converstaion_jml.txt   [plain text]

<jml> I like trac.
<jml> we should use it
<slyphon> jml: i need your help
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<slyphon> jml: i am going to do some refactoring on trial
<jml> slyphon: awesome
<jml> slyphon: I've been wanting to do that for some time.
<jml> slyphon: honour to serve. how can I help.
<slyphon> jml: so i could really use your input 
<slyphon> heh;
<slyphon> can you explain the concept of the runners to me?
<slyphon> or rathedr
<slyphon> wait
<slyphon> please detail the major chunks that make up trial and what each individual chunk does
<jml> slyphon: ok. gimme a moment.
<slyphon> sure
<jml> I'm on a new install, so I have to checkout twisted and set up my .emacs
<slyphon> no problem
<jml> but, while that's happening, let's talk vision
<jml> I'd like stuff like atop.test.unittest to be much easier.
<jml> and, if possible, for trial to relate to the reactor in a simpler fashion.
<jml> slyphon: what are your goals?
<slyphon> we share some common goals
<slyphon> i'd like to make trial understand componentized
<jml> slyphon: in what sense?
<slyphon> ITestCase
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<slyphon> no issubclass() no istestcase()
<jml> slyphon: I considered doing ITestCase when I first wrote trial. People said it wasn't necessary
<slyphon> because the major point is that a class that runs as a testcase must provide an interface
<slyphon> yeah
<jml> slyphon: but now I agree with you.
<slyphon> that's what they told me
<slyphon> but screw them
<slyphon> one sec
<jml> slyphon: backwards compatibility is a consideration though
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> that's a big consideration
<slyphon> i convinced glyph that ITestCase is a good idea
<jml> slyphon: can you summarise the discussion?
<slyphon> my gf is on the phone, will you be around in 20 min?
<jml> slyphon: yes.
<slyphon> ok, i'll talk to you than
<slyphon> then
<slyphon> :)


<jml> yo
<slyphon> hey
<slyphon> whew
<slyphon> i'm glad you're still here
<slyphon> i had to drive everyone back into DC
<slyphon> and talk to my gf
<slyphon> but now, i've got a nice block of time to actually get something _done_
<slyphon> ;)
<slyphon> so, trial
<slyphon> if you've got a minute
<jml> yeah, I've got a minute or two :)
<slyphon> YAY :D
<slyphon> okay
<slyphon> so
<jml> we were talking about components
<slyphon> first thing, as a design decision, yes, i want to make TestCase __implement__ ITestCase
<jml> can you, at some stage, summarise the discussion you had with glyph wrt components and trial?
<slyphon> well
<slyphon> the basic consensus i had with glyph was that the runner stuff needed to be revamped, because nobody really understands what it does...
<slyphon> ...
<slyphon> ...and that there would be an IBenchmark
<jml> :)
<slyphon> IProfile, and ITest
<slyphon> interface
<jml> yeah.
<slyphon> that way you could do ITest().allYourTests()
<slyphon> IBenchmark().allYourBenchmarks()
<slyphon> etc.
<slyphon> to give the developer more control over what gets run how and when 
<slyphon> also, it would allow you to benchmark already-existing code and tests without worrying about how the methods were named
<slyphon> which is kind of irritating, yet understandable
<jml> well, the naming thing is a tradeoff between control and convenience
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> which we agreed upon
<jml> so, ITest(myTestObject).allYourTests() ?
<slyphon> yet, we can make allYourTests() default to return all methods named test_ and if someone wants to change that the machinery is there to make it easy
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> or
<jml> how do you make it default?
<slyphon> ITest(ITestCase(obj)).allYourTests()
<slyphon> you make it a default by making a default adapter
<slyphon> i think
<jml> I see.
<slyphon> i am _very_ concerned with backwards compatability
<jml> so, the user would write a class that would implement ITestCase. What's ITest?
<jml> slyphon: I'm not :)
<slyphon> heh
<slyphon> :D
<slyphon> well, the user wouldn't see much of a change if they wanted to use trial.unittest
<slyphon> because t.unittest.TestCase would implement ITestCase
<slyphon> so the difference would be pretty transparent
<jml> slyphon: yeah. I think we should be backwards compat. I just don't feel strongly about it at all.
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> i agree
<jml> slyphon: so, what's ITest when it's at home?
<slyphon> ITest would return all test_ methods, or if overridden all methods of a class that should be considered test methods
<slyphon> which brings me to a point of confusion
<slyphon> because i've hacked some edge cases where i messed with the test classes or methods (i can't remember the exact case) and wound up with "foo is not a test method" errors
<slyphon> which i don't really understand
<jml> slyphon: the runners are essentially adapters, I guess.
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<jml> although, it's slightly more complex :)
<slyphon> adapters in the IBenchmark, etc way?
<jml> yeah
<slyphon> ah
<slyphon> what's a "Singleton" runner?
<jml> TestClassRunner should really be an adapter to ITest
<jml> slyphon: runs a single method.
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> OH
<slyphon> :)
<slyphon> that confused the hell out of me
<jml> slyphon: not singleton as in the pattern
<jml> slyphon: sorry man
<slyphon> what would be cool would be to make the ITest().allYourMehtods() return an /iterator/
<slyphon> :)
<jml> slyphon: yes
<slyphon> that way you don't have to worry about counting methods
<jml> but, the thing is, what would the interface for IBench be?
<jml> slyphon: counting methods is for progress bars.
<slyphon> oh
<slyphon> oh
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> hadn't thought of that
<slyphon> IBenchmark would probably be just "return all methods that you want to be timed" during execution
<slyphon> and it would return an iterator over a bunch of methods
<jml> ok. so, it'd have one method. just like ITest
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> make it really simple
<jml> ok, so what does ITestCase define?
<slyphon> umm
<jml> setUp, tearDown?
<slyphon> yeah, it also defined raiseIf
<slyphon> failUnless
<slyphon> etc
<slyphon> which was because i needed to change those for some of the functional tests in quotient
<jml> slyphon: that's unnecessary. they should not be TestCase methods.
<jml> oh
<slyphon> i had some weird requirements about skipping the rest of a sequence
<jml> why?
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<slyphon> because the tests _had_ to run in a specified order
<jml> slyphon: they still don't need to be TestCase methods.
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> what would they be then?
<slyphon> i agree
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<jml> slyphon: whack em in a module
<slyphon> IUnittest
<slyphon> ?
<jml> nah.
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> you're right
<slyphon> soooo...
<jml> twisted.trial.judges.failUnlessEqual
<slyphon> heh
<jml> slyphon: I don't know if ITestCase is well-thought out.
<slyphon> probably not...
<slyphon> but
<slyphon> the idea was really to make the "is this a test case" stuff in the script easier
<jml> for sure.
<jml> it might only be a tag.
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> hmm
<jml> but, I think perhaps we might want IBenchCase, ITestCase etc
<jml> i'm not sure.
<slyphon> yeah, neither am i
<slyphon> the difference was that i wanted ITestCase to cover the other possibilities, i think
<slyphon> the whole thing that's a bit weird to me is dealing with the TestSuite
<slyphon> how you can add just random methods to it
<slyphon> or classes
<jml> TestSuite.. TestSuite.. what's that again.
<slyphon> or modules
<slyphon> or packages
* jml looks stuff up
<slyphon> heh
* slyphon does the same
<jml> slyphon: what's confusing about it?
<slyphon> what is its purpose?
<jml> slyphon: the script gets a bunch of params, they get added to the test suite. then it gets run.
<jml> slyphon: it's purpose is collation
<slyphon> ah 
<slyphon> yes, one of the things i need to do is sit down and write a design document
<slyphon> just to try to understand what all the use cases are
<jml> slyphon: well, nothing so formal
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> well, 
<slyphon> a "design document" (quotes added) would be more appropriate
<slyphon> ;)
<jml> :)
<jml> TestSuite might not be needed
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> how
<slyphon> that would be slick
<slyphon> I want to wind up with a design that will cut 50% of the code out of trial
<jml> also, I reckon we ditch the progress bar requirement. No UI uses it.
<jml> slyphon: me too.
<slyphon> heh
<jml> slyphon: YAGNI.
<slyphon> some people were suggesting that i build a gtk ui for it
<slyphon> i was like, FUCK NO!
<jml> slyphon: that's irrelevant.
<slyphon> YOU BUILD IT
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> trial needs a gtk ui like a fish needs a bicycle
<jml> slyphon: also, buildbot is an important consideration.
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> i've been talking with warner
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<slyphon> he wants there to be a Problem object that can get passed via jelly
<slyphon> that takes the relevant locals information and can pass it off to buildbot
<slyphon> also
<dreid> *blink*
<dreid> i didn't see the "there" at first
<jml> aside: to benchmark stuff, you'd need, essentially, a list of methods to benchmark, and a process that takes a method to benchmark, and actually benchmarks it.
<slyphon> which is pretty trivial
<slyphon> time.time, startmethod(), time.time - originalTime
<jml> slyphon: well, the Tester class is the thing that takes a method and tests it
* slyphon nods
<slyphon> dreid: :)
<jml> slyphon: it's actually not going out and killing people in its triviallity
<slyphon> explain
<slyphon> please ;)
<jml> slyphon: look at unittest.Tester. It's 100 lines of code
<slyphon> oh, you were talking about tester
<slyphon> i thought you were talking about benchmark's triviality
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> Tester is gonna need some refactoring
<slyphon> it seems a bit too "busy"
<jml> slyphon: well, I'm thinking that a lot of that is intrinsic complexity
<slyphon> intrinsic in what sense?
<slyphon> because of the rest of the design, you mean?
<jml> slyphon: because of tests raising different kinds of exceptions.
<slyphon> ah
<slyphon> hmm
<jml> and the reactor
<slyphon> yyeah
<slyphon> warner and i had a _long_ talk about the reactor state
<jml> sure, if we had a Bencher and a Profiler, there'd be a lot of stuff in common
<jml> slyphon: I wish I were there.
<jml> dreid: I still don't get it :(
<slyphon> :) we both agreed that the 
<slyphon> framework should just VOMIT if the reactor was left in an unclean state
<dreid> jml: i thought warner wanted to be a Problem object that can be passed via jelly
<slyphon> HA!
<jml> dreid: right :)
<dreid> jml: so yeah ... it left me in a state of amused confusion
<jml> slyphon: why did you agree?
<jml> slyphon: as in, why should it vomit?
<slyphon> well, it was a question of running asynchronous tests
<slyphon> if you set up a callLater, and there's a code path that allows you to exit out the side without cleaning up that call later, you can get weird failures
<slyphon> on unrelated methods
<slyphon> which can be hard to track down
<slyphon> i.e. the http logging "optimization" that just leaves timed calls lying around
<slyphon> which is a major PITA
<jml> slyphon: so, by vomit, you mean, fail and exit
<slyphon> yes
<jml> brb
<slyphon> immediately
<slyphon> ok
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<slyphon> perhaps ITestCase should have 3 methods
<slyphon> allYourTests, allYourProfiles, allYourBenchmarks
<jml> back
<jml> slyphon: I was thinking about that
<slyphon> yah, that seems more natural
<jml> hmm.
<slyphon> itamar was talking some crazy shit about how he wants to be able to adapt the /classes/ to ITestCase
<slyphon> not the /instances/
<slyphon> so he would be able to use PyUnit tests with trial
<slyphon> which i told glyph and he looked at me as if /I/ was crazy
<slyphon> which is quite a compliment coming from glyph
<slyphon> ;)
<jml> slyphon: one of the problems with trial atm is that it gets all the methods _from_ classes right at the beginning and only instantiates those classes when they are about to be tested
<slyphon> yes
<jml> slyphon: I don't think we need to do that.
<slyphon> that's the thing i was talking about before
<slyphon> with "is not a test method"
<jml> ahh, right.
<slyphon> soo, i think that would be handled by the ITestCase thing
<jml> we only really need to have a list of classes at the beginning, and then get the methods as we are about to test them.
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> which is an iterator over a list of methods
<slyphon> and the list could be a list of modules, classes, and methods
<slyphon> lemme rephrase that
<jml> ok.
<slyphon> TestSuite could be replaced by a list of stuff that would have for meth in ITestCase(foo).allYourTests(): run meth() called on it
<slyphon> so then
<slyphon> you register an adapter on ModuleType, ClassType, object and method that do The Right Thing
<slyphon> (like return testcase classes, etc)
<jml> words right out of my mouth
<slyphon> :)
<slyphon> i'm so glad that we're agreeing on this
<slyphon> so many people were telling me YAGNI! at the top of their lungs
<slyphon> i was thinking "FUCK YOU!" _I'M_ implementing it 
<jml> slyphon: it's not a matter of YAGNI at all. It's refactoring mercilessly
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> YES!
<slyphon> WITH A CHAINSAW!
<slyphon> OF JUSTICE!
<jml> slyphon: SO!
<slyphon> yes
<jml> slyphon: what of the case of setup/teardown ?
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> in what sense?
<slyphon> oh
<slyphon> shit
<slyphon> hmm
<jml> slyphon: well, we may want different ones for different "test" types (bench, profile, dbtest) etc
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> hmm
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<slyphon> that's why i was thinking of ITestCase, IBenchmark, IProfile
<slyphon> because then you get IBenchmark.setUp()
<jml> slyphon: then let's do that.
<slyphon> yes
<jml> slyphon: but how would the adapter work?
<slyphon> your adapter class would make sure that the correct method got called
<slyphon> self.original.setUp() or some such
<slyphon> (in the simple case)
<slyphon> hmm
<jml> slyphon: I'm not quite sure I follow. Let's say we have a class that has tests and benchmarks,
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> so that would implement ITestCase
<jml> slyphon: and IBenchmark?
<slyphon> then, you would register an adapter of that class to IBenchmark
<jml> ok
<jml> now I get it
<slyphon> and that adapter would handle the calls to .setUp .tearDown, etc
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> it makes a lot of sense, when you think about it
<jml> IBenchMark.setUp === self.original.benchSetUp
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> or whatever
<jml> yeah. whatever :)
<slyphon> that would probably be a good standard
<slyphon> profileSetUp
<slyphon> but
<jml> so, ITestCase is a tag, and that's it.
<slyphon> your adapter class should probably contain a slightly different implementation
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> afaict
<slyphon> it just lets you pick out the TestCase classes out of a module
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> because there may be instances where you don't /want/ to run unittests using a certain class, only IBenchmark
<jml> and then, for each of IBenchmark, ITest, IProfile, we have some code that actually benchmarks, tests, profiles
<slyphon> yes
<jml> how would that be structured?
<slyphon> where there could be cases, where there's only one of those you want to do, that would implement both ItestCase and ITest
<slyphon> well
<slyphon> in the simplest case
<slyphon> you'd have a class that defined prefixed methods
<slyphon> test_ bench_ profile_
<slyphon> the adapter to IBenchmark().allYourMethods() would return all 'bench_' prefixed methods of self.original
<slyphon> just as an example implementation
<slyphon> so BigTestCaseClass has test_foo bench_foo and profile_baz
<slyphon> ITest(BigTestCaseClass).allYourMethods() returns test_foo
<jml> yeah, I've got all this so far
<slyphon> ok, so what have i not explained that you're thinking of?
<slyphon> well
<jml> then nasty user comes along and says "trial profile BigTestCaseClass"
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> so we do IProfile(ITestCase(BigTestCaseClass)).allYourMethods() which returns only profile_baz
<slyphon> or nothing if no profile methods are to be returned
<jml> yeah, I was wondering about the code that actually does the profiling. does that need to be structure in any way.
<slyphon> i.e. we laugh at him
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> i'm not really sure
<slyphon> i'd need to talk to JP and Glyph
<slyphon> we should make it so users could pick either the Hotshot profiler or the old-skool one
<jml> slyphon: my guess is 'not really, but it'd be kind of nice'
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> well, our framework doesn't really give a shit
<slyphon> the _user_ picks how profiling should work
<slyphon> which is the genius
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<jml> now. one final issue.
<slyphon> ok
<jml> how to handle test failures and errors.
<slyphon> hmm
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<slyphon> this is one thing warner had a bunch to say about
<jml>  / results in general
<jml> slyphon: good.
<jml> slyphon: he's the one person who's had a non-trivial use case :)
<slyphon> indeed :D
<slyphon> shit, i took some notes from our conversation
<slyphon>  add multiple exception types
<slyphon> # single failure per test case
<slyphon> #     list of all errors between starting test and failing tests
<slyphon> #
<slyphon> # intermittent
<slyphon> the intermittent part was what i mentioned before about "test for clean reactor state"
<jml> It's gonna take me a moment to parse this
<slyphon> which consisted of a test leaving behind timed calls, open sockets, and installed signal handlers
<jml> in fact, can you elaborate on the whole thing?
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> indeed
<slyphon> this was a 20 minute conversation
<slyphon> and warner did most of the high-speed talking :)
<slyphon> trial needs to keep track of all failures that occur during a test run in a list
<slyphon> was the idea
<jml> I fully agree.
<slyphon> me too
<jml> or an iterator ;)
<slyphon> :)
<slyphon> "add multiple exception types" i kinda forget exactly what he meant
<slyphon> but it had to do with TODO, EXPECTED_FAILURE /i think/
<slyphon>  /maybe/
<slyphon> i'll ask him tomorrow and let you know
<jml> thanks.
<slyphon> sure ;)
<slyphon> and that was about it
<jml> regardless, the skip, todo stuff needs to be handled better.
<slyphon> hmm
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<slyphon> yes
<jml> although, allYourTests somewhat voids them
<slyphon> i have some ideas about that from the intricate backflips i've done in quotient
<slyphon> how's that?
<slyphon> voids which?
<slyphon> we could do allYourTodos too :)
<jml> although: well, if a test is 'todo', you exclude it from allYourTests manually.
<jml> s/although://
<slyphon> s/todo/skip/??
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<jml> slyphon: I'm not sure. I never liked the idea of either very much.
<slyphon> they're a bit ungainly
<slyphon> i've taken to having a big block of commented out "todo" attributes on every function at the bottom of a class when i want to run the tests and skip a bunch of arbitrary stuff
<slyphon> s/"todo"/"skip"
<jml> todo is for "I've got a test that demonstrates a bug that I can't/won't fix"
<slyphon> heh
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> and it doesn't turn buildbot red
<slyphon> it's kind of like "Yeah, yeah, don't get all excited"
<jml> skip is for "I don't want to run this test on windows"
<slyphon> HAHAHA
<slyphon> PenguinOfDoom has been hacking IOCP like a madman, so hopefully (hopefully) that won't be an issue too much longer
<slyphon> .allYourWin32Tests might be nice too
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<jml> slyphon: it's still a problem.
<jml> slyphon: no, that would be terrible.
<slyphon> indeed
<slyphon> heh :)
<jml> .allYourMacOSTests
<slyphon> HAHA
<jml> .allYourBeOSTests
<jml> .allYourAmigaOSTests
<slyphon> screw amiga users
<jml> .allYourSCOTests
<slyphon> they deserve what they get
<slyphon> HA!
<slyphon> yeah
<jml> .allYourSolarisTests
<slyphon> screw that
<slyphon> that will be up to the implementor to ensure
<jml> yeah. well, raising skip is a nice enough way of dealing with the problem
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> but then the test skips on linux too
<jml> if not hasattr(os, 'symlink'): raise Skip, "Don't got no symlinks"
<jml> for example
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> but again, that's not my concern
<slyphon> we keep the interface and framework simple and clean
<slyphon> s/my/our
<slyphon> ;)
<jml> slyphon: well, that is a concern, because it relates to reporting on the tests
<slyphon> true
<slyphon> but it should be the test writer's concern
<slyphon> that's not the fault of the framework
<slyphon> it would be nice, however if the framework provided  utility functions for determining that
<jml> slyphon: umm
<slyphon> like isWin32() would raise SkipTest or some such, no?
<slyphon> or am i not understanding?
<jml> on phone
<slyphon> ok
<slyphon> i'm gonna get some orange juice :)
<moshez> slyphon: squish
* moshez squishes
<moshez> lalalala squishing
<slyphon> yay squishfulness!
* slyphon dances around moshez's neck and shoulders
<moshez> shoulders!
<jml> slyphon: a test that just can't be run, for whatever reason (although usually platform silliness), can raise SkipTest
<slyphon> moshez: your lack of presence is noticed by all
<moshez> :(
<slyphon> and sorely missed
<slyphon> :(
<slyphon> moshez: you should be on irc more
<moshez> I will attempt to be more presenceful
<slyphon> yay!
<slyphon> jml: yes
<moshez> but I am workful these days
<slyphon> jml: that's kind of my thinkikng
<slyphon> moshez: EXCUSES!
<moshez> so the europeans among you will enjoy my EPfulness
<slyphon> :)
<moshez> because I can afford it
<slyphon> yay!
<jml> slyphon: so your saying that's not a framework problem, it's a client problem?
<slyphon> though i am not european
<moshez> it's this whole system of money and stuff
<moshez> be european
<dreid> moshez: money sucks
<slyphon> jml: in the sense that client == user of framework, yes
<moshez> dredid: not having any sucks more
<slyphon> jml: lesson: don't write shitty tests
<jml> slyphon: no, I mean like the command line trial script, or buildbot
<slyphon> oh
<slyphon> oh oh oh
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> yes
<slyphon> the tests should be smart enough to recognize what platform they're running on
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<slyphon> we cannot forsee all the wacky shit that will fail here there and elsewhere
<jml> slyphon: the test author should ensure that, yes.
<jml> I reckon Todo should be an exception too
<jml> brb
<slyphon> ok
<Yosomono>  bah mozilla imap is totally screwed
<moshez> Yosomono
<Yosomono> they fixed the bug in 1.6 with 1.7b
<slyphon> Yosomono: dude, IMAP is totally screwed
<Yosomono> but now there is a NEW bug
<moshez> Yosomono: still no word on charmed finale
<Yosomono> I just got a notice I have 1937 new mails!
<Yosomono> :P
<moshez> froop
<moshez> Yoso: I froor at you
<Yosomono> moshez: no spoilage? suck.
<slyphon> oy
<moshez> and at your hands
<Yosomono> moshez: my hands are busy typing! they have no time for frooring
<slyphon> we need more lessness in australian timezone difference
<jml> slyphon: right
<moshez> Yosomono: why!
<slyphon> jml: so, 
<jml> slyphon: yes. it is stupidly 1800 here. almost time for me to go home.
<Yosomono> moshez: work takes precedence!
<slyphon> heh
<moshez> Yosomono: ok
<slyphon> jml: yeah it's 01:54 here
<jml> slyphon: so, Todo should be an exception too.
<slyphon> yes, it would probably be helpful
<slyphon> i need to talk with warner about extending that
<slyphon> as in
<moshez> I miss warner :(
<jml> slyphon: cos the method attribute thing seems a little silly to me
<slyphon> what other failure types do we need
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> it's silly, but...
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> i dunno if raise Todo would really work 
<jml> whyever not?
<slyphon> because it would be a path out of code
<moshez> why wouldn't it
<slyphon> dunno!
<slyphon> you tell me
<moshez> hrmm
<slyphon> it sometimes succeeds
<slyphon> !
<moshez> ???
<slyphon> skip always skips
<jml> slyphon: no.
<slyphon> no?
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> moshez: write more tests for your code
<jml> slyphon: well, yes.
<slyphon> jml: where would you raise Todo?
<slyphon> begining?
<slyphon> middle?
<jml> slyphon: it just means that people shouldn't use them stupidly.
<slyphon> end?
<jml> slyphon: yeah, beginning.
<slyphon> well, perhaps
<slyphon> yeah, but you want to see if the code works sometimes
<slyphon> it just marks tests as "in testing"
<jml> slyphon: this is why I hate todo :)
<slyphon> todo is useful as all hell
<slyphon> but yes
<slyphon> it is easy to abuse
<jml> slyphon: todo acknowledges that people don't fix code immediately.
<slyphon> it would be nice not to have to set an /attribute/ on the /method/
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> sometimes you can't
<jml> slyphon: just have a helper method ala transacted
<slyphon> there are situations hwere todo is appropriate where skip is not
<slyphon> jml: elaborate, please
<slyphon> todo(methodname)?
<jml> slyphon: yea
<jml> h
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> or how about inside the class?
<slyphon> doh
<slyphon> method
<slyphon> just call self.todo()
<slyphon> which could change the reporting machinery dynamically
<jml> I'm not sure I follow
<slyphon> well
<slyphon> the framework knows what method is being run
<slyphon> first, you check to see if the method has 'todo' set
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> that changes the run's state
<slyphon> at the beginning
<slyphon> it says, "if this particular method fails, report an ExpectedFailure"
<slyphon> there's no reason why that should be have to set /before/ the test runs
<jml> so we're back to raising exceptions :)
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> not necessarily
<jml> slyphon: but not necessarily not also
<slyphon> because an exception will cause the current code path to terminate
<slyphon> or rather
<slyphon> if you call raise SoAndSo it's like calling return
<slyphon> well
<slyphon> not calling return
<slyphon> but saying 'return'
<jml> ooh
<jml> what about..
<slyphon> but calling a method would set the global state of the run to 
<slyphon> go ahead
<jml> expected( failUnless( bool ) )
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> i like that
<slyphon> oh!
<slyphon> OH OH OH
<slyphon> have you looked at my navtags code at all
<slyphon> ?
<jml> slyphon: no. where is it?
<slyphon> quotient.web.navtags
<slyphon> i made failUnless and all that stuff adaptable
<jml> expected would raise an ExpectedFailure on failure, I guess.
<slyphon> so you don't have to use "self"
<slyphon> self.failUnless
<slyphon> it's a little crazy
<jml> divmod still in CVS?
<slyphon> no
<slyphon> svn
<slyphon> today, i think
<slyphon> dammit
<jml> ooh. nevow is still in cvs though :(
<slyphon> i haven't even checked it out
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> that's donovan's gig ;)
<slyphon> we were all taking care of erlang today
<slyphon> beating the kernel with a large rock
<jml> got a svn url?
<slyphon> umm
<slyphon> shit
<slyphon> no
<slyphon> :(
<slyphon> lemme see if i can figure it out
<slyphon> ok
<slyphon> oh
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> i think for you it's svn co svn:// Quotient
<jml> so, expected(..) would raise ExpectedFailure on failure, and UnexpectedSuccess on success?
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> in theory
<slyphon> but
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> that /would/ be good for explicitly saying which call was expected to fail
<slyphon> instead of the /whole test method/
<slyphon> which is a bit too general
<slyphon> then again
<jml> which call?
<slyphon> like, inside the test method
<slyphon> which particular line was expected to cause a failure
<jml> oh. well, that would appear in the stack trace
<slyphon> hmm
<slyphon> yeah
<slyphon> but in terms of _reading_ the code and making it explicit
<jml> and so would be exactly like the unardorned failUnless
<slyphon> how so?
<jml> slyphon: well, what's different about it?
<slyphon> lemme look ;)
<slyphon> i'm kinda running on fumes here
<dreid> [23:09:36] <Kenshin> 7 hours on the openoffice compile so far
<dreid> and that's why i don't use gentoo anymore.
--- tav is now known as tav|offline
<slyphon> well
--- tav|offline is now known as tav
<slyphon> the difference is it wouldn't raise any exception of it's own
<slyphon> the difference would be in the reporting of the exception
<jml> slyphon: why wouldn't it raise an exception of its own?
<slyphon> that's a good question
<slyphon> ahhhh
<slyphon> i see what you're saying
<slyphon> it would raise a Todo
<jml> slyphon: surely it would trap the assertion failure, and rethrow its own
<slyphon> buuuuuuuuut
<jml> slyphon: or ExpectedFailure, or whatever
<slyphon> there's a problem with that
<jml> slyphon: which is?
<slyphon> welllll
<slyphon> if we change it to do what warner suggested
<slyphon> where we show /all/ errors 
<slyphon> it won't be
<slyphon> but as it is right now
<slyphon> all you'd see is the Todo exception in the traceback
<slyphon> which is less than helpful
<jml> slyphon: hmm. if only we could adapt exceptions
<slyphon> the reporting thing is still something i haven't really looked at
<slyphon> why not?
<slyphon> Zope does it
<slyphon> ExceptionType
<jml> I'm being forced to go.
<slyphon> ok
<slyphon> i need to sleep anyway
<jml> hold that thought.
<slyphon> :)
<slyphon> i'm saving this log
<jml> me too
<slyphon> we'll talk tomorrow some more
<slyphon> and i'll kick around some of these ideas in code
<slyphon> and we'll pair a bit
<jml> slyphon: aye
<slyphon> ;)
<jml> slyphon: that'd be bonza.
<slyphon> fa-shizzle, mah-nizzle
<jml> I still want to voip someone
<slyphon> :)
<slyphon> you may have an opportunity tomorrow (if i can get my stupid sound-card working)
<slyphon> ping me when you get on irc
<jml> slyphon: will do.
<slyphon> :D
<slyphon> thanks!
<jml> see you
<-- jml has quit ("Leaving")
<dreid> hah! his build failed!