[plain text]

# Twisted, the Framework of Your Internet
# Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew W. Lefkowitz
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

import re, os, cStringIO, time, cgi, string, urlparse
from twisted import copyright
from twisted.python import htmlizer, text
from twisted.web import microdom, domhelpers
import process, latex, indexer, numberer, htmlbook
from twisted.python.util import InsensitiveDict

# relative links to html files
def fixLinks(document, ext):
    supported_schemes=['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'mailto']
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, 'href'):
        href = node.getAttribute("href")
        if urlparse.urlparse(href)[0] in supported_schemes:
        if node.getAttribute("class", "") == "absolute":
        if node.getAttribute("class", "").find('listing') != -1:

        # This is a relative link, so it should be munged.
        if href.endswith('html') or href[:href.rfind('#')].endswith('html'):
            fname, fext = os.path.splitext(href)
            if '#' in fext:
                fext = ext+'#'+fext.split('#', 1)[1]
                fext = ext
            node.setAttribute("href", fname + fext)

def addMtime(document, fullpath):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class","mtime"):

def _getAPI(node):
    base = ""
    if node.hasAttribute("base"):
        base = node.getAttribute("base") + "."
    return base+node.childNodes[0].nodeValue

def fixAPI(document, url):
    # API references
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "API"):
        fullname = _getAPI(node)
        node2 = microdom.Element('a', {'href': url%fullname, 'title': fullname})
        node2.childNodes = node.childNodes
        node.childNodes = [node2]

def fontifyPython(document):
    def matcher(node):
        return (node.nodeName == 'pre' and node.hasAttribute('class') and
                node.getAttribute('class') == 'python')
    for node in domhelpers.findElements(document, matcher):

def fontifyPythonNode(node):
    oldio = cStringIO.StringIO()
    latex.getLatexText(node, oldio.write,
                       entities={'lt': '<', 'gt': '>', 'amp': '&'})
    oldio = cStringIO.StringIO(oldio.getvalue().strip()+'\n')
    newio = cStringIO.StringIO()
    htmlizer.filter(oldio, newio)
    newel = microdom.parse(newio).documentElement
    newel.setAttribute("class", "python")
    node.parentNode.replaceChild(newel, node)

def addPyListings(document, dir):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
        filename = node.getAttribute("href")
        outfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
        lines = map(string.rstrip, open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).readlines())
        data = '\n'.join(lines[int(node.getAttribute('skipLines', 0)):])
        data = cStringIO.StringIO(text.removeLeadingTrailingBlanks(data))
        htmlizer.filter(data, outfile)
        val = outfile.getvalue()
        _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, "py-listing")

def _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, class_):
    captionTitle = domhelpers.getNodeText(node)
    if captionTitle == os.path.basename(filename):
        captionTitle = 'Source listing'
    text = ('<div class="%s">%s<div class="caption">%s - '
            '<a href="%s"><span class="filename">%s</span></a></div></div>' %
            (class_, val, captionTitle, filename, filename))
    newnode = microdom.parseString(text).documentElement
    node.parentNode.replaceChild(newnode, node)

def addHTMLListings(document, dir):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
        filename = node.getAttribute("href")
        val = ('<pre class="htmlsource">\n%s</pre>' %
               cgi.escape(open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).read()))
        _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, "html-listing")

def addPlainListings(document, dir):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
        filename = node.getAttribute("href")
        val = ('<pre>\n%s</pre>' %
               cgi.escape(open(os.path.join(dir, filename)).read()))
        _replaceWithListing(node, val, filename, "listing")

def getHeaders(document):
    return domhelpers.findElements(document, 
                           lambda n,m=re.compile('h[23]$').match:m(n.nodeName))

def generateToC(document):
    toc, level, id = '\n<ol>\n', 0, 0
    for element in getHeaders(document):
        elementLevel = int(element.tagName[1])-2
        toc += (level-elementLevel)*'</ul>\n'
        toc += (elementLevel-level)*'<ul>'
        toc += '<li><a href="#auto%d">' % id
        toc += domhelpers.getNodeText(element)
        toc += '</a></li>\n'
        level = elementLevel
        anchor = microdom.parseString('<a name="auto%d" />' % id).documentElement
        id += 1
    toc += '</ul>\n' * level
    toc += '</ol>\n'
    return microdom.parseString(toc).documentElement

def putInToC(document, toc):
    tocOrig = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, 'class', 'toc')
    if tocOrig:
        tocOrig= tocOrig[0]
        tocOrig.childNodes = [toc]

def removeH1(document):
    h1 = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'h1')
    empty = microdom.Element('span')
    for node in h1:
        node.parentNode.replaceChild(empty, node)

def footnotes(document):
    footnotes = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class",
    if not footnotes:
    footnoteElement = microdom.Element('ol')
    id = 1
    for footnote in footnotes:
        href = microdom.parseString('<a href="#footnote-%(id)d">'
                                    % vars()).documentElement
        text = ' '.join(domhelpers.getNodeText(footnote).split())
        href.setAttribute('title', text)
        target = microdom.Element('a', attributes={'name': 'footnote-%d' % id})
        target.childNodes = [footnote]
        footnoteContent = microdom.Element('li')
        footnoteContent.childNodes = [target]
        footnote.parentNode.replaceChild(href, footnote)
        id += 1
    body = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "body")[0]
    header = microdom.parseString('<h2>Footnotes</h2>').documentElement

def notes(document):
    notes = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "note")
    notePrefix = microdom.parseString('<strong>Note: </strong>').documentElement
    for note in notes:
        note.childNodes.insert(0, notePrefix)

def compareMarkPos(a, b):
    linecmp = cmp(a[0], b[0])
    if linecmp:
        return linecmp
    return cmp(a[1], b[1])

def comparePosition(a, b):
    return compareMarkPos(a._markpos, b._markpos)

def findNodeJustBefore(target, nodes):
    result = None
    for node in nodes:
        if comparePosition(target, node) < 0:
            return result
        result = node
    return result

def getFirstAncestorWithSectionHeader(entry):
    """Go up ancestors until one with at least one <h2> is found, then return the <h2> nodes"""
    for a in domhelpers.getParents(entry)[1:]:
        headers = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(a, "h2")
        if len(headers) > 0:
            return headers
    return []

def getSectionNumber(header):
    if not header:
        return None
    return header.childNodes[0].value.strip()

def getSectionReference(entry):
    headers = getFirstAncestorWithSectionHeader(entry)
    myHeader = findNodeJustBefore(entry, headers)
    return getSectionNumber(myHeader)

def index(document, filename, chapterReference):
    entries = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, "class", "index")
    if not entries:
    i = 0;
    for entry in entries:
        i += 1
        anchor = 'index%02d' % i
        if chapterReference:
            ref = getSectionReference(entry) or chapterReference
            ref = 'link'
        indexer.addEntry(filename, anchor, entry.attributes['value'], ref)
        # does nodeName even affect anything?
        entry.nodeName = entry.tagName = entry.endTagName = 'a'
        entry.attributes = InsensitiveDict({'name': anchor})

def setIndexLink(template, indexFilename):
    if not indexFilename:
    indexLinks = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class", "index-link")
    for link in indexLinks:
        link.nodeName = link.tagName = link.endTagName = 'a'
        link.attributes = InsensitiveDict({'href': indexFilename})

def numberDocument(document, chapterNumber):
    i = 1
    for node in domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "h2"):
        node.childNodes = [microdom.Text("%s.%d " % (chapterNumber, i))] + node.childNodes
        i += 1

def fixRelativeLinks(document, linkrel):
    for attr in 'src', 'href':
        for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(document, attr):
            href = node.getAttribute(attr)
            if not href.startswith('http') and not href.startswith('/'):
                node.setAttribute(attr, linkrel+node.getAttribute(attr))

def setTitle(template, title, chapterNumber):
    for nodeList in (domhelpers.findNodesNamed(template, "title"),
                     domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",
        if nodeList:
            if numberer.getNumberSections() and chapterNumber:
                nodeList[0].childNodes.append(microdom.Text('%s. ' % chapterNumber))

def setAuthors(template, authors):
    # First, similarly to setTitle, insert text into an <div class="authors">
    text = ''
    for name, href in authors:
        # FIXME: Do proper quoting/escaping (is it ok to use
        # xml.sax.saxutils.{escape,quoteattr}?)
        anchor = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (href, name)
        if (name, href) == authors[-1]:
            if len(authors) == 1:
                text = anchor
                text += 'and ' + anchor
            text += anchor + ','

    childNodes = microdom.parseString('<span>' + text +'</span>').childNodes

    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, 
                                                     "class", 'authors'):

    # Second, add appropriate <link rel="author" ...> tags to the <head>.
    head = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(template, 'head')[0]
    authors = [microdom.parseString('<link rel="author" href="%s" title="%s"/>'
                                    % (href, name)).childNodes[0]
               for name, href in authors]

def setVersion(template, version):
    for node in domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",

def getOutputFileName(originalFileName, outputExtension, index=None):
    return os.path.splitext(originalFileName)[0]+outputExtension

def munge(document, template, linkrel, dir, fullpath, ext, url, config, outfileGenerator=getOutputFileName):
    fixRelativeLinks(template, linkrel)
    addMtime(template, fullpath)
    fixAPI(document, url)
    fixLinks(document, ext)
    addPyListings(document, dir)
    addHTMLListings(document, dir)
    addPlainListings(document, dir)
    putInToC(template, generateToC(document))

    setIndexLink(template, indexer.getIndexFilename())
    setVersion(template, config.get('version', ''))

    # Insert the document into the template
    chapterNumber = htmlbook.getNumber(fullpath)
    title = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'title')[0].childNodes
    setTitle(template, title, chapterNumber)
    if numberer.getNumberSections() and chapterNumber:
        numberDocument(document, chapterNumber)
    index(document, outfileGenerator(os.path.split(fullpath)[1], ext),

    authors = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, 'link')
    authors = [(node.getAttribute('title',''), node.getAttribute('href', ''))
               for node in authors if node.getAttribute('rel', '') == 'author']
    setAuthors(template, authors)

    body = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(document, "body")[0]
    tmplbody = domhelpers.findElementsWithAttribute(template, "class",
    tmplbody.childNodes = body.childNodes
    tmplbody.setAttribute("class", "content")

def parseFileAndReport(filename):
        return microdom.parse(open(filename))
    except microdom.MismatchedTags, e:
        raise process.ProcessingFailure(
              "%s:%s: begin mismatched tags <%s>/</%s>" %
               (e.begLine, e.begCol,, e.expect),
              "%s:%s: end mismatched tags <%s>/</%s>" %
               (e.endLine, e.endCol,, e.expect))
    except microdom.ParseError, e:
        raise process.ProcessingFailure("%s:%s:%s" % (e.line, e.col, e.message))
    except IOError, e:
        raise process.ProcessingFailure(e.strerror + ", filename was '" + filename + "'")

def makeSureDirectoryExists(filename):
    filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
    if (not os.path.exists(dirname)):

def doFile(filename, linkrel, ext, url, templ, options={}, outfileGenerator=getOutputFileName):
    doc = parseFileAndReport(filename)
    clonedNode = templ.cloneNode(1)
    munge(doc, clonedNode, linkrel, os.path.dirname(filename), filename, ext,
          url, options, outfileGenerator)
    newFilename = outfileGenerator(filename, ext)
    clonedNode.writexml(open(newFilename, 'wb'))