Twisted Matrix Labs Contributor Agreement

for contributing to Twisted Matrix Labs source repositories

In order to obtain the ability to commit changes to a CVS source repository and become a Committer you must indicate your agreement to the terms below by completing and signing this agreement and sending it to Matthew W. Lefkowitz at the address: 6000 Shepherd Mountain Cove, Apartment 1902, Austin, TX, USA, 78730.

  1. Contact Information

    Employer Name:
    Phone Number:
    Address: username:
  2. Treatment of Account

    Committer will not allow anyone other than the Committer to use the username or CVS login to access a CVS repository or other systems. Should Committer become aware of any such use, Committer will immediately notify a Twisted Matrix Administrator in the manner specified at the website's CVS Committer's instructions page. Until such notice is received, Committer will be presumed to have taken all actions made through Committer's account. Matthew W. Lefkowitz will have complete control and discretion over capabilities assigned to Committer's account, and may disable Committer's account for any reason at any time. Committer's name and account will be visible worldwide via the Internet.
  3. Copyright Holders of Modules and Repositories

    Each CVS module in the main CVS Repository, located at the CVS Root, has a separate primary copyright holder. Copyright Holder will clearly mark files within that module with a copyright notice stating their name.

    The License under which the Module is made available to the public will be stated in a file at the top level of the module named LICENSE, or clearly visible under a similar name.

    Any repositories not so marked on servers and other equipment are understood to be copyrighted material with all rights reserved.

  4. Legal Effect of Contribution.

    Upon committing a change or new work to a CVS Module (a "Contribution"), you agree to assign, and hereby do assign, a one-half interest of all right, title and interest in and to copyright and other intellectual property rights with respect to your new and original portions of the Contribution to the Primary Copyright Holder for that Module. You and the Copyright Holder each agree that the other shall be free to exercise any and all exclusive rights in and to the Contribution, without accounting to one another, including without limitation, the right to license the Contribution to others under the License specified by that Module. This agreement shall run with title to the Contribution. The Copyright Holder does not convey to you any right, title or interest in or to the Module or such portions of the Contribution that were taken from the Module. Your transmission of authentication credentials, including but not limited to a password or SSH key, to the server constitutes your authentication of intent to contribute and your assignment of the work in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
  5. Representations, Warranty, and Indemnification.

    Committer represents and warrants that the Committed Code does not violate the rights of any person or entity, and that the Committer has legal authority to enter into this Agreement and legal authority over Contributed Code. All parties with potential claim over Committer's copyright in the context of contributions to CVS, including but not limited to their employer, must be notified and co-sign this agreement to warrant that Committer has such legal authority. Further, Committer indemnifies all other users of against violations.
Contributor Signed: Employer Signed:
Date: Date:
Printed Name: Printed Name: