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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>Woven Widget Reference</title></head>
<h1>Woven Widget Reference</h1>

<div class="note">
This document is a reference guide for Woven builtins and signatures. However, the Woven framework should not be used for new projects. The newer <a href="http://www.divmod.org/Home/Projects/Nevow/">Nevow</a> framework, available as part of the <a href="http://www.divmod.org/Quotient/">Quotient</a> project, is a simpler framework with consistent semantics and better testing and is strongly recommended over Woven.

The Woven documentation below is maintained only for users with an existing Woven codebase.

If you have feedback on this guide, <a href="mailto:stephen@thorne.id.au">please send it</a>!

<h2>Common Factory Signatures</h2>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    def wchild_foo(self, request):
        """ Return the Resource for /mypage/foo/ """

    def wmfactory_foo(self, request):
        """ Return the Model object for model="/foo" """

    def wvfactory_cool(self, request, node, model):
        """ Return node for view="cool" """

    def wvupdate_thumbnail(self, request, widget, data):
        """ Update and Return the widget for view="thumbnail" """

    def wcfactory_adjuster(self, request, node, model):
        """ Return the controller for controller="adjuster" """

<h2>Built-in Widgets</h2>

<p> For dressing a node with extra attributes from the model. </p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;a view="Attributes" model="/mylink"&gt; My Link! &lt;/a&gt;

MyPage({'mylink': {'href': '/path/to'}})

<h3>Text, RawText</h3>
<p>For putting text into a node. This will escape any HTML/XML special
characters turning them into HTML entities, i.e.
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;span view="Text" model="/mytext" /&gt;

MyPage({'mytext': 'abc'})

<p>For taking text, one paragraph per line, and dressing it with
<code>&lt;p&gt;</code> tags.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;span view="ParagraphText" model="/mytext" /&gt;

MyPage({'mytext' : """
This is one Paragraph.
This is a second one. It has two sentences.

<p>Displaying Images. Easy.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;img view="Image" alt="MyImage" model="/myimg" /&gt;

MyPage({'myimg': '/images/myimage.png'})

<p>Displaying an error. In red.</p>
<p>A Div.</p>
<p>A Span.</p>
<p>A Br.</p>

<p>An Input, it takes <code>value</code>, <code>name</code> and <code>id</code>.
If <code>name</code> isn't supplied, it reverts to the value of <code>id</code>,
if <code>id</code> isn't supplied either, it takes the name of the submodel. The
other input classes extend this one, and give it a proper <code>type</code>.</p>

<p>As Input, but... boxy.</p>

<p>As Input, but... kinda button like.</p>

<p>As Input, but... more chance of 1's and 0's. And a dialog on some user-agents.</p>

<p>Renders a password text field. no option for maxlength, quite strange.</p>


<p>This falls under input, but instead of taking a value, you have to fiddle
with options for that. There's no way to specify <code>type="multiple"</code>
either it seems.</p>

<p>Option widgets have the methods <code class="API"
base="twisted.web.woven.widgets.Option">setText</code> and <code class="API"
base="twisted.web.woven.widgets.Option">setValue</code>, but if your text
and your value co-incide, they can just be put in the model and it will all be
hunky and/or dory.</p>

<p>To create an anchor, including safe handling of parameters.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;a view="Anchor" model="/anchorone" /&gt;
    &lt;a view="myanchor" model="/anchortwo" /&gt;

    def wvfactory_myanchor(self, request, node, model):
        a = Anchor()
        a.setParameter('thingy', model['thingy'])

    'anchorone': '/pages/otherpage',
    'anchortwo': {
        'href': '/pages/thisotherpage/',
        'thingy': 'foobar',
        'text': 'The Text Of The Link'

<p>Exactly like Anchor, but given a model which contains
<code>/pages/otherpage</code> it will provide a link to
<code>/pages/otherpage/</code> with a trailing slash.</p>

<p>List is a nice view for displaying the contents of a list. You can choose
not to specifiy listHeader, listFooter and emptyList. Specifying listItem twice
or more will cause alternation.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
         &lt;table model="blah" view="List"&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listHeader"&gt;&lt;th&gt;A&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;B&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="emptyList"&gt;&lt;td colspan='2'&gt;***None***&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listItem"&gt;
                 &lt;td&gt;&lt;span view="Text" model="0" /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
                 &lt;td&gt;&lt;span view="Text" model="1" /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listFooter"&gt;&lt;td colspan="2"&gt;All done!&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;

MyPage({'blah': [('abc', 'fza'), ('def', 'fdsa'), ('ghi', 'fdas')]})

<p>KeyedList is similar to List above, works nearly the same way, except the
model is a dictionary, not a list. If you need access to the key in your
listItems, make your listItem use a view that will inspect the
<code>model</code> attribute, as the KeyedList widget will create subwidgets,
respecting <code>view</code> attribute but overriding <code>model</code>.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
         &lt;table model="blah" view="List"&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listHeader"&gt;&lt;th&gt;A&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;B&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="emptyList"&gt;&lt;td colspan='2'&gt;***None***&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listItem"&gt;
                 &lt;td&gt;&lt;span view="Text" model="0" /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
                 &lt;td&gt;&lt;span view="Text" model="1" /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
             &lt;tr pattern="listFooter"&gt;&lt;td colspan="2"&gt;All done!&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;

MyPage({'blah' : [('abc', 'fza'), ('def', 'fdsa'), ('ghi', 'fdas')]})

<p>A Bold (b, shouldn't this make a 'strong'?).</p>
<p>A Table.</p>
<p>A Row (tr).</p>
<p>A Cell (td).</p>
<p>A Link (a) tag. Similar to Anchor.</p>
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    template = """
    &lt;a view="Link" model="/anchorone"&gt; My Text &lt;/a&gt;
    &lt;a view="Link" model="/anchortwo" /&gt;

    'anchorone': '/pages/otherpage',
    'anchortwo': {
        'href': '/pages/thisotherpage/',
        'text': 'The Text Of The Link'

<p>Extends Link, and adds the functionality that it will respect this
request.getRootURL, so that we can be deployed in different roots easily.</p>
<pre class="python">
self['href'] = request.getRootURL() + '/' + self['href']

    <p>A Macro expansion widget modeled after the METAL expander
    in ZPT/TAL/METAL.</p>
    <p>In the Page that is being rendered, place the ExpandMacro widget
    on the node you want replaced with the Macro, and provide nodes
    tagged with <code>fill-slot=</code> attributes which will fill slots in the
<pre class="python">
class MyPage(page.Page):
    def wvfactory_myMacro(self, request, node, model):
        return ExpandMacro(
&lt;div view="myMacro"&gt;
    &lt;span fill-slot="greeting"&gt;Hello&lt;/span&gt;
    &lt;span fill-slot="greetee"&gt;World&lt;/span&gt;
    Then, in your Macro template file (<q>MyMacro.html</q> in the above
    example) designate a node as the macro node, and nodes
    inside that as the slot nodes:
&lt;div macro="main"&gt;
    &lt;h3&gt;&lt;span slot="greeting" /&gt;, &lt;span slot="greetee" /&gt;!&lt;/h3&gt;

<p>Wraps around a deferred. Usage unknown.</p>
