NOTES.txt   [plain text]

<MFen> hmm
<MFen> needs some work
<exarkun> how close does it come to working?
<MFen> i get this
<MFen>  File "win32serviceutil.pyo", line 670, in SvcRun   File "__service__.pyo", line 44, in SvcDoRun   File "twisted\application\service.pyo", line 293, in loadApplication   File "twisted\persisted\sob.pyo", line 182, in load   File "imputil.pyo", line 103, in _import_hook   File "<string>", line 52, in _import_top_module   File "imputil.pyo", line 216, in import_top   File "imputil.pyo", line 271, in _import_one   File "<string>", line 128, in _process_result   F
<MFen> ile "atop\__init__.pyo", line 10, in ?   File "atop\regadapt.pyo", line 30, in justDoIt   File "twisted\python\plugin.pyo", line 305, in getPlugIns   File "twisted\python\plugin.pyo", line 191, in getPluginFileList  exceptions.IOError Couldn't find a plugins file!  
<exarkun> ahh
<MFen> i've been mostly working with tacs so far
<MFen> i need to figure out how to automatically add the mktap plugin parts
<radix> MFen: have you tap2ntsvc-ed anything that uses plugins?
<MFen> however
<radix> MFen: those aren't tap plugins
<radix> well, rather
<MFen> the fact that mktap quotient has side effects worries me
<radix> atop isn't trying to get tap plugins
<MFen> hmm, ok
<radix> it's trying to get plugins that are used elsewhere in the system
<radix> not that it matters; the important bit is that you need to support inclusion of the plugins.tml
<MFen> is this something that tap2deb understands?
<radix> MFen: well, tap2deb assumes that the python package is installed already
<itamar> tap2deb doesn't package python source code
<MFen> the plugins.tml has to be in sys.path, is that correct?
<radix> MFen: no
<radix> MFen: it has to be in a top-level python package
<MFen> um
<radix> MFen: which means it has to be in a directory inside a directory in sys.path as long as it has an __init__.*
<MFen> i hope it doesn't have to be in the same python package that i'm running, because i can't stick it into the exe
<itamar> i.e. inside folder /foo/bar where /foo is in sys.path and there's a /foo/bar/
<MFen> ok
<MFen> so if i sys.path.insert(0, sibpath(sys.executable, '')) and make a foobar/{,plugins.tml}
<MFen> it should work?
<radix> MFen: hrm, something like that
<exarkun> MFen: while that would work, fixing it at a higher level might be nicer
<itamar> ooh, an email from Pavel
<radix> MFen: just so you know, btw, quotient has three top-level packages and they all have plugins.tml files :)
<MFen> oh good grief
<radix> oh wait, only two of them have plugins.tml
<MFen> there's no way in hell i'm going to be able to figure this all out programmatically
<exarkun> MFen: If you can find all the plugins.tml files at tap2ntsvc time, then you *know* what files getPlugIns() should be examining
<itamar> there ought to be code in twisted.python.plugins that returns list of plugisn files
<itamar> may need a bit refactoring
<exarkun> MFen: you don't have to monkey the filesystem at all
<exarkun> itamar: There is.
<radix> itamar: i think that's already how it works
<radix> in fact, i think i'm the one that refactored it to be so!!
<radix> because I am a genius
<MFen> so.. in order to get the list
<MFen> i have to basically start the application
<radix> eh
<radix> you don't want to use that function to do what exarkun said
<radix> because you will get all the plugins.tml everywhere on the system
<radix> you should search all the top-level packages that are being packaged and grab their plugins.tmls
<exarkun> no!
<exarkun> wrong!
<radix> what
<exarkun> you want to do both.
<radix> exarkun: why?
<exarkun> unless you want to utterly cripple the plugin system and make it completely worthless.
<exarkun> radix: repeat after me
<exarkun> radix: "plugin"
<itamar> yes!
<radix> exarkun: please explain coherently
<exarkun> radix: "plug"
<exarkun> radix: "in"
<itamar> however, that still won't help with packaging thosepackages
<exarkun> radix: "pluuuuuuggg iiiinnnnn"
<MFen> it doesn't matter. i can't search anything.  as it is, you have to manually inject modules to be packaged, and after that point it's out of my hands. if py2exe can't figure it out, i can't either
<itamar> it's Zombie Jean-Paul
<radix> MFen: you have to specify all modules, not just packages?
<exarkun> MFen: so you can't package plugins.tml?
<radix> oh, you use py2exe for figuring out what modules to take?
<MFen> radix: no.  for example, with quotient, all it seems to need is -i atop
<radix> or rather, i guess you just use py2exe :)
<radix> MFen: that's a py2exe parameter, or a tap2ntsvc parameter?
<MFen> tap2ntsvc, but it gets passed on to py2exe inchanged
<MFen> un
<radix> MFen: right
<radix> MFen: so look in the packages that are passed to -i for plugins.tml files
<radix> ?
<MFen> and do what with them? that's the question
<radix> MFen: well, make sure getPlugins will search them at runtime :)
<MFen> loading a plugin implies loading a bunch of modules
<MFen> i have to include those modules somehow
<radix> MFen: those are already in the packages that py2exe grabbed
<radix> MFen: at least, that's what you can assume
<radix> reasonably
<MFen> i don't know that i can
<radix> MFen: why not?
<MFen> py2exe grabs whatever the script depends on
<radix> MFen: well it's up to the user to make sure all their modules are included
<MFen> essentially, that's win32 stuff, some twisted stuff and whatever the -i requires
<radix> same as if they were using py2exe itself
<radix> of course, if you want to parse the .tml file yourself and make sure the modules it references are included, that would be nice
<radix> :)
<MFen> yucky
<MFen> well that would be a minimum
<radix> but i wouldn't bother
<radix> ok! heh
<exarkun> MFen: Can't you pass it to modulefinder?
<radix> so you're trying to be nicer than py2exe is :)
<exarkun> It's just Python source
<radix> modulefinder finds modules that are in strings?
<MFen> modulefinder isn't that smart
<exarkun> modulefinder sucks
<radix> .tml just does register('')
<exarkun> just rewrite it w/ AST
<MFen> AST?
<exarkun> radix: often.
<exarkun> radix: sometimes not.
<radix> there's no reason that should reasonably include the module
<exarkun> MFen: compiler.compile(file("foo.tml"))
<exarkun> MFen: then walk the tree and look for imports
<exarkun> it shouldn't be very hard
<radix> ??
<radix> the .tml file doesn't actually do imports!
<exarkun> radix: it is a python source file
<exarkun> radix: it does whatever it bloody wants
<radix> exarkun: the whole _point_ of the .tml mechanism is to avoid imports
<exarkun> no it isn't
<exarkun> the point is to avoid _some_ imports
<radix> exarkun: so you need better support than that
<radix> most
<radix> look at twisted/plugins.tml
<exarkun> ok, you're talking about different modules than I am
<exarkun> in this case, just load it
<radix> how many imports do you see there?
<exarkun> it *tells* you what modules it wants
<exarkun> it couldn't possibly be any easier
<radix> yes.
<MFen> hell, it'd be easier to just walk the filesystem looking for .py and include all of it
<radix> you'll have to actually have special support for the .tml, not using basic introspection
<radix> MFen: heh
<exarkun> hardly special
<exarkun> just load it and look .module attributes
<radix> that's support that is specific to the twisted plugin system :)
<radix> i.e., "special"
<exarkun> ok
<radix> so
<radix> why does he need to call getPlugins at package-time?
<exarkun> So he knows what modules to include
<radix> sorry, "loadPlugin"
<radix> s
<radix> exarkun: oh, you mean, passing the list of plugins.tml files that we've found explicitly
<exarkun> yes
<MFen> ok, so i load the plugin, *implement modulefinder*, and use my new modulefinder to collect all the .py that the plugin needs
<radix> MFen: nah
<radix> MFen: it's trivial
<radix> it's nothing like modulefinder
<radix> hrm
<MFen> if it's so trivial why doesn't modulefinder do it?
<radix> MFen: modulefinder doesn't know about twisted :)
<exarkun> it only applies to .tml files
<MFen> it has nothing to do with .tml files
<radix> actually, loadPlugins isn't quite sufficient....
<radix> MFen: yes, it does.
<MFen> at some point in the future, the runtime needs a bunch of modules that aren't directly referenced by the script
<radix> you know which modules to include by looking at the .tml files
<MFen> no! you don't. you only know at best which modules the .tml file loads directly
<MFen> what about all the modules that get loaded indirectly
<radix> MFen: this is what we have been talking about
<radix> MFen: it will be easy to write support for .tml files to *know which files they load indirectly*
<radix> well, apart from the fact that loadPlugins requiresa  "pluginType" argument :-(
<radix> and that there's no catch-all
<exarkun> Yes there is
<radix> unless you want to implement an object that has a special __eq__
<radix> that always returns True
<MFen> ok, i don't want to know about what pluginType means.. i want to know why you think a plugin can ever know what modules it loads indirectly
<radix> MFen: because plugins.tml tells you
<radix> register("Lore Slides",
<radix>          "twisted.lore.slides",
<radix>          description="Lore for slides",
<radix>          type="lore",
<radix>          tapname="lore-slides")
<radix> see the second argument?
<MFen> that's not what i mean
<exarkun> MFen: just import it
<exarkun> MFen: and use modulefinder on it
<MFen> i mean the files that twisted.lore.slides imports
<MFen> exarkun: you'd think that would work. in fact, it doesn't.  py2exe does load the scripts it's finding modules on, and it still doesn't find stuff like that
<radix> wait, wait
<MFen> it's not looking for import opcodes or anything smart like that, it's doing something much weirder
<radix> MFen: py2exe takes arguments for this, doesn't it?
<MFen> yes
<radix> MFen: you will pass "twisted.lore.slides" to py2exe as a module to require
<MFen> hmm
<MFen> all right, now look at nevow/plugins.tml
<exarkun> Right, that's why I was talking about walking the AST.
<radix> hurrk
<itamar> evil
<radix> well
<radix> this is what I suggested before, I'll suggest it again
<itamar> personally I'd just rely oh passing lists of package names to package
<radix> forget the whole thing and let people worry about what modules they want to include themselves :)
<radix> and just make sure the plugins.tml files are there