util.c   [plain text]

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 * util.c -- utility functions for jsm
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "jsm.h"

 *  js_bounce -- short_desc
 *  Long_description
 *  parameters
 *  	x -- the node to bounce
 *      terr - the error code describing the reason for the bounce
void js_bounce(jsmi si, xmlnode x, terror terr)
    /* if the node is a subscription */
    if(j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_name(x),"presence") == 0 && j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(x,"type"),"subscribe") == 0)
        /* turn the node into a result tag. it's a hack, but it get's the job done */

        /* deliver it back to the client */
        js_deliver(si, jpacket_new(x));


    /* if it's a presence packet, just drop it */
    if(j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_name(x),"presence") == 0 || j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(x,"type"),"error") == 0)
        log_debug(ZONE,"dropping %d packet %s",terr.code,xmlnode2str(x));

    /* if it's neither of these, make an error message an deliver it */
    jutil_error(x, terr);
    js_deliver(si, jpacket_new(x));


 *  js_config -- get a configuration node
 *  parameters
 *      si -- session instance
 *      query -- the path through the tag hierarchy of the desired tag
 *               eg. for the conf file <foo><bar>bar value</bar><baz/><foo>
 *               use "foo/bar" to retreive the bar node
 *  returns
 *      a pointer to the xmlnode specified in query
 *      or the root config node if query is null
xmlnode js_config(jsmi si, char *query)

    log_debug(ZONE,"config query %s",query);

    if(query == NULL)
        return si->config;
        return xmlnode_get_tag(si->config, query);

/* macro to make sure the jid is a local user */
int js_islocal(jsmi si, jid id)
    if(id == NULL || id->user == NULL) return 0;
    if(ghash_get(si->hosts, id->server) == NULL) return 0;
    return 1;

/* macro to validate a user as an admin */
int js_admin(udata u, int flag)
    if(u == NULL || u->admin == ADMIN_NONE) return 0;

    if(u->admin == ADMIN_UNKNOWN)
        if(js_config(u->si, spools(u->p,"admin/write=",jid_full(u->id),u->p)) != NULL)
            u->admin = ADMIN_READ | ADMIN_WRITE;
        }else if(js_config(u->si, spools(u->p,"admin/read=",jid_full(u->id),u->p)) != NULL){
            u->admin = ADMIN_READ;
            u->admin = ADMIN_NONE;

    if(u->admin & flag)
        return 1;

    return 0;

jid js_trustees(udata u)
    xmlnode roster, cur;

    if(u == NULL) return NULL;

    if(u->utrust != NULL) return u->utrust;

    log_debug(ZONE,"generating trustees list for user %s",jid_full(u->id));

    /* initialize with at least self */
    u->utrust = jid_user(u->id);

    /* fill in rest from roster */
    roster = xdb_get(u->si->xc, u->id, NS_ROSTER);
    for(cur = xmlnode_get_firstchild(roster); cur != NULL; cur = xmlnode_get_nextsibling(cur))
        if(j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(cur,"subscription"),"from") == 0 || j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(cur,"subscription"),"both") == 0)

    return u->utrust;

/* this tries to be a smarter jid matcher, where a "host" matches any "user@host" and "user@host" matches "user@host/resource" */
int _js_jidscanner(jid id, jid match)
    for(;id != NULL; id = id->next)
        if(j_strcmp(id->server,match->server) != 0) continue;
        if(id->user == NULL) return 1;
        if(j_strcasecmp(id->user,match->user) != 0) continue;
        if(id->resource == NULL) return 1;
        if(j_strcmp(id->resource,match->resource) != 0) continue;
        return 1;
    return 0;

/* returns true if id is trusted for this user */
int js_trust(udata u, jid id)
    if(u == NULL || id == NULL) return 0;

    /* first, check global trusted ids */
    if(_js_jidscanner(u->si->gtrust,id)) return 1;

    /* then check user trusted ids */
    if(_js_jidscanner(js_trustees(u),id)) return 1;

    return 0;

/* returns true if this mapi call is for the "online" event, sucks, should just rewrite the whole mapi to make things like this better */
int js_online(mapi m)
    if(m == NULL || m->packet == NULL || m->packet->to != NULL || m->s == NULL || m->s->priority >= 0) return 0;

    if(jpacket_subtype(m->packet) == JPACKET__AVAILABLE || jpacket_subtype(m->packet) == JPACKET__INVISIBLE) return 1;

    return 0;