reactor.txt   [plain text]

Yay! I am writing a bunch of C code.
type iocpcore provides doIteration (for PosixReactorBase)
and a bunch of operation-scheduling methods that are used by
Deferred subclasses

performance optimization: reuse overlapped structs (probably worthless)

My overlapped struct is bigger by a sizeof(PyObject *) and refers to
the callable callback. The struct is malloc'ed when operation is issued
and free'ed when GetQueuedCompletionResult returns it.
If GetQueuedCompletionStatus never returns it, doIteration was not
called enough times.

Python iocpcore subclass keeps track of pending ops.
On reactor.stop, CancelIo all pending ops' handles, then drain the port
(until we have no pending ops, I guess). Need proper error handling
for this.
Layers above this (need to rewrite from scratch, ignoring existing
implementation completely).
RwHandle -- any handle, implements write buffering and continuous
reading. It is also the best candidate for keeping track of multiple
pending overlapped ops and keeping enough of them pending.
ConnectedSocket(RwHandle) -- handles disconnection semantics
DatagramSocket(RwHandle) -- handles datagram semantics. Both for
connected and not connected datagram sockets, I guess. Won't be
implemented for a while.
SocketPort -- Handles a listening socket for arbitrary address families.
Handles having multiple pending overlapped accepts (iocpreactor's
answer to multiple accepts in one event loop iteration!). Produces
ConnectedSocket (or a trivial subclass thereof) instance for each new
SocketConnector -- Handles a connecting socket for arbitrary address
families. Not a base.BaseConnector subclass, but a complete rewrite
without all the weird failIfConnected shit. Produces ConnectedSocket
(or a trivial subclass thereof) instance when connection succeeds.

tcp.Connector, tcp.Port -- absolutely trivial subclasses of appropriate
abstract classes with address format specified.

Address format specifies family, type, afPrefix. Stores address
in custom form and provides accessors to make this whole thing
compatible with defaultreactor. I wish I had UNIX domain sockets here
to show off design leetness. I wonder if IPX sockets have all the
AcceptEx and ConnectEx crap and such.

abstract (RwHandle, ConnectedSocket)
client (ConnectedSocket subclass, SocketConnector)
server (ConnectedSocket subclass, SocketPort)
tcp (Connector, Port)
in a misguided attempt to have everything in a separate editor window

Retarded GCQS behavior:
res = 0, ov = NULL, either timeout or raise exception
ov != NULl:
    res, err, bytes:
        !=0, _, _: set err to 0, not a failure
        0, !=0, _: failure, err from GLE
Experiment to distinguish between the last two:
If the socket is closed while we have a pending AcceptEx request,
it returns with 995 (operation cancelled)
If the socket is closed while we have a pending ReadFile request,
it returns with 64 (network name no longer available)
#If the socket is closed before we post an AcceptEx request,
#If the socket is closed before we post a ReadFile request,
If remote side disconnects while we have a pending ReadFile request,
it returns with ret=0, err=_, bytes=0