[plain text]

#! /usr/bin/python

import types
from pickle import whichmodule  # used by FunctionSlicer
from new import instance, instancemethod

from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.python import log, reflect

import tokens
from tokens import Violation, BananaError
import schema

class IBananaSlicer:
    def sendOpen(self, opentype):
        """Send an Open(type) token. Must be matched with a sendClose.
        opentype must be a string."""
    def sendToken(self, token):
        """Send a token. Must be a number or a string"""
    def sendClose(self):
        """Send a Close token."""
class IJellying:
    def JellyYourBadSelf(self, banana):
        """Send banana tokens to banana by calling IBananaSender methods"""
    def description(self):
        """Return a short string describing where in the object tree this
        jellier is sitting. A list of these strings will be used to describe
        where any problems occurred."""

def getInstanceState(inst):
    """Utility function to default to 'normal' state rules in serialization.
    if hasattr(inst, "__getstate__"):
        state = inst.__getstate__()
        state = inst.__dict__
    return state

SimpleTokens = (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType,

class BaseSlicer:
    opentype = None
    trackReferences = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.openID = None

    def describe(self):
        return "??"

    # start/slice/finish are the main "serialize yourself" entry points used
    # by Banana

    def send(self, obj):
        # utility function
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "BaseSlicer.send(%s{%s})" % (obj, type(obj))
        if type(obj) in SimpleTokens:
            if self.protocol.debug:
                print " was in SimpleTokens"
            if self.protocol.debug:
                print " not in SimpleTokens"
            # does life stop while we wait for this?

    def start(self, obj):
        # refid is for reference tracking
        assert(self.openID == None)
        self.openID = self.protocol.sendOpen(self.opentype)
        if self.trackReferences:
            self.protocol.setRefID(obj, self.openID)

    def slice(self, obj):
        """Tokenize the object and send the tokens via
        self.protocol.sendToken(). Will be called after open() and before
        raise NotImplementedError

    def finish(self, obj):
        assert(self.openID is not None)
        self.openID = None

    def abort(self):
        """Stop trying to tokenize the object. Send an ABORT token, then a
        CLOSE. Producers may want to hook this to free up other resources,

    # newSlicer/taste/setRefID/getRefID are the other functions of the Slice
    # stack

    def newSlicer(self, obj):
        """Return an IBananaSlicer object based upon the type of the object
        being serialized. This object will be asked to do start(), slice(),
        and finish(). The entire Slicer stack is asked for an object: the
        first slice that returns something other than None will stop the
        return None

    def taste(self, obj):
        """All Slicers in the stack get to pass judgement upon the outgoing
        object. If they don't like that they see, they should raise an
        InsecureBanana exception.

    def setRefID(self, obj, refid):
        """To pass references to previously-sent objects, the [OPEN,
        'reference', number, CLOSE] sequence is used. The numbers are
        generated implicitly by the sending Banana, counting from 0 for the
        object described by the very first OPEN sent over the wire,
        incrementing for each subsequent one. The objects themselves are
        stored in any/all Slicers who cares to. Generally this is the
        RootSlicer, but child slices could do it too if they wished.

    def getRefID(self, obj):
        """'None' means 'ask our parent instead'.
        return None

class UnicodeSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'unicode'
    trackReferences = 0

    def slice(self, obj):

class ListSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'list'
    trackReferences = 1

    # it would be useful if this could behave more consumer/producerish.
    # maybe NOT_DONE_YET? Generators?

    def slice(self, obj):
        for elem in obj:

class TupleSlicer(ListSlicer):
    opentype = 'tuple'

class DictSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'dict'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):
        for key,value in obj.items():

class OrderedDictSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'dict'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):
        keys = obj.keys()
        for key in keys:
            value = obj[key]

class VocabSlicer(OrderedDictSlicer):
    opentype = 'vocab'
    trackReferences = 0

class InstanceSlicer(OrderedDictSlicer):
    opentype = 'instance'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):
        OrderedDictSlicer.slice(self, getInstanceState(obj)) #DictSlicer

class ModuleSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'module'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):

class ClassSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'class'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):

class MethodSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'method'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):

class FunctionSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'function'
    trackReferences = 1

    def slice(self, obj):
        name = obj.__name__
        fullname = str(whichmodule(obj, obj.__name__)) + '.' + name

class NoneSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'none'
    trackReferences = 0

    def slice(self, obj):

class BooleanSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'boolean'
    trackReferences = 0

    def slice(self, obj):
        if obj:

class ReferenceSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    opentype = 'reference'

    def __init__(self, refid):
        assert(type(refid) == types.IntType)
        self.refid = refid

    def slice(self, obj):
BaseSlicerRegistry = {
    types.UnicodeType: UnicodeSlicer,
    types.ListType: ListSlicer,
    types.TupleType: TupleSlicer,
    types.DictType: OrderedDictSlicer, #DictSlicer
    types.InstanceType: InstanceSlicer,
    types.NoneType: NoneSlicer,

    from types import BooleanType
    BaseSlicerRegistry[BooleanType] = BooleanSlicer
except ImportError:

BaseSlicerRegistry2 = {}
    types.ModuleType: ModuleSlicer,
    types.ClassType: ClassSlicer,
    types.MethodType: MethodSlicer,
    types.FunctionType: FunctionSlicer,

class RootSlicer(BaseSlicer):
    SlicerRegistry = BaseSlicerRegistry
    # this lives at the bottom of the Slicer stack, at least for our testing
    # purposes

    def __init__(self):
        self.references = {}

    def start(self, obj):
        self.references = {}

    def slice(self, obj):

    def finish(self, obj):
        self.references = {}

    def slicerFactoryForObject(self, obj):
        slicerClass = self.SlicerRegistry.get(type(obj))
        return slicerClass

    def newSlicer(self, obj):
        refid = self.protocol.getRefID(obj)
        if refid is not None:
            slicer = ReferenceSlicer(refid)
            return slicer
        slicerFactory = self.slicerFactoryForObject(obj)
        if not slicerFactory:
            raise KeyError, "I don't know how to slice %s" % type(obj)
        slicer = slicerFactory()
        return slicer

    def setRefID(self, obj, refid):
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "setRefID(%s{%s}) -> %s" % (obj, id(obj), refid)
        self.references[id(obj)] = refid

    def getRefID(self, obj):
        refid = self.references.get(id(obj))
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "getObject(%s{%s}) -> %s" % (obj, id(obj), refid)
        return refid

class RootSlicer2(RootSlicer):
    SlicerRegistry = BaseSlicerRegistry2

    def slicerFactoryForObject(self, obj):
        slicerClass = self.SlicerRegistry.get(type(obj))
        if not slicerClass:
            if issubclass(type(obj), type):
                slicerClass = ClassSlicer
        return slicerClass

class IBananaUnslicer:
    # .parent

    # start/receiveChild/receiveClose/finish are
    # the main "here are some tokens, make an object out of them" entry
    # points used by Unbanana.

    # start/receiveChild can call self.protocol.abandonUnslicer(failure,
    # self) to tell the protocol that the unslicer has given up on life and
    # all its remaining tokens should be discarded. The failure will be
    # given to the late unslicer's parent in lieu of the object normally
    # returned by receiveClose.
    # start/receiveChild/receiveClose/finish may raise a Violation
    # exception, which tells the protocol that this object is contaminated
    # and should be abandoned. An UnbananaFailure will be passed to its
    # parent.

    # Note, however, that it is not valid to both call abandonUnslicer *and*
    # raise a Violation. That would discard too much.

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        """Add a constraint for this unslicer. The unslicer will enforce
        this constraint upon all incoming data. The constraint must be of an
        appropriate type (a ListUnslicer will only accept a ListConstraint,
        etc.). It must not be None.

        If this function is not called, the Unslicer will accept any valid
        banana as input, which probably means there is no limit on the
        number of bytes it will accept (and therefore on the memory it could
        be made to consume) before it finally accepts or rejects the input.

    def start(self, count):
        """Called to initialize the new slice. The 'count' argument is the
        reference id: if this object might be shared (and therefore the
        target of a 'reference' token), it should call
        self.protocol.setObject(count, obj) with the object being created.
        If this object is not available yet (tuples), it should save a
        Deferred there instead.

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        """Check to see if the given token is acceptable (does it conform to
        the constraint?). It will not be asked about ABORT or CLOSE tokens,
        but it *will* be asked about OPEN. It should return a length limit
        for long tokens (STRING and LONGINT/LONGNEG types). If STRING is
        acceptable, then VOCAB should be too. A return value of None
        indicates that unlimited lengths are acceptable. Should raise
        Violation if the schema indiates the token is not acceptable. Should
        raise BananaError if the type byte violates the basic Banana
        protocol. (if no schema is in effect, this should never raise
        Violation, but might still raise BananaError).

    def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte):
        """'typebyte' is the type of an incoming index token. Ask the
        current opener if this token is acceptable. Usually implemented by
        calling self.opener.openerCheckToken, thus delegating the question
        to the RootUnslicer.

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        """opentype is a tuple. Return None if more index tokens are
        required. Check to see if this kind of child object conforms to the
        constraint, raise Violation if not. Create a new Unslicer (usually
        by calling self.opener.doOpen, which delegates the
        opentype-to-Unslicer mapping to the RootUnslicer). Set a constraint
        on the child unslicer, if any. Set the child's .opener attribute
        (usually to self.opener).

    def receiveChild(self, childobject):
        """'childobject' is being handed to this unslicer. It may be a
        primitive type (number or string), or a composite type produced by
        another Unslicer. It might be an UnbananaFailure if something went
        wrong, in which case it may be appropriate to do
        self.protocol.abandonUnslicer(failure, self). It might also be a
        Deferred, in which case you should add a callback that will fill in
        the appropriate object later."""

    def receiveClose(self):
        """Called when the Close token is received. Should return the object
        just created, or an UnbananaFailure if something went wrong. If
        necessary, unbanana.setObject should be called, then the Deferred
        created in start() should be fired with the new object."""

    def finish(self):
        """Called when the unslicer is popped off the stack. This is called
        even if the pop is because of an exception. The unslicer should
        perform cleanup, including firing the Deferred with an
        UnbananaFailure if the object it is creating could not be created.

        TODO: can receiveClose and finish be merged? Or should the child
        object be returned from finish() instead of receiveClose?

    def describeSelf(self):
        """Return a short string describing where in the object tree this
        unslicer is sitting, relative to its parent. These strings are
        obtained from every unslicer in the stack, and joined to describe
        where any problems occurred."""

    def where(self):
        """This returns a string that describes the location of this
        unslicer, starting at the root of the object tree."""

class UnbananaFailure:
    def __init__(self, where="<unknown>", failure=None):
        self.where = where
        self.failure = failure
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s at: %s>" % (self.__class__, self.where)

def setInstanceState(inst, state):
    """Utility function to default to 'normal' state rules in unserialization.
    if hasattr(inst, "__setstate__"):
        inst.__dict__ = state
    return inst

class BaseUnslicer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.opener = None # must be chained by our parent

    def describeSelf(self):
        return "??"

    def where(self):
        return self.protocol.describe()

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):

    def start(self, count):

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        return None # unlimited

    def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, opentype):
        return self.opener.openerCheckToken(typebyte, opentype)

    def open(self, opentype):
        """Return an IBananaUnslicer object based upon the 'opentype' tuple.

        This method does not apply constraints, it only serves to map
        opentypes into Unslicers. Most subclasses will implement this by
        delegating the request to their .opener (which usually points to the
        RootUnslicer), and will set the new child's .opener attribute so
        that they can do the same. Subclasses that wish to change the way
        opentypes are mapped to Unslicers can do so by changing this

        unslicer =
        if unslicer:
            unslicer.opener = self.opener
        return unslicer

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        """Return an IBananaUnslicer object based upon the 'opentype' tuple.
        This object will receive all tokens destined for the subnode.

        If you want to enforce a constraint, you must override this method
        and do two things: make sure your constraint accepts the opentype,
        and set a per-item constraint on the new child unslicer.

        This method calls to obtain the unslicer. That may
        return None instead of a child unslicer if the opener wants a
        multi-token opentype tuple, so be sure to check for Noneness before
        adding a per-item constraint.


    def receiveChild(self, obj):

    def receiveClose(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def finish(self):

    def setObject(self, counter, obj):
        """To pass references to previously-sent objects, the [OPEN,
        'reference', number, CLOSE] sequence is used. The numbers are
        generated implicitly by the sending Banana, counting from 0 for the
        object described by the very first OPEN sent over the wire,
        incrementing for each subsequent one. The objects themselves are
        stored in any/all Unslicers who cares to. Generally this is the
        RootUnslicer, but child slices could do it too if they wished.

    def getObject(self, counter):
        """'None' means 'ask our parent instead'.
        return None

    def abort(self, failure):
        self.protocol.abandonUnslicer(failure, self)

    def explode(self, failure):
        """If something goes wrong in a Deferred callback, it may be too
        late to reject the token and to normal error handling. I haven't
        figured out how to do sensible error-handling in this situation.
        This method exists to make sure that the exception shows up
        *somewhere*. If this is called, it is also like that a placeholder
        (probably a Deferred) will be left in the unserialized object about
        to be handed to the RootUnslicer.
        print "KABOOM"
        print failure
        self.protocol.exploded = failure

class LeafUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    # inherit from this to reject any child nodes

    # checkToken should reject OPEN tokens

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        raise Violation, "'%s' does not accept sub-objects" % self

class UnicodeUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    # accept a UTF-8 encoded string
    string = None
    constraint = None
    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        assert isinstance(constraint, schema.StringConstraint)
        self.constraint = constraint

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte != tokens.STRING:
            raise BananaError("UnicodeUnslicer only accepts strings",
        if self.constraint:
            return self.constraint.checkToken(typebyte)
        return None # no size limit

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.string != None:
            raise BananaError("already received a string",
        self.string = unicode(obj, "UTF-8")

    def receiveClose(self):
        return self.string
    def describeSelf(self):
        return "<unicode>"

class ListUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    maxLength = None
    itemConstraint = None
    # .opener usually chains to RootUnslicer.opener
    debug = False

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        assert isinstance(constraint, schema.ListConstraint)
        self.maxLength = constraint.maxLength
        self.itemConstraint = constraint.constraint

    def start(self, count):
        #self.opener = foo # could replace it if we wanted to
        self.list = []
        self.count = count
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].start with %s" % (self, self.count, self.list)
        self.protocol.setObject(count, self.list)

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
            # list is full, no more tokens accepted
            # this is hit if the max+1 item is a primitive type
            raise Violation
        if self.itemConstraint:
            return self.itemConstraint.checkToken(typebyte)
        return None # unlimited

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        # decide whether the given object type is acceptable here. Raise a
        # Violation exception if not, otherwise give it to our opener (which
        # will normally be the RootUnslicer). Apply a constraint to the new
        # unslicer.
        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
            # this is hit if the max+1 item is a non-primitive type
            raise Violation
        if self.itemConstraint:
        unslicer =
        if unslicer:
            if self.itemConstraint:
        return unslicer

    def update(self, obj, index):
        # obj has already passed typechecking
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].update: [%d]=%s" % (self, self.count, index, obj)
        assert(type(index) == types.IntType)
        self.list[index] = obj

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].receiveChild(%s)" % (self, self.count, obj)
        # obj could be a primitive type, a Deferred, or a complex type like
        # those returned from an InstanceUnslicer. However, the individual
        # object has already been through the schema validation process. The
        # only remaining question is whether the larger schema will accept
        # it. It could also be an UnbananaFailure (if the subobject were
        # aborted or if it violated the schema).
        if self.maxLength != None and len(self.list) >= self.maxLength:
            # this is redundant
            # (if it were a non-primitive one, it would be caught in doOpen)
            # (if it were a primitive one, it would be caught in checkToken)
            raise Violation
        if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
            if self.debug:
                print " adding my update[%d] to %s" % (len(self.list), obj)
            obj.addCallback(self.update, len(self.list))
            self.list.append(obj) # placeholder
        elif isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):

    def printErr(self, why):
        print "ERR!"
        print why.getBriefTraceback()

    def receiveClose(self):
        return self.list

    def describeSelf(self):
        return "[%d]" % len(self.list)

class TupleUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    debug = False
    constraints = None

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        assert isinstance(constraint, schema.TupleConstraint)
        self.constraints = constraint.constraints

    def start(self, count):
        self.list = []
        self.count = count
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].start with %s" % (self, self.count, self.list)
        # TODO: optimize by keeping count of child Deferreds rather than
        # scanning the whole self.list each time
        self.finished = False
        self.deferred = Deferred()
        self.protocol.setObject(count, self.deferred)

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.constraints == None:
            return None
        if len(self.list) >= len(self.constraints):
            raise Violation
        return self.constraints[len(self.list)].checkToken(typebyte)

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        where = len(self.list)
        if self.constraints != None:
            if where >= len(self.constraints):
                raise Violation
        unslicer =
        if unslicer:
            if self.constraints != None:
        return unslicer

    def update(self, obj, index):
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].update: [%d]=%s" % (self, self.count, index, obj)
        self.list[index] = obj
        if self.finished:

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
            obj.addCallback(self.update, len(self.list))
            self.list.append(obj) # placeholder
        elif isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
    def checkComplete(self):
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].checkComplete" % (self, self.count)
        for i in self.list:
            if isinstance(i, Deferred):
                # not finished yet, we'll fire our Deferred when we are
                if self.debug:
                    print " not finished yet"
                return self.deferred
        # list is now complete. We can finish.
        t = tuple(self.list)
        if self.debug:
            print " finished! tuple:%s{%s}" % (t, id(t))
        self.protocol.setObject(self.count, t)
        return t

    def receiveClose(self):
        if self.debug:
            print "%s[%d].receiveClose" % (self, self.count)
        self.finished = 1
        return self.checkComplete()

    def describeSelf(self):
        return "[%d]" % len(self.list)

class DictUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    gettingKey = True
    keyConstraint = None
    valueConstraint = None
    maxKeys = None

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        assert isinstance(constraint, schema.DictConstraint)
        self.keyConstraint = constraint.keyConstraint
        self.valueConstraint = constraint.valueConstraint
        self.maxKeys = constraint.maxKeys

    def start(self, count):
        self.d = {}
        self.protocol.setObject(count, self.d)
        self.key = None

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.maxKeys != None:
            if len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
                raise Violation
        if self.gettingKey:
            if self.keyConstraint:
                return self.keyConstraint.checkToken(typebyte)
            if self.valueConstraint:
                return self.valueConstraint.checkToken(typebyte)
        return None # unlimited

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        if self.maxKeys != None:
            if len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
                raise Violation
        if self.gettingKey:
            if self.keyConstraint:
            if self.valueConstraint:
        unslicer =
        if unslicer:
            if self.gettingKey:
                if self.keyConstraint:
                if self.valueConstraint:
        return unslicer

    def update(self, value, key):
        # this is run as a Deferred callback, hence the backwards arguments
        self.d[key] = value

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.gettingKey:
        self.gettingKey = not self.gettingKey

    def receiveKey(self, key):
        # I don't think it is legal (in python) to use an incomplete object
        # as a dictionary key, because you must have all the contents to
        # hash it. Someone could fake up a token stream to hit this case,
        # however: OPEN(dict), OPEN(tuple), OPEN(reference), 0, CLOSE, CLOSE,
        # "value", CLOSE
        if isinstance(key, Deferred):
            raise BananaError("incomplete object as dictionary key",
            if self.d.has_key(key):
                raise BananaError("duplicate key '%s'" % key,
        except TypeError:
            raise BananaError("unhashable key '%s'" % key,
        self.key = key

    def receiveValue(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Deferred):
            value.addCallback(self.update, self.key)
        self.d[self.key] = value # placeholder

    def receiveClose(self):
        return self.d

    def describeSelf(self):
        if self.gettingKey:
            return "{}"
            return "{}[%s]" % self.key

class NewVocabulary:
    def __init__(self, newvocab):
        self.nv = newvocab

class VocabUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    """Much like DictUnslicer, but keys must be numbers, and values must
    be strings"""
    def start(self, count):
        self.d = {}
        self.gettingKey = True
        self.key = None

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.gettingKey:
            if typebyte != tokens.INT:
                raise BananaError("VocabUnslicer only accepts INT keys",
            if typebyte != tokens.STRING:
                raise BananaError("VocabUnslicer only accepts STRING values",

    def receiveChild(self, token):
        if isinstance(token, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.gettingKey:
            if self.d.has_key(token):
                raise BananaError("duplicate key '%s'" % token,
            self.key = token
            self.d[self.key] = token
        self.gettingKey = not self.gettingKey

    def receiveClose(self):
        return NewVocabulary(self.d)

    def describeSelf(self):
        if self.gettingKey:
            return "<vocabdict>[%s]" % self.key
            return "<vocabdict>"

class BrokenDictUnslicer(DictUnslicer):
    dieInFinish = 0

    def receiveValue(self, value):
        if value == "die":
            raise "aaaaaaaaargh"
        if value == "please_die_in_finish":
            self.dieInFinish = 1
        DictUnslicer.receiveValue(self, value)

    def receiveClose(self):
        if self.dieInFinish:
            raise "dead in receiveClose()"

class ReallyBrokenDictUnslicer(DictUnslicer):
    def start(self, count):
        raise "dead in start"

class Dummy:
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Dummy %s>" % self.__dict__
    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if not type(other) == type(self):
            return -1
        return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__)

class InstanceUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    # danger: instances are mutable containers. If an attribute value is not
    # yet available, __dict__ will hold a Deferred until it is. Other
    # objects might be created and use our object before this is fixed.
    # TODO: address this. Note that InstanceUnslicers aren't used in PB
    # (where we have pb.Referenceable and pb.Copyable which have schema
    # constraints and could have different restrictions like not being
    # allowed to participate in reference loops).

    def start(self, count):
        self.d = {}
        self.count = count
        self.gettingClassname = True
        self.gettingAttrname = False
        self.deferred = Deferred()
        self.protocol.setObject(count, self.deferred)
        self.classname = None
        self.attrname = None

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.gettingClassname:
            if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
                raise BananaError("InstanceUnslicer classname must be string",
        if self.gettingAttrname:
            if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
                raise BananaError("InstanceUnslicer keys must be STRINGs",
        # TODO: use schema to determine attribute value constraint

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.gettingClassname:
            self.classname = obj
            self.gettingClassname = False
            self.gettingAttrname = True
            if self.gettingAttrname:
                self.attrname = obj
                if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
                    # TODO: this is an artificial restriction, and it might
                    # be possible to remove it, but I need to think through
                    # it carefully first
                    raise BananaError("unreferenceable object in attribute",
                if self.d.has_key(self.attrname):
                    raise BananaError("duplicate attribute name '%s'" % name,
                self.setAttribute(self.attrname, obj)
            self.gettingAttrname = not self.gettingAttrname

    def setAttribute(self, name, value):
        self.d[name] = value

    def receiveClose(self):
        inst = Dummy()
        #inst.__classname__ = self.classname
        setInstanceState(inst, self.d)
        self.protocol.setObject(self.count, inst)
        return inst

    def describeSelf(self):
        if self.classname == None:
            return "<??>"
        me = "<%s>" % self.classname
        if self.gettingAttrname:
            return "%s.attrname??" % me
            return "%s.%s" % (me, self.attrname)

class InstanceUnslicer2(InstanceUnslicer):

    def receiveClose(self):
        # TODO: taste me!
        klass = reflect.namedObject(self.classname)
        assert type(klass) == types.ClassType # TODO: new-style classes
        o = instance(klass, {})
        setInstanceState(o, self.d)
        self.protocol.setObject(self.count, o)
        return o

class ReferenceUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    constraint = None
    finished = False
    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        self.constraint = constraint

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte != tokens.INT:
            raise BananaError("ReferenceUnslicer only accepts INTs",

    def receiveChild(self, num):
        if isinstance(num, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.finished:
            raise BananaError("ReferenceUnslicer only accepts one int",
        self.obj = self.protocol.getObject(num)
        self.finished = True
        # assert that this conforms to the constraint
        if self.constraint:
        # TODO: it might be a Deferred, but we should know enough about the
        # incoming value to check the constraint. This requires a subclass
        # of Deferred which can give us the metadata.

    def receiveClose(self):
        return self.obj

class ModuleUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    finished = False

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
            raise BananaError("ModuleUnslicer only accepts strings",

    def receiveChild(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.finished:
            raise BananaError("ModuleUnslicer only accepts one string",
        self.finished = True
        # TODO: taste here!
        mod = __import__(moduleName, {}, {}, "x")
        self.mod = mod

    def receiveClose(self):
        if not self.finished:
            raise BananaError("ModuleUnslicer requires a string",
        return self.mod

class ClassUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    finished = False

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
            raise BananaError("ClassUnslicer only accepts strings",

    def receiveChild(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.finished:
            raise BananaError("ClassUnslicer only accepts one string",
        self.finished = True
        # TODO: taste here!
        self.klass = reflect.namedObject(name)

    def receiveClose(self):
        if not self.finished:
            raise BananaError("ClassUnslicer requires a string",
        return self.klass

class MethodUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    state = 0
    im_func = None
    im_self = None
    im_class = None

    # self.state:
    # 0: expecting a string with the method name
    # 1: expecting an instance (or None for unbound methods)
    # 2: expecting a class

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.state == 0:
            if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
                raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer methodname must be a string",
        elif self.state == 1:
            if typebyte != tokens.OPEN:
                raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer instance must be OPEN",
        elif self.state == 2:
            if typebyte != tokens.OPEN:
                raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer class must be an OPEN",

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        # check the opentype
        if self.state == 1:
            if opentype[0] not in ("instance", "none"):
                raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer instance must be " +
                                  "instance or None",
        elif self.state == 2:
            if opentype[0] != "class":
                raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer class must be a class",
        unslicer =
        # TODO: apply constraint
        return unslicer

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.state == 0:
            self.im_func = obj
            self.state = 1
        elif self.state == 1:
            assert type(obj) in (types.InstanceType, types.NoneType)
            self.im_self = obj
            self.state = 2
        elif self.state == 2:
            assert type(obj) == types.ClassType # TODO: new-style classes?
            self.im_class = obj
            self.state = 3
            raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer only accepts three objects",

    def receiveClose(self):
        if self.state != 3:
            raise BananaError("MethodUnslicer requires three objects",
        if self.im_self is None:
            meth = getattr(self.im_class, self.im_func)
            # getattr gives us an unbound method
            return meth
        # TODO: late-available instances
        #if isinstance(self.im_self, NotKnown):
        #    im = _InstanceMethod(self.im_name, self.im_self, self.im_class)
        #    return im
        meth = self.im_class.__dict__[self.im_func]
        # whereas __dict__ gives us a function
        im = instancemethod(meth, self.im_self, self.im_class)
        return im

class FunctionUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    finished = False

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte not in (tokens.STRING, tokens.VOCAB):
            raise BananaError("FunctionUnslicer only accepts strings",

    def receiveChild(self, name):
        if isinstance(name, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.finished:
            raise BananaError("FunctionUnslicer only accepts one string",
        self.finished = True
        # TODO: taste here!
        self.func = reflect.namedObject(name)

    def receiveClose(self):
        if not self.finished:
            raise BananaError("FunctionUnslicer requires a string",
        return self.func

class NoneUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        raise BananaError("NoneUnslicer does not accept any tokens",
    def receiveClose(self):
        return None

class BooleanUnslicer(LeafUnslicer):
    value = None
    constraint = None

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        self.constraint = constraint

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if typebyte != tokens.INT:
            raise BananaError("BooleanUnslicer only accepts an INT token",

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, UnbananaFailure):
        if self.value != None:
            raise BananaError("BooleanUnslicer only accepts one token",
        if self.constraint:
            if self.constraint.value != None:
                if bool(obj) != self.constraint.value:
                    raise Violation
        self.value = bool(obj)

    def receiveClose(self):
        return self.value

    def describeSelf(self):
        return "<bool>"
UnslicerRegistry = {
    ('unicode',): UnicodeUnslicer,
    ('list',): ListUnslicer,
    ('tuple',): TupleUnslicer,
    ('dict',): DictUnslicer,
    ('instance',): InstanceUnslicer,
    ('reference',): ReferenceUnslicer,
    ('none',): NoneUnslicer,
    ('boolean',): BooleanUnslicer,
    # for testing
    ('dict1',): BrokenDictUnslicer,
    ('dict2',): ReallyBrokenDictUnslicer,
UnslicerRegistry2 = UnslicerRegistry.copy()
    ('module',): ModuleUnslicer,
    ('class',): ClassUnslicer,
    ('method',): MethodUnslicer,
    ('function',): FunctionUnslicer,
    ('instance',): InstanceUnslicer2,

class RootUnslicer(BaseUnslicer):
    openRegistry = UnslicerRegistry
    topRegistry = UnslicerRegistry
    constraint = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.objects = {}
        maxLength = reduce(max, [len(k[0]) for k in self.openRegistry.keys()])
        self.maxIndexLength = maxLength

    def start(self, count):

    def setConstraint(self, constraint):
        # this constraints top-level objects. E.g., if this is an
        # IntegerConstraint, then only integers will be accepted.
        self.constraint = constraint

    def checkToken(self, typebyte):
        if self.constraint:
            return self.constraint.checkToken(typebyte)
        return None

    def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, opentype):
        if typebyte == tokens.STRING:
            return self.maxIndexLength
        elif typebyte == tokens.VOCAB:
            return None
            raise BananaError("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \

    def open(self, opentype, typemap=None):
        """Accept an opentype tuple and produce a new Unslicer. This
        function is generally called (by delegation) by the top Unslicer on
        the stack, regardless of what kind of unslicer it is.

        if typemap == None:
            typemap = self.openRegistry

            opener = typemap[opentype]
            child = opener()
            # do not set .opener here, but leave it for the caller. Unslicer
            # subclasses will set it to their parent in their own .open()
            # call. The RootUnslicer will set it (to itself) in
            # RootUnslicer.doOpen() .
        except KeyError:
            where = self.where() + ".<OPEN(%s)>" % (opentype,)
            raise BananaError("unknown OPEN type '%s'" % (opentype,),
        return child

    def openTop(self, opentype):
        return, self.topRegistry)

    def doOpen(self, opentype):
        if self.constraint:
        if len(self.protocol.receiveStack) == 1 and opentype[0] == "vocab":
            # only legal at top-level
            child = VocabUnslicer()
            child = self.openTop(opentype)
        if child:
            child.opener = self
            if self.constraint:
        return child

    def receiveAbort(self, token):
        raise ValueError, "top-level should never receive ABORT tokens"

    def receiveChild(self, obj):
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "RootUnslicer.receiveChild(%s)" % (obj,)
        self.objects = {}
        if isinstance(obj, NewVocabulary):
        if self.protocol.exploded:
            print "protocol exploded, can't deliver object"
            print self.protocol.exploded
        self.protocol.receivedObject(obj) # give finished object to Banana

    def receiveClose(self):
        raise ValueError, "top-level should never receive CLOSE tokens"

    def describeSelf(self):
        return "root"

    def setObject(self, counter, obj):
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "setObject(%s): %s{%s}" % (counter, obj, id(obj))
        self.objects[counter] = obj

    def getObject(self, counter):
        obj = self.objects.get(counter)
        if self.protocol.debug:
            print "getObject(%s) -> %s{%s}" % (counter, obj, id(obj))
        return obj