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    <title>Scheduling tasks for the future</title>

    <h1>Scheduling tasks for the future</h1>

    <p>Let's say we want to run a task X seconds in the future.
    The way to do that is defined in the reactor interface <code
<pre class="python">
from twisted.internet import reactor

def f(s):
    print "this will run 3.5 seconds after it was scheduled: %s" % s

reactor.callLater(3.5, f, "hello, world")

    <p>If we want a task to run every X seconds repeatedly, we can
    use <code
<pre class="python">
from twisted.internet import task

def runEverySecond():
    print "a second has passed"

l = task.LoopingCall(runEverySecond)
l.start(1.0) # call every second

# l.stop() will stop the looping calls

    <p>If we want to cancel a task that we've scheduled:</p>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.internet import reactor

def f():
    print "I'll never run."

callID = reactor.callLater(5, f)
