test_journal.py   [plain text]

"""Testing for twisted.persisted.journal."""

from twisted.trial import unittest

from twisted.persisted.journal.base import ICommand, MemoryJournal, serviceCommand, ServiceWrapperCommand, command, Wrappable
from twisted.persisted.journal.picklelog import DirDBMLog

import shutil, os.path

class AddTime:

    __implements__ = ICommand

    def execute(self, svc, cmdtime):
        svc.values["time"] = cmdtime

class Counter(Wrappable):

    objectType = "counter"

    def __init__(self, uid):
        self.uid = uid
        self.x = 0

    def getUid(self):
        return self.uid
    def _increment(self):
        self.x += 1

    increment = command("_increment")

class Service:

    def __init__(self, logpath, journalpath):
        log = DirDBMLog(logpath)
        self.journal = MemoryJournal(log, self, journalpath, self._gotData)
    def _gotData(self, result):
        if result is None:
            self.values = {}
            self.counters = {}
            self.values, self.counters = result

    def _makeCounter(self, id):
        c = Counter(id)
        self.counters[id] = c
        return c

    makeCounter = serviceCommand("_makeCounter")
    def loadObject(self, type, id):
        if type != "counter": raise ValueError
        return self.counters[id]
    def _add(self, key, value):
        """Add a new entry."""
        self.values[key] = value
    def _delete(self, key):
        """Delete an entry."""
        del self.values[key]

    def get(self, key):
        """Return value of an entry."""
        return self.values[key]

    def addtime(self):
        """Set a key 'time' with the current time."""

    # and now the command wrappers
    add = serviceCommand("_add")

    delete = serviceCommand("_delete")

    def addtime(self, journal):
        """Set a key 'time' with the current time."""

class JournalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.logpath = self.mktemp()
        self.journalpath = self.mktemp()
        self.svc = Service(self.logpath, self.journalpath)

    def tearDown(self):
        if hasattr(self, "svc"):
            del self.svc
        # delete stuff? ...
        if os.path.isdir(self.logpath):
        if os.path.exists(self.logpath):
        if os.path.isdir(self.journalpath):
        if os.path.exists(self.journalpath):

    def testCommandExecution(self):
        svc = self.svc
        svc.add(svc.journal, "foo", "bar")
        self.assertEquals(svc.get("foo"), "bar")

        svc.delete(svc.journal, "foo")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, svc.get, "foo")
    def testLogging(self):
        svc = self.svc
        log = self.svc.journal.log
        j = self.svc.journal
        svc.add(j, "foo", "bar")
        svc.add(j, 1, "hello")
        svc.delete(j, "foo")

        commands = [ServiceWrapperCommand("_add", ("foo", "bar")),
                    ServiceWrapperCommand("_add", (1, "hello")),
                    ServiceWrapperCommand("_delete", ("foo",))]

        self.assertEquals(log.getCurrentIndex(), 3)
        for i in range(1, 4):
            for a, b in zip(commands[i-1:], [c for t, c in log.getCommandsSince(i)]):
                self.assertEquals(a, b)

    def testRecovery(self):
        svc = self.svc
        j = svc.journal
        svc.add(j, "foo", "bar")
        svc.add(j, 1, "hello")
        # we sync *before* delete to make sure commands get executed
        svc.journal.sync((svc.values, svc.counters))
        svc.delete(j, "foo")
        d = svc.makeCounter(j, 1)
        d.addCallback(lambda c, j=j: c.increment(j))
        del svc, self.svc

        # first, load from snapshot
        svc = Service(self.logpath, self.journalpath)
        self.assertEquals(svc.values, {1: "hello"})
        self.assertEquals(svc.counters[1].x, 1)
        del svc

        # now, tamper with log, and then try
        f = open(self.journalpath, "w")
        svc = Service(self.logpath, self.journalpath)
        self.assertEquals(svc.values, {1: "hello"})
        self.assertEquals(svc.counters[1].x, 1)
    def testTime(self):
        svc = self.svc
        t = svc.get("time")

        log = self.svc.journal.log
        (t2, c), = log.getCommandsSince(1)
        self.assertEquals(t, t2)