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<title>Using Application</title>

<h1>Using Application</h1>


<p>What happens when you want to write a Twisted application? Well,
if you come into Twisted thinking of it as a library, you may
decide a useful way is to write a Python script. This Python
script would probably take the following actions:</p>

<li>Install the reactor you want (or skip this step if you
    want the default reactor).</li>
<li>Perform initialization options -- open data files, start
<code>reactor.callLater</code> loops, etc.</li>
<li>Call <code></code></li>
<li>Perform deinitalization options</li>

<p>There are two problems with this methodology. It has a lot
of boiler-plate code, and it introduces an inflexibility into
the design. The usual way to solve this kind of problem is
to write <em>configuration files</em>, and it is no different
in Twisted.</p>

<p>At this point, the standard thing to do would be to write
a long, tedious and subtly wrong manual describing the configuration
language. Rest assured, like every other project, Twisted
has those. But the language is secondary, and will be described
later -- more important are the configuration <em>objects</em>.</p>

<h2>Services, Persistence and Security, Oh My!</h2>

<p>It is possible to think of any configuration language as a
specially designed language to build a configuration object,
which is then queried and acted upon by the program runtime.
In Twisted, this is literally true internally -- and the
master configuration object is
However, there is virtually nothing you can do with this
object directly. This object is <code>Componentized</code> --
it has different, orthogonal, aspects. Access to this aspects
is done by using <em>interfaces</em>. Interfaces, for our purposes,
are just callables which return different aspects of the 
Unlike other frameworks, like <code>Qt</code> or <code>wxWindows</code>,
in Twisted you do not derive from <code>Application</code> --
you use methods to register your objects with it.

<p>There are four interfaces supported, three of which are defined in


<p>Constructing an application is done by calling it with a single
argument -- its name. The name influences some things, among them
the default file it will persist to (which is why it is mandatory).</p>

<pre class="python">
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.persisted import sob
application = service.Application("myapplication")
s = service.IService(application)
sc = service.IServiceCollection(application)
proc = service.IProcess(application)
per = sob.IPersistable(application)


<p>There are two interfaces relevant to services -- <code>IService</code>
and <code>IServiceCollection</code>. <code>IService</code> represents
a <em>state-aware</em> container. That means the service is ready to be
notified of application start-ups and shutdowns. Services can be named
or unnamed. <code>IServiceCollection</code> holds other services. It
is possible to get named services from it by name. All services can be
gotten from it via either indexing or iteration.</p>

<p>Services can have a parent. Parents are set using
<code>setServiceParent</code>. Services are detached from their parent with
<code>disownServiceParent</code>. The parent must always be something that
complies with the <code>IServiceCollection</code> interface.</p>

<p>Most services will inherit from <code>Service</code>. This class
will set an attribute <code>running</code> to a true value
in <code>startService</code> and to a false value in <code>stopService</code>.
This attribute will always be false in just-unpersisted <code>Service</code>s,
without regards to its value at the time the <code>Service</code> was

<p><code>MultiService</code> implements both <code>IService</code> and
<code>IServiceCollection</code>. It is used to keep the services in
a hierarchy.</p>

<p>It is, of course, possible to write one's own services, but Twisted
comes out of the box with several services which are useful in writing
network applications. These are found in
<code>twisted.application.internet</code>, including 
<code class="API" base="twisted.application.internet">TCPServer</code>, 
<code class="API" base="twisted.application.internet">TCPClient</code>, and
<code class="API" base="twisted.application.internet">TimerService</code>. 

<p>To each <code>reactor.listenFoo</code> method corresponds a service
named <code>FooServer</code>. The arguments to its constructor are the
same as the arguments to the method. It calls the method on application
start-up, and stops listening on application shut-down.</p>

<p>To each <code>reactor.connectFoo</code> methods corresponds a service
named <code>FooClient</code>. The arguments to its constructor are the
same as the arguments to the method. It calls the method on application
start-up. It might, or might not, stop the connection on application
shut-down. (This limitation will be removed at some point, and guaranteed
disconnection will be implemented.)</p>

<p>The last service in <code>twisted.application.internet</code> is
<code>TimerService</code>. The constructor takes a period, a callable
and optionally arguments and keyword arguments. The service, when it
is running, will make sure the callable will be called every time the
period elapses.</p>

<h2>String Ports</h2>

<p>In Twisted, a <code>ServerFactory</code> does not care what kind
of virtual reliable circuit it listens too -- SSL, UNIX domain
sockets, TCP sockets or something else. However, the APIs for constructing
the various <code>*Server</code> classes are different. When it is
necessary for a less sophisticated user to direct construction of such
a class, the <code>twisted.application.strports</code> module comes
in handy. It contains a function <code>service</code> which accepts
a <em>description</em> and a factory, and returns a service. The
description is a string in a mini-language designed to specify
ports. Full specifications are in the module docstrings.</p>


<p>At some point, the objects for the configuration actually have
to be constructed. The easiest and simplest way to do it is to
use Python as the configuration mini-language. This format is called
<code>TAC</code> and traditionally files with this format have the extension

<p>TAC files need to be valid Python files, which construct a variable
named <code>application</code>. This variable will be the configuration
object. The full power of Python is available, of course.</p>

<p>Here's an example:</p>

<pre class="python">
# Import modules
from twisted.application import service, internet
from twisted.protocols import wire
from twisted.internet import protocol

# Construct the application
application = service.Application("echo")

# Get the IServiceCollection interface
myService = service.IServiceCollection(application)

# Create the protocol factory
myFactory = protocol.ServerFactory()
myFactory.protocol = wire.Echo

# Create the (sole) server
# Normally, the echo protocol lives on port 7, but since that
# is a privileged port, for this example we'll use port 7001
myServer = internet.TCPServer(7001, myFactory)

# Tie the service to the application

<p>Note that <code>setServiceParent</code> will, in fact, automatically
cast its argument to <code>IServiceCollection</code>. So, more succinctly,
the above code can be written:</p>
<pre class="python">
from twisted.application import service, internet
from twisted.protocols import wire
from twisted.internet import protocol
application = service.Application("echo")
myFactory = protocol.ServerFactory()
myFactory.protocol = wire.Echo
internet.TCPServer(7001, myFactory).setServiceParent(application)

<p>TAC files are run with <code>twistd -y</code> or
<code>twistd --python</code>. The <code>twistd</code> manpage
has more information, but a common way to run is
<code>twistd -noy echo.tac</code>. This tells <code>twistd</code>
to not daemonize and not to try and save application on shutdown.</p>

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