load.c   [plain text]

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * License
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Jabber Open Source License
 * Version 1.0 (the "JOSL").  You may not copy or use this file, in either
 * source code or executable form, except in compliance with the JOSL. You
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 * Software distributed under the JOSL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * JOSL.
 * Copyrights
 * Portions created by or assigned to Jabber.com, Inc. are 
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Jabber.com, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  Contact
 * information for Jabber.com, Inc. is available at http://www.jabber.com/.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Jeremie Miller.
 * Portions (c) Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * Acknowledgements
 * Special thanks to the Jabber Open Source Contributors for their
 * suggestions and support of Jabber.
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
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 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "jabberd.h"
/* IN-PROCESS component loader */

typedef void (*load_init)(instance id, xmlnode x);
xmlnode load__cache = NULL;
int load_ref__count = 0;

#ifdef STATIC
/* optionally use static hardcoded symbols and don't compile in the dlopen stuff */
void *jsm();
void *pthsock_client();
void *xdb_file();
void *dnsrv();
void *dialback();
void *mod_admin();
void *mod_agents();
void *mod_browse();
void *mod_filter();
void *mod_echo();
void *mod_groups();
void *mod_roster();
void *mod_time();
void *mod_vcard();
void *mod_version();
void *mod_announce();
void *mod_private();
void *mod_presence();
void *mod_auth_plain();
void *mod_auth_digest();
void *mod_auth_0k();
void *mod_register();
void *mod_log();
void *mod_xml();
void *mod_last();
void *mod_offline();

void *load_symbol(char *func, char *file)
    if(j_strcmp(func,"jsm") == 0) return (void (*)(instance,xmlnode))jsm;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"pthsock_client") == 0) return (void (*)(instance,xmlnode))pthsock_client;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"xdb_file") == 0) return (void (*)(instance,xmlnode))xdb_file;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"dnsrv") == 0) return (void (*)(instance,xmlnode))dnsrv;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"dialback") == 0) return (void (*)(instance,xmlnode))dialback;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_browse") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_browse;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_echo") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_echo;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_groups") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_groups;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_roster") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_roster;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_time") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_time;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_vcard") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_vcard;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_version") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_version;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_announce") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_announce;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_agents") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_agents;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_admin") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_admin;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_filter") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_filter;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_presence") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_presence;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_auth_plain") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_auth_plain;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_auth_digest") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_auth_digest;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_auth_crammd5digest") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_auth_crammd5digest;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_auth_0k") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_auth_0k;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_register") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_register;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_log") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_log;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_xml") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_xml;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_last") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_last;
    if(j_strcmp(func,"mod_offline") == 0) return (void (*)(void))mod_offline;

    return NULL;

#else /* STATIC */

/* use dynamic dlopen/dlsym stuff here! */
#include <dlfcn.h>

/* process entire load element, loading each one (unless already cached) */
/* if all loaded, exec each one in order */

void *load_loader(char *file)
    void *so_h;
    const char *dlerr;
    char message[MAX_LOG_SIZE];

    /* load the dso */
    so_h = dlopen(file,RTLD_LAZY);

    /* check for a load error */
        dlerr = dlerror();
        snprintf(message, MAX_LOG_SIZE, "Loading %s failed: '%s'\n",file,dlerr);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
        return NULL;

    xmlnode_put_vattrib(load__cache, file, so_h); /* fun hack! yes, it's just a nice name-based void* array :) */
    return so_h;

void *load_symbol(char *func, char *file)
    void (*func_h)(instance i, void *arg);
    void *so_h;
    const char *dlerr;
    char *func2;
    char message[MAX_LOG_SIZE];

    if(func == NULL || file == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if((so_h = xmlnode_get_vattrib(load__cache, file)) == NULL && (so_h = load_loader(file)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* resolve a reference to the dso's init function */
    func_h = dlsym(so_h, func);

    /* check for error */
    dlerr = dlerror();
    if(dlerr != NULL)
        /* pregenerate the error, since our stuff below may overwrite dlerr */
        snprintf(message, MAX_LOG_SIZE, "Executing %s() in %s failed: '%s'\n",func,file,dlerr);

        /* ARG! simple stupid string handling in C sucks, there HAS to be a better way :( */
        /* AND no less, we're having to check for an underscore symbol?  only evidence of this is http://bugs.php.net/?id=3264 */
        func2 = malloc(strlen(func) + 2);
        func2[0] = '_';
        func2[1] = '\0';
        func_h = dlsym(so_h, func2);

        if(dlerror() != NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
            return NULL;

    return func_h;

#endif /* STATIC */

void load_shutdown(void *arg)
    if(load_ref__count != 0)

    load__cache = NULL;

result load_config(instance id, xmlnode x, void *arg)
    xmlnode so;
    char *init = xmlnode_get_attrib(x,"main");
    void *f;
    int flag = 0;

    if(load__cache == NULL)
        load__cache = xmlnode_new_tag("so_cache");

    if(id != NULL)
    { /* execution phase */
        pool_cleanup(id->p, load_shutdown, NULL);
        f = xmlnode_get_vattrib(x, init);
        ((load_init)f)(id, x); /* fire up the main function for this extension */
        return r_PASS;

    log_debug(ZONE,"dynamic loader processing configuration %s\n",xmlnode2str(x));

    for(so = xmlnode_get_firstchild(x); so != NULL; so = xmlnode_get_nextsibling(so))
        if(xmlnode_get_type(so) != NTYPE_TAG) continue;

        if(init == NULL && flag)
            return r_ERR; /* you can't have two elements in a load w/o a main attrib */

        f = load_symbol(xmlnode_get_name(so), xmlnode_get_data(so));
        if(f == NULL)
            return r_ERR;
        xmlnode_put_vattrib(x, xmlnode_get_name(so), f); /* hide the function pointer in the <load> element for later use */
        flag = 1;

        /* if there's only one .so loaded, it's the default, unless overridden */
        if(init == NULL)

    if(!flag) return r_ERR; /* we didn't DO anything, duh */

    return r_PASS;

void dynamic_init(void)
    log_debug(ZONE,"dynamic component loader initializing...\n");