sessions.c   [plain text]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * License
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Jabber Open Source License
 * Version 1.0 (the "JOSL").  You may not copy or use this file, in either
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 * Software distributed under the JOSL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * JOSL.
 * Copyrights
 * Portions created by or assigned to, Inc. are 
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Contact
 * information for, Inc. is available at
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Jeremie Miller.
 * Acknowledgements
 * Special thanks to the Jabber Open Source Contributors for their
 * suggestions and support of Jabber.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
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 * under either the JOSL or the GPL. 
 * sessions.c -- handle messages to and from user sessions
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include "jsm.h"

void _js_session_start(void *arg);
void _js_session_to(void *arg);
void _js_session_from(void *arg);
void _js_session_end(void *arg);

/* delivers a route packet to all listeners for this session */
void js_session_route(session s, xmlnode in)
    /* NULL means this is an error from the session ending */
    if(in == NULL)
         in = xmlnode_new_tag("route");
         xmlnode_put_attrib(in, "type", "error");
         xmlnode_put_attrib(in, "error", "Disconnected");
        in = xmlnode_wrap(in,"route");

    xmlnode_put_attrib(in, "from", jid_full(s->route));
    xmlnode_put_attrib(in, "to", jid_full(s->sid));
    deliver(dpacket_new(in), s->si->i);

 *  js_session_new -- creates a new session, registers the resource for it
 *  Sets up all the data associated with the new session, then send it a 
 *  start spacket, which basically notifies all modules about the new session
 *  returns
 *      a pointer to the new session 
session js_session_new(jsmi si, dpacket dp)
    pool p;         /* a memory pool for the session */
    session s, cur;      /* the session being created */
    int i;
    udata u;
    char routeres[10];

    /* screen out illegal calls */
    if(dp == NULL || dp->id->user == NULL || dp->id->resource == NULL || xmlnode_get_attrib(dp->x,"from") == NULL || (u = js_user(si,dp->id,NULL)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    log_debug(ZONE,"session_create %s",jid_full(dp->id));

    /* create session */
    p = pool_heap(2*1024);
    s = pmalloco(p, sizeof(struct session_struct));
    s->p = p;
    s->si = si;

    /* save authorative remote session id */
    s->sid = jid_new(p, xmlnode_get_attrib(dp->x,"from"));

    /* session identity */
    s->id = jid_new(p, jid_full(dp->id));
    s->route = jid_new(p, jid_full(dp->id));
    jid_set(s->route, routeres, JID_RESOURCE);
    s->res = pstrdup(p, dp->id->resource);
    s->u = u;

    /* default settings */
    s->exit_flag = 0;
    s->roster = 0;
    s->priority = -1;
    s->presence = jutil_presnew(JPACKET__UNAVAILABLE,NULL,NULL);
    s->c_in = s->c_out = 0;
    s->q = mtq_new(s->p);
    for(i = 0; i < es_LAST; i++)
        s->events[i] = NULL;

    /* remove any other session w/ this resource */
    for(cur = u->sessions; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
        if(j_strcmp(dp->id->resource, cur->res) == 0)
            js_session_end(cur, "Replaced by new connection");

    /* make sure we're linked with the user */
    s->next = s->u->sessions;
    s->u->sessions = s;

    /* start it */
    mtq_send(s->q, s->p, _js_session_start, (void *)s);

    return s;

 *  js_session_end -- shut down the session
 *  This function gets called when the user disconnects or when the server shuts
 *  down. It changes the user's presence to offline, cleans up the session data
 *  and sends an end spacket
 *  parameters
 *  	s -- the session to end
 *      reason -- the reason the session is shutting down (for logging)
void js_session_end(session s, char *reason)
    xmlnode x;      /* new presence data */
    session cur;    /* used to iterate over the user's session list
                       when removing the session from the list */

    /* ignore illegal calls */
    if(s == NULL || s->exit_flag == 1 || reason == NULL)

    /* log the reason the session ended */
    log_debug(ZONE,"end %d '%s'",s,reason);

    /* flag the session to exit ASAP */
    s->exit_flag = 1;

    /* make sure we're not the primary session */
    s->priority = -1;

    /* if the last known presence was available, update it */
    if(s->presence != NULL && j_strcmp(xmlnode_get_attrib(s->presence, "type"), "unavailable") != 0)

        /* create a new presence packet with the reason the user is unavailable */
        x = jutil_presnew(JPACKET__UNAVAILABLE,NULL,reason);

        /* free the old presence packet */

        /* install the presence */
        s->presence = x;


     * remove this session from the user's session list --
     * first check if this session is at the head of the list
    if(s == s->u->sessions)
        /* yup, just bump up the next session */
        s->u->sessions = s->next;


        /* no, we have to traverse the list to find it */
        for(cur = s->u->sessions; cur->next != s; cur = cur->next);
        cur->next = s->next;


    /* so it doesn't get freed */

    /* tell it to exit */
    mtq_send(s->q, s->p, _js_session_end, (void *)s);


/* child that starts a session */
void _js_session_start(void *arg)
    session s = (session)arg;

    /* let the modules go to it */
    js_mapi_call(s->si, e_SESSION, NULL, s->u, s);

    /* log the start time of the session */
    s->started = time(NULL);

/* child that handles packets from the user */
void _js_session_from(void *arg)
    jpacket p = (jpacket)arg;
    session s = (session)(p->aux1);
    jid uid;

    /* if this session is dead */
        /* send the packet into oblivion */

    /* at least we must have a valid packet */
    if(p->type == JPACKET_UNKNOWN)
        /* send an error back */

    /* debug message */
    log_debug(ZONE,"THREAD:SESSION:FROM received a packet!");

    /* increment packet out count */

    /* make sure we have our from set correctly for outgoing packets */
    if(jid_cmpx(p->from,s->id,JID_USER|JID_SERVER) != 0)
        /* nope, fix it */
        p->from = jid_new(p->p,jid_full(s->id));

    /* if you use to="yourself@yourhost" it's the same as not having a to, the modules use the NULL as a self-flag */
    uid = jid_user(s->id);
    if(jid_cmp(p->to,uid) == 0)
        /* xmlnode_hide_attrib(p->x,"to"); */
        p->to = NULL;

    /* let the modules have their heyday */
    if(js_mapi_call(NULL, es_OUT,  p, s->u, s))

    /* no module handled it, so restore the to attrib to us */
    if(p->to == NULL)
        p->to = jid_new(p->p,jid_full(uid));

    /* pass these to the general delivery function */
    js_deliver(s->si, p);


/* child that handles packets to the user */
void _js_session_to(void *arg)
    jpacket p = (jpacket)arg;
    session s = (session)(p->aux1);

    /* if this session is dead... */
        /* ... and the packet is a message */
        if(p->type == JPACKET_MESSAGE)
            js_deliver(s->si, p);
        else /* otherwise send it to oblivion */

    /* debug message */
    log_debug(ZONE,"THREAD:SESSION:TO received data from %s!",jid_full(p->from));

    /* increment packet in count */

    /* let the modules have their heyday */
    if(js_mapi_call(NULL, es_IN, p, s->u, s))

    /* we need to check again, s->exit_flag *could* have changed within the modules at some point */
        /* deliver that packet if it was a message, and sk'daddle */
        if(p->type == JPACKET_MESSAGE)
            js_deliver(s->si, p);

    /* deliver to listeners on session */
    js_session_route(s, p->x);

/* child that cleans up a session */
void _js_session_end(void *arg)
    session s = (session)arg;

    /* debug message */
    log_debug(ZONE,"THREAD:SESSION exiting");

    /* decrement the user's session count */

    /* make sure the service knows the session is gone */
    if(s->sid != NULL)
        js_session_route(s, NULL);

    /* let the modules have their heyday */
    js_mapi_call(NULL, es_END, NULL, s->u, s);

    /* let the user struct go  */

    /* free the session's presence state */

    /* free the session's memory pool */

 *  js_session_get -- find the session for a resource
 *  Given a user and a resource, find the corresponding session
 *  if the user is logged in. Otherwise return NULL.
 *  parameters
 *  	user -- the user's udata record
 *      res -- the resource to search for
 *  returns
 *      a pointer to the session if the user is logged in
 *      NULL if the user isn't logged in on this resource
session js_session_get(udata user, char *res)
    session cur;    /* session pointer */

    /* screen out illeagal calls */
    if(user == NULL || res == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* find the session and return it*/
    for(cur = user->sessions; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
        if(j_strcmp(res, cur->res) == 0)
            return cur;

    /* find any matching resource that is a subset and return it */
    for(cur = user->sessions; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
        if(j_strncmp(res, cur->res, j_strlen(cur->res)) == 0)
            return cur;

    /* if we got this far, there is no session */
    return NULL;


 *  js_session_primary -- find the primary session for the user
 *  Scan through a user's sessions to find the session with the
 *  highest priority and return a pointer to it.
 *  parameters
 *  	user -- user data for the user in question
 *  returns
 *      a pointer to the primary session if the user is logged in
 *      NULL if there are no active sessions
session js_session_primary(udata user)
    session cur, top;

    /* ignore illeagal calls, or users with no sessions */
    if(user == NULL || user->sessions == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* find primary session */
    top = user->sessions;
    for(cur = top; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next)
        if(cur->priority > top->priority)
            top = cur;

    /* return it if it's active */
    if(top->priority >= 0)
        return top;

    else /* otherwise there's no active session */
        return NULL;


void js_session_to(session s, jpacket p)
    /* queue the call to child, hide session in packet */
    p->aux1 = (void *)s;
    mtq_send(s->q, p->p, _js_session_to, (void *)p);

void js_session_from(session s, jpacket p)
    /* queue the call to child, hide session in packet */
    p->aux1 = (void *)s;
    mtq_send(s->q, p->p, _js_session_from, (void *)p);