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<head><title>Asynchronous Programming</title></head>

<h1>Asynchronous Programming</h1>


<p>There are many ways to write network programs.  The main ones are:</p>

    <li>Handle each connection in a separate process</li>
    <li>Handle each connection in a separate thread<span class="footnote">There
    are variations on this method, such
    as a limited-size pool of threads servicing all connections, which are
    essentially just optimizations of the same idea.</span></li>
    <li>Use non-blocking system calls to handle all connections
        in one thread.</li>

<p>When dealing with many connections in one thread, the
scheduling is the responsibility of the application, not the
operating system, and is usually implemented by calling a
registered function when each connection is ready to for
reading or writing -- commonly known as asynchronous, event-driven or
callback-based programming.</p>

<p>Multi-threaded programming is tricky, even with high level
abstractions, and Python's 
<a href="">Global
Interpreter Lock</a> limits the potential performance gain. Forking
Python processes also has many disadvantages, such as Python's reference
counting not playing well with copy-on-write and problems with shared
state. Consequently, it was felt the best option was an event-driven
framework. A benefit of such an approach is that by letting other
event-driven frameworks take over the main loop, server and client
code are essentially the same -- making peer-to-peer a reality.</p>

<p>However, event-driven programming still contains some tricky
aspects. As each callback must be finished as soon as possible,
it is not possible to keep persistent state in function-local
variables. In addition, some programming techniques, such as
recursion, are impossible to use -- for example, this rules out protocol
handlers being recursive-descent parsers. Event-driven programming has
a reputation of being hard to use due to the frequent need to
write state machines. Twisted was built with the assumption
that with the right library, event-driven programming is easier
than multi-threaded programming.</p>

<p>Note that Twisted still allows the use of threads if you really 
need them, usually to interface with synchronous legacy code.  See 
<a href="threading.xhtml">Using Threads</a> for details.</p>

<h2>Async Design Issues</h2>

<p>In Python, code is often divided into a generic class calling
overridable methods which subclasses implement. In that, and similar,
cases, it is important to think about likely implementations. If it is
conceivable that an implementation might perform an action which takes
a long time (either because of network or CPU issues), then one should
design that method to be asynchronous. In general, this means to transform
the method to be callback based. In Twisted, it usually means returning
a <a href="defer.xhtml">Deferred</a>.</p>

<p>Since non-volatile state cannot be kept in local variables, because each
method must return quickly, it is usually kept in instance variables. In cases
where recursion would have been tempting, it is usually necessary to keep
stacks manually, using Python's list and the <code>.append</code> and
<code>.pop</code> method. Because those state machines frequently get
non-trivial, it is better to layer them such that each one state machine
does one thing -- converting events from one level of abstraction to the
next higher level of abstraction. This allows the code to be clearer, as
well as easier to debug.</p>

<h2>Using Reflection</h2>

<p>One consequence of using the callback style of programming is the
need to name small chunks of code. While this may seem like a trivial
issue, used correctly it can prove to be an advantage. If strictly
consistent naming is used, then much of the common code in parsers of
the form of if/else rules or long cases can be avoided. For example,
the SMTP client code has an instance variable which signifies what it
is trying to do. When receiving a response from the server, it just calls
the method <code>"do_%s_%s" % (self.state, responseCode)</code>. This
eliminates the requirement for registering the callback or adding to
large if/else chains. In addition, subclasses can easily override or
change the actions when receiving some responses, with no additional
harness code.  The SMTP client implementation can be found in 
