFilename, inputFilename2])
        result = lore.runGivenOptions(options)

        self.assertEquals(None, result)
        #self.assertEqualFiles1("lore_index_file_out_multiple.html", indexFilename + ".tns")
        #                       VVV change to new, numbered files  
        self.assertEqualFiles("lore_numbering_test_out.html", "lore_numbering_test.tns")
        self.assertEqualFiles("lore_numbering_test_out2.html", "lore_numbering_test2.tns")